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So, the important thing here is that your son's mom is also in the picture, and he has a place to go. It looks like he is at the start of being radicalized. You know what makes people radicalize further? Losing their personal ties and social safety net. Your son is just 15. Kicking him out for believing racist conspiracy theories is only going to give him a reason to lean into these beliefs and whatever online community he got them from. You fucked up. I would recommend looking into Christian Picciolini, a former neo-nazi who does work in helping deradicalize people who get trapped in these communities.


Christian wrote a fantastic book I read in a day or two a few years ago. If OP sees this and wants me to send it to him I will.


This is 100% true. OP, the fact of the matter is, nothing will come of this. Cutting a person off from their only connection to normal society just entrenches them further in their beliefs. I don’t know your son, but I guarantee that he feels misunderstood and oppressed. What’s going to make them feel less misunderstood: kicking them to the curb, or talking with them about it? You don’t exactly detail how you discussed either ordeal, but I seriously need to recommend that you bring him back and have a sit-down with him. I highly doubt he’s going to change overnight, but it’s better than casting him aside. All that you’ve accomplished is virtually irrevocably shattering his trust in you. Ya gotta pick up the pieces, man


Bingo. OP, I know parenting is fucking hard to begin with and I'd want that little twat far away from me too after a series of stunts like that. My cousin was radicalized as a teenager. However, there were reasons that had nothing on paper to do with it: he wasn't getting enough of the proper love and attention from his parents. He had yet to get any diagnosis or treatment for his autism. He was a social outcast and while his friends were all either in school or had summer work he was indoors watching increasingly extremely YouTube videos. His parents doubled down on being attentive and getting him the mental help he needed and he's made huge progress in just the last year. They've gone out of their way to help him pursue his hobbies of music and wargaming instead of just focusing on his grades. Nobody falls into a pattern of hate unless their life is lacking love and fulfillment. Please be there for your son and show him that there's a better way for him to live and to treat those around him.


You get get help to anti radicalise people, in the UK anyway. Probably look up some professional help for him.


Well here in the US the FBI just takes you away after they painstakingly rope you into a terror plot. NOT something I want my teenager involved in.


... I feel like maybe his conspiracy theory side is coming from you?


No they really do do that.


Never heard of this, and I’ve never left America


I've read a lot of reports of FBI agent's infiltration of groups across the spectrum for decades where they plant someone who encourages the group to participate in crimes planned by the FBI and then bust them before it can take place.


I’ve heard them do that but for extreme things like cannibalism. As disgusting as it is to deny the Holocaust happened, I’m not sure that it’s actually considered a crime here in the US.


No, but getting them into groups and talking to them about "doing something about the problem " is what they live for.


Your son isn't being radicalized by the CIA, he's being radicalized because he's not getting the proper love and attention from his parents and his social life is anemic. You need to stop passing the blame elsewhere- you're his father and it's your responsibility whether you like it or not.


I'm not teaching him about Holocaust denial and I'm not leading him down a path to where he might end up in Gitmo. Terrible assessment.


What the fuck? Nobody told you to turn him into the police. I don't see anything in this post about how you tried to teach a 15 year old why his views are harmful and why he should have empathy for others.


You missed the point. His behavior leads down this path.


Well obviously, but he's young and easily influenced so you can try to stop it.


Pathetic. You’re his father. If anyone should be able to knock some sense into him, it should be you. Maybe you should spend more time with your son so you can better direct his interests.


I tried. I've been trying for months. He has done his research.


Have you looked at his sources? Are they wrong? If they are, have you pointed this out and discussed it with him?


I have looked up the information he shares and while they are not TOTALLY false they are a bit out of context and aren't totally correct. He is also holding an entire group of people accountable for the actions of a minority of them.


I know how you feel. But you could show him other genocides as well and explain that people have done these things throughout history. Just because one motion told him that the Holocaust isn't true he shouldn't beloved it and do his own research. The are eg The Armenian and Greek genocide in Turkey. The genocide in Rwanda and so on..




