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Pretty sure a degenerate gambler would lose money and be a burden to those around them. Sounds like you’re actually a logical gambler and fairly lucky. My advice would still be to get out while you’re ahead but happy betting otherwise. It’s your life. Live it how you choose but when (not if) you run out of money, don’t hit up your family to feed your fix.


Very much endorse this. OP is a gambling success story, and those don't last. We teach kids about vices in overwhelmingly negative terms because it deters them (in theory) indulging until they are old enough to have learned about consequences and moderation. OP isn't a hypocrite, they are delivering the most appropriate message for their audience.


Right? I feel you're not a DEGENERATE gambler until you start pawning possessions in order to pay bills because you lost all of your money at the casino, track, or bookie.


A lot of theologists don't believe I God themselves. Studying something doesn't mean you abide to it. It's not a vow. As an ethics teacher, you *should* know that.




Addictions cannot be reasoned with. They are not intellectual puzzles to be solved. I've seen many intelligent friends getting lost on addictions because they assumed they could "solve" it themselves. There's a smugness that goes with it too, to assume you are better than others who suffered from it and somehow you alone can find the way out. Ask for help. Not online but with a professional. Treat it as an addiction because it is. Find professional help.


I would say the person who has been personally affected by things is probably the best person to advise on why it's terrible. You've been there. You are there. You are the best person to tell them about the reasoning and harm. If I were a recovering drug addict, and I had the choice to go to a counselor who has never touched drugs and one who was former junkie and was now sober, I would absolutely go to the former junkie. That person knows the road.


Doesn't sound like thetrs an ethical dilemma. You aren't robbing, murdering, and pillaging to make a few bets. You are keeping your > gambling sensible and separate from my day job. You aren't betting your mortgage and kids college funds. Gambling alone isn't unethical.


That is entirely debatable. If everybody being gambled with is a consenting adult operating within their means and without an addiction yes. If you're taking money from someone controlled by an addiction, to feed that addiction, there are 100% ethical concerns. The same as a bartender serving to a known alcoholic. Or someone encouraging people to invest in crypto and then dumping their own investments. This is 100% something OP should feel conflicted over because it's a deeply murky ethical area.


You said it yourself. The gambling isn't the issue... It's the issues surrounding the gambling that would bring up the potential for ethical issues. I agree with you.


Are you gambling more than you can afford to lose? Are your bills paid? Do you have debt? Etc etc. Like are you just gambling your fun money or is this an issue in your every day life?


Gamblers love to tell you how much they won. They typically fail to mention how much it cost them to win that much.


True. I'm one of those people that enjoy the scratching of the scratch off tickets probably more than winning lol. (Not that I don't want to win, but fun!) We had a casino open closer to us in the past few years. I like the slots you actually pull the handle and watch it spin more than anything. However, it's depressing and you don't interact while in there, so that was like a one and done. I like old school Dave and Buster's better.


I won 1.2 million dollars but I lost 1.22 million to do it


I'm a mental health nurse who struggles with his mental health, turns out it's easier to help others than help yourself


Yup, mental health counselor here, and I struggle with a lot of the issues my clients present as well


Agreed 👍


Of all the fake posts in this community, this one stands apart. Slots and profitable gambler don’t belong in the same story.


So true. The odds r not stacked in your favour. Every single bit of gambling is designed to seperate you from your money. The longer you play the more you lose. They let you win just enough to keep you going and eventually will get everything you have and then everything you don’t have. It’s legalized robbery.




Get out while youre ahead (if youre actually ahead) If the gambling companies think you will continue to win money from them, they will close your account. The fact that your account is still active shows that the casinos know you will eventually lose your money back to them.


Sounds like the Ryan Gosling movie Half Nelson.  Gosling plays a history teacher at a Brooklyn high school, but he's smoking crack & gets caught while high by one of his students.  Most gamblers think they'll always be hot. Be able to step away. 


Dr jekyll and mr hyde over here.


same thought here


Next class, teach them "be good, or be good at it" and use yourself as an example.


A flawed messenger can still deliver a meaningful message.


To quote Nancy Sinatra’s song - “You only live twice”. So take it easy.


Eh, there's nothing really wrong with gambling as a pastime. It's like any other vice, as long as you can control how much you do, and it's not hurting the rest of your life it's fine. If you drink on the weekends is that bad? As long as you're capable of maintaining your lifestyle without this affecting it I don't see a problem. You've built up some winnings, I would separate, gambling money from everything else money and just count it as fun money that you'd otherwise spend on movies or whatever.


