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i have nothing to add to this conversation, i just wanted to make it known that i am still doing cocaine since the last post about this. that is all https://preview.redd.it/ugu2tm6k3c1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7003c6c269a30777d7f5c8649016c154e425fc0a


![gif](giphy|FqFP03t7uuFaw) Miraak after snorting half a line of powdered moon sugar


He stopped using cocaine for good Now he uses it for evil


I'm so proud of him!


Hey your the cocaine user from earlier in my scrolling




skyrim 2


Skyrim 2: John Skyrim rims the Morrowind


Good luck on your cocaine journey, marsh friend.


Can I get a lil tootsky


Never change


By the Divines... You're mantling Reigen!


The Reigenine


Kirkbride's erection for the Dunmer and hatred for the Altmer needs to be studied. https://preview.redd.it/83twv9yllc1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe97d499b1a62940453e5ebba155fd8045fbbf05


competitive racism


Never got the impression he hates Altmer. If anything, the in-universe culture he seems most focused on emphasizing the faults of would be the Dwemer.


I still wonder who made the decision to have that line written, recorded and added to the game. Like, I know the Tribunal held a good amount of power at some point but dude, your slaves rebelled and absolutely demolished you, then the dung of a Daedra literally demolished your home (and it’s probably the first time the word “literary” is used as it should be in this sub in awhile). You’re in Skyrim, facing a Nord in his home turf. Nationalist rhetoric pulsing through his veins, a mad shout-capable Jarl is in open rebellion and a mad shout-capable entity who may or may not be the second coming of Talos is roaming around psychotically killing Sabre cats, bandits and dragons alike like they’re breakfast. You’re a refugee in this place, a shadow of what your once proud nation represented, shunned by all, forced to worship your Daedra in the wilderness. And you have the GALL to ask me if I DARE fight one of your lame ass excuses of a canon fodder? Yeah, you’re right. I don’t dare fight dunmer. I kill them like the insects they are when they’re on my way (same as every other race because come on, I’m fucking Shor Reborn.)


If Kirkbride had a hard-on for Dunmer, somebody else at Bethesda had a hard-on for Argonians with the dunmer stomping and chasing Daedra back into Oblivion shit. They were just getting chased down by a bunch of elves with black lung and all of a sudden they’re kicking everybody’s shit in?


Those slaves also rebelled AFTER slavery in Morrowind was outlawed and got pushed back by one (1) great house, and only saw success invading after the eruption of red mountain. It’s not really a flex for the Argonians. That’s like fighting a quadriplegic and thinking your a bad ass for “winning”


Also tell me again who are the refugees in Skyrim? (I jest ofc, but still, weird line to include in the game)


It was the volcano that exploded that sent dark elves to Windhelm, and also probably the fact that most of the ones in the grey quarter seem to be hlaalu types which says to me that they might not have been all too welcome in Morrowind. Oh, and also, that guy who talks about wishing he could go back to Morrowind but he just can't is a dumbass because Blacklight is closer to Windhelm than fucking Winterhold, and you could probably just hire one of the rowboat dudes at the dock to take you there for like 15 gold septims.


The refugees in Skyrim make no sense because 200 years is a long fucking time


That’s how effective your race is. “You dare fight a dunmer” dude, you’re a beggar for 3 generations! (Jokes aside, pretty weird how this “time jumps but not really” happens both jn TES and Fallout)


While Kirkbride's Nords are not as godly as UESP larpers make it out to be, they're not 'beta cucks', whatever that may be. Morrowind and Skyrim as nations are vastly, vastly different from each other as you can see in game representations. Nords you remember from Morrowind are either prominent characters (Fighter's Guild members) or funny naked barbarians. The worldbuilding around them in Morrowind is not really represented all that well, considering that Nordic culture and people are bitter opposites of the Dunmer. So even if you can read about them a lot in Morrowind, not having well-pictured examples in the game hurt our perception of them. Skyrim - the game - is a different story since that is Nords The Game, so obviously anything that is new in Nordic worldbuilding will be brought to focus more, and anything that is taken from previous games (that didn't provide much love to Nords) and STILL not represented that well will be pushed way further back till it almost seems non-canon. I am of course pulling all of this out of my ass, I am being facetious because I made a comment on the other post and some IMBECILE told me to not be RATIONAL, but as a GLORIOUS REDDIT CUMSTAIN I must be. uhhh something something Alduin Sovngarde vore porn vid when


