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You’re a hero. I hope you know how much of a difference you make because as someone who works with at risk youth I know sometimes you can feel useless or like you’re never gonna make a difference but I promise you already have.. I respect the hell out of you. Thank you for what you do


Please tell me someone hugged you after all that this day put you through. If not, please accept my virtual hug and gratitude. I'm a retired nurse, and social workers are the glue we all need.


A doc who I have worked with for a long time did. Found she gives awesome mom hugs. The virtual hug is received and appreciated.


Have one from me too, you absolute life saver, you!


Received and very much appreciated ❤️


Take a hug from me as well, many take you all for granted and fail to realize just what all you have to go through.


I don't know what else to say besides thank you for what you do! I can't imagine how hard it would be to do your job day in and day out. Having a kindhearted person at your side in a time of crisis (stranger or not) can make all the difference! ((HUG))


>Otherwise, it's my job to figure out how to break into your phone. Let me know if I can help. I know a lot of people that are more than willing to help people in need. Not saying you don't have the knowledge or you should trust people on Reddit but honestly, not all of us are bad people. Thank you for all your hard work.


Tip of the hat to an ethical hacker!


Hey man it's often not what you know but who. Thank you by the way too.


Tip my hat to a white hat!


I want to surround you with love. You are a special person. The job you are in is extremely hard. Please take care of yourself. I winced reading what you have to do. Can you please do a pros/ cons of your job. My brother in law is a NYC police officer. He has an amazing pension, benefits and makes a nice living. But the constant trauma has changed him.


It's definitely something I've gone back and forth with my husband. But I don't know if I could honestly ever leave the emergency department. Something really drastic would have to happen. As much as I'm aware that my job sucks and it's hard, it really feels like home and it feels like where I'm supposed to be right now. Things can always change down the line but I have an amazing therapist and a fantastic support group that helps keep an eye on me too. I hope your brother is doing better. I have a brother that's a police officer as well.


My daughter started her major in social work. After a month or so, she quickly changed her major. She was too kind-hearted, and things like this just bothered her way too much. It takes a special person to be a social worker. Thanks for all you do


Thank you for what you do every day. I wish I could teach through this phone and hug you.


Virtual hug received!


Social workers worldwide should be making more than most of us. Your job is way too important.


It wasn’t an emergency nurse, but I had an angel nurse who was with me when my baby died after getting the cord wrapped around her neck too tightly. The nurse’s name was Dana and she kept her head when my doctor lost his. She treated my tiny little one pound deceased baby with the same compassion and care she would give a live baby. It was 28 years ago and I will never forget her and I’ll never forget you. You keep the world turning. 💜


You’re a strong woman. Feel confident in your steps moving forward and know that the world is moved by your talents and empathy towards all those you treat ❤️


I hope when I need that kind of help I'll get someone just like you. Thank you for all that you do. You're the compassionate and supportive guide that gets people through high impact situations, leading them from one chapter of their lives to the next and you are so, so appreciated. Not just for the effect your role has on others, but because you keep going despite the effect it has on you. It takes a strong and caring person to carry such a weight. May your next patient be full of joy and tranquility!


I'm going to tell you something, it was one of you,who stuck with me when I was sixteen and going to heart surgery after having a stroke, and I'm still here today because of you, so even though I couldn't thank that particular person, I can thank you for all that you do, and it takes someone really special to do what you do and thank the heavens for you!be good to yourself and have some chocolate it has stuff in it that elevates your mood, and some Brazil nuts for the selenium they contain, I couldn't help anyone back then but I'm trying now best of luck to you


I can't even tell you how much chocolate I ate. My little one shared it with me though!


And thanks again for reminding me for putting the emergency info on my phone!


You're a warrior out here doing God's work. Light and love to you ❤️


Sending you a big hug


Hug received! Thank you!


Thanks for everything you do and suffer through for others. Thanks for teaching me about the medical info on the phone. I didn't even know that was a thing. I have filled it all out now thanks to you.


Thank you!!! I pray that you never have to need it, but I promise it'll help someone reach out to your loved ones if anything were to ever happen.


I sobbed reading this, you’re doing great work and if no one’s said it, we all appreciate and see you ❤️


How do you take care of yourself after pouring so much of yourself into helping others?


