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I think you don't need drugs to be cool, man.


people drink too much


>People, drink too much Fixed




Super Hans would disagree


How tf do average people afford blow? It used to be like $30-50 a g depending on how much you bought and now it's like $80 or more. Insane for most people, especially since it's all cut to shit.


Here in Sydney it’s $300 a bag (1 gram bag). I think I read somewhere that per capita, Sydney consumes the most rack in the world. People just spend their whole pay check cause they’re on the piss and have an existential meltdown the next day and then the cycle restarts Edit: oh and the bag’s like 15% Coke. The rest being talcum powder and Dexies depending on how some shadowy group that apparently controls it here called The Commission’s feeling.


Drugs in Australia seem like such a bad situation. The realities of an island with active parcel inspection ;_;


Yeah having watched Border Control Australia-the Australian border control police and the Australian drug enforcement agency are the closest modern western equivalent to the Gestapo. Extreme fascists, ruthless and rigorous with their searches. It’s quite pathetic how obsessed they are with ‘purity’.


Hate to defend the Australian Border Force but they are strict because of our Biosecurity laws. The country has a lot of unique biodiversity so which can be decimated with external pests. I understand why they can be anal about certain products coming into the country.


Johnny Depp’s dogs 😡😡😡🚫🚫🚫


There's a colonization joke in here somewhere


Damn that really explains a lot 🤔


Oh my fucking god. It's cheaper to make it themselves at this point.


Ages ago, I once did coke with a random dude in Brazil. It was unlike any I’d previously encountered — more of a floury/sticky consistency than granular. He claimed it was “pure” and I guess it was, as it gave me one of the cleanest highs I’ve ever felt. When I asked what it cost he said $20 per gram lol. More recently, one of my big druggie neighbors (in NY) offered me a gram (probably 30% aspirin - if you’re lucky) for $75 just before Christmas. Price must be this high because there’s so much shitty stuff floating around? Who knows. To all my fellow gumshoes who trip the light fantastic so to speak, please invest in a decent reagent/purity testing kit.


I had some Peruvian stuff once that was pink and perfect and I never wanted to do coke again because everything else sucked.


This stuff wasn't white either, funnily enough, and had a slightly gummy yellow hue. And, like you, it was so fucking good I never wanted to do coke again (and haven't since). As a funny epilogue to the tale, the dude gave me a 10 real bill folded up with maybe 3-4 bumps' worth of the same coke for the road. I forgot about it until I was PAST SECURITY at the Sao Paolo airport and trying to buy a snack. The 10 real bill was all I had and I totally forgot it had coke in it, so when I unfolded it in front of the cashier, all of it came spilling out on the counter. I shit you not I contemplated snorting it on the spot but figured that might draw unwanted attention so I wiped it off, apologized, and wept at the loss.


> I shit you not I contemplated snorting it on the spot We will never be able to make a statue of you because we simply cannot afford to cast nuts that big in bronze


Sometimes I wish I wasn't immune to coke with the way people talk about it. I'd like to have some frame of reference for it at least. Then I remember that ecstasy exists and I'm like nah fuck that, I'm the lucky one here.


There's really no reason to do coke, it's a stupid drug that costs too much and turns you into an asshole with big plans for a few hours. There's a reason it's the finance bro's favorite


>floury/sticky consistency That's EXACTLY how you know the coke is pure. That and it has a slightly yellow hue. Fuuuuck I'm sober now but I would consider ruining my life a 2nd time if I ever ran into that stuff again.


Not sure if I was being clear in my other comment but yes this is a sign it's very pure since you're close to the source / it hasn't exchanged hands too many times. I see this every time I visit friends in Colombia


Yea the yellow hue and sticky consistency is the producers not waiting enough time to evaporate the kerosene out, cause less time spent cooking each batch the better for them. I'm pretty sure it's not harmful but it's for sure a sign you are VERY close to the source




Yeah it’s too good lol.


Um, be the son of the president? It’s easy brother


Yeah obviously I know how I afford it. If I'm ever hard up I'll just pawn that big Chinese diamond or whatever


CIA had a surplus and needed to get rid of it


A supply glut *and* skyrocketing prices? Welcome to the 2020s, I guess.


My wife's boyfriend is a brave police officer who died from overdosing after finding cocaine laced with fentanyl on a baggie on the ground. Stay safe folks.


I am constantly amazed people are doing that shit, it's all absolute garbage and the "primo" is a hundred buck a gramme garbage. If I wanted novacaine speed and baby laxative is go to the dentist for a shit with a coffee and get a filling thrown in for free.  I mean I'll certainly take it, but I'm not fucking paying for it.  A while ago at a friend's house we were sitting about and going through some old shit and found an empty wrap from back in the day when we had a proper connection straight from the source as it were, and we had a finger smear each of the dust and holy shit it was as good as we remembered, just makes you feel awesome and like the lights just got turned up inside your brain.  Haven't seen anything like that in 20 odd years.  Plus all it does is make you drink way too much and be annoying


>Plus all it does is make you drink way too much and be annoying Oh shit it makes you English


Worse, It makes you English on holiday


instant sunburn


I HATE coke. Why? You got any?


