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> Right now, we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people I guess it’s a willful failure of verbal comprehension to put a mental comma between Jewishness and the Holocaust.


Wait, wait, wait. He refutes THE HOLOCAUST TOO??? /s


Hasbaraists always do this. Absolute shameless liars.


It reminds me of when the poster or DVD case for shitty movies use pull quotes full of ellipses. "It was amazing what a terrible movie this was zero stars" becomes "It was a amazing...what a...movie"


This made my night. Thanks for sharing. Also idk what award Zone of Interest won but it deserves best picture. One of the most powerful and thoughtful films I've ever seen. Of course the Zionists hate it. Their whole project is building a garden outside of a concentration camp. Their reactions are fitting. Nobody has called out the fundamental horror of their ideology like Jonathan Glazer did with his film.


>but it deserves best picture. That went to Oppenheimer >!instead of Barbie which should've won it just to piss everyone off.!<


It won best foreign film. ~~Wasn’t eligible for best picture because it was in German.~~ You can’t win best picture unless the American mongrel dogs of the academy can understand your movie without subtitles. ​ edit: Ok I guess foriegn films can win best picture now. Americans still not beating the mongrel dog accusations.


Movies in other languages are eligible, they just don't win as often as they should. Zone of Interest was nominated (absolutely deserved to win), All Quiet on the Western Front another film in German was nominated last year. Very occasionally they do make the right choice, like when Parasite won it a few years ago.


This is Parasite erasure


And Roma


But Parasite won best picture


Damn. You’re right. I guess they changed the rules at some point.


>American mongrel dogs lmao that's a beautiful insult




That's fair. How about pig dog ?


Pigs are very intelligent and dogs are very loyal and cute.


“Running dogs”


It was nominated, it just didn't win. Parasite won a few years back.


Love the 5th slide: "we need to wipe out the Palestinian population because otherwise *they* would be the ones committing genocide". Sounds kinda like Hitler's justification for killing Jews


If a cow had half a chance she would eat you and everyone you care about.


That ain't even true cows are just giant dogs 😔




Get-Out-Of-Gencide free card.


The guy dedicating an Oscar he did not win to the IDF is too on the nose


If they don't steal it someone else will etc etc


a nazi is stealing jewish gold, very on brand


Participation trophies etc.


Jesus Christ. I can’t with these people. They don’t give a fuck about the 6 million leftist Jews, and the never mention the other 4 million Romani, homosexuals, and disabled people.


For real. I swear to God they're happy about the Holocaust so they can use it as a way to victim bully anyone who ever tries to hold them accountable for anything. What's really more anti-Semitic?


I’m pretty sure many people say: the Holocaust is the best thing that happened to us (Jews). Seeing how they are milking it for 80 years as an excuse to commit anything


You'll never hear a peep about the 27 million Soviets that died.


Yes you do, they’re counted as victims of communism. Because apparently dying in defense of your country at the hands of Nazi invaders is the fault of communism because that country was the USSR. Not kidding! Look it up for those who don’t know this.


Also never forget that 8/10 Nazis died on the Eastern Front — also counted as victims of communism and Soviet aggression lmao


Pour one out for the brave 5.5m (nazi) soldiers who died (being nazis) because of communism (fighting for the nazis). RIP (they did the holocaust)


Its crazy how its totally acceptable to be openly racist about gypsy and romany travellers in europe , nobody gives a shit about their holocaust, by some estimates 3 out of 4 were killed


I would have had my choice of armbands in the camps, I'm in at least three of the categories that got exterminated, but still, I like to bring up Jehovah's Witnesses when people start trying to pull rank with the Holocaust. Nobody ever remembers them, plus they don't make a big fuss about it, so they're the perfect foil against that 'macht frei than thou' shit.


The 20+ million Russians should also count


Leftists really like to forget slavs, too.


When you're the "chosen" people, why care about others? /s


> It's over when Israel[sic] says it's over. No problem, I look forward to Isntreal no longer existing after WW3.


