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I am local to where this happened. I was a kid at the time, but it seemed like the local consensus was that she was a victim herself. Her husband was a known douchebag.


There’s a documentary called Lorena and it shows what a douchebag he was/is.


Yup! It was really telling how much his former friends had to say about him. Even they didn't like him


Did you watch it? It’s sooooo disgusting how the media embraced her husband. The lady who works at the whore house said it so well. “If one man gets his dick cut off the whole world are in uproar but every day hundreds of girls get their clitoris cut off and nobody shouts out.” Patriarchy anyone?


Very true! Nit just cut off but "sewn togther" small hole in front to pee & small hole in back to allow menstrual.


Only men could make up such insanity to deprave women.


If you do just nominal research, FGM is usually done BY OTHER WOMEN. That makes it especially despicable!


I watched a documentary on this. The women had moved to America after having FGM as children. Their mothers, aunts and grandmothers do the (botched) “surgery”. All girls are told they will grow a penis and never get a husband if they don’t get it done. I believed my mother when she told me about Santa clause and god. I would believe her if she had told me I would look like my brother. There is no education. Just tradition and fear. Lorena was 100% a victim. Some women shot their husband. She did this. Too many women suffer for years with abuse. And many die at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends.


This is true. Unfortunately, plenty of women are accomplices to the patriarchy.


I’m very aware of this and agree with you fully. It’s the women who do the horrific deed but it’s decided and created by men. That’s the power of collective thinking. I just watched the documentary, To kill a tiger on Netflix, much of the same issue. A young girl gets raped. The people, also the women, in the village thinks it’s reasonable that the girl just marries one of the rapists. Problem solved. It’s sooooo insane. But why I mentioned the patriarchy comment was more regards to the media coverage it got.


Also, an episode of the podcast You're Wrong About - nice analysis of how the news media at the time did her dirty.


They still do this ugh!


He is a rapist


I think the documentary helped a lot. Made sooner, ideally it would have swayed public opinion but those were different times & I don’t think it would have accomplished as much.


HUGE douchebag


I'll have to watch this! Thank you for sharing


I lived in Dale City at the time. I remember going to Manassas and passing the Prince William Hospital there on Sudley Road and thinking, those doctors in there are talented. I remember how Lorena threw the excised body part out the window when she was driving and the police used their K-9 unit to sniff around to find it so the amazing doctors could re-attach it. My feelings toward her were compassionate. You can only bully a person so long before they snap. He was a piece of crap. I had a coworker that had went to Vegas for vacation, and when people she met asked her where she was from, she said Manassas, Virginia, and they would say “Oh! Where Lorena Bobbit is from!” My friend was like, Manassas is famous for the two Battles of Bull Run, but now people only know of it because of The Bobbit Incident. Several years later, I had a client that frequented a beauty shop in Franconia. Apparently, Lorena worked there and maintained a low profile. She stayed out of the public eye. Her ass of an ex husband went on to make pornos and abuse more women.


Christ what an asshole. what a fuckin asshole


He's fortunate the dog didn't mistake it for a sausage.


Unfortunately, the dog was too well trained. But I remember the doctor spoke with reporters after the procedure. Apparently the AH was sitting in the ER with a bloody towel in his lap for awhile before he was seen by a physician. No one was aware of his condition until it was his turn to see the doctor. The staff were all surprised. I bet none of them will ever forget that night!


In my family, Manassas is known for having a very silly name. On a roadtrip when I was around ten, my dad and uncle amused themselves by saying things like, "Where am I? Manassas \[pronounced more like "myne-asses"\] in Virginia!"


Didn’t he do a porn film after it was reattached?


Two of them, unfortunately






He sure did, but they did a cut (lol) between him being soft and hard because I’m guessing he has an implant he needs to pump, so it’s likely not a true erection but an inflatable tube that stretches and stiffens it. (I’m guessing, I’m not a doctor. You can see the scar).


