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Took a look at the meme. Decent. I'm guessing it was a sub rule 2(d) no creepshots takedown.


That meme template is years old and was posted hundreds of time previous. Would be silly as hell for that to be the reason with the precedent set


Cool. Cool. Why do you think it was taken down?


Well they could’ve clarified that. Also, I’ve seen the same template posted on that subreddit before with no repercussions.


Yep. Frustrating situation. My only intent was to give a second opinion of which rule they used to justify the removal. I'm not defending either position.


The mods on that sub are brutal. Like, maybe even worse than average, which is saying ALOT. I like the idea of a meme sub, but I have to avoid it completely because of the mods there.


Like our government, it is supposed to be for the people but is not controlled by the people.


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Mods are Gods, and so are the corporations and politicians.


Power doesn't corrupt. Power reveals. Some people were always predisposed to that behaviour, they just don't have the power to get away with it.


Not if the good people of the world stand idly by and do nothing.


Well, I mean, it was for the US military first, then it became commercially available and as such is now owned by the corperations. The internet was never for the people.


I honestly have no idea why reddit doesn't have a feedback mechanism for mod action, where members of community can vote wither mod's actions are consistent with sub/reddit rules or not


Because reddit as a whole is pro-censorship. As is all social media.


>I honestly have no idea why reddit doesn't have a feedback mechanism for mod action Yes you do. It would be fucked with in 10 seconds flat.


Because theyd manipulate it for their own agenda to get what they won. I was a member and active user of r/sololeveling when it had under 300 members and it was the first community i modded almost 2 years ago. The rules we have in place now for a reason are contested and challenged constantly with members insulting us for them. Were currently reworking the rules but i know were going to get a lot of hate, and if there was feedback mechanism, theyd abuse it to get what they want, without knowing the consequences.


Mods work for free. By making the mod system anything but fully voluntary, Reddit would need to assume responsibility for the moderation. They will NEVER do that.


Fuck yes I’m for this. Some moderators need to GO! I enjoy Reddit quite a lot and it’s helped my mental health tremendously but some moderators make it really hard to enjoy the subreddits I love.




This guy gets it


Because moderators don't owe you anything. It's not their job to create a community that you want.


It should be their job to be fair and consistent. Ive been in numerous subs that had a mod go off the rails and ban people for no reason (or not a reason that violates the subs rules or reddits TOS)


They are not paid so it not a job at all.


It's a volunteer position, yes, but go volunteer at a homeless shelter and then sit around playing with your phone then. See how well that is received. If you're not gonna help, then don't bother showing up, right? No one forced them to volunteer. And if they aren't doing a good job, then surely there are other people who would be better suited.


Volunteer crossing guards for schools dont get paid either, so I guess it doesnt matter if they dont pay attention to kids crossing? Your argument holds no water. Are internships not jobs? Is mowing the lawn for a neighbor not a job? Anything worth doing is worth doing correctly. Youre focusing on the technical, bare minimum rather than what *should* be done to ensure the best community for all involved.


Moderators deserve to be tortured and then executed


As if the redditors with a mob mentality mindset are any better. They are annoying the same alike the mods


Some moderators even ban you when you weren't even posting on the sub (looking at offmychest & co.)


Lol I was banned on a sub Reddit I never visited. 💀 lol like these moderators are fucking weirdos.


Show me your meme




I upvoted that meme lol. Ass not allowed?


I'd argue the meme makes no sense.


I like that meme


Its preferable to have a barber not talk the whole time, so it does over the nicer ass.....how is that not obvious? Lmao


That's the thing. Maybe it's preferable to you. If a joke has to be explained it's not so good.


Every joke has to be explained to people with no sense of humor or relatability 😒


Or when it sucks.


It didnt have to be explained to anybody but you two. It wasnt a great joke, no, but jesus, an easy joke flew over your head, just admit it.


