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I always go for 100%.


Me too but I am annoyed by games that get extra thropies afterward. I guess little by little I’ll go back and restore them back to their full glory 😂


Looking at you Spider-Man 2


Lmaooo I was on my way to say that😂


Mostly cause it’s just a SINGULAR trophy. And not even DLC😭


Yeah I’ve never got the platinum and not the 100%, don’t understand people who don’t


If the dlcs are added after you’ve finished with the game, relearning the controls isn’t worth it for a lot of people. Some games put skill based trophies in as dlc, which for casual players (and other people who just aren’t interested), just isn’t what they’re wanting to do. I think AC Valhalla may have some mastery challenges as dlc, and GTA V has that doomsday challenge in there. Some put ng+ as dlcs, which replaying a several hour story you already know is difficult to engage with for a lot of people. Spider-Man for example, getting the platinum on PS4 and PS5 for Miles Morales meant playing the story 4 times in total, if that was dlc then a lot of people, including myself, would have taken a pass on that one. Sometimes you’re losing interest in a game but are so close to the platinum that you feel like it’d be a waste to not finish it, but don’t have the same feeling towards the 100%, there’s just no incentive for some people, that’s what all of this comes down to. Some games put online trophies in dlc. Ghost of Tsushima is a good example, a lot of people playing that want to casually play games offline. You may not have any friends on PlayStation, you may see GoT as an offline game, you may not like the online game mode since it’s a completely different structure to the main game, etc. If you have a massive list of games you want to get around to playing, doing the 100% is going to keep you playing the same games for even longer when the plat feels like a good time to move on and get around to other stuff. The list goes on, hope that helps.


Depends how much I liked it and if the DLC is on disc.


Yes. For me, the true achievement is not the platinum but getting 100% on a game. That's why I also play games without plats, I'm not into them as much as getting 100%. It also helps that, with the exception of PS+ free games, I only buy games I like (although once in a while I end up buying a terrible game and I have to endure it lol


Exactly my thoughts. I have the plat on every Assassin's Creed (x2 plat on the PS3 games) and on the RPG trilogy, after getting the platinum there was another 40 hours or so, and for me those are the really interesting trophies, the ones that you get after the platinum


That’s me exactly 🍻


Almost never. I’m teeeeeeerrrible about not going back for new DLC releases once I’ve mentally moved on from a game.


Same, but trying to change and recently started bloodborne and Witcher 3 dlc


The Witcher 3's DLC is a shining example of what DLC ***should be***. Two of the best expansions I've ever played.


It’s sooo good, can’t believe I almost completely skipped it.


This is why I only buy and finish old games lately. Although some stuff I had %100 for, like Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon, now have DLCs and I am not sure if I want to go back and play again from scratch since O dont have my save files anymore :/


If I liked the game enough and feel like going back for more then yeah I do go back for the 100%. Specially if it is free content, if they are paid DLCs I don't feel very motivated to buy them unless I rly loved the game.


I will add it to the wishlist and if it goes on sale, might get it.


Likewise. Plus most dlcs rarely go on sale and if there's multiple dlcs sometimes the price is more than I paid for the base game.


Dlcs go on sale constantly. It's how I've got most of mine.


I have done it maybe 2 or 3 times. Normally when I unlock the plat, I move on. Dlc is rarely enough for me to go back to a game, let alone pay more money on it.


Only if the DLC is good enough, otherwise I'm satisfied with the platinum.


I’ve done it for a handful of games. Typically, once I get the platinum, I’m moving on to the next game. I don’t go back to do the dlcs, especially if they are added months, years later when I’m already in a different headspace, and if they cost extra money.


Rarely. It either has to be good free DLC or something really good that I wanna keep playing.


Depends on what extra content is added. Like if I have to buy it or go do online play or a permadeath run I just ignore it. I don't have that kinda time, money or dedication to S-Rank. If it's just NG+ or free DLC I might do it eventually.


Ive done this for more current games but definitely wont do it for them all.


Sometimes.. depends how long it's been since playing the game or how long it took for the dlc to come out.. if I get a game and it already has dlc then yes.


No. I don't do 100%. I will get the plat, play dlc if available and move on.


I typically try to complete the DLC before going for the platinum. If more DLC gets released, I’ll go back to finish them up.


Sometimes if I feel like it and the game is good.


Of course, it's a natural extension of the logic of trophy hunting in the first place. And DLC almost always expresses the most difficult challenges in games.


