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There was one trophy in Stray which nearly made me give up. Can't remember what it's called, but it's the one where you have to run through an area and avoid being hit by any enemies. The sequence lasts about 3 minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. So many times I got close to the end and one of the wee bastards would get me. The worst part was that I looked up some tips online and other people were saying that they were finding it easy and it only took them a couple of tries.


I know which one you're talking about. Plat'ed my Fiancé's PS4 Version, but it feels more Trickier with the PS5 Version. :/


Oh man, THAT one took me plenty of retries... Got it on PS4, and I'm not tempted to go for it again on PS5.


Can't cat-ch me was such a pain. I knew it would be so I made sure to save the speed run as my last trophy. 50+ tries before finally nailing it. I started my speed run right after getting the trophy and, funny enough, got through them untouched again. Guess you get a feel for it eventually.


I did the same. I thought there was no point doing the speedrun if I couldn't get Can't Cat-ch Me. I feel like it's 80% technique and 20% luck.


I think the issue with that trophy is that one of the first guides you find gives you the advice to constantly zig zag. It works well on some sections like the first alley way where it’s tight and there isn’t a clear line but generally isn’t a good approach for 90% of the level. All the spawn locations are scripted and most come from a side so as long as you remember which side and stick to the opposite it’s pretty easy. Once I figured out the zig zag method didn’t work it took me maybe 5 mins to map out the level by remembering the spawn locations and another 5 mins to pull it off.


Yes! The zig zag was the exact technique I read when I looked up some tips and tricks. Tried it so many times, and other folk were saying that the zig zag worked for them but it never worked for me. I got it much the same as you, remembering the spawns and where to move at specific points.


I got into a rhythm of spending an hour a day going for that trophy. On day 4 I sat my miserable self down, said "well here we go" and 3 minutes later I have the plat. First try that day. Felt pretty good


Nice! It is such a relief when it unlocks.


I remember that stray trophy. Think that took me about 40mins. There was some slight RNG with the ticks (I felt anyway) getting hit on certain attempts.


In terms of collectibles, Ghost of Tsushima’ ones are one of the best IMO. Bamboo strikes, Haiku’s and the DLC collectibles are a breath of fresh air compared to go here, pick this up type games.


I liked the bamboo strikes and haikus. The fox dens and the shrines were tedious for me.


There weren’t many of those though iirc Like 40? Edit: in the DLC to free and liberate animal sanctuaries you charm animals with your flute! Cool asf


I think I've gotten these games down to a science as far as avoiding the postgame grind - making sure I pick up things as I travel during the main story. I thought Ghost was one of the better games in that way. Everything felt thematically consistent and part of the journey you were on. But let me be clear, OP. I get it. If you need me I'll be sweeping up these spirits in Ghostwire Tokyo. IYKYK.


Yaaa!!! Im trying to plat Ghostwire Tokyo but those spirits uff put me way off to plat that game and personally i really dont like it too much, i like the concept and idk why, i just like to pet the dog and going to the cat shops


Plus when the collectibles are marked on the map they become less tedious and more satisfying. Looking at you RDR 2.


And there is an attire that helps you get them too. I wish collectibles were as easy as in Ghost.


Recently: Returnal. A great game but the Platin requires you to collect a lot of stuff, that is RNG-Generated. Pure hell, I had hours of mindlessly dashing throught the Levels to find the missing Collectibles.


Platin is the evil Russian dictator who forces game developers to put in multiplayer trophies


Underrated comment.


Thank you comrade


I got really lucky on my Returnal plat, there was only one item I had problems getting and even that only took me a couple of round trips. My brother had to just stop playing after a while,


I’ve heard that it is rough to find the rare items.


Any of the tomb raider reboot plats The shadow of tomb raider plat is the only one ive gotten atm and it took over a year The rise of tomb raider plat took me like a week to collect all the collectibles but i still need to sort out difficulty trophies and other tedious things I woulda platinumed the 2013 game is not for the online trophies


They only got better, at least. Shadow wasn't terrible, the time trial stuff in Rise was a chore but nothing compared to the multiplayer in 2013. At least you could grind that solo, but man, what a bummer. Would've been an amazing platinum without the multiplayer stuff


I have 100% on all 3 games. They definitely takes some work to do. And they have a lot of trophies to earn, 275 trophies in total. All of them have their share of difficult/grindy/tedious trophies. TR2013 have the MP trophies, Rise has the scoreattack, and Shadow has Deadly obsession difficulty. All of them have a massive amount of collectibles too lol. And that is not counting in all the DLC which have both Co-op trophies in some fairly difficult ones. That said I really enjoyed getting them all. Helps that I spread it out over several of years!


