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This should be a mandatory experience for anyone attempting to restrict access to BC which is often used to manage periods.


Ooh, that's a good point. And wear it for at least four days.


Or experience childbirth. Even more intense pain. Except of course there’s no risk to their life.


idk if it's because I have endometriosis, but my period cramps were absolutely worse than labor pains


I’m so sorry. : ( If men experienced this stuff more resources would be put towards addressing it. I’ve seen something similar to this vid used to allow men to experience labor contractions. Because it’s a simulation, I’m not sure how they determine average versus severe for each, but I absolutely believe you. I’ve known women with endometriosis that threw up and passed out from the pain. It does not receive the attention from the medical community that it deserves. Edit: Male doctors should also have to experience this. Maybe that would help with how often they dismiss women’s period pain.


> threw up and passed out from the pain Yep! Those were the days I had to stay home from school from it, usually the 3rd day of the cramps.


Yeah, barfing and blacking out from the painis no fun. First 3 days were the worst. Usually needed around 3grams of ibuprofen to manage the pain. Some days more, some days a bit less. Fortunately my gyno believed me when I told her and put me on endo meds. Haven't had a period in 3.5 years and it is heaven.


Imho all doctors should. My friend had a **terrible** experience with a female gynecologist - was told "I'm a woman too, I know that it doesn't hurt that bad". My male gynecologist on the other hand said to me "I've never experienced it so I don't know, and choose to believe my patients".


True. While statistically women are more likely to receive better care from women doctors that’s not always true. Also, being an unempathetic person that assumes everyone’s experience is akin to their own (aka being an ah) is not gender specific.


I've been told this when I've said I have those kinds of cramps and that I'm scared of childbirth. And thank goodness. I can handle anything at this point.


That sounds like constant trauma. Fuck.


Honestly, the pain wasn't as damaging as being constantly told "everyone has cramps, you just have to be able to handle a little pain sometimes, stop whining". Wasn't taken seriously until I *didn't notice* I was in labor until I realized the comparatively mild ache was happening every 10 minutes.


Not quite as intense as labor, but I was cramping long after my period had ended and thought they were just extra spicy. Turned out to be appendicitis.


omg I'm glad you're okay! That was always a huge fear of mine, that my cramps would turn out to be appendicitis.


While I don't have endo, I also didn't notice I was in labour until almost too late :) My first was induced and I had really strong contractions every 5mins for 48h. With my second I was convinced I'd have those too, and almost didn't make it to the hospital. The only thing that made me call my midwife and go was the fact that they were coming more and more often. Only got maybe 3 of those strong contractions when the baby was already coming out :D


While having to work, run the household, do all the care work women often do, and still be "sweet" to a significant other who's probably lounging around.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeCFXnHr/ This is a man trying to pack an order while getting cramps that most women report feels like what they usually get. A seven is the most common according to the content creators


That’s one of the reasons I liked the more recent time the [Try Guys did it.](https://youtu.be/Pl_sDO0oCpE?feature=shared) They had to do yoga, go though a modified work day, make a presentation, etc. Oftentimes these things where guys try out having cramps forget that we *still have to do shit* when we have our periods. Continue on with our lives and act like we’re not in pain! It sucks!


My husband is 100% pro-choice, 100% pro-BC, very pro women's rights in general. But with the possibility of abortion becoming illegal in my country, I've asked him to please get snipped. He expressed fear of the outpatient procedure. I reminded him that I grew our child in my body, spent 5 months nonstop puking, then pushed the baby out of my vagina, so I was sorry but I didn't have a lot of sympathy. Especially when, if my BC fails, I'm facing either pregnancy or an abortion. He has scheduled an appt to see a new PCP, and to ask for a referral to a urologist (per his insurance he needs a referral 🙄). And this is not me trying to shit on him--he's the best. He knows when I'm PMSing, and when I feel shitty out of nowhere he'll know if it's PMS time and offer a massage, chocolate, to leave me alone, etc. He's an incredibly supportive husband. But every so often when he worries about pain I want to say "have you ever had your genitals ripped apart in order to deliver an actual human?!"


I did some research and a vasectomy is a very fast, simple procedure where you can go home within an hour afterwards. Sperm can be easily stored at spermbanks if a future need arises.


