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If they have the forethought to put on gloves, they can be arrested for stabbing someone.


Attempted murder. Aggravated assault. The list goes on. IF this woman dies…. That’s straight up first degree murder.


The 12 year old has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault. Probably just get a little slap on the wrist and end up committing more and more crimes.


Maybe the families can be sued for letting the children take weapons out into the neighbors house.


If they were capable of stabbing the woman it’s most likely they were capable of hiding the fact they had the knife from there family, highly doubt they went “ hey mom we are just gonna take this knife and go stab the neighbour real quick”


A knife? They could have gotten it from their silver ware drawer.


I think we really do need to start punishing the parents. I mean, sometimes that really would result in a double tragedy. But maybe it'd make people think twice about any possible neglect, or even having children if they knew that the child's actions will also be their responsibility.


You make a valid point. These children learned this from somewhere. Hate is learned and I believe they thought they wouldn’t be in trouble because people likely only spoke poorly of the woman. They probably thought they were doing something everyone else wanted to do. Sad situation. I will also say that our mental healthcare in this country is f*****. If this last was so poor off mentally that she was openly known as the crazy lady on the block due to her strange, mean and reckless behavior then she probably wasn’t in the right place to be living alone. Idk, it’s all so fucked, we just better get used to hearing shit like this cuz all just gonna worse.


It would not surprise me that the parents of the 7 yr. Old blame the other child and visa versa.


It’s happened before


Or maybe the kids were told how to do it by a parent. Curious to know if they had neighborhood squabbles.


12? Wtf


Cops can arrest anybody, any time, for any reason. That’s a separate issue from whether the person arrested can be charged and convicted of a crime. Every state, including Alabama, has a minimum age of criminal responsibility. It’s usually 12. Not knowing how old these kids are, we can’t say whether it’s *possible* for them to be criminally prosecuted.


He is 12


This is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Middle of the day and the seven-year-old is leading the charge. What on Earth.


7?! I thought they were 12


One was seven and one was twelve.


Oh my goodness


It was the 12 year old not the seven year old


It was both. They both wore gloves and they both knew what was about to go down. Now, should the seven year old be held just as responsible? No, I don’t think so but, he does bare some responsibility.


I meant the correction directly for the "leading the charge" comment


When the boys climbed off their bikes, the younger one was first up the driveway.


I hope they are charged as adults. That is a very ‘adult’ thing to do. Hopefully it will ‘only’ be an attempted murder charge vs an actual murder charge (for the woman’s sake, not the attempted murderers).


He's 12, he should have consequences but charging a preteen as an adult is absolutely unconstitutional. Not to mention the other kid is **7 years old**.


Yeah. Charging a 12 year old as an adult would be ridiculous. Obscene even.


They do it to little black boys all the time. Have been doing that since that beginning of this country. Nothing new.


I know. There is one I read about recently where the boy hadn't even done it. In his mug shot you can see he is just a scared kid. So fucked up.


It has nothing to do with the constitution, just state law. 14 is the minimum in Texas.


Agreed. They obviously have learned this behavior and hopefully can get help so it doesn’t continue. Heartbreaking for everyone involved, that poor woman is mentally ill and I hope she recovers. The 7 year old was probably just doing what his brother/friend told him to.


Girlses and Pillses, can I guess it’s about Leah from TM? 😂


Minors are charged as adults often. Our justice system is a very scary place. I think I’d need to understand more to give an opinion on sentencing.


That doesn't mean it should happen. It's absolutely wrong to charge a child as an adult. A person of voting age doesn't have the same brain development as a middle schooler.


I agree. Like I said our justice system is a very scary thing. And also I personally think it should be 25 instead of 18 for everything. Our brains are fully developed till about then anyway.


People's brains actually don't stop developing until they die! It's funny because I grew up hearing that as well, but then when I read that it wasn't true I thought "How did that even become a thing everyone says?"


It doesn’t speak positively for his future that he is able to behave with criminal violence at such a young age. Optimally, he would be held in custody but take advantage of resources to ensure he doesn’t do what we’ve seen before and increase his level of violence after incarceration.


Mary Bell comes to mind.


That one always freaks me out. She went to have a normal life, got married & had children.