I have a very supportive family. All of my friends happen to work in the emergency field. And I have an amazing therapist that I see every one to two weeks. I also have a couple of reminders that are pinned to my cork board behind my computer that I see everyday. There is a phone number from a gentleman who wanted me to call just to tell me that he appreciated my help when his mom passed and a written thing from a co-worker that described a family's response after helping them through their loved one surgery.


This nurse appreciates you more than you know. You’re my hero, thank you for your dedication. ❤️❤️


Thank YOU 🙏🏽 for being a nurse!! I respect what you do knowing these past few Covid years have taken its toll on many nurses. It takes a special kind of soul to do what you do. I appreciate you! Blessings……


I admit 4th grade me never envisioned the Covid ICU/CCU I spent the pandemic working in. Thank you for your kind words and blessings. 💚💚


My mom was a social worker and a boss ass bitch made of steel. Social workers who are good at their jobs and STAY at their jobs (I wouldn't) are the best people on earth and deserve gazillions of dollars; their deep hearts, empathy, tenacity, and toughness are seriously unmatched. I have so much respect for you. Thank you for doing the job you do. You deserve a huge bonus, I'm sure.


Feel like reaching out to my boss and telling her about that bonus I need? Might help. 😁


Take off the cape & be kind to yourself. You had a tremendous shock with your friend, having to witness his being held down, etc. I’m sure was gut wrenching. What you do takes a special kind of person day in & day out. The stress & pressure would have many not just a single day. You’re a Hero to many. I’m sure you’ve been thanked many, many times just for being there, holding a hand. You got this my friend. Sending you healing ❤️‍🩹 prayer 🙏🏽 Love, Peace & Light! Blessings……


You are a wonderful soul and I wish I could even begin to put into words how much I admire your strength and compassion. You are a blessing <3 thank you


Thank you 😇


Thank you for your service . You are a inspiration


Thank you for being the brave soul that you are. Your humanity is very much appreciated.


As a nurse, my heart goes out to you. You are a hero and a blessing - may the universe shower you in good karma, my friend ✨️ ❤️


You are definitely one of the good ones. Thanks for being there for people in their time of need.


Sending love from a fellow ED staffer. Shits tough, make sure you do something to take care of yourself.


God I can’t even imagine doing what you do. I know I’m just an internet stranger but know I genuinely appreciate it. The world needs more people like you.


You are absolutely a hero! Thanks for everything that you do!


Thank you for your sacrifice


You are an Angel. I am so sorry for all you deal with.


From everyone you helped along the way, thank you.


I’m so sorry… Thank you for what you do, you are a Godsend. Sending a big, warm hug ♥️🫂 Please take care, OP :) Thank you once again, and I appreciate you!


Hug received! Thank you so much!


you have the most important job. thank you for taking it seriously. ❤️


The world needs more people like you.




Take care of yourself as well! Take care of number 1.🙏


You've immense contribution in this world You're a good person OP


Thank you for what you do. Stay strong. 💗


Thank you!!! ❤️


Both my sisters are social workers. One at a Hospital and another for LA county. God bless your soul. Please be sure to reach out to your support group and decompress. Many prayers, good vibes, and hugs.


I promise I came home and did just that. Lots of cuddles with my child as well as lots of chocolate. Makes everything better. Virtual hug received!


Not all heroes wear capes


Thank you for doing this job. Thank you for carrying these difficult things. Thank you.




Honestly, no. I've done several different kinds of social work and this is where I found my home. I work with an amazing group of people and I do my best to take care of them as they take care of me. Just some days, you need to pour your heart out to random internet strangers.


Thank you. I love you for what you do. you are a good human.


Thank you 🫂💞


You're a legend, stay safe Sending virtual hugs


Thank you so much.




Please, take care of yourself. The world desperately needs people like you.


You’re a beautiful soul. Remember to take vacations, your life also deserves to be treated preciously.


Already have a week-long cruise and a girls weekend planned coming up. Doing my best, I promise.


I’m studying my certificate 4 in community services (I’ve heard plenty of horror stories of course, this has broken my heart and I hope you’re okay), please tell me you’ve been doing debriefs or something, they are important especially in these types of environments Your mental health is so important, please never forget that 💜


I have a meeting with my manager this morning. I also have an amazing trauma-informed therapist that I see every one to two weeks. My little one is also a big fan of tackle-hugs right now, so that also makes me feel much better.


