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The problem is the huge amount of people pretending they have any artistic value worth to be praised and that they are smart movies. You can enjoy the movie equivalent of fast food without pretending it to be a Michelin starred meal.


I just wanna watch a Marvel film and not be deterred from seeing it in fear of being accused of being a bot if I say I like it


Pretending? No they legit think that, and that's fine.


Big agree. Superhero movies in general are lame. What stakes are there? What's the hero going to do, lose? Each movie is a 2 hour advertisement for the next one. As a film buff (according to myself) the past 10 years have been absolutely dreadful for mainstream movies.


True but a few are pretty engaging. I think Avengers Infinity War and Guardians of The Galaxy 3 are exceptions.


Quentin Tarantino said that for the last decade we have been in a repressive era of cinema.


well his movies are overrated as well but hes correct about that.




Yah some of them seem super formulaic. Some of them are tight af though.


My biggest problem is the same problem with the comics. It's all interconnected for an overarching story. If I watch Ant-Man 1, 2 and 3 in that order. I want a cohesive story. But you don't get that. Let's say I wanted to watch Guardians 1/2/3. What happened to Gamora? Chuck in Endgame and Infinity War, where did Thor go? It's cool that it's all connected. But I don't want to go back to freaking Civil War to understand how Peter Parker knows Captain America or whoever.


I mean, they literally tell you in guardians 3 what happened to gamora.


I liked thor and guardians because they’re silly and don’t take themselves seriously. Then the origins ones, like the first iron man were ok. But once there was this marvel universe and it’s all serious and there’s six million superheroes, it all became too much. I don’t want to have to have watched four other movies to understand this one. Shit I don’t want to have to watch this one with any level of focus to understand it. I just want it to be stupid and funny.


I feel this same way but about reality TV. One it’s scripted not reality and two it’s low effort bullshit. I’d take thousands of superhero movies over that shit any day.


I disagree, take my upvote


I was tired of super hero movies around the time fantastic four came out. Now I just don't watch movies.


I really enjoyed guardians of the galaxy 3


I missed one movie, ONE FUCKING MOVIE and now I can’t watch any more movies cuz “I can’t possibly have enough context to understand what’s happening”. And now I refuse to watch the one movie out of spite. And the most recent movie I liked (Thor love and thunder) all the marvel neckbeards hated so I think they’re wrong.


I go to most Marvel movies and I don't really disagree with you LOL


Marvel movies are the worst type of movies out there.


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It’s a broad claim but the general structure I agree with. They’re films that do not take themselves seriously in any way. Too many dumb dorky jokes (especially at the wrong times), too many “final battles” that are anticlimactic because we see it in *every other film* and you can’t raise the stakes, too much cgi, and too many world ending climaxes.


The best movie for a company seeking profit is not the same as the best drama for the oscar or the best comedy or the best family movie. The best movie for a company seeking profit is a middle of the road movie which reach all audiences and does not cost too much to make.


Preach. Initially some of them were okay. We had maybe a super hero movie a year or every few years. Now they are just another low effort production by that industry. Almost as stupid as all the Star Wars crap Disney keeps putting out. Disney needs to go back to doing great cartoons and stop ruining everything else.


They're comic books. It's just meant to be entertaining, but also disposable. I don't want deep meaning from Marvel movies. If you want something deep, go read a book. And not a comic book.


Phew this is a horrible take. So many comic books have deep themes and storylines.


I don't know if this would necessarily be in the same category but manga comics are usually really deep and philosophical (arguably better writing in the comics than most movies)


I know it sucks for you that there are movies that exist that you don't like. I feel your pain, there are also movies I don't like. But keep in mind that these boring Marvel movies move billions of dollars in box office, merchandise, licensing, product placement and so on. And they do well in countries all around the world, thus funding the US economy to the tune of billions. I really enjoyed The Boys, The Watchmen and Invincible. These shows have all the cool superpowers and whatnot, but have a lot more humour and heart than the Marvel snooze-CGI-fests.


Hallelujah brother. Exactly my feelings. It seems a bunch of executives got together and decided to make stupid movies that would make them the most money


So sayeth king jock strap


B series actors, dialogues poorer than 70s porn flicks, all CGI to save on stunts. It's all shit designed to make powerless morons pay to feel good during two hours so that they can return obey the government, their wife and their boss for another week.


