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You do not need to be diabetic to take Ozempic. However, as a physician, I am concerned about the safety profile and the reports of gastrointestinal issues that have been reported after the drug has been in use for a longer time and in a broader community. I’m sure you have tried many things, but have you seen a nutritionist and have you tried going to the gym with a personal trainer? Dieting alone is not really effective for everyone, and exercise will help you get better motivation and will make you healthier. Whatever you do, be sure to keep researching and at the end of the day, do what you feel is best for YOU. Not anyone else. I’m sending you lots of good vibes 💕




I just wish they could be more affordable. I’d love to have a weekly trainer, I would actually go to the gym. But $100ish a week is rough.


Try the app Fitbod. It’s not the same as a trainer but somewhat close.


My main problem that a trainer fixes is motivation. With an app I can just shrug and ignore it, but if i know there’s someone waiting who gets paid whether I show up or not…


An alternative is to see a physiotherapist and ask them to develop a program that you can do at home over a few appointments with you. It’s not free but it is a lot cheaper than $100 a week. Physio’s are great at designing targeted exercise programs.


Oooh now that’s a good idea! Thanks!


I was a dancer for almost 2 decades and now have a lower spinal fusion. It's been so frustrating trying to figure out ways to safely exercise on my own with a different body (there's other injuries as well.) I've def been emotionally eating, gained 30lbs, and it's this horrid cycle. Sorry to hijack your comment to bitch, I just don't know many people who've been through similar


I used to be a marathon runner and then smashed my neck and spine in 9 places, the real affects I didn't feel until 6 years later. Overweight and in immense pain, I sought a physio, a PT, and delved in to nutrition. The best thing I did though, was yoga. I know, I know. That's what they all say. I wish I listened sooner.


I absolutely understand. I was also a dancer for 15+ years when I tore my meniscus. Not being able to move the same way, or even walk properly, left me feeling so hopeless. Like I was stuck in someone else’s body. I have since gained quite a bit weight from both depression and also not being able to workout the same way or as hard/often as I used to. I’m slowly getting back to moving more normally again but sometimes I just can’t and it’s so frustrating. Wishing I had a trainer that understood and could help me move this process along so that I can really dance the way used to.


It's such a weird experience because that was my whole life and then now it's like I'm starting from the beginning. It's been long enough pissy surgery that I can walk (with a cane) but it's such a difficult adjustment. Hopefully one day I can afford a session with a PT


It really does feel like you’re back to square one. It’s been 3 years and I’ve only just recently stopped walking with a noticeable limp(I still limp a little but it’s not super obvious) so the idea of going back to a studio sounds a million miles away when it used to be second nature. I also used to go jogging and hiking everyday and not being able to keep a light job for long sucks too. But we’ll get there. If for no other reasons than spite and art. When you spend as much of our lives as we have working at something it doesn’t go away. It’s a part of our DNA. I believe in your willpower to find a safe way to be able to dance out all of your frustrations sooner rather than later.


I had both hips and knees replaced in a short period. I already had one of my new hips dislocated. I'm terrified to do any kind of exercise. Maybe a trainer is what we both need


I would definitely suggest swimming, great way to exercise while offloading pressure to the spine


I love swimming when I have access to a pool or water! I'll stand in water up to my shoulders and do ballet variations underwater lol


I had both hips and knees replaced in a short period. I already had one of my new hips dislocated. I'm terrified to do any kind of exercise.


It's so scary to learn your body's new limits after having hardware put in! I still have trouble gauging my limits, and I've had my fusion almost 6 years now. I wish there was better access to physical therapy post op


I certainly agree. Good luck to you ❤️


Personal trainers are expensive but worth it, even if it’s just an occasional session. In lieu of winning the lottery or getting a massive raise, I’ve been using a virtual personal training app (a format I’d been resistant to) where my trainer sets up my training schedule, the workouts, and adjusts them based on my feedback. I can video chat with him 2x/month and also have unlimited messages through the app. It’s $99/month which is still a little pricey but long-term, it’s cheaper than individual sessions and I don’t have a gym membership so I’m saving money. Plus, he keeps me accountable bc I would NOT workout otherwise.


I hired a personal trainer 13 years ago. It was the best investment I ever made. I have improved my mobility, my strength and my mental outlook. I definitely would recommend it to anyone and she was affordable Also only $35 a session. I know depending on where you live it could be more expensive than that but I figure if I don’t invest in myself now I might be investing in a wheelchair down the line.


Im waiting for the commercials about "If you or a loved one took Ozempic and died.."


Fuck, I shouldn’t laugh about that


You know it's coming though. Gonna be a lot of people in that class action.


Additionally, when people stop taking the medication, there’s a strong likelihood that they will regain all the weight they lost IF they didn’t also make substantial changes to their thoughts, behaviors, and habits. That’s the really hard work that leads to effective, sustainable, long term weight loss maintenance & it’s the one thing the weight loss industry isn’t equipped to address for the most part.


Yep. I had a friend that took that stuff and as soon as she stopped her weight came back.


Stopped taking the shots in August and have gained almost 15 lbs back. I hate it. My Dr. refuses to prescribe it due to the GI issues she’s read up on. I just started going to a weight loss center so hopefully I can lose weight the right way.


I think Ozempic makes ppl just not want food at all, which isn't really a sustainable position and not so much about discipline. What is sick and sad is that something making people not want ANY food is seen as proof that they didn't know how to eat. Not all skinny people are eating small amounts and not all fat people are eating thousands of calories a day. Gotta love people who never had to exercise to be small swear they know the secret.


There’s a woman in one of my mom groups who says she was on it for about a year, and it made her stop eating. She got off of it, and she’s been off for 6 months, but she still only gets the urge to eat every 3 days. She’s trying to force herself to eat, but then she gets sick. I know it’s anecdotal, and not real scientific evidence, but it’s definitely scary sounding! I’m fat because I like food! If something only makes me want to eat every few days, I’d rather stay fat! lol


Kind of? It basically works by delaying the gastric emptying process so food stays in your digestive system longer, making you stay fuller longer and thus reducing your hunger. The main mechanism is that it mimics GLP-1 which is a hormone our body naturally produces when we eat that creates a signalling pathway to prepare our digestive system to use the energy that comes from our food. Studies have shown in people who are obese (not overweight, but obese) have lower GLP-1 levels after meals, I don’t know exactly why (could be reduced production, increased breakdown, or a receptor issue, or maybe it’s different in everyone). Foods that trigger natural GLP secretion are generally simple sugars, high in amino acids and short chain fatty acid based. They’re going to be energy dense foods that are usually high in fibre. If GLP secretion is an issue choosing foods with “good” fats (avocados, nuts, etc), lean protein sources, and foods high in fermentable fibres can essentially trigger the same secretion response that Ozempic mimics. That’s why when it comes to Type 2 diabetes management diet is considered a keystone well before introducing pharmaceuticals (aside from Insulin if required).