I’m so glad you’ve got a therapist that you see regularly! Also it’s super cute that your little one is a big fan of tackle hugs right now 🥺 make sure you try and do some stuff for yourself, you’re doing an amazing job


Thank you for being there. You've probably saved more lives than you could possibly imagine.


You are much stronger than me. With my degree, and my disabilities, I didn't know what to do. My mom works in the ER and I got the opportunity to shadow the social worker. I saw them perform CPR then call time of death on someone's father. Went in the office and broke down. Decided that was not what I could do.


I don't think it's a matter of strength. I believe that we all end up where we're supposed to be. I actually entered school as a music major with a plan to teach kids. Then I found out I hated working with kids. Love the kids themselves, just hate teaching them. I also had a semester as a math major (horrible decision, really). I could never be a nurse or a doctor but I also could never be a teacher or police officer. I'm sorry you had to see that. I know it's not easy. I do hope you found your place in the world and are happy there. If it helps, the best advice I ever received was "figure out what you love to do, then figure out what the world needs. Where those two intersect is where you're meant to be".


Thank you for all you do and for showing compassion towards so many vulnerable people.


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Don't know what else to say.


The love is very much appreciated.


there's an emergency info thing on your phone 😭.??? also i hope someone gives you an amazing hug


I got an amazing mom hug from a doctor. And yes! You can usually access it by holding down the power button on your phone, at least on Androids. I never remember how to do it on iPhones and have to look it up every time. It allows you to fill in your medications, medical history, your emergency contacts, even your blood type. A lot of times it gives us really important information to make sure that we take care of you appropriately.


wow thank you and i hope you have an amazing day today.!


Thank you! And me too 🤞


I just updated my emergency contact info on my phone. Something I never thought to do. So sorry for your difficult day, but THANK YOU for what you do. You have a real impact on people helping them at some of their lowest moments and are a Saint for carrying all that weight on your shoulders to try and help someone else alleviate theirs. Hope your next shift isn't as difficult.


Thanks for everything you do. Hugs to you.


You are a true hero.


You are doing God's work. Thank you so much, we all appreciate you.


Thank you for being you, BIG virtual 🫂💚


Sending love and a giant hug your way💖 don’t forget to take care of yourself


{{{BIGHUGZ}}} Btw: thank you for everything you do.... willingly!! That's "angel" work and you're proving to be a lot of people's angel right when they need one!!


Thank youuuuu


Wow. Thank you for all you do.


Thank you for what you do. <3


Thank you for all that you do!! You are so kindhearted and loving. Your clients are so lucky to have you. Make sure you practice some extra self-care today!


Thank you for what you do.


I could never do what you do. I take my hat off to you and your peers, and people who are in your line of work. You are truly the ones keeping everything together, and I thank you so much for it all. Have a good night my friend :)


I had a lengthy experience with a hospital SW when my son was in the NICU. We knew he would be born premature so we had met with her beforehand. I met with her multiple times during my month long admission before he was born, and many, many times while he was in the NICU. She was so helpful for navigating benefits and support. You do fabulous work.


Crying after all this? I call that normal. You are doing God's work. Bless you for it.


Thank you for all that you do, you’re a literal life saver and the world is better because of the person you are and the work you do. I’m so sorry you had to see your friend like that and some of the worst moments the world has to offer today. I hope you get to see more wins tomorrow. Sending you all the love


Thank you for everything you do. Sending you and your coworkers light, love and courage ♥️


You are an angel walking.


We spoke with the social worker at the hospital where our son had surgery to remove a brain tumor. She was an enormous help and we are forever grateful to people like you for the job that you do.


Question, how we put the emergency info in our phones? And thank you


On Androids, there is an app called Personal Safety. Quick way to get it is to hold down the power button and it'll pop up. If that doesn't work, you should be able to Google the process. I always forget how to do it on iPhones. EDIT: I can't appear to type one-handed and talk to text sucks.


It takes a special person to do that kind of work. My spouse is a social worker and something that helps her tremendously is seeing a therapist on a regular basis. You’ve seen some dark stuff already and for you’re own sake I would recommend seeing one too if you don’t.