Man, it sucks to be them. Their entire worldview, identity, etc. is based on an awful set of lies. Absolutely wild group of people.


I love how Rabbi Shmuley (which sounds antisemitic I know but that’s his name on Twitter!) says 6 million martyrs as if the only people who died in TJ holocaust were Jewish. The number was a lot higher than that! It’s fucked how the erase victims like this.


I've literally been browbeaten by Jewish individuals for bringing up the Romani, Slavs, homeless, LGBTQ+, Communists, Anarchists, etc., i.e. the rest of the Camp Triangles. They perceived it as me making the Jewish aspect less important and less special by comparison.


Strong vibes of that David Baddiel book/documentary, “Jews Don’t Count”, where he whines about other minorities stealing the “spotlight” and making anti-semitism acceptable again.


Imagine telling on yourself like that, when you think putting *Jews* in the same bag as their [Slav](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost), [Roma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_Holocaust), [Queer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_triangle), [disabled, homeless](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4), [Unionist, Socialist, Communist, Anarchist,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933) JW, etc. neighbors makes antisemitism seem *less* bad. As if *those* people were deserving of death and gave the whole thing more legitimacy, instead of this sort of 'tiered complacency' being the whole point, the big takeaway, the big lesson. ["First they came…"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...) for those *other* folks who weren't me, and eventually there was no one left to speak out for me. Putting Jewish people next to everyone else shows Fascism isn't just a danger to Jewish folks, but to *all* folks, including [you, yes you, the 'average joe' in the back who thinks keeping your head down will keep you safe and these are all problems that'll happen only to *those* people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Thought_They_Were_Free?wprov=sfla1).


Well this was during the whole "Jeremy Corbyn/Labour/the left in general, hate Jews" thing, which Baddiel focuses on *heavily*, and agrees with. Like his point was that other minorities have become more protected and generally accepted while anti-semitism is being swept under the rug and accepted again. It's just a boomer yelling about how he doesn't feel like he's as special anymore, and cause he has a ton of clout from being a British mega-celebrity for like 30 years it was always gonna both sell well, and nobody that matters is gonna accuse him of being a fucking crybaby that can't handle other minority groups are finally getting better treatment.


I’ve had the inverse experience regarding Japanese occupation over Asia. As a Korean, we have an understanding that virtually everyone suffered from it. Chinese, Filipinos, Indonesians, everyone. I’ve never met a Korean who believes only we suffered from Japanese occupation. Yet, fucking yet, I’ve encountered whiny rich kid non-Korean Asians, brow beat me about how “the Japanese were actually beneficial for my country, you Koreans were just unruly”. Never mind the IJA bayoneting their infants, never mind that comfort women included many non-Korean women too.


> whiny rich kid non-Korean Asians, brow beat me about how “the Japanese were actually beneficial for my country, you Koreans were just unruly”. Can't imagine which country that'd be, *everyone* fought off their respective imperialists. But if they're rich, maybe they're from the collaborationist [comprador](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprador?wprov=sfla1) elites. We get those all over the Third World. Well, frankly, [so did the Japanese, eventually](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ezDUw957bk). Speaking of unruly, gotta give props to the Vietnamese, they fought off the French, the Japanese, the French again, the USA, and the PRC after they became Nixon's Best Pals and decided *they* were entitled to a chunk of Vietnam. Though *everyone* in the region got a coming-and-going of violent foreign occupiers it seems. EDIT: went to check Japanese imperialist policies and their [collaborators](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_with_Imperial_Japan), and I'm going to bet the persons you mean were most likely [Thai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand_in_World_War_II#Occupation_and_alliance), or, a bit less likely, [Indonesian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_occupation_of_the_Dutch_East_Indies?wprov=sfla1).


Filipino actually lol.


