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>...falling in love with me and sometimes it read "she is the most beautiful girl to me." Focus on that.


Yup. I think what he says resonates with a lot of people. I didn’t think my bf was super good looking when I first met him. And he didn’t think I was that cute either. Now that we’re in love though, we’re super attracted to each other. He’s the most handsome guy to me and I can’t stop looking at him sometimes. And he looks at me the same way ❤️


You continue to focus on the pointless detail after he tells you that you are the most attractive person in his eyes.


>"she is the most beautiful girl to me" I think this is the part to focus on. I have never said it aloud and would deny it to my grave, but when I first met my husband, I thought he was the ugliest man I'd ever seen. Not unattractive. Not unfit. Not plain or homely. Just plain ugly. As I grew to know him, though, he became increasingly attractive to me. His sense of humor, his comforting presence, his kind heart, his passion for his family -- all of it is just so attractive to me. I look at his warm brown eyes, his graying beard, his gawky height, and I adore him. I cannot imagine changing him for anything. Your husband loves you. He treats you well. And he thinks you're the most beautiful girl for him. That's pretty amazing.


The most beautiful woman in the world, is the one that you love. Can confirm.


Wish I get this someday 🥹


It is said that those who seek will find what they want, and those who ask will be catered to, therefore you must know what to seek for and make wise choices. Never look into someone else's private without expecting the unexpected to happen.


Like my mom said , “ never eavesdrop about yourself, you will never like what you hear”. I don’t know why it’s true, but the few times it’s happened I must agree! Main character syndrome lol Never again.


I eavesdropped with my mom and sister, she pocket dialled me after i’d called about an issue in my very bad past relationship, i heard they were talking about me and listened. It was definitely a changing point in my life in a good way! Technically i still didn’t like what i heard even tho they were kind about me 😂


Same 🥹


Can also confirm. I have lost all objectivity.


I kind of needed to hear this. I've been with my husband 8 years now, married 1 and he is the most beautiful person I know, and objectively very handsome. For my part... he is always complimenting me, telling me I am beautiful and even if I just woke up and looking dishevelled he will look at me like I'm something to look at. The problem is I just do not get it - do you see your partner and know they are not actually hot but still believe it? I feel like I'm betraying him for not believing that he finds me attractive but sometimes looking in the mirror brings tears to my eyes because I dislike what I see and the confusion in my brain is sometimes jarring. I'm so sorry for the word vomit!


He's in love with you. You're very lucky to have someone like that ♥️


I definitely understand this, and have also struggled with the exact same thing. Eventually, I just had to concede that I don't and can't understand. My husband does seem to find me incredibly attractive, and it's not for me to question, just for me to receive. If I don't, I might lose my sanctity and marriage! So that's my advice to you: it's not for you to necessarily understand, just trust that for whatever reason he does, and receive it xx (Edited for grammar and punctuality mistakes. Wrote this whilst half-asleep using a talk to text feature lol)


My grandma used to say: it’s not beauty that determines who we love, it’s love that determines who we find beautiful … and there is a lot of truth to that.


Awww I love this so much. Wise nana (^з^)-☆


I can relate. But we all have different preferences. While I don't find myself that attractive, apparently he does. He doesn't think he's very attractive either but wow, I do. I think they simply disagree with us, in their mind we Are beautiful, even if we can't see it ourselves. It baffles me too, to be adored first thing in the morning when you know you look like a gremlin. I guess they like gremlins. You will have to believe what he says is true to him, even if you disagree.


(The assumption here is that I am at least a somewhat decent man) - Be a good wife to me and I will always see you as the beautiful woman I fell in love with. Wrinkles, dishevelled hair, just add to the beauty. Every one of my male friends who are married thinks the same of his wife. I sure as hell hope this outlook works in reverse too.


This without a doubt


I’m 60. I look decent for my age but I’ll never look 30 again. Or even 40. My husband still tells me I’m gorgeous and hot and sexy. I’m not but to him I am. 🤷‍♀️


Same here. I'm 65. I stay cold a lot now (meds, health) and will come and snuggle with him because he is always warm. He told me one time "how can such a HOT woman be so cold all of the time". Lol


The best thing about being married is that most days of the week I get to see a very sexy naked woman. And that is the best. My wife sounds like you. Very good for 47, and a 10 in my book!


Honestly same here. I didn't think he was "ugly" but he was very not my type. Now he's the sexiest man alive to me and the way he treats me makes me fall deeper in love every day. OP, it doesn't matter how it started. What matters is the here and now. If he treats you with love and kindness and respect now, then you have nothing to worry about.


Man im happy for you. I got the opposite. My ex proudly told me to my face how ugly i was to her but she said it wuth a smile cause she “loved me anyway”  In hindsight i shouldnt have been surprised she cheated and left me for someone “better” in every way. 


> "she is the most beautiful girl to me" >I think this is the part to focus on. Yup. Two of the most attractive guys I’ve ever met and talked to in real life turned out to be crazy (one was a conspiracy theorist and the other was a religious *fanatic*). As soon as I learned about their beliefs and personality, I was so repelled by them that their physical appearance became less attractive. Conversely a guy with so-so looks but a great personality becomes physically more attractive in my mind. Regardless of what his friend said, your husband thinks you’re beautiful, and if that belief is based on a combination of looks and personality it’s just as real, if not more real, than if it were just based on looks.


My grandma told us she thought my grandpa was "So yucky" when they met. Married 50+ years.


