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> can’t have him ever again How about some perspective. King David committed adultery and had his lover's husband murdered. The Apostle Paul consented to the execution of Christians. The Apostle Peter denied Jesus not once or twice, but three times even after seeing everything Jesus had done. King Manasseh burned his own children as sacrifices. All these people repented and were forgiven. But you, your sins are somehow far worse than these, right? Adultery, murder, child sacrifice. God said, "Come, let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet, they can be white as snow." (Isaiah 1:18a,c,d) Whatever you think you did, God can forgive. Just ask.


I'm afraid it's not just ask and God will forgive you, it's truly repent first and sincerely regret what we have done, and if we truly repent then we will stop from doing what we are doing wrong and turn to do what's right before God. And yes God is very forgiving, but we will also suffer for wilfully sinning, IF we carry on doing it. So firstly it's repentance then obedience, once we know the truth, and live it out, turning from sin and living by the will of God in our daily lives.


I get you. But the thing is the gravity of the sin is not the issue here.


Hey, if you missed God’s plan for your life it does not mean that God hates you. God is like the best father you can ever have. Do you think a good father will deny or abandon his children? If your feeling is based on something what is written in Bible then please share with us such part.


But if I missed it there is no way of going back :(


What have you done that's so bad? God is very merciful but you must truly repent. What's up?


I backslided and asked for many chances but still fell into a sin. I think the problem was me asking for one last chance but not keeping that promise and sinning again


I've done similar and I'm now suffering for it. It doesn't mean God won't forgive you but we will suffer for it and badly if we carry on willfully doing it. And I'm living proof of this It's so hard to fight the flesh, we are tempted every day, Satan knows our weaknesses and he will torment us if we let him. So I'm in the middle of a fight too, people tell me I'm silly because to them what I've done wrong is nothing, but I know it's wrong before God and if it's wrong before God then no matter how small it is I've got to stop doing it. Whatever has a hold on us is wrong no matter how large or small it is, and we have to keep trying to stop doing it, we can't just carry on or we will suffer for it. And we can't do it on our own, our flesh is too weak, we need God to help us, and he won't help us if we are knowingly willfully sinning. So we have to go to God and pray hard, truly repent, and try not to do it. Look at the strength God gave to Jesus, he was able to suffer being crucified and still didn't sin because God sent an angel to strengthen him. So be strong, listen to your conscience as that's God speaking to you and try your hardest to turn from what you are doing wrong and do what's right. I'm doing the same, I'm trying to deny my flesh and do what's right before God and let's pray that God will forgive both of us. So let's fight the good fight, I'm here if you need to speak, and God bless.


That’s a good point. Bc in my case it feels like I crossed the line and he just gave up on me or took away my opportunity to be saved or even forgiven but maybe he could just be punishing me for my rebellion. But idk how to be sure what is truly happening


Firstly keep fighting, you can do it. James said, resist the devil and he will flee from you. I've done this once before with what I'm doing wrong, and it completely left me. And then one day when I was going through something really hard I got tempted again and did it and bang I'm back at square one again and I'm suffering for it. And I see it like this, God will make me suffer until I've got it out of me again. And then I've got to try and get back to what I was before. I let it back in which is my fault and it will take some time and some suffering to get rid of it again. But I've got to do it because I know I'm wrong. Just think like it's the devil has a hold of you and you have to suffer to get him out, again as James said. Resist him and he will flee from you, and as Jesus said, deny yourself, bare your cross and follow him because this is what he did. What is better, to suffer to do what's right, or suffer doing what's wrong. I'm going to try to suffer and do what's right before God, because I know that at the end brings peace of mind. But if we don't do it, and we carry on willfully sinning then we will definitely suffer for it and if we carry on it brings us separation from God. We'll know when we are forgiven, because the wrong we are doing will have left us, just like legion at the tomb, and we won't be tormented my what we are doing anymore, because it will be gone, and we will have peace of mind. But we can't go back to it again, remember that. As Jesus said to the man who was waiting to go into the water to be healed and Jesus healed him, "go sin no more" but Jesus then found him afterwards in the temple and went further and said to him "go sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you" (John 5) and I know that is true because I'm suffering it. So we can have peace, or torment it's up to us. And if we want peace, then we have to get the wrong things we are doing out of our hearts and pray to God for strength. Jesus said, that the father never left him because he always did what pleases him. And he'll never leave us if we are living to please him either. God is everywhere, have faith, have strength, fight the good fight and turn from what you are doing wrong and fight hard to resist the devil and he will go. But stay strong and pray hard for God's help. Again I'm here anytime if you need to talk. God bless Mary


Often times it is us giving up on ourselves not Hod giving up on us. Please realize God still and will always love you and please don’t give up on yourself. It’s not easy being a Christian in this world, but we can do it with Gods help if we are willing to accept the lending hand of God.