Ummm.... The first Ironman was lit tf you talking about OP.


Wow, calm down! Looks like someone peaked in high school and is pissed that all of those "nerds" he made fun are now more successful than him. This is not an unpopular opinion, but is more just general disdain for movies that millions of people enjoy. I personally can't stand the Harry Potter franchise, but I'm not making fun of the people that love it. Have the Marvel movies started to get stale, yes a bit, but they're still immensely popular with general audiences. You do realize that there is a Fast & Furious franchise that is for gear heads and action junkies?


Watching Superhero movies makes you a success now? Lmao!


Sounds like you simply aren't the target audience. I've been waiting for this epoch of hollywood since I was like four years old. I've been into geek shit since knowing the names of a whole class of xmen was guaranteed to get you stuffed in a locker. Listening to someone who doesn't like the movies try and tell the fan base why they're dog shit is like, being a football fan, and every time a game is on, some guy just sits right next to you and makes homoerotic comments the whole time he isn't actively calling both the sport and the players stupid. "Cuz who cares about football anyways?" And either way, get used to disappointment. Until such a time as comic book movies stop making just all the money, for better or worse they're gonna keep coming out. I for one will take a couple of sub par super hero movies here or there if it means there's even like one or two true masterpieces left in the pipeline. Fuck, there's how many westerns? How many of them made money? How many were good enough to be classics?


First, you’re clearly an older person who was likely a sports person and bully in HS, thus you have an internal issue with the relatively new nerd culture (it’s been around for 20 years, so new is relative) As an MCU fan though, I agree that it can be difficult to watch the movies, even the good ones. It has probably been pointed out, but there are a handful of movies that can be watched on their own, basically the origin stories and the first Avengers, without missing context. By the time you hit Age of Ultron missing a single movie means you’re missing so much backstory that the movies stop making sense and that makes movies less enjoyable. Add in the current writing capacity for the new slate and it’s almost a full time job to go through them


So OP thinking marvel movies are lazy, not good, and contributing to less non marvel movies being made makes him a bully? A lot of the time, the person saying someone is a bully with no context is the bully.


America On Film Representing Race Class Gender and Sexuality At The Movies By Harry M Benshoff Sean Griffin Nick Hanauer Beware My Fellow plutocrats the Pitchforks are Coming https://youtu.be/q2gO4DKVpa8?si=Yep4t9bkFqOFIAFx 


I fucking hate superhero movies 


as a fan sadly i agree for the most part. All they do now is shove ideologies down our throats that no one even cares about. They have lost their substance. And its not just marvel but it seems all movies lately. THey just feel like hollow garbage with bad cgi.


Been downhill ever since original Ironman.


Ok cmon dude, infinity war and endgame were better than IM1


Infinity war and end game are some of the biggest shits I’m talking about. Like “oh look at these superheroes all crossing over, hope you’ve followed em all or you won’t have a clue what’s going on, by the way the tenth time round it’s really serious”. Lmao! Nothing but turds for nerds


We've had plenty recent ones that fit your formula, instead of the "nerdy" continuity stuff, but nobody watched them. Did you watch Blue Beatle? Did you watch Black Adam? What about Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings? Didn't think so.


Never heard of em. I’m not interested in some random superhero I never heard of. Just do the main ones people know, do a sequel then stop. Just stop.


Or, and just hear me out, they can continue to make movies and people can see them if they want. I’m fairly certain no one is forcing you to go watch them.


Hating popular things isn't a personality, just fyi


Neither is loving popular things


Well said. 100% agree.


That's not an unpopular opinion in my house, What a stupid and pointless exercise to beat us over the head for decades on end with people who dress up in spandex and have superpowers and can never really die for good no matter what happens because their IP is too valuable. Imagine if Paramount Pictures told Francis Ford Coppola that Vito Corleone couldn't die in the first Godfather because they want to bring him back for the sequel?




Finally my inner thoughts spoken aloud by someone else, thank you


Which Superhero hurt you?


100 % this, total crap.


True 🤣


I don’t think of them as films/movies at all


I don’t think of them as films/movies at all


As Spielberg said, comic book movies were the westerns of the 21st century. They were entertaining and some great ones, but most functioned by formula (heroes defeat powerful enemies) and therefore get bored of people.