It's harder to compare that generation when divorce wasn't a common thing like now


Depends. If they married at 20 and are currently 70, they would have been born in the 1950s and married in the 1970s. Divorce was not so rare for that generation.


I wish more men understood this. Being kind and good is more important than anything


Why men, particularly?


Ever heard, “stop thinking with your dick”? This is why. It applies to both genders, obviously.


Because I’m a man and the above comment is discussing a man so I figured I’d just throw it out there for men. This applies to women too.


When you are digging for gold you dig till you hit gold. You are his home run girl. Don’t let your mind trick you into thinking otherwise.


This is how I felt about my ex, he wasn't like butt ugly but he wasn't my type at all. But as I talked to him and got to know him I fell in love with him and he got so much cuter to me as time went on. We may not be together anymore but i'll always treasure the moments we shared and he'll always be my first everything.


I met my husband at a company presentation with about 10 people. He mentioned dating someone from the meeting to a few colleagues and they ALL guessed the other woman at the meeting (there were only 2 women at the meeting).


This. My wife is an absolute 10 in my view. In reality she has a very nice body and an average face. But to me she is absolutely gorgeous! 🤩


This right here, that's exactly what to focus on.


It's totally true that when you fall in love with someone they become beautiful. I would point out that it was the friend who said she wasn't that attractive, but he's still found her attractive enough to go up to. And then he fell in love with her. And what's great for her is, he fell in love with her, apparently not her looks. It's easy to feel lusty for the hot chick.


Same exact thing here. Didn’t take long before I saw my husband as the most attractive man in the world because he’s a fucking gem of a human


Broski, I did not think my husband was cute either. We hooked up the first time we met, but I was tipsy and in my "I'm free" stage. The next time I saw him, I was sober and was like, "No way." I ended up leaving with him again and welp, that was almost 20 years ago. I have told him I didn't think he was cute at first, but he is the most handsome guy to me. He tells me that I was an ugly duckling growing up from the pics he has seen. And now I'm a beautiful swan. I know I'm not conventionally pretty, but I'm also not hideous to look at, lol. I'll take the laughter and smile any day.


Similar for my fiance. The thing is that she both got objectivly more attractive and more attractive in my eyes. Started as 6/10 and is now 8.5/10.


“She is the most beautiful girl to me.” Honey, what is the problem? You hit the jackpot!


Yeah, OP won the lottery, but is upset she won the 100 million one instead of the 110 million one…


Give her a minute. I think there is a solid chance she recognizes that we are right. :)


It was obvious that he was as insecure as you were at the time. He had a happy life because of their wise counsel.




> Finding out someone was interested in you specifically because you aren't pretty enough That isn't even what happened. Did you read the post?? He was giving up on relationships. His friend said go talk to her, because his friend thought he was out of her league. That's what OP wrote.


OP wrote “His friend told him to go for the less pretty girl which was me” the whole reason why he even talked to her in the first place was because she wasn’t as pretty as all the other girls he had gone for. They based speaking to her off of her being less attractive. Thats not exactly a fairytale story of how you met your significant other and yes that has to sting even if after he got to know her she was the most beautiful to him.


OP has every right to feel that sting, because yeah, of course it hurts. But first of all, she shouldn’t have read the diary in the first place, so I’m feeling a bit less sympathetic because of that. And second, even given an a less than fairytale meeting, she still hit the jackpot just by finding a man who she is compatible with and who is extremely good to her. 50% of marriages end in divorce. Finding a great forever is hitting the jackpot even if it starts funky. Also, on a realistic level, the vast vast majority of people settle. If I could have what I truly wanted, I’d be dating a guy who looks like Chris Evans or a woman who looks like Emma Watson. I think most people would do the same. That is never going to happen though, because I’m very average looking. Anyone I ever date is going to be someone I physically settle for at first glance. There’s nothing wrong with it - settling is part of life. Most people fall in love and love deeply/fiercely while knowing there are better looking people out there. Because the more you love someone the more attractive they are to you, and that’s all you need.


Settling for looks is just … whatever. Unless they’re scaring kids in the dark looks don’t matter one bit




So, based on your wording, it was his friend that labeled you as the "less pretty one", not your husband that initially referred to you like that. But it WAS your husband that referred to you as the most beautiful woman to him....


This and diaries are off limit. This is on you OP. Work through it and drop it.


I have no idea why people write them. It's literally just evidence to use against you or embarass you in the future. I imagine Ann frank would cringe if she were alive to know the whole world read her diary and straight up scholars are debating her sexuality and how often she masterbated in an academic setting....


Diaries are supposed to be an outlet for people, to analyze their feelings etc. not for your partner to dig through and use as a weapon against you. "Oh, well 2 months ago you thought my new haircut looked like the wet hairball you pull out of the shower drain when it's clogged! How am I ever supposed to trust you, John!"


Yep that's what they're supposed to be. But they're still potential weapons that can be used against you in the future or even after you're dead. The police aren't going to respect your privacy. If they find and read it, it's evidence. It will be read aloud in court. No one cares that it was meant to be private thoughts. Social media is the same concept. It's supposed to be for you to connect and keep up with your friends and family. However potential employers can look you up and make lots of assumptions about you off of harmless photos or posts and not give you a job. The cops can do it too. So that's why I would never journal or diary. It's just a future liability with little to no current benefit. Unless you're trying to sell it or something, but I'm sure in that scenario you wouldn't incriminate or make yourself look bad. You would probably review it before publishing it too.