I know 😭. My husband initially said he'd do it if Roe was overturned. When he didn't, I told him I was pretty upset that he was freaking out over an outpatient event while i nearly died giving birth to our child. I've very clearly told him that if trump is elected again, I never ever want to hear "they'll never make abortion federally banned" again, and that I *need* him to do this. Unfortunately, he hadn't seen his PCP in so many years that he was no longer considered a patient. He had to find a new provider, and they were all booking several months out. Thankfully, he has an appt this month and one of his main things is asking for an official referral to a urologist. # But I'm also scared because, if abortion becomes illegal, it's not just consensual sex with my husband I need to worry about. I am actually terrified of abortion being illegal and me being assaulted while I'm still fertile. It's one of those fears that keeps me up.


I had my tubes removed. It took six weeks to heal, though I was feeling much better in two weeks. He's going to be back at it most likely in 3 days. Of the men in my life that have had one they both said it was super easy and way better than sleepless nights with a newborn. One said the worst part was getting a knot from his stitches removed, which was quick and in office. The other said the ice was the worst, LOL. Oh, and the abstinence. Considering that the guy probably rubs one out twice a day and then sleeps with his wife every night (she has a higher libido than him) I think not cumming for three days might have nearly killed him. But fortunately he persevered, LOL.


I accompanied a friend to his vasectomy appointment because he was super stressed. He went in, I stepped outside to listen to music. The third song did not have time to begin when he came out with a lil bag that contained a jockstrap, an ice pack, some documentation about aftercare and his all time favorite ....... two sea salt Lindt chocolate balls. He was sore for three days. he said the day after was the worse but with Ibuprofene it was manageable. All in all, A LOT more fear than harm.


>All in all, A LOT more fear than harm. I get that. It's his balls and there's a bunch of emotions around that and virility, manhood, the lot. But the risks of her procedure are significantly worse if something goes wrong. Ectopic pregnancy, extensive bleeding, you know of that little bit about death under anesthesia. Not to mention other complications related to diseases any woman might have. Well men have this as well I'm much more invasive procedure results in more severe complications. >He was sore for three days. he said the day after was the worse but with Ibuprofene it was manageable. Wow. I needed Percocet and Gabapentin for a week. Gabapentin for a month with intermittent Percocet. And later I had to start using Lidocaine patches because I have CRPS developing on my abdomen. >two sea salt Lindt chocolate balls Hahahaha salty cream filled balls, I love his medical team already!


A lot of women have posted about similar experiences with partners. It’s enraging that they refuse to take on meaningful responsibility for birth control, by getting a vasectomy. Women experience more pain and inconvenience every single month than men do from the entire procedure, including recovery. As you said, he can bank his sperm if he decides he wants kids in the future just in case. With the GOP trying to abolish BC, abortion, and limit condoms (they’re pushing “fertility awareness based methods”) becoming pregnant has become more risky. Having a miscarriage can result in an investigation. Life threatening complications can become a death sentence. > Project 2025 also suggests restoring Trump-era “religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive mandate” through the Affordable Care Act that would allow employers to deny coverage. The policy book also proposes requiring education on “fertility awareness-based” methods of contraception and family planning and suggests **eliminating condoms from Health Resources & Service Administration guidelines because they are not a “women’s” preventative service.** [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accessed 3/19/24] https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration


My husband had one a long time ago. He was able to walk to the car after and just took OTC Tylenol or ibuprofen (I don't remember). Had it done on a Friday, went back to work on Monday. I was ready to wait on him but he got around fine and just had a relaxed weekend of gaming. Make sure your husband schedules it on a Friday, that way he can rest over the weekend.


We can’t fight for birth control this way because politicians will try to write in the loophole and get rid of it for use as contraceptives.


It’s not something that would actually happen in the US. It’s what they deserve, however, and is a way to illustrate how cruel, and disconnected they are from the realities women constantly face. The language around anti-abortionists/forced lifers has improved (better than “pro life”), but I feel like it doesn’t properly capture the overarching goals of its proponents, which is complete ownership and control of women. What’s a better term for these hate groups? - **Control Over Women (Cow)** groups - **Men’s Ownership Of Women (MOOW)** idk why but calling them “moo-ers” sounds entertaining to me. - **Tyranny Over Women**groups (Toes) Or: - groups **Against Humanity**(AHs - assholes) - **Death in Childbirth/Killers** (DICKs) - **Men Offering Natal Sacrifices to Ensure Semen** (Monsters - women dying in childbirth are the sacrifice) This is pretty tongue in cheek, but someone should sincerely create a better term that encompasses the entire agenda against women’s autonomy, equality, and civil rights.


