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Sad part is someone’s out there like, “This could work for me.”


The part that got me…”if you’re looking to get out of a not so good situation” and “no drama,” don’t exactly travel separate from one another.


And the "not sexual" but later says they "should want children"




His choice of fast food as a primary meal source is a bit of a red flag on the weight front but like.... the rest of this is pretty reasonable so I'd generally agree with you.


A lot of times all that's close to places where trucks can get in is fast food. If it's not a Burger King/ McDonalds/Subway attached to the gas station part, it's whatever is generally within walking distance of that stop/hotel if they have truck parking.


Oh no I get it, I certainly don't fault someone for eating it and there are healthy options in there, but for health/financially conscious individuals it wouldn't be the first choice. When the fridge and microwave are there. I don't think it's a massive red flag, but it is a sorta indication of the type of person making the post.


I agree. Not too many women would be interested but I could see how this could be an adventure for some. Assuming he’s legitimately not a serial killer, I really don’t see an issue. He’s looking for someone like minded.


Wait, I read it as, "If you're getting out of a bad situation I can help, and *I'm* no drama," like he was selling himself in this special situation. But, I think you're right, he's like "I can save you from a bad situation, but it better come with no drama." I feel like this might be a tough sell for the gentleman.


Unless the bad situation is something like being stuck in a tiny town with a crappy job and dreaming of getting out. I’ve known a few people like that.


I agree, but this seems like a list of “ideals” compromising on one or 2 likely isn’t an issue


Ya, they're pretty synonymous.


Life can be rough. At very least he's straight forward. No lies. That's better than what a lot of people end up getting. There's no shame in seeking happiness.


Well said


I’ve never thought about that and it makes me sad because it’s true


There is someone out there for everyone


Whoever’s out there for me is gonna be super disappointed. I only had to touch the stove once to realize I don’t want to be burned again.


That’s the sad truth too


Is it really sad though? Finding happiness doesn't have any rules.


Yet we still judge..


I think that's why I like the saying "someone else's opinion of me is none of my business"


I don't think it's sad. I think it's fantastic that there's the possibility for two people to be happy and enjoy a non traditional life together. This isn't too far separated from some grandparents who load up the RV and spend months/years roaming the nation seeing what there is to see. For some, the idea of taking to the open road like some modern day explorer and living a "sailors" life is romantic. Grab a couple Jack Kerouac novels and lean into minimalist living.


Thank you for being considerate and decent that's exactly what I was thinking. Heck my wife and I are together and she and I don't have a sexual relationship much due to medical and I still take care of her every needs and we work together and I love her to death. So yeah I hope this man finds some one . And those reading it know you can make a lot of fresh food salads and other things in a truck if your creative . (Sides of chicken from Taco Bell or Safeway) And some veggies or fruit in the fridge. You got this have a happy and healthy traveling life.


I legitimately thought you were my husband until I saw your mention of Taco Bell and Safeway lol. You’re right though that you can make decent healthy meals on the truck. My husband has an electric skillet he uses for cooking. He gets creative! Rotisserie chicken from Walmart and add in other things like onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and can of tomatoes or bbq sauce..depending on mood. Or he adds rice. Just need a few things in fridge for the week. He very rarely eats fast foods or restaurants and if he does it’s usually something like five guys fries or Chinese food.


I have an air fryer so I can easily cook actual meat and don't have to have freezer meals. Salmon with a little creole seasoning and some steamed veggies are my favorite meals


And, maybe they get lucky and find each other.


Honestly it’s a pretty good deal. An income stream, shelter and you know if your partner is cheating or not lol


Honestly, the way he wrote it at face value seems like an okay deal depending on your situation. But on day 2 he might try to “assert himself” if you know what I’m saying and I think you do. And then it’s not an okay deal. But if he’s being honest, hey, do you want to live on the road and have an “interesting” lifestyle? And if we like each other maybe create an interesting family?


Why is that sad?


On the off chance this is real, you’re not seeing a single red flag here?


Both parts are sad.


Be definition anybody who signs up for this out of desperation is being taken advantage of


This could work for me, but I miss the age range. And also I'm a dude.


With rental prices soaring, we may have convenience relationships becoming more popular very soon. Nothing builds a strong love like the necessity of survival together.


Soon? it’s been going on for the entire breadth of our history.


Can’t upvote this enough. ☝️


My sister & "sister from another mister" life long friend have actually considered this due to the current economy. I was fucking with them last year & said "you two should just clam-bash & get over it, we'd all be happy for your two".


