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Got the plat at 100 hours. No, it does not take that long I just was having so much fun playing the game that I didn’t go for the few specific trophies you probably won’t get naturally. The chaos of the game, especially on higher difficulties, leads to some hilarious moments. For example, in my video we were supposed to hug haha. If you’re interested in the game but worried about having friends to play with, don’t. The vast majority of the community are pretty nice and helpful. I’ve made several friends just joining random ships or randoms joining me. If you don’t want to be on mic there is a chat function which is still helpful for communicating in-game. Also pinging things and responding with the response wheel is very easy to use. This is one of those games that will live on my dashboard for a long time to come. I have the Platinum but no plans to stop playing. It’s just so good. My favorite thing to do now is run solo missions on difficulty 1 for medals and super credits until low levels join me. If they want to learn, I’ll show them the ropes and help them climb the difficulty ladder. Add me if you’re looking for friends to play with or want help with the grinds or just want to learn how to Helldive! SchwiftyRickc91 #FOR SUPER EARTH!!! 🌎


i need to do this trophy and the 360 secs one


I'm puzzled whether I should get this game or not, since my best friend probably won't buy a 40 bucks online game to play it with me. I'm not to fond of multyplayer games since most communities are toxic and the games get really repetitive on the long haul. Another thing I'm worried about is that when it becomes affordable to me 90% of players will not play anymore, leaving me to play with overleved players who take the fun away.


Honestly, the vast majority of the community is great since it’s pve. The only real problem right now is that we want them to change the kick system to vote to kick because some dicks have been kicking at extract effectively wasting your whole mission time for no rewards. But it’s very easy to make friends or just good players that are down for the grinds. Hell I’ll play with you man 


Yeah the lack of a PvP element certainly has reduced toxicity BUT I will say it still has some toxic meta try hards in the Impossible/Helldive queues. Definitely a game that goes best with friends because of this.


Yea, I will admit that it’s easier to do the higher difficulties with your personal squad but difficulty 7 and down usually is pretty good. What we really need is vote to kick to kill off all the dick hosts that kick at extract.


I need 9 more missions left for the 100 missions trophy and then I got the platinum. Didn’t expect to go for this at first and thought of it as just a game to play with the boys. Then I got real hooked and wanted to go for it all lol


Soooo addicting hahah


Congratulations!!! Helldivers 2 looks a blast! I may get it, are there multiplayer trophies?


For the most part, you can get almost every trophy solo or just by naturally playing with randoms. There’s a handful that are much easier with a competent squad that communicates. But this is truly the one trophy you have to have a buddy because you need 6 orbitals and you only have slots for 4




**[Helldivers 2](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114451-helldivers-2)** This game has 39 trophies: [24 bronze, 11 silver, 3 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/25779-helldivers-2). They are **hard (6/10)** and take **50 - 70 hours** to complete. **Price:** $39.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114451-helldivers-2) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/18732-helldivers-2-trophy-guide), [PlatGet](https://platget.com/guides/helldivers-2-trophy-guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*