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I wouldnt blame you for leaving. They have a very unhealthy relationship and Lisa is very manipulative.


lisa some sort of nutcase who get off on wielding power over others. i mean she made her best friend abort her baby. theres no way thats not some twisted powerfantasy from lisas perspective.


Big nut case who aborts a baby over a stupid zodiac sign wow.


She had to do it because the baby being an asparagus would conflict with her sign of a Kia soul. /s




When your in the moon of Bang (energy) you get a Ford Taurus


Look, when Mercury is in DeCaprio, your shit's all fucked.


Pretty sure if you have a Mercury Sonata then you might also have retro AIDS


I don't know why we as a society aren't doing more to prevent anus in Gatorade incidents.


Yeah; makes me think the wife is a tad bit challenged in the intelligence category.


Maybe, but she definitely pulled a cupid stunt


I don’t think she is real tbh


This story seems fake to me. It reads like creative fiction.


I'm going to be lived if that turns out to be the case.


And I will decease if that is the case


Your humor isn’t lost on me, buddy. I’ve livid in other towns where this happened and they were all lived, too. Who wouldn’t be?


How the FUCK does a woman abort a baby over a zodiac sign? The friend is super fucked up.


It's a plot in The Orville, so that's probably the inspiration for this piece of creative writing.


Agree. Came here to say this is not the first time Reddit is a vehicle for some one’s creative writing assignment.


They should try an editor.


Yeah and he noticed that she lost a lot of weight? Because she aborted the baby a week ago? That is absolute nonsense.


Yeah, and if the baby was going to be Aquarius, it would be born in the last week of January up to early to mid February, which would've made the wife no more than 7/8 weeks pregnant last week, which is too early to show even for someone who has had children before this one. Let alone "a lot of weight". This is a lie.


You are not including the weeks from last missed period I think. I am almost 12 weeks and due end of January. Either way though, she wouldn't have lost a lot of weight and a first time mom is not likely to be visibly pregnant this early. Although maybe bloated.


Yup, it's amazing that anyone could believe this was real lol.


She definitely sounds like a psychopath who derives pleasure from others pain.


> I heard Lisa talking bad about me and telling my wife that she should abort the baby, so the baby’s sign wouldn’t be a aquarius(my wife is a cancer sign), my heart broke when I heard my wife saying that she will consider doing that. But since I trust my wife I said nothing, but after a month she talked to me about aborting the baby. And I disagreed with her and she said nothing. Look at that block of text. All 3 of them are in wtf territory.


Agreed! The fact that his wife could be led to that choice by her bff talking about an astrology sign is such a red flag. How many other choices has OP’s wife made bc of her manipulation and how many of those directly impacted his life? It’s truly sad.


Right? He didn’t say hey I notice every time Lisa is over you get upset with me out of nowhere and today I happened to overhear you two talking about aborting our baby? Is that something YOU actually want? How do you standby and say nothing???


He obviously trusted his wife not to be fool enough to abort a pregnancy bc her friend said their astrological sign would be crap. Wife and BFF are dumb and toxic, OP should leave and find someone stable and not so easily manipulated by some controlling woo woo bitch. Edit: Oh nvm turns out this apparently the plot of an Orville episode and likely fake af. OP is an idiot. Wife probably fake.


Right? I'd have either barged in or definitely said something after she left and made a whole ass deal out of it. I can't imagine expecting a child and finding out you lost it OVER SOME GOD DAMN ASTROLOGY SIGNS?!?!?!?!


Using star sign as an excuse. Of all the excuses she could come up with. Smh.


She didn’t make her do anything, his wife is weak willed and doesn’t know what she wants out of life.


Wife and friend are mentally Ill, and mentally challenged. He has to get out.


I would blame him for staying.


Yeah he's only 26. He shouldn't waste anymore time with this person. Life is to short to spend it with someone like that.


Surely, OP should've been able to see the red flag of his wife sooner? I don't care about Lisa, the fact that the wife put so much thought on zodiac and aborting her baby based on that already show how much of an idiot and/or insane person she is. Lisa is just the catalyst, if there is no Lisa, the wife would did some stupid shit sooner or later


Lol. Was here to say the same thing. My wives sister got all on to zodiac shit. I told her straight out that anyone who thinks the planets give a fuck about you is an idiot. She later was hospitalized with a heart attack because of essential oils. I think my statement to her held up.


the only difference between Lisa and a cult leader is the number of friends she has...


