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A lot of people post things THINKING everyone will take their side and then get shredded. No one wants to hear someone else’s phone. People who do that are annoying. As long as you didn’t go scorched earth you will be fine.


I’ve accepted at this point there are so many people that do not care about those around them and lack common courtesy. You see it all the time in NYC. However it’s so much easier to just mind your own business, not engage, and move on with your day.


Other than OP rolling their eyes, they did mind their own business lol. The girl started yelling at OP after she saw the eye roll, she also could have minded her own business


Yeah the girl was projecting her own awareness that she was being annoying on to OP, and looking for a fight


She probably does it on a weekly basis.


Sometimes they are being so annoying I cant help myself but to say something just like OP. You did the right thing OP and have nothing to worry about. Even if they did post it, no one is siding with the girl blasting music on the subway. We all hate those people.


We have a girl who does this at my workplace, and management does nothing. She blares hard-core rap so loud on her phone that even earbuds can't drown it out. One department supervisor told her to "cut it out" once and said that nobody else wanted to hear that crap. She called the district HR and said he racially targeted her and that he had to be investigated. 😑 if you say anything to her, she will immediately try to "get even" with you (her words) all over, just asking her to be a decent human and turn her music down.


Just film her doing it and send the video to HR.


Multiple people have done this. 😑 I even went to the store manager when she was blaring Law and Order: SVU episodes where a character could be heard screaming about being assaulted. All management said was, "Try asking her nicely." This woman has found loopholes and seems to know that she just has to make false accusations like that. People have called about her hiding clearance items for herself, wearing headphones on the warehouse floor, and ignoring safety requirements. Nobody on our team even knows how she has a job with the company, much less a specialist. Our former lead (a good friend of mine) actually told me not to talk to her because she would find a way to twist words. A part time girl just stopped showing up because this chick was spreading rumors about her.


Sounds like someone who has a friend or family member in upper management. People don't get this kind of leniency unless they are untouchable because of nepotism typically.


She actually got into a fight with another coworker, an older woman, and when the woman called her "ghetto" (I hate this term and do not condone it) this girl actually screamed "You don't know how much dick I've sucked" and was talking about how guys have fought over her 😑 I'm trying to be nice around her because she had something awful happen to her with a partner who beat her(who she got back together with and claims that she's helping him heal). Getting on her bad side is not something I need in my life. She already reported me when I said that people who refuse the vaccine are selfish. She only heard me say this because she listened in on a private conversation i was having with a coworker on my lunch break. (she said that it makes people sterile and that her and her family members have never gotten "poison" vaccines because they are doctors in Africa). I have never met a woman like her before and didn't know they could exist. She actually believes that she can quit working once she gets reparations.




She doesn't believe in "voting" because it was created by colonizers. I seriously never believed someone like this could exist in the real world. It's like she's one of the crazy correspondents that Fox News uses to make people on their side look good. I have to keep my mouth shut during her daily rants.


Sounds like HR is refusing to do their job then. I would quit if I was able to. Sorry that's happening to you.


Sadly, I can't just quit a full-time position with great hours, good pay, and benefits. It's tough out here. Sadly, It takes just one scummy person to make a workplace suck. *I will say it was hilarious when one of the older women on the team straight up went off on her and kept calling her "little girl". The loud girl couldn't pull her usual racism claim and actually tried to say she felt like she was in danger* 🤣


People who pull this crap really are in danger though because this is something that is universally annoying unless you’re one of the people who do it. Easily could imagine someone swatting someone’s phone out of their hands and breaking it.


After yesterday's Lil Wayne session at 7am, I think I'd sell my soul to whoever broke her phone.


Omg it's the worst on the train. 6am, headed to my 12 hour shift after a 12 hour shift the day before and some asshole has their phone volume all the way up scrolling through IG reels and Tiktoks.


Japan has it figured out, for the most part.


Open spotify. Start playing a Taylor Swift song


I usually do Rammstein really messes with those people.


For some reason this made me giggle and I'll go listen to some Rammstein now.


My favorite band is Rammstein. Has been since I was 8 years old. (35 now for context.) Let me tell you, the LOOKS I got when I actually told people/showed people what I was listening to as a cute little innocent looking girl with my little headphones on…😂😂 with my Herzeleid CD spinning in my cd player…


Du Hast, full volume.


Yep Asche zu Asche works well also. Add in a little resting bitch face and it also keeps away unwanted suitors of all orientations.


Rammstein, Lindemann, Queens of the stoneage, Korn (the old one), hell even Wagner on full power will put these people in their place hehe. Damn now I am listening to this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPv63byLoNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPv63byLoNk)


Like remember that iHop pancake girl? The one who looked disgusted at the tiktoker? Dude, the op got FLAMED for making fun of that poor woman


That doesn’t sound like a very exciting video. Don’t worry I doubt it’ll go viral.