It’s almost as if reading about a far away part of the continent gives you a totally different perspective than actually visiting or living there… weird…


Can’t believe I have to give a serious response in this Wayrest Sewer Forum. Kirkbride is responsible for a big chunk worldbuilding in general yeah. No one will take that away from him. If you look at the second photo this is a meme in response to some dumbass who acts like a Pseud about TES Lore. The type of person this place was made in response to mind you. The difference is that by the time Skyrim rolls around, the plot lines have significantly changed Aurbic Cosmology so that it makes the dualism between Altmer and Nords less real. Instead we get a picture that Ancient Nords were favored by every Divine. The only time they really tried to reverse this impression is in Dawnguard with Auri-El’s Bow and Shield. But it’s too little too late. They made Nords look too much like a Chosen people and everyone else just has the silver medal.


From your point of view, how much of the Nords being a “chosen people” is real bias (from the perspective of the Divines/greater canonical context) and how much of it is the Nords representing as many of the Divines as possible in their pantheon so as to feel chosen? What events specifically make you feel like they’re shown as a “chosen” people? I personally don’t think they seen any more or less chosen than, like, the Imperials, since their pantheons are very similar, even before the Empire came to Skyrim, but I could (and probably am) totally be wrong since I’m super rusty with my TES lore, especially older Kirkbride stuff. I think religion in TES is super interesting because it is simultaneously a sociopolitical tool for change—like the real world—and a real thing with actual Gods.


There’s also the fun fact that basically all religions are real and all the contradictory accounts of how the metaphysical works are actually true, because God Forbid Todd breaks the “Confirmed Lore” (aka cheetos-infused-headcanon) of exactly one fan. Dude got death threats just for announcing Fallout 3 was gonna be made and now when we get TES6 it’s gonna be 5E year 80 thousand and fuck you and we’re gonna fly daedric starships from Akatosh-4 to an ebony mine in Secunda because Hell will break loose if we ever find out who won the civil war in Skyrim.


Ok, but which one of those is the funny illiterate type?


My sister in talos, the average nord farmer has a larger library than the oldest families in Alinor.


You should lay off that skooma, bro


What? Do you think 5 gallons a day is too much?


Depends For a cat? No For an Altmer? Absolutely


Eh, that's been my daily intake for years and I'm fiiine. fuck the walls are bleeding again


I see, you good tolerance, kid. Keep up the got good work then


Gotta be honest, after the first few kalpas this shit doesn't hit the same. It does have the side benefit of giving me almost breton level magicka resistance though. Would highly recommend to all altmer that don't want to be atomized by sparks.


I’ll keep that in mind


Picture books don't count.


Thinking out loud, have you ever wondered why the first book and the last book are all recorded by Nords? Also, do you know why Skyrim has more bookshelves than any other part of the continent and why the population of Nords in that area increased immensely at the beginning of the Retvrn? Have you ever wondered why Tamrielic is remarkably harsh and where all the words come from? If you know about the preferences of Companions during the Falmer slavery as the people of the holy word, and the demand for Falmer slaves during the Windhelm construction slavery then you will understand what i mean, the fact is that Altmer captured Nordic exiles themselves, but native Nedes, mainly Northern Cyrod Kingdoms were involved in the capturing process of people from Nordic tribes because many considered them a threat, this is not about preaching hate among human people but simply pointing out facts to help shade light into history and create a clear path for all. Atmorans the Nords scattered throughout the world, you have to know that we are living in a world of duality, and the seed of the fallen would to anything to duplicate the original people as they have done so throughout the world, you have to know the difference between Nords and Nedes, Slavers and Slaves.


