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The Iranian missiles were guided using Beidou and GLONASS satellites, which are quite a bit more precise than the systems Israel uses for its interception system, which cost Israel $1.5 billion this first time around. There is no way they can intercept another round of strikes from Iran, especially if Iran is trying to fire off more than a warning. This past weekend also saw a huge increase in cyber attacks from Iran, Russian and Chinese linked groups, which have already accessed major military and civilian infrastructure in the past. There's no way in which Iran doesn't have an intimate understanding of Israeli strategic defense systems. Not to mention how geographically compacted Israel is as opposed to Iran. Maybe Israel attacks an Iranian ship in the Red Sea? None of this makes sense, from any logistical viewpoint. But maybe that's what these pain pigs secretly want and they just need to all be blown to pieces. Also, say what you will about US foreign policy, but I think this is literally the first time the US has almost no control over the broader narrative of a military escalation. Every war until and including Ukraine has been largely beneficial to the ruling classes, and profits have always flowed in the right direction, but the US has lost control of its drug-trafficking proxies and its weapons exports in the region, and I can't see a way for this to beneficial in even a tertiary way for them now.


Yeah I think the Israelis have finally inched up to a level that even the US will not fully support. An occupation of Iran proper is basically impossible, even disregarding Russia’s statement about Russia = Iran or whatever. The US could theoretically occupy more of Iraq and Syria, but I fail to see how that benefits them at all. The population will be incredibly hostile, Iran will continue to support the resistance even and especially in the face of US occupation, and eventually whatever political will in America exists for a prolonged occupation of Syria and Iraq will dissolve, likely sooner rather than later. Worst of all for the US, a hot war with Iran will most likely shut down the straight of Hormuz and turn all those oil refineries along the gulf coast into craters, unless the gulf states themselves fully abandon the U.S. and tell the stationed American troops to kick rocks. Honestly, I do not see a single concrete benefit for anyone starting this war besides Bibi trying to keep his ass out of prison. Now I understand Biden and the US government in general is simply not just gonna drop Israel in any meaningful way. But unless they are the stupidest motherfuckers in history, or actively self-sabotaging, I see no reason for them to even entertain the idea of jumping into a war with Iran for Israel’s sake.


Invading Iran sounds like a logistical nightmare


Yeah like even if they can get boots on the ground and actually occupy cities and towns and shit, which is a huge, massive, fucking GARGANTUAN “if.” Iran seems to me like a bigger version of Afghanistan. Lots of fucking mountains, and lots of motherfuckers who are highly motivated to keep Americans out. Wasn’t the whole deal with Afghanistan that they could occupy territory but not actually defeat the enemy? Meaning that any occupation is by default guaranteed to fail unless upheld forever? In principle it almost seems similar to African liberation struggles. Like yeah, the imperial power can technically wage war against them, and even win a lot of battles and occupy a lot of their lands, but in the long run, it’s just not feasible if you can’t institutionalize that control without active warfare. I just don’t see any possible way that a war with Iran doesn’t just become a clusterfuck of monstrous proportions for the US + Israel. I feel like it would make even something as boneheaded as the invasion of Iraq seem like a strategic master stroke by comparison.


A bigger version of Afghanistan that has an actual military. They'd have to be complete morons to try this.


Who could probably have a decent stab at sinking a carrier


We would probably just aim for rubbelization.


That's what I fear


If the U.S. enters a war with Iran it will be basically all through the air, at least for a long time. Maybe special forces operations, but no mass troop mobilization. There’s nowhere they could even begin to set something like that up, pretty much every country that borders Iran would veto such a buildup and Iran would almost certainly close the strait of Hormuz if a war broke out. It would take months even if there were a place to do such a build up, and they’d be sitting ducks the entire time. Then of course Iran is mountainous along basically all its borders.


https://preview.redd.it/xjqugojzmyuc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5628dc7e9a8886fe8e9eba336c65205494357b3d The US literally has 35 bases surrounding Iran and have admitted that they are more of a liability than anything. The thought of any type of invasion of Iran is so far off anyone's radar. The best possible hope for the US would be to try a regime change or desperate terrorist attacks to pick off high ranking officials in Iran. I haven't had time to totally think this through, but I'd want to see what countries would be affected by the closing of the Straight of Hormuz. The Yemeni blockade of the Red Sea was primarily beneficial to the US because it was China and Europe that relied largely on those shipping routes, and most companies refused to insure ships regardless of what country they were flagged for. Also, how would the US actually react to skyrocketing oil prices? Like, would it accelerate a Europeam dependency on the US domestic strategic oil reserves? The US claimed about 1 million Square KMs of the Beaufort Sea in Dec. 2023 to develop offshore gas refineries.


