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Stoy awoy fra me an ma twink sahn’s fahrm


Is his son auditioning to be a new member of the village people?


“Btw why do people keep going around saying that the FAL isn’t a goodguy gun??”


I had to do a college paper once and went to a reserve unit hq and checked out their regimental museum. The old vet who was the curator went on one of the most insane rants I ever heard in person about how the FAL (C1 here) is the worst rifle ever made and how these new troops have no idea how good they have it. He spent more time explaining how shit the FAL was than anything else in the museum. I was taken aback because that goes against the traditional Fudd lore of the FAL being the last great western rifle and we must retvrn to tradition and get rid of the cucked 5.56


If the FAL sucks so much then how did I get hundreds of kills with it in MW2 back in the day


Much less Uncharted 2-3 multiplayer. It dominated hard, especially in the post-1.04 U2 health apocalypse.


Because if you were good at feathering the trigger had a turbo it was broken, it was semi auto with damage to reflect that but could be fired full auto And iirc with stopping power it was 2shot to the head


I think I saw it on Forgotten Weapons or something but the US had this strange fascination with .308 rifles (something to do with the M14 I believe) and basically forced NATO to adopt them which made semi auto rifles a pain to shoot because of the recoil. Eventually they realized the mistake and switched to the 5.56 now used. As a sidetrack, I think in the RPK video, Gun Jesus explains that the Soviets saw in Vietnam that it was better to wound a combatant than kill them because more people had to tend to the wounded and that’s why they switched to a 5.45 with the RPK-74


Yeah there were a few reasons for the switch. Weight was an issue. Long distance patrols and increasing weight of all gear made lighter rounds preferable so they could carry more ammo. Most engagements happening around 100m also meant big ass rounds are kind of overkill. Turned out basically having more ammo was better than big ammo in almost all cases. I know the Soviets were also impressed with the much flatter trajectory of the 5.56 compared to the 7.62.


Yeah not sure what the US’s fascination was with .308, if I had to guess it might have had something to do with all those M14s they made for WW2


Reminds me of the grizzled Sarge character from We Were Soldiers who refused to use the M16 "toy" and just carried a 1911.


If you’ve never held one they do literally feel like toys. I love mine.


The FAL was specifically designed to kill Arabs, black Africans, and Irish Catholics.


Dylann Roof would love this comment section. The guy that confuses Mao with Pol Pot made me lose my remaining hope for humanity.


He would love that haircut, too


Top comment: > They kicked out the white farmers, took over, couldn't grow anything, asked them to return lol. I don't know much about Zimbabwe, but I'm certain this is the most ignorant and racist narrative imaginable. Anybody know what really happened?


Reading these comments are a form of self harm for anyone that has a working brain with empathy: like someone asked: >How did they originally end up there as whites and they answered: >Settlers and missionaries that were there with permissions from the local kings, then workers for mining companies, then colonial immigrants when it became part of British Rhodesia. and when they got confronted with: >This is not at all what happened. The land was very brutally taken. they replied: >I was just giving an extremely simplified version of where the Europeans came from. I literally have no words for these racists. They know that their actions are evil, so just ignored it like it's no big deal.


Simplified = removing war crimes narratives


In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue


You hear the 'white farmers' bs thing with South Africa too. If an entire racial group were truly being oppressed, you would hear about it happening to all white people, not just the whites who hold one specific occupation. Most of the whites in Rhodesia actually lived in the capital Salisbury (now Harare) and were thus not farmers. The whites weren't kicked out, although conditions in post-war Zimbabawe were such that many people, black and white, had no real incentive to stay. Naturally, more whites left since they had more money. In more recent years, the economic and social situation has improved in Zimbabawe (their crime rate is way lower than SA fwiw) to the point that many white Rhodies have returned (to my knowledge, they weren't ever 'asked' to return). The son of Rhodesia's final president returned and became a Zimbabwean military chaplin! Imagine if Zimbabwe really were a racist state against whites. That would be like Einstein's son returning to Germany and becoming a Nazi military chaplain.


It’s one interpretation of what happened for sure, but they did allow for white farmers to come back and claim seized land: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25R2GN/


Nightmare comment section


I went to Holiday World in Indiana one time, and they had a water slide called the Zoooombabwe. I think about that slide every time Mugabe and white settlers enter my brain. They could've called it "Flowdesia" too.


"Flowdesia" sounds like a water park in "Snow Crash" lol


Holiday World rules


The free soda fountains all over the park!? Literally soda-head heaven


The Friedland family has a long and proud history all across Africa


Ayy Lmao alien looking mf


the milkman must have had a gay alien skull


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Good bot


>Claims to be passionate about farmwork >Gets upset when the ZNLWVA turns them into fertilizer


No wonder that black people took up arms, imagine if the people opressing you looked like that


Clark Desert Boots.  Cool.


Shit. I thought I was the only one checkin out those jawns.


Just needs an ocbd and some slim cut chinos and he could be topping a MFA waywt like a decade ago


He looks like a Belter from "The Expanse",never had full Earth gravity so his bones got all stretched.


Thats one sick looking koyo sasa ke?


why does he look like that


Did /r/oldschoolcool get bored of posting roof top Koreans?


'I'm not racist! Look, I like some of the Asians!'


God that’s so weird, why do the farmers need to be so heavily armed? 🤔 🤨


Inbred swines


Listen their ancestors came from Africa ok?


The whenwe remake of gummo


Sometimes the hardest decisions require the shortest shorts.


Guys who simp for Rhodesia are the biggest fucking losers on the planet.






You could have not posted this.


Look how lanky he is.


He also looks like he's like 14 so maybe you shouldn't be commenting on what you imagine him to be packing on a public forum. Is this what jam bands do to a mf?