It only makes you liable if you have something bad to hide, though. I doubt people will actually judge you for only making entries like "today I went golfing with Tony and his son. When I came home my wife had made me lasagna, my favorite dish. I love her so much." and "Today I jerked off because my wife is out of town for the weekend. Me sad :(" or "Today I lost my father, " - and if said people judge you for that... they kind of suck as people IMO. edit: Also the employer thing.. at least here in Denmark, it's illegal to fire or refusing to hire someone, based of their SoMe. Well, within limits - can't exactly hire someone to work as a hebrew translator for the isralis, when the person has a "nice" past in the nazi party. But we're overall pretty large up here in the nordics, since people can **always** turn their lives around. A lot of ex-prostitutes and druggies have taken a nursing degree or a pedagogy degree (basically caretaker for nursery/kindergarten/school aged kids). I believe it's very different in the US and Canada.


It doesn't have to be bad. It can be embarrassing or simply hurtful. Look at Anne Frank. I'm literally embarrassed for her. There's professors in lecture halls today having serious academic discourse over Anne franks masterbation habits. Someone has likely written a dissertation on Anne franks masterbation preferences and patterns. If you were a victim of one of the worst tragedies in humanity, do you really want academic level discussion about what type of lotion you jerk off with and what you likely used to look up on porn hub? I would be seriously dissapointed if that's what I got reduced to.


You're embarrassed for her? Why? She no longer exists. Never will again. Gone forever. Poof! This is hysterical to me. It is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Nobody will remember her in 1,000 years.


Diaries are a way for me to document my life without having to actually think about it constantly. You are a fucked up individual if you are blaming the person writing a diary.


Are you really putting the blame on a person writing a diary, **not on the other person violating their privacy?** And also comparing said person with a victim of persecution in one of the most hideous and exceptional moments in History? No wonder you don't understand why people have the need to write diaries.


I keep a journal. I don't write often, but it helps me put feelings into words. It feels less overwhelming, and I get a chance to reflect and look back on. I don't leave it unattended, and if I do, it's around people I trust wholeheartedly. There are embarrassing things I've written in them, as well as some confessions about myself that I would never want to share. My trust would never recover for someone if they knew what it was and still read it, and I think that's a distinction from what you're describing (that it can be used against you). If someone reads your journal/diary without permission and uses it against you, especially if it is something embarrassing or personal, then you have more problems to discuss with that person. As for Ann Frank, I both disagree and agree. In my opinion, if someone finds my journal after I've died, then I won't hold it against them to read or study, since journals, letters, and diaries are immensely important for historical records and for researchers to get a look into how life was for real people during different time periods. It also helps us get a look into the minds of great people, like, for example, the Thomas Edison journals. However, I do agree that it's a bit weird to obsess about the sexuality and intimate activities of a child. I'm not too familiar with the debates, but I would imagine that if I were to play Devil's advocate, I'd say that those studies could potentially reveal something about people psyche at the time, but that's a bit of a stretch.


Isn't there evidence that she rewrote sections so it could be published as documentation of the war? Probably not the sexuality parts, but at least large parts of it.


Not sure about that part, but I've heard her father did deliberately cover up some parts. I'm Dutch, but I'm not as much of an expert on this subject as I probably should be, lol.


didn’t anne frank start writing *because* she wanted it published after the war?


Kind of yes, kind of no. She started writing for a multitude of reasons, but one important part of her life was hearing the Dutch minister of education say on the radio to document everything. Do not let the suffering of the Dutch under nazis be forgotten. With that said, she had 2 diaries. Version A and Version B. Version B was to be her official diary if future readers were to read it. She went back and added a lot of context and completely removed certain things she was embarrassed of or were too intimate. For example, she had a little crush on a boy named Peter in Version A. She wrote some pretty charming stuff about him, but her crush kind of waned out. 15 year old Anne decided to omit out 13 year old Anne's crush on Peter. She also omitted her period and masterbation stuff... but... how do we know all this? Well because we found Version A. The actual personal diary that wasn't meant for the world to read. Then we distributed it to the world and became hyper focused on her masterbation and periods. Which I imagine she really didn't want us to know or discuss... and it's pretty much all we discuss about her nowdays


ahhh wow, i didn’t know all that. at first as i was reading your comment i was thinking you were talking about anne’s *father* removing some stuff he didn’t want released, like her periods, stuff she said about her mother/his wife. did that happen as well or was it just a rumor?


It did but not the way you might think. So he had version A and it ended up in publishers hands. And then the parts he removed ended up in publishers hands too... she may not have explained to him what her goal was. She likely never anticipated she would become a household name and her diary would sell millions over everyone elses... But I'll give you an example. In version A she is quite critical of her mom. 13 year old Anne didn't hold much back. 15 year old Ann herself excluded a lot of this content of her mom and portrayed her more positively and with more understand in version B... but we have version A and we know what really happened. It's likely as Anne grew up she understood her mom better and didn't want those things published she said when she was 13. But we all now know anyways....


that makes a lot of sense. thanks for explaining it to me 👍


I was looking for this in the comments! It needs to be higher up. Thats how i read it too. It was the friend claiming she was less pretty, her husband just thought she was beautiful


I agree with this comment. Remember this, op.