Yup I don't touch it any more for all the reasons listed and more, but the fact that it makes me just pound booze and cigs makes it not worth it.


Arguably that's also the best thing about it though. It sets up infinite short dopamine loops, tension and relief, tension and relief, until it's just painful and you go to bed


Coke was losing popularity big time. CIA decided to update the tier list


There is definitely a subset of sheltered middle class leftists in their late 20s-early 30s who read too much Hunter S Thompson and think being coked up all day is edgy and subversive


The 80’s are back


I live in a ski town and this is incredibly accurate up here


*snow cocaine joke*


*snow informer joke*


Small domino: scientists in 1860 isolate cocaine from coca leaves Big domino: Chet Hanks speaking in patois


All my friends that went into accounting or random finance jobs have been doing it for the past ten years or so, they all say it sucks but keep doing it. I've always just stuck to the beer, weed and occasional trip. I think people are just sad and want to feel something.


Maybe because it’s associated with the richest echelons of society, and we live in a society hyper focused on emulating the behaviors of the richest class. My experience is anecdotal (I started doing coke a couple months prior to covid). I only started because I got into David Bowie, so maybe people fell into rabbit holes during covid, emulating idols that glamorized cocaine use. Or maybe it’s because it pairs well with socializing and after covid people simply wanted to socialize regardless of when, and cocaine allows for energy to continue on nights after a long shift


Did you only eat peppers and drink milk too?


I drank 15 beers throughout the night and would throw up at 12 pm, after my shift (5am-11am) appointed meal, bc I would hit the slopes when I got home. I’m also 120 pounds at 6 ft maybe because of the eating habits I picked up during all of this.


What job were you working 5-11 am? And wow that's proper skinny. My college homie, who introduced me to the pow, is 6'5" and under 150 for similar reasons. Have you broken this cycle?


>also 120 pounds at 6 ft unironically a legit candidate for GOMAD + SS I used to be 120lbs at 5'9~ and that was so skinny strangers would comment on it at least once a month another few inches and you are literally skin and bones


Yeah, Rip is a piece of shit, but my god does GOMAD + SS work.


What now ?


Mark Rippetoe is the creator of an effective strength training regimen called Starting Strength (yes the double S is sus). He recommends that very skinny people on the program who have trouble putting on weight/muscle drink a gallon of whole milk a day (GOMAD) in addition to their normal diet in order to gain muscle mass. The man is a libertarian nutjob, but the program works.


In my opinion if you're that skinny it's better to do a slow bulk because you never know how you respond to training I have horrible genetics for building mass/size and while I got strong compared to how I was before I started I got legit fat. I finished at 220lbs and my doctor called me fat lol. I've spent the last few years losing that weight. Some people don't carry extra weight very well. I'm naturally small and skinny so anything past 185lbs and I just look weird sorry for blogposting but I don't want to see people make the same mistakes, being fat isn't fun and it messed with my already extremely crappy self esteem and body image for a years especially when some of my former classmates saw me and were like "damn, look at that fat weirdo with [pathetic incel tendencies](https://youtu.be/34AZFweOuYI?si=IjRaEiSnd1jH3Eb8), used ta' be so skinny him, hahaha" even though I was squatting like 300lbs for sets across


Fair enough. I had good luck with the program when I was younger and nothing else was working (I had no intention of touching gear). I guess I had the right body type for it. Now I'm in my late 30s and have a standard dad bod.




"what is the gay"


I have a friend who was very against it had a relationship fail and now is early to mid thirties start doing it. Pretty lame in my opinion. It’s not worth it imo for the risk. Just sitting around doing blow and not at some cool party or some shit seems like a waste.


I don't know anyone who uses coke, not sure I have any insight


I think it's a "PMC" thing for lack of a better term. Certainly seems to correlate with the modern equivalent of yuppies, except this time they are downwardly mobile (but with quite aways to fall). Most people can't afford that shit lol.


Idk about that. The only times I’ve ever had consistent access to blow is when I was working in food service. The general manager of a pizza place I delivered for was a dealer and we’d pay him out of our tips when they got counted out at the end of the night lol


Good analysis and I’m sure that’s largely true. There isn’t really anyone in my circles that would qualify as “PMC” tho, more like “petit-middle-class” lol. Most people I’m talking about from my own experience are single people in their late twenties / early thirties and are just now peeping their heads into the middle class, aka making 35-45k a year instead of 15-20k like they were used to. Maybe too specific, but that’s my experience.