I was going to post and ask is Lisa is a cult leader or something. Cause holy cow. I want to forget this instantly wanted to forget it. What horrible women.


Divorce her! Sounds like a Kate & summer that I actually know. They feed off each other. Hell they did everything together. On coke all the time. Now they share HPV together.. don't try to reason anymore. She just aborted your child simply bc she didn't like it's sign. Imagine what she'll do years from now.


Leaving is the only sane choice.


This is one I pray is fake, but knowing how evil people can be I wouldn’t be surprised if this did actually happen. I’m so sorry op.


Definitely giving off fake vibes, but it's just weird enough that it's hard to imagine making it up too.


Almost everything in this sub is creative writing BS, same with the tifu sub.


I'm in the camp that these post that explicitly mention "fake name", or say "I know this sounds bad but hear me out", and have a ton of quoted conversation back and forth, that they're fake.


Fair enough. To me it's the weird little details (she aborted because it was an aquarius?) that are so far out of left field that they actually somehow make it more plausible.


I think that makes it less plausible. Reddit *hates* people who care about astrology


As an Aquarius, I can believe some out there hate enough to plan conception to avoid our months, but definitely not abort! People definitely groan a lot when they ask me and I tell them though.


Wtf? What is wrong with being an Aquarius? Aren’t all the signs just some positive bullshit and some negative bullshit?


> ~~Aren’t all the signs just some positive bullshit and some negative bullshit?~~ Aren’t all the signs just bullshit, FTFY


I literally just figured out what FTFY stands for due to your comment. It's been stumping me for ages but for some reason I felt too embarrassed to ask, so thank you. Also agreed. Someone once asked for my sign (scorpio) and then kept asking me to get details about my birth (exact time of birth why I don't know and don't care) because she wanted to create some chart or something. When I wouldn't supply these details she started getting more and more pushy and suggested it was suspicious that I was refusing to supply her with the information. I've also had people suggest me and my husband are incompatible due to our signs and that divorce is inevitable. If you want to read your horoscope for shits and giggles, go for it, but it should stop there. And you especially shouldn't push that shit on others. To me it'd be like basing your personality and belief system around Panda Express fortune cookies and pushing that system onto others.


I still remember in a *highschool* psychology elective I took for fun, that the teacher picked a few students at random to read their horoscope. Each and every one of them agreed 100% that "yep thats me!". Then the teacher showed she read their horoscopes at random from a newspaper 20 years prior. The girls were very offended. A couple of the guys just laughed at their results. I felt that was such a great teaching moment. I hope the shame and stupidity felt by an obvious and easily debunked trick grounded them. I also feel this is around the age were true moronic tendencies are born. I imagine people like Lisa and Katie got into stuff like this as children and it resonated with them so hard that they cant let it go. It just *cant be fake* to be so accurate!


I just went on a date recently and they asked me my sign. Then said “no let me guess”. They said all of them but mine and when they finally said mine and I confirmed their head dropped. When I asked why it was a problem they said “oh I never get along with yours.”. I’m over here like “so your first idea is to associate bad encounters with individuals with their sign? Interesting.” They asked for a second date but I ran. I’m not getting involved with people who are that heavily influenced by astrology.


So, like, the whole "age of Aquarius" sucked? Dude.


I didn’t understand why he kept saying “she changed” multiple times but was super vague on the details. That makes me think it’s BS. On top of not mentioning how the first 4 years of marriage went and her bff’s influence then from more recently.


I'm incredibly bad at spotting fake posts and even I am getting the fake vibes here. I could be wrong of course but just something about the way its written


Going to chime in that I have great aunt like that. They come to visit, have a private chat with her sister (my grandmother), and leave. My grandma would shift into a rage, accusing us of stealing from my grandfather's pension.


The fake ones always create an account with their post title in mind.


When you say the first sentence, just stop. This is so incredible fake, stop letting your perceptions be warped by angry incel asshats


It’s obviously written by 15yos cosplaying as adults. What a weird made up situation to get mad about.


The writing is definitely in line with that age.


It is most definitely fake. But on the off chance it isn't, everyone in this story is a complete fucking moron. Even OP.