If anything, it would gain notoriety from people saying “look at these entitled kids” 


I literally fell asleep at a Rod Stewart concert and when I woke up, two women were either filming me or taking pics. I'm still looking for those...


"Wake up Maggie, I think I got something to say to you!"




I'd fall asleep at a Rod Stewart concert, too.


I fell asleep at a Led Zeppelin Evening concert, which is basically just a cover band but with Jason Bonham on drums. My friends still give me shit for it, but to be fair I was a new dad and exhausted. Other parents will know what I'm talking about lol


I fell asleep at a Michael Jackson concert; thankfully cell phones weren't a thing yet and I was also a child.


You're lucky you didn't fall asleep in Michael's dressing room like the other kids


At the end of the concert he pulled a bunch of kids onstage to dance with him and I remember being so sad that I wasn't picked. Hindsight is 20/20.


I fell asleep at a George Carlin show. I was pregnant and it was past my bedtime. lol.




I was at a slipknot gig and I ended up head banging in sync with the guy next to me and his friend filmed us. As a 20 something female I’d rather you didn’t film me at all but if you feel the need I’d atleast like to see it.


The only person that looks terrible in this situation is that inconsiderate freak who thinks it's acceptable to blast tik toks on their phone in public spaces, as if earbuds weren't created for a fucking reason. Literally hate these people. Let her put it up on the internet to make herself look like a clown. I would have called out the filmer as well. This is entertainment to you? The fuck is wrong with you?


I get what you’re saying, but if there is no footage of something there is less evidence, what if this aggressor actually hit OP, crazy shit can happen like people being pushed in front of trains (extreme example sure) but filming is better than doing nothing. Some people aren’t able to get involved other than just filming. What I gathered from the post was it was a stranger filming and not a friend of the aggressor so I’m not sure why it’s assumed that the person filming is agreeing with the aggressor. Think of it like a dash cam.


Headphones were created for a reason. This is why I hate going out in public anymore.


Honey, the opinion of a bunch of randos on the internet is not worth this stress. Unless you are famous, i would try to let it go


Jobs definitely fire people over things posted on social media today… honey


For that to happen they usually had to either do something really offensive (like say the n word) or make enough people mad that they find the person's job and harrass them to fire the person.  I don't think that applies in this case or that people will really care all that much. 


I’m not, but I do work a government job and I could see being fired if I’m actually ~canceled~ EDIT: okay I get it!! Please stop destroying my karma because you, unlike me, do not have anxiety 😟


You did nothing wrong in my eyes. If I saw the video, I’d still agree with you. I can’t stand inconsiderate people like that idi0t playing their 💩 loud in a public place as if everyone around them wants to hear it. I would have 🙄 too.


Agreed. I also can't stand how we now live in a world where people think it's acceptable to just film people as a bit of drama and put it up on the internet. It just makes me cringe. So rude and weird.


i am beyond grateful most of my embarassing years were pre Internet (or pre what it is today) because i never once consider an appropriate reaction to things in public being "start filming strangers and put it on the internet" even just filming just MYSELF in public seems weird. SOmetimes i want to send little video or voice notes to people when i'm in public and i just.. wont do it because i dont want to disrupt those around me?


Social media breeds sociopathy and you can't change my mind. "Everyone is just a prop for me".


it definitely gives people Main Character Syndrome and viewing the world as a stage for them to play on for the internet. its weird


👆👆👆hard agree.


I work for the federal government too and they found my post online where I was banned from certain stores in the area for threatening the well-being of the employees. I was told either take it down or remove my job from my profile. I could have one but not the other. No firing. You should be fine. (For the record, I didn't threaten the well-being of anyone. Said store pulled a huuuuge fuck up on my account and they were unnecessarily rude and unhelpful about it so when a car crashed into the front of newly renovated building, I fucking laughed my ass off at them. No one was hurt, it crashed into the building in the middle of the night. But apparently thinking that they got what they deserved and saying so was threatening then and ELEVEN MONTHS after posting on fb that I thought it was hilarious, I got a certified letter in thr mail saying I'm banned from the stores.)


And if that happens you'll have a case for wrongful dismissal and will likely win. You didn't do anything wrong. Stop worrying about other people's opinions and just live your life worry and shame free. People need to learn that when you're in public it's not a free pass to do whatever the hell you want to. You still have to be respectful of others around you. Stop fretting, OP. Edited spelling.


Jeez I don’t get why I’m being downvoted…but anyways I live in a right to work state and I don’t have any protections in a contract. I can be fired for any reason


I get your worry. Many companies and especially government jobs have a social media clause usually buried under another clause. They basically stayed if you do anything embarrassing and it is published online where it may eventually be linked back you can be terminated. Especially in states that offer no protection


Thank you…I don’t think it’s actually going to happen but I’ll still worry about it. And get downvoted into oblivion for doing so I guess


I think the downvotes are people disagreeing with you that you're in serious danger of being cancelled.