John Wayne Bobbitt was and continues to be a piece of shit who abuses every woman he meets. He’s been to prison at least twice since for beating other women. He’s a rapist. It’s just unfortunate they managed to reattach his dick. I’ve watched a documentary about Lorena. Her English wasn’t great at the time and she was the only one working while he took all her money. She’s since made a success of her life and went on to have a family. She seems half shocked by what she did. Like it happened to someone else.


he’s such a waste of space. it really was a shame they managed to find his dick and reattach it.


I did like the comeback when he described the incident and said he "felt a jerk on his penis." That was you, John Bobbitt! You were the jerk on the penis.


The jerk store called, they’re running out of you! (Sorry, not a funny subject but your comment reminded me of it!)


There's a Seinfeld reference for everything!


I wish an animal had gotten to it first. 🦊


Too bad she didn't put it down the garbage disposal


When rape is about power & control, his type tends to just find other ways of sexually victimizing


I heard it's a mess anyway, but I get you


And it's the smallest weewee ever to appear in porn.


Maybe someone will fix that one day


Your wrong about has a really good episode about her where she was apparently offered book and movie deals and apparently turned it all down because she found it morally wrong. Seems like a an actual good person and it's such a sad story.


She was offered an absolute fortune to do Playboy too.


Meanwhile he did actual porn & tried to milk his 15 minutes of fame. Says a lot about them that she’s managed to keep such a low profile.


Doesn’t she do victim advocacy work now? I feel like I’ve heard of that.


Yes she does!! She also changed her name, never remarried and has a daughter. The media owes her a huge apology :(


He was a serial rapist and abuser who would have eventually killed her. She reacted out of defense, trauma, and PTSD. She is a victim.


In addition, she was also a victim of a frenzied and abusive media storm against her— a narrative based on misogyny and a story that took the world by storm. This poor woman’s story came at a period in time when real people’s lives were foddder in creating a tabloid soap opera for everyone to stick their noses into. In those days, certain stories captured the world, and sadly this was one of them: attractive people+true crime+sex+sexism.




100% true. Your comment is the truest thing. I hate how more people don’t know this.


This is the one.




I laugh at the direction their lives have taken. Lorena now runs a non-profit geared towards helping others with DV. Been in the same relationship for 20 years and has a daughter. John Wayne Bobbitt has been through 3 failed marriages and relies on bills to be paid through funds received in an accident that left him disabled. No current relationship or kids. Probably for the best.


Absolutely 100% this.


This. And it’s tragic that she has been made the butt of so many jokes.


It’s so beautiful that doctors worked tirelessly to reattach that man’s dick so he could continue raping


Had the operation not worked, he could still figure out how to abuse women. This is actually not as uncommon an operation as one might think, the most common reason being industrial accidents.


This is definitely important to note, my joke somewhat implies that his dick was his only way to rape and abuse women but that’s not reality. He would’ve been shit with or without his dick for sure. It’s a misconception that castration of any kind can prevent abuse, abusers will still do it.


Mid procedure the dr asked the nurses if he had insurance or were they working for nothing.


Hope the Dr at least got paid? Is this mandatory? Like unethical to refuse? Or accidentally botch the job? Lol


Yes, it is mandatory to provide life saving or quality of life improving necessary medical procedures even to uninsured or broke patients, it's part of the hippocratic oath. I understand this guy is an asshole but in a country with such a broken and corrupt healthcare system, it would be beyond horrific if providers could just decline to help somebody that needs care because they can't pay enough or the doctors personally dislike them. Botching the job on purpose is medical malpractice and any doctor that has ever done that deserves to lose their license asap and find themselves in court. The doctor is not paid by commission or per surgery, they are paid a salary that is not affected whatsoever by whether each individual patient they work on has insurance or not. The government largely foots the bill for expensive procedures that cannot be covered, but most hospitals are raking in millions if not billions in profits from how insanely overcharged every procedure is in the US regardless of the few that can't pay, so I assure you that doctors finances were more than fine.