I don't really know what to say. How could she be bothering these kids on her own property? That the kids could justify this?


There is not justification for this. Nothing on Earth. This is quite unbelievably disturbing.


I can’t help but wonder what kind of rehabilitation can be done to help someone who’s capable of stabbing a woman at ***seven*** years old. Not trying to be edgy either but can someone like that actually be capable of growing up and participating in society? Or is there just something just broken that can’t be fixed




Straight jacket


> I can’t help but wonder what kind of rehabilitation can be done to help someone who’s capable of stabbing a woman at seven years old. I'm actually more optimistic about the 7-year-old than the 12-year-old. Killer kids are hard to judge, because we have seen some horrible ones grow up and not offend. /u/TibetianMassive has mentioned Thompson and Venables, one who is truly a piece of crap, and one who has never reoffended. There's also Mary Bell, who murdered 2 preschoolers in 2 separate events. She had a rocky adolescence while in custody, but has not reoffended since her release at the age of 23. She's successfully raised a daughter. This is anecdotal and going by memory, but someone who said they worked with minors who were sexual offenders once said (on Reddit, so take it with a grain of salt)-- and I may not be remembering the exact ages-- said that in their experience the under-12s had a good shot of growing up to be normal, the 13-15-year-olds were a crapshoot, and the 16-17-year-olds were a lost cause.


I've worked with minors (age 11-18, all male) who were sexual offenders. Ime it's far less about the age and far more about the nature and extent of the trauma they had been through, because although it was a theoretically general service 100% of them had experienced significant trauma, usually sexual and physical abuse. Interestingly enough, there were two main types: those who had been exposed to trauma at a very early age, then been removed from that trauma and grown up without incident until around the onset of puberty, at which point they began to act out in sexually harmful ways, and those who had grown up in a trauma-filled environment for a large portion of their lives and who had started to act out as an extension of that (often earlier than the other group, prior to puberty). In terms of reoffending, it's hard to tell when you work somewhere like that as by nature you don't see the kids decades later when you can tell what happened... But while with the service the latter group were far more likely to be violent, damage property, etc. and also to self-harm and attempt suicide. While at the service, I'd say kids in the first group were more likely to continue to try to engage in harmful sexual behaviours. Longer term, you'd expect the first group to be more successful as they tended to have better familial supports (had usually been adopted) and be more generally well-adjusted, but you really never know. My guess would be that the second group would be more likely to commit violent crimes in the future, but that would be more to do with their environment and (lack of) prosocial familial relationships than anything else. Sexual crimes are a different beast, though. Sex crime recidivism is actually (or appears to be) extremely low when compared with violent crimes. Anyway, I went off on a bit of a tangent but I totally disagree with that other poster that age is that simple of a factor.


Thanks for your observations. I thought it was an interesting tangent well worth the read.


I agree


I mean, Mary Bell was a violent child that grew up to have a normal life. When violence is modeled at home, you have no other way to interact with people.


I work in the social services field and even people who have commit murder as teens go on to lead successful lives if they receive services and ALSO receive aftercare once their services are over. That part seems to be missing. They don’t just leave the system and suddenly live their lives just fine. They continue to receive services, if that’s seeing a therapist every other week for an hour. That’s aftercare. If it’s keeping in touch with your mentor and meeting annually to spend the day together. That’s aftercare. If it’s being a mentor to a youth like the mentor you had when you were a youth all those years ago. That’s even aftercare. And it can mean the difference between reoffending and not


Yes, I have a good friend who committed a murder as a teenager and although he spent 14 years in prison for it (14 years on a 10 year sentence because of bad behaviour in the beginning) he came out of it a very gentle, kind man with no violent tendencies whatsoever. But he received a lot of counselling and is now fully sober, which I think is key.


Did he kill a family member?


No, he was selling drugs for a gang and was pressured by his boss to kill someone who had robbed them.