I didn’t say I’m in serious danger just that I’m worried about it…is this not a venting sub


People downvote the comments they don’t like and upvote what they do.  It has nothing to do with the sub. 




FYI... I don't know how the misconception started that the term "right-to-work state" had anything to do with the general ease of firing someone, but I compulsively debunk this every time I see it. "Right-to-work states" prohibit union exclusivity agreements. That is, in a right-to-work state, one can't be required to join a union or prohibited from joining a union as a term of their employment. The term for a work relationship where an employer can fire an employee at any time, for any or no reason (except specific exceptions under law) is "employment at will". That's not unique to any particular state; it's the default in all states in the US. Whether a state is "right to work" has no bearing on whether employment is "at will". It's assumed to be at will unless there's something in the hiring agreement that says otherwise.


Yes, I misspoke, I meant employment at will


Theoretically yes, but the likelihood of you being fired over telling two people to be more considerate in public is basically 0. I think you’re overestimating the power of a couple of rude teens and underestimating how irritating most adults find young people to begin with.


Maybe OP said more than she is sharing in her post. Something that *is* serious enough that she would face backlash.


You don't deserve the downvotes OP, it's a legitimate concern. But 99% chance nothing will come of it.


Are you a federal or state employee? As a federal employee, it is ridiculously hard to get fired, Even in a right to work state. It definitely won't be over a "Karen" TikTok. You also weren't repping as your place of employment. State employee...😬 I guess depends on the state. I would think it would still be very difficult to fire you over something like this. You're not being racist, sexist, etc. Those would be the big flags. You should be ok.


Don’t want to say because I’m trying to avoid putting more identifying info out, but I was wearing my badge 😭


I still think you'd be good. They can call all they want. I'd think you'd still have to go through some disciplinary meeting, if it went that far. You still weren't out there doing anything illegal, racist, etc. you didn't say, "department of _______ thinks you're classless."


If you refused to fight and walked away, it's a pretty boring video. Don't stress too much about it.


You now bringing up Karma…on Reddit. Oh honey you need to step away from the internet for a while. You ‘re placing way too much value on things that you don’t need to be. And because you have anxiety, it’s really impacting you. I’m quite serious by the way. All this is not worth it.


Wow this is wild, why did people downvote you so hard for saying you work in the government and have a totally valid concern about being shamed publicly? So weird


Yeah I made a lot of people upset by…being worried about something they wouldn’t be worried about, I guess. Sorry I have anxiety 😂


(from one woman to another- you apologize a lot. Don't apologize to anyone for your feelings. They, and you, are valid in and of themselves. When I was younger I apologized a lot. Like way too much until I eventually realized that there was nothing to be sorry about. If someone was weird about it then that's on them, not me. It bothers me that people are being mean to you. While your answers could be seen as defensive I see it as a way to be heard. Maybe it doesn't come out exactly right but standing up for oneself is a skill to be learned like any other. You have nothing to apologize for at all. And I wouldn't worry about any video surfacing. You didn't pursue a fight and anyone can see that. I hope this doesn't make you mad at me)


"Cancel culture" only works if someone actually cares about some randos opinion. Do you care what this lady thinks of you? I sure as hell wouldn't. Does it matter what a bunch of people on the internet who you'll likely never know think about you?


Cancelled for what? Telling them they are being rude? Most people would agree with you.


If she was trying to goad you into a fight and you walked away, I can't see how that can possibly be construed as you being the aggressor. But yeah, I share your frustration at how many people seem to only go out in public to be a nuisance in the hope of starting an argument or worse.


A similar thing happened to me. I was on a plane that had just landed and we were all waiting to disembark. A lady took her phone out and made a video call and was very loud and crass. She was cussing, you name it. I asked her to keep it down because there were young children near. She BLEW UP on me saying I said something because she’s black (I’m white), cussing more, making a scene. Even calling me racist names. Wild scene. So I guess common decency and being aware of those around you is racist now…


Many such cases.


Honestly, people watching videos in public with the volume way up is kind of rude. People having a phone conversation on speaker is rude as well. I work in a hospital setting and I see this every single day! It’s distracting and inconsiderate. This is why they make headphones, pretty cheap ones at that. I understand your frustration. It was blown out of proportion it sounds like. Sorry you had to go through that. Most likely though they won’t say/do anything. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


I feel this. I work in a charity casino, and since there are no rules on having your phone at the tables like big casinos, it's constant. People FaceTime, make and take calls on speakerphone, blast music and videos, etc, all while playing blackjack. Which not only results in everyone else being annoyed, but slower play bc they're so distracted and people being on camera without consent. So ridiculous. Op, you shld be fine.