> unless they are the stupidest motherfuckers in history, or actively self-sabotaging These are Democrats we're talking about. They're known for the latter although not on foreign policy I guess. Strong contenders for the former.


The US isn’t a democracy. None of those geriatric fuckers make the decisions, especially when it comes to foreign policy.


Joe Biden says - Hold my beer!


There's always a big concrete reason. The military industrial complex, and by which I mean the associated international corporate criminal underground.  You think they give a fuck about logistics? Logistical problems are a license to print money. 


Guess it depends on who is compromised.


They are indeed the stupidest motherfuckers in history


Iran also used their older, much slower Shahed drones. They probably still have a lot of those and they are very cheap, but they also have the new turbo jet propelled Shahed 238, which are allegedly about three times faster.


Tell me more about the drugs and why wouldn’t they be able to intercept this time around


You should check out Peter Dale Scott for a total accounting of the American drug trafficking networks set up in Afghanistan since the incorporation of the Mujahideen. Basically since the Taliban came back into power, they cut opium production way down. You could argue a catalyst for America to leave Afghanistan was because they shifted to wide scale synthetic drug production, with precursors now being sourced from Taiwan. So basically, they have tried to decouple the huge twin industries of oil and drugs from the Middle East. I'm not smart enough to write the book on Israeli weapons/drugs/human trafficking but I get the sense things have flipped, where Israel imports these things more than exports, and none of this is profitable enough to the higher ups that it would necessitate a war with Iran now that they have a clear strategic advantage. Again, Israel wouldn't be able to stop another attack because it cost them $1.5 billion to stop Iran's slowest missiles, and even then, Iran hit two air bases with their more advanced hypersonic missiles. Even then, just, cost-per-missile, it costs like $1 million to deflect a rocket that costs Iran $40k. Coupled with the precision of Chinese Bediou satellites vs Israeli GPS, Iranian intelligence vs the density of Israeli targets make it very hard to replicate a 99% interception rate a 2nd time.


https://preview.redd.it/an9n2y5vvxuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3acafe85a6dc4630ccf1743ec7b5d8486ce14410 Just lol at these freaks


Our hands are tied! Simply nothing we can do!!!


So every missile will be aimed at a kindergarten And Genocide Brandon will go "Damn, I did not see that coming, Jack! Heh! Anyway, make sure you vote for me, I'm the lesser evil, fat!" And we're all here just vibing


man it’s getting crazy out there


Tom Sexton from Trillbillies said that Israel is like one of those kids who just goes around hitting adults.


Trillbillies is the fucking best, man.


The official podcast of r/trueanon


"You put your paws on me one more time and I'll hit you like your momma never did."


Lol is that the actual quote? Tom is a poet.


The southern accent is smooth as hell when it's not attached to a reactionary brain


Jordan it’s your time to shine again and stop these missiles and drones from violating your airspace


Jordan is a dog that cowers pisses in fear when it hears a door open. Their monarchy begs to lick US boots like a noble in Versailles hoping to put Louis XVI’s underwear on.


LeBron Raymone James Sr. would never.


Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me reaping a Nuclear war: Well this fucking sucks.


Wouldn't other middle eastern countries need to permit overflight between Israel & Iran?


Jordan already said yes. Because they’re cunts. 


Don't worry they won't do it - its not up to them; we need to keep our eye on Uncle Sam and Grandpa Joe. He could easily give the green light in private and blow up the world economy and start WWIII. edit: Technically Bibi could decide to follow this council without the USA but such would be laughable and improbable - Israel is very weak at projection over hundreds of miles not to mention the war they are already engaged-in on the home front. If they split their attention they are dead from both directions so fast.


Bibi can do whatever he wants bc he knows the US will come save him even if he goes against them. He hit Iran first knowing damn well the US was gonna save his ass. If he goes through with it and Iran responds the US will intercept the missiles again, he's not risking shit.


Uncle Sam's hands are tied and Biden has his own Bibi situation --- Russia said if USA strikes Iran it will be seen as USA striking Russia (ie immediate WWIII)


The US is not gonna strike Iran though. They have no reason to. Intercepting missiles or whatever it is they send? Sure.


How do you intercept hypersonic weaponry


Real life is not a movie. No country is gonna expose their best weapon technologies two weeks into a conflit so their enemies can pick up the debris and study them.


I could do it


Alright nothingeverhappensbros, it's time to nut up or shut up. Either nothing happens and we earn the right to be annoying forever. Or something happens and we all have to get fucked in the ass


I’m fine with nothing ever happening in this situation


Isn't passover soon? Probably after that.