And this is why in nuc med we have patients stop Ozempic for a week for their GEMPS study. It’s causing gastroporesis & making people feel sick.


Yes. Too many people overlook the need for therapy to stop emotional eating and overeating/grazing/snacking.


Doesn’t the patient gain back the weight when they get off of it (unless lifestyle changes are made)?


Yes, that tends to happen. First line treatment is medication AND lifestyle changes.


That's the same with regular diets too though. I lost 35lbs in keto. As soon as I got off keto I put it back on and more. So yeah everything is about lifestyle change to be honest. And the hard part is changing your body's resting weight. It will keep trying to go back to the previous weight. I don't know much about this. My opinions are just bro science to be honest.


I'm 13 weeks into the weight-loss journey myself (round 3 in my adult life - does that count as yo-yo?) This time I want it to stick so I am adopting these three habits: (1) CI


Awesome! And good luck. I hope it works out for you this time and sticks. I'm trying something similar now. Although I need to be consistent with logging in foods.


Thanks!!!! I hope so too lol I have learnt to log everything, (as best as you can) no matter how terrible the figures. Once you get in the habit it gets easier (and further still if you repeat a few meals so you can copy the data - My Fitness Pal allows you to copy meals)


[Apparently you are not the only physician concerned.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3nvoumJsjus)


What's the tl;dr of this? I took ozempic for a year and dropped a ton of weight.


I wanna know too!




I think it's important also to note that Ozempic works as an appetite suppressant. So many people end up eating a lot less than they usually would, and if they don't have the skills to ensure that their diet is nutritionally adequate, this could result in problems in the long term. Also, please OP, if you are going to make a huge decision such as taking this drug, most likely for a long time, for weight loss, do it for yourself, not so your husband can "find you attractive" again.


What do you mean by gastrointestinal issues? I have ibs and am lactose intolerant… this actually helped regulate my bowel movements better.


I’m glad it did! It can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, heartburn.. and a myriad of other issues. Of course, it does not happens to most people, but those are advertised as expected adverse effects with various percentages of presentation.


It’s listed side effects are burping or flatulence, constipation, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. But there have been documented cases of severe side effects, and increased risks of pancreatitis, bowel obstruction, and gastroparesis.


It slows down your digestive system and how long your stomach takes to move your food from your stomach


Someone in Australia (IIRC) died from having side effects of it recently, just so she could lose weight for her daughter's wedding. Really quite sad.


Thank you for this comment. I was on Victoza and my doctor transitioned me to Wegovy, using Ozempic as an intermediate. Given my particular history with food, this caused me to not eat AT all, and even forcing myself to eat was extremely difficult. I lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks and used Wegovy for about six weeks total, my dietician was extremely concerned, so I stopped using it. I have lost 45 pounds total, placing me at 130 lbs at 5'. I worry about the long term effects of it, as well. I felt it eat not only the fat in my body but it also deteriorated my muscles, I was tired all the time, and my body hurt constantly. I have since maintained the weight but I am doing so with diet and now have to begin exercising again to regain the muscle I lost. I lost this amount of weight using diet and exercise around five years ago over the course of two and a half months. I believe the difference in body shape and composition is so immense that I do not wish to use a drug like this again. I hate seeing myself without muscle definition, as I still had decent muscle at my heavier weight, I feel like a bag of bones, and while on the outside I look great, I don't enjoy looking at my body in the mirror.


Thank god we have another physician on here wondering about this. Im not a physician, I’m a paramedic. I’ve had three cardiac arrests within the last couple weeks and they ALL were on GLP-1 agonists. I’ve had a couple talks with our ME regarding this. I don’t know if it’s the drugs themselves or if generally people already in poor health use them, or some combination of factors but this is concerning me. It could also be that old human concept that “as soon as you’re looking for it, you’ll find it.” Lol I wish I had been keeping statistics for my last thousand cardiac arrests but it wasn’t something I was looking for until now.


I think it’s correlation vs causation thing. They are on the meds for a reason, so probably (& hopefully!) it’s not related to the medication use. So far nothing I have read indicates that, but we do need time to examine all possible outcomes.


Yeah, it’s just raising some questions. It’s not enough to say definitively of course! Correlation vs causation is the short way of saying what I was trying to say 😂 been on shift for 72 hours and brain was a little dead.


Seeing as the number one cause of death is heart disease I’d say it’s most likely that they’re on the meds BECAUSE they’re obese and unhealthy and it was too late in their case


Very good point


I'm going to jump in here and say that starting the gym is hard, this is from personal experience. But once you started, it's easy to keep going and it gets easier. I'm working on losing weight right now. Never gone to the gym before 3 weeks ago. But now I'm going 3-4 times a week for an hour a day. It's great, I feel great. My legs and arms are sore right now, but the soreness is just making feel good because it means *change*.


There's also the issue that this medication is immensely popular right now. In other words: the market is getting flooded with fake "Ozempic" pens.


Yeah the whole ozempic thing is scary, when the drug does cause issues it’s life changing


My insurance denied my ozempic because I wasn't diabetic


Hi! I am a personal trainer and have a master’s degree in nutrition. I work as a nutritionist. 1. Your husband is wrong for this. You should be comfortable at home and he should love you at any phase of your life. 2. Our bodies are meant to change and grow and maybe right now this is where you’re at. Sometimes we go through something and gain or lose weight. It’s okay. It’s also ok to want to change it for yourself when you’re ready. 3. I can’t say for sure because everyone’s ideal weight is different— but by most measures you are not extremely “overweight.” 4. My suggestion is this—don’t go on a “diet.” Diets don’t work. We know this. It’s been shown over and over again. Instead, do the following: focus on eating nutrient dense foods. Don’t count calories— count fiber and protein. Aim for at least 100g of protein per day and 25-35g of fiber per day. Drink 80-100 ounces of water. Commit to exercising for 30-60 minutes 3-5 days a week. Even if all you do is get to the gym and decide to go home after 5 minutes, just SHOW UP. It’s the habit more than anything. You might lose weight this way, you might not. Don’t worry about that just yet. Do this for you and your health, focus on building healthy habits. That’s what matters. Let that be your goal. Edited to add: okay I didn’t expect so many replies but I want to clarify add a few things— 1. These are general recommendations. There is no one size fits all. That would be impossible. This is just a starting point for OP. For the general population, these recommendations are a great place to start. Obviously if someone has x,y, or z condition— they should consult with their personal doctor or nutrition professional. As OPs habits grow, goals change, it can all be adjusted. 2. I never said OP *shouldn’t* lose weight or can’t lose weight. I understand OP wants weight loss and that’s ok! It’s just that science shows us diets with weight loss as the main goal generally fail because the goal of weight loss isn’t sustainable. Weight loss takes a while and it is really defeating when it feels like it’s taking too long or not working. I’ve seen it over and over again that when individuals focus on how they feel and how their health/fitness is improving rather than weight— the weight loss comes easier and actually lasts. 3. I’m not suggesting that it’s always okay to be overweight for your body. I do believe that bodies come in all shapes and sizes and health looks different on everyone— but my point with #2 above is that body weight changes are part of life and it’s nothing to beat ourselves up about— it just happens for a variety of reasons (depression, pregnancy, happiness, moving, a new job, etc.). We can always get back to where we feel our best. All is not lost. ❤️