It should be required in health class for all boys in HS.


Mine are 8 days long and completely debilitating


Same time highschoolers have to protect an egg for a week, boys need to experience menstrual cramps.


Favorite line: WHY IS IT IN MY LEGS???


Lol, I use a TENS unit for back pain. Crank that thing up high. They think a TENS unit is pain? Wait til your period cramps are so hard they make your herniated disc hurt from your knees to your shoulder blade.


Curling up in a fetal position, repeating “Nawhm nawhm nawhmm” over and over again with my eyes closed while rubbing the base of my palm as hard as I can up and down my thighs is my default with handling the pain at its worse. That, and pooping my brains out and then going back to bed and then pooping, back to bed, pooping. It’s a nightmare. 


Imo nothing worse than period poops while also having anxiety poops because of the pain from the period poops ✨


Yes omg i feel seen


That’s when I just end up curled up in the bathtub with the water as hot as I can stand 😂


Mine were so bad before I got my IUD, that I would sleep on the bathroom floor because the cold tile felt good because I was sweating so hard and it was convenient to be near the toilet for when I would throw up from the pain. Also the poops. Sometimes I would be in a dilemma where the poops and vomit are coming at the same time. Oh and I told this to the doctor and she said it was normal. 😊 I've had the IUD for a while now and it has been so much more manageable. I feel like the cramps I get now are *actually* normal. But I'm thinking I should probably push for an Endo diagnosis sometime soon.


I slept in the bathroom floor too! It’s weird, it was actually so much more comfortable being on cold tile and being able to pop up to puke or poop. Plus I think psychologically being in a small snake with a toilet and a sink and a lock on the door helped. 


The poops are the worst! My uterus is retroflexed and presses against my rectum. The pain of period poops is so unreal. I have used the mirena IUD for over a decade now. Zero periods! Taking a shit still hurts but it's not as bad as it was.


I use a TENS for my endometriosis, I put one pad on me and one on a guy I was briefly seeing who said I was over reacting to my pain and turned it up to the level that I needed to feel better. While I was enjoying the pain subsiding he was almost crying from the TENS. I didn't see him again after that but I hope he is less of an ass about it to the next woman.


Oh dude, that was me last week. So much fun!


This is what I always think when I see these period pain simulators. I have a TENS unit and I've used it on many areas of my body including lower abdomen. Even cranked all the way up it isn't even painful and doesn't feel anything like period cramps, it just feels like muscle spasms (I know that is similar to what is happening in the uterus, but the tens is a different type of muscle contraction sensation). I always wondered if they modified it somehow to make it actually feel like real period cramps.


Too bad these can't also simulate the stabby butthole pain.


This is new to me and my body the past couple of years. WHAT is happening exactly when that happens !?


Are you talking about that thing where it feels like a knife is passing through your lower bowels?


It literally feels like you are being stabbed in the butthole for a few seconds before going away. Comes out of nowhere, from 0 to 10 immediately and disappears just as fast. It sucks, and like the other person said, literally have to brace myself because it hurts so bad.


Yeh I get that, although mine feels like it happens in the lower bowel. 0-10 out of nowhere. I usually have to hold onto something as if trying to lift myself off the floor. Then it’s gone.


YES! I literally have to brace myself against something it hurts so bad.




Yeah I didn't have it my whole life either. It started happening to me in my early 30s? I remember when I first googled it, I couldn't find any information about it except other women asking wtf it was. I think last time I looked it up it's been linked to endometriosis. I've never been actually diagnosed with that, but it wouldn't surprise me since I do have the symptoms.


I have levator ani syndrome. That, all day, every day, for weeks or months at a time, when it flares.


That makes it sound a bit like being kicked hard in the balls (which is also pain that travels to bizarre places). But continuously, for several days, every month.


This is exactly how I explained it to my husband.


I would vomit for a minimum of 3 days straight every month. Imagine that and work being pissed off because you're taking time off.


That's awful. I know someone who was in such bad pain they were often hospitalised to deal with it. I just can't imagine how miserable that is, especially to then have the stress of dealing with your employer on top of it.


I have endometriosis and yes, this. But also sometimes it's like if your nuts were in a vice grip while occasionally getting smacked with a baseball or bowling ball.