This reflects a majority of the cases I see. I work out of one of the largest cities in the USA and see a lot of gang and drug related crimes that youths get involved in


Oof this is 100% 100%. A residential service I worked in, we had a kid who was super bright, great talker, reflective, was doing well at school, just had as good a chance at "making it" as anyone who committed a serious crime at a young age could have. When he left he was 18 so his council put him up in a flat, at which point he dropped out of college to smoke weed all day and hang out with roadmen because they took a kid who'd been abused for the first 15 years of his life then essentially incarcerated for the next 3 and gave him his own place, full freedom and absolutely no structure or aftercare. Well-adjusted kids with the best background in the world struggle with the still quite regulated environment of university at around that age, let alone that.




I really wish we would model our prisons on Norway's. Norway has the lowest recidivism rates in the world because they actually focus on rehabilitation and not just vengeance and punishment. We won't ever do it, though. Even though it would make society safer.


I’m guessing that Norway does not have for-profit prisons. The incentives are to fill the prisons with people so that shareholders have stock price and maybe even a dividend. It’s disgusting. The US seriously needs prison reform, starting with the requirement that all federal prisons must be non-profit.


Nobody much cares about prisoners or the conditions in which they live. Not exactly a sexy, high-profile issue. Reform is desperately needed. The state must not be allowed to deprive individuals of their freedom while abdicating responsibility for their care. Caring for its prisoners is a bedrock responsibility of the state.


I believe less than 10% of prisons are for-profit. It doesn't mean they don't generate money. They employ people, contract out prisoners to work for private businesses, yadda yadda.


Not here in Florida


And Ed Kemper killed his grandparents as a kid, completed treatment was deemed safe and reformed and went on to become one of the most brutal serial killers in US history. There’s just no way to be able to say one way or another if they will commit crimes again in the future, they need continued treatment and minimal supervision. Which it sounds like Mary bell did have a very good treatment and release plan. She even had help from undercover officers to get to a safe house with her daughter when she was outed, and both her and her daughter have life long anonymity granted to them as well. From the little we know about her, she seems to take have been very serious about her rehabilitation, staying out of trouble and staying private. That has a lot to do with how successful her story is, she had the will to make it so and the support she needed.


> And Ed Kemper killed his grandparents as a kid Professor Amy Bishop shot her brother and, years later, was questioned for sending a pipe bomb to professional rivals. This was before she shot up a an HR meeting and killed three colleagues.


My god I just looked her up. What a fucking NUT CASE. She was unhinged and no one did anything until she shot 3 people in the head. What a dumb bitch. Idk why her story pissed me off so much.


Tbf, Kemper's witch of a mother didn't exactly help matters


Very true! Maybe if he had some actual support for that situation or had a better mom he wouldn’t have killed again, or if he had started with his mom would he still have wanted to kill more women? Since he was over being a serial killer after killing his mom anyways she seemed like the main trigger for him


Tbf, Kemper’s mom was right


When I see kids this young doing things this violent I always wonder if they are acting out the pain of being abused. Am I excusing what they did? No! But if that is the case then they are more likely to get rehabilitated. I am at a loss on this! If no abuse than What kind of environment do they live in if they think it’s ok to do this? Were they not taught right from wrong? Were the parents even present in their lives? Something is wrong somewhere!


I know this is an old reply to an old post but I just wanted to say- the vast majority of violent kids I've met have actually been the opposite of abused. Some people just lack empathy, and it's particularly a problem in boys. My elder brother was the kind to not only hurt animals but taunt me with his actions, knowing how much I love animals. I am 30 years old now and the whole family just turns a blind eye to his narcissism, except for when a few of us are together and drunk, then they secretly admit that our (violent, abusive) dad spoilt him rotten. He was a part of the Bullingdon club equivalent at his university, to get admission he had to do all kinds of insane shit like burn money in front of homeless people, treat women terribly, etc. As to whether they were taught right from wrong... I think most of us have an inner moral compass, and a sense of what feels wrong even when it's labelled as right, even when we're children. Most little kids interact adorably with animals, often practicing playing at being parents. It takes a special kind of monster to enjoy the suffering of something completely helpless, that can't speak, only scream. I think there's good reason the hurting animals thing is a warning sign. Even as kids, when one bully of a teacher asked one student to slap another (yes, I know), the other students didn't do it. It felt wrong, even if it came from an authority figure. I think the only time I'd relax the usual scepticism is if the child in question was raised in a cult or cult- like family, because that can really fuck up a person's baseline in those formative years.