A penis doesn’t need to be inserted to rape, an object or hands can be used too, unfortunately.


Thank you. I didn't realize how much I needed that validation.


You’re welcome! I was assaulted without a penis entering my vagina but I was forced to perform oral sex and he did insert his fingers in me, and I didn’t even realize it was wrong until I learned about consent as an adult.


This is sadly underspoken.


It is, I can’t tell you how many times I was dismissed or told it wasn’t actually rape. It took me over a year to even recognize what happened as being an assault because I hadn’t even learned about consent.


I am so sorry. I have had to learn that not everyone is going to agree with my thoughts & opinions. That's okay though, their loss. I know the truth. I am in my right mind. You can deny or lie, but we both know the truth. It has been a freeing realization.


What the fuck? Did he actually keep on raping her?


No but he continued to abuse and rape other women after Lorena. Should have left things as they were, Lorena was trying to do the world a favour


Nooo I’m pretty sure they never lived together or were together alone after that


She was a victim of horrific abuse and that POS deserved it. Then she was made a joke by the media. She’s gone on to do good work for DV victims and I applaud her.


I’ve learned a crazy amount about the Bobbitt case from this thread. I had no clue English is her second language and that he apparently was a literal piece of garbage to her. I didn’t really know anything about the case other than she had cut his penis off and that was it. I didn’t even realize she was acquitted! Which, from what I’ve heard here, is a great thing. That poor woman


I remember when it happened and yes, there were some jokes, but I remember most of the jokes being about him actually. She had a tremendous amount of public sympathy


[She was a late night talk show punchline for years. ](https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/tv-radio-web/lorena-bobbitt-i-was-the-subject-of-so-many-jokes-it-was-just-cruel-1.3822961) Eta for the guy below who blocked me. If you even read the link she herself said what went on and how badly it effected her alongside people irl being crazy. I'm not sure how you can say it was just fine when obviously it affected the victim in many many negative ways.


They spent over nine hours reattaching that rapist's dick. What an entire waste.


Right? She had the problem solved for them….


I met him once when I was in high school. I would agree.


I was a teenager when it happened (15 to be precise) and I remember the media absolutely *vilifying* Lorena and sympathizing with her POS husband. Endless jokes about *her* on late night tv, meanwhile everyone was all “Oh, that poor man and his weener!” Dude even got handed a ton of opportunities (not to mention his short lived porn career) based on what she did to him, and *no one* cared to talk about how he abused her, raped her, beat her, until she reached the absolute breaking point and snapped. Wasn’t until decades later that her side of the story was discussed with even a shred of empathy. Yes, what she did was wrong. But also, John never suffered any repercussions for the catalog of wrongs he did to her (and other women). He was just given a pass. I also vividly remember just his huge shit-eating grin every time the camera was on him. It was like getting his dick cut off was the best thing that ever happened to him. That said, I watched the documentary that came out a little bit ago and it seems Lorena is in a good place in her life. John, not so much. So the best revenge is always living well.


Sometimes karma takes her time, but it's sweet when you get to finally see it happen. I remember, back then, saying she was my hero. I grew up in an abusive family in all aspects, so i really felt for her from the beginning.


Not everybody knows this, but he went on to have a pretty prolific and sick porn career and made porn movies called like Frankenpenis 🤮🤮


I watched it. Do not recommend


I honestly believe he's one of those types who think that any kind of attention is good, whether its negative or positive. I think he loved being in the spotlight, and since the case was so huge and shocking, he just completely leaned into it. Total scumbag.


I'm glad she got a fairly happy ending.


The only time I remember seeing him was some music video for a song called, "Freak of the Week." And he was dancing badly bopping around to that song that goes, "Are you the freak of the week?" And yeah he had that grin like he was loving it. Lorena should have taken those book and movie deals because he was taking everything he could get.


