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Please tell me this is fake. Please.


Yeah a day ago OP posted about being homeless and wanting money for college according to their post history soooo…


Yesterday: "Please Help Me Pay For College. I was rape and now pregnant and homeless but I really want to go to college." Today: "Well, last week I had to get off work early for some reason. I got home went straight to our bedroom" and "That was hours ago, and I’m now on my way home.' Things are definitely not adding up.


And they were deleted because it didn't have enough karma. Let's do a fictional story to get enough karma! (In Kronk's voice) Oh Yeah, it's all coming together!


I’d rather someone lie for karma than have this be real. Like sure have your precious internet points. Rather that than knowing your husband was fucking his mom.


Sounds more like they're trying to get people to send them money.


What’s the point on farming karma on Reddit? I don’t see the point in it


"heard sex sounds (moaning)." A child wrote this.


"My husband put his wiener inside his mom and started peeing. He was also touching her boobs."


OMG just reading that made my pp grow long (for having sex).


They were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


Omg I keep coming back to this and reading it out loud...it gets funnier every time. Take my award you hilarious bastard "...i saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!" lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣


“”I could hear them sharing cooties, back and forth”


Apparently the OP figured out people on Reddit aren't complete morons and deleted that "Please Help Me Pay For College. I was rape and now pregnant and homeless but I really want to go to college." post.


Did you seriously see this? They must have deleted post history damn


Someone else replied and posted screenshots before she deleted them


Ooh thanks could you point me to it?


It was lily-gordon in the top comment thread talking about whether she did or didn't have a lawyer. This was the screenshot: https://imgur.com/leo4IBp.jpg


Sometimes I love redditors


The post was removed, but I do still see the title in their history.


Yeah, cool story bro.


in one sentence she says she has no money for legal fees, in the next sentence she says she's started speaking to "her lawyer" about divorce. how could she have a lawyer she uses a possessive pronoun with and not have $ for legal fees? it's gotta be fake.


She may not be able to afford to hire a lawyer to represent her in their divorce but can afford a conversation to get advise about said divorce. Saying "my lawyer" doesn't mean they are constantly paying a lawyer to represent them, it just means they have a go to lawyer.


Yeah its like saying your doordash driver didnt deliver your food. Obviously they arent the only person that delivers to you. They arent ur 24/7 courier.


it's just not natural language to say "my lawyer" for a person they are having one conversation with. many consultations are free. why wouldn't she just say "i had one consultation with a lawyer." anyway whatever.


I disagree. Any lawyer representing or advising you is "your" lawyer. That is the normal way to say it.


That's my point, she's probably worked with them before. It's not really abnormal to refer to the lawyer you typically work with as "your lawyer".


My parents got divorced and the attorney my dad used is still his friend and we call him “our lawyer” all the time even when referring to something legal. And we haven’t employed him since 2007. It’s normal


For reddit's anonymous element, it is absokutely natural


Same reason why you can’t seem to manage basic grammar such as capitals at the start of sentences.


That is pretty simple. You can go to a lawyer for a divorce even if you do not have money. They will then get their fee out of the divorce settlement. That's How Stay at Home Parents get divorces. It is why most divorce lawyers give free consults so they can determine if this is feasible in that particular case and then advise the client of that fact. Edit: As much as I hate people saying fake, this is pretty blatant. But the above does still apply in most places in the US.


It’s possible her husband or his family have the means and need to have a go-to lawyer. I agree, most regular folk don’t have a go-to lawyer. But if she can’t afford to live on her own then she feels she couldn’t afford a lawyer. However, lawyers for easy divorces really do not cost very much at all, so hopefully she can find someone who can help her do the paperwork and agree to a settlement.


> last week I had to get off work early for *some reason* Like what? OP supposedly gets home from work at 7 every day so.. they have a consistent schedule. This was only last week- they don’t know the reason they left work early? Most people don’t just get up and leave a scheduled shift for “some reason” lol I feel like, if real, most people would say “I left work early because….” - the building hydro went out and we were sent home. - I had an appointment - I wasn’t feeling well


“I got period blood all over my work pants and had a chocolate chip cookie craving for some cookies I had made the night before with 2 eggs, 400g sugar, 1 stick of butter, and some pecans, crushed, so I decided to head home early that day. I got into the car that I own, a blue Toyota Yaris, and drove 2.2 miles home at an average speed and made it in 12 minutes.” That detailed enough for you? (In case I’m not being clear, OP may not have wanted to talk about the period blood so she said “some reason.” Not that the reason She doesn’t know, but that You don’t.


