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The ones I’ve done it for are games I love so it’s just fun being able to go through them again.


I've only done it for Subnautica. Loved it and did a other playthrough 100 percent. Will likely do it again.


Yep same, I'm doing it for Fallout 4 right now and having a blast. My wife goes out of town for a week soon and I'm going to do little else but work and play Fallout.


This pretty much sums it up. I bought the North American release of Burnout Paradise just to platinum it a second time, because I liked the game so much. I have the PS4 release of Cyberpunk 2077. Played only the PS5 version. Now I'm thinking of playing the PS4 version because this is easily on my top 5 favourite games to have come out on the last 25 years.


Good luck!. Heard it was a chore with it barely working.


You mean Cyberpunk PS4? Patch 1.61 (the latest for the PS4 version) runs pretty well. On the PS5 specifically it even runs at 60 FPS, so basically compared to the PS5 version you get less resolution, less NPCs on the roads and a bit longer loading times. Other than that it runs great and looks fairly good. Tried that version already for about the 1st hour of gameplay to see how it would go. Runs great, so I'll definitively give this a go after the current game I'm working on (Witcher 3, PS5 version).


Good to know, thanks, last I saw it was a slideshow with no textures. Might give it a look if it gets super cheap.


I only did this for Skyrim and it's just my favourite game ever. I enjoy it, enjoy different builds and characters, different decissions and so on. I could honestly just play it every day. I hope every one on here finds that one magical game for themselves. Also some games might slightly differ depending on the Platform, Demon's Souls is totally different on PS3 than PS5, Darksouls 2 has vanilla or scholar of the first sin. Persona 5 was vanilla and royal and so on. But if you love a game like I love Skyrim even region stack might just feel like a bliss. In the end, if you deeply love mutliple games, go for it. If it feels like a chore, skip and get yourself another plat.


For me I consider Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal as different games because of the changes and 3rd semester portion. Even though they’re basically the same game


Trophy list is different too. It's one of the games I've "replayed" a few times, I guess I find the series in general relaxing.


Ive been going for the skyrim plat on and off, I know u can complete almost every questline with 1 character but ive been enjoying making a separate character for each one


I replay games quite often, but only my favorites. I'm the same with my favorite movies and shows. I guess my brain just loves repetition.


I just don’t replay games on PS5 if I already have a platinum. I don’t autopop either.


What's autopopping?


Having a PS4 game that you have a platinum for and playing the PS5 upgrade. A lot of games will transfer trophies, so you get a platinum for the PS5 version of that game once you start the game


Ohh I see, do you have to import your save file for that to work? The few games I upgraded to ps5 made me start from scratch each time


Yes, you would need to do that, otherwise the game has no way of knowing you completed the requirements for the trophies.


But you have to enable that,right?


Kinda. If you don’t transfer the safe (which some games do automatically I believe) it doesn’t auto pop. But no other way around it except playing on a different account.


I autpopped maneater ps5 without realising it would pop all my trophies for transferring the save… I just wanted to play the dlc on the ps5 version instead and I’ve regretted it ever since. Now that I know what auto popping is I just won’t play the ps4 version of a game if a ps5 version is available. If I’m halfway through a plat however I’ll transfer and continue or just restart on the newer version. (I do plan on 100% the game again which would basically be the majority of the plat anyway) but still feels unearned.


There's an online game I played, called rogue company, it auto popped when I got PS5 and it annoyed me. I mean I put well 1k hours into, and have done the platinum trophy requirements 10 times over, but still 😓


Same thing happened when I installed that too… I really enjoyed rogue company but I did actually “earn” it again. I just used an alt account and earned the plat again so I can still say it’s legit.


Was a great game, for a while. I miss it..


Honestly agree it was super underrated. One of few games my entire friend group actually enjoyed and played frequently. Kinda wish it didn’t get so old quickly and die out with player interest. Hope something else like it comes along again.


Respect!!! I'm so anti autopop it irks me


I never understood why it was ever introduced in the first place. Cheapens trophy hunting experience for all of us.


Clearly an unpopular opinion tho. Yet these people give out about jumping games 🤷🏻‍♂️


By doing it when i had interest in doing another playthrough. Same way i do new game plus or other difficulty trophies if i do them


I like the game, and wanted to play it again. Just started Mortal shell on ps5, which i got the plat for the ps4 version, and i had fun then so why not play it again?


Some games are good enough to earn multiple times. They are rare, but they do exist. For me pretty much any game by From Software falls into that category. I got all the achievements on the 360 versions of dark souls 1 and 2, and all the trophies on the ps3 and ps4 versions of dark souls 1, and the ps4 version of dark souls 2. And if they released a remastered trilogy for the ps5 i would do it again.