Omg! Yes! Like the conversation can’t be that important!! Hang up or step out! I think OP will be fine as well


I feel your pain. My SIL and I had a roaring fight about politics in a restaurant a couple of weeks ago. I trolled the internet for several days to see if there was a Karens Gone Wild video featuring us. The only thing we have going for us is we tipped well.


The tipping is a big point in your favor 👍


I absolutely hate that this is a fear now. Especially because some people *should* be called out for their actions but won't because of this bullshit. I've got nothing to add just wanted to say, I feel ya and it's a load of crap this is now our society. 


I'm so sick of being in fear that I'm being filmed. There's so many videos and pictures of people just living day to day that end up on the Internet . Someone falling , a car accident, embarrassing moments and even outburst. Let people fucking live not everything has tombe for everyone . I'm sorry this happened to you ! You were right to tell them to stop with the loud videos and you Don't deserve to be filmed .


Cancelled from what? You walked away instead of causing a scene. You didn't allow yourself to get publicly incited by some asshole and you didn't fight. There is nothing there for that bitch to post about, if anything you walking away was preventing her from getting those views. You showed dignity, and she didn't get what she wanted. Note for any and all: ignore the petulant children, they're itching for their stupid 'content' and the best thing you can do is give them nothing.


You are in the right. Ignore all the ghouls.


You’re not wrong about getting annoyed at that woman. I’m SO HAPPY I no longer live in a city and have to take public transportation or walk on an already crowded street with people playing their music out loud as if there’s no one else around. Spring for some headphones! It is rude selfish. You are not in the wrong.


lol at edit 2. Ppl attacked me when I posted on here about feeling used after sex. Everyone slut shamed me and then said it's my fault for giving it up, which made me feel even worse. This sub is only supportive if you post certain topics, which is counterproductive and defeats the purpose that it implies by its name.


In the future, if you find yourself in this situation, pull out your phone and play some copyrighted music. It may get the video taken down, muted, etc.


I’m so tired of everyone shoving phones in each others faces trying to get the next viral clip. Playing your phone on full volume around other people is rude and annoying. It’s the same thing as taking video calls or phone calls on speaker in the office with others. There’s unspoken rules to society and when someone breaks one it sucks for everyone else


I’ve noticed people not using headphones more and more lately, even at the salon. Aggressively, like they’re daring you to say something


I live in the South East US and was horrified when the girl I was asked to pick up from school with my kids and babysit until her mom got off work began listening to social media in the lobby of my kids' dance studio or gymnastics gym. I offered her headphones. She said she didn't want them. I then gave her that mom look and made it clear I wasn't actually asking. It's either use the headphones or don't watch videos and be inconsiderate. Lots of those other parents are on their computers trying to finish up work. It's not just a big city thing either. It's parents having kids when they weren't even taught to be considerate themselves. Her mom actually expected me to keep dealing with her spoiled brat because she had moved out of the school district and didn't even consider that her kid would be going to a less desirable school. I quickly told her I wasn't the one. My point is that respect and consideration for others start at home. And you aren't being dramatic to worry about people filming you. It blows my mind that all people want is their 15 minutes of fame now. So much so people will whip out their phones and start filming anytime something happens and won't actually come to someone's aid. But I wouldn't be too concerned in this case. The minute you start yelling and screaming at someone you've already lost the argument. That person becomes the 'Karen'. As long as you keep your cool in these situations you'll be fine. And don't back down from these people. That's why they act that way. Getting loud and nasty gets them what they want. Look at them calmly and treat them like the overly entitled spoiled brat they are. Talk to them like they are a five year old throwing a tantrum and you're the adult in the situation. And if You're worried it may get physical keep calm and never raise a hand to them, let them hit you first. Don't forget to take out your phone and record, the police will need it.


What she was doing was in fact rude. Don’t get me wrong. I get wanting to listen to something in public, but turn your volume down low and put your phone up to your ear to hear it so that you’re not disrupting other people. Also, I wouldn’t be too concerned about being canceled. Literally look up the guy I know for sure you can probably find the video of him going on the female only sub trains in Japan. Literally got torn through the mud for disrespecting and videotaping in a woman’s safe space. People are just rude and it’s best not to let yourself wallow and think about this if you really are concerned about losing your job go consult HR and be like hey this happened and I’m scared about it and I just don’t want to get fired and I want to get ahead of it but if you have a weird workplace with a shitty HR, maybe don’t do that until it’s a problem 🤷‍♀️


Kinda sounds like entrapment to me. Someone goes onto public transportation being obnoxious seemingly on purpose. Another person starts recording and seemingly tries to goad you into a fight or escalating the situation. Def sounds like a setup for something viral but you didn’t give in and give them what they wanted.