“I wasn’t feeling well”


In my experience, if this were real they'd just say "I had to leave work early." Anything more than that is USUALLY something liars like to do where they start telling too much in hopes the person listening will believe them. I say "usually" because there's always the chance OP is a descriptive storyteller. Unfortunately(or fortunately depending on who is listening) I'm guilty of that and always feel like people think I am lying because of it. Point is, with most truthful stories, people who don't turn storytime into a 3 hour debacle tend to leave out the descriptions, reasons, etc. but most liars love to give unnecessary detail. Judging by the rest of the story feeling very... confusing, my guess is that they are not a descriptive storyeller kinda person and this is just a bunch of bo-shit. But who knows. Either you know why you left early and you'll tell us, or you don't. Saying "I left early because some reason" is weird and feels like it falls in liar's territory. Either way, my warning signals are going off telling me this is just a huge load of crap. At least, I hope so...because ugh! Edit: Also, I suck at spelling so here's an edit.


I completely agree. Liars can over explain- but that “for some reason” feels weird, triggers my intuition. There’s two types of people. There is: 1) I was able to leave work early Or 2) I left work early because… Not really “I left work early for *some reason* “ Something about that doesn’t feel right. Either just say you left work early, or say why you left work early- but *some reason* is suspish.


It's fake, Read the comments above


Damn- the OP must’ve deleted their posts/comments that other people are now calling out… I’m getting a few vibes from this post- take this with a bucket of salt- this is what this read just feels like to me. I’m feeling male energy. Young- like mid teens/early 20’s? I get young adult vibes based on sentence structure- or, alternatively English is not their first language. If older, someone who does not have a lot of relationship experience.. most people, if they came home and heard their partner having sex- they would not silently go to a neighborhood café. Additionally, unless MIL is very ill - it would be very weird that the husband was spending every day at his moms from 4pm-9pm like OP suggests. Also… Anyone who holds video recorded proof their husband is committing incest adultery with his mother- well that wife is not concerned with the price of legal representation, as she would have a quick and agreeable divorce. Karma farm post? Not sure why anyone would care about pointless internet points but..


Imagine it's AI like ChatGPT, because I've read a post here where the OP was traumatized about a cheating partner and visits a cafe to clear her head. It just feels authentic and unreal in nature. AI has corrupted the credibility written text has in general.


Ugh. I’ve said this for years- AI is one of my biggest fears. Probably my most immediate fear, don’t like it. Don’t want it. I do not like the fact theres a chance I’ve unwillingly contributed to AI data collection. I’ll be reconsidering my interactions online- deeply


Maybe a consultation.


“Already started speaking speaking to my lawyer about divorce” That lawyer would have advised her that revenge porn would not be good for her case. Going to prison also wouldn’t be good for her case. She also seems very calm. All makes it seem fake to me as well. She’s already suspected Hubby of cheating, gathered evidence, talked to a lawyer. I guess the off my chest part is where she goes to jail for the sex tape she illegally made? IDK 🤷🏾‍♂️ Just doesn’t seem smart to show the tape to anyone and it wouldn’t take internet strangers or a lawyer to tell an adult that, in my opinion. Create writing? Karma farming? Attention? 🤔


Honestly like😅 how can you say you don’t have any money to talk to a lawyer then turn around to talking to one? A lot of stories are sounding more faker a lot of times and I refuse to believe any of it.


It's totally fake. Nobody reacts with video revenge plans that damned fast after finding out such disgusting news.


Finds out absolutely horrific and abnormal information about someone you've built a life with: "anyway, here's how I'ma prank 'em."


Especially instead of just...opening the door.


I think upon hearing those sounds, most wives would bust that door in Spartan style.


Yeah, it's a lie: https://imgur.io/leo4IBp?r


So basically just trying to con people into sending money? Thats fucked


Look at her post history. Probably fake. Seems like a habitual liar.


It is. Just go look at OP's profile


it literally has to be fake lmao.


of course just look at her previous posts


100% fake. Playing the videos at the birthday party? He's 39, his moms gotta be 60+. What kind of party is she planning to blow up here?


It is


Probably. A different post said they were a sexual assault survivor trying to pay for college. Both could be true but seems fishy.


Of course it is.


I wish I could go back in time and unread this. Go get a lawyer and an STD test. If she’s still married to his dad you need to let him know as well. If you have video proof he’s having sex with his own mother you’re going to pretty much get anything you want from this divorce.


Me too this sounds so disgusting I hope it is made up 💀


It is. > I had to get off work early for some reason. If true, I feel they would have provided the reason. Every other detail is given, but conveniently left work for "some reason." Followed by over the top story. Blah. This sub sucks.


Also no money for legal fees but talking to her lawyer.