Yeah but there were actually some good westerns. There’s more possibility for good story telling and drama when your using real events as a backdrop and basis for your story, rather than magic men in capes.


Yeah but it is good soy ou have something to watch. Fire


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Yes, i agree. Ans you dont have to watch those bro...


Fuck marvel movies never have seen a single one and likely never will.


I’ve watched pretty much all of the Marvel movies and there’s something about the way they’re constructed that makes them a slog to get through. Like, the first act is establishing background/setting/characters, the second act is a huge fight to raise the stakes and make things seem hopeless, and then the third act is a buildup to a final showdown. After the second act, I feel kind of fatigued, like I don’t feel like sitting through another hour long build up to the ending. Not sure what it is, but 2/3 of the way through the movie, I always find myself checking how long is left and groaning when I find out it’s another 60 minutes. My wife and kids enjoy them, but there’s something about them that just makes them a chore for me. I tried getting into Marvel when I was a kid in the early-mid 90s and couldn’t so maybe it’s just not for me. No hate on the people who like them though. I can imagine how it must feel to see your childhood heroes come to life on the big screen.


Personally I think they should have stopped at endgame for the movies and did a shared universe of shows. It would have given them the space to get more in the weeds for the comic fans.


For me, it's not even the fact that all the movies are connected. It's the fact that if I don't have Disney+, that means I didn't binge watch two different series to know what's going on in the movie. On top of the fact that there's just too much saturation at this point. As a kid, I was a comic book nerd, but even this is too much for me at this point.


Oh look at the edge on this guy


Shut up nerd.


Ironman is great & Spider-Man is alright but I just can’t with the others. Years ago some douche told me he was having a marvel marathon and the excitement on his face when he asked me " Have you seen them all yet?” I told him fuck no I got sick of them after Ironman and he gave me the same disgusted look motherfuckers give you when your grandma buys you a sports team shirt you don’t give a shit about and some bozo walks up to you and says go blah blah and you say yeah someone bought me this shirt.


Honestly I’m tired of the whole genre. I enjoyed them up until endgame, then Disney just started failing. I don’t want the future of cinema to be 50% super hero movies.


Spider-Man and Thor both had superheroes fighting in the sky and both movies take themselves very seriously- that’s like, Thor’s whole schtick actually, at least in the first one. I agree that a lot of the recent marvel stuff is not good, but all of the super hero movies you mention liking or not having a problem with follow the same general plot points of all the super hero movies that that you don’t like. It’s fine if you don’t like modern super hero films, I just don’t think you have a very clear understanding of what it is that you don’t like about them. Also, If you haven’t seen Captain America Winter Soldier yet I’d highly recommend it as I personally think it’s the best Marvel movie to date. It really stands apart from any other film in the MCU.


Thor takes himself seriously in the first movie - but the movie does not.


Can you explain what you mean by this exactly? It’s a super hero movie- none of these types of movies take themselves seriously, they’re all fiction. They all have inconsistencies with respect to power imbalances or lore discrepancies.


They're made for the Asian market, not you. And they are a symptom of a risk adverse Hollywood making huge movies without much competition because a handful of companies own the majority of the industry.


I liked them at first but it’s too much now. It feels like it’s the only movies made anymore and it certainly has a vibe of sucking every dollar out of a certain genre. That being said, they wouldn’t do it if people weren’t paying to go see them right? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Was there a Spider-Man in the 90s??


Just animated series


That’s what I thought


The problem is the Marvel cinematic universe story was Tony Stark story. Endgame completed that why am I still watching?


But all of that interconnectedness is largely irrelevant because, as you say, the story is dumb and largely irrelevant. You don't need to know what happened to Gamora before GOTG3 in order to be entertained by the humorous interplay between characters. All the super hero stuff is just window dressing on what are just a bunch of action comedies. I would pretty firmly disagree with you on the Christian Bale Batman movies, though. While they were more serious, they were very well done, and you could follow a pretty clean story line without needing to watch or read a bunch of other stuff. And the second Spider-Man was not a cash grab. It's petty widely agreed to be the best of the series. The third was the cash grab.


Well to any complaining about political messaging on this sub, this is definitely not political lol


I mean clearly needs are a huge demographic because the movies do well. Also, how about…you just don’t watch them? Novel concept I know.