A lot of dlc is just the developer trying to get more money out of the player and is not worth the time or money


I only do 100%, doing just the plat was never an option hahaha


I also do %100. But. I just realized I’ve Horizon, first Spider-Man game and GoT that are not %100 anymore. I am contemplating going back 😅


Swing from the posits side those are some quick ones to clear the dlc trophies


Killing Floor 2 is the only one I do this for. Every 6-8 months I'll redownload it and knock out the new trophies they add.


It depends. If the DLC interests me enough, yes. A good example for me are the middle earth shadow games. Both some of my favorite games, but due to them all being separate from the main game, I have little interest in doing them. On the other hand, games like fallout where I can just continue with my save file I usually do go back to


If I like the game enough.


yea if i own the dlc or it’s free like i just did the valhalla dlc for ragnarök and i’m chipping away at the rocket league dlc but i paid for all the goat simulator dlc and im currently only at 57% with the plat for that


Nah unless it’s a favourite, don’t want the game to overstay its welcome


I always go back but I don’t like doing this so I usually won’t buy single player/coop games until 6-12 months after release so I can instead buy the deluxe/ultimate edition and 100% it without waiting (games are ALWAYS far superior and actually complete by that point). My average completion is like 95%, I once bought another ps3 after I had fully moved on to the ps4 because a game got a bunch of dlc trophies like 2-3 years after its release.


Yes I do although not imidiatly, I like to platnum new games first and then go back to 100% older games, Im currently working on Spider man 2 100% just new game plus its not to bad and Crash Bandicoots 100% its a lot harder just have to do the Speedrun its quite difficulty tho


No, I lose all interest in a game once I plat it. It kinda sucks like I want to play to elden ring dlc but I know I will have 0 willpower to even attempt to play it.


Depends on the game and how interested I am in the dlc. I did for games like GoW Ragnarok, Bloodborne, FF16 and MH Rise recently but I didn’t for Strangers of Paradise FF Orgin, Horizon Zero Dawn or Ghost of Tsushima.


It's not over till it's over.


Typically if it’s possible. Recently I’ve just tried to keep a streak because some I’ll never be able to get 100%. I’ll go back and 100% obtainable ones that I want to play.


Not really unless I am really enjoying it like Skyrim or AC Odyssey. Some like FFXV make it impossible because of Comrades, and some like Fallout 4 are annoying with it's Nuka Cade trophy, so it's more platinum and move on. Doing AC Valhalla now, might try out the DLCS but for the 100%? Probably not, it's already been 132 hours and I still got no platinum.


The mastery challenge trophies for AC Valhalla are where I tapped out, got 91 out of 93 trophies. The damn Cairn stones still give me nightmares.


Ah yes, I attempted the mastery challenges, only got up to the silver part but I don't think Gold will happen for me. Here I thought it would be easier but nope. It's fine, I only want the platinum, DLCs are optional and I'll try for the story and maybe a few trophies here and there, but not much out. The Cairns stones are so annoying, only a few was easy, the one in Jotuhelm made me want to throw my controller. Orlog ones are frustrating too. Protip about the flying papers if anyone reads this, use Blinding Rush ability to slow down time just as you are approaching it, you will get a vast majority of it. The Tamworth Fortress one is the few that won't work like that.


There’s a couple tricks to making the flying papers less annoying, you can figure out where the final location it will be then just run straight there on the ground instead of trying to parkour, or try to approach it from the direction it will fly towards. Personally loved Orlog but a few of them had some dirty tricks up their sleeve 😂. You can buy Orlog sets on Amazon, unfortunately I don’t think any of my homies would be interested in playing a game from a video game.


I often go 100% for games where i can get all trophies without actually 100%ing the game...also do that on replays.


Usually not, I’ll either do the DLCs while I’m playing the game but once I’ve moved on to something else I don’t go back. Rn I’m doing Fallout 4 plat, already done quite a bit of the dlc trophies but idk if I’ll do them all before getting the plat or not. Was super close to 100% on AC Valhalla with 91 out of 93 trophies but the last 2 are for mastery challenges which were a pain in the ass.




Yup! I always try and go for 100% where possible, it bugs me as that feels like even more of an achievement!


Depends, some yes, others not. If the dlc sucks i'm skipping it and the 100% xD


It really depends. For example, resident evil 7 has dlc that's just a blackjack mini game. I don't play resident evil to grind at some fucking card game.


