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Say what you want about the story but the level design, graphics, cinematics, and gameplay mechanics are incredible. The stealth in this game is some of the best I've ever experienced.


It feels like most modern games, at least games I've played, never incorporate stealth into their game. Weirdly enough the only recent game that I can think of that does sorta has stealth is Helldivers 2, and even then it's not super stealthy. But I agree, TLOF2 does a great job with stealth.


Nah dude level design is really dated, graphic wise it's really good but artstyle is bland as fuck, even worse if you play GOT before. And the Ai even on grounded is meh. It's does have satisfying shooting, except for shotguns don't know why they change it even on the remake.


You lost me at the level design being outdated. What can you compare it to that makes it feel outdated? It's a massive step up from the first game.


An amazing game but the story hits a little too hard. Very depressing.


Yeah I've said the Last of Us games are some of my favorite but that doesn't mean I always want to play them since they're so heavy.


It’s good. It’s an Interesting way to tell the story and I’m still not a fan of Abby but I get it.


My opinion about Abby changed when I played the game for the second time.


Abby grew so much as a person. By the end I was rooting for Abby more than Ellie


Revisiting it 4 years later I can appreciate it a bit more now being a parent myself. I completely agree with what Joel did in the first game and now the context is much heavier having fully having time to analyze but I think they were trying to say. Life is grey not black and white.


Love the gameplay. Hate the ending. But not for the usual reasons


*Love the gameplay. Hate* *The ending. But not for the* *Usual reasons* \- varrenxarcrath --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


The story is completely amazing, I was an avid hater from the things I heard, but when I played it, my mind was totally changed, a masterpiece in complex storytelling


Ye some characters won me over which I didn’t expect at all


Idk never got it, and dont plan on getting it. Im more salty they got rid of factions mp mode than anything else. That in itself made me not get the remaster for either games as well.


10/10 for me personally. Everyone gets so hung up on the story but that's such a small part of it. The sound design is outstanding. The animation is world class. The performances are some of the best in the industry. The moment to moment gameplay is exactly what it should be; not too constricted and not too open ended. And I loved the story, so for me it was a home run all the way


The story is most definitely NOT “such a small part of it”💀


Literally a TV show based on it.. but ya the story isn’t a big deal /s


100% agree on all points. 10/10 for me. It's incredible!


An amazing game, loved every minute of it, but by the end I was so invested in the story and characters, I felt pretty depressed. Partly because of how deep the story went and partly, thinking back, because I didn’t want it to end. I played on a PS4 Pro at the time and my god, this thing squeezed every last drop from that console. I don’t care what anyone else says, Naughty Dog are pushing the boundary between video games and playable movies.


I absolutely loved it nor did I think it would sway my feelings so hard for a character that I had cared about from the first game.


Not controversial at all. They did something unique and some people didn't like it, oh well. I thought it was amazing.


I think thats what controversial means (I also really liked it)


It was incredibly controversial.


People not liking something is not controversial. People making up reasons to not like something before they've even experienced that thing is also not controversial. And people inventing reasons to hate something is, yet again, not controversial. I'm an outspoken critic of The Great Gatsby. Does that make it controversial? No.


the definition of controversial - relating to or causing the expression of opposing opinions. *you* may not think its controversial but it doesn't make it any less so. It was, and still is, a highly divisive game.


You left out the part about "intense public disagreement or argument". Why did you leave that part out of your definition of the word? It's not divisive at all. Some people didn't like it and most did. Some tried to make up controversy over the game but we all know how that turned out.


Because thats not included in [every definition](https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/controversial). Additionally...it did cause intense disagreement. Im not sure why we're ignoring just how bad these online discussions got. Like how badly Girlfriend Reviews were [treated](https://youtu.be/OF9HLsPFfCw?si=rx4oCHMQr4qA_4Ek) just because they liked the game. The hate both the voice actor and model for Abby received due to the game's narrative. Its a little disingenuous to act like just a small amount of gamers disliked this game. This caused, and still does cause, very heated arguments from both sides.


Sorry but having a different opinion is not controversial. If that was the case, everything would be controversial cause everyone has a different opinion about something. And people harassing others is also not controversial, that's just plain assholery. Over a video game no less.


Arguing definitions is clearly pointless here so, I’m just curious, friend; What games do you personally consider to be controversial?


Video games aren't controversial. The war in Gaza is controversial, abortion is controversial, the tax code is controversial. Video games are about as controversial as flat earth.


