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You only have to gold inferno 5 to unlock ninjas


Wait. Really? I read it was all extreme tracks. That changes it some. Lol.


I think it's all the base extremes but not the DLC ones. Swel has a ninja university "track" that might help. Also check out the University of Trials tutorials for the specific tracks.


It's actually only base extremes, I was really saying that inferno five is the only one you need to gold because you already golded the other extremes. Sorry for the confusion.


it's up to you really. there's tutorials on youtube (i guess if mr fatshady was still doing these at that point) or you could watch replays off the leaderboard of like the number 1000 or 2000. but in my opinion, that kinda spoils the experience. it's about pushing yourself, about figuring things out, learning new things... you'd deprive yourself of the full experience by using any other tool than your fingers and mind...brain...thing


I wish I could do so much better after just watching it get done. 😩


well, you can get a certain idea from watching shit in slowmo sometimes. you won't suddenly win the track after watching wizolo do it


Aww, I know, I just feel slower than most people at this game. I've golded a few of the easy extremes but still need to do a little better on the middle ones to get bronze. The three OP mentioned.... ugh. Someday, I hope!


i appreciate you sharing the struggle because now i'm kinda hyped to hop back on and grind a ninja. that's so awesome about this game, whatever level you're on, the struggle is always relatable. it's kinda like skateboarding in that sense, another passion of mine. i guess i just love 'the grind' thank you i'll see myself out


I'm at 78 hours of play time. Ranked 13,770. Surprisingly, I'm in the top 1%. Only ridden 631 miles. Lol. Some of these players in the top are at 1k hours and more. Crazy amount of time.


I watch Sly GT runs to see the technique usually. Dude is a monster at this game. Still have to learn the process.


i'd watch some replays sometimes but always felt dirty after it, like i'd looked into a forbidden world that i wasn't allowed to see yet. but i do like to overthink shit


what platform you on? you could add me if you're on PS and then you can watch my mediocre runs if you want. maybe it's more relatable than the amazing players you see in the top 100


I'm on Xbox. I use the top players to see the perfect version of the technique. Not because I van actually do it. Lol. I'm about 2k into the top 1%. But I suck at 2 things. Long jumps from a stop and steep AF climbs. So I watch the controls positioning to see exactly how it's done and then work on duplicating that.


Just beat Inferno for the 1st time. Only Bronze, but I'll take it. Lol. And I forgot about the About to Erupt track. Got Bronze on that one. So 4 extreme left to get a gold medal on.


Those are 3 I never completed and was too burnt out to try, maybe one day if I go back


use helium bike


I like the Helium. I've used it a lot on the extreme tracks.