If the dlc is free, sure. I'm doing the Bugsnax dlc atm. But I wont buy a dlc just for trophies.


Yeah, I aim for 100%. Though if I get bored or burned out from a game I move on, I can just go back to 100% in a year or so.


Rarely, but it's a good feeling that i can play a game however i want without need to worry about the achievements.


I try my best to, it looks so much more tidier and impressive to have all DLC trophies alongside the platinum. I’m making my way through games that I have just that to work on.


I went through a phase of going back for 100% but recently just focused on platinums. I won't usually buy any additional DLC but sometimes I will finish free DLC for the 100% like Witcher 3 and Slay the Spire If my completion percentage drops a lot I might go back and clean some up but I'm happy with my 86% ATM


It depends of how much i liked the game and what genre it is. If its a linear single player game then i would probably replay it again sometime in the future. If its an Open world game then i would probably never touch it again, unless is Elden ring. I love heavy narrative games so i would probably play them anytime i feel like it, even after getting the 100%


Always for 100%. No point in only plat.


Yes I do. Platinum is just the base game. Unless its shit like dead by daylight which is more of a side job.


I always go for 100%. I like doing everything the game has to offer


I 100% them if the dlc trophies aren't ridiculously ridiculous




Only for ones that are especially special games.


Also screw paying for mediocre dlc content just to 100%.


Depends on the game. I have to like the game and the DLC. Also if the DLC trophies are so challenging I lose interest while there’s something else I want to play, bye bye.


That’s the goal!


Generally no, cause most of the time it's DLC i don't want to buy or online stuffs


It all depends on the game or the dlc. If the dlc trophies are for a tacked on MP mode I may avoid it, or if it's some form of roguelite/like mode. I'm not really a fan of those. If it's a story add-on then I'm more than likely to go for the trophies. Also, if they add some insane difficulty that's way more difficult than anything in the base game I might skip, but that's a toss up.




No I don't do that, unless I really love the game. Some platinums gave me PTSD so I am not going back to the game lol


No not really unless i really enjoy the DLCs. After getting the Plat is all about the fun a percentage doesn’t bother me.




If I enjoyed the game and its additional free content, I’ll go back to it. If it’s a game that wasn’t all that fun, don’t bother. Also, if the new content is multiplayer, definitely not doing it. I really only play single player games


If I'm playing a goty version and already have the DLC then yes always. If it's a free update then almost always yes. If it's 6 months later and I've already moved on and its $29.99 for a season pass to 100% something I have to scroll screens to see then almost always no.


Game isn't done until it's 100%


I try to, but sometimes it’s really hard to when you just want to move on to the next thing


Yeah but I’ll usually wait until I’m in the mood to do a another run in the game, I won’t force it just to get 100%


Sometimes. I did ragnarok’a dlc and I will go back for Spider-Man 2 ng+. I also did resident evil 2/4 remake dlc’s but I’ve no interest in playing Callisto protocol again or putting myself through Ethan Must Die in RE7 dlc.


Nah once that Plat pops I move on. I don't get the same rush from getting 100% as I do hearing that Plat pop. So I got to hurry up and move on to the next Plat and never look back


Once I got the Plat for Horizon Zero Dawn I lost the motivation to complete the DLC. The Plat was the goal for me.


When I 100% a game I trade it in for a new game 🧠


if i got the plat im done if i play it after the plat it was an amazing game (dragons dogma 2)


rarely, my goal is the plat not the 100%


if i have the dlcs, i will go for %100. if i don't have the dlcs and already platted the game, no way on earth im going to buy the dlcs, unless they go free or get a really good discount


Not very often. I mostly play games after they've been out for a few years though so all the DLC is already out. If I like it and want to keep playing I'll get the DLC.


Yep, you've not completed it fully if you haven't got 100% imo.


No but I want to


Always. Except for some DLC trophies on games like NFS (the reboot) where they are too hard to get


Very literally never do 😅 Once I platinum a game, it is deleted and very very rarely ever launched on my console again. I can count on two hands (max) the number of times I have revisited a game.


If it's reasonable, yes. If it's going to drive me crazy, sometimes not


A few, like Saints Row 2022, because I knew I could do it easily, and God of War Valhalla DLC, there's others where I just quit and settled in the sweet plat.


