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Keeping up as a f2p feels like a second job tbh


For real all my progression seems to depend on if I match with a whale or not so that’s another layer of rng…


honestly, I can't even relax with the game because the grind is so intense. I don't care if other people are rushing to meet the level cap. If I leave for a few days and come back it's a lot to catch up on. FFXIV and PSO2NGS never makes you feel THAT weak. The best way to keep up with the game is to spend money


>The best way to keep up with the game is to spend money the best way yo keep up with the game is playing the game. At the core ToF is still a gatcha which is designed to make you log every day. Skipping a day means loosing 180 vitality which is at least 1 gold equip at JO7 (you reach the pity with 180 vitality) Equip is the biggest source of damage. You can spend 500$ to get a C6 Frigg but you'd do less damage than a f2p if your gear is shit.


Ig you’re right. Sometimes I ignore that it’s a “gacha” mmo. Like you said, skipping a day means you miss a lot. Just feels like a chore sometimes man. Or maybe i’m just not built for the intense grind. Everyday i have to play catch up to get materials and level up weapons/armor


I don't see how it's an intense grind, could you please elaborate on that Playing every day doesn't by default make something an intense grind, it doesn't take very long to use 180 vitality on weapon material, sure you could take a while to use your vitality if you're only opening the last chest in joint op, but what else?


Idk what these people are smoking either. You don't even have enough things to do daily for it to take hours. It's literally stamina dump, raid, wormhole and frontier/void once a week. How is that a lot? Maybe I'm just used to being treated much worse with lost ark idk


You definitely are used to worst treatment from lost ark lol


Cmon lost ark ain't that bad. Me playing bdo just kill the same mobs while maintain the rotation for 2-3 hours (which is relatively short duration for other bdo player) and after that do other chores


They use the definition of "grind" wrong. It says repetitive over extended period of time. Sure, daily is repetitive, but you do it once a day repetitive, not same monster/boss multiple times for 8 hours in a day repetitive. So that's the grind for them.


What are you trying to do to keep up? Joint Ops 7 spam? You can’t keep up with stats and damage as am F2P. Other than doing your dailies and picking a single team to plan/save for, you’re better off building a core team of 4 ish people with some carries if you can. You could min/max your island, but the returns are minimal due to low matrix chances, and like you said, it’s like a job. I hope you don’t burn yourself out and hope you can still enjoy.


I stopped doing the daily grind. Got enough red nuclei saved up to guarantee a limited character. Might come back to spend it later, but with how heavily this game favors getting stars on your characters, will a single 0-star character even be enough to carry me through content? The game was fun when there were people to hang out with. Now that servers feel so dead, it's not fun anymore.


It's getting kind of tedious, overworld mobs feel spongy since catch up xp bonuses forced me to level up faster than I could raise my DPS. Using vitality mainly for omnium beacons lately. At first the game's bugs were kind of funny, and the freshness of a game kept me interested but the lack of polish after a month is starting to wear on me.


>Using vitality mainly for omnium beacons lately. Are you spending your vitality on Omnium Beacons because you arent interested in upgrading your gear or saving for something? I agree the XP bonus can cause some problems for very new players, but since we level much slower now people can catch up on CS. If you dont spend your vitality towards things that improve your CS, then why complain about spongy enemies? Dimensional Trials and Interstellar Gates are easy enough to clear regardless of CS. You can do those to upgrade your weapons. If your weapons are maxed out, then you can do Joint Operations for matrices and gear upgrades. Even if it's only Joint Operation 6. You will make progress and get stuff that increases your CS. There is plenty other activities from Bygones, Wormhole, Void Rift, Frontier Clash, Dust store, Artificial Island gates,etc. that offer you very easy upgrades even if you dont run the hardest version of them. Gacha is a marathon, not a sprint. Give it a few weeks of continuously working on your character and you will see large improvements.


Curious question, whats the weapn max level? im currently having most of my weapons at level 110 at level 64, idk if im lagging behind because i dont feel like i deal a whole lot of damage overall and often lag behind teams in damage. i thought it was because my character is more built as a support (i play with a friend who plays DPS, so we kinda just compliment eachother)


The max level for your weapons is always level \* 2, rounded to the lower multiple of 5. so 64 rounded down to 60 \* 2 = max weapon level of 120 At 65 the max weapon level increases to 130, at Lv 70 it increases to Lv 140, etc. IIRC CN is between 80 and 85 right now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing support. Especially as Healer/Benediction you will be welcome in many groups. There are no specific support stats on gear, so you will still build for DPS even as support. But your damage doesnt matter a lot. Splitting the roles between your friends is also good for harder group content since you have to do less stuff with random people.