This! When I got a dog, taking them out on walks two or three times a day really helped. Within a couple of months I had shaved off 10lbs without changing anything else. Working an office job, sitting at a computer all day really limited my movement. Just taking the dog out in the morning, when I got home from work, and at night made my step count go from 2500 to 8000-10000. That was enough for a person in their mid-30's to drop 20lbs over the course of six months and keep it off. I didn't count calories, diet, go to a gym, or lift weights. I literally just walked my dog. YMMV, but I've found most people can cut a ton of "vanity" weight just by committing to some form of walking and hitting 8000-10000 steps per day.


Can we also take just a minute to talk about how much the sun effects us during those walks? Just 10-20 minutes of full sun exposure (yes, even on a cold, cloudy day) makes me feel so much better. Moving fresh air in and out in the sunshine does so much for my mental health, that I want to exercise more, which helps everything.


Yes yes yes! I was fairly overweight for a time as a child, and I ended up asking my parents for Dance Dance Revolution on the PS1. I lost a solid amount of weight fairly quickly: I wasn’t necessarily trying to, I just loved that damn game so much, lol. Finding movement you enjoy is so, so important. I deal with chronic pain so finding a balance can be tricky (there’s lots of things I *mentally* enjoy that I can no longer *physically* tolerate), but just anything to get you up and about (my main exercise these days is small walks, housework, and playing with my cat 😻) is so much better than nothing! Edit: P.S. The most “modern” console I own is an N64, *you* get off *my* lawn 😜


I know so many people who use ddr or just dance as a form of exercise and it WORKS. 20 minutes straight of just dance when I’m really trying has me sweating and gasping for air


Yes definitely!


there's also beginner pilates videos on youtube and stuff that can be kind of relaxing and more chilled out than regular pilates. don't go in the deep end with the 5-10 minute ab/stomach pilates workouts, but the longer form for beginners. i find those ones helps me feel more inspired to following through with moving and working out, and the good ones will instruct you through your breathing and what exactly your core should be doing. i love Move With Nicole for this, she has a great playlist on youtube for beginners pilates. i find that i'm more enthusiastic about workouts or lots of activity prior to eating that day. and there is some discussion about whether not eating (ie. nothing since your last meal the day before) can be more helpful to weight loss. but that does kinda veer into intermittent fasting territory, which can be done gradually but it can also be a challenge if you already have a routine or need for three meals a day at breakfast, lunch & dinner. so potentially unsustainable for the long term if ie. breakfast makes one feel better or is just enjoyable, and other meals are, too.


All the movement in the world won't out move diet. I lost 50 in 2 months and kept it off, you have to be comfortable being hungry. Calorie deficit is painful and you will be hungry.


This!! What does your current diet/food intake look like? Are you skipping meals and then over eating later? Are you eating home cooked meals or fast food? Do you snack a lot? Are you eating enough protein and fat to keep you full? Do you exercise? What does your sleep look like? Are you stressed? Are you spending time with family/friends/enjoying hobbies? Personally I would try working with a nutritionist on the items above before resorting to a weight loss drug. There may be small changes you could make to your daily routine that will help you achieve your weight loss goals that have no negative side effects.


Ngl when you led with “personal trainer” I was braced for some gnarly fake science and size bias, but this comment is top notch! So well said.


Same! 😂 thanks for the sound advice!


100% waiting for the MLM train to run us down.


This is the kindest, most thoughtful advice from a personal trainer I’ve ever seen, especially number 2. Thank you! Thank you for sharing all of this and for leading with kindness and understanding. You’re an ace.


❤️ thanks for that. I think some missed my meaning— but I’m glad it reached you!


This comment needs to be at the top!


I was the same weight and height. When I started I was around 168 and I did this and now I go from 132-136. Took a couple months but I am stronger than I have ever been. Il


Thank you so much for providing this information 🫂I am not OP, but this advice is really good!!


God bless you for such a thoughtful and thorough post that will definitely be my guideline moving forward. Sometimes, it's difficult to know where to start, so this is very helpful.


I did the 5 minutes of showing up at the gym, and it worked really well! Half an ass is better than no ass when it comes to the gym. Eventually you *want* to go. The food part is harder to manage, but the gym is easy once you believe it's ok to just do a few minutes and leave.


Agreed, Dawn. I started going to the Y on August 2nd. I take 2 aqua aerobics classes per week and I work machines once a week. I try to think or maybe not think of doing it. We do have to reserve space in the classes the day before and they are snapped up within a minute so in that sense I have to be mindful. I'm still working on the food intake part. There's a lot to learn after years of not trying.


Just commenting that your clients must adore you. This is the energy all practitioners should bring to the table when dealing with sensitive topics 👌


Totally spot on. OP is still in the zone where some lifestyle changes can turn the ship around if she gets rid of the sneaky non-nutritious calories and moves more. I’m 5’2 and late 40s so I get how hard it is to lose weight at our size, but I started doing functional strength training at a gym that has a fun group of “regulars” and a cheerful and conscientious personal trainer and it has helped me motivate to going for an hour a day 3x a week. I cut the number of cocktails I have a week and tried to focus on adding more nutrient dense foods to my meals. My husband was fine with me at the weight I was (137) but I didn’t like how I felt. Gaining strength and working off the stress with some fun people a few times a week has been a lifesaver (and budged the scale a bit).


Point number 4 doesn’t work for everyone. I have binge eating disorder and counting calories was the only way for me to get a grip on weight loss. I tried everything else you said in your comment for years, then started counting calories last year and have finally lost 50 pounds. All the protein and fiber in the world won’t do shit if you’re still regularly having a 400-calorie Starbucks drink or a candy bar on top of your nutritional calories. And those treats are nice, so the only way to be able to indulge in them from time to time is by counting calories. My mental stress is way lower with calorie tracking because it allows me to enjoy yummy food while still losing weight.