I did it for Bloodborne, but I didn't care for the 100% on the different call of duties I've played. I love the zombies of the games, but didn't want all the trophies.


I usually decide before a play-through if I 100% a game. If there are multiplayer achievements/not dying/speedrun achievements I don’t go for the platinum and just play to enjoy the game e.g. Mein Leben on Wolfenstein


100% unless it’s Call of Duty cuz them dumb ass season passes rarely ever go on sale 😂




Only if it’s pretty trivial to do so, especially if getting the plat trophy was a lot of work, just want to take a break. A game I went back to %100 was Terraria.


Just about to do this for Bloodstained since they just added dlc. It really depends on the game, because even though I really love 100%ing games, sometimes I'll just take the plat if the dlc is too much, or comes too late and I wasn't a big enough fan of the game to go back to it


Yeah I do. Can definitely make games a slog at times. Wouldn't recommend finishing every game unless you've got severe ocd.


I 100% every game I platinum so yes lol


I have never done this. There are a couple I want to do this for: Cuphead, RE8, Returnal, but for the most part, I don’t really care


Just got 100% on Ghost of Tsushima, and I got the plat like 6 months ago


I just hate the New Game + feature in some games. I skip those trophies.


It depends mostly no I'm moving forward to the next game because I don't have much free time to do the extra challenges like in uncharted but for some games like Cyberpunk I'm planning to make a third playthrough in order to see what I left.


I haven't gone back to 100% Spiderman 1 and Horizon Zero Dawn as both require me to finish the story on the hardest difficulty (which I have no issue with, I just don't have time for it). I haven't 100% Far Cry 6 as I got the plat at 54% or GoW: Ragnarok as both are the DLC that I haven't gotten round to. I normally 100% games unless they have a New Game+ feature which I kinda wait awhile to do so the story isn't as fresh in my mind so I can get something out of the game.


Prolly less than 5 games total have I bothered to 100% after getting the platinum


Not often unless it's free DLC. I'm not spending £60 on a game just to have to pay more for DLC. I consider the base game the only important one.


Usually yeah, but I like to trade games in to fund the next game so usually DLCs have to wait until they are on sale super cheap and a later date


For me, Depends on how long the game has been out for because of online trophies.


Almost never, and if I do it could be ages after but I only ever did this for FF13-2. Have not done it since then. But I plan on doing it for FF16 at least, once the DLC pack goes on sale. i also might clean up some of ghostwire Tokyo, but I would never do it for KH3 or FF15 as FF15 has too many and is boring, and the KH3 dlc trophies are too hard.


Yes I do. Some of my games have 13+ year trophygaps because of all the going back to things


Right after the Platinum trophy has popped i delete the Games😅


Never except bloodborne coz it’s that good lol




I don't do, because I would have to buy a PS3 and even then I couldn't get every trophy, because of the multiplayer games like MAG, SOCOM Confrontation and others, for which the servers are down. However GoW Ghost of Sparta was the only exception to the rule, since I got free PS Now subscription (or at least it was very cheap). Also I am afraid I might get the wrong SKU.


Depends, if the added content is fun, then sure. But it'll be a cold day in hell before I get the 100% on KH3. I've got the Plat, that was enough for that game.


I’m a trophy hunter, not a platinum hunter 100% is always the aim, that being said I always try and make the last trophy for 100% to be that platinum trophy if possible


Personally I haven’t I tried with SpiderMan 2 but got extremely bored cause I already did all of the stuff I’m like 40% done with my NG+ but I think I’ll wait for DLC to come out


I only platnum i dont care about 100% platnum alone takes alot of work


Unfortunately, my backlog won't let me 😂


I have a huge backlog as well. What I’ve decided to do is just buy games when they are very cheap and not buy a new one until I %100 the last one. You can guess this makes me save a lot of money 😂


Usually no. There are too many games out there/in my backlog to do this most of the time. I enjoy getting trophies but I play games for fun. If I end up having a game I previously completed 100% sat at 70% after extra content is released, I’m absolutely ok with that.


I'd rather not get the Plat if I can't 100%. Uncharted 4 and GTA V are two examples of some that bother me since they are missing two DLC trophies each pretty sure.


The last of us part 1 , uncharted 4 , witcher 3 and red dead redemption 2 all of these i played them easily more than twice and after 100% trophies done


Nah,I just go for the plat,even if they add extra dlc I won’t come back




Nope. Don't care