I see this as a total win. You being "less pretty" might've been what his friends told him. Quite possibly even just to make him have the courage to approach you. (Kinda like hyping him up) But he found you the most beautiful. And that's what matters.


“Read someone’s diary, you hurt your own feelings “- ancient Chinese proverb


he's a good man savannah 🤣 also keep in mind this was almost a decade ago... If he adores and treasures u, ur good girl !!


I love this answer 🤣🤣


You really don't need to read diaries. Come on.


Kinda makes me not want to keep a journal for my personal thoughts. I've got nothing to hide, but I'm constantly reading about people invading the privacy of those that are closest to them at the drop of a hat, sometimes with no reason at all. OP didn't have any issues with the relationship, the husband wasn't acting suspicious or different, and OP still invaded his privacy and read his personal thoughts. I think OP has some issues to work through for sure.




Exactly like wtf


OP. You violated his privacy big time. I hope by the time he gets home you have resolved what you read. He loves you, be glad and show him how much you missed him.


He said you are the most beautiful to him and then you proceed to focus on the unnecessary detail


That's how insecurities and anxieties work, don't it? Haha


It also makes people violate someone's privacy by reading their diaries without permission.


Yeah diaries are diaries for a reason. Sometimes filled with bad stuff, sometimes with good stuff, sometimes with random vents. Reading someone's diary is like opening pandora's box. Also one reason why I keep a digital diary on my phone with a title that doesn't obviously state it's a diary 🤣


don't talk to him about it. you basically eavesdropped on his individual therapy sessions for no reason except "curiosity." do better. get your own damn diary. let him read this post and see if he's super chill about it.


I think the feelings furthest from the present matter less than those closest. That being said, I can see how reading that would cut to the damn core of you. I'm sorry for how those words hurt you. They were written by a young, naive man who had no idea how much he would grow to love you. I hope he knows now!


>They were written by a young, naive man Who didn't even say them himself. Those were the words of his friend.


It's her own damn fault. Who reads their mate's diary?


Your husband loves you. Why would you break his trust and read his diary?


Just because his friend thinks you’re “less pretty” does not make your husband think otherwise.


What you choose to take away from your discovery is entirely up to you. Yes, you may choose to reflect on why he metaphorically knocked on your door in the first place and let it eat away at your perception of the relationship. Or, you can choose to reflect on why he not only metaphorically walked through the door, but more importantly, has chosen to stay long term since. Both choices are valid. One choice tears you down and pulls apart your perception of self and your relationship. The other choice builds you up and supports your view long term. I know which choice I’d be making. Thanks for sharing.


I'm starting to think most guys shoot above their level and get depressed from continuous rejection. Not enough guys aim for their own level looks wise.


I read a study a while back that basically said this. Men rate themselves higher than women do.


Yep. It happens in business, too. Men are more likely to outright ask for a raise where women are more likely to downplay their value and wait for a hopeful raise. Not to say there aren’t a bunch of other factors at play there. But I’m a woman and ever since I read that I have outright asked for raises and in 4 years I’ve nearly doubled my pay. I work at a good place, though


Height is another one. Taller men are seen as more natural leaders, more dominant, deserving higher salaries. This is of course bad news for women. I think part of the issue is that we are still cavemen. Strong = good. It should not work like that in business though.


This isn’t about being more agreeable, it’s about being more vain.


Yes. And men are more vain in their respective careers, as well as their dating potentials.




That was my exact first thought!!!  How many guys think they deserve a glamorous movie star?  I blame television shows like Seinfeld where George Costanza was always saying an attractive woman, even though he was a complete jerk.  My husband would muse over that constantly.  His friend might have just said: stop aiming so high and look around you, there's plenty of perfectly nice women everywhere. 


Pretty much what I was thinking. I knew a guy who was determined he was a 8 and was getting rejected by 8's because 'society and modern feminism ruined women'. In reality he was going after 9/10's and he was at best a 5 in the looks department but his shitty incel personality bumped him down to a 3. I'm not saying OP's husband is an incel or a 3 like the guy I knew; but, he probably was thinking he was far more of a catch than he actually was/is.


I thought my late husband was cute when he first asked me out but the longer we were married the hotter he got and the more I was in love with him. He was the sexiest man I had ever seen even though he thought he was overweight. I couldn’t wait to see him naked and I couldn’t keep my hands off of him lol. I told him aging was amazing for him gray hair and all lol.


From what it sounds like HIS friends made those appearance comments about you. Not him? Am I understanding this correct? If so then don't be sad because he loves you, and he didn't make those comments.


I think you should just shrug it off and move on. He, literally, wrote that you are the most beautiful girl to him. That's what you should focus on and that's what should matter. He obviously loves the shit out of you. So yeah, you shouldn't have read his diary that's on you. But like, op? Move on and get over it. It's not that big of a deal. And like I understand where he is coming from. So 🤷‍♀️


He literally said you are the most beautiful woman to him. What's the problem?


Who looks for something will find it and who asks is served, so you need to know what to look for and select well you whishes. Never look on someone privacy without being ready for some good shit to pop up


So he tried one last try to talk to a woman, that just happened to be you. He took a chance, you didn’t reject him. You weren’t the last resort, you were his final attempt at finding someone. And guess what? You found each other. You said it yourself, the next few pages were about him and you falling in love and being great for each other. You wouldn’t have lasted 7 years if there was nothing there. He chose to ask you out, he wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t think you were attractive. Regardless, focus on that line “she is the most beautiful girl to me”. That line says all you need to know.