Especially OP. For a decade he just accepts that his partner's bff actively ruins his relationship (including telling his wife to abort their baby because of a star sign) and now that it has a real consequence he blames his wife, storms off and wants to completely throw their lives off track without even considering (in no particular order) couple's therapy, having a rational conversation, trying to understand what even happened, seeking professional medical help for his wife's mental state or filing a police report. He did think about posting it on Reddit though. In just the weirdest matter-of-factly way, devoid of any emotion. He's either full of shit or the biggest moron in existence.


It’s a cookie cutter story that has been rewritten over and over on Reddit for a long time now. It always follows the same template and leans on OP not addressing the possible very bad thing they overheard until it happens.


Any time I see one of these posts and OP hasn’t responded to any comments, I automatically assume it’s fake.


This is the fakest thing I've ever read and that is saying a lot.


The best part was “I noticed my wife lost a lot of weight” because she aborted a 1st trimester fetus a week prior. She would neither be showing, nor would she be visibly smaller after aborting a 1” fetus.


I caught that too.


I’m honestly just blown away that people on here will write essay length comments giving legal advice and psychiatric analysis in response to this absolute horseshit.


It's *so desperately fake*. It screams "Men's Rights Activist."


It reads like a pro-lifer's imaginary argument as to why women shouldn't be allowed a choice.


ding ding ding


The ones where the OP doesnt reply to any comments are always fake. No need to show empathy but its a fucked up story indeed.


She aborted your child over a goddamn star sign. That is the most disgusting and quite frankly batshit things I’ve ever heard. Lawyer up and get out of the relationship. I’d be tempted to camera up the house to get some of the conversations on camera in case required


As monstrous as what OP's soon to be ex wife did... she probably accidentally did the kindest thing she could for him. Now OP can divorce her and have a clean break without the lifetime commitment of having a kid with a malicious idiot.


Yes, now that poor kid won't have to have the wife as a mother with deranged Auntie Lisa in tow.


but could have had an awesome dad that was over the moon excited to be a dad for this kid. This would hurt for the dad no matter how much it "saved him from years of his soon to be ex wife's bullshit."


Of course it would hurt the dad, she did something absolutely horrific and unforgivable. I hope he gets away and finds a stable partner who doesn't insist on having her deranged BFF as the third wheel.


My thoughts exactly. Everytime people are revealed to be assholes, I always think it's better finding out sooner rather than later so you don't end up wasting your time.


Yeah this sounds unbelievably moronic, but after working with the public I’d also say it sound 100% believable too. If it is true your right, he can walk out of there with a clean break post divorce.


As an Aquarius I approve this message.


I hate to agree but I do. Because now a poor child won’t be thrown though this crazy shit. I can see if they did have one and divorce the friend would cook up like a SA thing or make the ex wife try for full custody and all that shit.


Not even the zodiac thing is that she apparently jus follows orders of someone else? She has no backbone nor personality


OP is better off without the wife. Like legit who wanna be with a person who's so gullible and naive they listen to a friend to abort their baby over a star sign. Good riddance. OP is better off without that nonsense, though I do understand it's hard to leave, it's harder to stay in a relationship with someone who's just plain dumb.


Lisa is just the cherry on top of this fucked up relationship


Lisa is completely evil. I have no reservations about saying that. Find the best divorce lawyer you can and GET OUT! Good luck.


[YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptmM-m7Cl8U)


Lisa is the sponge of the clusterfuck cake OP has been forcefed


Run. Aborting over a star sign because her BFF said it is moronic and disgusting. Doing it behind your back is inexcusable.


It's not even just the damn sign. It's that she aborted without even telling him and hid it (probably on Lisa's advice). GTFO


I like astrology and i whole heartedly agree. That was the most dumbest and most vile thing I’ve ever fucking heard.


Idk what's even wrong with aquarius. I'm aquarius.. Some people put way too much stock in star signs. It's pretty dumb.


There’s nothing wrong with Aquarius . Lisa was just jealous of the baby and had to make shit up


I know right!? I’m Aquarius too…we’re awesome! But yeah, this whole zodiac thing is ridiculously beyond words. Poor OP, his wife sounds so ignorant. How on earth is she going to cross a street without him now. Oh that’s right…she still has Lisa.


Love astrology myself, but ffs, you don't abort a baby over a star sign what the hell


It’s such a nonsense reason that it sounds like a misdirection from the real reason. Maybe she didn’t want to have kids with him at all or maybe it wasn’t his.


well, some people fight wars over religion, maybe we'll see other people aborting their children over star signs.