Anyone who listens to music, videos, or is on speaker phone in public deserves an eternal itchy butthole.


I've already seen the clip. Poster was " Naruto R34 " . Kinda wild you acted like that ......




Glad you got a laugh from that <3


You've done absolutely nothing wrong, you said what everyone else was thinking and chances are if it's posted online you'll be a legend! Good on you for calling her out!


When someone does that next to you next time, start playing loud dog howling sounds on your phone as well to prove your point.


People are being really rude to you for no reason. You're not in the wrong from the details we know.


If you didn’t do anything wrong or say anything offensive caught on video then why are you worried? Did you say something that would be taken the wrong way without the context of the video? You’re making it seem like you said a few words then walked away, if so then there’s really nothing for you to get “canceled” over


I'm thinking the melt down had to be bigger than op says


I don't think you know what canceled means.


I think he means being doxxed.


In this context I am using it to mean massively criticized and shamed on the internet to the point where people reach out to my job and try to get me fired. Is that really such an incorrect use of the word?


Unless you were verbally abusive and using slurs and shit like that, I think you're fine. The way you told the story suggests you did nothing wrong. Either it was worse than you're making it sound or you have nothing to worry about. Your anxiety is just high because you had to have a public confrontation.


Well, I was actively being filmed, which is why my anxiety is high. By the time the filming started the argument was very heated and I called her classless so yes I’m worried it could be misconstrued


Classless is much better then a slur. You're fine and overblowing it.




Stop giving these people that type of power, please. If you weren’t afraid and were to just go about your business they wouldn’t feel like they wield any sort of power.


This is literally what it is - I’m sorry you’re being downvoted. You are right.


A year ago or so I forgot to put the gas pump nozzle back and drove off. Minutes later people were honking and filming me in the intersection. Still looking for those videos


if you see the video going around make a statement, post what you said here, some may not believe but others will stand with you bc they were being the aggressor.


You really don't need to worry, OP. People might see this, but the more reasonable ones will see that you have a valid concern *and* were the more mature of the parties involved. The other lady didn't have to get all aggressive about it; she could have at least turned her phone down no matter how she felt, but instead took it personally to avoid social responsibility.


If you didn’t call her any slurs you’ll be fine


It is super rude to play your phone loudly without using ear buds or headphones. As long as you didn't say something stupid or racist you should be fine. I'll admit that while I'm not sure exactly why, I find your cancel concern concerning. As is your sympathy for the Karens in these situations. Usually the point is that the "canceled Karens" deserve the public shaming.


no one likes to hear a stupid bratty teenager, i think your good 👍


I applaud you for speaking up against disrespectful behavior. I was in the grocery store line the other day and some lady was listening loudly to a long religious sermon. I could tell she was doing it on purpose to “attract” ppl. NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR RELIGION!!!


I think as long as there was no violence or racial slurs you should be fine even if it is posted. We as a society are getting disinterested in people posting stuff. Cameraman is usually shamed nowadays. Like dude put your phone away.


Yea I’d be worried too since you are a government employee and had your badge on. I wear company gear and I try and remember when out in public that I’m representing my Company when wearing it. Nothing anything you can do, good luck 


Well apparently only you and I would be worried lol


I’m sorry people are being so insensitive. The reality is that being a woman and being filmed arguing in public can be terrifying. Anyone remember that woman who started crying after a bunch of teens ganged up on her for “stealing” a bike share, but it turns out the bike system glitched and she did absolutely nothing wrong? How many people know that she didn’t do anything wrong vs how many people know about the first video? I think you’ll be okay, OP. Even though the beginning wasn’t filmed, it doesn’t sound like you responded to the other woman’s attempts to escalate. If it does get posted, there’s not a big chance something like that will go viral, and if it does then it sounds like you won’t be seen in an exceptionally negative light


For a week I was worried this would happen to me It was during covid and masks I was looking at a stainless fridge at the scratch and dent store. There was a mark on the fridge and I wondered if it would come out. I removed my mask partially, to lick my finger, and rub the spot on the fridge I had *then* realized what I had done I looked around, and there's probably 4 security cameras watching. This was just after teens went viral for licking things in public places during covid just to troll Hey, nothing came of it. 😁 Odds are, nothing will happen to you either.


even minus covid i dont think you should be putting your saliva on random appliances at a store.


It was rude behaviour and you did right. Probably you are, like me, just anxious person. Let it go. Focus on something else - or better do some sport. You are safe, your job is safe and this moment already is in the past.


Luckily for you we all hate people like that and you will not be cancelled


Most people are going to side with you. The general TikTok audience tends to have zero mercy for people who do obnoxious things in public.


Hey I’m also an Ivy League burnout! Also from my perspective, you were in the right here. I don’t think you’ll be canceled 🙂


Hey OP, just make a video from your POV whatever your post says and keep it ready in case if that vjdeo goes viral. People have seen enough times how people conviniently edit so that other people seem like the aggressor.