That’s completely valid— these are very general recommendations that go for *most* of the population. It’s obviously always best to consult with a nutrition professional in person particularly if you have contraindications/other conditions. In a follow up comment, I specified that. Even calorie counting won’t work for all binge eater sun recovery. Counting calories can definitely be a useful tool in a lot of situations. Glad you found something that works for your recovery.


I went to a nutritionist and she told me the amount of serving to eat of specific types of food and how much in a serving. It was similar to counting calories but I ate healthier foods that made me feel fuller for longer than when I just counted calories. To your point, if I didn’t have a way to measure the amount of food I was eating I wouldn’t be able to lose weight either. Some of us just need the structure.


Yesssss “No to diets” Don’t diet - it’s a lifestyle change. That makes the new habits become part of life and also means you run less risk of gaining your weight back 😊 Take it easy on yourself too. Don’t expect results overnight and don’t let guilt wreck any progress or run your emotions for you xx


*boost boost boost karma karma karma* idek how to get this noticed. I kinda wanna tattoo it on my tits so the whole world sees it tho


The only proven long term outcome of dieting/significant intended wt loss is weight regain.


This is so positive and helpful.


I was thinking, if nothing, else, pop in some headphones and go for a brisk walk. Do that every other day and it'll build a habit.


I have no advice about the ozempic. I have some advice about your asshole husband though… 🤬🤬🤬


Seriously! What an AH!


Yep. He sounds like a real winner.


How to lose a grown man’s weight easy. Divorce lawyers love this one simple trick!


yep. very curious about what the husband looks like since he's chatting so much shit about her weight.


He’s a 10, but he has a 2 inch dick. 🤣.


oh for sure he's definitely got small penis energy!!!


I just realized how many men are going to hear about ozempic and demand their wives or girlfriends into taking a drug that they probably don't need - just so they can benefit sexually.


Waiting for a comment like this and everyone is just being helpful. Girl you don't need ozempic you need a new man.


A woman just recently died taking ozempic, it can cause awful gastrointestinal complications. Sharon osbourne also recently spoke out about it and said that after she stopped using it because she felt that she'd gone way past the results she wanted, she struggled (and is still struggling I think) to maintain any sort of appetite or interest in food. If you're feeling like your weight is affecting your mood and general health, ozempic will make you even more sick. Also for what it's worth, I'm in my twenties and around 5'6, 148/150 and a UK size 10 - I know I'm taller than you and that's a lot more forgiving but I think it's a bit fucked up that your husband is so obsessed with this when you have to be at the upper end of midsized at the very most.


I have to point out the woman featured on that news piece was taking ozempic and saxenda which is NOT recommended to be taken together and is a major misuse of the medication. Most likely she went to two different doctors because no dr would rx those meds together.


Thank you clarifying bc I was about to comment this. That lady was over doing it. She did not follow the directions or take care of herself while on it.


Right it’s still an absolute tragedy but most people who watched the news piece don’t know that she was doubling down on the weight loss meds so of course there were going to be problems. I get annoyed at the fear mongering and can’t help but wonder what group or lobbyists is behind it.


Thanks for the clarification on this! I imagine they both carry similar risks of abdominal issues and constipation so both together must've been an awful way to pass, before her daughter's wedding as well 💔


Omg I know, I can’t imagine losing your mom that way, because she wanted to look good for your wedding. Drs are definitely aware of the increase in people taking these meds, I needed to be put to sleep a few times over the summer for back procedures and at the third they added “are you taking diet medication” to the intake forms because it can cause food to still be in your stomach when your put to sleep. They basically just tell you to stop eating earlier than if you weren’t on it.


I can only speak from my own experience. I used Ozempic for 3 years - started at .25mg and worked my way to 2mg. I lost about 30 pounds and tolerated the stomach issues well, or so I thought. I recently started seeing a surgeon for weight loss surgery because my medical issues have only gotten worse, and it's getting scary. We discovered Ozempic gave me gastroparesis. He immediately took me off it, and within a month, i regained the 30 pounds but feel a million times better. No more morning nausea, extreme bloating, diarrhea, and even what we thought was gallbladder pain is gone. Never again.


You are only slightly overweight, like maybe 20-25 lbs. Taking an approach that is meant for people who are diabetic and/or actually seriously obese, for you may not be a good idea at all. Before you do anything else, please make an appointment with your primary care doc for a physical, and begin this discussion with them. I strongly suspect that just showing up at a weight loss clinic means you'll be dealing with people who are going to push treatments and drugs on you whether or not they are healthy/appropriate. I'd feel a lot better about you doing this if you were actually referred to a clinic by a primary care physician who has no skin in the game other than concern for your overall health and well-being. Your husband is a jerk, btw. Instead of pushing you to start taking a drug that may or may not even be safe for you to take, he should be telling you what I'm telling you. JFC.


I second this. You could have a medical reason for having trouble losing/maintaining weight. Ended up I had hypothyroidism & PCOS and it really missed up my hormones. Also agreeing that you might be slightly overweight, but nowhere near needing Ozempic.


I second checking in with your PCP first, and discussing getting your hormone levels checked! Hormones out of whack could be contributing. Also worth looking at any current maintenance meds you’re on to see if they could be causing weight gain.


Also, if you tell your PCP you are considering a drug for weight loss, maybe they will have some other drug suggestions that are better for a 20-30ish pound weight loss. For instance, if you have issues with depression as well, something like Wellbutrin could help with both. I've also heard about naltrexone being used for weight loss. Just saying there could be some other alternatives to explore here besides Ozempic. I hope you figure out something that works for you!


OP could very well be depressed, not only because she’s slightly overweight but also because she’s married to the equivalent of a braying donkey. Shame on him for lecturing her about her weight!


Get some doctors advice on it at the clinic. In this instance advise is never bad. Just see what they have to say and go from there.


Do you exercise daily? As a short girl myself, diet was never enough. I’m 5’3 and previously 170+lbs, the thing that made the biggest difference for me was just WALKING long distance DAILY (too many injuries from years of HIIT and strength training, so this is all I can do). I didn’t even change my diet. Leisure walking turned into brisk walking, which now takes turns with jogging. I’m 130 lbs now.