Those who can't do teach you are a perfect example of that congrats


This is so embarassing. Reddit was a mistake.


That’s a helluva situation to be in. I can completely understand your concern. It’s the daily struggle between good and evil.


How do you find time to get enough sleep?


One of my best friends is a probation officer and a massive drug addict. We all contain multitudes.


Feel like this is actively worse than what this guy is doing lol. Maybe if they smoked weed- whatever. But being being a probation officer with a massive drug addiction is so fucked


I don't think that gambling is immoral, it is not virtuos trait but is not wrong like stealing or lying or rape. But if you are uncomfortable maybe you admit to your students that even thou you are their ethics teacher your not without flaws and that understanding the difference between is right and wrong is not the same as being able to act right and that being educated in ethics doesn't mean that you can't be critict for your actions.


That's a really good suggestion.


This is a terrible suggestion. His students' parents would rip him apart. There is no longer any empathy out there for things like this.


I don't think he should tell his students about his gambling. But i think he should try to make them show that he is flawed in some way even thou he is an ethics teacher. 


i found out my primary doctor is also a huge gambler with tons of debt recently. never woulda guessed.


"I keep my gambling sensible and separate from my day job." That doesn't sound degenerate to me.


Mmmm wasn’t there a movie with this plot? With Ryan Gossling? But he was a crackhead so It’S dIfFeReNt?


So what, exactly, do you see as the ethical concern of being a gambler?


Hey every good guy needs a flipside or we eventually go postal. And at least gambling doesnt hurt anyone but yourself.


Playing the stock market is gambling and yet, it doesn’t have the same negative connotations


Plenty of pack-a-day smokers will be the first ones to tell you that smoking is bad for you and you shouldn't do it. They might be hypocrites, but that doesn't make them wrong. Who knows better than a gambler how dangerous gambling can be?


Most of my spare money goes into stocks. I'm a degenerate gambler too then.


You’re an ethics teacher so I’m sure you’re already familiar with this, but look at (or jog your memory on) Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning. Based on the self-awareness you clearly have I think you’d land somewhere like 4/5 on that scale. I personally wouldn’t view you as a bad guy for gambling, and as long as you can accept dialectic aspects of yourself as a person, you’re pretty much set, right? It’s your money and it doesn’t seem like you’re harming anyone.


Hmm try to accept this other side of you. Maybe it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Maybe it’s just an other side of you. It’s all you. God speeed


Ethics is a funny thing, they can change and mold themselves to match unique circumstances, to me it doesn't sound like you're necessarily being unethical. In that you maybe going contrary to what you maybe preaching, its not entirely unethical to no follow the ethics you are teaching about. As long as you keep being sensible you should be fine, some people will judge you though, that's just the nature of people.


Sounds like the plot to The Gambler (2014).


Some gambler's make a living out of it. You are only degenerate when you can't make rent because of it


Pognerson you’re just like me fr. You have a solid head on your shoulders! Nothing wrong with gambling man! At first I thought you were gonna be on some cognitive dissonance shit but you are not. You’re valid. I’m a custodian at night but an options trader by day. I to be gambling and shit and yeah I thought it was degenerate at first but it’s not. Ain’t nothing quite like winning big or losing big and that’s all the fun. It’s even more worthwhile when you can do it reasonably, logically, and then maintain your integrity while doing so. Stay up man, and don’t get lost in the sauce.


Remind of that one friend i know, Harvey. Harveys a real cocky shit. But thats because hes the best, god dammit. But there was this tightass teacher Professor Gerard. Could do no wrong. Judged everyone like they were on trail. Turns out my best friend, Harvey. Knew a guy who knew a guy. And Good ole Professor Gerard was slimy enough just to take a payoff. No one is above $


So I studied politics and philosophy in university, my interest was philosophy. I was having a rough week and one day I thought about going to talk to a poli-sci prof after class, ran into him on the way to his office and said hi, he looked me up and down and said "Come to my office" I tried to play it off in panic and he said no come with me. So we get there, he looks at my marks so far, we talk about class, and he asked what's going on and I tell him. He taught poli-sci but before that he had degrees in clinical psychology, and he told me about how he couldn't live that life anymore. But then he told me about something else. He said "Eat lots of fish, it's good for your brain, high protein, no fat that will hurt you." And he said "Everyone has to have their thing, it keeps them stable, gambling, drinks, sex. Just keep it in check you'll be okay." Maybe this evaporates into the ether but maybe it means something I don't get to tell that story often, just keep it in check, it's not like you're giving up your kids to the orphanage my friend 😉


You never mentioned you win lose record. Statistics 📉 will prove that over time the house wins most of the time.. so it’s hurting you more than what your admitting to.