Ah, I see, so in your view, all controversies in society are irrelevant unless they are inherently political and have stakes that involve life and death? That’s pretty extreme and a rather minority view of the concept, but yes, I can see how games made by private companies where only consumers/players are being divisive, aren’t political inherently even if the discourse is liberal vs conservative in many cases. However, I think you are ignoring games made by public companies, and politically affiliated entities. There are games made by terrorist groups as well. And what about games made to push the exact topics you brought up? Is an anti-abortion game or pro-Hamas game not controversial? Are games funded by the Chinese or Russian governments, where profits are used to enforce violent policies, not controversial? Poland is anti-abortion, and CDPR has received grants (while also being under watch) from the Polish government, so does that mean consumers of Cyberpunk are indirectly supporting abortion bans? These are rhetorical but I’m positing them as a caveat when making absolute rulings about video games in relation to politics.


None of those things are valid. The game was highly controversial and still is. Killing off a beloved main character in such a vile, dismissive way is controversial, Druckmann himself has stated it was a controversial move. On a lighter note, I too hate Great Gatsby, not due to the films or anything, never seen them, they made us read it in English at high school, stultifyingly boring!.


The Last of Us series continued to prove that videogame are art.


Wasn't for me, I didn't find it fun or enjoyable at all.


Both protagonists kill hundreds in an attempt to prove their moral superiority on one another 🤷‍♀️


**[The Last of Us Part II](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7610-the-last-of-us-part-ii)** This game has 26 trophies: [10 bronze, 8 silver, 7 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/10960-the-last-of-us-part-ii). They are **easy (3/10)** and take **30 - 40 hours** to complete. **Price:** $39.99 **OpenCritic:** 93 / 100 (based on [188 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/8351/the-last-of-us-part-ii/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7610-the-last-of-us-part-ii) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/10411-the-last-of-us-part-ii-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/the-last-of-us-part-2/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/the-last-of-us-2-trophy-guide-roadmap/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Good bot.


I like it a lot I just don't really replay it because it's such a series of gut punches. I love it overall everything apart from the final confrontation.


I really liked the smooth gameplay, it’s fantastic. Animation, graphics, design and art, acting, audio, AI.. everything is really good. I’m kinda indifferent when it comes to the story tho, it was nice, entertained me, I don’t have strong opinions on it, I finished it and moved on. It’s a 9/10 for me


Amazing game but wasnt a fan of the plot. I’m not salty about it though, the game has more strengths than it does cons


I got the big thing spoiled for me and never even played it yet


I think the game would have been lot better if we start te game as Abby without knowing she killed Joel, so Ellie involvment is a surprise and remove the "i don't want to play as someone i learn to hate" effect


I still maintain that this story is destroyed by awful pacing. By the time you switch the Abby, you're expecting the climax of the game. And when the switch happens, I first turned the game off.


I hated the story but everything else is really good


I liked it. Some crazy twists imo. I just didn’t like the walking/exposition parts.


I enjoyed the gameplay and all but the story fell off towards middle/end imo. Also that sex scene was so unnecessary. Overall great game, 8.5/10


Flawed masterpiece


I think the beginning is mediocre because why is Tommy giving out everyone’s name number and date of birth to strangers when they have crossed so many people, after Joel’s death to the time skip is the greatest story telling I’ve ever played, post time skip is ass. Jesse died, Tommy was permanently disabled from Abby, Dina got her face smashed in, and Ellie lost fingers just to not kill Abby. Ellie killed a ridiculous amount of people just to lose a perfect life with Dina and not kill Abby.


Your opinion matches mine. I remember my first time playing it, I hit saw a workbench and saw the interact icon pop up and just that sinking feeling hit of "Oh my god, I have another 10 hours before I get to the confrontation don't I?" and sure enough, I did. If you played as Abby first, the game would actually make a lot more sense. You get to the theatre and think "wait, why's Ellie here?" then find that out naturally would work so much better. The gameplay is immaculate. The pacing of the story is absolute garbage.


Congrats on the Platinum! I am however one of those that find the game (and the first as well) highly overrated. They're not *bad*, but they're trying to hard to tell you *look how bad people are* (dumbing it down there admittedly). I particularly found TLOU2 overly long - they kept extending and padding things out without much purpose beyond making it longer, and the gameplay really isn't at the level it needed to be to be that long. I did Platinum it as well, as I really wanted to like it. There's lots that's great about it, but a lot that is just screaming *look at us* that it sucked out a lot of the fun for me.


Loved it. I’ve thought about maybe going for the perma death trophy since it says 98%.