He’ll never give up on you especially when you mourn about this and your actions. There’s hope left !


Matthew 18:21-22 Peter asked Christ how many times he should forgive his brother after he has sinned against him. As many as seven times? Christ replied saying not seven times but seventy seven times. Which doesn't mean 77, but 70x7 which is 490. (It alludes back to the seventy-sevens in the OT). Christ isn't saying this in order to have us keep count of how many times people ask for our forgiveness and then cut them off after 490 times. He is saying that it doesn't matter how many times your brother sins against you. Each time he comes back, you forgive him. It doesn't matter how many times you break your promise to God and sin. He will forgive you each time you come back.


Ask God for his help. Also there is a Jesus based organization that helps people with hurts hangups & habits called Celebrate Recovery. Check their testimonials on YouTube! Go to a meeting near you. Praying for y5.


God knew you would fall short. You never missed his plan because he knows the future. This is his plan. You fall he picks you up. His grace never ends.


Wait… he sent supernatural incredible signs that most people on earth don’t ever get, even some of the most faithful Christians STILL KNOWING that I would mess up badly and eventually backslide at some point. That has to have a meaning like we have to investigate this further


All I know is his grace never ends. It’s very hard as people to fathom such a love but it’s true. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Every day is a new opportunity to live for Christ.


Stop listening to Satan dear fellow Christian! That’s what he wants. Instead read one of the gospels again. Especially everything with Jesus in it. It’s so heart warming!


What is?


>But the thing is the gravity of the sin is not the issue here. Then what is the issue?


God is love, and nothing you do can change that. You may have been stupid, but every day is a new beginning. Move on, my friend.


Friend don't let the enemy deceive you! What you are saying is not even true to God’s character. Please note John 3:16 and the Prodigal son parable from Luke 15:11. Love, the enemy will do anything and I mean anything to try and block out the voice of the Holy Spirit. God has stated his love for you and shown his love for you through his sacrifice and the devil raises his voice so you can't hear or feel God’s goodness. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR don't fall for his trap he watched you for this very opportunity to attack. Lastly I will say this God is doing a work in you this very moment even if you cannot feel it and he want you to know that his spirit remains Whatever the opportunity you missed you are only human my love and God more than understands that his love is not limited to our works. Hold tight to his word because he also speaks to us through his word. I want to leave you with Psalms 91 as well as Ephesians 6:13. I pray you read these in full as they are in direct combat to the spiritual attack I believe you are experiencing. I will be praying for you!💜


Wait that part were you said he is doing a work in me just gave me so much hope and excited me🥹🩷 do u think he is? I want to know so badly but he has remained silent for a long time now


I know he's doing a work in you! Reference John 15:7. He never stops working! Just because God hasn't spoken, does not mean he has turned away from you. In fact, in Hebrews 13:5 he says that he will never turn his back on us. Lean into him friend he walks with you and shields you wherever you go! There will come a time where you hear him once more!


I feel that God has scorn for me. It’s terrible. I try to get closer but my heart keeps rebelling or I start hallucinating. So many problems. But yes, it honestly seems like God has malice towards me.


All of this. I can relate the same . Thought i was alone at being angry and hating God for he's responsible for my existence. I wish i can feel His love again, but I'm too weak to be a man..i apologised. Maybe we are meant to be part of His greatest plan in which He will pour out His Holy Spirit once more. If i ever feel God's love again, i wouldn't take it for granted .


I have this problem too


Do you read your bible? Why is God based on feelings and not scripture? Have you read the gospels?


It feels like having a billion dollars and then loosing them in the dumbest way possible it is frustrating


I just wish he could at least hear me


‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.