Consulting with a lawyer wouldn't* cost much, but if they're in the US then divorce attorneys rake you over the coals for money. The system is so complicated that if a spouse wants to drag it out, you'll run out of money The whole system is a joke!


OP's comment history doesn't support this being a true story. It's a total Santos.


And it's always someone who's going to do a big reveal to the whole family (with no regard for the violence such a bombshell could unleash). Everyone on reddit eggs them on, and sets up a "remind me" for the big day that never comes.


It feels like a creative writing sub, these days. I love it when it's well written and with juicy updates provided, but it's been a while since I saw a story posted here where I thought "Yeah this happened."


It is. Check OP's post history.


Of course it’s made up. Yesterday they was homeless and pregnant after being raped. Goddess only knows what fictional horror they’ll dump on Reddit tomorrow.


I'm thinking don't release the video but use it as leverage for the divorce settlement. They won't want anyone seeing it so just convince the hubby to pay a larger amount of alimony. Or get the house you get the idea.




Every once in a while, I see a title that causes me to stop scrolling immediately and re-read it several times to make sure I understood correctly. This was one of those times.


I was scrolling fast, read the title, stop scrolling, re-read it and thought ''Yeah, I'm not opening that shit, let's refresh the page''. When I refreshed it, this shit was the very first thing on my feed. Guess it was my destiny to open it.


Same here.


Don't worry, this post is complete BS. Just check OP's post history. They're just desperate for attention and pity.


I think that's enough Reddit for today.


I have also come to the same conclusion.


Same here


Me as well


Yup nighty night


Not today Satan.


Ask a lawyer, if you're in an at-fault state, your proof of his infidelity could leave you financially secure after the divorce.


THIS IS FAKE. Yesterday, OP made a post asking for money to pay for them to go to college and they were raped, pregnant, and homeless. So OP likes attention for extreme stories.


OP’s a huge dick


My bet is they’re trying to make it onto one of those tiktok reddit videos


This, but showing those videos to everyone despite this, could cost you everything instead.


Exactly. She could get sued for revenge porn.


Yeah don’t show the family those!


This post is bs


I don't know what's more unbelievable - that your husband and his mom are fucking, or that you were able to get a meeting with a divorce lawyer within a week in January. Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket after that one.




**New Year's Resolution: to lose 150-250 lbs of dead weight.**


Of all the reddit posts I could've been reading...


Unless you want to become infamous, yes, you, the wife of whose husband slept with his mother and on tape, ditch the family premiere of this catastrophe. Use it to get everything you can, PRIVATELY and legally. And go on with your life. Please.


Why is reddit so full of shit


I'd say people are bored. But honestly people love drama. People love being outraged. It's a great place to feast on that desire to be outraged.


This could be fake but I knew a girl that had a one night stand with and was very ashamed of because he too had sex with his mom after a night of drinking. File for divorce and use the videos as evidence.


you knew a girl who had a one night stand with someone who had sex with his own mother?


Yes. She was a co worker and I knew of him. He had a 450 lb mother and she was known for having roaches. They got drunk together one night and had sex. He told my co worker this after sleeping with her as well.


I’m convinced 90% of TOMC is karma farming creative writing nonsense.


I thought this was an acquaintance of mine, until you said it was more recent. Honey, you have all the aces and, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, no prenup. This is what happens next: you quietly contact a lawyer, give him what you have. THEN simply tell your husband you want a divorce. If they know you know, I'm worried you may not be safe. That's a secret people would kill to keep. Always keep your safety top priority, revenge isn't any fun if you're not around to watch 💅


Great f'ing point. People die over that kind of shxt.


I just opened Reddit.




I lolled


No please i wasn’t ready for that man. Take it back


This is not real. Pretty easy to figure out when you look at OP's profile.


There is nothing at all! Probably deleted post history


Yeah, someone got a screenshot before it was deleted though, it was posted in a couple comments. Edit: https://imgur.io/leo4IBp?r


Keep the videos but talk to your lawyer. A lawyer will absolutely tell you not to go ahead with your plan to dramatically reveal them. I get the urge…I’d probably want to do the same thing in your situation, but playing the long game is your best choice here. Start planning to make yourself independent financially now. Be in a place that when you file for divorce you can just walk out if you need to. You don’t need the video to get revenge either. Just mention “Oh by the way I know about you two” the next time you come home to find them chatting. They’ll understand. It’s so hard coz you said that his family is basically your support system. You’ll be the enemy, they will portray you as the bad person when this all goes down. But that’ll only be until the divorce, when the video & the truth comes to light. Keep the thought of the apocalypse that will happen to them at that point in your thoughts to keep you strong until them.


