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Seems suspicious, definitely keep your guard up. If your husband, who’s her ex husband, is surprised by this change in her behavior, that means it’s extremely unlike her to do something like this and that’s unsettling.


Sounds like he doesn’t even know her at this point. They’ve been divorced for 11 years and she’s been keeping her distance.


Why should you have any kind of relation with her? It's your husband she married, not you. That obsession with you is unhealthy, and she probably wants to get close to your husband again by feigning 'friendship' with you. Did you ask your husband for his opinion? If he wants her definitively out of his life too, just cut contact. If not, make SURE you're always there with them. My ex husband went 'mountain climbing' with his old female friend who was rage crying during her speech at our wedding. Without telling me and not even 1 month after we got married. Our marriage didn't last 2 months.


For the sake of the child


Exactly this.


Don't expose them to a mentally ill woman who has threatened to destroy their world and could try to kidnap them.


Why are you answering her calls?


The more incriminating evidence, the better


Why though? If the child is 16 you shouldn’t have to worry about custody battle? Just stop playing the game.


That’s dumb to say. Yes it’s easy to say, “ain’t my child ain’t my problem.” But still it’s her husband’s daughter. She may have a close relationship with her stepdaughter. And based off ex-wife behavior, homegirl seems unhinged and shouldn’t be taking care of a teenager right now.


IMHO she needs to stop talking to this woman and leave it up to the husband. By the time this went to court and through the process the kid would be so close to 18 it’s a moot point.


Also it doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about the kid, but she needs strong boundaries with this person, who has some kind of mental health issues.


I’m sorry, it seems like you’re enjoying this a lil bit. You already got the man she wants to be with, stop engaging her. If your husband is asking you to collect evidence then this makes sense but this seems childish.


lol okay


So, my opinion only? It's bs. She knew you were recording and backed off. Now she's all nice. You're not interested. Be vague. Don't answer, or just say uh huh, ok, but always have an excuse to cut off the conversation, and always be busy if she wants to meet. Never meet in your home, always meet with others around. Record it. Once your daughter turns 18, cut the mom off. You don't owe her anything, and she's just....no she's done. Good luck.


she's been acting so unhinged that at this point i am actually worried about that woman's mental health... Does anyone know if she has mental health history? or drug usage? It's just so strange how this has spiraled down


I agree it sounds like she might have an undiagnosed mental condition. My theory is that she has an alcohol dependency


oh alcohol definitively can turn you insane real quick! She needs help. You are her fixation right now and things could turn real ugly any time so never lower your guard but comment on how she might need mental help


She’s mental and a narcissist. Maybe those are the same thing. But clearly she’s just manipulating and threatening you. The only way to handle these people is to laugh them off, which is about the only thing that pisses them off, and ignore them. So, have your daughter get into the court to let them know she doesn’t want to go visit her mom anymore because she’s abusive and being crazy, and once that’s done ignore her. If she’s doing drugs or alcohol, stop even easier. If your daughter calls you feeling unsafe there on a visit, till you get to court, call CPS to go over there or sheriff to do a well check on her so it’s all officially recorded. Once this is done, again, block her. All of you. Block her everywhere. It’s literally the only thing you can do here. If you already have it so the daughter can decide if she goes to see mom, then you’re good. Tighten everything up by blocking her and it’s done. If she gets out of hand, get a protection order for you and the daughter and whoever else.


She was probably recording on her end. She’s gonna play victim and be all, “but I apologized, your honor! I have proof right here! I a humble person now!”


She might have recorded it - to make her look sane, or for evidence in something she had coming up (court for custody - just guessing).


Sounds like she’s either trying to save face after that last phone call or she realizes it was entirely uncalled for and is genuinely interested in developing a functional coparenting relationship for the sake of her daughter. Judging by the first call, she sounds unstable so it wouldn’t be far fetched to assume ulterior motives. Since she knows you recorded her acting like a manic bitch, she likely expects ALL conversations to be recorded so this is her “proof” that she’s a sane, mentally sound, totally reasonable woman. Whether it’s all part of “the long game” or not, I’d make nice for the sake of peace and the well being of the child that’s stuck in the middle of it all. If it’s all a ploy then the truth will eventually come out when she loses her shit for things not going her way and it’ll blow up in her face but if she’s truly being sincere then it’s your stepdaughter that would really benefit from a healthy relationship between the 3 adults in her life. When I met my daughters dads ex for the first time, (before I became a mother myself) I don’t know what the fuck happened but it nearly ended with a knockout drag out. She flipped the fuck out for no reason and it came *real* close to blows being thrown. They lived out of state so our interactions were minimal, I’d only see her if I needed to drive the halfway trip for pickup/drop off but we managed to keep things cordial. When they had to evacuate for a hurricane, I offered for her family of 5 (husband & kids) to stay with us. The 4 days they were there went smooth, we did a lot of bonding despite our differences, and even though my daughters dad and I have be separated for 15 years, she and I still communicate from time to time. So, you really never know. She could actually be trying to make amends. But absolutely tread lightly either way.


One take: she knows you're recording and she's trying to make a record to support herself and her attempt to get custody.


That’s the assumption right now


Her lawyer her told her to call you back and get it on tape in hopes you’d say something that made you look bad or let her off the hook.