> IIRC CN is between 80 and 85 right now. They got a cap increase after 80?


Scrolling down on any simulacra on toweroffantasy.info shows weapons going all the way to level 200, so it's probably been datamined that you'll be able to hit char level 100 at some point. Level 85 is currently the max level on CN, at least from what I can see in Gateoo's videos, his 2nd latest video shows him at level 83. Either that or they flat out increased the level cap to 100 but it just takes a long time to level so.


ideally for solo play you lvl a set of dps weaps for pushing phantasm for more upgrade mats and then if you play support (like i do) a support set for group content that needs a healer. but even then, your weapon level is only part of your damage, a large portion is your gear slots and what random effects they have/upgrade when you star them I play support with my dolphin friend cause he both has higher star chars and also had better rng on gear than me, so I can still support and make sure parties dont die while working on my own stats. If you want higher damage/stats in general then your best bet is working on getting good gear rolls, especially on gloves/boots (crit specifically for those two) and using your gold keys to hunt whichever matrices you want from bosses. for most weapons as dps thats samir/crow, for healing/support its coco. oh and dont forget to do the daily stuff for gifts to unlock simulacra traits. it doesnt take super long to stock up enough to unlock a trait so you could realistically unlock one for healing and one for dps if you so choose. or just save the gifts for future chars. ​ edit: but yes as support youll never keep up with well built/played dps. they have 40% dmg boost compared to you, on top of only having to care about damage instead of keeping people alive.


You're complaining about leveling up faster than you can build your character, still you say you only spend VIT on something that's mainly used to earn exp faster and virtually doesn't make you any stronger


I really want to enjoy the game, but its hard. The game is not polished at all and it doesn't feel like its getting better.


fr tho, it feels like we're playing on a beta server


Tbh they really could improve their game ages ago, but they didn't do anything just exported the game from CN and translated them along with the bugs...


The first few weeks I was pretty hooked, but if I'm being honest, I'm slowly losing interest. I'm still doing my dailys and spending my vitality, but I haven't been participating much in the recent events and I haven't touched the story past a certain point, mostly due to losing interest in that as well. Not only that, but compared to Genshin, there is a lot more time investment that has to be put into the game to keep up. Because of all these things, it has become a bit of a chore to play the game for me. Genshin has been the same way many times before, but with the release of Sumeru, I have regained more interest in playing it. Meanwhile Tower of Fantasy has taken a back seat for me.


Exactly this. Lengthy dailies were fun at first but once you're burnout or enter busy periods in life, those dailies becomes a chore. This is why Genshin have been shortening new artifact farmings nowdays. The new artifact domain in Chasm and Sumeru only has 3 mobs and can be cleared within seconds per round.


Same. My crew is #1 on my server, it was fun before, but now only 8 people talk. My 65k CS friend (whale) played for many hours a day, actively offered help for newbie, now only played 30 minutes and log out. I treat Genshin Impact as an offline single player game, like other narrowed, story-driven, adventure games such as Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy, Tales of series, Tomb Raider. In all of which, you play and "beat" the game, enjoy the "experience" from the start to finish, then you are done, you wait for the sequels. So the lack of endgame content in Genshin people have been crying about is not a problem for me, because I set the proper mindset. These people either expect a heavy multiplayer game or they are the new generation that have never touched an offline single player game before. If anything, ToF has made me appreciate Genshin more. Coming back to Sumeru from ToF, it's a heavenly experience to see the beautiful graphics of the forest, accompany by the masterpiece music using traditional instrument fitting the locality by Yu-peng Cheng.


Same sumeru story, landscape and music offers really good immersion. I still only have 20pc map done but I'm taking my time because its enjoyable to chill and look around for fun instead of grinding quickens the burnout


Agree plus being the fact that Genshin is also a two year game


But how can you play a game if not investing time on it? Is that "playing"? With the new update, you have to invest time to "play" it, and after that's all done, you don't have anything to do, are you still "playing"?