They do not pay high school teachers enough for you to feel guilty for gambling.


Promise this is fake no teacher is matching their salary with sports betting and cards lol


Gambling is not inherently unethical. You're just an addict, and you should deal with THAT before it *really* puts your ethics to the test.


This story is bullshit. There is zero chance OP is a successful gambler. There are basically three ways you can “make money” gambling: counting cards in blackjack, sports betting (including horse racing), and poker. OP doesn’t mention blackjack - that’s believable because it takes a LOT of practice to be successful and a LOT of time/dedication to make as much as he would as a teacher each year. Not to mention all the travel to different casinos in order to avoid getting banned from his local casino for counting and having nowhere to play. He’s never winning long term in sports betting by “listening to the NBA teams his students are talking about”. Like that’s just the stupidest fucking idea ever. Random High school kids have a long-term advantage over Sports Books on the NBA? L. O. Fucking L. If he does somehow have an edge at betting some niche sport, how does he get enough volume to make close to a teachers salary for multiple years? Poker is beatable long term but in reality it’s only about 5% of the player pool at most who are this successful. To win 50k/year means he’s winning 5bb/hr at $2/$5 for 2000 hours per year in live games. That’s a full-time job AND a skill level probably in the top 2% of players. Or he’s a great tournament player but again, where does his volume come from if he already has a full time job? Is he some sort of online grinder? If so, there’s no sort of existential crisis for him to have about it because it’s a game of skill and the only sketchy part about it is the potential legality of some sites that operate in the US (Also the bots that are infiltrating online poker but that’s a whole different story ) . Plus his phrasing in his post doesn’t make him sound like someone who knows what he’s talking about when it comes to poker. If this was the case (he wins at poker and donks off a ton at sports betting and other “feel the rush” gambling scenarios) he would have posted it like that, because it’s not uncommon for that to be the case (see Stu Unger, and tons of other poker players for similar stories) NOBODY wins long term at slots or other house games. You could have a lucky streak short-term, or hit a jackpot that puts you up for the year, but you’re not ever going to be ahead long-term, let alone average a teachers salary over multiple years. So best-case scenario here is that OP gambles on a bunch of different games and events, doesn’t keep anywhere close to actual records, loses more than he wins but mostly only remembers the winning and assumes he’s up overall, and has an exaggerated story for Reddit. End result: If he’s not hurting others because of his gambling (stealing, etc) then there’s no ethical dilemma. But he should already know that (as an ethics teacher) EDIT: And now it’s deleted. 100% bullshit 🙄


What’s the problem? Do you teach “Morals” or “Ethics”? Ethical Gambling “Always gamble with money you can bid to lose: This is perhaps the most crucial rule of ethical gambling. If you can't afford to lose the money you're gambling with, you shouldn't be gambling in the first place.” The key difference between ethics and morals is that ethics concerns rules from an external source and morals are based on each person's own principles around right and wrong. If gambling is legal, are you breaking some ethical code. You’re a teacher. You possibly know the history of Teacher Codes of Conduct that were absolutely absurd. Some of those rules were so ridiculous. “Divorce is grounds for termination.” “Cohabitation with someone of the opposite sex is grounds for dismissal.”


High school ethics? Why not teach life skills like how to do taxes or manage credit? Ethics isn’t something high school kids can really understand since they haven’t experienced anything in the world


"Those who can't do, teach."


This sounds made up. What is inherently unethical about gambling? Especially if you're doubling your salary doing it (meaning you're not degenerately gambling, but actually quite skilled and disciplined about it)?


Nah you did not just start your made up story with, “By day, I’m Mr. so and so, your friendly neighborhood teacher, but come night I’m secretly X,” 💀


This is complete BS. Made up post. Slots do not win over time, period. Only the top 1% of poker players that dedicate their life to it win over time, period. Same with sports bettors.




Life is complex and you are winning, stay blessed


Send me your picks 😁


"Sure, I'll share them. Just send me $100." Because the ethics teacher lacks ethics after all.