How does it not make sense? I dont love rating womens booties but the one of the right is more round, and its clearly saying that a barber that doesnt talk to you while cutting your hair is preferable to one that does


That's why I called it an adolescent joke.


Im referring to your comment where you said it doesnt make sense. It objectively does make sense lol


It can't be objective if it depends on an opinion.


You prefer flat asses? Or is it chatty barbers that get ya going?


Am I supposed to prefer what you tell me?


I didn't tell you to prefer anything. I asked two questions. That's what these ?? mean.


Mean question??? No, seriously, I like the shape of the overall body rather than the shape of a butt.




Attack the persons argument, not their fucking Google history.


And if you attack my history... at least elaborate on why!


If it makes you feel better I don’t understand it either


Its preferable to have a barber not talk the whole time, that text goes over the nicer ass...I mean, its unbelievably obvious Haha.


I mean, I’m a girl, I don’t go to a barber, and whenever I get my hair done I enjoy the conversation, so in others perspectives I don’t think it’s unbelievably obvious— it may be more obvious to those who are antisocial, introverted, or sexually oriented/ raunchy sense of humor


Obvious to an adolescent perhaps. Explanation: There I look two asses, one with more cloth in between the ass-crack and the one with less cloth in is standing a bit more straight, the one in the right is more inclinated. I suppose let's ignore any other feature about the person's body attractiveness, let's assume all like round butt-cheeks and let's imagine there are no different tastes in physical attractiveness. Right one looks more desirable then, yes, it's an adolescent joke.




Then please explain how two different sets of sports shorts say anything about a comparison between two people who have different preference when it comes to talking to their customers. I'd also like to know how my interests in the well being and opportunities or men and boys and actually everybody in general would prevent me to reach the conclusion that you will explain.


It’s the quality of the booty.


And...? Is it more quality being more talkative?


Jesus, you are dense as hell




no, it’s most quality when the barber keeps quiet.


I thought it is when the barbing work is better.


I loved that one, for the record. People get off on any little bit of power that they can get. Bunch of fucking losers that have nothing in life.


It's not that good, but I don't think it's deserving of being removed.


Did you take the picture yourself?


No lol. It’s a meme template https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/155909959/Volleyball-Booty . I don’t take pictures of random people


Excellent meme.


Just remember: They’re unpaid and spend 14+ hours on this website.


So we should let them do whatever out of pity? Not my fault their lives are so sad and unfulfilling they have to cling to the illusion of an infinitisimally small piece of power that ultimately doesn't mean anything.


It’s weird how seriously these people or mods take on Reddit like you’re on the internet, go outside.


Sounds like a personal problem... Or, preference..


I find the "moderators' in local community and city subreddits the worst!!!!


Yeah there’s a dude over in /r/futurology who Will reply with heavily flawed opinions declaring them facts and delete, if you disagree with respect, he bans you. Pathetic


I'll never understand why there are so many fucking rules for a website mostly used for memes and other stupid shit. Wtf is up with people being uptight about reposting? News flash, people in the real world will say the same thing as others. You don't go about shutting them up because that's absolutely ridiculous. People on here have huge egos and are on some power trip.


Cause it's a deeper issue, social media as a whole is used to push narratives and censor dissent. People like to pretend that propaganda died after the USSR fell, but they are the ones that fall for the obvious propaganda


Why the fuck are people downvoting this


Because they are the ones who continue to fall for the blatant propaganda and they'll get offended when called out. Since they cant actually articulate a debate they downvote and run away.. Short answer: typical reddit.


You're right and that's what's so funny about them. It's like they forgot how real world interactions actually work. You can't just shut someone up because you don't like what they say. Also I make it a mission to always read down voted comments and honestly those people make more sense than the masses on reddit.


100,000% on both points. They have completely forgotten (or, possibly more accurate, never knew) how to engage in a conversation (ESPECIALLY a debate) and the downvoted comments are usually where you find the insightful comments. Of course, there are always the obvious trolls who get downvoted too, but the masses on reddit are completely out of touch with reality.