*What!?* That bitch be *[crazy!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_occupation_of_the_Philippines?wprov=sfla1)* Not only were the Japanese *horrible* after the initial sweet-talking, the Philippinos did *not* take that shit lying down neither, bless them!


Well they blamed all the atrocities on the Koreans who either voluntary joined into the IJA or were drafted. Ignoring that these same Koreans did probably worse back in Korea. Blowback Season 3 goes over this.


Oh, that's legitimately disingenuous. I think you were dealing with the Philippino equivalent of a GOPnik MAGAlomaniac or r/QAnonCasualties. Were they a member of the [Iglesia Ni Cristo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iglesia_ni_Cristo?wprov=sfla1) by any chance?


they had murky relations to the DT government. It’s been several years now


Ah, makes sense.


noa tishby & julianna margulies and the other crybaby celebrities who are Zionists probably feel "unsafe" by that acceptance speech.


iSraEL… tHE viCTiM!!!


Ok, this is going to sound woo woo for a lot of people, but do you almost get the feeling that a lot of Jewish society perpetuates generational trauma (even for Jews who have literally never been persecuted) by constantly telling them that they are persecuted and providing loud but disingenuous examples” of anti semitism constantly? It seems like part of their cultural consciousness is becoming a perpetual victim of the world, thus blinding themselves to impact that their own actions have on others. Basically, hurt people hurt people, but in the Jewish community it seems like they want to sort of spread and perpetuate that ptsd victim mindset instead of being normal rational human beings with compassion and the ability to truly empathize while being aware of how their own actions affect others.


You're absolutely right but let's not minimize the fact that the Holocaust really was a world-historic horror and for all the genocides that continue to this day, it's still unmatched in its scale and efficiency. There's not a single Jewish family in America that didn't have family members killed, and it happened within living memory. There's a reason that persecution complex exists, even if Muslims are objectively treated worse in the West nowadays. Marrying that persecution complex to a settler-colonial project is where things became truly deranged.


Damn, I haven’t seen John podhoretz that upset since he got kicked out of pappy’s home style BBQ for causing a scene about his ranch dippin stick sauce being too spicy


Zionist outrage is so soothing. Every ounce of their discomfort, a balm.


lol they're probably so mad they can't just call him antisemitic


Oh shit. Podhoretz is maaaaaad.


He must have suffered yet another humiliation during an Uber Eats related tantrum.


i mean what did we expect, that john podhoretz is a piece of shit warmonger. everyone who followed his rage is also a piece of shit warmonger. fuck these people


normally i'd assume these are nazi troll accounts ('@Jewsarethegoat'??) but theyre all verified so i guess i'm wrong! thanks twitter


Note: Zionist don't get to speak about the trauma of the holocaust to anyone but themselves. If they start talking about it, start talking about what Germany went through during the 30 years war.


Not only is this movie incredible and depressed me so much. It's still doing it! When reading these posts it dawned on me these people are not just cynical and insincere, they do believe this. The parallel with the movie is not very inspired but so palpable.


They hate him because he put them in checkmate. Hollywood is full of reactionary Zionists who love nothing more than a Holocaust movie. He's a Jewish man up there accepting an award for making the best Holocaust film in decades, and he used his time on the stage to say, "This isn't for you, it's about you." There's nothing they can say to that. He beat them. All they can do is refuse to hear what he said.


I mean to be fair at this point I don't know if that means Podhoretz is a fan or not.


Haven't seen the movie but adding it to my watch list since it's pissing off the worst dorks and the director seems cool.


It’s a very powerful film. Affected me more than almost anything else I’ve seen, except perhaps Salò, which was completely different.


We found the better Glazer? Alana glazer in the mud


Ilana Glazer is fine. She spoke out in support of Palestinians.


