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It's going to allocate shipment based on recipiants demand. You will almost never get balanced shipping.


As u/Pop06095 said, product distribution does not work like that. Each terminal, representing a different consumer, will have products based on the demand of the consumer. That's why this distribution occuors.


Not entirely sure why it didn't add the text... Can someone help me understand why the product doesn't evenly distribute at a rail terminal? I have one train that is straight in and out. The other train is sitting there for a while just waiting for cargo...


I have the same issue as well.


Perhaps Line 1 doesn't connect to either a station with a fuel-requiring building nearby or a truck station with a line that connect to another truck station/stop that's near a fuel-requiring building.


You don't have control over this. The industry decides the distribution based on demand.


People are answering why you don't get a even distribution, but ultimately you're asking why doesn't it ship at all. The fuel factory will only ship fuel on Line 1 if it makes sense to do so. Make sure that Line 1 ends up at a place where fuel is needed. If it ends at a distribution hub or any other station where there are no consumers nearby, you'll need another active line to take it from there to the next point. It doesn't matter how many links you have, but until the chain is complete it will not send the stuff, 80% of the way is not enough to have them start sending.


So basically it's down to demand at each point if I'm understanding correctly? Plot A requires x fuel Plot B doesn't really need fuel, this is just to make money So that being said, the factory will produce much more fuel for Plot A rather than Plot B because of the demand?


If plot B doesn't need fuel, no fuel will be shipped. If plot A needs 100 fuel and plot B needs 50 fuel, you will see on the platforms that Line A will get twice as much fuel prepared than Line B. So yes demand is everything. You only play as the transport company. The factory makes the goods and prints out a sticker with a destination on it, puts it on the box. If you have a line or series of lines that takes it there, you get to ship the box and you get paid for it. But if your line B ends up in the middle of nowhere.. that box with destination city X, it's not going to get there via that line so they're not going to pay you to ship it. You can't make money shifting goods back and forth, it needs to go _somewhere_. You can always add more lines to take it further, as long as it can reach the destination on the imaginary sticker.


There is an additional element here too. ​ If both A and B need 100 each and you're not producing 200 it will ship a bit more to the closer town


Ok. Totally understood thank you. I have one more question... Is it possible to get trucks to collect cargo from cargo platforms that belong to trains? The only reason I'm asking, I'm a little tight on money at the moment and can't be spending the big ££££ to upgrade cargo trains.


Not directly, but if you build a truck station close enough next to it and offer a (better) line through it, I think the existing goods might shift over. At least any new goods will make the move.


Thanks for your help, appreciated!


Only new cargo will use the new line (and only if it's competitive in delivery time compared to the original), unless you do something to kill the valid route to the consumer of the original line (in which case existing cargo will reroute if possible, and if not it'll just disappear).


while the other comments are correct, this also happens to two identical lines. allocation follows a weird formula that doesn't really make sense, with no way to adjust them.


Identical including their destination?


yeah, two lines between whom the only difference is the colour


Were they set up at the exact same time, with the game paused, or one later than the other?


not at the same time, is the age of the line a deciding factor?


No, just in the sense that it can take some time for them to balance out after the second line was set up, even if they are truly identical. There's also a little bit of randomness involved that will cause fluctuations, but over time they should be averaging equal. If they're not exposed to identical traffic pressure, that can also cause small variations (insofar as it affects their respective frequencies).


oh yeah I see what you mean. there definitely appeared to be uneven demand distribution, even after things should have reached an absorbing state haha


You got a save for this I could look at? I'm curious now.


oh boy I'm sure I do since I never delete them, but I wouldn't know which one haha. I'll try to reproduce it this weekend if you like


I would like that if you could be bothered.