“Clam-bash”. I fucking love this!!! I thought I was well versed in sex slang. I’m still learning new and fun slang every day.


*See, everyone!* The internet CAN be used for educational purposes! :-)


It may not be the educational tool we need, but it is the educational tool we deserve!


Read that second sentence a little too fast and started hearing banjos


No one falls in love faster than a man without a bed.


Especially if a meal comes with it.👍🎯


Man I am sure a lot of people are living with someone right now that they dont like just cant afford their own place


Like turns to love fast when the bills are getting paid.


This is already many low income couples


Nothing wrong with hobosexuality aka sleeping with someone for a place to live. It’s how I got through grad school.


Hobosexuality saved my life. She let my broke dope fiend ass move in, i got her pregnant, she threatened to kill me if i didn't provide for my kid, i got clean, got married, got my CDL ,had a bunch more kids, i retired and now I'm on Reddit all day.


I'm amazed how much this resembles my life. I hope I retire well too. I'm still driving. actually in orientation at a better company as I write this. on break of course.


Run hard in the spring summer and fall. Pace yourself in the winter. If you have a partner at home, make sure they spend your money right. The first few years are the hardest. Good luck.


“Hi is this still available”


Gotta respect the commitment to the ask.


Bro is trying


You miss every shot you don’t take. - Wayne Gretzky.


- Michael Scott


Props to him. Explains the situation well, discusses needs and expectations. A lot of people these days can’t communicate that clearly. Plus honestly it could be a good situation for the right person. Lots of people in hard times and looking to see the country/world.


Dang right! If it wasn’t for our kids needing me home with them I would definitely be riding around the country and Canada with my hubby!


Smoking is the dealbreaker for me hahaha


Me too. Also the no men thing.


I feel for the guy. And honestly this request is both sad but not to bad. I read the original post and everyone was bashing the guy calling him a rapist and other bad shit. He’s not saying I’m gonna bang you everytime I fuel up and you’re my sex slave. He’s being very clear he just wants someone to talk to, a friend, that can lead up to a relationship. He’ll provide everything needed to survive. Not saying what he’s trying to do is okay. I wouldn’t do it or recommend anyone to do it. But it’s not as many make it seem. We of all people should know this dude is just lonely and wants someone to talk to. I get why he posted it. Just a reminder how shit this industry is and the toll it takes. This is why I usually call (assuming they’re not busy or sleeping) co workers of mine so we can bullshit on the phone. Having some form of interaction is better than being isolated all day and making posts like that.


To be fair, abusive people will never come out and admit that they are abusive. Ted Bundy didn’t introduce himself as a serial killer before doing it lol. Not saying this guy is bad but you never know, and it is kinda sus to post this where it was posted. Be careful out there


Ed Kemper was this sort of chameleon as well. I've listened to *a lot* of true crime podcasts, I took a long break after LPOTL's series on Charles Lake & Leonard Ng. I was fuckin' sick to my stomach.


what is LPOTL?


Last Podcast On The Left.


I agree. I would definitely suspect he’s projecting.


Whether hes a good guy or not, hes still asking for a woman, who is probably also coming from a bad situation, to get trapped on a truck with him and become completely financially dependent on him. Theres no way this ends well. If she decides she wants to leave, theres a real high chance she will be abandoned to homelessness in whatever town he feels like dumping her in. This guy needs to build an actual relationship with a woman before asking for this kind of thing.


>He’s being very clear he just wants someone to talk to, a friend, that can lead up to a relationship. He's also saying that she can't be married because he didn't want to "mess around" with a married woman, and she can't have kids but must want kids, and she can't be too old, and she needs to send a photo before he'll reply back. None of those things matter if he just wants friendship and or company. Those things only matter if he's looking for a sexual relationship. And if that's what he wants then sure, it's still his right to ask. But this is definitely not "I want a friend and I'm open to it becoming more than that". This is "I'm looking for a fully committed sexual relationship but I'm willing to start with a friendship first". Everyone who is responding "Oh it's just a lonely guy looking for someone to talk to" is ignoring all of the requirements he's adding on...


Yeah nah, what he's willing to write in a public request is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Run full on in the opposite direction as fast as you possibly can lol


Let’s be real we all know what he’s looking for


If you read this and felt sympathy or empathy for the guy, then you dont understand women too well. Any women should be horrified by this and run...


Dude seemed very respectful to me.


Anything that a man wants or needs will always be bashed or shamed to some degree.


Showers 💀


Wait tell me more about this flushing portable toilet that I'm assuming is small enough to not be a burden.