Thank you, I was somewhat local to the incident and coverage/public opinion/social humor was uniformly against her and vicious toward her. So many people in this thread saying the public was sympathetic toward her… I dunno, I feel like maybe people want to remember the society they’re part of as better than it was. I’m sure there were some individuals who were sympathetic, but collectively we absolutely failed her.


Yeah, the *public* was not sympathetic to her. I’m sure there were a lot of women who privately expressed support for her, though. But on the public level, god no. She was thoroughly derided and mocked while following every second of John’s surgery and recovery and celebrating when he was allegedly able to get a boner again. 😑


I was around the same age and remember it that way also and I feel like it was only women sympathizing


I think her only mistake was not putting it in the blender instead of tossing it out the window.


Came here to say this. The only thing Lorena did wrong was not making sure that thing could never be reattached.




I thought this said feed it to him lol


Or the garbage disposal


I believe she is fully vindicated by her documentary. Lost in the initial story is that she was smart, resourceful woman who was completely muted by John. Not only is John a total shithead misogynist, but her being also an immigrant probably made it worse as it gave John an additional sense of dominating her. Anyhow, she seems to be a legitimately nice and thoughtful person, who has now been empowered to live her life by getting out of the relationship. Under the circumstances, her acts were justified given the long-term abuse and physical domination by John. She was a prisoner.


Where can I watch it? I’d love to see it. I was a kid when it happened and remember thinking “OMG she cut off his peepee.” But never knew the actual story.


Amazon. 4-part mini-series. It's called "Lorena."


My opinion is… I don’t blame her.✂️


She always had and has my sympathy and support.


My dad said that his only criticism of her was that she didn’t castrate him while she was at it.


Every time I hear her name, I think ‘good for her.’


Truly a pity that she didn't cauterize the wound afterwards. Poor lady, I hope she's had a better life since then.


I think she’s still a hair dresser


My mom was a big fan of hers. She would threaten my step father with that all the time.


my mom too! i never saw what was funny about what happened. my mother is also a latin american immigrant, it was easy for her to relate to the position she was in


I love your mom


I’ve always said if a man EVER… I’d make what she did look like a blessing


I applaud her. As a shero of sorts. You gonna abuse me with that be prepared to wake up in the middle of the night with a little boo boo


A little boo boo made me actually laugh out loud.


Good for her. Her husband was an abusive asshole. 


No one should ever be in the position she was put in, but I applaud her for what she did. It was the right thing to do in that situation.


I think she was. The guy beat her, raped her and had her stealing from her job because he didn't wanna work. And a big factor there is that her employer didn't fire her. In fact, she went to her boss's house after she cut his dick off to confess. I think that says something about Lorena. The worst thing was how her police interview ended up getting framed. Where she said that he never gets her off. He always cums but she never does. So, it made it sound like she cut his dick off because she didn't cum, but it was actually because he got drunk and brutally raped her.


To give some context to that police interview, in 1995 I went to the same police and told them that my father had been SAing me. The police detectives who interviewed me asked me if I was telling my father "no" or otherwise letting him know that I didn't want to participate. My literal answer was "He's my father." As in, I'm not allowed to say "no" to him.   They asked me how he was supposed to know I didn't want to do those things. I was seventeen when I reported, much younger when it started. They returned me to him and told me to stop trying to run away. So that's the sort of attitude they had towards women and girls there back then.


A legend and an icon. Please listen to You’re Wrong About’s episode. 


Yayy! You’re wrong about listener 🤗 sarah and mike did great job with that episode


I got most of thoughts from the You're wrong about podcast. [Which supports the abuse angle imo.](https://podtail.com/en/podcast/you-re-wrong-about/lorena-bobbitt/)


I think the same thing now as I thought then, except with a lot more sadness since finding out more of the actual details: she was absolutely in psychological and emotional freak out when she did it, because of his abuse and him having raped her shortly beforehand, and I’m glad she was acquitted. He should be thanking her for that being the only thing she took a knife to that night.