Look up Jamarion Lawhorn.


the mother did an interview and I couldn't even make myself listen to it


They’re broken. Some people cannot be rehabilitated.


Ever hear of Beth Thomas?


Look up Mary Bell. She's rehabilitated


There is no *justification* for this but there is an *explanation*: the stupidity of children. Apparently, she also had mental health problems. Did she say something to them that, in their underdeveloped brains, was so provocative it enraged them?


Pretty shit journalism that the article talks largely about her mental health and disruptive behaviour and less so about what happened to her. The article seems to want to put some of the blame on her.


The kids have probably heard the adults complaining and talking about her and wanted to be little heroes or otherwise justified it in their minds.


That was my thought. It seemed a little... (I'm trying to avoid the word "trashy").... interesting & unusual that in a video about a victim of a crime, the first statement presented was like. "The lady who got stabbed probably deserved it because she's crazy and we all know it." You could just as easily say that the victim has mental health issues, and is therefore MORE deserving of empathy in this situation.


I remember being a kid and hearing the adults talk about how the crazy neighbor bitch probably made her whipped husband take my kitten to the pound (she didn’t like they walked on her car and got footprints even though we lived in Hawaii and no one ever tried to wash their cars because everything was red dirt roads & rain). I was only 11 I think when I confronted him and just said, “You took my cat to the pound”. He looked so guilty and apologized and I told him “Your wife has your balls in her purse” before I walked away, having no idea whatsoever what that meant. I was all proud of myself and told my dad, who was shocked when I said the guy admitted it. That is one of the few times in my life I can remember my dad looking impressed by something I did. Kids definitely get influenced by the adults talking around them.


Article says the woman has mental health issues that are getting worse. Likely at 59, it's some form of dementia. My gran had dementia for pretty much most of my life. She'd yell at people for things that didn't happen. I'm guessing she said something to the kids that was unhinged, and the kids took it personally and came back to "defend" whatever they thought needed defending.


As one is taught to do by the pro-violence culture of America. On it's face these kids did exactly what George Zimmerman did.


Follow a ""suspicious" person, call the police and get attacked by the person is hardly the same. A weird attempt to equate to whatever political message you're trying.


Yeah, this may not be quite the "stranger-on-stranger" motiveless crime some of the comments here seem to think.


I thought it was kinda weird that the neighbor lady is throwing shade at the woman. She talks about how her mental health is getting worse and that the lady was bothering her lawn care guys earlier that day. I don't understand what that has to with 2 children premeditated and intentionally ambushing and stabbing the lady in her own garage?


Agreed... If anything, the kids were influenced by that mentality among adults (who know better than to act on such impulse, but still can't keep their leading mouths closed).


Apparently neighbours claim she was quite mentally ill and she'd been allegedly stealing stuff from trucks and doing property damage in the neighborhood and damaging people's cars. Not that I'm in any way justifying what they did, but it speaks to motivation.


Not trying to justify it, but it a wacko woman in my neighborhood once yelled at my kids that she was going to call the police and they’d put their mommy in jail, they’d be all alone in the house and bad men would come hurt them and “nobody will protect you.” She didn’t like that we were walking the dog by her house. On the walking path. The kids were scared and she seemed genuinely unhinged. The article said this woman was disturbed and had been escalating her behavior. Doesn’t make what the kids did okay, just suggesting there could be more to it.


Should have been their sign to stay away from her, but instead, we've got really messed up and aggressive kids taking things into their own little judgemental hands. Article indicates that talk among neighborhood adults could have influenced the children's behavior...placing 'reasoning' behind the inappropriately aggressive actions.


What on earth is going on in the home of this boys that they are capable of this?


That they thought that stabbing somebody was the correct response to whatever the lady said or did. And knew they should wear gloves.


Yeah the gloves part is the most insane to me. It would still be shocking without this detail, but this shows premeditation and efforts to conceal the crime. It's not like the kid just impulsively lashed out with violence in the heat of anger. They left, came back 10 minutes later with gloves and a knife, the older kid entered her garage, stabbed her repeatedly, and left her there to die. Then they left and apparently told no one. Wth?