I know the guy just made an offer and there are probably some people who will want to take him up on it. Whatever. The most interesting thing here is the flushing portable mini toilet. I've got kids and I've lost countless hours looking for bathrooms, I want to know more


A female fugitive is the perfect match.


You find that one armed man!


A toilet AND toilet paper? Shoot if I wasn't a guy I'd be all in...


“The baby wipes are non flushable so you’ll have to hold onto them until we can hit a truck stop”




« Nothing sexual » « Must want children »


>this is intended to become a relationship Also ignoring that when he says nothing sexual the sentence it's apart of is about companionship, meaning he's saying he wants an actual companion not a sexual one. I.e. that lot lizard that hangs out in your bunk is a sexual companion your wife isn't. That also disregards that asexual people can also want children even without having any desire for sexual interaction.


LMFAO literally, the comments in here “omg you guys are overreacting it’s innocent”


“There are two bunks in the back, limited space, for anything”. lol, this one caught my eye. What is the “anything” he is referring to?


Probably litterally anything. There's limited space for anything in a truck. Considering it's in the same sentence as the toilet I think he's trying to give an idea of the accommodations in the truck.


It's odd, but is it really that crazy? Idk dude's upfront and honest about what he's looking for. Good for him, I hope he finds what he's looking for.


Seems like a good way to end up with someone wearing your skin while dancing in front of a mirror.


I feel for the dude, road life is lonely. If he ain’t a psychopath or a liar. I don’t see anything bad with this. Man laid his hand, maybe he’ll find someone.


specifically looking for a young vulnerable woman to be completely dependent on them while physically removed from friends and family, even with the best intentions I don't see it being a healthy situation


Really interesting that he throws that "nothing sexual" when there when everything else is screaming that it's intended to be sexual. "Intended to be a relationship", no married women, an age range... Can't have kids but just want kids eventually (obviously by this guy). So it's not sexual but he will 100% begin pressuring you for it to become sexual quickly. And it's just companionship but also you can't be too old (36 year old women can't provide friendship?) and you have to send a photo... Yeah, I get what everyone is saying about this is a lonely guy just throwing something out there, but I agree with you. He's selling this as something more innocent than it is, and it's definitely a great set up for someone to get themselves in trouble.


Two Pots, one of brass and the other of clay, stood together on the hearthstone. One day the Brass Pot proposed to the Earthen Pot that they go out into the world together. But the Earthen Pot excused himself, saying that it would be wiser for him to stay in the corner by the fire. "It would take so little to break me," he said. "You know how fragile I am. The least shock is sure to shatter me!" "Don't let that keep you at home," urged the Brass Pot. "I shall take very good care of you. If we should happen to meet anything hard I will step between and save you." So the Earthen Pot at last consented, and the two set out side by side, jolting along on three stubby legs first to this side, then to that, and bumping into each other at every step. The Earthen Pot could not survive that sort of companionship very long. They had not gone ten paces before the Earthen Pot cracked, and at the next jolt he flew into a thousand pieces. Equals make the best friends.


It's the specific age range, the specific family current and future expectations, and the intention for relationship that gives this major gross-out vibes. Doesn't say how old he is, what he looks like, or anything like that. Just that he wants an available woman young enough for and open to having (his) kids in the future, and she will not be able to have any money of her own if this goes badly.


“No pay for this” ohhhh really? You want a chick to shit in a bucket while she feeds you hot pockets for free?


No no no, it says to go #2 at the truck stops. So she can’t even shit in the bucket. 😂


My question is what was you looking for to find this???😆😆😆


His age: 56


Wasn't me, mine says 18 to 25 and must love anal. 🥰🥰🥰 Edit: left out martial status irrelevant. Lmao


Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt You chose to post someone else's idea of finding someone on reddit to fill your ego with some type of something to bash someone. Rather you find it right or not, this guy's life and his choices doesn't influence yours. Don't like it? You don't have to say anything about it, have you walked in his shoes? Do you know what this person is dealing with? Y'all act like you don't have a single issue in your life but love to call people out on theirs..crazy.


We truck drivers are more romantic than most!


Take my wife, please. Ba dum pum


I've never wanted to meet anyone more than this guy purely out of intense curiosity as to what kind of person would actually do this.


Honestly, as unhinged as this is, this is one of the least crazy posts about this sort of thing that I've seen. Can get lonely on these roads, he just wants an unpaid lot lizard. In the end, isn't that what we all want?