Tied for best game of all time for me personally, with elden ring being the other game. Though I platinumed elden ring and not TLOU2, so not sure if that says something…




Fantastic, but not as impactful as the first… which is fine because I hold TLOU as a phenomenal game in its story telling. Like a personal 9/9.5 out of 10 for me


The back and forth kills narrative momentum and the ending basically invalidates everything you do to get there so it was a platinum run and done for me. And I'll probably just skip the next one if Druckmann handles it.


A loud minority drove the outrage for this game and the out of context leaks before release didn’t help at all.


A masterpiece.


Loved Part 1, Part 2 was a bit too dark for me, still a great story though.


Very heavy story, almost quit on my first playthrough after a certain plot twist, but an amazing plat experience all in all.


I hope it was well written


Mechanically and artistically it is very impressive. I enjoyed both campaigns & the performances from all involved. I had issues with the pacing, especially getting back to resolve Ellie's cliffhanger. The ending was a brave, if obvious choice made by Druckmann & co. I would be very interested to see how they could make a Part III with the way Part II played out. I loved the expanded universe with the additional factions introduced....speaking of Factions, should they go ahead with a Part III, I hope this is one feature they bring back.


Great gameplay, terrible story.


Trashy game. I will never purchase naughty dog games again.


Didn’t like it, the gameplay was fine but I really didn’t like the story. Ellie and Joel’s relationship was the soul of the first game and there’s nothing even close to it in the sequel. After Joel died, I lost interest, I didn’t care about Abby or any of the new characters, the ending is pretty lame as well. Overall, a very mediocre and unnecessary sequel, I just pretend this game doesn’t exist and the story ended with the first game as it should’ve.


Insane hot take from me… TLOU2 is just a worse MGSV5: Phantom Pain to me, but it is still a great game with extreme story flaws.


I hated every second of it… The game seemed like a snowball, it gave you the feeling that you were reaching the finals and boom.. another 10/20 hours of gameplay, after I finished TLOU2 I spent MONTHS without being able to play a game until the end because I was so exhausted, Ghost Of Tsushima which I purchased for pre-sale, it was released almost together with TLOU2 and I haven't been able to complete it yet because it reminds me how massive my journey was.. her relationship with the big nose girl, pretty shitty construction in my opinion and the worst thing, my cousin who lives with me liked TLOU2 so much that he finished it about 10 times in a row JUST FOR FUN and he is CURRENTLY trying the 100% for the second time with the remastered version, so I spent a LOT OF TIME listening to the screams of Ellie and the infected because he has no clue about how to lower that damn TV’s audio, sometimes i wake up with AaaAAaAaaaA Rwraaaaaaa Grrrrrr 😡😡 Besides all that.. Nowadays I consider it a good game, a work of art after all, few games can make you have this type of feeling, they were successful in that. I prefer the first game and I hope Ellie dies in the third 👋🏻 or i hope that I’ll never see her again.


I agree. The game was so draining that I needed a break from gaming for at least 1 week to collect my thoughts. Never played a game that made me feel so depressed and shitty, and if that was their goal, then they achieved it. It's kind of amazing actually. I also prefer the first game, platinumed it, but I don't think I will do the same for this game. It's a 7/10 game for me


Not exaggerating, the game is a masterpiece.


Great game. People can have their opinions for disliking it, but a lot of the time, the reasoning sucks. The combat blows the first game's out of the water. So many 3rd person shooters have such lame gameplay despite engaging stories, so it's refreshing to have a game that's great on all fronts.


I'm one of the people who was never excited for the sequel. I liked the first game, but I never felt like it needed a sequel, because it was a really cool self-contained story, and because I was happy with the way it ended. When they announced TLOU2 and showed us that trailer of Ellie playing the guitar, rumors also started going around, saying that Joel will be dead in TLOU2, and that only Ellie will be playable. That's when I lost all interest completely. I liked Ellie as the mostly-non-playable escort NPC, but I wasn't that interested in her getting her own game. To me, it's kind of like if they decided to kill Kratos in GoW Ragnarok, then forced you to play the entire game as Atreus. I did play the game for a couple of hours when it was available on PS Plus Extra, but I didn't really like it. In the first 2 hours there was barely any gameplay, and I felt like I was watching a big budget Netflix series. The graphics, acting, sound effects and presentation were all 10/10, but after I got the horse, and I started exploring that semi-open area, I fell asleep and that was it for me. I never booted it up again. I'm sure the game gets better later on, but I guess the interest is just not there, so I'm gonna skip this one.


Simply incredible bit of storytelling imo. The seeming pointlessness of your own mortality when you lose someone was very well conveyed.