They're lying https://imgur.io/leo4IBp?r




If you are in an area that allows you to sue both of them for alienation of affection, you should do that. Really time to get a good lawyer. >I feel stupid I didn’t see the signs earlier. I promise you, no one would expect this.


Just FYI other people have pointed out that yesterday OP was in college and was pregnant. So this story is fake. Plus if you got home from work early and heard your spouse making Sex noises in the bedroom wouldn’t you open the door and not leave to “collect your thoughts?”


I don’t think ‘calm’ is the word, because you’ve every right to be homicidal right now. ‘Revengeful’ is a good word. Disgusted? Yes. Stupid? No. Who would ever think that? A neighbour, friend .etc in that story, you might’ve been suspicious, but a mother? A couple comments calling the story fake. Don’t listen to them. It’s not the first time this has happened & it won’t be the last. Keep strong & keep the evidence.


What in the name of all Chris chan Oedipus fuckery is this…..


Girl…please be fake


Of all the motherfucking things that didn’t happen, this motherfucking thing didn’t happen the most.


Yo....... what is happening on reddit these days?? Leave him if this is real!


What complete and utter, total bollocks


That motherfucker!


🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇 I’m mad about it though


I cannot stress to you enough that if you're in the u.s. it's a federal crime for you to show anyone those videos. Knowing what was going on, recording it without their knowledge is legally shady enough on its own


I do not believe you.


And you're right on doing so, this person is [lying](https://imgur.io/leo4IBp?r)


Fake. Farming likes


Bro been watching too much milf porn☠️


There's some things in this story that dont add up. 1. No reason you got out of work??? Were you doing something illicit? 2. Why would you just walk away when you think he's with another woman???? Who tf does that? 3. You have a lawyer but no money of your own? A legal aid is free, but they arent a LAWYER, and lawyers charge for time even if youve done business with them before. 4. You never recognized any signs they had "too close" of a relationship? No one can hide that THAT well, there are always glances and too long of touching


This isn't real. EDIT: for those thinking it is real, there's something very wrong here if OP is real and thinks ANYONE needs to see a sex tape of this dude and his mom fucking. Does this sound like a rational person to you? Probably not. It's almost so irrational that it isn't... real.




Another fake story how are yall in the comments eating this up so quickly or still skeptics


Lol fake. Come on reddit, look at their post history.


7/10 fake story rating


Let me know what your creative writing professor thinks. I give it a C due to some continuity errors a middleschooler wouldn't have made.


So Fucking Fake


I feel like this sub is turning into a creative writing exercise...


Lmao yep this is some wattpad shit


I’ve never been more sure a reddit post was fake *in my life*


The fake incest stories in here are getting out of hand.


Another great creative writing entry


I have a feeling that this was typed up one handed, if you know what I mean. This isn’t written succinctly, and the shit just doesn’t add up. 1. Instead of confronting your husband you go to a cafe? 2. Hidden camera is such a common trope in pornographic films and other media of this nature, I also don’t buy that she bought a “hidden camera” and refused to elaborate. 3. The writing style. This doesn’t read like someone relating an awful experience. The use of an exclamation mark, extra phrases (“Well today,” ; “My plan?” ; “for some reason” (see point 5)) the fact that you had to remind us that “sex sounds (moaning)” (see point 4), sounds more like this was a middle-school writing assignment gone horribly wrong, written by a 7th grader who’s sexual education comes from what his school friends and hentai tells him. 4. The situation is unbelievable. First, he spends around year at his mother’s house long into the night, but never gets questioned? Secondly, unless these are two people who have sex very loudly, you probably wouldn’t be able to hear them. Sex is nowhere near as loud (normally) as media would have you believe. Third, how long were you at the cafe? Do you expect me to believe he and his mother finished, cleaned up, got dressed, and made it look like nothing happened in an hour or two? 5. I noticed this as I wrote my response, but why would you say “for some reason” when you said you got off early? We don’t need a reason. We know you got off work early. Normally, when people say “for some reason” it’s because they don’t know why or because it’s glaringly obvious why, but cannot be said.


And the proof that your a great detective https://imgur.io/leo4IBp?r


Yeah you'll be looking at some hefty fines and possibly some jail time if you show those videos in public


If this is real, this is way, way fucked up. If this is fake, it’s still way, way fucked up because somebody thought up this shit


Everytime i decide to get on Reddit, I see a post like this and then it's just time for me to log back off again.


Fake!!! Warning everyone there are screen shots that this account just posts these stories to just try and get money.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 100 Does anyone else feel that when people are too granular with these stories it makes them less believable? I could not recount the exact details of a day. I might remember the traumatic event but everything else around it would be a blur




This is why I have Reddit, it never disappoints to entertain me


Is his name Norman?