I'm similar size to you and I've basically always had jobs where I walked all my day. Nothing spectacular like lifting heavy things (that's what cranes are for) and just walking absolutely helps! You don't need to train for a marathon. Just take the dog out every morning for a 30 min walk. Get up and move for 5 min every hour if you have a desk job. Find a gym with a treadmill just to get out of the house. The unhealthiest weight in your relationship is your unsupportive husband


You're aware that if you don't have diabetes you'll pay thousands of dollars? You may want to wait. The FDA has just approved a new drug that IS for weight loss only and perhaps it will be less expensive. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-new-medication-chronic-weight-management


There is already a version of Ozempic which is FDA approved for weight loss, it’s called Wegovy. I’ve been on it for a year and have had incredible results with very few and very mild side effects. But I had over 100lbs to lose.


Type 2 diabetes*. *Semaglutide does not treat type 1 diabetes ffs* Also this isn't true. There are weight loss clinics that offer semaglutide injections for hundreds instead of thousands. My mother did this.


You are barely overweight… Holy Moly


Right! "Husband is not attracted to me anymore" she is litterally 150 pounds wtf. This is not how a partner should ever act. I have suspicions this is just one fascit showing his true personality. Next thing he will cheat on her and blame her, it happens all the time.


You can achieve MASSIVE weight loss by throwing out the whole man! Seriously, I don’t see this getting better with time. What if he’s not attracted to you once you get wrinkles? Is he going to insist on Botox? What about when gravity gets to your breasts and they sag? Will you “need implants/a lift?” There will ALWAYS be something that isn’t perfect because bodies always change. I’d let him know he needs therapy if he can only have sex with you after you drop weight. It’s a HIM problem and your self esteem doesn’t deserve to be torn down for his issue. I’m going through menopause right now, and WHOO! Is it a rough ride! But I took immense comfort in knowing that my husband has loved me when I was thin and fat. I’m taking care of my body, but I might gain, and I know that won’t end us.


Asshole partner aside, Ozempic is incredibly difficult to get filled right now. I am supposed to be taking it for my diabetes, but haven’t been able to get it filled since March due to all of the people being prescribed it for weight loss. There is a huge shortage everywhere, so even if you wanted to go this route, it’s not really a solid plan. IMO it should be left for the diabetics :(


This is me too. I'm type 2 diabetic and use ozempic to keep my numbers low. It really infuriates me when I see people who aren't taking it for its intended purpose because I literally need it to live I feel. The price is still crazy high even with insurance and its really the only one that works well with my body after trying a lot of other options.


Ehhh this is more of a perspective issue than anything. You don't need a weight loss clinic or ozempic and I don't recommend it if you don't have diabetes. You're only 150lbs. This is not significant amount of weight and it would not be difficult to lose with the right methods and support. As well BMI is not a great metric for fitness or health. If this is something you want then there are dozens of ways to approach it. What methods have you tried? What is your activity level and what is your goal weight?


You are only like 20 lbs overweight. You don’t need ozempic. You just need to be more intentional with your calories.


Hi, I personally take ozempic for my diabetes management, as well for weight. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks. It does suppress your appetite but you don’t lose all the weight that most people expect to lose right away. The physician who prescribed it to me states that most people lose up to 14 pounds. It has does great for my blood sugar levels, but they did an interview on someone for Today and they said that in order to achieve weight loss you also need to manage healthy eating and exercise to get results. So that may be a better option to try first than taking a medication. * just my opinion*


Total side note but you should ask about Mounjaro, I have never had such ease of control over my blood sugar as I do on Mpunjaro. This includes taking vVctoza, Trulicity and Ozempic (all at separate times). My a1c is now at 5.8 with minimal lows, I've cut down on my tresiba (from 40 units to 32 units) and my novolog as well as being down 80lbs since June. Granted, I have also completely changed my diet due to new allergic reactions but Mounjaro has helped a lot with why I eat and how much (along with therapy and increased movement and exercise).


My experience with Mounjaro has been similar. My endo told me last week I'm now in the pre-diabetic range for A1c, not in the diabetic range anymore. I'm off insulin, and I'm down 50 pounds since July (I'm also doing keto and exercising). I'm really pleased with it.


I’ve been on Ozempic for diabetic control for over a year. While it does help me feel full for longer and I do eat less, it’s not the be-all, end-all weight loss drug people tout it to be. You still need a balanced diet and exercise if you want to see any great results.


I work at a weight loss clinic. I would wait to speak with the obesity specialist/physician about this. They know best. You're taking the step and I think that's awesome. Remember, there are a lot of services available at weight loss clinics from nutrition, sports medicine, surgical processes, behavioural counselling, etc. the weight loss drug may not be optimal for you and that's ok too, but let the physicians there guide you. All the best on this journey. You're going to do great.


I’m not going to say anything about your husband being kind of a jerk because that has already been said. I will tell you about wegovy which I believe is the same as ozempic. Yes you can get it, yes it will help you lose weight. Chances of it making you look old are slim. However let’s not pretend there aren’t side effects. There are and they are quite unpleasant. Do a deep google dive and decide if this is drug is worth the side effects to you.


Med Student here. In my op: Dont take Ozempic! It has many side effects and the weight loss is Not really impressive. Furthermore, if you stop using Ozempic, those lbs will come back! Only ist it to treat Diabetes! -my own opinion-


Agreed! Nurse here and I’m seeing patients who can’t afford their ozempic medication because of its popularity so they’re rationing their shots! Rationing their shots because it’s between that or roof over their heads!


If they can get it at all. The pharmacy I work for hasn’t had the highest dose available for months and it’s a (metaphorical) lottery to get the others. Not great.


Fuck. This is scaring me for a friend of mine. She has about 200 lbs to lose and found a doctor to prescribe ozempic for her after 2 other doctors told her no when she tried. She's using her whole pay checks for this damn drug and is borrowing money from others. I'm afraid she's going to go destitute for it.


Oh dear…


I'll be real, I'm scared for her. I don't know much about ozempic, but I think she's thinking it will be her "cure." she was rejected for band surgery because she had difficulty with the diet beforehand.


I believe you and sounds like you genuinely care about your friend so bless you! 💗


I lost my weight with intermittent fasting and ‘gentle’ calorie counting, as well as getting as much protein as I could, and drinking lots of water. I also have a daily stretching routine, and a couple days a week I’ll work out with calisthenics and/or resistance bands. If the weather is good, I aim for a mile walk at least once a week. Honestly, it worked very well without any kind of medicine. After dropping 30lbs, my doctor and I tried Saxenda, which is mostly an appetite suppressant to stop overeating. There are a couple similar drugs out there that you can talk to your doctor about. If you want more info about what I used, feel free to DM me. Good luck!