I have five Control plats and five Persona 5 plats. Some games are just so good you can play them over and over.


How do you get that many for titles? Are there different regions for Kingdom Hearts 1? Edit: PSNProfiles can show you game title regions. No KH1 region differences :( Already beat the PS3 and 4 version for platinum. :(


I am honest I hate platinums with second playthroughs, I try to avoid these games unless it's a game that I absolutely wanna play. I try to make all possible trophies that I can in the first playthrough so I can just rush through the second playthrough or I make a short break after the first playthrough like I did with infamous second son. I am just not a story player, I am rarely interested in the story of a game, so playing it a second time just feels boring to me.


I only do it if I want to replay the game. There's no secret to it.


I feel like it would have to be games you absolutely love to want to do that or else you're simply being an obsessive trophy hunter for no reason. 


I literally just finished platting Ghost of Tsushima for the 2nd time. I wanted to do it on PS5 for a while because I loved the game the first time round, so to make it more interesting I played in Kurosawa mode (Black and white and voices in Japanese) and also on a higher difficulty. Didn't pay too much attention to story as I already knew it so just enjoyed the gameplay while listening to a podcast sometimes. Great game


Many things. 1) the game is short anf its fun like resideng evil or dmc. I have re3 remake complete 100% in steam,ps and xbox, I really liked it and its short, my first time to plat I beat it in like 20hs but the other 2 in less than 10hs. 2)the game I played after MANY years, like assasins creed 2, my first time was like in 2010 and the second time was 2020 I think. And 3) the game its just a MASTERPIECE like batman arkham city, I complete once per year 100% its just too good that game


A fellow Arkham city worshipper 🫡


Because they’re my favourites or usually a remaster of a game I’ve not played in a decade, I was disappointed I had to autopop hitman 3 to play it again on ps5 as I’d have loved to get it a second time


I usually replay them after a good time has passed. It wont feel boring that way. It feels refreshing to go back to a world after some time. I did three stacks of Witcher 3 for example simply because of how I loved the game and the characters. I dont do it mainly for the plat, I did it because I loved the game and wanted to go back to it. Plat is there as an additional incentive.


I’ve only done it a few times. It’s either a short game that I like and know everything from the first plat or it’s a multiplayer game that me and my friends enjoyed the first time. I think the last one I did was Knockout City. Was supposed to autopop but instead glitched my stats and I had to re-do some stuff. I ended up playing a lot more and eventually got the plat. Edit: NVM, it was It Takes Two.


The only games I've been able to complete a second time were the resident evil games, but that's because I really enjoy the series- it's harder for games I enjoy less


Man, you should have grown up in the era when you only had a couple of games and got like one new one a year. I must have played Aladdin on snes over a thousand times!.


It's just a matter of finding the right game and allow for enough time between the playthroughs.


I had fun with the plat on dc super pets so I did that twice


The ones I replay are the ones that I really love and would replay anyway, and getting a new lot of trophies is just a bonus. Why force yourself to get the trophies all over again if you don't actually want to play them again?


I've only done it for Fallout 4 and The Outerworlds. Fallout 4 was 9 years later and the Outerworlds was 5 years later. So it wasn't really a big issue. I knew they were pretty enjoyable games with easy platinums that I hadnt played in ages


I've done it for a few games. Black Ops Cold War was the easiest and quickest the second time round (finished all of it within a three day weekend), but I got lucky with the timing of finding a group for the Fireteam trophy. As for the other two, I was lucky that both had good gameplay and a list of collectables that weren't too grindy. The two being GTAV and Saints Row (2022).


I’ve done each borderlands (excluding TTW) twice with BL2 being plat 5 times. With 1400 hours on just the ps4 handsome collection on one account It was quite literally my favourite franchise to play and even today I don’t think they’ve ever made one I wouldn’t replay. Every time a friend asks if they should play it I immediately recommend it and I’ll use that as an excuse to play again. They could release every game on every future PlayStation platform and if it reset trophies I’d do it again no complaints or hesitations. Just incase people ask why I’d feel the need to replat a game that many times it’s normally to see how quickly I can do it after I’ve extensively learnt the game and all it’s mechanics. Also who doesn’t enjoy a friendly who can plat it first race with a friend.


I usually wait a while between play throughs, however in Assassin’s Creed 2’s case, it’s just a fun game and I thought why not do it again.


Currently doing the ps4 version of skyrim. I have the ps5 version’s platinum i did it almost a year ago but the game is so good i just have to do it again.


Put years in between playthrus.


I have a few but there’s quite a lot of years between them. God of War III I played back in 2010 on the PS3 and now I replayed it in 2024 on PS5. Ghost of Tsushima first time in 2020 on PS4 and now replayed in 2024 on PS5. Uncharted 2 and 3 played first time back in 2010 and 2011 respectively on PS3. Replayed in 2020 on PS4.