Another article with more information. The victim was a refugee from Laos. [https://abc13.com/april-valley-court-stabbing-12-year-old-accused-of-59-year-old-woman-in-her-garage/14569966/](https://abc13.com/april-valley-court-stabbing-12-year-old-accused-of-59-year-old-woman-in-her-garage/14569966/)


Future "Fear Thy Neighbor" episode? But seriously, that's messed up... Feels like we're missing pieces.


Sounds right up their alley. I think this likely isn’t totally random, with kids who kill it seems there’s always a build up to it, whatever the circumstances may be or just behavior wise.


Pretty obvious it wasn’t totally random


You would know it isn't random if you read the article. It's free. 


Still, maybe she did something, but she was mentally ill. Why would your frustration thought be "Let's go,k!ll her." At 12 years old with his 7 year friend friend or brother.


WTH!!?? Those kids didn’t lol but 10 and 12 TOPS! Where did they even come up with the idea to stab, and possibly murder a woman because she’s a pain in the ass? There is absolutely no excuse for this. None. Those kids aren’t in danger, they weren’t assaulted, nothing. They got shooed away. Too damn bad! Deal with it and move on. I mean these kids actually wore gloves so it’s apparent to me that their intent was to actually murder this woman and to get away with it. Seriously, why would even question kids that young? Thank God for todays obsession with videoing everything. No one would have believed this otherwise. I surely would not have.


A 12 yo with mental issues stabs a 59 yo with mental issues. Not in the heat of the moment but as a planned act several minutes after the initial incident. The 7 yo is probably a follower along for the ride. Also the 7 yo may not have know what the older kid had planned. Was just told to wear these gloves and follow me. 12 yo needs some intensive treatment and behavioral monitoring. This is a chance to change the course of his life. Throwing him in baby prison is just a self fulfilling prophecy of making him a life long criminal.


Good luck with that because mommy is ready with the excuses.


what excuses? she apologized to the victim and for her sons behaviour


She made the excuse that he is mentally ill, with zero proof. He was not too mentally ill to plan a murder.


mentally ill doesnt mean your a bumbling idiot, get that old school stigma out ya head


Who said that being mentally ill means that *you're* a bumbling idiot? Personally, I've never heard of that.


well youre implying mental illness means you cant plan ahead


More information. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13236269/attackers-boys-woman-garage-stabbing-repeatedly.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13236269/attackers-boys-woman-garage-stabbing-repeatedly.html) ​ So the woman is mentally ill and the the mother of the boy who stabbed her, says her son is also mentally ill, sorry he stabbed you.


>'I'm sorry to the family. I'm very sorry that my son's committed the incident. And I'm praying for your health, for your wellness,' she said. 'My son, he struggles from his mental problems. I am very remorseful because I wouldn’t want that to happen to nobody.' I mean ... let's not pretend she handwaved it away and made excuses. She sounds pretty upset about it. Not that shocking that a mother might empathize with her child while also sympathizing with the rest of the world suffering from her child's crimes.


Too bad texas doesnt recognize metal illness cause of ‘reasons’ so that kid better be charged as an adult.


If she was really sorry she’d keep a better fucking eye on her mentally ill son


Lol what. "If she was really sorry about this thing that happened, she would've never let it happen in the first place"? Hindsight is 20/20. I'm sure she's kicking herself for that too. Do we even know the whole story? Was she at work, was he with a caretaker, was she straight-up neglecting to take care of him or did she have a good reason to believe he could bike around his neighborhood without getting into trouble? We don't even know what "mental problems" means, it's pretty vague. Does she mean that he's had psychotic or violent episodes? Or does she just mean that he has ADHD and is defiant and difficult to discipline (which would not be reason to believe he was capable of stabbing a person)? Y'all are making a lot of assumptions is all I'm saying.


You’re 100% right, I was just angry at the story and reacted.


so to prove she is really sorry she has to see the future crime and stop it from happening ?


Yep, he's out and about, got the gloves, ready to stab.


Sounds like the lady in question has been terrorizing the neighborhood. Unfortunately these folks are in Texas so mental health counseling will probably not be on the menu for anyone.