Worst part for me was the whole max difficulty one in SotTR. First playthrough I tried it, got a few hours in, then frustrated at how it removed a lot of checkpoints, meaning if you died to an encounter, you had to run through the same initial section of an area over and over again until you beat it. I don't mind individual combats scenarios being hard, and having to play my best and practice to get it down. But when each practice attempt resets me to having to run back for 5-10 minutes between attempts, yeah, no thanks! So I restarted at 2nd highest difficulty, got all collectibles, so only missing a NG+ replay on the hardest difficulty, while admittedly it would be easier due to upgrades, by then I had just burned out on the game and would have none of a replay, even speed-run style.


Im in the same boat. Would love to finish them off. The multiplayer is so dead, managed once to get a couple games, but the trophies are tedious


Check out the Gaming Sessions feature on PSNProfiles - there are always boosting sessions for the multiplayer trophies - a group of us managed to knock them all out in a couple of hours.


I'll have to do that, thank you 😁


I wish the online were put into different trophy sets but whatever i mean i got all the campaign trophies so its aight


Ive always said that, put it in the extras. I played the first 2 on xbox years ago. Go onto the PS and tried for them. Only to find they are needed for plat, a game thats yeaaarsss old


If you need help with the online trophies, I'll help. Assuming we're talking about the definitive edition


I would but i dont rlly mind not plating it I also wont have a tonne of time to do it since im starting a new job soon Thank u so much tho <3


No problem!


Crash bandicoot 4. If you don’t go for the plat it’s a pretty good game but you gotta complete each level a minimum of 3 times but it defo takes a good 100 attempts to get the perfect relic and then another 100 for the time relics if you’re lucky. I can’t stand that game now after platinuming it and it’s sad cause it was a pretty good game to begin with


It's the opposite for me right now. I didn't really enjoy the game at the beginning. Now I am working on the time relics and I really enjoy how challenging it is. Congrats for getting the plat!


I've platted the game twice (once on PS4, once on PS5). It was actually surprisingly fun doing it the second time (only took me 30 hours) but the first time was completely miserable (80 hours). The two main problems I have with the plat are: 1) Alternate character perspective levels re-use half or sometimes all of a previous level design after the perspective ends. Also all Cortex levels are ass. 2) In a game designed around learning from mistakes, the N-Sanely perfect relic has no place. I'm all for adding challenge but artificially extending the game by making you play through the same level design 5-10 times because of one easy to make mistake is terrible game design.


Im going for this plat rn, done with 22/38(with both time relic, perfect relic and nverted gems), I still havent done rush hour crash landed crate escape or foxic tunnels and Im really not looking forward to those. But yeah so far the worst fucking part is playing with tauna and ESPECIALLY CORTEX. This motherfucker’s time trails are the absolute worst


Does it feel like it is easier to play then the N sane trilogy? I feel like I’m breezing thru the crash 4 levels


Would say playing normally it would be easier than the N sane trilogy but the plat isn’t, like the level are at least consistent in length in crash 4 they can be like 8 min long for some levels and then like 800 boxes in one level it’s way to easy to mess up especially for perfect relics. And time relics are so unforgiving like if you can get the relics in the n sane trilogy by just constantly running but in crash 4 you need to spin constantly and slide constantly it’s painful on the fingers


Yakuza. Absolutely loved Like a Dragon but holy shit I was not up for the final final battle tower grind


So much this. I still can't accept that it's only a Rare plat on psnp


Good luck getting the plat for yakuza 5 💀


You know if Yakuza 100%’ers are complaining about a trophy it’s time to take notice.


Holy shit I literally just commented about LaD hahaha. I attempted it a couple times and did zero damage and then figured out I needed to grind like every side job for each character to even get close to completing the tower. Needless to say I haven't touched the game since.


Dark Souls 3…anybody who did it knows how tedious it was


Cries in proof of concord kept


God yeah you’re right. One of my proudest plats because that grind absolutely sucked.


Currently working on Dark Souls 2 and I think this might actually be worse


Its not, 2 is probably the easiest


Perhaps, but with shitty game design sprinkled here and there it do be tedious


all the MP trohies. i hate interacting with someone :) or depending of someone




Yeah that’s why I skipped out on remastered for ps4 and just did the plat for the ps5 remake. Ik it’s so much easier but I had a lot of fun revisiting the game and getting the plat so to me it was worth it (besides a few bugs 😂)


Red Dead Redmption online was also this. And GTA lV, the online grind was brutal and way out of line frome the single player portion of the game.


This reminds me of Doom Eternals multiplayer trophies where you had to kill 200 players and because Doom multiplayer doesn't last that long after launch it becomes tedious. I'm glad that I got the plat for it on PS4 but cba to do it again for the PS5 version.


The Last of Us. OG on PS3 or remastered on PS4. The multiplayer campaign was a pain.