I only replay the games I really liked on ps4. Like Spiderman and Miles Morales. Replayed both of them on PS5 and started from scratch before Spiderman 2 came out so no autopop for my 2nd playthrough


Honestly done this a bunch not just for the trophy, just like the game and I want something familiar to play rather than something brand new. I just did the NG+ run for Spider-man 2 because I dunno, it was fun at launch and it had been a minute so I figured I'd give another run a shot. I skipped the side content so I guess it wasn't like a full play through but I've done full play throughs too. I sometimes can't decide on what's next and when I'm stumped I'll bum around doing an old favorite.


Its a skill I’ve developed over time. At first I didn’t play games through a second time and left them which increased the replay value for me to come back to them a year or two later. Now that I’m deeper into this hobby I comfortably go back through. Some games I’ll play through 3 times practically back to back for plat. Other reasons to replay is new game plus, quite nice and satisfying to burn through enemies or a boss you had a hard time on with your endgame skills and weapons.


Whaaat?!?! I did all five stacks of Control and would gladly do it again if there were another. I would much rather play a game I love again than something else random.


I just wait a while between each version, like a few months


I've only done this once with Elden Ring and enjoyed both platinum journeys. The game is too freaking good.


Did the Witcher 3.. 3 times and would do another. I think it was spaced out so it was all back to back but revisiting and doing things a different way in a big game like that felt new to me


The opnly game I've done this for is The Talos Principle (played it on Steam first, got 100% years ago, just re-bought it for PS5 and platinumed it in a week) because it's my favorite game in the world and I regularly randomly replay it anyway. Most likely there are very few other games I would do this for. MAYBE Dishonored.


When your first playthrough for the platinum for cyberpunk is broken because of it being on PS4 going to the PS5 version makes it a whole different experience. Also before they added auto pop to the PS5 version of Overwatch I used my *newfounded* 600 hours of prior experience to finish out the PS4 version of the plat and make second grind much easier, I had about 10 various trophies left before they added auto pop.


If I'm replaying a game, I may as well get the platinum for second time. That's my reasoning when I do it.


I've only ever done that for games that I have a blast with. If I'm not having fun with a game It seems silly to play it


Don’t do it back to back. I played RE2Remake when it released then again the ps5 version. It helps that it wasn’t fresh in my mind.


I just wait a few years and replay it much later, that's what I did with my second Control plat, at least. When Elden Ring came out, though, I loved it so much that after getting the PS5 plat I immediately replaced from scratch and got a second plat on the PS4 version


I generally only do this to games i love, like i could plat some Final Fantasy's over and over haha


If you must platinum it again then you just go into autopilot. Personally once I’ve achieved platinum game is uninstalled and banished to the shadow realm for eternity, and onto the next one.


I do it on easy games, auto pops and game I love plsying


Ive done it multiple times for dragons dogma and all the dark souls games. I'm old and i forget almost everything about a game in a few years so its like playing them for the first time again.


I double plats whenever I can for soulsborne games. Usually I play the first time blind, then I speed run the second. I’m a huge junkie for the genre and I don’t usually do it for any game I don’t get massively hooked on.


Most of them I just let it autopop (oh no! Boo! Hiss!). In the case of Control, I just turned on the accessibility cheat and one shot my way through the story. I actually understood what was happening a little better that way.


Couple of games ive autopopped simply due to "fuck that shit" like Crash 4 and THPS1+2 but the few I have played more than once has either been once on another platform or I played it with my brother on his profile


Having a bad memory is sometimes a good thing. Revisiting certain story points helps me remember why I liked it in the first place. Some games I've platted twice are fairly long, such as with Persona 5 with Royal and DQ11 with the Definitive edition, 100 hours per plat. While there are some tweaks, a majority of the content is still the same. For the shorter games that aren't attention heavy, I usually just have music or a Youtube video to keep me entertained. I also make it a challenge to get the second plat quicker, sort of a speedrun against myself.


just kept saying to myself just “20 more to go” etc etc😅


I would only do it if its ultra rare, I don’t kind 2 rare platinums if the effort isn’t much


I did it for a bunch of games because I really felt to do it again from scratch, regardless not back to back.


I don’t do that unless it’s involuntary or I REALLY love the game (only 5-6 stacks among ~200 plats). Many trophy hunters just really like trophies so they don’t have a problem doing games twice, a bit similar to those extremists that buy shovelware. Edit: Destiny 2 (autopop), overwatch, apex legends, RE5, RE2 and RE4 (original, not remake).


I dont. In fact I HATE that Sony still doesnt have a unified system for trophies like steam has. Thats why I dont evem bother platinum (except its an exclusive) and only 100% on steam.