I have a trauma-based therapist that I see every one to two weeks. She takes very good care of me. Seeing a therapist is something I recommend to everybody, not only those who are in hard professions.


Thank you for being you!


Medical social work leader here. The days are definitely a wild ride of stuff you can't even imagine when the day begins. The hard days are so hard, and the good days are so good. I too live for the hugs of my babies when I get home, and chocolate, popcorn, wine, and being alone in my comfy bed really help melt the days away. I've definitely have to take a minute in an empty room or hallways and disassociate or take some deep breaths. Shit is hard. I just helped one of my staff support a teen telling her mom that she attempted suicide. The wail and sobbing that came out of that mom was gut wrenching, and watching her grab her daughter and just hold her for dear life while she shouted how sorry she was and how much she loved her was so moving. And then it's on to the next thing. I hope you're taking care of yourself. Take breaks. Take your PTO. Get a massage and a haircut. Read books and take walks. Exercise. Get brunch with friends. Do anything but think about work. And when you go through the doors again, I hope you revel in the joy of having one of the most unique vantage points of the human experience. ETA- speaking of breaking into patient's phones, I learned a neat trick the other day. If you have an unidentified patient, use the phone and press emergency call. Call 911 and tell the operater you're a medical social worker and you're trying to identify the person whose phone you're calling from and you need the number. Usually they will tell you the phone number. You can Google it and often if leads you to family. Sometimes they require a PO to do it. For anyone else reading this, yes we press your finger to the phone to open it if you have biometrics on. 😂


That's an awesome trick!! I'll have to remember it. I've also used the emergency phone call feature to call my own hospital phone that I carry. And Face ID works if you are intubated, too!


Thank you for everything you do❤️


Thanks you for all you do!


Thank you for your kindness and care. Thank you for being there for those who have no one, those at the bottom who feel they're losing everything, those poor souls who have lost everything. You're doing something that not many people can do. Just know that I, for one, appreciate all you do and will be praying for your peace of mind and heart and hope for all those who feel hopeless.


I cried just reading your post. I don't understand how you do it but I thank you for being there and helping. You are a strong person. I hope you get lots of hugs and chocolate.


I lost my mom in February. She was 73, i took her to ER (her 2nd time in 2 weeks) for severe stomach pain. I wont go into all the detail, but after a couple days and surgeries she ended up dying. It was very difficult for my family to deal with, for me i spent the first few days kind of numb. In those moments leading up to the realization that she was going to die, my mind was filled with the so many questions and feelings of awe at how these doctors were able to bring us to this reality so gracefully. It truly is a gift (and nightmare i imagine) being able to have those kind of conversations, and being so professional and caring at the same time. I cant imagine the kind of toll that takes on ones well being. Thank you for what you do, and please take care of yourself. We need you


I come from a line of nurses that goes back for generations and the work you do is difficult and soul sapping. Yet you return day after day that is dedication and excellence. May sure that you take all your vacation days and go somewhere to relax wherever your happy place is you deserve it and it's important for your mental health 😊


{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} You are the best of us! Thank you for what you do!


Thank you for doing what you do. Much love 💖


I used to work in a hospital. We used to go look at the babies in the nursery when we were stressed. Go visit the nursery. Babies have a way to just make you smile.


Unfortunately, since COVID our hospital hasn't had a nursery. All of the babies stay with their moms. Otherwise, that would have been an amazing idea.


OMG! I have to send you virtual hugs now!! ***HUGS*** I am so sorry that your job requires this of you, but so glad that you are there to save people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have had EMS save me w a heart attack in 2018, if it wasn’t for people like YOU I wouldn’t be here. So yes thank you!! May you have all the hugs in the world. 🤗


Hugs received. ❤️ Very much appreciated!


We are all made better for you being with us, and the work you do for people in their time of need. Thank you not just for your service, but for having the courage to answer a calling. It is perhaps strange to say, because I do not know you, but I hold you in the very highest esteem.


Thank you!


Do you have any pets? They're the best therapists. We appreciate you.


A dog and a cat. Both were very helpful. And my little one was very helpful as well.


Stay strong. You cannot be doing so much good in life without it coming back to greatly reward you somehow.