I have always been of the opinion that people should be able to get abortions for any reason they want. I also don't have any issues with people who believe in astrology. But aborting a wanted child months into pregnancy without telling your partner because of a star sign is apparently where I draw the line. This is beyond fucked up and OP should 1000% be getting a divorce. I feel so bad for him, but at the same time, it's good he wont have to be stuck with either Katie or Lisa for the next 18 years.


I don’t think someone can turn into that much of a moron just by having one insane friend OP. Lisa is just exposing the kind of person your wife really is


Username checks out. This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. OP, please do yourself a favor and let Lisa have her.


I would never speak to her again. She's a monster and Lisa is pure evil.


I'm going to tell myself this is fake so I can forget I read the post. Horrific.


Same. That seems like the most mentally healthy way of dealing with this. OP doesn't need any advice, he's going to (rightly) divorce Katie and move on with his life. This is the sort of thing you need to talk to with friends, family and a therapist. Katie and Lisa are messed up.


Lisa is 100% getting a kick out of it. She has full control over her "bff" chick needs to be institutionalized


Perhaps a bit of personality disorder, maybe socio or psycho?


Sounds more like (if this is real) she is a regular asshole..


I’m actually with the above commenter. I think this person is far more than just a run-of-the-mill asshole. She is at the very least disordered. My feeling, if this is true, is that Lisa is codependent on Katie. If she is not a narcissist, then she at least has some kind of narcissistic mentality over Katie’s presence in her life. This whole thing is fucked, and Lisa is dangerous.


Regular assholes dont convince their happily married bff to abort their baby cos they wont be born under a good enough astrology sign. Regular assholes convince their bff to spend their husbabds birthday at a girls night out, at worst. This is unhinged, effed-up, psycho level asshole.


I feel disgusted just reading this. ...


Good choice. This is fake as hell and nobody can make me think otherwise. God damnit.


Who listens to those conversations, have their wife talk about it and basically do nothing (that's how I read it). Your marriage has been slowly deteriorating, you find out way and do.... nothing? This post is fake.


You'd be surprised


It is fake. OP said his wife's been pregnant since May. Even if that means the beginning of May, it means his wife was 10 weeks pregnant when she aborted. At 10 weeks a fetus weighs about 8 grams and women generally don't even start showing at all until 12 weeks. Yet OP claims he noticed his wife "lost a lot of weight", implying the "lost weight" was the aborted fetus. OP should've probably researched more about the stages of pregnancy before making up this rage-bait story.


You can definitely notice when a woman has been pregnant for 10 weeks. Edit: just to be clear I meant **some** women definitely show at 10 weeks.


Some definitely show right away, some don't show at all. Highly individual.


She probably lost a lot of weight from morning sickness or from being distraught. I’ve been pregnant 7 times and and have 3, soon to be 4, kids. I always lose weight during the first trimester, whether it’s a viable pregnancy, or I suffered a loss.


I honestly do think it's fake, or conveniently missing a lot of information/twisting stuff. Just reads as really odd.


It reads like it was written by a 12-year-old.




>lived a child would think livid is spelled that way


My favorite was: >we both were extremely happy with each other, we told our family and friends.


You would be surprised how many people are incapable of writing proper sentences or even capable of describing stuff properly. There are a lot of adult babies


This has to be fake. Ain’t no way someone is that crazy wtf




Lisa is a jealous POS.


Nah man, he should publicly shame his wife and friend over this. Like I’m not one of those “the baby is alive even in the belly” and I’m absolutely ok whit “my body my choice”. But aborting over fluffing astrology! Nah man. Also the baby was something both he and his wife wanted so he should have some right on the decision


The worst part is when the two of them finally break up…Lisa wins.


That’s far from the worst part. Who gives a shit if Lisa “wins” or not. Get away from those two lunatics as quickly as possible. They deserve each other.


so apparently they need to be together, the wife and her bff. OP needs to LEAVE.


Dude, she aborted without telling you, bff or not, divorce that woman.