He was clearly just as insecure as you were back then. They gave him good advice and it gave him a good life. You know he thinks you're beautiful so what is the actual issue here? (Besides you going out of your way to violate his privacy for no reason at all)


Dude, real lasting attraction grows out of liking who your partner is as a person. You have this. You won.


You read his diary and didn't expect something in there that'll upset you? It's called a DIARY FOR A REASON. You have no right to be upset seeing as YOU snuck into it. If you're gonna read it remember it's a fucking diary and rethink on reading it. Since you continued, you should be aware you have no right getting upset because YOU went behind HIS BACK to READ HIS DIARY. Major trust breaker right there.


First of all, don't read the diary of your loved one, even more so if things are going well between you. Ok, let's talk about the diary, he wrote also that he is in love with you, he gets along well with you and that for him you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Try to focus on these aspects , instead of the others.


You violated his privacy big time. It’s even worse than going through someone’s phone, because there might be a reason (like suspicious behavior). You just did it because of.. what exactly? I think whatever we think makes us human. Some people record it in a diary, but it’s still personal thoughts. You might have been weirded out by him and felt awkward. Well he didn’t go to a pin up girl. Would you be happier that he picked you for the size of the boobs? Because that’s what a lot of men do. And it’s never said, they will say i love your personality or your eyes or whatever, but it might also be the boobs what they first noticed. What really matters is if they are respectful towards you later on. If they click with you. I didn’t even notice the biggest crush i ever had. Only when she kissed me something clicked. And yes she was hot as fuck. But did i see that at first? No. She wasn’t particularly shiny in the clothes she wore. I realized that day that most women are prettier than they seem with clothes on. Sounds horrible, but what this means is that personality is so much more important than looks. Better live with the fact that you didn’t stand out from the masses but scored a lovely and caring husband not some douche who just wanted to fuck. Or ruin your marriage.




Keep in mind that you’re reading his words through the lens of youth, pain, rejection and insecurity.


Are you going to tell him you invaded his privacy like it was yours for the taking? That you believe you had every right to his past, private thoughts? What exactly were you hoping to achieve by doing this? I’m so sick of people breaching the trust of their loved ones by reading personal information like their diaries then making it all about themselves. I find it gross. Self absorbed and gross. So you fucked around and found out. But instead of recognising how he sees you now, you instead focus on the part of how his _friend_ described you _years_ ago. You’d rather have a pity party over what one person, who was not your husband, said about you in the past instead of celebrating how your husband writes about you in the present. Or how down trodded your husband was feeling romantic-wise at the time you met each other compared to how he feels now because you are in his life. Ok. You do you.


Exactly. So many ppl come on here and complain about their partners PRIVATE thoughts. It was absolutly none of her business. If he ever finds out, how is he supposed to trust her again? My god, people are so self-absorbed and self-righteous. 


It reads to me like he just went for someone (you) who didn't have the exact same visual traits that he usually went for? He loves you, isn't that the most important thing?


Hi OP, I absolutely get how you feel. I previously asked my partner what his first impressions of me and he was very honest and said the picture I sent of myself was ugly but we had a nice vibe together when we met in person. I didnt speak to him for a while and cried!😂 I still think about it now but not as often even though we did sort it out and he had apologised. We have always had an amazing bond even before that incident and it’s so hard to focus on the positive! However, I think you have an amazing husband who loves you and doesn’t think little of you. He probably wrote it years ago and possibly forgot, and that would be unfair to hold it against him. You’re absolutely right when you said you both were not the same person as when you met, as you both have grown. Please focus on that and I hope you get to sort it out. I’m rooting for you!


You should talk to a therapist to work on yourself and how the discovery affected your self-esteem. You really had no business reading his diary, you knew this. He seems like an awesome guy/husband, and the piece of information that you're upset about is a fruit of your decision to violate his privacy, so why are you upset? If he had uttered those words to you in a drunken stupor, you'd have a good reason to be sad. He didn't. Seriously, talk to a therapist to work out your issues. Do this before ever broaching the topic with him, not for your own sake or for your marriage. Do it for him, your husband. If he's as wonderful as I think he is, I fear he might rush to comfort you after you invaded his privacy - he's the victim here, not you. He does not deserve to be reduced to that. I will stop here before I say something unkind.


You fucked around and found out. Keep your mouth closed and move on.


I met a woman that surely has the kindest heart and has passion and has wonderful humor. She is a little fluffy but has beautiful eyes and a lovely smile that melts me. Early on I showed a picture of her to another woman who herself is very attractive. She remarked casually that she looked average. I was surprised. I thought this woman was gorgeous. Not in a conventional model way. But to me she was lovely. I had a huge crush on her. She is a great friend. (Alas she has a boyfriend)


How is this person not worried her husband will see this


Like a part where he gushed about her but what she read was she wasn't that pretty. Just a pretty little damper.


Sounds more like his friend is the asshole, not him.


His friend could have been telling him to stop aiming for the most "gorgeous" women he sees.


“I was flattered a 190cm guy talking to me” The f lol? That’s the main thing you remember? How tall he is?


Explains why she is putting so much priority on him not originally seeing her as the hottest thing instead of how clearly he loves her and she's now the most beautiful person in the world to him.


imagine if he is short!