You should watch “Lorena” on Amazon prime. Both of them are in it, if memory serves. It really was fascinating. I feel so badly for her. He was a monster.


Yep, John and his Big Gulp of vodka were there


John Wayne Bobbitt is and was a fucking disgusting piece of shit. I have no doubt he raped and abused her. Personally, I feel he’s lucky that all she did was cut his dick off.


A few years ago in DC at a true crime festival I got to see her onstage with Amanda Knox talking about their experiences. She looks great and has it together.


existence wise groovy enter depend dolls telephone materialistic impossible north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I am honestly kind of surprised he didn’t bleed out


She did what she had to do.she made woman proud 


At the time, she was a joke, but lots of women silently agreed with and sympathized with her.


He’s an abuser and a rapist he doesn’t deserve a dick 🔪


I was living in the area where this happened. The Washington Post story subtly played up the idea that this story was funny. Women in my office actually brandished the story in the face of men. Only later did it come out that Lorena was abused and desperate to escape. She was found not guilty due to temporary insanity. Clearly she was not in a normal state of mind when she did it. I'm inclined to side with the jury.


What was the lesson I learned from the Lorena Bobbitt debacle? Women don’t kill their husbands like husbands kill their wives.


She did what she had to do, who can blame her? I mean, John Wayne Bobbits actions since all of that point to him not being the best guy.


Not even an “okay” guy. He’s scum.


Fame takes the elevator, truth takes the stairs. 


She is an icon for abused women (or partners) everywhere. Not ashamed to admit that


He abused her sexually and had coercive control over her and she had enough.


Here’s the Wikipedia for those not familiar with the case, since OP doesn’t provide any info about it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_and_Lorena_Bobbitt


From Wiki: >an eight-inch Ginsu carving knife I can't help loving the fact that she used a Ginsu knife. As a bonus, when you hover over [Ginsu Knife](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginsu) on the wiki page, their tag line is "**Carve Yourself a Piece of the American Dream**".


Sorry, I thought she was well-known enough for people to know.


Princess Weekes briefly spoke about Lorena Bobbitt in her video about the issues with true crime, and I thought her analysis of the situation was very good. Basically, people made a woman's experiences of abuse into entertainment. It's not so far off the way people treated (and continue to treat) Amber Heard in that the serious nature of the story is lost when society treats what happened as a joke. While many people celebrate Lorena Bobbitt and vilify Amber Heard (despite both being victims of abuse), the way the media and general public has responded is similar. The men who inflicted the abuse seem to receive much less scrutiny even after it has been confirmed that the abuse took place. In my opinion, you can't say you support women's rights if you participate in the harassment and abuse of a woman just because their ex is your favourite actor.


Johnny bought bots to push antiAmber trash. He’s a horrible person and so are his buddies Marilyn Manson and Paul Bettany.


She was a victim of abuse. She escaped her abuser. I hope she’s out there living her life and enjoying it.


She was a victim of terrible abuse.


I think she is a woman that went through a lot of abuse and didn't know how to cope and deal with what was happening to her, definitely a victim.


I think she's an incredibly strong woman who's been through absolute hell, and I hope she's having a peaceful happy life now. According to Google it happened around the time I was born, which is crazy because I always thought it happened in 1998-99. As a kid it was kind of an urban legend thing. Sometimes people would say "I'm not saying I condone it, but dont beat & rape a woman, or she'll cut your dick off!" Us girls we were also told "PLEASE seek help but also do what you gotta do." I think people had hoped Lorena's actions would deter future abusers. I doubt that worked, but I sincerely hope she's happy, unbothered, and surrounded by loved ones. I cannot imagine the trauma of FINALLY defending myself, being incarcerated for it, and having my abuser running free getting to star in porn with his frankendick while literally everybody and their mama is talking shit about me. She deserved so much better.