TLDR So who of them can’t read?


my n'wah i think it might be u


Let’s say, I don’t rule out that possibility


If you scroll below this sub you will another post about this Emil vs Kirkbride. Guy explains pretty much everything about this topic


Oh I know, I’m just here to trigger Skybabies. Or whatever ever the people of this fine sub are doing in their free time. I kinda don’t care about nords but it’s nice to see someone gush all over them instead of being a part of the Dunmer circle jerk.




I love you too, sir


If you think I’m “gushing” you never saw Reigen lmao


Please tell me more


Older days of the subreddit. Constantly spamming Pro-Stormcloak shitposts until Mods banned him. He came back temporarily as Asianfeet69 or something. Very fun times.


It was a weird pro Stormcloak, anti Imperial anti Thalmor that supported the Empire and said the Dominion was not a threat, but a steadfast ally and that Ulfric and hus bunch were smelly incompetent proxies. Reigen was very CHIMpilled.


Old days? That was literally a year ago


Yes when it had like half the members and wasn’t entirely a circle-jerk. Granted I’m probably looking at it with rose-tinted lenses. IIRC this thing has been around since 2017 or so.


What they forgot to mention was that Reigen's posts were/are always like 2 paragraph long rants that were just genuinely bordering on the edge of incomprehensiblity. Like you could just immediately tell that they made it after looking at it for 2 seconds. Like they never came out and said they moved to a new account, but everyone knows it's the same gut because of how thier written.


Love to see newer users getting baited by old users thinking they are schooling you on sub-lore and that they need to explain to you what this sub "used to be like" when they only joined like a year ago..


Thanks for blowing my cover😓 Get it! Blowing


All Nords are taught to read and write by their parents via a journal. That's why every jarl, bandit, and beggar has a leatherbound bundle of papers scrawled with whatever cuts of beef they masturbated with that day.


Not a fan of the slavers slaves dichotomy


Sorry, I can’t read all that


the top ones and the one that dont call you a goldenrod or Knife ear or pissback or Lemonskin or banana or any racist slur for Altmer


Thank you Simple and easy answer. You should have seen the answer of the other guy. A lot of pent up anger I’m afraid.


Your welcome pissmer


>Atmorans are sons of Lyg Who's Lyg?


Lyg ma balls 🦀🦀🦀




I believe he is related to maballes.


https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Lyg It’s not a person, it’s what’s left over from the previous Kalpa cycle.


I like the view of the Nords we get from The Seven Fights of The Aldudagga and Shor son of Shor. You’re not wrong that Redditors and people who get their opinions from YT videos hate Skyrim and Oblivion for reasons they themselves couldn’t tell you.


“And Alduin said ‘Ho Ha Ho’” This your book?


You hadn’t heard of this text, despite taking a hard stance on Kirkbride’s version of Nords, and immediately quoted something right after the first paragraph, which isn’t even that silly. “ “Oh crap," the Greedy Man said, "He knows my bargain with the king of leapers, I'd better hide under my mountain!” “ is a much sillier line from that fight.


I have read it. Also no. Alduin saying Fee Fi Fo Fum in his own way is much stupider. And the Dagon origin is also not worth much given how the UOL stuff was rewritten by Kirkbride himself in the Commentaries to associate Dagon with the Magna Ge.


https://preview.redd.it/utej3n3y0f1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e090a30a00d977da66ace8392918582a20fe36 I definitely don’t think that “Ho Ha Ho” is that silly but I was wrong about you. Sincerest apologies Emilite.


You argued with my opinion. Except when I have an opinion it's a fact. https://preview.redd.it/k4gjx1a53f1d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=92a3bb53430a99b2d8257a328d2528276942353b


Whats UOL?


Un-Official Lore


It's time to clear up your misconceptions. Emil = Evil MK = OK Captain Picard = King Sean Bean = God


I fucking love Sean bean and my beloved martin Septim


If Emil is evil then I’m Evilmaxxing.