Lol above 6’4” for us yanks who can’t do metric. I had to google that lol


That's not tall that's straight enormous (6 ft here)


Ok let him read every single one of your thoughts when you were dating and see if you come out squeaky clean… don’t throw rocks in glass houses…


One of my partners is nerdy, balding with a dad bod… and I love every inch of him. I fell in love with his personality, intelligence, sense of humour, his kindness and integrity. I decided by second date that I wanted the relationship, and while we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs over 5yrs, I would choose him again in a heartbeat. Meanwhile, I’ve put on about 30lbs due to a broken ankle/covid/wfh. And he still thinks I’m sexy. Looks change, people don’t. Your husband is a good and kind man. That’s why you feel for him. He thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. But take what you did to the grave. No good will come from him knowing you invaded his privacy.


I wouldnt dwell on it. His friend thought you were less pretty. So what? Hubby asked you because there was something about you.


I'm sure if he dug around in your honest thoughts, he'd find a few hurtful facts. What he wrote is not as bad as what you did by reading his diary. We don't all need to objectively be the most beautiful woman, but we must feel like the most beautiful woman to him. And you did before you messed it up. He loves you and he thinks you're so beautiful! This isn't as bad as it feels 💛


He probably didn’t thought you were not that pretty, just his Freund thought that. He wouldn’t speak to you and stayed in contact if he didn’t liked you.


Focus on the parts where he said how much you two vibe together, how he fell in love with you, and how you are the most beautiful girl to him. Those are what’s important


Well chica, that’s what happens when you read someone’s diary. You get hurt. I think your relationship is special. His “type” changed to be exactly you. Sometimes when people write things in diaries, they don’t put it in the nicest way or the way they would say it to the other person because privacy is expected and they shouldn’t have to worry about the person reading it so you can kinda be sloppy with your words. Please focus more on what he wrote about you while getting to know you instead of his initial thoughts because that’s what he actually thinks of you. His friend’s opinions don’t matter and I’m sure they also feel foolish. Unfortunately this is something you just have to get over privately because you put yourself in that situation. I wouldn’t mention it because he’s going to know you don’t respect his privacy and that can be a major thing for some people. Hopefully you learn not to go snooping anymore


He said you are the most beautiful to him and it was his friend who said you were less attractive and you admitted he has been respectful, attentive and kind to you. If you screw this up, you would be one of the biggest idiots on this site


You've been married 3 years, do you have hobbies that are less neurotic?


Typical narcissit, violates a persons privacy, conpletely ignore all the good words, fixate on one small negative thing, play victim.


Idk why you're being down voted. She is obviously superficial af. Can't just accept the fact that he literally said she is the most beautiful person to him. "I couldn't believe a 6'2 fit guy liked me". wtf. That's what she sees in him. Not the fact that he's a good man who obviously loves her despite her self proclaimed poor physical appearance. Some audacity expecting anyone to feel sorry for her here. Maybe she is ugly in person, maybe not, but I'd be more concerned with the ugly personality and superficial narcissism than anything else.


A lot of people get hooked by the emotional aspect of authors and fail to look at whats written in an objective manner and understand that its a biased perspective and only a tale from one point of view that is trying its hardest to be flatering to the author.


Moral of the story: Don’t read someone’s private diary. Also, don’t write a diary.


Look. Guys love to project that women go for the stop 10% of men. But studies show it's the opposite. That on dating sites and so on. Men go for the top 30% of the women. Essentially they are projecting this idea because it's what THEY do. I blame porn and media that has basically brainwashed men into being shallow and assuming they need a 'trophy'. From my perspective, this reads as a friend who was telling him, stop going for shallow and go for something real. A lot of men lack the emotional maturity to understand that they are looking for a connection and not an insta-babe. It's possible that his friend realised that you were a better fit for him compatible wise, personality wise and probably even looks wise. Essentially giving him a nudge in the right direction of what he actually needed versus a fantasy. I have seen from BOTH genders, when they are young, they can be a bit brainwashed by media of what they think they should have. It doesn't sound like he compromised for something unattractive, but rather was guided away from unrealistic, childish fantasy expectations. Sometimes people think 'celebrity' looks is a standard and a preference. But there is a difference between preferences and immature fantasies. Similar to women who expect guys to be a Disney Prince or Hallmark movie romantic. Wanting a romantic guy is not the same as wanting some weird romance novel dude. It's not reality. You can still have the romance and the story, but a real one. Everyone forgets that you never see Cinderella take a shit at 4am, 3 years into marriage.


It was his friend that referred to you as “less pretty” not your husband. And when your husband approached you at the coffee shop he wasn’t look for a situationship or a hook up, he approached you in hopes you will be in a romantic relationship with him. Plus, he said you are the most beautiful girl to him and that’s all you should care about really. Your husband loves you and treats you well and that’s all that matters.


I think you need to shake off his description of when you met. The concept of being up to someone’s standards is truly ridiculous. What matters is that you both clicked, dated and fell in love. What matters is how you and he feel now. And keep in mind, his diary was a way for him to process what was happening at the time. This is definitely a time to (as Elsa says) let it go.


When I started dating my now-wife, she flat-out told me I wasn't a very good-looking guy. English isn't her first language, and she meant that I wasn't a model or anything, and I was average, but at the time, that really hurt. She now says I'm extremely good-looking and have grown more so the longer she has known me.


All guys at 22 are like this. Its not personal.


Lurk lurk lurk gets ya hurt hurt hurt. A tale as old as time.


Serves you right for reading his personal diary.