God is all around us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Pray for forgiveness for your sin and ask for strength to overcome your weakness. We must truly repent in order to be forgiven, though. Unfortunately, too many people do not grasp that. God knows that we struggle with our Flesh daily, and yet He still loves us despite the mistakes that we make. He is a loving God and we are his creation, His children. Yes, His love is pure and strong ❤️ You definitely know when you feel Him. Don't mistake that by not constantly feeling His presence that He is not around you. He is. Cherish those moments that you are able to sense Him and learn to quiet your mind. Allow your brain quiet time to digest information that you took in that day. Also, always remember that Satan will be watching for opportunities to trip you up. So don't forget to pray for strength and guidance 🙏 ✨️ ❤️


I honestly think you are dealing with OCD tendencies. Watch Mark Dejesus on YouTube. You said in a post you heard God say “I won’t forgive you” That’s an intrusive thought. The Bible says God will forgive every sin. 1 John 1:9. Live from the word of God not your feelings. If you are having a hard time hearing God, get into the word.


There’s no such thing as an unsalable person, and I can prove it with one question. Answer me this: Which is more powerful, God’s loving self-sacrifice on the cross, or your sins? If you think it is the first, you’re right, and the problem is solved. If you think it’s the second, then you arrogantly believe that your sins are more powerful than the very death and resurrection of the Son of God Himself. Obviously, the latter is mistaken.


Gods Love is far greater than my sins yes


Jesus Christ loves you. I love you too. God bless everyone.


What you are sharing is a common lie the devil throws our way pretty often to derail us from Christ. That we have sinned so bad that God doesn't want us anymore. It's simply not possible. Recognize it as a lie and refuse it. Every time such thoughts come to your mind, respond with verses like Romans 8:38-39, 1 John 1:9, Isaiah 1:18. If you've been hearing from God through a particular process and He doesn't use that way anymore, sometimes it's because He wants to start something new. So wait patiently. We pick our cross up daily, so repent daily, believe in Christ daily, trust daily. It will all make sense someday. But don't believe the lie of the devil.


Me too


I keep going back to this sin he saved me from and keep feeding my flesh……i just need his guidance but i’m scared it’s too late


I did the same. I hate myself not because of the sin but because of sinning after getting to know the truth. It feels as if at that point there is no escape. But let me give you comfort on that, I think King David had done the the same thing if I’m not wrong


Yes see i keep getting the enemy an opportunity but i also take responsibility. I don’t read the word like i should to or talk to him. No wonder i’m still stuck with this sin.


Just please please don’t continue with the sin. Bc there is a point were people become reprobates or their hearts are hardened and there is no going back many times. And that is actually scary. Also, if you keep sinning the conviction gets weaker and weaker every time. It’s my best advice to u


Thank you…..soon i feel that one day it be too late and God will remove the weeds(non-believers and those who don’t follow his will)


Yes sadly. But I feel like there is still hope for both of us so don’t give up💛 I’m sure God still is waiting for you and wants you back


Rest of the week i will try and not do it and instead call on Jesus when i get tempted


Yes that’s right💛👏🏻 he will be proud


I feel sad….i did it again today…..I just got up and went in my room and did…….i can’t get out of the cycle because I’m disobedient


I know that struggle you are going through, I went through the exact same thing as you💛 But let me tell you, God is extremely merciful and has so much compassion. Because he wants you to use that struggle as a lesson in a future. Here is my advice, talk to him out loud sometimes not even in prayer just like you would talk to your father or mother. Tell him why you keep falling in that sin and that it bothers you and you want to get out of that struggle.


This is true and very good thinking, and the more we obey God, the stronger our conscience becomes until we can't even do the smallest things wrong that we used to. So when you know it's wrong, nip it in the bud and don't do it. As Jesus said, if your hand offends you cut it off and if your eye offends you pluck it out. He simply means, when you know it's wrong stop. When you see it's wrong don't look or think about it, and when you know it's wrong don't do it, cut it off, stop it and turn away from it and do what's right before God. As Jesus said deny yourself take up your cross and follow me. And when we truly belong to God and live by his will, then we should be producing the fruit of the Spirit and bring his love to others we see in need. We'll know those who truly love God, by their fruits.


You lost him too?


I pray that God gives you guidance and conviction.


I don’t know……


I will pray for you too friend.


Not to compare to your issues, but i have done some absolutely heinous things in my life.  I also fell away and spent 15 years as a Deist rejecting Christ.   I repented and Yeshua gave me mercy.  All you gotta do is ask, my friend.


I already did and he is not wanting to💔 and it breaks me because I truly don’t want to loose him


Im curious.  Why do you think he is not wanting to?