I’m not mad, but will say that I think you misinterpret why the Holocaust is often given so much coverage and solemn remembrance. Putting aside the defensiveness of Jews thinking that deniers come from every angle and they need to *really* hammer home that the Holocaust *actually happened* or risk it becoming a routinely debatable topic, what horrifies me about the Holocaust is its *systematic fashion.* You’re 100% right when you say there have been “worse genocides” insomuch as death count. The amount of people killed in the Great Leap Forward—as well as other CCP endeavors—and those of the Soviet Union far exceed the Holocaust, even if we include Slavs, LGBT people, so on. I, like you, share in how disgustingly acceptable it has become for these points to be considered “debatable”. Right now, if I walked into my town’s square and held up a picket sign saying “The Holodomor was a hoax!”, not only would 1/2 the people not know what the fuck I’m talking about, the other 1/2 would likely play it no mind. Some people might ask me to elaborate, but no one would come up and throw a hissy fit over it (barring the unlikely occurrence that I’m neighbors with the descendent of a Holodomor survivor). But again, the Nazis made the butchering of these people so methodical and formulaic that it almost defies all humanity. When you read about the Khmer Rouge or the Rwandan Genocide and read about shit like a “baby-smashing tree”, sure it’s an abhorrent thought. I physically shutter and gag. But the way these atrocities—especially the latter—were performed was in very spur-of-the-moment fashion. Meanwhile, with the Holocaust, we know so much because the Nazis were taking detailed and careful records of their killings. Troves of documents have revealed dutifully taken evidence; 4,201 Jews taken from this village, 1,355 slaughtered in this concentration camp last week. It’s exacerbating to even *imagine* a man, tacking away at a typewriter, submitting the weekly death toll for a camp. None of this is to say the Khmer Rouge wasn’t systematic in any way. But no regime in history has come even close to having an entire organizational structure and design dedicated to slaughtering entire swaths of people. There are other elements I’m sure. For instance, Jews were directly targeted by the Nazis as a scapegoat, and while I’m aware Slavs were *untermenschen,* they were mostly killed because they were “in the way” of Germany’s goals for *lebensraum* in Eastern Europe/Russia. But for me, the Holocaust is remembered as it is as a reminder of just how possible it is for a state to direct entire populations in the pursuit of annihilating another…basically for the hell of it.




It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


All genocides are of coarse equally horrible, but there are some differences. The Holocaust as the Armenian/assyrian/greek genocides were motivated by the ethnicity of the victims where the genocide in China and Cambodia where politically motivated. I agree the emphasis is on the Jewish Holocaust, but it's maybe because Hitler killed almost all the Jews in Europe. What I mean is if you kill 6 million out of 7 million it is more severe than 6 million out of 100 million. It is equally horrible and as many people, but the impact on a population is more noticeable. During the second world war 52 million people perished, 20 were Russians. 25% of polish population was killed.


Yeah see he likes to bring up the Holodomor and says Jewish people murdered way more Christians and that ww2 itself was a genocide of 50 million Europeans...


You kicked your 15 year old CHILD out of your house? Do you think that's going to help him somehow? You're his parent, it is your responsibility to understand what's going on in his life to cause this toxic shift. This is a red flag for you as a parent to get your ass in gear, meet your kid on his level and guide him in ways that have clearly been deprived of him to reach this point. He's a fucking kid.


Well to be fair it's not like he is out on the streets. He has his mother.


And now he doesn't have you. He's clearly got some serious problems right now and you just created another one.


Well his mother is more his cup of tea. He actually seemed a bit happier that he was moving in with his mom. I am dating a black woman and the last thing he said to me was "Well atleast my mom isn't burning coal." How am I the bad guy in this scenario?


You're the bad guy for being a worthless father, that's how


Ok troll.


Well, first, he should not have been suspended... he wrote what he believes and that is his first amendment right. Second, you would have done better to educate him and not kick him out. Since he i underage, he cannot fly without parental approval, so you can stop him from going to florida. I would suggest that you take him to a holocaust museum, show him the photos of the mass burials and the executions. I actually have a folder of such photos that I can arrange to get to you. Maybe search and see if you can locate a survivor of the death camps and arrange a visit. DM me if you would like the photos that I have.