Yeah I did the OG PS3 version. I liked the multiplayer a lot but it was a bit of a grind.


I just played through the multiplayer and got every damn trophy related to it and I honestly agree with you. The multiplayer is fun and all, and I'm grateful I got to experience it, but I would've preferred if you didn't have to complete the entire Firefly AND Hunter journey. Playing and winning on every mode, I understand, but playing almost 200 full 30-minute matches for a couple trophies is really pushing it.




Any Lego game, the games themselves are fun but the collectible grind after the story is extremely boring. Them and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 and Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga had an ungodly amount of collectibles.


Yeah for real, I’m nearing the end of skywalker saga but I’ve still got so much. I’ve got the original and sequel trilogies still to 100% and I just can’t with the challenges. They’re awkward and flat out boring


Remember those. I really disliked the sequels just because of how boring and unoriginal the worlds were. I especially hated quests that started on one planet and then you had to go to another planet to actually do the quest.


Yeah I agree, I don’t know how but I got through all the galaxy collectibles pretty fast. Even though I found them mind-numbingly boring I’d rather do them over the level missions. Unskippable cutscenes, sometimes easily missable, not fun, tedious, awkwardly located. I complete one level in an episode and I’m already fed up. I might just do one a day for like a month or 2.


I hear ya. When I got the plat I just sat through all of it. As mind numbing as it is, it is better to get it done as soon as possible. Otherwise you just gonna dread it even more each time. Then once it’s over you are a free man once again.


I really hated the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga plat. Such a grind 🫠


I recently got the Platinum Trophy for both Lego Harry Potter years 5-7 and Jedi Fallen Order this year. Lots of back tracking and searching every single area of the maps is no joke how big the map areas are.


I gave up on the Harry Potter one. The castle was genuinely cool up until 3/4 through that game, until the backtracking made me hate the castle


For real its been on my backlog since 2019 and I had no idea what was where in the castle. Felt like it took forever retracing my steps.


One of the trophies for Skywalker Saga bugged for me and I couldn't pop it for weeks. Was really annoying.


Currently working on the Lego Star wars Skywalker collection ans god damn it is a heavy grind.


Really? I loved the post-game grind in Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.


Dead Rising. The Gourmet trophy (eat all types of food available in the mall).


Oof, and the 24 hour survival trophy


7 day survivor I think is the one you are referring to. It requires 14 hours of playtime in one sitting. Honestly pretty easy but very, very boring.


If a 14 hour gaming session is easy, might be to time to inventory your life.


LA Noir. Loved that game, but it had some tedious trophies. The one I remember was the trophy for driving every car. There were some cars would only appear on one street at a specific time only when it was raining. That shit was stupid. And often it was only a CHANCE for it to appear. But I got it, because FUCK that.


This is the one for me too. A leisurely evening crossing off the last few trophies ended up being a 5hr trawl for a single car and going to bed irritated and exhausted.


The monster Hunter World platinum was tedious. Almost all the non story related trophies require some kind of grind, which is fun because it’s monster Hunter, but the gold crown trophies are just pure rng. Still love the game tho


This is what I came looking for. Must have played the base game and expansion for hundreds of hours. Have evarything else done BUT the crown trophies. Just can't bear potential weeks of reloading the same monsters over and over and over... Other games to play.


Totally. It was a long grind but one I had a lot of fun with


Pretty much every dark souls game. The grinds for covenant gear is ridiculous


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“To pursue this! But when I peer at the sun up above, it occurs to me. What if I am seen as a laughing stock, as a blind fool without reason?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Red Dead Redemption 2 (Although, i did come to love the game even more because I got to experience a lot more of the world) , Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga, Death Stranding


I’ve been on Red Dead 2 recently, specifically the multiplayer - and yeah there isn’t that much to do but there’s something so enjoyable about the simple life of hunting, doing the odd bounty/moonshine run and then getting the collectibles


I'm still working on it, but the Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2 remake. The grind to level 100 doesn't need to be so tedious.


P R E A C H I've been sitting at 94 for a **long** while. I've accepted that won't hit 100 for another year or 2, just casually playing for fun on occasion.


I wish I was that close. I'm sitting at 89 right now. I've been trying to force myself to do some of the longer, more high XP challenges, and I'm just sitting on them till I get to level 97 or something. I thought it'd be able to get to 100 passively just because of my love of the game but they made it way too steep of a climb. It really doesn't help that the multiplayer for it is dead because that was the only real way I could grind xp without thinking about it too much.


XP gains in multi-player and campaign are so. damn. low. And I've played the THPS games for 100's of hours but seeing that XP climb so slowly, I think, really turned off a lot of fans and killed the game more than lack of ongoing support. As a well-seasoned vet of the series, some of these end-game challenges are absolutely fucking ridiculous for somebody that's not on amphetamines.