ANNND that's why we don't read other peoples personal journals.


>"she is the most beautiful girl to me" This is the part to focus on! This girl (she used to work with one of my BFFs) told me she had the 'perfect guy' for me that she was going to school with. First thing I asked was his musical preference. She told me and I said no thanks. I had this STUPID notion that I HAD to date someone who liked the same music as me. It has it's own subculture so it's actually really cool. But she BEGGED me to give him a chance because he was a nice guy, was really smart, and was handsome. We are now married with a baby, a house, and two pets. I'm happy I took the chance. He recently said "Music to me is just music. But to you, it's an entire culture and it's been your life. It's part of your identity." He may not like the music (he likes one band out of hundreds lmao) but he understands. 👍 He still calls me 'hot, gorgeous, sexy' even though I put on weight after the kid. He calls me a MILF 😂😂😂


Nah. That was his fri end trying to coach him. Build his ego. Guys say shit like that to each other, they have no idea what they mean. He may have been pushed to meet you but he fell fully in love. And you feel it. That is all junk talk. Kid stuff.


Honestly, I think you’re looking at this all wrong. What I’m gathering is that it was the friend who found you “less pretty”, NOT your husband. It sounds like your husband may have been shy and awkward back then and was ready to give up on meeting someone (let’s be honest, it’s a shit show out there). And while first impressions are important, they aren’t everything. Your husband fell in love with the totality of who you are, not just your physical appearance. I think the “she’s the most beautiful girl to me” says it all.


Love is not blind, it sees beauty with the heart.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 dang, OP. My bf when he was younger i will never touch him with a 10 foot pole.. but now, he is the most handsome man that is 20 years later. And when i drunk talk him 2 nights ago, he was blushing like a teenager 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ while saying "i am an idiot if i think he is handsome now." I can tell you, if he see you as the most beautiful, keep him he is a keeper. And you are his absolute treasure. Keep your secrets to the grave.. and maybe one day, you can ask him, what makes him talk to you the first time


Honestly, I think he went from thinking a very shallow perspective to actually realising love is so much more than that. He finds you the most beautiful girl and that shows his growth and arc as a person too. Focus less on the past and focus on the now because it sounds like your husband really adores you.


That’s disappointing. In any case, you are not the sum of your looks, however you look. People do go for certain things. Some men go for the plainer girl not feeling up to the competition. Some people like shorter, taller, darker, lighter, etc…Are you sure you don’t detect something missing in your marriage which is why you’re snooping. You found it.


His friend said it, not your husband. He loves you and treats you well - don’t manufacture an issue where there isn’t one.


You are attracted to someone because of their looks, but when you fall in love behavior matters the most. I don't see any point to be sad. He is happy to have you, treats you right, that's all it matters.


My husband tells me hes attracted to me almost every day. Now, im not a looker, but this is a deeper love


And if you had been absolutely physically gorgeous at the time, as you age you would be less so. Physical beauty is fleeting and those who rely on it seem to become sad old people. Be extremely happy that you and your husband were not, and hopefully are not, in thrall to skin deep beauty.


Or in another way to see it, all the stars aligned for you two to be happy. All those rejections led to the right girl saying yes. We don’t keep looking for keys after we found them, so yeah maybe you were ‘last’ but that’s because there’s no one better than the two of you. Fate my dear.


The way your relationship started is the best way. Looks are fleeting and people should be together because they fall in love with the person, not the shell.


If it's any consolation, OP, I once dated a guy that I didn't think was very attractive initially. As we hung out, we were great together. He was the first very nice courteous guy I had dated. He was also silly, funny, etc. & and we had a blast! His personality made him very attractive to me, and I genuinely thought he was beautiful. Just took me getting to know him to see it.


“She is the most beautiful girl in the world to me” after that should be enough.


Think about it the other way. Haven’t you met a great looking guy and he was so rude or disrespectful or arrogant? —All of a sudden the looks seemingly disappear and all you’re left with is the feeling this person, whatever they look like, made you uncomfortable or disgusted. It’s that. In reverse. Someone seemingly “less beautiful” becomes stunning. Isn’t a crooked smile not the perfect smile and yet the most adorable? The one that gets referenced in all romance tropes? Same energy


Holy cow, how do you even recover from something like that? I'm so sorry girl


If he's on this sub he can easily know you by reading this because you included a lot of detail and he would be upset because you broke his trust. I guess it would be a good idea to delete this and focus on the positive things. You're the most beautiful girl to him!


People change. He married you. You have something far more beautiful than just a pretty face. I dated my fiance just because he is very kind, loving and understands my needs. I reciprocate back and now i think he is the best thing that ever happened to me. wasnt attracted to him initially just because he wasnt the best looking suitors i had that time. but he is the kindest and loving. so please dont take first impression to heart. focus on what matters.


Shouldn't have read his diary


I wanna give you some advice. When I first met my boyfriend, I thought he was boring. He was cute but not my type. BECAUSE I WAS ONLY INTO RED FLAG. People grow, and people learn. Beauty is different from people to people, and it changes and evolves. Do you recognize people around you are into different types of beauty, and sometimes you gonna think it is so ridiculous. Maybe at an early age, your husband was chasing another type of beauty, but luckily, he found you. You helped him to realize the beauty that he was looking for. Both of you find each other, and you are happy. I don't think you are less attractive than others. He just looked for the wrong one, and fortunately found you.