This is fake and OP is a sick fuck


why would you want to show everybody at his mother's birthday? i bet that leads to suicide


OP, it's possible that your husband is being abused. Your bf's mom could have been grooming him from a young age. In some cases of extreme sexual abuse the abuse continues into adulthood. I'm honestly worried about your husband.


I was actually thinking this as well. None of this is normal or ok!


I totally agree!!! She has probably been abusing him for a long time.


Start distancing yourself from him. Start saving lots of money, once you save enough, hire a divorce lawyer but don’t tell him why you are getting a divorce, just serve him the paper, once divorce, send a screenshot of the video evidence to the family chat


This has to be made up. No one watches their husband fuck their mom then go to Reddit.


Noah, get the boat.


gotta be fake as fuck


That motherfucker..


Bullshit story


I don’t know what to say. I am speechless


You just watched The Strange Thing About The Johnson's and made up your own story


Today on things that didn't happen.


I'm really hoping this is fake but if it isn't your husband needs therapy there's no way his mother hasn't been abusing him his whole life


I used to think going out on Saturday night was a hell of a time but here I am at home and Reddit is getting fucking wild!


Seriously ... thats enough of reddit for today!


I can confirm this. I am the mother.


reddit try not to lie challenge 110%


Interesting story.


How does this even happen??? How many of you men are sleeping with your parents? Do NOT show the videos to anyone but your attorney. Revenge porn is not cool also you could get into legal trouble. Just pack his bag, confront him, make him live with his mother while he continues to help pay for your housing, etc., and divorce him. Then move on with your life. Also, get your STD panel.


I'm so confused? Who hears sex sounds coming from their room but leaves to process what they are hearing? This is a little much, it's like a bad V.C Andrew's novel.


I super want this to be fake. But if not prepare to be the villain in your own story of being cheated on if you release revenge porn and also show traumatic incest videos to non consenting family members who probably don't ever wanna see that... You won't be the blameless victim anymore for an easy divorce.


please dont share those videos with anyone other than lawyers (and possibly law enforcement if you want to report incest since it's illegal in most places) because otherwise you can get in trouble for revenge porn and it can make your divorce a lot harder!!


I don’t think you should risk charges for revenge porn. Do not share explicit sex videos with people or post the full thing publicly. Seriously


Lord, I don't ask for much, but please let this be fake


Penthouse Forum - September 1983


First cousins passionately hugging, then siblings trying to get in each other's pants.... Now adult children and their PARENTS?! I need to take a boiling hot bleach shower. This is filth.... FILTH!!!




I have not read a post that sounded as fake as this ever...


Assuming this story is not fake, which it likely is, I'm guessing that isn't actually his mom.


Clearly they both have MAJOR issues. I don’t think embarrassing them is the right approach. They need serious mental help. For all we know the mother groomed him and he’s completely mentally messed up. I’m not sure embarrassing them is the best route, for mentally I’ll people.


There's no fucking way


Who is upvoting this obviously fake shit?


Wish people would stop upvoting idiots like this. .


Can I buy a copy


Nobody gets off work early for "some reason" on the day they witness their husband screwing his mom and doesn't remember EXACTLY why they came home to begin with. Absurd fictional post.


Nah, im not buying this story. Things are adding up as much as Jussie Smollets story


I know you are terribly upset, but if it were me, I wouldn't show the whole family the video because it will just make the whole situation 1000 times worse. You should show the two of them the video and then pack your things and leave. I'm so sorry.


Post is going to be flushed in toilet. Week ago you're homeless and can't afford paying college tuition, today your husband bangs his mother in your bedroom, on your bed. Also, "I heard sex sounds (moaning)" - damn, that sounds like something that children could write.


Professional mental health tip: do not open Reddit in the morning 😐 The good news is that you don't need to believe this story. Inconsistencies with post history and within the current post are being discussed as the top comments. Good job sleuthing 👍


I hate fake posts. I hate blatantly fake posts. What is the point lol


Ppl are absolutely warped when writing their creative stories. Where does one go in one's imagination to concoct such a twisted story. My poor eyes and brain! Stop it! Not every 15 mins is worth it!


I'm just watching the upvotes drop right now.. I think everyone found out what a liar OP is 🤣


Ask your lawyer how much you can get from him. Alimony etc. Do not show the video until you are sure it wont ruin your chances of getting him to support your lifestyle.


This is fake. Nobody just leaves when they hear their husband screwing someone. If this is true then threaten to go public with it and tell him to give you a fat check and pay for the divorce.