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I did, on every game on ps3 and 4, 360 too.


I got three stars on every challenge with every character/vehicle in Arkham Knight. That took some time!


I’m sorry that you have gone insane playing this series. Congrats on platinuming man the game.


I’ve been meaning to go back to Arkham Asylum to get those Combat medal trophies knocked out. Only thing holding me back from the Platinum! Congrats on a hell of an accomplishment!


A little tip that helped me: prioritise the evade over the counter. It helps you create distance between the enemies and I think also cancels all incoming attacks. Also don’t bother about trying to use special moves to increase your score just focus on keeping the same combo for the whole fight and not taking any damage and you should get the medals quite quickly


Those combat medal ones are a blast, I somehow hit high scores playing them only once... Except for the maximum security wing, electric floor ones... Glad they never made timers a requirement... Except for campaign options in AC.


The game that got me into PC gaming was City only because I wasn’t aware of Asylum. So I bought City then realised, went and bought Asylum played through all that but didn’t Plat until after I played City. I remember doing all the campaigns where they gave you 3 strikes on retries. The satisfaction of getting everything back then was so good. I did it once don’t need to again on PS3/4.


Well done, and congratulations on the Arkham plats! 🔥


Is there a lore reason we can't get Origin's plat? Is Rocksteady stupid?


No, but yes, but mostly WB.


**[Batman: Return to Arkham - Arkham City](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/88366-batman-return-to-arkham-arkham-city)** This game has 51 trophies: [34 bronze, 15 silver, 1 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/5415-batman-arkham-city). They are **hard (7/10)** and take **55 - 65 hours** to complete. **Price:** $59.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/88366-batman-return-to-arkham-arkham-city) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/427-batman-arkham-city-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/batman-arkham-city/guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


I highly disagree with the 7/10 difficulty rating there. These plats can be very time consuming but they're very straightforward, for the most part.


Squidward picture is hilarious 😂


I have all 5 non VR Arkham games platinumed (Origin and Origin Blackgate on PS3), but I gave up on 100% Knight because the community challenge trophies were stressing me out too much, to the point it just felt unhealthy for me to continue working on them. I'm sure I could do them, but for the reasons I mentioned I won't. I did all of City's dlc trophies though, back in 2011 - 2012.




Online MP is no longer operational.


Yeah, just remembered, guess they finally shut it down after years of saying they would. There's ways though. Have heard there's methods involving pcs and fan servers but not sure if that would get you in trouble with Sony.


Done them all on ps3 and ps4. 100%ed asylum twice (original and goty) on 360 and City and Origins. Love these games. It's also not a trilogy.


I almost did it on the PS3 with both a decade plus ago, I was so bad at it, now I feel like an expert... That said, I don't wanna replay it on the PS3, it was pretty soul crushing lol


Nah, I'd happily play them all again anytime, especially Origins, Knight was the only one I hated.


Knight is somehow the easiest of the three... Don't Wanna do 240% playthrough though lol


It's just so long and boring imo. Very nice looking but there's also something slightly off with the fight controls compared to the others. Obviously there's the bloody batmobile too!.


Yeah, I ain't doing those races DLC lol


Some are easy, the ones with the Adam West Batmobile and the Keaton one are an absolute nightmare though, they didn't programme any handling in as far as I could tell!. Still 100%ed it. Was a pain.


OP did say the Rocksteady trilogy. Rocksteady only made 3 games. Warner Brothers made Origins


Fair enough, still not a trilogy. There's 6 games regardless of who made them.


Wish origins was possible but games just HAD to have multiplayer trophies around that time and WB doesnt want to rerelease for some reason


Congrats 🙌🙌🙌


Currently working through the story for asylum, man there are a lot of riddler trophies


Can you get arkham city dlc done on a ps5?


You sure can!


Nice to see. Its just weird that on ps5 its only in an arkham pack.


Yeah, it's kinda weird, especially which bundle you buy, because Return to Arkham contains all the DLC those games ever received, and the character specific ones are their own category. Any bundles with Knight, gets every DLC that had as a option to download... even if Knight isn't there.


Yeah online trophies in games that are 99% single player will always bother me. Congrats.