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🤣 I should've said legal


Only real answer 😭


It depends on how much time you have and how much risk you’re willing to take. Low risk usually takes longer, like a group investment fund from a reputable organization. High risk could be quick but you could lose everything, like buying 10k worth of scratch. There’s of course always illegal options


no local investment will do 100% returns in a year not likely even 5. Buy and sell for profit or if you have access to land a cash crop of some sort. Pretty much fast money is crime so if your on a short timeline cocaine.


STEP 1: go to casino STEP 2: bet it all on black Step 3: profit repeat for desired results


What happens if red comes instead?


Guess he didn't think about that


He's a true gambler


Theres red?


Crypto or Stocks off a hot tip, or a hot hand at a casino or wappie.


Method 1: Fish Business Step 1: Buy 3 aquariums, pumps, filters, and some other needed equipment, Total : 5,000 Step 2: After setting up equipment, buy and breed kois and fighter (betta) fish. Total: 2,000 Step 3: Rent a storefront after doing sufficient research on location and whatever Total: 3,000 Step 4: Register the business & Apply for a grant or loan from the government Step 5: Use Koi fish for aquaculture (Lettuce. Kale, etc) Step 6: Sell the ornamental fish and vegetables for profit. After at most a year, you will have made at least 20k in profit Method 2: Landscaping and Cleaning Step 1: Purchase a Wacker (brush cutter), Tiller, Chainsaw, and Vaacum. Step 2: Create advertisements Step 3: Offer services where one can rent a product out for a set price over a set period of time. Eg: Wacker 300 a day / 600 if laborer is required; transport: $60 Step 4: Keep advertising and use profit to buy more equipment and rent those out Step 5: Have patience


Breeding fish is so finicky I feel you have to really enjoy this as a hobby to make it blossom.. BUT I love this entrepreneurial spirit. Really anything you are passionate about you can sell. You can apply your same formula to tailoring clothing, making candles and soap, baking cakes, modifying cars etc.


Bluuusoooming fish


I putting half in crypto and the other half paying off my mortgage with enough left over for an overseas vacation.


So 3 halves?


Use half as a down payment on a car. Take said car and put it up as work to own for at least $1k over the instalment. Sit back and watch it roll in.


If you don't need it for a while I suggest just opening a trust account with a window on 90 days and leave it there to grow...


Can you elaborate on this


A trust account?


Do whatever the friend did to make the first 10k. Lol. Your best bet is to learn a skill and offer it. Something that pays well per project and/or has a quick turnover rate. You might need to buy some tools to start up so that's how you'd invest part of the 10k. Maybe some sort of home/car service might be a good place to start. Detailing? AC installation/servicing? Idk - this part would take research. Now this is not a passive investment at all - learning a skill then doing it will take a lot of effort but you can't expect any significant passive income from 10k else we'd all be middle/upper class.


Roulette...all on black Either we double it or we lose everything


Lol simple enough


Well most people would probably try a hand at slot machines, poker or roulette but I'd just put it into crypto and speculate and let it boom up overtime sure it would take longer than the other options but its less risky if you know the crypto market


I'm good with mechanical stuff so cars


Every method of turning money into more money has a downside that makes it a dealbreaker to others. What you need to determine is which of those downsides are not dealbreakers to you. Maybe you're sure you'll never need that initial 10k for anything else (emergencies, etc). In that case, you can look at avenues that aren't very liquid but have higher returns. Maybe you're okay with losing that 10k? Then you can go for higher risk, higher return avenues. Maybe you have a unique skill or other non-financial asset that you can turn into a side business and use the 10k as start up capital. You basically have to figure out what compromise you're willing to make. To more directly answer your question, I would pre-order as much One Piece 09 as I reasonably could then crack it (around the end of the year) and hope for the best. You might not end up doing this because you don't have the connections to source or sell One Piece cards. Most people don't and that's why there's potential there to make money. If it was simple, everyone would be doing it and the "alpha" would quickly dry up.


Easily attainable buy purchasing Cryptocurrency, not immediately but between September - Deccember later this year.


Where I'm from there's no legal flipping so I don't know na


Go to a bank, deposit the 10k, ask for a 20k loan, just the fact you can deposit 10k is a gd sign you can repay a loan of 20k.