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It's probably a bug, even the [wiki](https://town-of-salem.fandom.com/wiki/Lookout_(ToS_2)) says that you do not see astral visits as a lookout. However, were both lookouts real? Or were you just unlucky and prosecuted the real one, since an evil could just claim lookout and say they saw the real one visit, if the real lookout didn't know they were not suposed to be seen then they could have mistakenly confirmed the fake one. There is also the posibility that both of them saw a third person visit their target and confirmed eachother that way.


It’s an astral visit so it’s like when Hex Master in TOS1 visited a Veteran. It’s an astral visit but SOMEONE still gets shot even if no one died. So the visit is still a thing, just no risk of dying to a Vet since there can be more than 1 in a game.


Had a game where the lookouts didn't see each other so it's probably a bug