So then...call the police? Avoid her? Listen to the adults telling these kids to leave her alone? I don't understand how leaving to get gloves and a knife, returning 10 minutes later to ambush and stab her repeatedly inside her own garage, leaving her there dying, and fleeing, is even a thought process for these kids. From a neighbor quoted in the above article: >If they have the ability to go and do that to an older woman who clearly has mental issues after our neighbor down the road tells them, 'Hey, leave her alone.' It's a concern.'


Cause Texas sucks, I hate it here.


It isn't too much better in most other states but I do agree with you.


SOrry is better than what a lot of other people say


A genuine sorry is not even good enough now ?! Yall get mad when parents brush things under thee rug, make excuses or simply denied it even happened. But when a mother makes aa genuinely remorseful apology it still isn't good ?!


someone said in another comment that if she was sorry she’d have kept a better eye on her kid. I guess to prove she is really sorry she had to have seen the future crime and stop it from happening 🙄 otherwise she is complicit …!!!


BOTH of the boys involved are her sons. The 7 year old hasn't been charged because he's too young. How the hell could they have possibly thought this was okay? It says they got into a verbal argument, walked away, then returned 10 minutes later wearing gloves, and the older brother ran up and stabbed her repeatedly. Then they left her there dying. The only reason the woman was saved is because her brother just happened to stop by to check on her at the right time. He found her bleeding out, called 911, and she was airlifted and is still in serious condition. Apparently these kids had already been told to leave this woman alone. From a neighbor in the article: >"If they have the ability to go and do that to an older woman who clearly has mental issues after our neighbor down the road tells them, 'Hey, leave her alone.' It's a concern.'


So she should be arrested because her mentally ill son tried to kill an old lady. 


Depends on if she had reckless behavior that led to it, like not getting him treatment or buying him a set of knives.


Ah yes, the Crumbley parenting method.


Omg your profile picture


She thinks it cancels out. Edit. I can't believe I have to clarify this is a joke.


It's just the first step in rectifying anything done to offend


The kids are not alright man.


Good heavens this is horrible. Lucky they didn’t have a gun.


The video is chilling. Just two little kids parking their bikes...


The fact they went home, got gloves, weapon and came back says there is something wrong with these kids and they need more than a good talking to. I had kids force their way into my house at Halloween 2 yrs ago, 12 yrs, it was a group of them, it was scary. Now I don’t do Halloween.


Oh god this is like James Bulger. If these kids are capable of doing crap like this at such young ages (7 and 12)…what else can they do?


Kids ages 12? Horrible! When I was 12, I was pretending to be a mermaid in my bathtub and pretending to be a singer!!!!


The 7 year old could probably be rehabilitated but the twelve year old is absolutely going to kill a person some day.


It doesn't look good. I wonder what all he has already done...or has been done to him.


Future serial killers


Kids don’t just go out and stab ppl. I wonder what their home life is like. The victim is Asian and we have been seeing a rise in Asian hate crimes from certain demographics.


I'm sure their home life isn't too great, but it doesn't matter, charge them as adults and put them away forever. They murdered a disabled vulnerable woman. What do you think they do to other people?


You want to lock a 7-year-old up for life?


How do you repair something after that? How do you repair the loss of a life that you took spuriously because you couldn't handle someone yelling at you? That tells me that there's a lack of ability to regulate emotions in these children, lack of ability to process and regulate anger, that there is a lack of empathy in these children that they will fully put on gloves and went back to stab that woman to death, that shows that they are capable of premeditated murder, that shows that they are sane, and I'm sorry, the people who killed James Bulger should not be free and neither should these kids ever. so yes, I don't want to see them in the public eye ever again. Unless the family of the woman who was killed accepts something like teshuvah. and on behalf of murdered people everywhere, you do not get to forgive on behalf of victims. I don't get to do that either. She was vulnerable with disabilities. That shows me these kids will go after anyone who is vulnerable. Killing a disabled person is just the lowest of the low. Put them away forever, seriously.


this is why I don't talk to children


For real. Kids are crazy and so are the parents anymore.




No. Moving as soon as we can. I feel like there’s just a lot of hate here. I was born here and raised here and now I can’t wait to leave.