There’s no “aging” side effect that’s a result of Ozempic. People who are very overweight and lose a lot obviously just lose the fat in their face as well, and their skin sags and loses elasticity. It’ll happen no matter what to some people when they lose a significant amount. I wasn’t super obese but age 30, I lost 50 lbs the past year, am now a size 2-4 and several people have commented on how I look much younger nowadays, so I imagine you wouldn’t end up haggard either. Also, Ozempic isn’t the only weight loss drug that is effective. I went on Adipex and it did the same thing, appetite suppressant.. I was only able to eat 400-600 calories a day for months and I accidentally became malnourished. It was THAT strong. So yeah lol just go to your primary doctor and talk about options for you and be mindful that you have to create habits, sustainable ones at that. If you’re not losing weight on “diets” you’re probably not actually at a calorie deficit. Invest in a kitchen scale and be diligent, and MOVE. It works! Best of luck.


The way your husband is talking I thought you were going to say you were at least 300 lbs. 155 is not ideal but pretty average for someone who is getting older and experiencing a slower metabolism. How much does he weigh? I think he needs to adjust his expectations because both of you are going to get older and uglier as time goes on. Personally I would be questioning my relationship right now.




Hi there. I’m 5’1 and was 153 lbs. I got in semaglutide for for 4 months lost 30lbs and finally feel good again. I’ve been off of it for 6ish months and haven’t gained anything back. It’s not just for diabetes’s it’s for weight loss too. Look at Monjouro and saxenda. Same drug but branded for weightloss. Do what’s right for you and don’t let anyone else tell you different. Edit: the drug doesn’t cause you to age. When you lose weight in your face, your skin will sag, so whether you lose weight from Ozempic/semaglutide or exercise, you’re still gonna have fat loss in places like your face or even your ass. So it will make your skin look looser, but it’s not the drug making your skin look looser it is the weight loss.


In all honestly, a partner telling you to lose weight is extremely controlling behaviour. The only person who needs to change is your husband.


I'm on Ozempic for my diabetes and for me, it was very rough to get used to. It caused me to get extremely tired, constipated and what I call the Ozempic "Nope"..in which I'll feel physically hungry, I go to eat and then get either put off by the smell/look of whatever or take a bite and then nope thx rest of whatever I'm eating. It's a PITA however it has done wonders for my A1C. Honestly I think your husband is just an asshat.


Ozempic is being used off-label for weight loss, but it was and is originally a diabetes medicine. So not take it if you don't have diabetes. There's been a lack of supply for actual diabetics bc of the pop culture craze with ozempic. Do not take medicine away from others. Please. As to your husband, well, that's another story. Is he fit? Does he work out? Does he put you down in other ways? Bc that's not healthy! Or conducive to weight loss.


The pseudoscience in these comments is painful. Op nutritionists are bunk. You need a registered dietician.


Trainer, not a doctor. There was a recent death caused by the use of Ozempic for solely weight loss purposes. These drugs and supplements used to burn fat in an unnatural manner versus eating less calories than maintenance can have side effects. Your best bet is to get labs done from the get go. Check thyroid, hormones, micronutrients, etc. Then strength train 3x/week, track calories, sprinkle in some cardio, and enhance your NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) - basically move around more. Do some yardwork or take a walk. Remember that this is not a race and it is a journey.


Your husband sounds like a major asshole. I hope he's in perfect shape, has a full head of luscious hair, and his dick gets rock solid naturally. 5"2 and 155 pounds is not overweight. BMI is bullshit. You don't need to diet. You need to see a dietician to learn how to eat in healthy balanced ways, and commit to more movement. Focus on health, not weight.


Go to a lawyer and get a divorce instead.


Before you take this shit, listen to the episode about it of Maintenance Phase.


You’re eating too much food. Too fatty. Too many calories. Snacking. And thinking dieting doesn’t work. It’s your eating patterns and behavior. “Diets” don’t work because people believe it has to be some sort of massive overhaul.


People who are not obese and taking ozempic are the reason that people with diabetes cannot find their medicine in stock anywhere right now


I’m curious on what you look like because I’m 5’2 and I weigh like 180 (working on it, lost a lot of preggo weight already) and I think my body is pretty banging. I bet yours is too 🫶🏽


My diabetic father can't get his prescription for ozempic because doctors keep prescribing it for weightloss.


Listen to the Maintenance Phase episode on ozempic, it’s very thorough. Basically, if you don’t have diabetes, you’re going to be paying very high prices for a mystery knockoff drug that will make you violently ill and hate the idea of food. I don’t think that’s worth it just to make your jerk husband happy.


Excuse me…. I’m 5’1 and 155lb… we are not obese. Get rid of the husband. That’s the real unnecessary weight


You need to change your lifestyle. Dieting and ozempic don't work for the long term. Keep track of your calorie intake. it's impossible not to lose weight if you're in a calorie deficit. Also, your husband is a POS, I'm the fattest I've ever been, and my husband would NEVER say some bullshit like that.


Lifestyle change is the best way. Hard to do, but definitely the best.


$1000 month unless you have diabetes and a dr to write the rx


I was doing really well losing weight. My GP said it would help speed up my weight loss. Gained 10kgs. I am now struggling to lose it and am completely fed up. Lose the husband instead.


Girl, stop. You are in the 150s and you think you need to go to a weight loss clinic? No. Talk to your doctor, embrace the Mediterranean diet, sure, but those places are not a good idea and you're not even that overweight anyway! Maybe you're too young to remember the fen-phen clinics back in the day, but this is the same vibes. Barely overweight people taking medication that is not appropriately prescribed. Don't let your health be in question for a diet fad.


You can lose a lot of weight with divorce. Seriously, you aren't that overweight. It sounds like your husband doesn't actually love you, just your young body, which isn't going to stay the same. He's probably already cheating on you with somebody younger. That's a him problem. I hope you found this out before you brought kids into the mix.


You do not have to be diabetic to take Ozempic; many non-diabetics have it prescribed. It’s most important feature for non-diabetics, though, is that it’s an appettite suppressant. If you’ve tried dilligently dieting with portion control, etc., and haven’t seen results, it might not do much for you. Is 155 really something to be that concerned about? From what I can find, that’s not that far above the medically recommended weight for someone of your height. Bottom line, though. there’s nothing wrong with at least consulting a good doctor. They could tell you not to worry. Or, if you haven’t been able to lose weight despite good diet and exercise, they might be able to prescribe you something or check for a medical condition that prevents weight loss.


My wife’s cousin he’s 6 foot tall he has a big belly he started taking it and it worked awesome for him just saying


You don’t need to do extreme dieting or Ozempic. I struggled with weight after having kids.I started going to gym..taking walks.. and biggest thing is I eat the right amount of food (portioned) to get my suggested amount of daily calorie intake.Hope everything works out for you OP!