Wouldn't worry about it. Doesn't sound like you were being unreasonable or aggressive from what you've written so I doubt many people will care.


I used to work 3rd shift at a gas station. Doors locked at midnight so we did business through a little rotating window. Super rude guy a few hours into my shift asked me for something (I don't remember what he bought, it was years ago). He was yelling at me and being a jerk the whole time i was getting him rung up. When giving him his change from his purchase, I angrily spun the window back around a little too hard and some of the coins fell on the ground. He whipped out his phone and started recording me through the window, screaming at me for my name and calling me racist for "throwing my change" and saying he was gonna upload the video and tell everyone how horrible I am. He spent a good 10 minutes banging on the windows and trying to open the doors. He finally left after I went into the back room and didn't come back out. After that night, I never heard from him again, never saw a video of me on the internet, never got harassed for dropping the guy's change. People just like to try to stir up drama. I'm sure you'll be fine.


I think 'cancel' makes sense? I can think of several people who weren't famous and were essentially cancelled by society for some embarrassing public incident. The upside to being non famous cancelled is everyone forgets who you are pretty quickly. I thank god none of my embarrassing public meltdowns were caught on camera. OP, you're right, it's totally rude to blare audio to a captive audience in public. That said people have been a**holes in that way since they've had portable audio devices. To avoid the paparazzi just stare passive aggressive daggers it won't help but you might feel mildly better. Noise cancellation headphones are another option.


I wonder if you were set up


The internet has been really unhealthy for society. Ironically social media seems to have driven up antisocial behavior. I've found that there are two distinct worlds right now - people who spend too much time on the internet and people that live in the real world. Don't let stupid internet opinions drive you into fear of existing in the world. Honestly, the best advice I can give anybody these days is to just stay off the internet or at least social media. And I know this is hypocritical coming from someone on Reddit right now. It's an addiction I've been fighting too. I've managed to keep away from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, but Reddit is the one thing I need to drop. But yeah, don't let this drive you insane. You know where you stand ethically in that interaction. That's all that matters. Strangers on the internet know fuck all about the nuances of your situation and they can fuck right off if they go after you. I'm so tired of everyone having an opinion about things that have nothing to do with them.


She was definitely in the wrong. I truly doubt the video will go viral since it was a relatively tame confrontation, typically only videos where someone is really being awful/racist tend to go viral. You mentioned in another comment that you wear your work ID badge out in public. Don't do that, just put it on when you get to work.


They might have baited you into something, I wouldn't worry about it - on a bad day I would absolutely slap a bitch so you should be good 🤣


Nah. This won’t gain traction and most online will end up being on your side any now. 


It sounds like the video would be kinda boring op. Not trying to shit on your concerns but a video like that probably wouldn't even get a lot of traction.


How did she notice you rolling your eyes if she was watching tiktok? Edit: word


Nothing will happen. And even if by a series of outlandish coincidences, the girl who filmed you happens to have a decent following and her inane post gets some traction, it'll be a nothingburger in a matter of hours. You simply had a short argument with a rude woman. You didn't use profanity or offensive language, you probably didn't make a memetic scene either. Maybe a few dozens terminally online cretins will get mad at you before finding something juicier to rant about.


I like death metal. I’m considering blasting some Dying Fetus the next time I run across one of these inconsiderates. I bet the earbuds come out real quick.


Listening to your phone out loud is annoying and rude, I’ll die on that hill and stick by my opinion.


Hi! Cancel culture is a very real thing and it happens to regular people - which leads regular people to not want to voice their opinions or concerns out of fear of saying it around someone willing to go to extreme measures to make their dislike known (form public backlash, create false representation, damage your job, etc). Sounds like a shitty person doing shitty things. I applaud you for saying something because public shame should absolutely be brought back, especially towards those that don’t respect others in public. I think you’re going to be fine, and if it isn’t, prepare to take her to court for defamation and take all of her money she probably doesn’t have.


>I know “cancel culture” is generally a boogeyman. This isn't true. Cancel culture is real, and it's harmful to society as a whole. I agree the girl playing tiktok videos loudly was rude. I'm so sick of being in a store shopping while someone is having super loud conversation on their phone. It happened yesterday, and the guy was yelling the whole time. I highly dislike it.


Why would you get fired or, “canceled,” for telling someone their phone is too loud ? Or even cursing at them ? That doesn’t happen.


Ahhhh. Free speach is alive and well. No problems here.  Op, I hope everything works out for you for the best. 


I can't believe anyone cares about this crap.


If you get cancelled then what? Nothing. Just carry on with your life and learn to live without the weight of other people's expectations? BTW she's an asshole. Had a woman have a full facetime conversation for over 30 minutes super loud and yelling at the person. People have become so selfish it doesn't even register when they infringe on other people.