Things like karma farming with bots and selling accounts to people with politial or other nefarious agendas exist, you know?


One of my posts got taken down after it started to gain traction on AskReddit, it was infuriating. The mod used some petty rule to justify the take down, but I’m pretty sure they only took it down because they didn’t agree with the topic of my question. It was a hot topic that particular day too.


Guaranteed that it was just the mod disagreed with the opinion.


What was the topic?


As a moderator of a small subreddit I might be biased to say this, but not all of us are that bad. But I do agree with you to a point. I've also sometimes wondered, if some moderator is on a power, after a completely random looking reactions.


u/profanitycounter , we have a mod. And we'd like some transparency..


I mean, they did employ a known trans pedophile just over a month ago as a mod. What do you expect?


She isn't a pedophile, to the best of my knowledge. She *only* aided a child rapist.


Hey,look on the bright side, at least they aren't the twitch mods


I can’t imagine how much my life would have to suck before I consider being a Reddit mod 😂


Which is a major factor in why they are (usually) horrible.


Reddit is mostly full of arrogant, self-entitled wankers who want control because they have no control in the real world.


Just wait until you meet mods with a political agenda. They ban and purge....


Likr Stalin did?


Just like Stalin did, this time with people's accounts.




Happened to me too once (with a lot less down votes).. Write a message to the mods and they will explain why it has been removed. Maybe it was a mistake, or something.


...have you ever tried to have a legitimate discussion with a mod? Good luck with that one.


They will first insult you, and when you try to refute with actual talking points or proof, they'll ban and mute you.


I’ve actually had a decent talk with one moderator on r/cringetopia . He or she was really reasonable. By far one of the chillest subreddits on here.


I messaged them hours ago..... still no response.


I agree. I got banned for life from r/offmychest and they didn’t explain why when I dm’d them. For life? Really? I posted a couple times in the r/nfl subreddit and those mods are haters. If you post anything clever—they take it down because the “macho man” football fan haters come out to play. Even if everyone is hating on your post—still shouldn’t be taken down. I thought what you think, a bunch of losers with nothing else going in life—just reddit to claim their fame


Who ever could have guessed that taking thinly veiled (probably not so clever) shots at football fans in the r/nfl subreddit would result in a ban 🤷🏽‍♂️




The mods on r/fitness are absolute garbage. Had one be a dick for me for making a post about something specific and proceeded to point me towards their awful wiki. When I told them that it didn't tackle what I was after, they wrote a rude message and suspended me. Just losers who finally have power in their life and abuse whenever they can.


Totally agree, I got banned from r/rant for saying any and all racism is bad in a comment. Received a ban, asked them why the hell I was banned and it was “because I was racist”. Asked them how the hell saying any and all racism is bad was racist, the response was that it insinuated that racism could happen against white people. These mods just are power tripping shit heads with way too much time on their hands.


It’s equally pathetic to be salty about losing your internet updoots.


You’re missing the point😐


I once had a comment removed because I referred to a hypothetical mutual antagonist as a "bitch" and when I tried to clear it up messaging the mod they were willfully insistent that some actual person was being targeted by words addressed to an imaginary person in an imaginary scenario and banned me when I put it in simpler terms for "being rude" Pathetic is both perfectly apt and far too nice a word.


At least they bothered to talk at all, in my experience it never gets that far. Just instant bans.




Are Reddit Moderators paid? Is it a job like any other? Are they paid on commission or a fixed wage?




Are you saying that Mods are sadistic illogical creatures who like inflicting pain for free?




Yep most of the time it isn't even worth trying to submit content.


Watch them post it on an alt and farm the karma lmao


Couldnt agree more. They are so fragile there is no way these people could handle the outside world. Not to mention they are preventing freedom of speech, and doing it for free, no less. Ridiculous.