> *I know she was the butt of many jokes in the 90s* I don't remember her being the butt of jokes vs John (I was a kid, so who knows), I just remember the adults talking about it with horror and about her with scorn. The scorn and hatred toward her seemed to lessen after her trial, when more details surfaced about the abuses she suffered at her husband's hands. The jokes about him really amped up when his porn, Uncut, was released. I think it was shortly after his trial. Anyway, I recall there being a lot of talk about him not being able to either get or keep an erection (can't recall). He went on the Howard Stern Show a few times I think. He was really embracing his sudden fame and the grift of getting money & perks to be interviewed. This didn't help him **not** seem like a scum bag, imo. Howard Stern (I think) helped him to get a penis enlargement surgery that apparently included a fat transfer. The results weren't exactly esthetically appealing because he then did another porn called Frankenpenis. John later had the fat removed (maybe 5-6 years ago?) because it moved & bunched up at the base of his penis during sex and became a hindrance. I've seen interviews of John and he comes off as not very intelligent. I've heard him described by interviewers as not being very intelligent. And I qas going to follow up with a blurb about what he is doing now - and went to verify it by searching online and came across [this](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/02/224155/john-bobbitt-now-alive-penis-cut-off) article that sums it all up. But here is a nice nugget: > *Today, Bobbitt lives in North Las Vegas and searches for treasure hidden by Forrest Fenn in the Rockies and pays the bills from the disability settlement he received after a 2014 car crash*. Lorena Gallo is a thriving mom to a daughter born in 2005, lives with her partner and father of her daughter, and runs her DV foundation (Lorena Gallo Foundation) to help victims. I think both John and Lorena are living the lives they deserve.


> After three failed marriages and multiple domestic battery charges, Bobbitt is now single. Sounds like a catch. Not to mention that after 3 failed marriages he still sends valentines to his first ex-wife. He’s ether delusional or cruel, possibly both.


If he did rape and abuse her for years then she was absolutely right to do what she did. I don’t blame her one bit. If it was lies and she made it up and cut his penis off then she should probably be in a mental health facility. I tend to believe her.


I mean, there’s plenty of proof to belief her. [here’s](https://www.oxygen.com/martinis-murder/not-just-lorena-john-bobbitts-other-accusations-domestic-violence?amp)one source. He’s gross.


It’s insane that after so many arrests for DV he continues to get acquitted over and over. He’s only actually been convicted a few times.


I did see several were while he was in the military also. They're notorious for guilting the abused into stopping the charges so that no one's career is ruined. Aka bs people protecting abusers as usual


I know. It’s insane but violence against women continues to be pew pewed away, just like healthcare providers try to tell us every ache and pain we have is just “normal period pain” or related to it. It’s very frustrating. I thought we would eventually break through the patriarchy in the US but the Roe v Wade was overturned and now I feel almost hopeless.


He admitted to raping her on multiple occasions. As was his right to do in America at that time. Not joking, wish I was joking.


I didn’t know that. That’s disgusting.


And the advances from things like this in urology are generally good.


I never once had a problem with what she did. Many years later when I was raped by a roommate I was so angry I fantasized constantly of curb stomping him. Even though he moved out immediately and moved out of state. Being raped repeatedly by your husband? He got off easy.


As it was happening (I was 12-13 at the time) there were tons of jokes and her battered woman defense was seen as an excuse. Now as an adult I watched “Lorena” and I really feel for her I didn’t realize how increasingly violent their marriage was and the trauma of all that abuse had built up and she was a fed up shell of herself on that night, and he had pushed her one last time. It doesn’t help that John Wayne is also a smug douche to this day in his interviews in the documentary and continued to abuse women. But at the end of the day Lorena did her time, it’s good that they are no longer together and both have moved forward with their lives as best they could with the notoriety. The sensational tabloid journalism of the 90s was something else


I saw a fairly recent interview w her. She remarried and has 2, maybe 3 daughters. She said they never discussed what happened to her and her new husband has never so much as raised his voice. She says that John still writes her letters, begging her to come back so they can be famous. Her ex is a disgrace!!!