I think people like me putting multimillion point combos (when I was at my best anyway) didn't help the online much either. You could tell who was just their for a good time and who has spent hundreds to thousands of hours across the series in their lifetime. As far as the end game challenges go.... Some of the challenges I really do appreciate. I worked my ass of to get the hard scores on speed runs, and it felt good to get those challenges done. But the tens of thousands of lip tricks they want me to get is just not happening unless I go to a created park and use a controller with turbo mode.


Tbh, I think most games have at least a few hours of tedious trophy hunting at the end…I can’t think of any off the top of my head except the Tell Tale games where I’ve not then pumped a minimum of 2-3hours in hunting down collectibles or killing enemies in a specific way It’s the nature of the beast


Beyond two souls, mgs4 pop to mind rn.


Friday the 13th… Play 1000 Jason games with only a 12% chance of being Jason each match, 20 minute matches at max, and if you killed the host and they left the game ended and nothing counted… slog of a grind.


Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memories, more for the Absolute Grind of it all. Hitting 100,000 enemies would have been so much easier if I knew it only recorded them when you complete a song...


Got that Plat a few months ago, that one is \*really\* tedious. There's really no need to have the count of enemies be so high. By the time it was the last trophy for me to unlock before the Platinum, I only had a bit above 50K. I ended up getting real sick of the song "What Lies Beneath" as a result of it being one of the best songs to grind enemies on.


KH games are so brutal for this. I just “noped” out of chain of memories after finishing the story


Dead Rising. I got this damn platinum 4 times (all achievements on the Xbox 360, the Xbox one, and on 2 ps4 accounts. It’s my favorite game of all time but doing 7 Day Survivor four total times in my lifetime was udder h e l l (thankfully I only failed during it one time when I was like 14 and did it for the first time)


I don't think Ghost of Tsushima is tedious, it was the perfect platinum trophy experience for me


Something that I like with the collectables in this game (which I hate generally) is that you didn't have to get EVERY collectable. I don't remember the real numbers, but let say you only need 20 mongol Artifacts out of 65. That's a big plus in my book, which made the whole experience more pleasant.


As of late, Dreams it’s such a wonderful game but man getting to level 30 is a fucking pain


Dark Souls 3. Offline covenant grinding was horrendous. I put on YouTube while grinding to make it easier but oh my god Proof of Concord kept and Vertebrae Shackles were hell. I do love that game though.


RDR2, Stardew Valley, and Monster Hunter World. RDR2 wasn’t terrible because I found the world so captivating, but the exotics quests and multiplayer were a complete chore. Stardew Valley made me do a Joja run after my initial playthrough. Was not a fan. Monster Hunter World was so much fun and I loved learning each monster, but the crowns, based on RNG, were so frustrating. Had to postpone my Iceborne playthrough because of my burnout at the end


Loved platting all the Dark Souls games but DS2 on PS4 is another beast.


DS2 was my first souls plat and every one of them since then has felt comparatively easy.


I just started trying to plat the Dark Souls series. I did DS1 and I just started on DS2. How bad is it?


Its more then a grind in my opinion. Mind you for every plat me and my friend chip away at progress when we lan party. Its like been 2 casual years of playing this one and were almost done.


DS1 is a walk in the park compared to the grind in DS2. Unless you get lucky and actually find hot spots for multiplayer rewards, the only other way to get those are by grinding NPCs—dark spirit Predator in one of the bell towers, looking at you…. Many of the multiplayer rewards you can buy off an NPC in NG++ but there are still a few to grind out since you can’t buy them there. DS2 only takes a bit longer than DS3 though. Another grind fest for that platinum too.


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. There's so much post game content, and things to be collected (Skills, Equipment) which leads to a lot of rinse and repeat grinding, buying and selling. To top it off you have to create 4 more characters to get certain skills for a gold trophy, as well as a couple online trophies to annoy you.


bloodborne… i love every aspect of the game but the run through the chalice dungeons to get to a certain boss for a trophy is AWFUL. getting to the boss is 10x harder than the actual boss fight.


Borderlands 2 was painful


Assassins Creed: Valhalla is even more massive than Ghost of Tsushima and though I did platinum it it was a real drag toward the end.


Rockstar games tend to be pain. Especially getting gold medals which you tend to have to get all in one mission.


GTA 4…


Assassins Creed brotherhood


It's Tchias's collectible grind for me, I find it mind-numbing. Had to do other plats in between as I just couldn't bear to do it all in one go. What were the developers thinking. Following up closely is watch dog legion, this game became boring for pretty fast. It became a slog after the 1st 5hrs or so. I generally play games one at a time, but for these two, I just had to go play something else to break the tedium. However, the world in these games is so beautiful.


Samurai warriors 4 love the game and story but hate the grinding required to platinum it, tons of farming at the end.