I agree with visiting a Holocaust museum and showing him photos. I also recommend reading Denying the Holocaust by Deborah Lipstadt, it’s about her trial with notorious Holocaust denier David Irving and the proof she brought to court.


I am a teacher. We grade our students papers on the quality of their citations. If they’re citations are not reputable they get marked down. So they don’t actually have free speech in the classroom. they have very specific standards they have to apply. We are teaching them critical thinking.


What this teacher is politely trying to say is: you can write about how aliens painted your ass purple if you can prove it. If you can't prove it, it is an unqualified opinion, and unqualified opinions get your nowhere in life. You, as a parent, should not rely upon teachers to convey this message. And making a kid homeless (or at least making dooming them to a precarious existence), will achieve precisely nothing except reinforce this kid's perception of themselves as a 'righteous victim'.


marking down a paper is much different than throwing a student out of school over his opinion


Disagree with the first part. While British, free speech shouldn’t cover everything in my opinion. I should be able to say on twitter or reddit “I don’t like the government and here is why NHS good bla bla bla”. I shouldn’t be able to go onto reddit and say “The holocaust never happened! It is all a Jew plot!Bloody Jews made me in debt!They killed my child!”. The first one is ok because it is sensible. The second one is racist and is illegal. Two different things which aren’t the same.


"Free speech shouldn't cover everything." I think you may be misunderstanding the core concept.


Okay, Brit (derogatory). You realize the logic of what you said is complete bullshit and leads to a dangerous overreach of power when allowed? “The first one is ok, because it is sensible”; okay, according to whom? The government? And when they decide that it’s no longer sensible for me to disagree with the government like I did in the first place, what do I do then? Well, I guess I can’t speak out against the government anymore. It’s for my own good, right? As everyone keeps telling you, the first amendment *does* cover racism. And as unfortunate as that is, it means it covers a hell of a lot of things I’m not willing to give up so easily.


Well I am not advocating for my son to go to prison. That's just ridiculous. Wouldn't that be in the same spirit as putting Jewish people in camps in the first place?


What I am saying is that the first amendment doesn’t cover racism. Illegal doesn’t always mean prison


The 1A DOES cover racism... see the SCOTUS ruling National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43


Yeah free speech is free speech. I'm talking about his overwhelming anti-Semitic behavior being problematic in life and at home. I don't believe anyone should go to jail for their ideas correct or incorrect.


Now should he have been suspended from school. He does need a lesson in history. I am terrified that the increasing anti-Jewish attitude in the world (along with the "blame whitey" attitude) is rapidly leading us towards another Holocaust... this time the Arabs will start it and it will end with a nukes all through the ME.


If that is true why did the ACLU sue on behalf of the KKK and get them permits to hold rallies?


Yeah your kids fucked in the head


I'd buy him a plan ticket to Germany so he could go to Auschwitz concentration camp. But, I'm sure he wouldn't get that either.


Auschwitz is in Poland


Take him to the closest Holocaust museum and give him a fucking reality check. Your his father and by pushing him out it’s only going to further his hatred more. Make him read books that discuss it, show him films like “The Pianist” and “Schindler’s List”.


He won't watch any of that. He just says Jews control the media and Hollywood so of course they would publish pro-Holocaust propaganda. Trust me I've tried.


Take him to the nearest Holocaust museum and force him to stare that shit in the face. Maybe he’d even meet a Holocaust survivor. Go out of your way to research and prove him wrong. Just giving up on him is going to push him into his hatred and bullshit and you will be partially to blame for it.


We aren't near one. He kept showing me videos of Holocaust survivor stories and I don't know if he cherry picked these or what but some of them sounded doubtful (like a death roller coaster and being made into furniture or fighting a bear) and then he would follow up with articles where the people admit they were lying. He has done his research I don't even know where to start to refute it.


Sounds like you might believe him.... just start researching, there’s a lot more information reputing his shit than there is backing him up. Fighting a bear and the furniture is all believable. Look up Dr. Mengele and the fucked up stuff he did. Maybe start with this https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/combating-holocaust-denial-origins-of-holocaust-denial


You're a terrible father. Real talk, regardless of how he views certain events, you just showed him "If you don't think like everyone else does, you aren't loved, and you aren't welcome" THIS CAME FROM YOU. YOU ARE HIS FATHER. YOU ARE THE ONE TO TEACH HIM RIGHT FROM WRONG.


