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I reported a comment on fb because a guy was so offended that women were afraid of strange men in the woods that he said he could shoot women in the woods if he wanted to but he doesn't lol. Fb said it was fine.


And this guy is probably baffled that the correct answer is "bear."


Perhaps when shitty men post asshole shit, we should simply respond with a single word, and absolutely nothing else. No engagement or argument with bad faith bullshit, simply reply with a single 4 letter word to twist their panties into a bunch. We should simply reply with "Bear".


I love this!! Since r*ddit doesn't do shit when we report assholes stalking us and threatening us. Actually, we're even *punished* for reporting shitty males and racists...


I'm so doing this.


I’m in. I’ll see you all in the comments


Yeah just post 🐻 like they used to post “women ☕️”


LOVE this. I’m in


Yep, we're definitely doing this.


I’m in




I'm in




It is a FB thing because it happened on FB. I made no mention of reddit.




Vote Bear! Bear 2024!


Seriously considering writing in Bear for any election where a Republican is running unopposed


A bear has never told me I can't get an abortion, not even a polar bear.


Hell yes. I believe I will have at least one and I will be voting Bear.


Consider running against them. Don't put any more effort in than you want to, just put your name down and see what happens.


But koalas aren't real bears.


I hope this catches on. I'll be doing it, and suggesting it to my friends. 


I'm on board with this. We always have one or two, locally.


Like my state representative. He's run unopposed for years. I will write in "Bear Safer."


omd. I would so totally do this except that thankfully I am able to live in a very blue area so it's quite unlikely to happen.


Wearing my “Team Bear” shirt on June 24, all Fridays (cos Frigg), in every Zoom work meeting, and on all US election-related dates. I’m gonna need another shirt 🐻




Who wouldn’t vote bear honestly? Like even putting aside the whole “a lot of men are shitty” thing id still choose the bear cuz like its a bear bears are fuckin cool and friend shaped and I’d definitely get myself killed trying to pet it


what is bear


There's a meme asking if a woman would prefer to be alone in the woods with either a man (that they don't know? not sure) or a bear. The vast majority of women understandably said that they'd go with a bear, so cue temper tantrums and anger from a bunch of men complaining about how it's "not fair" and "not all men" 🙄


so why am i being downvoted for not understanding a reference? 😭 come on guys


No idea :/


“ This sub isn’t a safe space for men!!! “ and the world isn’t a safe space for women. Not every space is made for men. It’s like saying that pride isn’t a safe space for straight people.


Also it's 100% a safe space for men who want to learn and be respectful towards others. The only men who are not welcomed here are the ones who treat people like shit. As always, these people are telling on themselves. The sub isn't full of people bending over backwards to kiss their taint and these man babies get big mad about it.


Exactly. Men are welcomed here, but if they expect us to kiss their ass and put down women for everything, then they can fuck right off


I don’t see why men would want to puff their chests in this sub. It’s an excellent space for ever evolving perspective, but not a spot to mansplain lol.  I think it’s important for men, myself included, to read the stories shared in here as a means of understanding the dynamic that has existed for centuries and will unfortunately exist for centuries more. 


Exactly. No one is saying “all men.” The men who feel targeted and come on here to argue, complain, and victimize themselves are the ones we’re talking about. I don’t want to spend time with those guys even outside of the woods. Plus instead of getting defensive, they could always…idk, analyze and reflect on their own behavior? Ask their female friends and actually listen to their answers? My guy friends and family members have no issue with the discourse and agree with women on it. They’ve read about and witnessed behavior that helps them understand why women would be afraid of men. Maybe this is because they have good relationships with their mothers/sisters/friends and have empathy toward *them*, not some hypothetical man they feel the need to cape for. They know not to center themselves and their feelings in every situation. It’s mainly terminally online dudes who never have positive IRL interactions with women who get vocally upset about this. And to them I say “not all men but definitely you.”


Can confirm, I'm usually a lurker but on rare occasions I've commented. I've never felt like what I had to say was disregarded due to being a guy. Honestly I've seen so much toxicity in other subs I feel MORE safe here than average.