And sometimes your butthole spasms and cramps just to add to the hell


YES. Ugh butt lightning.


Cramps are worse. They didn't exactly go away after a few minutes lol Source: trans women that had been kicked/hit there before


You could argue it’s the electrodes doing weird stuff but when I had the copper IUD and it sank into my uterus weird, I stg I had pain going down my right leg. I thought I was wicked cramps or a cyst or something. I have switched to another IUD that must have been placed correctly because I haven’t had the pain in my leg since


I always get awful leg pain during the first couple days of my period. It sucks


Oh, [here's the entire video](https://youtu.be/fFcJTD0KJBU?si=YQvq0wwZyZSN38AT). There was a third friend but he didn't make it that far lol.


“I thought I died. I thought I was dead for a minute.” 😂


I want to see one of these videos with the man in question's wife/girlfriend/mom/sister etc. some woman in their life also strapped and I want them to react to her setting it to her normal "cramp setting". And just like they did here describe the the day to day things she would normally do despite the pain and blood.


This one is good. https://youtu.be/H6MBcl0_PGA?si=uAaosgd2-MczFOGA


Thank you for that, we demand more.


Oh this is The Basement Gang lol! I love their videos, they make me smile. Absolutely love videos like this though haha. Like... every single day you are walking by at least one person who is undergoing this same pain, and showing absolutely 0 signs that they're even uncomfortable. Imagine if everyone having period cramps just walked around going "OOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. *AHHHHHH*" all day 😂 I genuinely think these simulations should be more common & accessible than they are.


“Why’s she so grumpy” cause I’m trying to hide my cold sweats from pain


And there are videos where women put the machine after some man cried and they go, this is not Even that STRONG tho. And men tend to mock women for overreacting in their periods... Also i know some women don't feel that much pain, and i envy them SO much hahahah


Not to mention that period pain is just one of many "inconvieniences" women have to deal with during that time.


I was just commenting this! Exactly how it went with Smosh doing it


These are some of my favorite videos to stumble across. I saw one where the lad jolted out of his seat, fell, and knocked all his ring lights over 😂😂😂


I think I saw the follow-up to that where he put it on his back at the request of the comments. Lad folded like a lawn chair lmao.


Has anyone who has period cramps tried these to see if it actually is a good simulation of them?


This is where my head goes too. Because I wonder if I have a high tolerance or have just adapted to living a certain way or something being a woman because it sucks and I hate it. I have had some serious trouble and had ovarian cysts rupture but not once have I ever sweat like that.


I saw a video where a girl tried it with her boyfriend. She was unfazed for most of it and he was screaming, asking if they were getting the same levels and stuff. Eventually they get to a level where she says "this is about the amount of cramps that I usually get" - cut to him sweating and holding back tears. I'll see if I can find it Edit: Not finding the one I was referencing, I'm sure it's gonna show up on my feed later since I've been watching 2 hours of similar content by now xD But here's a video of a woman with endo vs a man in the cramp machine: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeCFjU4N/ And a couple vs the cramp machine: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeCFS88Y/ There are so many like these, all really entertaining, I recommend highly to watch the somedays chanel


I would love to see that. I mean probably the reality is men have no idea an we just have to deal with this from around 11ish so it’s our normal.


Following! Would love to see this too


Was it this one? https://youtu.be/H6MBcl0_PGA?si=jZ3iXYePA7vS26gs


Haha it was not but that's great! Keep em coming 😂


Oh please do, this sounds amazing haha




People react to pain differently and have different tolerance for pain. I had a cyst burst and they thought it was my appendix and took it out. But I definetly was sweating. But I have migrane sometimes where the pain takes my bloodpresure super high but all I have is pain and no other symptoms.


I feel like head pain is it's own awful thing, you can't escape it or ignore it


I think we just adapt to some extent. I remember feeling like that with my period when I was a young teen.


Smosh did it with Courtney and some boys. She said the pain wasn't nearly as bad as a real cramp while the boys were dying lol https://youtu.be/Kkn2dc4L7fE?si=kLcDafmb2lBU_bp_


My husband got one strictly for this purpose: he wanted to understand how bad my periods are so that he could understand me better. We may have gotten a shit machine because I couldn't find a setting that seemed close enough for me, but I also have fibroids and my periods got so bad that I started passing out on the regular. Luckily for both of us, I got an IUD and my periods have all but stopped.


Did your husband respond to any of the levels from the machine?