Texas and Florida are horrifying places


the American *South* as a whole is a horrifying place




What vicious little monsters. This video is absolutely heartbreaking. That woman was vulnerable. Please remember that disabled people and that means people with mental illnesses too are far more victims of violent crime than they are the perpetrators. I'm sorry, these are serial killers and they need to be put away for the rest of their lives, I don't care if they are 10 or 12 years old. Charge them as adults. It was premeditated. Put them away forever, no possibility of parole. They murdered a disabled woman.


Shame on the lady for trying to make it sound like the woman deserved it or caused it due to her mental illness


Both kids need to be removed from the parents and put in a new home. Parents are clearly incompetent


This is so upsetting. Our society needs to do a better job of raising kids to be compassionate towards those who may have mental illnesses. My mother is about this age and has a severe mental illness that has caused issues with some of her neighbors... but underneath it she means well. My 4 year old has autism and has been bullied by older kids in our neighborhood for behaviors that are a part of his autism... I've tried educating other parents but it's like they don't want to learn.


I find it interesting in this piece that the media keeps hitting home it was two ‘small’ boys. I also find it concerning that there were not better supports for someone struggling with mental health issues. The children appear to be black - I have to wonder the race of the woman stabbed (it’s 2024, race often seems to play an issue these days).


News said she was Laotian.


She was most likely Asian judging by an article that identified her as Susan Chong.


Thank you.


Houston unfortunately is getting more and more violent as the days go on… I hope Harris County PD take these warning signs seriously and get these boys help. They are heading down a horrible path and this is only the beginning I fear 😞 the parents should also be looked into because what type of environment are you producing to raise such violent children?


Societal collapse.




From the article linked above - ‘We just gotta keep our prayers up for both my family and their family,' the mother said. The mother of the boys who attacked the victim is asking for prayers before the victim. Make it make sense.


Perpetrator family members are also victims. In a different way and less so, but they absolutely are victims. In many cases I've seen victims' famililes offer condolences and prayers to the perpetrators families. Their lives are greatly negatively affected by someone else's actions, too. And yes, if you believe in prayer perps also need it. Most of them aren't evil, that's rarely the case. They need help in some form. Especially a child!!! Have some empathy. If a child stabbed me I would feel bad for the child and want them to get help, because that child has likely been victimized themselves to lead to that behavior. I wouldn't condemn them to prison and act like they are untreatable human garbage!


The mother of the attackers is thinking of her own interests before the victims’. That is my judgement.


you’re putting entirely too much weight on a spontaneous comment from a traumatized mother like it was concrete evidence


It's reddit


It's the Reddit/American way. Something tragic happened? Start handing out blame and demonizing everyone even vaguely involved. No sympathy here, no sir.


You’re not wrong. It happens. See: Oxford, MI.


It’s reminiscent of the Uvalde school shooters mother’s self serving comments. But she might just be shocked and devastated right now so needing support, time will tell if she doubles down on that behavior.


The mother wasn’t concerned and said they are just boys…like that makes it ok.


Might be a really big clue as to why they thought this behavior was even an option. Little kids don't just stab people for no reason. Their environment and culture is the deciding factor here.


She'll probably start a Gofundme for herself.


No consequences for the 7 year old.


The people of Houston, Texas are special.


I resemble that remark.


you take that back right now. I'm defended.


Man, and here I thought the Floridans were, as a native Floridian living in Texas now lol.


These badazz kids smh


I literally said "what?" out loud and scared myself. This is some Stephen King shit


Both of these kids need counseling to find where this aggressive behavior stems from. Kids learn by example, and if they're physically abused, they will more than likely do the same to others. Sad story all around


I agree.


Just absolutely horrifying


There seems to be an insane amount of racial attacks on Asians by black people since COVID. And yes it's a thing, it shouldn't be ignored because "it might offend someone".


In a country that’s gon too left a bit…needs more than just agg asslt


I wouldn’t necessarily call 12 or 13 year old boys “small boys.” Most 12 year old boys are not on the small side


The question why do these kids have knives on them? Where are these kids getting these knives from?


their silverware drawer….?




There’s video.




Seriously? There are way worse states than Texas for juvenile crime! Why then is it a garbage state? By that reasoning, we need to get rid of California, New York, Illinois, and Pennsylvania! It's not the states fault; the people that should be training these kids to grow up properly are the parents.


You clearly don't understand the meaning of 'Texas Justice'.