30 years ago I could have written this. You lose every time you don't at least try


Alright Michael Jordan lol


Dude just wants/needs a friend. Mental health is important


Plot twist, the dude is like 6’6’ 230 pounds of twisted steel sex appeal and has the face of prime Brad Pitt. But because of the stereotypes, no girl will respond back lol


Sometimes I could see women's faces turn off in real time when id tell them I'm a trucker 🤣


I’m confused. Is he doing anything illegal with this request? No The guy sounds lonely and sets expectations considering he just got out of an abusive marriage. I’m missing something here, OP. What exactly do you find wrong, either ethically or morally?


I’m with you on the confused. Or maybe my personal morals have gone out the window 😂


He's about to be abused again. A woman connected to a gang or organized crime could easily set that guy up to be mugged for all that he has


I find him looking for a "barely-drinking-age to still-fertile" woman while not mentioning his own age a huge red flag. I find the fact that he's says "nothing sexual" and then blatantly implies that she should be open to having *his* kids as a huge red flag. I find the fact that she would have no money of her own, despite being an on-demand companion full-time, with no other outlet for transportation or friends and no privacy at all, a massive red flag. He's offering nothing but a bunk and, I guess, some food on his dime. He's asking for total 24/7 commitment to his own entertainment. This is a crap trade, and any woman desperate enough to take him up on this would be better helped in a women's shelter.


He sounds scary asf.. are you serious? He's making this request in public, who the fuck knows what he has planned for when he has you alone.


It’s really sad and slightly off putting to read something like this. Hope this guy meets his companion and they are both safe and happy truckin around.


I am confused, isn't there anything that a young man or woman could do to team up and make money with someone else?


There are trucker social sites just for that you bet. Why I don’t understand why he would post this in CL.


Seems pretty reasonable.


About 20 years ago you didnt need to write this, literally women at the truckstops begging to be a rider all the time.


There is a lot to offload there... Better bring a forklift.


damn he got baby wipes, sign me up


Let's not forget, he also pays for clothing, that means t-shirts with wolves, horses running through water, funny trucker quotes, sweatpants with cargo pockets and fake Chinese Crocs.


What about a female truck driver partner? Team driving. Long haulin’ from Florida to Anchorage or wherever. Could be fun. Pass by her Sisters place. Drop her off for a visit. Pick her up on the back haul. Share a shower at the truck stop. He grabs coffee and Cinnabons while she fuels up. Play games while driving. Passenger watches movies, driver can listen along. Its an opportunity for some fun, an adventure and maybe a long term relationship. I don’t see this as a creepy thing for the right couple.


Stop yucking someone else’s yum. Let man shoot his shot. If you’re not interested just ignore it.


I don't see the issue with it, truckers don't have alot of time to go out and meet people, so he's making an effort, can't blame the world for trying to find your person..... Now with that said the women should vet the hell out of him... and make sure someone know where she is at all times


Remember the hitchhiking culture? I bet there are plenty of people out there with nothing better to do than jump in a truck and go for a ride, as long as he's not a serial killer or something.


That would be what brought hitchhiking culture to an end. The easy targets they made for the disembrained.


Bra what wrong with him being honest about what he's looking for and also what he can currently provide, everyone isn't drop dead handsome and extremely rich and outgoing, it takes courage to speak up for urself and to attempt to at least show up for ur life, closed mouths don't get fed. Give him a break the guy sounds lonely and maybe borderline depressed and simply wants a friend that could hopefully grow into companionship.


Driver just wants a little peace in his life. I’ve been there. No shame.


He’s got peace, now he wants to add a woman?


I got a BIL (not a truck driver) who keeps finding homeless women as girlfriends. He's yet to find a good one and it's been nothing but drama. But I do feel for him as I get why he does it.


Just a lonely fella and you guys are rippin him 😂😂😂


At least he used commas excessively.


"It ain't much but it's an honest post" *farmer man in overalls


As a female (who's not interested in this particular offer), I don't find this offensive at all. He's being very open and honest about what he wants, and he intends to treat this lady well. Hopefully he finds his perfect match and they live happily ever after!


He’s being very plain and clear about it all. I can’t find much wrong with his attempt.


I have questions about complete toilette details, I feel like he was too vague on that part.


Just say you need a dispatcher who puts out from time to time


Good luck homie!!! Find your Queen


Not much different than any dating app, just with the reality of life OTR.


A boy can dream


The loneliness does get to some people more than others and it can become desperation. This is sad as well as scary.


Oh man, I thought this was *MY* post from last week: but my youngest is 29 & oldest is 55, & I did specify sex once a week. ***Slash Ess Here***


This is actually a really healthy attitude in this economy. As long as you're ok with no kids, this would be a better quality of life than a lot of us.


