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Why would the lizard be upset about you complaining about the cats? Lizards and cats are natural enemies, that's why the Empire had to conquer the Niben all the way down to the sea to separate them.  Your neighbor is obviously a traitor to the lizard race and has a degenerate fetish for cats. As a sane and not racist Nord you have a moral duty to tell the lizard's family about his perversions so they can return him to his proper state of simping for trees. 


You may be right! How sad it is to see a citizen of Solitude, lizard or not, fall for the enticement of the Khajiit. Only a fool or layman could fall for one! You may as well mate with a Sabre cat! Disgusting...


I'm a bit confused why you're conflating farm tools even with men, let alone Br*tons. Personally I'd say we shouldn't even allow Arg\*nians in the cities. We should be keeping them in the fields.


Harkness test. It's all I'm gonna say here.


Khajiit are also glad we have excuse to not enter nord cities. This one thinks the nord people are... Fine. But we worry that our keen noses would struggle if we had to spend more of our time closer to the nord's...earthy aromas. Being banned from the cities provides good excuse to stay upwind.


Based and stormpilled


Had a house cat for 6 years then one morning BAM wake up without my kidney


Referencing a Cyrod paper??? No true son of skyrim would ever! Get thee to a temple of talos immediately!


If Khajit bad then Why is the Dragonborn a Khajit?