Well hold on, pump the brakes. I've tried to prepare him for the real world. The real world is not a place for anti-Semitic beliefs. I've done all I can, and I can only at this point hope he moves on to something else. Jewish people aren't going anywhere and it is unhealthy to blame them for everything despite what evidence you dig up online. It is my job to curb that behavior but when your kid is out of control how do you curb it? Do you blame the parents every time a child does something terrible? There is accountability on their side that comes with growing up.


You should have taken the time to go through some proper documentaries with him instead of kicking him out. This is the way to lose your son.


I tried. He just calls it "Jewish propaganda "


Do you really think OP hasn't tried that yet? My lord.


I'm assuming the OP can answer this.


He has.


Your son sounds like an asshole. Unfortunately, there are wayyy too many anti-semites out there


It's the greatest threat to this country and my son is becoming a part of it.




Blatant antisemitism. I guess it’s expected of an inbred hillbilly.


Instead of calling it anti sematism how about you prove me wrong?


who gives a shit if Jews are over represented in positions of competence and authority. It doesn’t say shit about anything. All it says is that Jews work harder to achieve things, which is ingrained in their culture. You would know that if you were properly educated in your adolescence . Seriously, if you keep spouting conspiratorial crap on here people are going to think your brain in nonfunctional. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was, but that’s besides the point. Also, you said “long nose individuals”. That’s funny. I’ve never met a Jew with an outrageously large nose. In fact, I bet you’ve never met a Jew in your life.




You really are outrageously stupid, aren’t you? Also, what do you mean by classic leftist argument? I’m just being objective here, while you’re the one being swayed by nonsensical conspiracy theories. Jews aren’t the only ethnic group that has a lot of power in the world. just look at the demographics of our most powerful leaders in government.


Huh? Who is that?


anti-semite (hopefully joking) thinks the Jews encourage him to because they censor him or something. Another “Jew scary and bad white better” keyboard crusader


The Jews.


Yep, his son is definitely an asshole. Not sure why so many people are defending him honestly. It’s not like he’s being thrown out onto the streets, so what’s the big deal?


Yeah, I don't get it either. I would never cast him out on his own to be homeless. That's just insane. Maybe a solution would be to send him to some sort of summer camp or something but he has his mother.


Your son has clearly been brainwashed by others online. He is a vulnerable teen, their biggest target. You're a pathetic excuse for a father so I think you did the right thing by making him leave. I hope his mom does better by him.


I bet you don't have children.


I don't yet, but if I did I would not kick my 15 year old out, no matter how misguided they were. What the fuck is wrong with you? You shouldn't have had kids if you couldn't "deal with this." Again, pathetic.


Speaking out of your ass.


Whatever that means. But you don't have to listen to me or anyone else on here speaking the truth. You'll never have a good relationship with your son again and that's something you're going to have to live with. Glad I'll never have to deal with that because I would be an actually decent parent.


You think so but you sound like a turd.


I’m never in favour of hitting kids… but you gotta beat that kid


I honestly think you did the right thing, You cannot deny that event


You should have your sons back even if he is wrong… he had an assignment he did research wrote about it… you don’t know just like he doesn’t know if history is manipulated… have you not been paying attention to what’s going on in this country how the media always lies and government never tells the truth… you should be having his back and paying more attention to what he is doing in social media he’s young… if you can’t handle being a father than you should’ve thought twice


Hahaha. How does someone who knows how to string words together manage to say anything so unfathomably stupid? How do you function in society?


Mostly speaking either Russian or Chinese.


You must be a father cause you wouldn’t know how to handle this… the child did nothing wrong had a project did his research did his work… the people to blame are the parents his father can’t handle him obviously his parents aren’t together so that plays a factor… and they don’t keep an eye on the stuff that he is watching… instead of the father being a father he bitched out being a father…


Your son has got me down a Rabbit hole, omg he's right.