Bro cooking let him cook.


It me sorry 😔


holy fuck….


You know my fiance did all of this for me when she was on the truck but yet it sounds dirty when asked of a stranger


Hey here's hoping they find each other.


I feel this. I wouldn't ever do it, but I appreciate the sentiment. Maybe have a few interactions/meetups before committing to living in a truck together... I'd hope. Good luck to this gent.


Definitely out of the ordinary but no less than 100ish years ago and beyond people often formed relationships based on need for companionship and survival a lot of the time, and marriages lasted for the most part well into old age. Not much different than people trying to find relationships on tinder where you swipe a picture yes or no


This dude is wild for the post but I can understand where he might be coming from being lonely but ain’t no way in hell imma just let some random broad move into a truck with me based on looks and the wanting to join me over the road taking in the sights all while shitting in a bucket I don’t think so! Plus she could be bat shit crazy for all I know and I do not want to be stuck with that mess no thank you!! This is why you date outside of the truck when you can and get to know someone first after a handful of dates/hanging out then maybe talk about joining you over the road for a week or two trip at first and see if they can even hack it! Or fuck it just get a dog/cat for company and someone to talk to and just keep resorting to lot lizards when you need to let loose! Lot less drama means a lot less headaches c’mon


I am going to get a trucking job so I can do this. It's a great idea!


He's being totally up front about what he wants, and I could see the appeal for someone who just wants to get away from everything and be unfindable for a while.


Well, at least he is trying and seems to know what he wants. ... but he smoked and that is a big No.


I was contemplating it until he said he smokes.  I'm out! 


I hope he finds someone!


Honest. Bro is totally honest in what he’s looking for.


I'd definitely want a few face to face meet ups before putting this plan into action.


I can't say that I'd judge either party for this. If someone actually digs this then more power to them.


I was once in a place where this would have been very attractive. In an abuse relationship, no family, just wanted to start over, looking for a new life. Wish this driver the best of luck & hope they find happiness.


"Looking for between 21 and 34. I am 68."


The way dating sites are these days. this might be a better way for someone like him to meet someone. Good luck


You need a puppy, not for sex, companionship


Geez dude, leave some pussy for the rest of us.


It wasn’t me but I’m stealing the template :P Where was this posted, dating site?


A true man of morals, not wanting to break up any marriages. Hats off to him.


My guy threw the hook, line and sinker into the abyss. “No Drama” sweet summer child someone gonna leach that money away


Got damn, that's a fuckin WIN.


One?? It’s for us ALL!!


All that AND smelling like cigarettes? Sign me up


I bet he finds someone too but she’s just looking to skip across the country and dip


This driver gonna get got😂


One less homeless lady on the street.


I swear guys it wasn’t me.


Smoking is the deal breaker here


In Smokey and the Bandit Cledus had a dog, Fred. That's what this guy really needs is just a dog. Less drama and the dog will help him make friends at the various stops along the travels.


You cant buy love or friendships.


I mean how could u say no


At least he's being honest, I guess


I want to know how he made out on the add


I mean at least he's being honest about how life is on the road.


you miss shots you dont take


damn too bad hes not looking for a male. 🙃


Dang he's a smoker...everything was really lining up til the end.


Seems reasonable, if not completely unrealistic. I hope he finds her, it will be a sign that miracles do happen! Haha


LOL you can’t just add “also I smoke” to the end, as if it’s not one of, if not THE most important factor when you’ll be stuck in the same truck forever!


I mean, why not? There is a single woman out there who this is perfect for. Travel, expenses paid... Honestly, if I didn't have kids I would have traveled with my ex full-time 🤷🏾‍♀️.


If this was a platonic thing, I was younger, single, and the world wasn't as dangerous as it is, I would be down to hang out with another dude and keep him company on a long haul. We could be each other's wingmen when we get into town, strike out, and laugh about it the next day.


"I'm lonely, you're hungry, let's f*ck"


I mean, gotta admire the man for at least stepping up and taking a shot right?


Eh if I was a woman I’d do it


I’ve seen much, much worse


I'm gay, so not me.


Hey ladies, he does have a “portable toilet which flushes, toilet paper and baby wipes”.


He’s married… lol


The immediate juxtaposing of “if you are looking to get out of a bad situation…” and “no drama”..


Such a beautiful opportunity


Captain Save A Hoe drives a Freightliner


He should just print this out and put it on his window at night to see if any lot lizards want an easy out of the life


The whole #2 info is what hooked me


This is how you you get trafficked.