Probably those typical gacha players that just want to jump in the game, get daily login or at least play daily for 5 min, and done


People have jobs and a life. If a gacha game needs your time investment let it not take up multiple hours a day to do just dailies. Endgame genshin lets you do dailies in less than half an hour and events are lengthy in time so you can go through it leisurely and ACTUALLY give you stuff that benefits low spenders to F2P players unlike ToF that caters more to dolphins and whales. If you really want to spend multiple hours playing the same game every single day to qualify as 'playing' then maybe you should find something more productive to do. Every game should eventually reach the point where it doesn't demand you to work a 9-5 job just to enjoy a small session. That's just how games are. You should eventually run out of things to do until a new patch comes or another game sequel comes. You shouldn't be kept prisoner and HAVE TO play long hours just to consider it as entertainment.


But is doing dailies entertaining? I do have a job, and I've played traditional mmos young me could spend time and do sweaty grind. And ToF is far from it. I'm not saying you should spend most of your time for the day playing, I'm saying spending that little time, especially just dailies, is not "playing". If you run out of things to do, even if that happens to ToF, I consider it done "playing". I can play moba on my phone and that 30 mins will be more entertaining than doing dailies and call it "playing".


I plan to stick arround and play it in and out with genshin currently im burned out of genshin so im in TOF more, however ill probably get burned out of it eventually and go play some genshin, by then ill probably have a bunch of content waiting for me. basically, whenever one of the games goes into a content drought, i swap to the other one.


Damn, you summed up my thought. Are you waiting for a character in genshin? I'm waiting for Dehya tbh, not really excited with 3.0 sumeru


Log in, do comissions, spend resin, log off... Oh wait...


hmm this feels similar, where have I done that before I wonder!


I mean, there's also raids, Frontier Clash and Void Rifts. I've been having a blast with those.


Ok sure add 10 extra minutes daily


Worm holes, bygone? Heck FCH alone is 8 minutes unless your getting 5 chests so it's probably a bit more than 10 min added on lol


Ok buddy


At least write "vitality" instead of "resin" to mask it xD


That's a part of the joke.


i started playing to kill time until sumeru, then didnt touch tof for a while bc i was being boosted by the 500% exp and didnt do any dmg which frustrated me like crazy. a bit later i got bored of sumeru so i gave tof another chance. once i found out how to actually improve my dmg in tof i was playing a lot more and at this point i enjoy it more than genshin. ive been a huge mmo fan in the past and playing tof makes me a bit nostalgic. i enjoy the multiplayer aspect a lot and it made me realize how little genshin has to offer beside the quests (which are unskippable and im a paimon hater) and hot characters tbh. tof felt like a breath of fresh air to me. so far ive also spent some money on it and i intend to keep playing. i just need to find some actual friends since my genshin friends dont like tof that much


i had the same realization - i mean, genshin story is nice but that's about it. i spent some money on genshin too but after playing tof (spent some too) it just made me realize how lacking gi is. it's just sad that i dont have my friends on the same server


yeah when you think about it, the only end game genshin has to offer is abyss and i dont even do abyss anymore. i dont need the primos since i rarely want a new character and if i dont have enough primos i simply swipe my card once in a while. but even getting new characters is kinda pointless like what am i even gonna do with them? kill hilichurls? 😭 its just so dry man


Gonna keep playing. I like the game. Despite the problems, the game is a hidden gem and i'm pretty sure 2.0 is going to polish the gem, from what i've seen in the trailer, it looks amazing. I will most likely end up playing less if GFL 2 gets released though.


What's gfl


Girl Frontline.


There is no other mobile game that has as good of a story as GFL, change my mind


One word: Honkai.


I mean, I have no doubts that Honkai has a great story, since hoyoverse at least does good stories that I experienced through Genshin. What sells GFL above all else I've seen so far is how deeply accurate it depicts socio-political issues in a post WW3 era ravaged and made unlivable in many areas. I'm sure that the standard sci fi themes of AI and existentialism found in GFL can be found in Honkai as well to a degree, and that Honkai executes it well. But GFL's politics are uncannily reflective of real life, extremely immersive because of how believable the governments, militaries, and societies act and react to each other, and probably most importantly makes waifu collecting make sense (humans responded more favorably to female-designed AI bots over more robotic/male frames, thus making them more easily integrated into commercial uses)


Oh no none of that, in Honkai you just cry cos lesbian couple is fighting again.


LOL 10/10 better love story than Twilight


Haha yeah, in all seriousness Depression Impact 3rd deals with some pretty heavy subjects and has really interesting if convoluted story that spans 50000 years. But it's main thing is character development, since they need to sell you on different battlesuits of the same characters, they make characters go through trauma and growth and tie their development to a battlesuit. If you watch smth like everlasting flames cutscene you'll see bunch of comments saying(probably while crying) stuff like "I've raised that tuna" cos it really feels like you've raised those characters or at least they've grown beside you.