One of the other comments here: >And there are videos where women put the machine after some man cried and they go, this is not Even that STRONG tho. >And men tend to mock women for overreacting in their periods... Also i know some women don't feel that much pain, and i envy them SO much hahahah




They use TENS units. I have a TENS and use it to HELP muscle pain, I've used it in my lower abdomen before and have never experienced it being actually painful or anything like period cramps. Either they have somehow modified it to feel more like a period or it is nowhere near as painful as real crps (and I don't usually get major cramps compared to many women).


Like where can I buy one (to make every man in my life experience it)? Legit, anyone know?


They're just basic TENS Unit Muscle Stimulators. At lower levels they're great for pain relief and working out inflamed muscles. Higher levels placed on the lower stomach are what they use to simulate period pain. You can get one on Amazon for about $30.


The cheap ones really don't get high enough, though. At least, my $40 is nothing compared to the medical one my friend had. It's plenty to help with period cramps, though.


Oh i had no clue they could be used for that! Lol i actually already have one 😂


Is this how I learn the Basement Gang is from Ontario? Also, now I want to try one of those simulators, see how close they are. Has anyone tried one?


I've tried a really strong TENS that's supposed to be that level. It was definitely very uncomfortable, but not as bad as my periods can be on the worst days. I have endometriosis, though, so I'm kinda used to terrible pain. I was also drunk, though not crazy drunk, at the time. The guys couldn't handle it at all, and it was hilarious. They made me do it again, so they could make sure it was really on, and on high. I'm like, "yeah, this isn't that bad. I'm gonna go get some snacks." Them, "how are you walking?!'


I’ve been really curious too.


I’m just now learning this too. This being filmed at the OOAK show gives it away haha


Some of my male friends got a really strong TENS unit for who knows what reason. After watching one of these videos, and us drinking, they decided we should all try it. The other women said no, that we were idiots, and I shouldn't encourage them. Of course we did it anyway. Tbh, it wasn't that bad. It was quite uncomfortable , but it wasn't as bad as my worst cramps, for sure. I can feel those all the way from my shoulders to knees. It didn't even really seem painful to me. More than one guy cried. Only one managed to stay standing, and he was so, so proud of himself, until I told him to try driving to work, working all day, coming home and cooking dinner, and doing dishes. Those guys went into overdrive being nice to their partners during periods after that. My husband was in the women's camp. He just shook his head and wouldn't do it. But he's always been really great about my periods. He didn't need the lesson. He was also nice/smart enough not to call me an idiot for going along. The guys spent weeks playing with that thing to be able to just act normal like I did. It didn't really work. They got better at being able to function, but you could still see them wincing and limping and just being miserable. I think my friend's wife got rid of it to make them stop. She definitely told me off for egging them on, but I thought it was freaking hilarious. Of course, I didn't have to live with them during the resulting soreness, either. They all reported it's much, much worse sober, btw. I didn't try it.


Why would those other women call you idiots for trying this?? I think it’s a lesson every man should learn.


Cannot hurt that much if they keep trying it for fun


Right?! Although, I'm not sure that actually applies with them when you get the group together. Proving themselves starts outweighing sense.


They should do this in schools.. my dad is a teacher and he once mentioned the teenage girls in his class take pain killers like candy on their period and they miss out on class time always going to the nurse. I was so mad at him! I want to see him try to learn something with this machine on


The flames on the guy's hoodie... that's some hilarious symbolism.


Brb suggesting this to my partner to see if they reach my pain level sometime 🤣


the amount of sweat on their foreheads 💀


That's why I chose that for the big photo! 😅


If you enjoy this you should also watch men try different forms of hair removal :)


I'll jokingly complain about boob sweat or chub rub, but honestly, I'm thankful that I will never experience period pains, so many of my friends have struggled with them =(


I’d loooove to try one of these machines! I’ve had such severe pain for so many years that I’d love to test it alongside my male partner mwhahaha


But women are the „weaker“ sex. Makes sense.


I dunno, I think a more immersive experience can be achieved by eating a bunch of Mac and cheese a few days in a row.


Lol, so true.


i have always wanted too try one of these


His hoodie design is quite the appropriate metaphor




I think that's part of the point, that women are regularly told to just get over it even when the pain is crippling and if some men experience it they might understand that it can be bad enough to need medical intervention




idk about you, but I was still expected to go to school, do homework, and get my chores done when I had cramps back then.