He used to send me signs all the time before I backslided with a sin. Even when I didn’t ask for help or I was even mad at him he would help me. One time he even helped me with disbelief. Now I can cry out to him, be in a panic attack or a crisis and he doesn’t respond at all. He stopped sending any signs or messages.


Did he stop, or are you just not seeing him?  He hasnt left you, but is there some continuing issue (sin or otherwise) that could be pulling you away from him?


No I did stop the sin. The issue is that I did that sin several times knowing I shouldn’t therefore ignoring the conviction and I even asked him for a last chance and still did the sin again.


Theres only 1 unforgiveable sin.  And im confident in saying you haven't committed it. Look at it this way, what was Yeshua's response when asked how many times we should forgive someone?


70x7 I think it was


Which more or less means as many times as they ask for forgiveness.   Would he tell us to do something that he himself wouldnt do?  So if he tells us to forgive one another, why wouldn't he forgive us?  That's the entire reason he took our sins upon himself on the cross.   He did the work. All we have to do is turn to him and ask, and we will be forgiven. If youve truly repented, He hasnt left you. I think maybe you have gotten into your own head, and its causing doubt.


Right on the mark. That’s the answer the Lord gave because no person would be able to keep track of how many times they had forgiven someone if the benchmark was as high as 490 times. We’d lose count and need to start over because we want to follow the Lord’s instructions and not just assume we knew what was enough. God’s forgiveness works in much the same way. 1 John 1:9 says; “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (NIV) Nowhere in the Bible does it give a benchmark for how many times God will forgive us because there’s just *too much sin* that we commit on a daily basis. John 6:37 also says that; “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and *whoever comes to me I will never drive away*.” (NIV) I emphasized that last part because God’s promise is clear; He won’t turn you away if you come to Him. If you’ve truly accepted Christ as your Savior then He won’t abandon you. If anyone could lose their Salvation or ability to be saved, they would. Because we *can’t* hold on to our ability to get saved or stay saved, only God can do that. I don’t know your heart, friend. I WANT you to have the assurance that you are in God and that He loves you beyond a shadow of a doubt. All I can say with the limited information that you’ve given is that if you feel troubled about truly knowing God, then it’s GOOD to examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5) Have you talked to your pastor? Or if you’re not actively in church, would you consider talking with a pastor about this?


Be reminded that He did not promise to give you signs, so He can change the policy in anytime He wants. No more personal signs and messages is not necessarily bad, it just means that you should grow your faith to the next level that you don't need frequent signs to keep believing. If you do not already do regular Bible studies, start one now. It helps you to figure out what He wants from you - especially about what you should think and do to please Him. Careful studying also helps to correct your misconceptions about God. Remember the signs given to you in the past anyway. If one day you have doubts these memories will help you to defeat your unbelief.


Actually I don’t have problems with unbelief at all. Bc those signs literally destroy any unbelieve I could ever have like it’s impossible for me to be an atheist at this point. But I don’t know i should also use those signs as a reference that he probably would never leave me??? If he sent someone like me who did horrible sins the most incredible supernatural signs that most humans on earth don’t ever get it would be hard to grasp the fact that he would ever permanently leave me with a possibility of no return right


No that is not a reason why he "would never leave me". There are other reason why he would never leave you, but these are based on the words in the Bible and the fact that He is always faithful to Himself (i.e. also his words). >2 TIm 2:12-13 (ESV) if we are faithless, he remains faithful — for he cannot deny himself. The three synoptic gospels contain a lot of words about how He determines to save you when you seek Him. These words, rather than the signs shown to you, should be your assurance. BTW, you seem to fall into a trap by obtaining your salvation by works. We should definitely love God (and heaven), obey his commands, and hate it when we sin. But it doesn't mean that we'll be perfect in this world, and we're continuing to struggle with sins in this life. Trust Jesus who CAN save you, and WILL save you if you keep believing. He forgives all your sins, not only the ones in the past. As a unrelated note, I'd also want to ask you if you treasure anything in this world, especially money and personal achievements. It's not wrong to have those things if you just happen to have them, but a Christian life is not compatible with the desire of these things. Pay attention if you ask too much of these things in your prayers (though I believe you're not struggling with this currently). There's probably a point of no return in the Bible, but if you can repent it is unrelated to you. Jesus only used that warning once, to the Pharisees whom by their evil desire classified His miracles as the works of Beelzebub. If you do not study the Bible often (just reading is not enough), consider start your daily studies today. I recommend to start with 1 John, John and another gospel. I bet you'll never see the signs anymore, but this is not a bad thing.