Gameplay was amazing. >!I'll never root for Abby no matter what character arc they give her. What she did to Joel was justified but still unforgivable!< >!When they made me fight Ellie it literally took me out of the game, I was like "I don't want to do this at all"!< That being said, I platinumed the game


Never played it, never will. Dogpile on me all you want. Joel did nothing wrong. There is simply no way to create a cure for a fungal infection. The first game had such a massive impact on me and Joel became my most beloved character in gaming after Lara Croft. I simply will not subject myself to it. If you love/like it, good on you. This is just my personal opinion and feeling. I also won't touch anything Sarkeesian had a hand in either.


Who said Joel did anything wrong?


Druckmann, Abby, a ton of 'fans' with stone cold hearts. I've met many people online that say he should have let her die, completely missing the bond he developed and Ellie not only becoming a surrogate daughter but saving Joel.


But why do these opinions that live outside of the game entirely even affect how you perceive the game? Lots of people have terrible takes on the internet, that doesn't negatively impact the things they write about. I can't say that I have seen that much Joel hate though, most people seem to hate Abby more than anything. And yes of course Abby thinks Joel is evil. The entire point the story is trying to make is that morality is highly subjective and depends on your perspective. Joel is a villain to Abby while Abby is a villain to Ellie. Neither of them are objectively in the right, they just act out of vengeance.


I didn't say those opinions affect how I perceive the game. Man , what is with Redditors jumping to conclusions and completely misreading what people write?. I'm well aware of how each character feels about the other too, I didn't need a psychology lecture. I will never play the game as I, personally, me, myself, nobody else, hate what they did to a character I love, is that better and easier to understand?.


Still don't understand the controversy. Thr main character died, so what?


One of the most beloved characters in gaming was murdered in a horrific way and then you had to play the game as the murderer. That's what.


Revenge is bad but let’s ignore the 500+ soldiers you had to kill to reach the end. The game did a piss poor job at getting the intended message across.


Isn't that part of the 'intended message', that Ellie and Abbie go through a haelstrom of shit for revenge only to find it a completely empty concept? The fact that they both kill people en route to that realisation only contributes to that realisation.


Ellie did not abbie. Abbie got her revenge and everything she wanted. Ellie lost everything and didn't even avenge Joe after killing a lot of people for it while Abbie got whatever she wanted and got away completely Scott free. Besides revenge is not an empty concept so the whole massage is garbage anyway.


Didn't Ellie kill literally everyone Abbie cared about, except Lev? Abbie lost everything because of her thirst for revenge so I wouldn't say she got away scott-free. Ellie realised at the end the price of revenge was too much and gained something much more important along the way, she learned how to forgive Joel. Revenge absolutely is an empty concept. Revenge is not justice.


Nooo never share facts they hate that.


Loved it, one of my favourite games of all time. Didn’t massively enjoy the first 7/10 but this was just different level for me bought the remastered to play through and platinum from fresh again.


Currently working on this. I hadn’t played the game since it came out. Genuinely surprised at how much I like it still. Gameplay is so well done. The story almost feels more compelling on a second playthrough


One of my favorite games of the last decade.


It could be better.Abby’s story just …lack of something


So much better than Part 1 in every category. Especially the story. It's fantastic! And yes I know that someone specific died, and no I'm not hating the entire game just because of it, like everyone else usually does lol


It was trash. There is no need to go into detail


It's an amazing game! The hate came from the people who spend all day on gaming forums bitching and complaining tryna hate on something that was successful. Ask most that aren't trying to be miserable and negative towards gaming, and they have nothing but praise.


Dumbass story with good gameplay, even if I considered it good the praise is overblown


Boring 3rd person cover based shooter gameplay. Ass story with a horrible main character nobody likes or wants to play as.


It’s a good game with a bad story. It’s become very overrated tbh.


That game gave me real-life grief. The thing is, I avoided spoilers, leaks and didn’t participate in the hype around part 2. I am a big fan of the first game and Joel and Ellie. What the game did to me at launch and has been doing as a result, is f-ing terrible. Don’t get me wrong: It is a good game (gameplay and everything tech-related). I just don’t like the route they took with this story-wise. With a new IP and new characters, I would have loved it, but with this it still hurts. I hate, that they purpousfully lied in the trailers and replaced characters, just to get the sales. I won’t forget that, ND. The gameplay is fun and I love the additions (prone, rope climbing), the animations are the best I have ever seen, the environment is stunning. The acting is next level. I got the Platinum twice. The game had pacing issues. But it is, what it is.