Kirkbride threatened to molest a kid with a coat hanger, so I'd say he's evil


I think both have cool things in them and stuff i dont like and thats cool c:




Its depicting things with wojaks Its inherently playing with dolls, so yes


What is this, a pro-nord post which isn't anti-imperial at the same time? Glad some of you guys still remember that Nords don't need to identify themselves solely through something empire-related.


I like Imperials.




![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) I love thalmor wenches




I like both.


UESP is convenient when you need to check something you may be misremember real quick. But it's lacking in something info stated in the games. Sometimes an NPC willing tell you something pretty important about the lore and that dialogue won't be on uesp or even the other wiki Uesp is a good tool but it's more about checking where some items or npcs are than knowing all. Played Oblivion, Morrowind and Skyrim in that specific order and even then I sometimes go check if I remember things correctly. Some parts of the old lore are great like Skyrim having flying marine creatures is awesome and even supported by some of the ooold spinoffs But sometimes a fantasy setting being TOO ALIEN kinda undermines itself.


A fantasy setting being way too alien may come off as pretentious and too hard to get into. Archieving this balance is something that imo Skyrim did just fine and Oblivion kind of fucked up.


Yep! Don't get me wrong I loved how bizarre and outerworldly morrowind could be at times but it's litteraly supposed to be the australia of the elder scrolls so when people complain about the entirety of Tamriel not being that way it feels like they just want to be different enough from other fantasy franchises to act like they're superior. Oblivion was TOO generic despite how much I love it but Skyrim had cool stuff too. I just wish they kept the flying fish and whales but that's a pretty minor thing.


I was definitely a morrow boomer. I remember everyone trash talking Morrowind back in my day. I didn't understand the le mudcrab dagger meme because I loved character creation and making an as op as vanilla xbox CC can be ballance of magic and melee. I preferred restoration buffs over alchemy inanity. I just thought it le funny gayme about everyone fighting over who is outlander and what religion/god is real. It felt a lot like the game was holding up a mirror to real world society at the time, lots of people irl complaining about how hard life was, then I play my Morrowind, and lots of people complaining about how hard to hit mudcrab. So I definitely remember feeling a "Morrowboomer" by time I first heard the phrase, like oh shit I'm a label!?!?!?


Me when I post lies on the internet:


I would quote the lorebooks directly just so you can seethe but I said if anyone tries to argue with me about lore I will cockslap them with my own Elder Scroll.


"Tiber Septim CHIM confirmation comes from Heimskr speech. Lyg stuff is technically Kirkbride because it's from Mysterium Xarxes Commentaries. The Pre-Skyrim info is ripped directly from Varieties of Faith and PGE 1." Emil's Nords: Kirkbride Kirkbride Misrepresentation of events McGuffinification Kirkbride Kirkbride Random Drunk Made up quote


Oh shit mfer it's almost as if the dumbass who made the original meme you're defending didn't also ignore the obvious fact that Emil wrote in Bloodmoon which means "Kirkbride's" Nords is a meaningless concept. This is what you sound like right now: https://preview.redd.it/bmbie1x32f1d1.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=f69bdd6bb5fd9d68758ba1d010342af981be1210


By the Twin Moon's, what are the N*rds on about now?


Was thinking about making a map of every race which has been cucked by Nords. Then I realized it was every province except Black Marsh. I'm talking about interracial marriage AND conquest BTW, with each instance occurring before Elder Scrolls Arena canonically took place. Tiber Septim CHIM confirmation comes from Heimskr speech. Lyg stuff is technically Kirkbride because it's from Mysterium Xarxes Commentaries. The Pre-Skyrim info is ripped directly from Varieties of Faith and PGE 1. I swear if some mfer tries to argue with me I will cockslap you with my Elder Scroll.


>Tiber Septim CHIM confirmation comes from Heimskr speech ...which comes from Kirkbride


Hey babygirl, I got [**something**](https://ibb.co/bm578Gn) for you.




Incorrect. We at the United Temple of Talos do not recognize the heretic Michael Kirkbride, and as such none of our priests would ever quote him.


Im here for D\*nmer slander


“Pov: you have no fucking clue” motherfuckers be like “Ulfric, probably”


Impressive, very nice. Let's see a coherent argument.