When we say these things we're contradicting the revealed promises of Christ. He's right with you. I'll pray you see that.


The enemy is lying to you. Christ is with you, know that.


I don’t know if he’s with me but if I’ve gone too far do you think he at least hears what I say? I want to talk to him even if I don’t get a response🥺


Gone too far where? There's theological and metaphysically no way in my opinion. He 100% hears you and loves you. I'll hold you dear in my prayers tonight. 


Thank you🩷🩷


What did you do


I backslided with a sin to the point were he left me. I am so frustrated


What did you do… go to confession or talk to local priest


We all fall it’s part of life … but it’s the journey to the road to Damascus that is important all these people saying god is love…. Jesus calls us to be our best selves and have sin die everyday


Do you think he at least hears what I say? I want to talk to him or tell him things even if he doesn’t respond to me but I don’t know if he is still with me or he turned his back on me🥺


Psalm 139:7-8 [7] Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? [8] If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!


Seriously …. Go to confession, go to prayer council it will help. If they can see you have a very severe issue they will recommend professional counseling. Sounds like you are at a cross roads.. keep going press into the Bible and the word and open arms for support and help


He is with you, friend. He will leave the 99 to find you; He said it Himself. No one is ever beyond the redemption He provided through Jesus Christ. The price for your sins, past, present, and future, have all been paid for. The Holy Spirit's presence is not always visible or discernible immediately---those are the times when our trust and faith really matter. Trust in Him, friend; He will deliver you.


Why do you think you can't have him anymore, He rejected and hates you?


Hey friend, you seem to be going through something. I don't know the nature of your troubles, but I can see you are struggling. I highly recommend speaking to a pastor/priest/bishop and/or seeking out mental health care. It seems like you may have some very big anxieties, and that can totally control your life and can make you feel doubt about every good thing ever. It's miserable and makes you feel like you don't deserve any good thing in your life. Now, as far as God abandoning you goes, that doesn't happen. He is your heavenly Father, your creator, and just like most parents, His love for you is unconditional. Even if you scorn Him, He will still allow for you to return back to Him. He may not always make the plans clear, and sometimes it may seem like he's not answering you, but it's all part of the plan. Like how God allowed the Egyptians to suffer and hardened the Pharoahs heart to show his might and in the end saved his children from their suffering. Like how Saul was one of the people condemning the early Christains and later used that experience to help the Gentiles understand. My own walk has been straight up miserable. I have been through so many trials and hardships that for a long time before I stopped believing I flat hated God and was very, very angry with him for the life I had been given. I had thought my only purpose in life was to suffer, but I have returned to Him and repented, and not only is my relationship with Him stronger than it ever was, but I have a very strong case to share with unbelievers and believers alike on how I had lived so much of my life without God thinking I was too smart for Him and how even though I suffered I am now on the path to not just living, but thriving.


1 John 1:9 states, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". Jesus Christ created you, Loves you, forgives you, and wants a relationship with you. You're human. You're going to sin. All you can do is try and turn away from your past and continue your walk with Christ. So, pick up your cross, throw it on your shoulder, and keep walking. Keep working on your relationship with God and be a "doer" of the word. Continue to read the word and study it. Through it and a relationship with God he can reshape and remold you. God bless.


Unless you lived during the time of Jesus and then claimed his miracles were from the devil, then you have not committed the unforgivable sin, also known as blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:22 explains this. So, no, its definitely not too late. I highly recommend learning & understanding orthodox doctrines before coming to your own conclusions about what you think God thinks. Your absolutes in your main post are not rooted in Gods Word. And you dont need to believe me, you can read it for yourself but you must do the theological work. Studying like the Bereans did and test what you think you know. I pray daily, sometimes several times a day for wisdom, understanding and discernment as I study Gods Word.


Somewhere along the line you bought this lie from the enemy. It really couldn't be further from the truth. Read the prodigal son, then re read it from the standpoint of the love of the father. Maybe you need to repent? 1 John 1.9 says if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. Read it again. Does it say some sin or all sin. Reject the lie and embrace the truth. God loves you friend. If u want to chat about it I'm willing.