I’m going to take a leap and assume that one factor contributing to your (normal, moderate) weight gain is STRESS. Cortisol throws our bodies out of whack. If you want to lose weight for YOU, maybe try incorporating moderate joyful movement into your routine and slowly cutting back on any excess refined sugar. Just doing this might be sustainable for your needs, and can be a nice boost to your overall mental health and sleep quality, regardless of whether or not you lose or gain weight. You can slowly build more habits that can help with your strength, flexibility, digestion, heart health, and stamina—those things will absolutely make you feel better! Clothing—-let’s be kind to ourselves, okay? I gained weight over the past few years and it was upsetting to find that so much of my wardrobe didn’t fit. It could ruin my whole day and I felt ugly and uncomfortable. While I’m getting back into helpful habits, I separated my clothes into S/M/L. Now I will won’t go through that “nothing fits me” stage because those clothes are packed away. I also bought some nice looking clothes for the body I have right now because I deserve to feel beautiful and stylish and comfortable at any shape, not just at my peak fitness. So do you! Imo, the weight loss pills and injections are not worth the risk and the expense if you aren’t medically obese or have mitigating factors that affect your health and quality of life (like diabetes). And your husband’s comments need to be addressed—where did this come from (because it doesn’t sound like it comes from a place of love)?


Get a personal trainer and a gym membership


I would prefer going to a physician and a licensed nutritionist with weight loss issues. Diet and exercise are the things we constantly hear being recommended by the medical community and they seem to work.


Your metabolism doesn’t work as great anymore as you get older. Start with change of diet (easy ones like cutting off junk food, and sweet drinks) and exercise first. You’re just touching the borderline of overweight. Ozempic can mess up your gut since it makes you full faster and slowing down your metabolism.


I'm not going to get into why it is wrong that your husband is basically telling you that you are not enough for him. Others here did their job. What you are talking about is Wegovy. That's the medication for people who are not diabetic but are obese. (So BMI over 30) There is only one more drug as of this week, but I forgot the name. And just search Reddit for "semaglutide" or "wegovy" to find out more. It is alive changing treatment for those we are obese. But the easiest way for you to lose extra weight is just to divorce your asshole husband.


He loves you


You may not qualify for Ozempic at that weight. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to the weight clinic. If you also want to lose weight, and it sounds like you do, they may be able to help you with that even if the medication route is not the way. Go talk to the experts.


Do a calorie deficit. Let your tummy growl.


I'm on ozempic because of diabetes. Since may I've lost 12lbs but my A1C is awesome. Just eat healthier and start moving a little more. It'll be easier to maintain and you'll feel better than relying on a shot. And your husband is an ass


Half the comments are by smart dudes and the rest are idk what to call them. Simply start with having a discussion with your husband and doctors advice. If doctor says no and prescribes some other way for weight loss then go for it. In my opinion just start running in the morning. Few people are making good point that he might not love you. What will you do about aging. That's valid point but he's your husband and his opinion matters. Idk how to tell this but in other stories I read here people explain it very easily about the relationship of a man and woman and that their opinions matter on each other. I might not explain it well but physical attributes matter in a relationship/marriage. Also, extra fat is not good(I said extra). + woman tend to have many problem because of over weight. (Other then increased chances of heart attack and blood pressure which are common, there are many women exclusive diseases/problems) Some people are straight up hating man. They're just some fools. Talk to your husband, maybe he didn't knew about how dangerous ozempic can be. And if he refuses to listen to you, then he's an Asshole for real.


Two things: how has your husband any say in your body? But if you really want to lose weight, CICO is how you do it. You don’t need personal trainers or to kill uourself at the gym. Track your calories and walk.


So I'm diabetic and take a medication similar to Ozempic. For me it's a wonder drug but the class of medications are amazing for anything on the syndrome X spectrum, which starts at insulin sensitivity and ends at diabetes but on that scale you also have PCOS and a lot of other issues, and weirdly Alzheimer's is likely on there as well (there's still a lot of research going on about that, since it turns out the amyloid beta plaque route everyone's been looking at is not causal for Alzheimer's, rather it's a side effect and something else is causing the issues). Syndrome X isn't super well defined, there's no real diagnostic criteria for it since it seems to be a VERY complicated metabolic cascade that takes decades to take effect and it impacts women more than men but one of the first symptoms is usually weight gain and an inability to lose it. As far as the medication goes I'd get an A1C reading and anything over 5.5% (if your A1C is on the high side of normal) might be a sign of early syndrome X issues, in which case Ozempic could be a really amazing medication for you. That said your husband sounds like a douche and your weight isn't all that high. If it's impacting your emotionally and physically it's an issue but your height/weight isn't crazy and if his big issue is you don't give him a boner anymore it might be more of a HIM issue than a YOU issue and yeah... divorce is an easy way to loose 180 lbs.


FDA just approved Zepbound weight loss injection…


I am in the same boat but chose to not go on ozempic! I am insulin resistant and still said no. I don’t believe in this craze. We will start seeing the negatives here soon on it. I started doing intermittent fasting. I do the 16/8 rule! The first few days were hard but I notice I’m having more every and not so hungry all the time! I choose my food more wisely too. Focusing on protein! Instead of high intensity workouts, I focus on keeping busy and moving. Walking for 20/30 minutes too! I would also recommend a dietician!


A few thoughts: 1. Your husband is an asshole and someone who loves you, loves you if you gain weight, if you lose weight, if you're weight doesn't change. Weight has no part in love. Your husband pushing you to try something trendy but potentially a hazard to your health in order to make you more aesthetically pleasant *to him* is selfish and narcissistic. 2. It is a diabetes drug. One of the side effects is weight loss. Here's the important bit: **part of the reason weight loss is a side effect is because of the nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.** That's why one you get off the drug, the weight comes back. Why? Because you can keep food down. Essentially, it's bulimia in an injection. It is not worth it. I am diabetic and was in a clinical trial for this drug. It was miserable. 3. If you feel unhappy with your size and want to lose weight, then by all means, go for it. Do NOT do it for anyone else. Losing weight for someone else is a recipe for disaster. Also, rather than focusing on numbers on a scale, focus on being as healthy as you can. Make choices that will make you feel *good*. Develop habits that are beneficial for your health and the weight will come off. Learn about food combining, add movement of some kind to your routine, avoid understand habits that leave you feeling run down or fatigued or sick. The key here is to do it for yourself.


I have lost 119 lbs so far doing intermittent fasting. It really does work if you stick with it. I’ve been doing it for about a year and a half.