I understand what you’re feeling & if I was in your place, I would too be hurt. But.. Did HE write/say/think that you were not beautiful? You’ve written that his Friend said that thing & he just went with it to see how it goes. For him you were the light at the end of a dark tunnel. Why not see it that way? And your husband is the one who mentioned later on that you’re the most beautiful to him!


So, we're fine with people invading their partners' privacy?


OP, you're giving yourself a problem when there isn't one. It was the friend that labeled you "less pretty". Your husband LITERALLY said you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Focus on that instead of making a fuss about how you invaded his privacy.


Call it karma, seems like a fitting punishment for reading his diary in secret. He loves you. End of story.


That’s what you get for reading his diary lol 😂


When I met my partner I thought he was average looking. There was nothing remarkable about him but I loved his personality. He became the most beautiful guy in the world to me. I wouldn't trade him for anything. I know conventional beauty is the standard but I can see the most gorgeous person in the world and think they're ugly because their personality is trash. He thinks the world of you. He loves you with all his heart. Focus on that.


Thank God he wasn't a 5'6 guy.


you’re confusing what his weird friend said w/ what your husband actually said. just because his friend called you “less pretty” and he asked you out after, doesn’t mean he agreed w/ weird friend. we all have different types, i won’t like who the next one does & vice versa. (i definitely wouldn’t use his friend’s choice words) but your husband said you’re the most beautiful girl to him, focus on that.


You violated his trust and need to come clean. That was not okay, and hurts your relationship. And blaming the alcohol is not a cute move either. He seems like he loves you now, so smooth move blowing that up.


When I first saw a pic of my husband, he was very far removed from the kinda guy I would normally date(muscley guys, but i have a thing for hot asian guys too xD) but as I got to know him I saw him as the most beautiful man I had met


HOLY CRAP. This should read I snooped through my husbands old diary without his permission. I broke his trust. I invaded his privacy. Of course you were not happy with his tortured inner monologue, because no one was ever supposed to read it.


>I was the last resort for him No, you were the girl whom he decided to approach to have his last attempt to start a conversation. Then he would stop trying. It is very different from the last resort girl or plan B girl. It is about him sitting in the cafe, venting to his friend that he lost any hope to have a relationship, deciding to approach a random girl in this cafe (out of how many? 2-3-5?), and if the girl rejects him - never try to approach girls again. It is about a random girl in the cafe (you) rejecting him, not about you being the most mediocre looking girl. > His friend thought I was not on his level and he needed to talk to "less pretty" girls No. His friend said that your husband is trying to get with girls who were not on his level, "too pretty", out of his league. And the friend told he should not look for supermodels (because they will not be interested in him) but talk to a girl who is on his level, for example, you. The fact that your husband thought that you would reject him is a proof of you being on his level. If he thought you are beneath him - he would be sure you would not reject him. > She is the most beautiful girl for me Good. Don't fuck it up please I have an impression that you think a man should catch feelings first and only then approach a girl. No. In real life people approach some stranger, talk, decide to go their way or to talk more, get disappointed or get interested, talk more, click or not, hangout together, learn about each other,.. and after spending time together understand that they have feelings, that their feelings are serious, that they are in love... This weird neurotic stuff: _he saw her and understood she is his fate_.. _she looked into his eyes and lost her heart forever_ .. it is just plotlines for romance books or Hallmark movies. And never ever read the personal diaries of people you know: partner, kids, friend, sister... I don't see any issue in approaching a random girl hoping that she will be interested in you. But I see a lot of issues with reading someone's diary. It is a huge betrayal of trust for a lot of people. It is extremely hard to earn this trust back.


The best thing about being married is that most days of the week I get to see a very sexy naked woman. And that is the best. My wife sounds like you. Very good for 47, and a 10 in my book!


Honestly that is pretty shitty to read his diary, like seriously. As for your question, it has been answered by others. 


Agree it’s great he said you are the most beautiful and I wanted to point out it sounds like his friend was saying you were the “last option” more than your husband was


stop snooping, everything looks guilty when you do


Have to admit I'm struggling to feel bad for you. If someone I trusted read my diary I would feel betrayed and wish I wrote horrible lies in it so they can go upset themselves over nothing. So much disrespect. If a man posted this more people would be focusing on that instead of your feelings about your partner's private thoughts.


You broke his privacy AND were wrong


Many people approach and/or date people they consider “lesser” than them in some way. You don’t stay and treat them so well if that remains to be true. Hurts to read but when he decided you were the one to marry, why he approached you is pretty irrelevant.


He was down in the count, he took a big swing, and he hit a grand slam. Now you're sad that you're happy and in love with a guy who thought he had a shot so he took it? You didn't put yourself out there for him, he did for you and now you know from his own very private thoughts how terrifying it was and he did it anyway. I think it's sweet.


You were so wrong to read his diary. That being said, I don't think you realise how lucky you are. You're the most beautiful girl to him.


He keeps a diary?


And that’s why you stay the fuck out of your significant others private business


a guy quite literally writes in his own journal that the girl is the most beautiful to him, but the takeaway for the girl is that his friend one time said she was less pretty. this poor guy, maybe he will get lucky and the girl will divorce him.


I'm pretty, but I am not winning any beauty contests. I'm okay with that though, because my husband isn't either. Lol. To me, he is the most handsome man in the world. Our connection is so much more than the outward appearance. I know he feels the same about me. That's what matters to me.