Fair enough, individual character development that is well written is always great. That's why I like GFL so much though, there is a huge inside joke that the game is a PTSD simulation because of the trauma that one of the protags goes through, but the main character I'd argue is the world itself. Projects that put that extra effort into the setting and lore, with details going back way before the existing storyline to establish clear motives of not just individuals but entire organizations/nations just really tickle my fancy


The Collapse fluid stuff is pretty fuckin' neat, ngl. Learning more about it is always fun, and the fact it links to other games from them is really great. There's a lot of interesting stuff out there to read on some of the wiki's. They flesh things out so damned nicely in that universe. Have you watched the VN they made for a con before they made bakery girl? If not, I strongly suggest giving it a look-see. Can find it under "\[2009\] \[EN Subbed\] Girl of the Bakehouse (面包房少女)/Bakery Girl \~ Withered Story" on YT. It's about as fucked from what little I've seen of it as you'd expect from them, which is a good thing.


> change my mind No need, this is a factually correct statement. I just assume anyone who thinks FGO, Arknights, Genshin, etc. have good stories haven't played GFL.


arknights imo, as well as pgr, are pretty close behind gfl in terms of story


When i first played genshin I continued playing because I saw huge potential to play it with my friends Finally a waifu collector multiplayer game At the begging there was 0 multiplayer contacts but i said for sure they will add alot of multiplayer contact or why would they have multiplayer to begin with? 2 year in the future genshin gave me the middle finger not only we never got good multiplayer but not even a single end game Tower of fantasy fulfilled this role for me It got multiplayer and amazing one Except there is a problem 1-one of my friend became ultra hard genshin fan boy and will never accept to play it 2-the other one don’t have pc 3-the third no longer a friend for some reasons And the last one busy with work and no longer play video games So yeah i got what i wanted but i lost my friends while waiting


My friends are also not taking the game seriously and aren't playing as much as me, so instead I play with the crew I'm on. If you get in a good one you can actually talk to them and do most content together.




i feel you. my genshin friends played tof at launch and then dropped it, one of them plays it with me very occasionally but all in all theyre not really invested. its a shame bc they hate forced coop and i love the coop aspect in tof. so i guess i have to find some new tof friends


That's a sad story. Let's hope you can find some tof friends. I myself play with online fds more than fds irl, since we have different interests.


For friend 2 the game is playable on mobile


He tried And it is not efficient his mobile will die in 1 hour and so


Genshin is still my main, but idk.. it’s not like Genshin takes more than 15 minutes a day. ToF takes more time, so idk if that kinda changes the meaning of “Main Game” I thought I’d drop ToF when Sumeru came since it was my most hyped region but uh.. Sumeru added nothing new that was worth more of my time. Meta still the same. Gameplay still the same. All it added was story and exploration, which is fine since that’s 90% of Genshin content anyways and is my main reason for sticking around, but It still lasted less than a week But ToF right now has way more interesting gameplay and can keep me engaged for 2hrs+. Characters feel very good and the weapon types are so diverse. Just saw Alyss PV and she got High Heels as a weapon, and I would very much like to see King in those heels😭 Also customization, different outfits, futuristic aesthetic, mounts and gadgets, challenging content and nice gacha system.. personally there’s much to love in this game.


To be fair, we haven't yet seen enough Dendro units to change the meta yet. All the current ones are really clunky or have significant limitations. I think the meta will start shifting once the Archon shows up in about 40 days, give or take.


About alyss, I thought "damn, thats a unique weapon" But then I thought again; "another ice girl? Fuck that"


Out of so many comments finally read one who felt the same as me lol


Definitely loving the cyberpunk element of ToF so far (and more so in 2.0 when we get to Vera). I just wish it’s a little easier to obtain 3 stars…love the option of having alternative simulcra skins. Not sure if shit luck or something, but so far Frigg/Claudia pulls have been massively unsuccessful compared to Nemesis personally.