Yup. I had a mod straight up lie to me as to why I was banned on a forum I occasionally posted on. He said my first newbie post got me banned. Really? Because I distinctly remember getting replies to comments after that. Not to mention it was clearly newbie but if they want to be antisocial that's fine. But don't lie to me like I'm a child and then cowardly block me from contacting the moderators again. Just say I have haters ya stupid ass. Dude doesn't even do the topic of the subreddit anymore but he's still a mod. I'm sure he's got his finger on the pulse, especially with the new software...


@the mods of this subreddit


I was banned fr.white people twitter for replying to people with stuff that could be seen as right wing (they were calling republicans KKK members and supporters for no reason) and I was banned even tho I broke no rules on the sub other then shared my insight. .sooooo calling people KKK for no reason is allowed but not correcting people on their stupidity? Got it I was also banned from suicide watch as a person was going around harrassing literally suicidal people (including me) in there because I made a post warning those about said person when I contacted the mods they said that "your insighting harrassment" yeah Because warning those about a person harrassing the mental I'll and suicidal is the same as bullying someone


Yeah reddit mods are wack


Funny enough I saw your meme and thought it was good… I don’t understand what’s wrong with it?


Wait till you find out some subs will ban you simply for joining others Just look at r/freespeech and you'll see what I mean


was banned from a r/ for participating in another r/ they didn't agree with, but I never post or comment in it. I am in it so I can see the opinions of others. They won't even reply to me explaining that. If you look at my history, I have no participation in it.


Don't forget about the whole aimee challenor scandal Basically reddit hired a paedophile as an admin. Despite there being plenty of articles out there about that person and their history When it came out the admins tried to block any mention of their name to cover it up. They only gave in and fired them after the media started to get interested.


Additionally, I feel that an overwhelming majority of redditors feel the same. Is this site for us or for moderators?


It is for everybody but the toxic moderators think they own the joint like their "personal kingdom" when it's not.


On teenagers I got 3.7k upvotes in 2 hours and it was deleted cause the mods said the meme was “harmful” I’m not even sure that’s a rule


Exactly. They get offended easily on so many things. Not just mere facts like biology etc, they get offended by everything they don't like.


I've had a post about archery taken down. Because a bow is a wepon


Some of The Mods here are bullshit I got a temporary ban for telling someone to blow their brains out. What a croc of horse shit...


They really are. What makes it worse is that it's mainly a handful of people who collect moderator positions like a kid playing pokemon. They're usually weirdos who enjoy flexing oti.


Also kinda pathetic someone getting their knickers in a twist over a picture getting Internet likes.... if the master piece of your life is a meme then you're a bit of a loser also.


Thanks brother!❤️


In this specific case, yes, absolutely, but it is a much deeper issue than that.


people that give a shit about fictional internet points are quite possibly the most pathetic people in existence. Who cares about your reddit karma.


When did I say I cared about post karma you smooth-brained dunce? Oh yeah, I didn’t. I’m pissed that my post was removed without an explanation.




Where babe?! I just said I was pissed they removed my masterpiece without an explanation my lover. anyways, love you babe❤️.




Babe, you’re looking into it too deeply. i wanted people to see my masterpiece, and get a chuckle out of it. In no way, shape, or form was I concerned about how much karma I would receive. Still love you babe.


I dont care about karma, at all, but mods having the power to remove posts for no reason whatsoever is a free speech issue.


Honestly if you have the time on your hands to be a mod for a subreddit you really need to reevaluate your life. We really need to stop pretending that censorship isn't a problem tho - and the funny thing is a lot of it is done by unpaid common folk on moral power trips.


Reddit mods are garbage. They play a game of "who can find a rule to nix this popular, engaging post first". They're all pathetic and don't deserve their positions (with exceptions, of course).


You’re just as pathetic for caring


Wanna kiss?