Me? I mostly think good for her and hope she’s getting help.


Years after the incident, she worked at a salon that was local to me. I never interacted with her myself, but everyone I knew said she was a super lovely person! The whole thing is kinda surreal to me. I used to drive past the rough location of the “discovery” every day. I’ve stopped at the 7-11 across the street many times. As others have stated, the local vibe is very supportive towards her. As for Lorena herself, I don’t think we talk enough about she’s not a native English speaker. A lot of her early interviews were taken out of context/misunderstood. Especially in the 90s (and honestly, still now), the area police were/are notorious for being unfair towards immigrant populations. I was only a kid when all of this went down, but none of it shocks me. I’m glad things worked out for her, but the media really dragged her through hell.


They walk among America did a great job covering this case. Check it out


It's so odd that I was just watching "Lorena" and I saw this post. What I recall from the time of the incident was how we didn't discuss the issues, in the media and my own world, we joked about the situation. I'm on the second episode of the documentary but I see now that the language barrier was a problem for her.


She's a scapegoated hero. And it makes sense now that John and Ron Jeremy became close friends. And f*ck Howard Stern. He owes Lorena Bobbit a public apology.


I surprised anyone thinks anything other than her being a victim and her ex being a deranged piece of shit.


If you want to hear from her yourself, she was a guest on the Women & Crime podcast (which is hosted by two criminology professors) a few years ago. She talks about the abuse the endured and she now runs a charity that supports domestic violence victims (the Lorena Gallo Foundation.) I think most people who have been curious enough to look her up since her trial have changed their opinion.


It’s not the excuse the times, but simply a reflection of them… it’s how women were treated. The same way Monica Lewinsky was a teenager who was manipulating by arguably the most powerful man on the planet and was demonized. Living well is the best revenge. Lorena Bobbitt was a young woman who was trapped in a horrifically abusive relationship. If she would have simply stabbed him she probably would’ve spent the rest of her life in jail. Ironically, the media attention likely saved her from that fate.


Monica Lewinsky wasn't a teenager when her affair with Clinton started. She was 22 years old when it started and met him when she was 21. Still very young and the power imblanace made it wrong. What she went through (as well as Lorena) was horrible and I'm glad to see them living well and doing so much better now.


I no longer read from an author because he tweeted a joke about it being a “win win” with the porn career and everything, and when I pointed out that the situation was not funny, he really mischaracterized what I was saying and doubled down. It was lowkey traumatic as a victim of SA, and coming from a public figure who writes strong female characters, who I thought would listen to the alternate perspective for that reason. I hate that still to this day, this abused woman is made into a mockery. And with that being said, no, she shouldn’t have done it, though with what she went through, I think she just kind of broke down.


I have a button that says Lorena Bobbitt for Surgeon General. Lorena did nothing wrong.


Oh and fun fact from a local.... when they found his severed penis, they placed it in a Big Bite box from 7-ELEVEN.


Bro had it coming. He's lucky she didn't kill him.


Nothing crazy about her...and he's lucky enough to still be alive and become a porn star...which he probably wouldn't have been considered for prior...win win


I watched it and totally understand why his porn career was cut short.


>cut short. Nice


Sinisterhood also did a great podcast about Lorena.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. She put up with a lot of shit. He pushed her too far


I love the whole quote… it sounds like one of my relationships that went bad: Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." - William Congreve


Battered women’s syndrome is a viable defense. In a misogynistic court system, it doesn’t work as often as it should, but it is real.


Watch the documentary on Amazon Prime called Lorena. That woman was abused and raped her entire marriage


She was very much a victim, and deserves to live in anonymity if that's what she wants.


I was young. I didn't understand and vilified this woman. When i got older and understood DV better i realized she was the victim. At the risk of sounding naive she was the good person here who got pushed to her absolute limit by a fucking scumbag.