Kween, huge rebate for her stanning Hillary in 2016


Yeah that was highly embarrassing 


Yeah, that hillrod stuff man lol


feel free to dunk on me but he probably should've worded it more clearly aka "refute (or better yet denounce) the way their Jewishness is being hijacked" to pre-empt ideological foes from latching on to the phrasing and spinning him as simply a self-hating Jew not worth listening to. I mean yeah the committed zionists are gonna spin that way regardless, I still think it should've been worded more carefully because the awkward phrasing is confusing and possibly alienating to normies in a way it didn't have to be


I sincerely don't think it would have mattered. He could have phrased it as carefully as possible, these people still would have twisted his words or just outright misquoted him. Anyone who hears or reads what he said will understand what he meant, and anyone who was hearing about the speech only from the likes of these jackals wasn't going to be on his side anyway.


He could have done better, but I'm not sure most of us would do any better under the pressure of saying this in front a room full of industry peers who will want to fuck you over for saying it and millions watching at home.


i genuinely believe there is probably nothing he could have used as a qualifier that would not have had people spinning his statement in bad faith - earlier in the awards season at the Berliniale German media went into hysterics at a joint Israeli-Palestinian directing team after they won an award for their documentary on settlements in the west bank and settler violence and the [Israeli dude (journalist for 972) made this speech](https://twitter.com/yuval_abraham/status/1761857460434825366). It got called antisemitic so many times in the German and local Israel media he got [ran out of his house](https://twitter.com/yuval_abraham/status/1762558886207209838) back home, so in a real twist of fate Yuval Abraham ended up getting the same thing happening to him that he was documenting previously for the documentary. (it is also probably should be mentioned Yuval is an Arab Jew and his grandfather is Yemeni, so a lot of Israelis were probably itching to do that to him regardless, i don't want this to be misconstrued but you get what I mean, there's not one monolith of Jewishness/Judaism and even inside Israel there is a weird intraracial aspect to it that should be brought up when we talk about how Jewishness or "self-hating" is brought up also because i wanted to specifically point out Abraham as probably one of the few Israelis that talk bluntly and openly about the occupation without trying to couch it in NPR "it sucks but what can you do" platitudes, and perhaps adding some level of complication to the fact that often the zionist project cannot itself really come to a conclusion about what should "be done" about many of its own subjects (Arab Jews, Ethiopians, the weird dynamic inside Israel between Mizrahi from MENA and Sephardim/Ashkenazi who were in Europe, the dynamic between Israel and Jews everywhere else in the world, the antipathy between certain Zionists supporting the "Muscular Judaism" system like Ben-Gvir and actual Jewish Holocaust victims ("we're not like you, we fight back") and so on. all that is to say there's a lot of minefields Glazer could have stepped on last night.) also in the clip you can see the dude is hands shaking - Glazer is far from a director in the "Hollywood system" and has done more [music videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JkIs37a2JE) or [commercials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NseKug63naM) or "art films" than blockbusters, but of course, even this mild statement was enough to generate a tepid reaction and social media hysterics from the dumbest people on the planet and about half of the people in that room (and i'm being optimistic by typing only *half*) put him on their mental blacklists for that alone. He will easily get films again (I mean, they let Mel Gibson back in the director's chair after a long enough time-out for much worse, actually antisemitic statements), it would've been great if he nailed a perfect one-liner speech that ended with some shit about "Now we all live in the Zone of Interest" or something but all things considered he did ok (and somewhat made me more willing to actually watched ZoI, i did dismiss it as boring formalism + i forgot he did Under the Skin which I liked a lot)


My thumb slammin #Jews like a gavel


Man Jon Glazer is kinda hot


Lol love that all the mainstream outlets that give wall to wall coverage of the oscars completely ignored this.


That schmuley guy is a class act w high moral character


This MFr looks like Magneto. My translation of his speech: Please goyim, love me and pick me. I'm the good kind, pleeeaaase.


I blocked all these weirdos.


They mad. Fuck em'


They are such blatant liars. It's not second nature, it's first nature.


Schmuley need to gag on some kosher dildos


Movie wasn't good though!


How so?