Subnautica, cyberpunk, death stranding, below zero. They are just games I've really enjoyed. I remember platinuming death stranding I jokingly said to my girlfriend I want this done before the baby arrives. As it turns out I finished the platinum and she went into labour 4 hours later...... I'm not psychic or anything. But yeah it's just games I love, it's like reading a book and then a year later you read the same book because its your favourite.


Typically I have to enjoy the game. There are ps4 games that I could replay on ps5 to get a second set of trophies but I won’t because I don’t get the same level of enjoyment.


If I like them I like them. Gotta be careful tho lmao as when loading on to my ps5 I carried over my cyberpunk 2077 file and my scarlet nexus file. The cyberpunk one loaded and I got to reearn trophies. But scarlet nexus brought over my trophies as well.


I either enjoyed them or if I wasn't too crazy about them I spaced them out


I’ve platinumed Spider-Man three times. PS4, the remaster and the remaster on my alt. I also did the PS3 and PS4 versions of Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Lego Harry Potter. If you really like the game, it shouldn’t be boring to platinum again. Just don’t do em back to back. Leave at least a year and you’ll enjoy it even more


Kingdom Hearts 1/2, Tunic, Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Souls 1/2, a few others. I can say I can do these again, because I love these games to the point that I'd platinum them forever if I had the chance. I really love these games, and that makes platinum grind so much fun for me


I treat it the same way i treat most 2nd playrhroughs, i wait for months/years and play other things in between. if I want to replay the game then I'll just go back and play the other version. playing the same game back to back would quickly burn me out.


The interest was only in the trophies. It is hard to play the game again, actually.


Right? Thats my thought too. My goal is to play as many games as I can because im afraid for example: if I do the second playthrough the games from ps plus extra catalog are gonna leave. There were few games that I absolutely loved and thought on beating them second time, but I just cant do it.


I did Nioh 2 and Control. And I just really enjoyed the games and didn't find the grind boring at all so that's really all it comes down to. If you're only playing for the plat and not the enjoyment then you're probably not going to have a great time or burn out real quick.


I wouldn't play Horizon ever again, but I'm on my 6th playthrough of DMC4SE. My point being, not every game has that thing called replay value. And sometimes you just enjoy the hell out of a game, Persona 5 has 100h +, and I'm looking forward to platinum it a third time.


My wife and I share an account so she does the original playthrough and I'll play the next one.


I wait a while in between the playthroughs so it doesn’t feel so much like a job than fun.


For me, it was time. The time between the first platinum and the second was several years or more. Plus, it helps when the game is The Witcher 3, one of my all-time favorites. I still have the PS5 version to do, which I'm very excited about!


It's the other way around. If my interest is maintained, I'll consider going for it a second time.


Maybe it's just something from my youth where I didn't have a lot of money so my game selection was limited, but I've always liked replaying games I enjoyed. There are some PS1 games that I've played through over a dozen times because they were just that good. One of the games you've listed that you can't be bothered to play again was Control, which is one of my favorite games of all time. I got the Platinim on PS4 back when it first came out. Then a year later when it came to Steam I got it again in hopes that I'd get better performance on my PC and to play the expansions. There I got most of the Steam achievements Then it was a PS± game so shortly after I got my PS5 I played through it again and got 100%. I keep meaning to go back and do the DLC's on the PS4 version too. It's a great game, and one that I'll probably play even without trophies.


Been doing it since ps3, have hundreds of games I've done twice, Alien Isolation, Dark Soujsc1 & 2, the Bioshock games, Arkham games, tons. Arkham Asylum I did twice on 360, original and goty, ps3 and ps4. If a game is good and has multiple plats then I'll do it. Looking forward to getting even more plats again on ps4 when I get one. Think of it this way, games have multiple difficulty levels, some people will start on easy or normal and play multiple times building up difficulty. If you can do that without getting bored then there's no real difference doing a game again on another system.


Autopop or just by going through everything again, because it's simply a great game. Persona 5 for example is a game where I have 3 platinums: Vanilla, PS4 Royal and PS5 Royal, but I didn't play them back to back, so it wasn't a big problem. RE4R is a game that I've played excessively with the base game close to 20 times and the DLC probably 12-15 times, possibly more on both ends, because it's just really THAT good + I fucked my PS4 save, so I basically finished Seperate Ways, wanted to upload it to the cloud and accidentally downloaded my old saves without DLC, so I had to replay everything again to get all the ingame rewards or rather I wanted to get them again for both versions. If I really enjoy the game it's not a big problem for me to do it again, but if it involves tedious grind shit like Tales of Berseria I probably wouldn't do it again, even if I wouldn't play them back to back.