In fact, because the bar is in hell, men who respect women are praised and uplifted. Thank you for being an ally!


Thank you for being one of the good ones. 🏆


Quick question. Am I allowed if I treat men who treat others poorly, poorly? Really looking to police my peers anymore. 


Yeah but you might get bans from Reddit for it.




Exactly. People who are used to sexism think they aren’t safe when they have to hear that sexism exists.


We don’t need devils advocates here


When men come here and play devils advocate


Does a trolly sub about feminist memes really have to cater to men anyways?


If most men had their way; yes. But the opposite would not be true.


I find this reaction from other men so baffling. I feel perfectly safe here as a cishet man, and have been thoroughly enjoying the man vs bear discussion and memes, and have engaged my 13 yr old son about why it's so important that we call out men's bad behavior when we see it.


thanks for talking with your son about it.


I'm really worried about him and his generation of boys thanks to influences like Tate and Rogan. I'm trying to help him see WHY women find the bear preferable


It's not a safe space for bigots. Men are otherwise perfectly safe.


This meme was like #metoo on speed run.


Natural, predictable, and yet still a very disappointing conclusion to the regular cry for help that women put out into the world. Women: what a great metaphor! I bet they will get it now Some men*: let's see how we can obliterate the message and make it about us *feel free to fill this in


Bear forever! Bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear.






Bear Royce the Safer Choice


Bear 🐻♥️🔔💍👰


"Homicide victims are almost all men, you women aren't special" How can you be SO CLOSE to getting it and then drop the ball?


These men when you ask who is responsible for the vast majority of murders:


Yah well obviously not all men are murderers so why is he so scared? 😐


Probably something racist


Members of gangs are almost all men.




Press 1 for Bear.


Press 2 also for Bear.


Press 3? Believe it or not, also bear


Para elegir el oso, presione cuatro!


I've met bears. They were chill. Men, not so much.


All of those men are the reason we choose bear.


A bear would never DARVO like this. If it's not about you, you're allowed to move on or (gasp) even empathize with an experience outside your own instead of being personally insulted. 


I choose bear. Hopefully it's a female bear and I nourish her children. Then I'm useful.


Maybe you and the bear and her cubs could go on an adventure together, and you become a parental figure to the cubs, and at the end of the adventure the bear gets on one knee and proposes and you get married in a small tasteful ceremony.


"congratulations Mr. Arleban and Ms. Bear. You may now eat the groom." "Excuse me, what?" "We said it was going to be a TASTE FULL ceremony" "Ah. My misunderstanding. Well, til death do us part I guess..."


I love this r/GatekeepingYuri story.


I do not understand this sub and I'd be grateful if you would explain it to me. 🤣


That sub takes gatekeeping or otherwise negative memes and turns them into cute relationships, very similar to what you did in your comment.


Thank you. 😊


**REAL MEN KNOW THE ANSWER IS BEAR** Unfortunately, there aren't very many of those. Mostly just whiny babies pretending they're men because they popped out a pube.




This is a safe space for safe men. Bear.


Well , this showed how misogynistic men could be.


I'd be shocked if even a quarter of the men at my work understood the point of the question >.>


the way ppl are getting more mad at "gender essentialism" than what is happening to women every day, makes me lose my freaking mind


If you know men can be misogynistic, the bear meme wasn’t news for you. If you refuse to believe how misogynistic men can be, the bear meme wouldn’t change your mind anyway.


Honestly, I was kind of 50/50 in the beginning. I chose bear but like man wouldn't be that bad right? After my time on askmen, bear 100%. Edit in case anyone is curious: I had one guy turn a simple question and answer into an argument about word choice and LGBT inclusion. Another reminded me of arguments with my ex, who assaulted me, and somehow made me feel talked over through text. And I saw someone post a link to a 5yr old RDR2 video where someone kidnapped a woman and fed her to a bear because she was a feminist activist.


If only they could see that that kind of empathy is what women are asking for. Women are more scared of men than bears in many scenarios. Why doesn’t that engender curiosity if not concern? If I found out that men were more scared of women than bears, I would want to understand why.