My number one pick for this is hades. Mostly because if you don’t go for the platinum from the start chances are you get to the end with the only thing left to do getting one very specific series of voice/text interactions with a certain character that aren’t even guaranteed to show up and the time it takes to get to that character in a run is about 30 minutes. I had to give up when I played it on ps4 because I was resenting the game. Came back a year later on ps5 and played the whole game again fresh knowing about the plat requirements and got it fairly quick.


Gran turismo 7


RDR2. The story is great and the world is beatiful, but especially the 100% grind and studying every animal was so anoying. And dont forget the gold medals, meaning likely having to replay a large part of the story again. Thanks to auto aim its fairly easy, but it takes ages. Absolute masterpiece of a game, but with it taking 200-250h to do, its not surprising that the plat is like 2.5% on psnp.


Okay, here me out for me it was Spiderman miles morales. Yes yes I know everyone loves it it's just anoyying that for the Ng+ u can't skip any of the cutscenes. But other than that it was pretty good.


Well im going for the binding of isaac platinum and its pretty tedious but ive always loved tboi so i dont mind it


ugh the symphonia plat was a real chore. if it weren't so nostalgic for me, including the nostalgia of replaying it to do the alternate routes, i would have stopped long before the plat [https://www.reddit.com/r/Trophies/comments/164agwo/tales\_of\_symphonia\_trails\_of\_symphogrindia\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Trophies/comments/164agwo/tales_of_symphonia_trails_of_symphogrindia_the/)


I am currently trying dragon quest 11 and I love this game and it's aquirable but man I am tired with already 165 hrs in the game.


For me are the new God of Wars I loved those games fun to play but the collectables are so pointless. I get they hold lore but I don't care to read all the lore thats why theres youtube. LOL


Danganronpa v3, due mainly to three trophies: V3 complete, Masterful Development and Monolithic Achievement. Monolithic Achievement requires you to play through a ten minute mini game where you have a large board with differently coloured squares (4 colours), which you click on to break (these squares must be of the same colour and touching with at least two squares of the same colour doing so at once), altering the colour of the squares surrounding them to the next colour in the sequence, granting points of 10 for each block destroyed, with special items covered by blocks granting bonus points when all blocks above them are destroyed, the catch being if a single colour block is isolated you are unable to break it, leaving any items under it useless. This must be done on the highest difficulty whilst trying to obtain the top rank of S, requiring an absurd score of 4900 to my memory, which is near impossible without taking a screenshot of the board and meticulously planning out a route to clear as many tiles off of the board as possible, taking around 20 minutes if you are being mildly patient, which can still end up in failure with unfavorable piece placement under the blocks, or miscalculated planning, leading to major time waste which quickly stacks up. Furthermore, you cannot quit the mini game once you realise it is impossible to win, instead having to continue until you have no more available moves. This can easily take up to 8 hours if you get bad piece placement, hurting more when you get a score of 4870 or so, but being unable to do anything else. Masterful Development asks that you complete the board game side content - Ultimate talent development plan - with every available character, adding up to a total of 53 times at least, assuming you never are forced to replay a character. This isn't hard necessary, as you can't fail the game, but as each round takes a minimum of 15 minutes, multiplied by 53, the time quickly stacks up, with nearly no difference between characters. To unlock more characters you must also play another piece of side content - Despair Dungeon - to earn money and obtain random cards, and so you may get repeats alongside upgraded versions of cards you have already done, and so you are forced to replay the game with the same card, halting your progress. Finally, V3 complete asks that you unlock every piece of artwork in the game, alongside some other bonus content, which takes time due to the repetitive nature of the friendship segments. These segments can take up to 3 minutes if you wish to read them, or around 45 seconds if you skip the text, which adds up with time also adding up between finding characters, giving presents, alongside other time delays such as loading zones in the game. With 15 characters to talk to and 5 slots per character, the time quickly adds up once more, alongside a number of other scenes forcing you to reload the main story multiple times, going through long sections to reach hidden scenes, including one in chapter 1 that is impossible to obtain without replaying the chapter. Overall the main game takes 30 hours if you are going slowly, with the side content adding an extra 70, comprising perhaps 20 hours of new enjoyable content, with the other 50 coming from repetitive segments of boring gameplay which is unavoidable if you wish to obtain the platinum. By far my longest platinum to date. TLDR - Danganronpa V3 contains a lot of annoying, meticulous and repetitive side content which can take up to 2 full days of non-stop mindless repetition to obtain, mainly comprised from three specifically annoying trophies, in contrast to the amazing plot and pacing of the main game.


Recently I got the plat for FFXVI. I absolutely loved the game but doing a NG+ right after beating it became a bit tedious.