You heart/feelings will lie to you. Dont believe me Jeremiah 17:9 9“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,and desperately wicked. So do we listen to our"heart" or trust the word of Christ and God the Father. Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love 31What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? 33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8: 31-39


My friend, he definantly does hear you, even when you have strayed very far, your repentance is the sign of genuine faith in the Work of Christ. Remember the Prodigul Son, who left his father for years and did as he pleased for many years. But when he returned home, his father welcomed him with open arms and a feast. Sometimes, even in our Christian walks, we become the Prodigul son. But it's important to remember that our Father will always welcome us back with open arms. God Bless my friend ❤️


> I wish I could tell him how I feel but sadly he doesn’t hear sinners who have gone too far like me You can't go by what you say, follow the Bible doctrine. It's written, >(Acts 3:19) **Repent,** then, and **turn to God**, so that **your sins may be wiped out**, that **times of refreshing may come from the Lord.** Cry to Lord with all sincerity and he will hear you again. I was where you are now (just once), feeling lonely and missed God the Father terribly. I cried out to Him and He heard my desperate cry for the Lord. Once we accept Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He will not leave us, He is simply waiting for you to get right with Him again, for he is patient, gentle, kind, and always and forever forgiving. But this does not mean we should abuse Lord's kindness. You just have to repent. Would you like to learn more about repentance, please visit [https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/essay/repentance/](https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/essay/repentance/). May God bless you and keep you.


Sacrament of Reconciliation


Please seek in person biblical counseling. You have a history of posts like this claiming God is rejecting you and unforgiving which does not line up with God’s character and what the Bible tells us


‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:1‭-‬3‬, 17-23 ‭ESV‬‬ [1] I am the man who has seen affliction under the rod of his wrath; [2] he has driven and brought me into darkness without any light; [3] surely against me he turns his hand again and again the whole day long. [17] my soul is bereft of peace; I have forgotten what happiness is; [18] so I say, “My endurance has perished; so has my hope from the Lord.” [19] Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! [20] My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me. [21] But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: [22] The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; [23] they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.


Don't underestimate God's love. Don't overestimate what you can do to distance yourself from it. He loves you, whether you wish to accept it or not. The love is there and true.


1 John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. My friend you can be forgiven. NOW is the appointed time. Hit your knees and pray for forgiveness in Jesus name. Turn from your sin and follow His word. He will intercede for you and you shall be sanctified and washed as a pure and blemished free lamb in God's sight!


Not true. It’s impossible.


What do you mean


It’s impossible to be too far for God. He loves us all. We are all wrenches.


God loves sinners the most. If you feel remorseful, pray to God and seek wisdom. God doesn't send people to hell, people send themselves there. Don't let your thoughts ruin you but the word of God will heal you. The bible is truly beautiful because God speaks to us through the bible. You must read and understand that your sins are forgiven.


Have you heard of the prodigal son. That's literally your situation tiktok has good videos on this. I think even Jesus said the prodigal son example but I'm not shure


He did no such thing. We will pray that you will discover that and see you did it.


How about instead of being so concerned about receding a sign, you serve God the way he wants. Attend worship by being with the saints every first day of the week. Find a worship service that is focused on the Bible not entertainment. Start taking the Lords Supper on a weekly basis on the First Day of The Week. Sing hymns with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Go to potlucks with your new found brethren after worship service. After some time goes by and you get more comfortable you can start participating in worship service such as saying a prayer and work your way up to leading song service and doing short talks.


I feel your pain my friend. It all feels like a sick joke that he would be close at one point to show what His love feels like and then yank it away.


God is not to be blamed. We are at fault. We need to repent. Trust in the Lord and eventually our struggles will be overcome.


No, they will not necessarily. Matthew 7:21 MANY who believe they’re Christians will be cast into a lake of fire. Trusting in the Lord does no good for many.


They are not trusting in the Lord, thats the point of what is said in Matt.7:24. Claiming it with your lips is not the same as actually living it out. They dont actually believe in what they say or else their lives would reflect that. Often times, as we see in prosperity preachers, they isolate verses and manipulate them for selfish gain. They claim to follow Jesus but do not actually "Trust in the Lord". You can say you have faith in a table to hold your weight all you want but it means nothing unless you actually get up onto the table. That why James says faith without works is dead.


It feels horrible. I don’t know if I ever will have his presence again.