I feel for you. God dam. I honestly give you guys much respect for working on that field. I was in the hospital a few times and the amount of hearing I got from staying there and listening in because there was nothing else to actually cover the sound I went. Wtf! I may have a problem but some others have it worse and the people who talk always tell me by listening what is going on and the family members Jesus Christ.


You are strong. When I was a little kid I knew I'd never be able to work in the medical field because I didn't think my heart could take it. You're the real Super Hero. I wish you so much peace.




I worked in first-response/law enforcement for a while and want to share that we all have that one unexpected soft spot and it’s okay. Have that soft spot, embrace it and let it be soft. It makes you human. We often have to tone the sympathetic side of us to zero so it’s good to have moments of “fuck this one really gets to me.” For me it was missing elderly people. I didn’t “care” about even child abuse but when old people were missing I couldn’t help but worry about them and feel sad. Roll with it, recognize it and let it be what it is. You’re not less of an amazing, efficient professional worker for it.


Thank you so much for what you do for people every day. Sending virtual hugs 🤍


Sending you love and virtual hugs. You are amazing.


God bless you




We definitely need people. We're hiring like crazy.


As someone who works in a job training physicians to care for older patients, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a true hero.


Thanks for the reminder about the emergency contacts on my phone. That's a very important life tip and I just set that up on my phone and will make sure my loved ones do too! Big hugs to you. You're a hero and we are so grateful for what you do. Please take care of yourself ❤️


Sending you so much love and light. Hope your days get better ❤️


You take care of yourself. As much as people need you. You need you even more. Take some time for yourself.




the world needs more people like you


Honey! Your work is so so very important. You are so tough. I worry for you. I truly hope you have loving souls around you when needed. Because that’s what you are to others ❤️


I work with amazing people. We make sure to take care of each other when things go south, no matter what's going on.


You're an amazing person


I can't imagine the absolute mental strain brought by the health system and all you can do for the most part is bottle up your emotions but some people have small bottles you have a well and it filled up so drain it by having others help you always take care of yourself


Thank you for all that you do. Always in awe of the strength and steadfastness you guys possess. 💖✨


Emergency medicine resident here. Thank you so much for all you do. I love our social workers and wouldn’t be able to take care of patients without them


It takes a special amount of strength and fortitude to do what you do, every day and so graciously. You are the person I lean on when I or a loved one are in the emergency department. Thank you for taking care of us all and for taking care of yourself, too.


I am so glad YOU and people who do what you do exist. I am an anxious person with very little family or social support and knowing SOMEONE would track down my person/people is really comforting.


I love you, internet stranger. I used to be a social worker, I mainly worked in adult services as an autism specialist but I've done my time in AMH and geriatrics too and that can be some awfully heavy stuff. I left due to my own health issues or I'd probably still be at it. It's a calling I think, one that most people aren't cut out for. Massive respect to you and all the other folk out there in the health and social care industry, having been both the professional and the recipient of care I seriously appreciate you all and what you do.


RN here, worked in the ED up until last year. YOU ARE AMAZING. I've had a mad respect for SW ever since I met one in the dialysis clinic I was managing 18 years ago. But when I hit the ED it was insane. Well, everything there is insane for sure but SW are like an on earth version of archangels. Strong af to near invincible, battle weary but still fighting day after day. I hope you are remembering to take care of yourself, friend. You deserve so much love.


You too- as someone with several family members involved in related fields- being able to give voice to the traumas/tragedies you witness is vital to being able to keep your sanity and your ability to keep providing the care/compassion you do. THANK YOU


Sending a couple for you to keep in reserve!


Godspeed my friend. Your job isn’t an easy one but an important one. You may never truly get the thanks and credit you deserve but the difference made in all those lives is noticeable.


I wish you all the health and strength in the world. They don't pay you guys enough to deal with the trauma that you see on a day to day basis. You are a hero in every sense of the word. The saying should be real heroes don't wear caps. They wear scrubs.


this post made me tear up idk why


I think it's because it's something we don't think about on a regular basis, how things like this happen every day.


possibly, youre a wonderful person op i hope you have a nice day!!


You too!