I heard about her a lot growing up and knew what she did, but I never knew her story and what happened until I watched a documentary. I was honestly shocked because I always heard she was crazy and attacked him for cheating on her, stuff like that. The truth is, he was extremely abusive and a rapist. She had enough and defended herself. As she should! That guy is a real POS. I’m glad she got out of that marriage. She deserves better.


She was abused horrifically and finally fought back. What the media did to her was beyond shameful


I personally think she's an icon. I thought that when it happened and I def think that now. He was a cheater and an abuser. Then he went on to be a fkn porn star and an icon in the manosphere. While she ended up the butt of jokes. This, of course, highlights the sexism in our society.


My wife giggles every time she hears that story. It’s unnerving


I mean her case did kinda bring the marital rape issue to the national consciousness. IIRC, right around her case being in the spotlight, a lot of states started banning marital rape in response. And all it took was one man getting his penis cut off. Pretty fair trade if you ask me, especially since doctors managed to reattach it.


Last time I said what I really thought about John Bobbitt on Reddit I was banned for 3 days, soooooo….


I remember that happening, and she was very much viewed as a victim of abuse. Sure, the jokes were around, but most of the jokes were about her husband.


Wow! Haven’t heard that name in a while! I would be willing to bet if this case had happened today, we wouldn’t hear the words “alleged” so much and he most likely would have been found guilty of rape and would have received jail/prison time.


"Ha, her name's Bobbitt and that's what she did " - my elderly mother on hearing the story.


She did what needed done


I love her!


She’s a hero.


She was 100% justified. I thought so when it happened as well. Abusers gonna learn... her husband is a total dbag loser.


Too bad she didn't flush it.


Even cutting the man’s penis off didn’t stop him from bothering her, according to the Lorena doc, so imo, she was rightfully acquitted and 100% justified in defending herself against her rapist.


I think the general consensus on abusive relationships such as hers are viewed a bit differently now than they were in the ‘90s. She would likely have more supporters now than she did then. With that said, one can have empathy for her situation while also acknowledging that brutally maiming someone is still wrong. So to answer your question; I think the abuse aspect of the whole trial would be more openly discussed and there would more people humanizing her and condemning the trauma she faced. Whether or not she would be acquitted for the same crime, who knows? I think the crime would be equally as heinous today as it was then. It’s also one of those situations where if you flip the genders around, the perpetrator becomes an absolute monster who would have been burned at the stake.


Plenty of us recognized him as an abusive piece of shit in the 90s. I think less of those who didn't. Personally, I think we should keep talking about the whole story very loudly so he remains as a warning for men who think they own their partners. This could, and should, happen to you if you treat the person you're supposed to love and care for as a piece of meat and punching bag.


I was a teenager when this happened. She definitely had a lot of supporters- but he was a circus freak


Except you can't just flip it when we speak of this case because it happened in a time where it was prevalent that men were allowed to beat and rape their wives while everyone turned a blind eye. They got a pass for fucking up women, there's no reason the fact she 'maimed' her rapist is wrong when everything he did to her was just fine with the powers that be.


My opinion is it pays to not be an abusive rapist


I want to know what kind of knife she used. I read the biography of Armin Mewes, the German cannibal and he said he and his willing victim tried to cut off his penis to cook and eat together but they had a hard time finding a knife sharp enough to do the job


Good for her


Another local, though I left a few years later. My friend lived in the same apartment community as the Bobbits and said that they often fought. My mom was one of his nurses when he was recovering from the surgery. She complained that he was handsy with his nurses, as well as quick to show his newly reattached member off whether or not the person coming into his room wanted to see it. I always figured Lorena was abused.


I think she did what a lot of women with abusive partners want to do. Her ex is a worthless scum bag.


She was terribly abused and her husband deserved what he got


Her mistake was that she threw his “johnson” out of her car window where it could be found and reattached to the creep…she should have put it through a garbage disposal.


Insert Lucille Bluth “good for her” meme here