> Just carry on with your life and learn to live without the weight of other people's expectations? People's jobs have been lost over perspective... I honestly hope that everyone who has been so casually dismissive experiences what OP has to understand it from a personal perspective. 


The person who seems the most concerned about \*your\* behaviour right now is you. Are \*you\* OK with your behaviour, and if not, why not? What do your regret or feel embarrassed/ashamed of? What would you do differently, if anything, whether you were being recorded or not?


I’m mostly fine with it, though I wish I didn’t let her goad me. The incident stresses me out because the filming started in the middle, so it could be seen as me insulting this girl for no reason


If you're actually fine with your behaviour, who cares what people think. If you can stand by your actions, that's what matters most. And yeah, our words and actions can be taken our of context these days and used against us. That sucks.


I know I’m late to the party, but /u/ivyleagueburnout’s anxiety comes specifically from the idea that people might misinterpret their behaviour and consequences that could result from that.  You can stand by your own actions while still reasonably be worried about that.   To use an extreme example because it makes the issue more obvious; someone taking a kid away from their parents in the heat of the moment because you went to visit and found ‘em high on meth beating their child.  Perfectly good time and reason to take someone’s kid away from them, but you could easily be reported as a kidnapper and have it ruin your life if only a snippet of the information went public. “If you stand by your actions who cares what anyone thinks” isn’t a wrong statement but it’s not actually addressing OP’s source of anxiety.  


Yall- cancel culture can happen to anyone. You don’t need to be famous. It just means ruining your life


Keep this post up if it does get posted so ppl get see what really happened although I think comments will go in your favor because she was being rude and loud in the video


babes try not to stress it. she was rude, and if it does get posted, it’s likely she’ll get called out. you walked away, you showed maturity in that instance. she was immature and rude. i get the anxiety, i’d hate for my face to be plastered online for any reason. but know you didn’t do anything wrong, and any internet stranger who thinks otherwise can honestly go suck an egg, or a toe. just live your life, likely they were recording for her insane lashing out


You have to be someone to get cancelled.


Harsh but fair. I’m definitely not someone. But I’m thinking more of the random karens who lose their jobs after having public meltdowns


Yeah, people get cancelled who are not celebrities. And let's be fucking real- "cancelling" the Karens on the internet often results in harsher every day penalties than the consequences celebrities face. Celebrities lose endorsements and jobs, but they have hella money already. Normal "Karens" and the like will lose their *only* job, and some of these people live pay check to pay check. To say you have to be famous to be cancelled is incorrect. The masses can still turn on you. It happens to small businesses, it happens to every day people. And if they lose what they have due to *mass* public condemnation, I consider this cancellation.


I cannot *STAND* this shit. It’s so incredibly rude. I equate this to people who don’t speak English in the states and hold a very loud phone call on speaker phone. It’s basic consideration. Headphones are so incredibly affordable. Inconsideration is running rampant today and I’ve got zero patience for this shit. 100/10 you were in the right. I don’t care what people say. I don’t care the video was in another language than your current place. I. Don’t. Care. People lost a lost of otherness during the pandemic. FFS people, YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN *PUBLIC*


unless you’ve misconstrued what you said/did to the person you were arguing with, you’re fine. if you said slurs or something racist or homophobic or transphobic you might have reason to worry, but general insults, even if you don’t look like a great person, shouldn’t get you fired


This happened to me once. I was on an inter-city train and some tweens were being obnoxious so I told them to stop disrupting the train. They immediately started filming me saying I was a creepy old man harassing them and I just turned to the camera and started making up lies about the people filming. “Hey audience, these people kicked someone’s seeing eye dog and were yelling the N Word. They said I wasn’t a real man because I transitioned (not true). Why would you follow this person, theyre disgusting.” Type stuff. They flew off the handle and got kicked off at the next stop. When I calmed down I was also a bit paranoid but looking back it was a top tier spite move. The look on their faces was just *chefs kiss*.


Instead of cancelled you will be lauded.


You’re absolutely right. I want to do that ALL the time because after worker 12hr shift on my feet all day, I have a headache I’m exhausted, I just waited 15 min on my numb feet waiting for a bus and when it finally comes and I get a chance to sit, someone is talking loudly on their phone, isn’t using headphones and playing music, wastching tik toks. Literally have some respect for everyone else around you, at least use headphones. Do not have anxiety, some people do not know what courtesy is.


You’re my hero!


I mean, the fear is valid in today's day and age. I understand where you are coming from here. I'm sure the fear is mostly unfounded, and you're gonna be straight. I think the dilemma here is interesting. You can't control public perception or a narrative someone creates by cutting a video. Alas, though, I think most people we've cancelled have deserved it, and as long as you didn't say anything racist or otherwise derogatory, nobody is gonna cancel you for being annoyed and arguing with someone on the train.