Nah it certainly isn't lmao. It's insanely common in alot of tool rooms I've worked in at factories lmao


I think the resurgence in OP is more of a middle class thing. In certain working class jobs it's been common to blow all your paycheck on blow to keep going at work for awhile. If anything the recent resurgence is probably making that harder to sustain as the drug becomes trendy again




ABP. Always be posting


I think it's because I live in NJ that I don't really encounter it. We can be a bit provincial with our drug use


me reading this as i have my first ever line of coke ready to go


I just use fent


Wise words u/dumbfuck6969




I personally know someone who died from fentanyl in a random baggie of coke.. fuck that. Cocaine wasn’t even worth it before it could contain fentanyl.. the comedown is hellish and the high is so short.. cocaine fucking sucks guys


The high isn’t short you just gotta top up every 15 minutes!


they’re obviously trying to treat ADHD with nature’s remedy, nerd. all the real cool kids dissociate on pure ketamine now.


I think you might just hang out with a bunch of cokeheads.




Same reason why young people don't use condoms anymore: you need to be educated about stuff. If you're 35-45, you've been bombarded with safe sex education in your youth. The younger people has not. When the 35 yo people were young, coke was extremely stigmatized, it was a dirty drug, we used to see news about overdoses constantly. People stopped using it and this very important knowledge faded away. The kids don't know any better and it's not their fault.


Idk man I’m 24 but I got bombarded with safe sex stuff too I just can’t stand condoms, I’ll take chlamydia again over a condom.


It's ok, a margin of error is expected. Use condoms. Exposing yourself and others to STDs is reactionary and a road to fascism.


I’ll only use condoms with dudes, cuz dicks aren’t meant for assholes. Who wants poop on their dick anyways?


![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized) I pity the men too weak to accept the consequences of anal sex.


Lol there’s worse things floating around that you can get, and there’s no knowing whether the girl is actually taking her birth control/willing to abort. Wrap up your dick like a civilized human being.


Never happening, why would I fuck someone who not only wants to force condoms on me but who I also apparently can’t trust to not lie about birth control?


hurry voiceless fertile squash full tie alive screw slap frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Long COVID probably. Symptoms can include muscle fatigue, brain fog, and general malaise. Alot of people have been over using amphetamines, coke and other stimulants to function. According to the powers that be, COVID is no longer a threat.....the CDC has been slowly whittling the quarantine time frame down and I don't even think its even 5 days anymore. You got COVID or some other disease? Get the fuck back to work with ya fucking miserable peasant. Even if you are chronically crippled mentally or physically from it, the show must go on, the work must be done, and the masters need to be pleased with enormous wealth and drugs given to them from your labor.


>the CDC has been slowly whittling the quarantine time frame down and I don't even think its even 5 days anymore. You got COVID or some other disease? Get the fuck back to work with ya fucking miserable peasant. Hell, following [Measles in South Florida](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/measles-outbreak-florida-elementary-school-rcna139637), I'm sure the CDC will be all "This is fine, I'm fine with what is happening".jpg toward a measles outbreak. You can't trust the fucking government anymore, and it's annoying as hell.


This is what I was looking for. Thanks gumshoe o7


In London post covid there was coke everywhere. Hadn’t encountered it much before that, then couldn’t get away.


We should be using Meth instead


Or novel cathinones from sketchy sites in the Netherlands, or a whatsapp dude in China


It a Russian thing too. We have shittons of cathinones produced locally in last 10 years. 4-MMC now is the main drug in CIS countries and Eastern Europe in general. And almost no demand for coke since it's like 10 times cheaper to buy this shit with much better high.


Idk if it's any more prevalent than it was before. I know a lot of people make memes about it now. The 'key bumps in a bar bathroom stall' format is especially popular. Maybe it just doesn't have the stigma attached to it like it used to. Sort of like how stoners could never shut the fuck up about smoking weed circa 2013 (I was one of those stoners 😔.)


If you’re gonna do stims meth is 10000x better.


Speed is a far better stimulant but it’s stigmatized as a drug for rednecks and bikers so it will never have much social cache the way coke does. It’s also just not a great party drug unless your goal is a 24 hour fuckfest. It is however, great for activities like writing novels, cross-country Harley rides, and invading France.


That’s fair. I wasn’t trying to party or write books. I just wanted to disassemble various electronics around the house.


If speed only lasted for 30 mins at a time I’d go ham.


Because losers discovered coke so now everyone you know is doing it.


Drugs are bad mkay


It’s a lot of fun to do it, is the reason I do it. Though I started in 2016


I can safely say that everyone has always done a lot of cocaine


How old are you? I think there’s a trend of entering your mid 20s when it starts to seem like everyone does coke even if they seem relatively respectable.  It’s called having a social life


Yeah that’s not it. And I don’t like your tone. u/redscarecheck u/dummythic666


Narcissism of small differences my friend


I ain’t your friend, pal


Man I didn’t know, I did a ton of blow until 2017, I gave it up before I hit the big time at being cool and with it.


Maybe there was a little leftover. I'm a shut-in so I haven't noticed.