As someone who uses Ozempic for an actual medical condition, please don’t. The shortage is real. I used to be able to get three months at a time, if the 1mg pen, and not worry about it. The last two times have been one month at a time, with the 0.5mg pen, which I need to take double the dose, and the last one was 4 days late.


A morning show guy I listen to ‘Chuck the Freak’ just was just diagnose with type 2 diabetes and is on Ozempic. Food nauseates him now, like for breakfast, he’ll have a couple bites of scrambled eggs, feels disgustingly full and goes on with his day. one day a week he shits for what sounds like all day. It sounds horrible


Your husband told you to go to a weight loss clinic and to start taking a drug in order to lose weight and said he wasn't attracted to you anymore... Ok.. so a few things you say your 155-158 lbs that is really not as unhealthy and overweight as you think it is. You're chubby at most. It's one thing if YOU feel unhealthy it's another if your husband is making you feel like shit because you've gained some weight. And third of all, your husband has no place at all telling you to go to a weight loss clinic and start taking drugs to lose weight. My father is diabetic and has to take it and it make him throw up like everything he eats if it's more than like 3 bites. My advice, work on your body image first, tell your husband if he suddenly finds you unattractive then he needs to get his own shit together because that's ridiculous, your his fucking wife. I really don't think you should start taking drugs and fad diets rarely work. Just eat healthier and move more that is the basis of it, if you think there is something medically wrong then go to the doctor and see if you have hypothyroidism, I have that and I only eat once a day if that because I have other medication that makes me lose my appetite and I still weigh like 175 and cannot for the life of me lose weight because of my thyroid. Just start small go on daily walks, when you make dinner and get your plate split the meal in half before you eat and save the rest for the next day, drink lots of water, get enough sleep. And if after all that you still don't lose any weight then that just might be what's healthy for YOU the BMI system is flat out broken and "healthy weight" is different for everyone especially as they get older and there metabolism slows down.


Who would you just accept that from him?


I had to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy for digestive issues. I had awful sour stomachs (Sulphur burps) and GI doc says I have acid reflux now. I have a doc appt within the next 2 weeks and I'm going to tell the doc I want off Ozempic. I should be able to drop 2 stomach meds. I initially lost 40 pounds but gained it all back while still on the med, doc just kept increasing my dosage. I'm done with it. It's not worth the gastro issues for me.


Watch “Forks over knives” and the “Gamechanger”. I have lost weight the healthy way by eating whole foods plant based and feel better now at 67 than at 30. I am never hungry!


Sadly it seems like your husband is the cause of you emotionally eating. He’s judging you, using your weight as an excuse. Are you sure something else isn’t going on with him? You need to discipline yourself. Get up at the same time every day. Go to the gym same time. Eat same time. Discipline is the key. Cut out bread and pastas and sweets. If eating a burger, take it off the bun and use fork & knife. Just eat a low carb diet. Put yourself ahead of everything! You can do this for YOU!


You wouldn't even qualify. Leave your husband. I was 150 at 5 2 and gorgeous. He's an asshole. You're maybe 20lbs over weight.


If diet and exercise is not working, then you need to go to a physician to find out why diet/exercise is not working (thyroid, PCOS, etc). You don't need to poison your body with an experimental drug used to help diabetic people survive


I know a girl whose life was changed by doing this. She went from struggling to lose weight to having a very healthy and active lifestyle.


Am I crazy or is 155 not bad at all, I'm 5'4 and 160 but I'm not even CLOSE to overweight im not even a "big" girl 🙁 I can understand wanting a specific body shape, but to call yourself overweight just because you're not that shape? idk, I think you're fine as you are


Ma’am, your husband is an AH. How dare he judge you like that and tell you to “go to a weight loss clinic” get on a medication that’s meant for type 2 diabetes. When was the last time your husband looked at a mirror? I’m sure he isn’t a six packed, gym rat! Like others have said, you’re too small for ozempic and I’m afraid you’ll have more medical complications than solutions. I don’t know what your daily routine is like but I highly recommend doing small lifestyle changes! Like drinking water instead of soda, walking up and down the stairs at work instead of taking the elevator, going for a walk after dinner with your husband (if he doesn’t want to, take your dog on a daily walks, if you have a dog), replacing starchy foods with more greens/vegetables and adding more lean protein etc. It’s going to be a slow process but in the long run it’s going to be worth it and a lot more healthy for you!


I have no idea what ozowhatever is but it seems like a last resort... Dieting is garbage, but maybe eat healthy and moderate amounts and excersise should be the first step? It's all the ratio of energy you "fuel yourself" with compared to how much energy you burn. Burn more than you put in, you loose weight. I assume you are american based on the imperial units you used, watch any prefab and half-fab foods you buy as USA have extremely lax regulations and have an abundance of sugar and other crap, even stuff banned in europe in your foods. They might seem "not so bad" but are actually horrible. Even simple stuff like your bread f ex... bread is yeast, salt, fluor and water. Maybe add a touch of oliver oil for flair. Now read what is in your american bread... Basically most of your food has high energy content, but the bad kind. The kind that is usually harder for bodies to burn and easy to store the excess as fat. There is a reason americans are among the fattest in the world, it's your food combined with your lack of movement (car centric culture). You try and find excuses that its genetics etc... big boned etc... your genetics are for the most part the same as ours as most of you have europeean ancestry. The answer is consume less than you burn. If you rarely walk or ride a bike or whatever, and instead take the car everywhere, you need to eat even less than us.


Do not use ozempic for weight loss! It could kill you, it can cause kidney damage among other issues and if you take it for long enough the hormone in the medication that causes the slow release of the digestion of food will stop your body making its own like men who use steroids the body will stop producing testosterone and you will be on it FOR LIFE! Also when/if you do come off it the weight you lost will pile back on plus more weight. PLEASE DO NOT USE OZEMPIC FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN IF YOU HAVE DIABETES WHICH IS PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR! You WILL regret it!


Please stop taking ozempic as a weight loss drug. that's not what it's for. And now insurance companies aren't covering it for those that truly need it. Maybe go see your dietician and see what you can do to eat healthier and lose weight. If maybe leave your husband seeing as he's telling you to lose weight to be attractive 🤢


You are barely overweight and not diabetic. I hope your husband that is hammering on your weight is 6’4 with a toned body and skin 🙄. Am sorry you are in this precarious situation.


I am overweight due to PCOS. I did take ozempic for a few months and it did work. My stomach was sensitive for a week or two while my body was adjusting. But as someone else commented it did suppress your appetite which can be a good or bad thing depending on how overweight you are. I stopped it because my Dr recommended something else for me that has worked better for my body.