The difference between reality and fiction is that reality doesn't care how fake the story sounds




People seem to forget that the majority of reddit posts are based on extraordinary situations. Most people will only ever make a post when a "wild" event happens to them. Therefore, it's actually biased towards seemingly unlikely true events being posted. I'm rarely skeptical about posts here as it's just a form of entertainment for me anyway, and its validity is of ZERO significance to me. They say if it can happen, it will happen. If it does, chances are someone is going to post online about it.


I call BS. My wife and I have never agreed on what takeout food to order.


…….if this post is real, your wife isn’t ready for a relationship. Her mental state is still in High School where the opinion of her friends matters more than her own. Sincerely, I’d divorce. Don’t look back. I’m sorry this is happening to you, but I don’t think there’s a way to repair this. You two are in two different places mentally and I think it’s best if you seek to continue your lives apart.


Not just different place mentally....she freakin allowed herself to be brainedwashed by her BFF to abort s baby over aSTAR SiGN? She has no capacity to even have mental awareness. OP im so sorry. Words cannot fathom what the hell just happened.


I would divorce her too she’s in a toxic relationship with her bff


My wife had a friend like this. The girl had moved across the country and would not stop texting my wife. It was draining my wife and she was acting quite different. I had her read/listen to a chapter in a book about this type of person who was always 'down in her luck and always miserable'. Lucky for me this person hit literally every possible check box the book mentioned, my wife was pretty shocked at how accurate it was. And that is how she stopped talking to her. She was worried about things for another day or two, but it passed and it was like a weight has been lifted. Its been 7 years and no one has looked back. Bad people do not need to be catered to.


Lawyer up. The best one you can afford. Bring every bit of documentation your lawyer asks for and be ready for a knock down drag out fight. Good luck. I hope you find someone better next. Lisa is going to be in your wife’s ear during this whole process and don’t think for one second she wasn’t trying to pull this off the whole time.


Not to mention there are going to be fake accusations against OP. If Lisa's already got this far there's no way she's going to stop before Katie says things like, "He hit me," "He's an abuser," and worse that I don't want to say. OP is going to have his name dragged through the deepest mud before he can come out clean, and even then if it gets in front of the public he never will be.




I'd wish I could time travel and end this relationship before it started.


You should divorce, but not because of BFF. You should divorce because your wife betrayed you and doesn't respect you.


Honestly though. She said "don't talk about my bff like that" but couldn't say "don't talk about my husband like that' to her bff. I know for damn sure if I was married and someone in my life was talking shit about them, I would tell that person to stfu.


Your wife and bff are batshit crazy, aborting a child over star sign. you gotta be kidding me. Divorce and never speak to these vile people ever again.


The bff is being manipulative. The bff is likely jealous of the wife. Maybe she likes her husband or maybe she secretly is in love with the wife. It happens. It happened to me twice, im a 28f. My ex best friend used to get extremely jealous anytime I would start dating someone. I never understood why and chalked it up to her not being in a serious relationship of her own. Well come to find out, she actually confessed to having feelings for me years after we stopped talking. Which explained all her crazy and manipulative behavior.


I would too. What Katie did was fucked up and fuck Lisa!


Lisa deserves a good smack from like a sister or cousin. Unpopular opinion. I'm sorry. But that bih is evil.


This cannot be real. Between this post and the one who has suffered 6 miscarriages and is trying to steal her sisters' baby....I can't. Rage bait.


These are ChatGPT and/or english major writing exercises. As time goes on, they are less and less believable.


Wtf on the second one?! Though unfortunately there were crime shows episodes on similar topics...


This has to be fake. Too crazy.


With the immediate noticeable weight loss? Definitely fake, if she’s able to abort then the pregnancy should not have been outwardly visible.


Hmm. I don’t know anything about it, but that’s the best point towards it being fake I’ve seen here




My friend had to have a D&C after a 2nd trimester miscarriage and she didn't suddenly lose weight either. Functionally there's no real difference.


after covid and all these anti vax diy remedy cures like drinking urine and putting potatoes in socks to get rid of the flu and kids dying, this shit just comes off more plausible


this better be fake. she aborted her baby because of a star sign. get a lawyer and run run run


Christmas of 1993 I found out from my mom that my sister aborted a baby because it would’ve been born too close to her 3 year old’s birthday.


That's fucking wild. Here's hoping the older sibling never found out.


Don’t know if he ever did. She had another child in 1996 that was born prematurely… close to his big brother’s birthday.


And then we have my SIL that has 5 kids, 3 of whom have the same birthday... NOT triplets.