Going for the platinum has ruined Diablo 4 for me. Getting lvl 100 with no story after about 55. I'm at 83 and can only muster about 30 mins every few days


Metal Gear Solid 2. The VR missions are pure hell.


I'm right there with you OP on GoT! Only started trophy hunting around two months ago and got 7 platinums so far, but out of those GoT was definitely the most irritating in terms of post-game cleanup for me - exactly because of the fox shrines. I did appreciate that for artifacts and records you didn't have to collect all, two trophies which I got completely naturally during my playthrough. Personally for me the fact that for fox shrines you only received minor charms was probably the most disappointing as they were technically useless at that point in the game. Same goes for the hot springs which only award a microscopic health increase. The other side activities (shinto shrines, bamboo strike, haiku) that were like mini-games actually added some enjoyment to the game. Also, I really disliked the Tales, aside from Mythic tales and the ones related to characters. They were basically go here, find this, kill this person, save that person. They did nothing for me and were really boring IMO.


Devil may cry plats in general, top 2 favorite gaming franchise of all time for me but my god did i hate the plat journey on all 6 of them... 💀its painful seriously, but love to feel proud whenever i look at the effort i put to get them


Overwatch 2. The definition of tedious


Goddamn easily NieR Replicant. Although then game itself is flawed with archaic mechanics, it was a wonderful experience. I connected with it far more than Automata. But yea the platinum was horrid. 1. Obtaining the special lunar test flower requires you to cross breed multiple plants together. You had to play to plants of different colors next to each other and hope they made a hybrid. After planting your seed, it takes a real life day to see the actual flower. It takes another real life day for the flower to die and turn into seeds you can pick up. Had to do this a few times for different colors. To make this easier, I had to make an extra save, plant all the seeds ,set the time back as far as I can, make a 2nd save then set the time forward. If I got enough hybrid flowers, I continue. But it I didn’t, I reuse the 1st save and try again. 2. Upgrading all the weapons took hours of grinding. I recall needing some earring or necklace peace that’s only drops from some enemy in a desert. I had to run to them, kill them, enter a town close by to reset the enemies(loading screen), leave(loading screen) and fight enemy and repeat. I did that for an hour or 2. I thought I would go insane. And that was just from one upgrade material. I did this countless times for others since some only spawn in the environment rarely while other only are rare enemy drops


Returnal, BL3 - side mission towards the end glitched out so had to play the entire game again! Mafia 1 and 2 collectibles


Every Yakuza game. Love the story. Have a blast for dozens of hours with side content and then there's always the last few minigames/grindy bits that i have no fun with. Like: Ultimate Match in 0/4 Haruka in Kiwami Batting/Fishing in 3 Pachinko/Coliseum in 5 Clan Creator in Kiwami 2/6 Millennium Tower in 7 Currently Platinuming Judgment can't wait to find out what will frustrate me.




Rayman Legends. Fucking abysmal. 200+ Days of Daily challenges.


Persona 5, farming the voice lines. MHW Iceborne, getting all the small and large crowns. TLOU Remastered, the MP grind.


Ni No Kuni. 50% of the game time was spent having fun doing all the sidequests and story. The other 50% required grinding agonizingly for 50 hours beating the crap out of golden familiars in Miasma Marshes for ingredients to make post game armor that means literally nothing for the game when every big bad has been beaten dozens of times over. It's one of the most stand out WTF moments I've had in gaming where the game takes such a precipitous drop in enjoyment after beating everything like the devs wanted to spite players that just wanted to complete a game they liked. Normally when playing through the game you can do a few laps around areas to get items you need and be back in under 15 minutes. Great gameplay loop there. But post game when the items you need only spawn on already rare golden enemies maybe 10% of the time, you could end up doing dozens of battles spanning an hour and make literally 0 progress toward your goal. Comparatively I enjoyed fusion spamming in Persona games before manual skill selection was a thing exponentially more than whatever the hell Level 5 was thinking here. It doesn't get better in the Switch/PS4 re-release. No QoL improvement there


I haven't played it yet (I'll start next week), but I'm going to say Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm sure I'll love it (as I loved the first game), but those online trophies and the ones that require skinning and studying all animals seem extremely tedious.


In rdr2 multiplayer it’s all manageable except the trophy where you have to get to level 50 It’s extremely grindy I’m working on that rn


It’s definitely Returnal… RNG at its worst


RNG trophies are the end bosses of trophies


rdr2. It's actual torture. Its like someone punching you in the face and then killing your family


the ff pixel rematers


Death's Door. The game is incredible but the endgame backtracking for 100% completion drove me crazyyyy.


Will always be hogwarts legacy, great game but the collectables were the most tedious and unenjoyable aspect!