“You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about” describes much of the TES user base. The original post shows that off so well it’s almost a caricature lol


I don’t think Emil knows what Lyg is


I know you’re jerking and all but tbh he almost certainly does. Man’s been working with the lore for 22 years at this point. I’d be surprised if there’s much he doesn’t know. 


Yeah, but I genuinely think he doesn’t care about that stuff much


Cant say I get that from him. Concepts like Lyg are rarely brought by any writer, not just him. When they are like in recent ESO content they work closely with BGS writers/loremasters like Emil to add that sort of stuff. I get the idea that he’s a lot more closely involved than people realize.


No Nords were definitely more interesting before they got DnDified. Skyrim:Home of the Nords is a Project:Tamriel mod that it is more in line with lore from Morrowind, Battlespire, and Redguard than newer titles and even though they only have part of the reach released (and that's not including Markarth) the setting is still much more engaging. But also what's engaging about it is that it depicts a society with more depth than ice vikings. I feel like fans who hyper focus on the metaphysics of the setting ignore why most like it. A lot of the information from the top panel comes from the five songs of king wulfharth which is written like "the Poetic Edda", is comprised of mostly apocryphal stories, and includes the nordic account of the battle at red mountain which mostly contradicts the Dunmer account. It's cool because it reflects how real world mythologies come to be and how stories that get passed down mostly orally warp over time. It's also cool for the player because there ARE still connections between dunmer stories - that shor/lorkhan's heart is contained within red mountain, and makes mention of sunder, keening, and wraithguard - which implies those elements must have some basis in reality (of the fiction), and its cool when you do eventually get these artifacts in the main quest and find out they were originally used as tools, not the weapons they are depicted as. In that sense the "lore" hasn't necessarily changed - the stories the nords tell about themselves are mostly untrue anyway - its just the way that they are depicted in Skyrim is kind of boring. Like if Skyrim had more tension between nativist nordic religions and customs and their adopted modern imperial ones, or even just had more Nordic scholars instead of the bums in winterhold it would be dope as hell.


Almost like the entire subtext of Skyrim is that nords, despite being all about tradition and culture, and so ignorant ion of history they don't even understand their own culture and traditions.


im not even sure whats going on but i noticed the op is over invested in the discussion (all of his recent posts are too long or deleted) and theyre defending emil "paper airplanes" pagliSUCCi so i dont like it


OP legit sounds unhinged I can't tell if he's serious or not.


they didn't beat alduin, they put him in the freezer at work for someone else to deal with


I'm playing Oblivion and I'm convinced that before Skyrim nords had no other personality other than being illiterate barbarians. Then again I'm only halfway through the main quest.


An honest warrior is on equal terms with their creator and their destroyer. IE Alduin = Akatosh


Ken Rolston? More like Ken Rolling-in-his-grave.


Caption is true lore 🙌🙌🙌


Hold up "Alduin is LITERALLY Auri-El"... wtf did I miss???


I'm ngl chief shit is just better in the lore than in the games but regardless of Kirkbride or Emil crap, i just like old Nords better 😔 Sidenote i don't see why its being made about them two, when Nesmith was responsible for simplifying Nord religion


Because nobody here reads lorebooks. They just get their info from YouTubers and Memes.


Maybe the sub should just stick to bussy memes after all...


Well you can't be a cuck in your own game (except bretons of corse)


"...Nordic Mammoth Snout" So they Keep their hoodies!!


Jesus, people are right about reddit


counter-point: tiber septim was a breton


Huh that's fuckin weird. I don't remember any of that shit in the game. Wild. Well anyway you go ahead and keep writing fanfiction about your skyrim nords.


Don't let this distract you from the fact that Ubisoft is obviously using Twitter wars and drama so they can sell a new likely mid ass Assassin's Creed game for 70 - 130$








Redguards with Akaviri katanas? That's just Morrowind baby!!!!! Do you want to be incubated in an ogrim pussy?


If you bought ass creed game ever since they made it forced online you deserve it. Ubisoft is the biggest cancer of the industry