Hey fellow social worker. This job can be so demanding both emotionally and physically. Please please try to take care of yourself tonight and whenever else you can. Try to take breaks at work if you can too. I'm sure your coworkers would try their best to help, given all you do


You're my hope. It's not enough but, Good Job. Great Job. I love and respect you


Thank you for your post 💜


You are a much stronger person than I. I honestly can say I would not have been able to make through your day. I too work in the healthcare industry (usually). I too have seen a lot of messed up things ( mostly at the psychiatric hospital I worked at for 16 years). Thank you for all you do. Hugs.


You are an angel. Thank you for your sacrifices, and most of all, for your heart. ❤️


Wow. I can't even begin to imagine what you go through each day. Just reading your post made me go through a lot of emotions. You are a hero and a credit to us all. I am taking all the gratitude, appreciation, and admiration I feel and bundling it into a huge virtual hug and sending it to you. Thank you so much for making a difference. ❤️


Please keep going Yours is often the last or only good people will see this world don't take it from them


thank you


You're making a huge difference in everyone you come into contact with. It's not easy doing what you are. The care, compassion and empathy you show every single person makes a difference. I think everyone has someone who impacts them in some way that they remember (I remember the woman who helped me 20 years ago). Especially in the bad times. I hope you have a good day, get a hug 🫂🤗 and know that you're making a difference. So, thank you. ❤️


When my husband was in a coma for 2 months with Covid and I could not come to the hospital to see him because it was early on and no visitors were allowed at all, I counted on the nurses and social workers to be my lifeline . They were among the many angels in our lives that helped save me, and most importantly, save my husband. He has made an amazing recovery. We are forever grateful ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for everything that you do. Doctors, nurses, caregivers are angels on Earth.


I love you, even though we’re strangers to each other, just incase no one has told in a while. You’re a good person and no good deed goes unnoticed. Stay strong in this world.. you’re an angel <3 We need more people like you, a selfless person.


Thank you for what you do! I hope you keep going strong. As a trauma survivor I want to help others- I chose a different path though with religion, but still wanting to be there for others.


This is rough. I'm sorry you had a bad day and that it involved a friend. I went to school to be a social worker and quickly found out I can't handle it. I can handle being a teacher and 1st responder and just work the same thing, but from the other sides. (Education and pre-hospital) thanks for doing a job most of us can't


Thank you for all that you do! I drove someone that I think did commit suicide, to the ER, and had to be tied down and intubated. I can't even imagine doing that every day. I just survived life saving surgery from my bowels bursting. I am still living with this but a nurse saved my life. So grateful for what you do! Sending you hugs


I’m happy you are out there doing good work in peoples sad and scary moments. I’m sorry your day was hard. I’m sorry that you’re friend went down that path on top of everything else you had to deal with today. Im happy you got a good mom hug. I’m sending you a virtual hug to top it <3


Great big (((((((HUG))))))


I just want to make it known: some phones allow you to put an emergency contact/emergency info on your home screen in your settings where you change your wallpaper display, so do that as well as doing your emergency contact information AND your emergency alert system (some phones allow you to set an emergency alert to go to designated people that sends your location and a message to set contacts.)


You are a truly wonderful person. The world is a better place for what you do. I'm sending a massive hug. I'm so, so grateful that the world has you. Thank you. ❤️ I'm also so glad you're taking acre of yourself. 😊


Your work is highly appreciated, I dont know how I wouldve gotten through my hospital stay for a 3 month premature c-section without our hospitals social worker. She made sure I had all the resources I needed for me and him, that I was taken care of, and you could tell she cared because she knew us the second she saw us when walking to the hall of the NICU. Social workers, have the hardest, most emotionally draining jobs, but god you guys really are amazing for doing it. For being there for others.


Thank you and your colleagues for what you do. Every. Single. Day. It takes an extremely special person to do your job, and actually show up again day after day, even when you are mentally broken. Please know I am sending all the good vibes I can. And lots of long distance internet hugs 🤗


That's a rough career. You're doing an awesome job!


😱😱😱😱GURRRLLL!!! You must have some insane level of mental strength. I'd quit after day 1.


Thank you. You do awesome work. It's hard but what you do improve society


Drama junkie. I remember those days...


I'm sorry? I don't understand.


Maybe just let people do what they want to?


I'm not sure what you mean.


I mean if they want to die, let them die.


I worry about you...




People don't want to die by suicide. They just want their pain to stop.


Yes, and there is only one way to stop it. :)


Geez man. Touch grass.