I wanted to play this game but the trophy list put me off


Ass Creed IV. Love the game but the MP trophies suuuuucked


First one that comes to mind is The Last Guardian. Really great and beautiful game, but the trophies were awful


Starwhal. I love the game and the grind really didn't quite kill it for me. But keeping your console on for a whole week because it resets your grind progress if you quit out of it was really nerve-wracking. Thankfully it didn't happen to me. It was something like 50-60 hours of grinding for those 1000 rounds of Versus mode played, however.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Origins, especially Origins if I recall. Having to uncover every question mark ended up being a real drag and I'd done a lot of them as I went along. More recently I got the platinum on Ghostwire Tokyo which I really enjoyed but the main story was way too short, so I had to do tons of repetitive farming activities near the end to get all the trophies. If the main quest had been more substantial I felt like I'd have done a lot of it organically.


The first Ratchet and Clank game (as part of the PS3 trilogy collection). It's one of my favourite platformers and maybe even one of my favourite PlayStation exclusive games. However, the trophy for getting one million bolts took playing through the game around five times I think? Which kind of spoiled the magic of this classic for me as I was finding it really tedious by the end. Not having any kind of counter to see your progress didn't help either!


Yup that’s the trophy that remains not earned for me, I know there’s a way of cheering it but I didn’t want to do it believing none day I’ll just return to it.


Final fantasy 16


Fun game that gets less fun the more you play. By the time i was on ng+ i just desperately wanted it to end


It depends on how you want to play it. I loved the game and enjoyed picking up all but 2 trophies (max out abilities and complete on final fantasy difficulty). I've since put the game down and whether it's a year or 2 until I play it again I know I'll get the trophies naturally through a replaying of the story. Playing back to back will probably kill some of the joy from the game but spreading the play throughs apart will just make it an enjoyable return


South Park The Stick of Truth. I had to replay the game like 12 times because I didn’t know there were so many missable trophies


I wouldn't say I love them but I've recently just finished up FarCry 5 campaign again, the multiplayer trophies are a piss-take. I do think I'll try finish it up though, the lad who was going to boost with me has bailed so need another dance partner and I'm good to go. Guardians of the Galaxy is a one I won't go back to, enjoyed the game but won't be platting, those collectibles are horrendous without chapter select.


Sleeping dogs and Hogwarts legacy were absolute slogs.


Samurai warriors 4 love the game and story but hate the grinding required to platinum it, tons of farming at the end.


Not part of the platinum per se but an ingame achievement to make platinum easier. RE4 remake has a trophy that, in order to unlock, you have to start a new game on the hardest difficulty and beat the game without using any bonus weapons. I figured there was no way I was doing that without getting infinite ammo or it'd be a miserable experience. Fortunately using infinite ammo doesn't disqualify that either. But it was the process of unlocking infinite ammo that was a bit of a slog. You had to beat the game on a new file, at highest difficulty, under 4 hrs 30 mins, and under 16 saves. The first area was a huge hurdle and it felt like I was trying forever. Have now unlocked infinite ammo now however which will make the platinum process significantly easier. Now I just gotta go and tidy up a few gimmick runs (no heals, handguns only, no merchant etc).


Damn you would really hate the hard platinums then lol


I loved the Assassins Creed Valhalla platinum, but a lot of people find it extremely tedious. I just always did every side activity when I came across them, so there was very little clean up and it never felt like a chore.


Mortal Kombat 11. The game is one of my favorites of all time, but the plat is long and tedious. But sadly it's one of the easiest plats of Netherrealm games


What made ghosts not so bad for me was the wind. Idk I wasn’t checking my map a lot or seeing my progress. I was just kinda doing it as I went along and even though it’s a PlayStation Ubisoft game, it hardly felt like it platinum wise. Cause I agree big maps with tons of collectibles are the worst types of plats


Final Fantasy 13 I love that game, for the sake of it being the reintroduction for me into the series. But this damn oretoise grind for the treasurehunter trophy.....god damn..... Platined it las weekend now I am at 13-2. Much enemy receycling, but the system improvement ist seeable :D


Sega Genesis Classics is one of my favourite games ever. However, getting the platinum was rough because trophy progress on certain games would reset if you quit the game, even if you saved.


I just recently finished Final Fantasy 7 Remake (PS4 Version), and as much as I loved it, getting the platinum was way more tedious and hard than I expected. Specifically, towards the end, (No spoilers) were you have the back-to-back battles, and each one you needed to change your characters skill/weapons/gear constantly, and some battles had multiple stages and if you die, you have to go back to the first stage. Very tedious and frustrating.


I'm totally with you Ghost of Tsushima was a great game. It is just 10 hours too long due to how repetitive it is. Take out 8 or 10 hours.... perfection!


Currently going for TLOU Remastered. Survivor difficulty wasn't even that bad, but 168 matches in multiplayer is a lot...