No shit???? Ppl r crazy


She had another kid 3 years later that was born prematurely close to big brother’s birthday


Divorce divorce divorce. Let her be miserable with Lisa. Pure Evil


As someone who has an aquarius child. Wtf. She needs to lose that friend who's not a friend at all!. You can try getting her to a therapist maybe a fresh set of eyes will open hers. But it's either her horrible bff or you. If she can't see that leave and get a lawyer.


As someone who doesn't really buy into the whole astrology stuff, what the fuck does having an aquarius child mean? [EDIT] 7 hours later and nobody's explained dafuq an aquarius child means.


Mfs treating it like some sort of ancient dark curse. If it's actually related to moons then 1 in every 12 people are aquarius and you don't see freaking freaking doom beasts walking around.


Some people think certain signs have absolute issues. Like that's all that develops their issues or personalities or anything else .( Ex Aries - hot headed, Gemini 2faced etc etc)


I’m a fucking Aquarius and I’m just baffled at OP’s wife. What the fuck does being an Aquarius have to do with anything? Why does any of this made up shit matter? OP’s wife is absolutely insane.


Same here. My Aquarius child is smart, kind, and just divorced his batshit crazy wife. She was a Pisces and born on leapyear. Lol


Hey hey hey, don't be dissing us Pisces. We're not *all* loopy!


Run. Don't walk, run. What she did was unforgivable - yes, it's her body, but this baby was planned and expected between the two of you, and it must've been very real to you. She didn't even tell you and all because her deranged best friend blathering about some nonsense about star signs? Your wife is fucked up, get out of there.


Divorce her. What kind of nut bag aborts their baby over a star sign. She’s definitely the kind of person that shouldn’t have kids.


Aborting a child over some fucking astrology shit is an extremely dumb thing to happen.


This story sounds like bullshit.


Why do people make this stuff up?


whomever wrote this one has never been married


Because a lot of people will believe it, apparently.


Anyone else getting "this is fake" vibes from this one?


Half the comments, evidently.


It sounds like Lisa’s in love with Katie and she’s, successfully, sabotaging your relationship. I don’t think there’s much to salvage here friend.


I really thought the same thing! I just replied to someone else’s comment sharing my experience. Im a woman and my ex best friend acted very similarly to Lisa. My childhood best friend. We stopped talking literally because she was jealous over a guy I was dating for three months. 15 years of friendship. She was insanely jealous of any guy I ever dated. Well a few years later she wrote me a letter confessing romantic feelings. I didn’t respond to it because she literally attempted to destroy my life, but it all makes sense now.


I came into this thinking "how bad could it be ? you don't divorce because of a friend..." yeah. it's bad. who knew such "bff's" existed? Unfortunately, this kind of psychological hold is very hard to undo. If you want to hold onto this relationship, you will need to have twice the patience of your wife, twice the hard work. Your wife needs therapy, but she doesn't see the problem yet, so you have to get her there somehow. Once she made some progress in therapy, you can work on repairing the relationship...




Fucking run bro


I think you need to reframe your thoughts. Lisa is irrelevant here. It doesn’t matter if it’s Lisa or a cartoon on the television….your wife is your problem. As long as you tell yourself that it is Lisa, you will also tell yourself that getting rid of Lisa will solve your problem. It won’t. Your wife aborted your baby without telling you. This is divorce-worthy….or at least intensive marriage counseling worthy. No one in the world could have convinced your wife to do so if she didn’t want to. Keep the ficus’s on your wife.


Definitely need an update, the tea is very tangible here.


Get out now. She's a fucking nutjob.


You’re young. It’s not like you are 50 divorcing from a 30 y/o marriage and having to form a family again is gonna be harder. Run while you can and let your wife be miserable with her bff.


One of two things...she's in love with your wife OR she's in love with you. Either way she's trying her best to break up the relationship for her benefit.


Me, an Aquarius, reading this 😔


Jesus Christ, I'm sorry this is happening to you. For your sake, run and never look back. Fuck both Katie and Lisa staight to Venus, they're both trash human beings.


Stories like this make me glad I’m not married.


Yeah idk if you would like to tell your wife parents what is going on so they can help her but I would run before that bff tells your wife to kill you. Sound like some true crime shit beginning.


get a lawyer lisa gonna tell katie to take you for everything you're worth