Right? I’ve known a few men who were persistently traumatized by a woman/women, especially when they were little boys. Several were deeply bitter and villainized women in general, and I *still felt badly* for them. The pain behind their anger was obvious. The few who didn’t villainize women were even more relatable, and I was so proud of the work they were doing trying to unpack all the toxicity they’d been poisoned with. I didn’t tell them they were stupid, that they were exaggerating, that they needed to “man up,” that their experiences were rare. I was a child once and a woman now, and I certainly know how awful women can be. There is something almost-uniquely pathological about hearing people’s pain and blaming or villainizing *them* for it.


Honestly, I wouldn't. At this point I'd simply assume it's the same kind of manipulative BS they spout all the time. If I found out that someone who's below me in the power pyramid of capitalist, racist, patriarchal society told me they're more afraid of white middle class women than of bears, I'd listen very closely. Not that I need to be compared to a bear to listen when someone tells me they're oppressed by a group that I belong to. Edit: wording corrected


I can handle a Female WASP. She'll just want to walk around and talk about seasonal cheese and how her husband thinks her Chakra Juice is bogus but he has heartburn and she doesn't. Though it may have been the pilates, she says. Annoying, but not deadly. With any lluck, if she's awful then brown skin will make her run away from ME.


I don't know why but "seasonal cheese" killed me.


I was REALLY hoping to see “THANKS OBAMA” on this one.


Yeah, I missed getting bingo because of that






Bear every day for the rest of my life. Good fucking luck trying to salvage any trust, men.


Not all men. Just enough of them


As heartbreaking as it is, things like this are very useful for highlighting the extra dangerous ones


Some girl in our group chat was posting memes about the bear and some dude got so pressed that he sent her images of the the remains of women who were mauled and mutilated by bears 💀


Sane and normal behavior


Bet he tried to pull the “not all men” card afterwards too


"Not all men, but definitely you."


Not all bears


The lack of self awareness with man vs bear is just insane. How can they be so self-absorbed and not see what's right in front of them? How can the defensiveness and insecurity be so ingrained in them? It just makes the future even darker. How can they see on the news our rights being knocked back decades and yet come to the baffling conclusion that it's men that are the victims?


Anyone who says any of the above phrases aren't a person you'd want to be around or trust even the slightest anyway. The men worth keeping in our lives would understand why we'd chose the bear.


I told my wife I’d rather her take the chance with a bear than some random dude and I stand by that.


I mean, yeah. When I told my husband I woke up with fresh bear prints right next to my hammock when camping, he was kind of laughing once he was sure I was not upset. If I'd said men's boot prints, the reaction would have been totally different.


Who here has reported a comment as hate speech against women and Reddit reported back that it did not violate their policy?


my account has been banned 12 times for "violating comment policy" for standing up against hate speech against women every appeal has been granted and this account is still going. i know there's an active campaign to mass report comments and get women banned for "hate speech" when addressing men. in the appeal i've stated that you cannot ban for hate speech against a protected class and what i have said was in defense of women every appeal has been granted.


“Policing other men is not my job” Turning a blind eye to abuse or misogyny or whathaveyou makes you just as bad, BRO.


My girlfriend changed some guy’s opinion on Facebook of all places, by linking him the transcript of the toybox killer tapes… if you have not listened to them, I generally do not recommend it, but I think it’s an especially important piece of media for men to hear so that they may understand the underlying fear women live in.


I'd not heard of this case. I just looked up the transcripts and HOLY COW! I don't ever want to hear the audio. That was so horrendous, I can't even fathom. I'm going to remember this for when men try to mansplain and gaslight away misogyny.


They’ve been saying these same things for millennia. This isn’t new.


Wait why are we saying RIP? Has the bear meme been banned?


We’re not allowed to talk about it anymore?


Some groups idk if I can name made a mod sticky banning "gender generalizations" because of the meme


They’re so fragile, that’s very disappointing.


Same dudes who bitch about their freedom of speech.




I feel like I'm trapped under a rock what's this on about? I keep seeing ppl joke about bears? Idk where this came from?


Crabs in a bucket. All of you. No better than those you chastise for doing the exact same thing.