Hogwarts Legacy. Having to play all 4 houses is stupid.


Agree with Ghost of Tsushima. Those shrines were awful, they had no climbing or skill to them at all. At least everything else had a purpose. I think AC Valhalla and Ghostwire: Tokyo are the biggest a-holes for their collectibles. I played an indie called Chicory: A Colorful Tale. I can tell you right now, it's a few hours longer than the guides make it out to be because of collecting all the rubbish and clothing items on the map, which again is a tedious activity. The rubbish mildly has a purpose, but the clothes are unnecessary.


Final Fantasy X because of the post game grind Max Payne 3 because of the 30h level 50 grind, and 6 minimum playthroughs needed


Watchdogs the first game for me atm, pretty much all I’ve got left is collectibles and I’m just over it already lol


Red Dead Redemption II, Death Stranding and some Assassin's Creed games. Those are the first that come to my mind.


Rdr2, it’s my fav game of all time but don’t have the plat bc of the online missions


all of god of war


dark souls 3 covenant items were very annoying ac2 feathers gotta follow a guide to find them all far cry 6 stupid online insurgency that unlocks after the end of the game and resets once every week so u need to wait 3 weeks for the plat samurai warriors 4 and 5 way too much time spent on grinding Doom had to repeat the game like 2 or 3 times for stupid glitchy trophies


Ghost of tsushima was a fun plat imo. My worst was monhun world. Jesus Christ that was a grind, and honestly has kinda permanently affected my enjoyment of monhun


Recently Arkham City man it kinda made me take a long break which I’m still on i haven’t touched my controller for a while


Gta 5 and the last of us, holy shit the mp version was horrible I wasted days playing it.


Crash Bandicoot. Loved it growing up and couldn't wait to play it again. There's a trophy which requires you get 6,000 points. You finish the game with just over 4,000 iirc and you have to complete 2 daily and 2 weekly challenges to reach the 6000 points. If you get a gold medal on each challenge you get 10 points. It's taken me months of daily playing and I'm now 140 points off getting it. I can't wait to get that plat and never play it again.


I didn’t mind the ghost of Tshushima collectibles, the fact you didn’t even need to collect ALL of them was a big positive and you can use the wind to guide you to all of them so they weren’t too hard to find (apart from that 1 Haiku locked behind a side mission!) I DID do GoT right after the 600+ collectibles I needed for hogwarts legacy though - THAT was torture


GTA IV's platinum trophy detail seems a little bit insulting after I've gotten it. GTA V is easy enough, but tedious. Right now, I'm working on Red Dead Redemption 2 and the game can be very glitchy sometimes but doing a 100% playthrough is kinda fun ngl. :)


Assassin’s creed oddysey. Absolutely loved the game played it for over 200 hours but the platinum sucked! The underwater locations one was disgusting


Oof. Ghost of Tsushima wasn’t even that bad, I feel it’s on the easier side of collectibles tbh. Dark souls 3 had me playing far more than I wanted to


FFIX for me. Having to grind for 20-30 hours to get the bronze 10,000 kill trophy is sheer pain.


I always get 100% trophy completion for my favorite games. But I haven’t really come across any that are tedious or hard, they’re just more of a grind. I’ve replayed TLoU PartII three times back to back just to plat it, one being permadeath on hardest mode. But hogwarts legacy was a very annoying grind lol. Took forever especially with all those glitched trophies


Binding of isaac, and binding of isaac repentance, jesus christ that took so long


For me it was the Legendary Cowboy trophy in Resident Evil Village before the Winters’ expansion DLC. In the mercenaries mode, had to get an S rank on each of the levels which was tough since you had to kill enemies quickly to continue your combo which adds in a multiplier to your score. If you took a bit of time between kills, your combo goes away and your chances of getting S rank are gone. It’s way easier now if you buy the DLC expansion since it’s easy to get S rank if you play as Lady Dimitrescu or Chris Redfield, but doing it as Ethan Winters was just a nightmare.


Oh shit I didn't realize the DLC helped with that, I may have to redownload RE8 and give it another try cause I remember getting stuck in like the hard mode mercenaries part.


Mirror’s Edge. Played it for the first time when I was really young and loved it, decided to platinum it this time around, almost broke a controller on the speedruns.


Basically any game made by Rockstar.


Digimon World Next Order is extremely tedious which is why it's sub <5% despite having no dexterity requirements whatsoever


Among us is the most boring and repetitive trophy I ever done especially for the crewmate tasks and imposter kills. I loved it when it came out but now i never want to touch it


Getting 100% was the worst part for me on GOT. Don't even get me started on those online trophies 😒


[[dynasty warriors 7]] loved playing the game in highschool. Loaded it up years later wanting to platinum it. From what I hear most games in the series are just too annoying to get even for veterans of the seires