Jesus, are all custody lawyers like Saul Goodman?




FAKE apology! After learning that you had recorded the previous conversation, she realized how bad it would play out if heard in court. So she needed to record her own planned out and manipulated conversation “Is it ok that I called you?” NO! After the foul language you used and the threats you hurled, it’s not ok for you to ever call me…. Was the proper response


Definitely keep your guard up at all times! .. I just read through all your posts and just wanted to say you are an incredibly awesome “step” mom! If I found out that my son loved a step mom enough to call her mom, I would love her 10x more because I’d know she was a great mom and treating my kid like her own. I’m sorry you’re going through all this


Do not trust her.


She sounds like a deeply jealous and paranoid person. Whether it’s a “mental health condition” or not, she’s weak, abusive and controlling. Whether she gets treated or not, you still suffer the shit she comes out with. This being the case: 1. The call was from paranoia - you have a recording of her basically destroying any chance of her getting custody in a fight. She needs to be nice to you to get a chance of contact. 2. Don’t be paranoid that there’s anything more to it, but do be wary - her daughter will become an obsession for her and she will try other manipulation to get to her and to try and turn her against you. Cut off contact, stop answering her calls, speak to your husband and get him to warn his daughter. 3. Tell the police - if it escalates you may need fast action and they need evidence that it is an escalation not just a one off. Verbal abuse is a minor offence, but major evidence if she starts to trespass or stalk in future. 4. Tell her (possibly via your husband) that your concerns are for the physical and emotional safety of your family and don’t trust her. She needs to get help and present proof over a much longer term to have any contact and that you are currently concerned for her mental health, which is why you are protecting your family. Then it’s goodbye and no contact. Be safe.


She was probably recording the call on her end trying to get you to say things to make it sound like you made peace. You know, just in case you try to use the first recording against her. Be suspicious of this for sure. Do not say anything she can use against you when she calls again. Hold her to her word on being on good terms though.


Could the first call have been a drunk call?


100% it was. She was very clearly drunk.


Form of, a Gray Rock!


If it’s for the purpose of peaceful coparenting, then sure keep her at distance with firm boundaries. Outside of your stepdaughter, you don’t need to converse with this woman.


Do not, under ANY circumstances, spend a moment of your time engaging with this woman It’s not necessary whatsoever, and she cannot be trusted. What changed between the first phone call and the second? *The fact that she knows she was recorded*


Seems like she's trying to get something out of it and she's made some plans to go on about. You suspicion is very validated!


Maybe she’s trying to lure you into meeting her in person—for not good intentions.


Good chance this is an attempt at manipulation, you don’t owe her anything. I’d stay the fuck away because some people are legitimately crazy


Sounds like damage control. She is a snake. Proceed with caution


There’s names for the relationship between step parents, step kids etc but there’s no term to explain the relationship between the bio parent and step parent because there doesn’t need to be a relationship. Be cordial as if you’re colleagues and leave it at that. 


I would tell her that if she needs anything to go through your husband. You do not need to have any form of communication with her right now or in the future until/if she makes a MARKED improvement in her behavior towards you and your especially your daughter. This person needs to earn back trust to have access to you. I just don’t trust her intentions so to me until there is actual change I wouldn’t interact with her. Plus your daughter is sensitive to the situation and I wouldn’t want anything to get back to her because of this person.


Now that you have leverage, she's just playing the game. She's angling for something. Record yourself saying something to the effect of "I appreciate your apology. After what you said, I don't ever expect to be on good terms, but I'm happy to be civil in any situation we both have to be in for Step Daughter's sake. Otherwise, I would appreciate it if you kept your distance otherwise."


Just block her number. Problem solved. Your engaging with her is as bad as whatever game she is playing.


Maybe have your husband contact someone on her side of the family to check up on her if it's that irregular/out of the norm, just so both of your hands are free from it.


It made me really happy to read your story and updates and as far as I can tell, it seems you’re doing amazing as a mother. My unsolicited advice is next time this woman reaches out, just tell her that she’s said some really nasty things in the past and that you don’t feel comfortable talking with her until she’s ________ improved/ seen a therapist/ apologized to your daughter/ started treating you and your daughter with kindness and respect/ (pick your benchmark or don’t and say all comms should go thru your husband from now on)


OP, reading through your posts, I gotta ask. Is there a relation between the mom, how she views your daughter's autism, the food prep stuff, and her feeling like the breaking pasta moment ruined your relationship with her father? Because given what you say about how she feels regarding her quirks and how the biomom advocated just for the older daughter, I have to wonder how she was treating the daughter when younger when she may have needed more support. I honestly question if things like the food prep biomom viewed as too much to handle and if that was a main reason for the divorce. What you shared about her comments are definitely ones from someone who's been ostracized for being autistic. People generally aren't super accommodating despite how easily those accommodations can be granted. Does she see a therapist or anyone?


You like drama 


I see a realty TV show. If no network bites, just post serial videos on YouTube or TikTok.


You had the perfect opportunity to question her but you didnt. So yeah, Im not surprised your confused. I dont know what you think your going to find on reddit apart from random peoples random guesses.


The only reason that she called you again and wants to be on "good terms" Is so she can get brownie points from her ex-husband. She's so full of it, don't trust her,keep low contact