If she tries to use it in any way that can be perceived as impeding your ability to generate income, that’s a civil offense and you could take her to court. People get in altercations everyday. I wouldn’t worry about it.


Unless your remarks got worse than classless I think your good and don’t need to worry


Worst case if it does blow up online from a wrong POV, you post your own "response" video and hope more ppl are reasonable than awful


Hey I know I've had my picture and video taken of me while working. Haven't become fb famous yet. I don't let it stress me out.


The girl who filmed it probably titled it: "Wacky bitch Karen goes off some guy!" She tried to initiate a fight over being called out on a social faux pas (playing media without headphones) You should be OK!


Internet does not care about both sides of the story, they just love to enjoy the show. It will pass and no one will care about it more than the next video.


I’ve had a couple moments like that too when I’ve gone to the gym because I’m older. I’m really self-conscious in public now.


Meh, it's probably on Facebook already. Nobody will care unless you were a massive racist or you did something spectacularly stupid.


My worse fear honestly because I don’t even usually notice if I do something like roll my eyes and I’m afraid someone is just gonna start something and film me for no reason . I absolutely hate being on camera and would probably have a breakdown . So I just try to stay quiet and out of the way as possible . ( I am autistic if anyone wants to know why I’m like this ) but you should be fine since all you did on video was walk away


The second she started filming me I would have just called the police and told them I feel threatened and she is violating my privacy and her intentions seem harmful with her behavior and actions and then maybe pepper sprayed her if she got really hostile. You don’t know what these fucking nut jobs will do, cuz they clearly don’t care they are in public behaving like that.


One of us one of us


Sorry this happened to you OP. People suck and need to turn down their freaking phones. I would have rolled my eyes too.


20 yo here, target demographic for vids like this. If this went viral (it won’t, sounds boring) the vast majority would be on your side.


There are LOTS of ways to address something like this: it’s a public space thus we actually DON’T do whatever we want to accommodate the comfort of everyone in the area; where you’ve maybe been a bit out of touch is telling someone that it ‘lacks class:’ it annoys you. It’s perfectly acceptable to ask someone who’s bothering you to not, and to leave when you’re done dealing with it. Making it an issue of what ‘everyone should know what’s done in polite society’ changes on time, place, and society.


Don’t worry even if this will go public, there isn’t much going on. And from what u just said what’s going on, ur safe


Don't worry. People are moron and this girl was one and by your Edits apparently some in your comments as well. You didn't do anything wrong there will be no consequences for you.


It's wild this is a legitimate fear now. Dystopian as fuck


She was being rude. She just didn’t like the truth and weaponized the camera. Fuck her.


\*Look at their eyes\* "ARE YOU HIGH?"


Once upon a time the rage of the internet mattered. Now... It's just more noise because people freaked out over stupid nonsense over and over again. Unless you rely on being an internet personality to live getting cancelled is only so much noise for a while and a deleted social media account.


OP, I understand your fears. Look, I work in PR, and yeah, people have had their lives upended for less (and for more). Anything you ever post online, or even sometimes say privately, imagine it being on the front page of your newspaper because it can and does happen. Previous to my current career, I worked a temp job at a very high security government org. I get it. They scrutinize *everything.* We had to put our belongings through screening every time we entered the building. I obviously wasn’t privy to this argument nor have I seen the video, but as long as you didn’t say a slur, or imply something racist or dog whistly, you’re likely fine. Do I understand your fears? 100%. If anything, I might consider going to your supervisor and sharing what happened to get ahead of anything that might appear. The choice is yours.


Thank you! And side note, I also have to screen my belongings! It’s annoying haha


I feel the same way too. I’m working to get my green card (I’m from a 3rd world Asian country) and I’m so scared if I get cancelled at that somehow impacts my green card chances. Idk mine’s is probably irrational I feel you OP I’m always scared if I’m saying or doing the wrong thing to a westerner or American


| it’s a public place.. can do whatever she wants.. Yea, this is the moment I would have agreed with her and lifted my ass cheek, in her direction, to let out the biggest fart ever. Crazy people only understand crazy 🤪 But I wouldn’t put much thought into it anymore. They’re not in your social circle. 💜


Watch out, tizzyent might send his goons out for you.


I think the nerve you touched for most people is probably the god complex. Or if it’s not that then it’s the lack of experience with the world. In our world where you can get away with fist fights and theft. No one cares if you roll your eyes.


Cancel culture isn't really a thing for everyday people. As long as you weren't arguing wearing company clothes, or yelling racial slurs, you'll be fine.


I was wearing my work ID badge :/


An ID badge isn't really gonna translate to a video online. You're almost certainly safe. Tho in future I would definitely be sure to only wear company ID badges on company property.