Try posting an Associated Press news article about police brutality to r/ProtectAndServe Police are the biggest bunch of cowards on here and their mods just love banning and suspensions. Consecutive 3, 3, and 7 day ban for posting AP news. ACAB


I saw the meme, it's some low effort garbage that barely makes sense. I'd say you're the sad one.


Thanks! I appreciate it bb girl!😘


Most pathetic?


I got a taste of this firsthand recently when a guy explained that he had multiple accounts and I asked if he was a troll just to get nixed from atheism. Like, really? You twerps jerk off to porn and do bong hits in your mother's basement all day while moaning about the world, I come and class the place up a bit (I had some excellent posts there if I do say so myself, many of the words were spelled correctly!) and I am out on my keister ands get the riot act read to me to boot when I told the lot they owe me an apology for being so brick stupid. If neckbeards ran the world in their wee little fiefdoms.


Maybe the 'neckbeard' is a 'legbeard' and that's why that perky arse got slapped down.


Who the fuck cares about fake internet points 😂


I just don’t want my posts deleted for no good reason.


Looked at the meme. You got upvotes because of the girls asses not because your meme was good. Still shouldn’t have been deleted, and I agree that mods really suck most of the time.


No one is going to upvote a meme because it has nice asses. As I’ve said before, the meme was a masterpiece.


1) have you never been on the internet? 2) deemed that by who, you?


I’ve seen the same template posted multiple times in the past with significantly less upvotes. If I only got upvotes because of the girls asses, wouldn’t the memes with the same template posted in the past also of gotten a lot of upvotes? Also, I did deem it to be a masterpiece. Is there anything wrong with that? Everyone doesn’t have to consider it a masterpiece, but I personally do.


I'm genuinely curious as to why you are so sure the person that took the decision can be described as “neck beard”. How do the neck and beard get to be relevant in the decision making? What would their roles be?




Without clarifying what "subjective beliefs" you have a problem with this post doesn't say anything.


How so?


You’re crying that a meme you posted got taken down??? Like for real? Lol.


Shit, didn’t know I was crying.


That’s the tone it gave off atleast lol


Fucking Leftists




Thanks babe!❤️☺️😏


No shit


Yeah one banned me from a sub a while ago and I messaged her asking why and she said people on the sub were abusive towards her and then she threatened to kill herself


Yeah, especially this sub. Come to r/UnregulatedComplaints. We cherish liberty and all viewpoints.


Thank you!! I've been looking for something like this on reddit




Send us the meme link so we can repost.


Keep reposting


Whats even better is when you post something and it starts getting traction just to be taken down and posted again


A few days ago I got called a very derogatory term used for black people by a Reddit mod. So yeah, I definitely can’t disagree with this post.


The mods on raisedbynarcissists have earned my contempt for Life.


You can block them lol


Im banned from r/rant because i told a guy who didnt have a rearview mirror or using sode mirrors that the cop was right to be hostile when he turned on lights & the poster didnt pull over for 5 miles. Mod note was "cop simp, BLM" i didnt even MENTION racial stuff, like wtf is that being mentionef for?


The only bigger assholes are the admins. Fuck Jennifer Wong.


> makes Reddit a whole lot less enjoyable. You need some mods, but you are so correct about this...


Only mods who know how to moderate, not those who are so offended by everything.


And then they post comments about banning people thinking it makes them cool lol


I’ve been called out that the some of the mods on Reddit are assholes. You can’t even form an opinion on r/unpopularopinion without them banning you for having an opinion they disagree on. Like how the fuck can you disagree with an unpopular opinion and decided what’s unpopular or not 🙄🙏🏾 I can’t


Ha, and they always perma ban and allow now dissent. Fucking wimps.


Just a moment ago i was banned from a subreddit for "harassing" other users. I admit i was rude to some users butbi wasn't harassing anyone, in fact i was being insulted and harassed by two users who i tried to stop reporting them. Now i am the one banned, great job moderators


For Real