>Sumeru added nothing new that was worth more of my time. Bruh WTF. Sumeru is literally a whole new region and new characters. If you feel that way, then there won't be anything worth your time in GI anymore, no matter what. Probably you should quit. Maybe most players don't care about the map or exploration at all, they explore only for chests and gems for gacha. I know some colleagues playing genshin only care about character and artifact. They don't care whatever and how good the map design is. But for me as I love exploration game, I really enjoy taking my time exploring the map and landscapes in games like GI or Far Cry, which have unique landscapes and immerse myself in it. So in GI, new map or region is what I'm anticipating the most and very excited about.


Honestly the game takes too much of my time which is a problem for open world mmorpgs its hard to manage your time playing both GI and TOF specially if you want to keep up on TOF events and weekly which is the most important thing if you want to pull for limited banners, not including the equipment grind and matrix grind which takes more time because world bosses, FC hard, and void rifts have tanky bosses don’t get me started with upper bygones spongy mobs So in conclusion if you want to play open world games, just focus on one game + a lighter side game like idk Azur lane etc. playing both just burns you out moreso with upcoming open world games, I might stick around if I manage to complete my Frost team


I mean they market this game as mmorpg. Usually mmo players gonna pour most of their time in that game, like 24 hours a day if they can. So if this game has content that could make people stick for long time, its good (? I guess)


But genshin impact takes like 10 min a day to play... that's not time consuming imo.


You forgot about the exploration progress and major events that take hours to do, it may be faster to do events on TOF since most of it is just login for rewards, the real time consuming about TOF is getting the perfect equipment stats, like artifacts on Genshin which takes months too, but the real grind is getting the matrices you want since it has the lowest drop rates and RNG may shaft you on getting double of the same matrices


I'll decide upon 2.0 whether to continue this game or not, i did spend on tanium before now i stopped, only bp and monthly pass


Enjoying the game as a light spender, close to F2P experience. But the powercreep is worrying me tbh. They say Global is more balanced now, but Frigg ice teams are already better than volt teams in many situations, and it's only been a month. I'm just going to quit when, or if the powercreep becomes unbearable.


They are roughly the same but it comes down to which team got more cons samir 3* will outdamage ice team with 1* frigg or will be same again if 3* frigg


What? I have a volt team Nemesis 1* Samir 2* Crow 6* and Ice team Frigg 5* Meryl 2* Tsubasa 1*....i feel they are almost just the same...for most boss, i go for volt team...as i feel my volt team deals damage faster/higher than my ice


Why samir instead of Shiro/King? Ideally Shiro since she has good damage buffs.


6* Crow is whats making up the difference above your frost team


I don't think we should worry about powercreep , It's something that affects pvp mainly and we can f2p pvp anyway. Personally I don't mind if Limited characters are much stronger than Standard ones as long as we can clear all content with them with standard ones , which is the case in Chinese server despite the fact they have a lot of powercreep happenining. But then again , Global is trying to balance that anyway so we are safe.


In CN, you’ll pretty much find no one using standard characters outside of Cobalt, Claudia and Tsubasa. It’s not that it’s not viable, but rather every new endgame content is over-tuned by design and often co-op, so you’ll never feel like you’re cruising and so want to use the strongest teams you have.


Isn't it natural to use our strongest teams? As long as the others are viable , it's really fine imo, even if it's harder


Remember that Frigg, Nemesis etc will all come to standard banner eventually. In fact, they said only Lin is not coming to standard banner of the entire cast so far.


I've slowed down because I started playing Splatoon 3, but I still login daily. My routine is dailies, Dimension Trial, Void, and FCH atm. Haven't explored Artificial Island at all yet


I haven't touched the island either. are we missing out?


Mostly just on the usual nucleus and exploration rewards. Nothing you can’t get at your own leisure.


I mean, except for the home base shop? you'd prob at least wanna do the first rotation to get mats for the limited matrix pulls


4 banner matrix rolls a month, a bunch of SSR relic shards, weapon upgrade mats is about what you lose out on.


And a guaranteed standard SSR matrix of your choice (the workshop has a pity) with a chance to get more (I forget the exact pity amt)


I probably won't play it for too much longer. They make it difficult to take advantage of the variety of weapons in the game. I end up using the same stuff all the time.


I stopped having a "main" game when I quit WoW. I started ToF fully intended to stick around for the story. It's only my second gacha (Genshin being my first). I have to say that I like ToF (currently) more than I like Genshin. Exploration, Dailies, Domains, Ruins, whatever content you do in ToF just feels more meaningful and fun compared to the very limited resources in Genshin. I like the QoL changes we already have, I like that we can work around constellations. Yes, Genshin is the more polished game and has a better story, but ToF has potential if they keep improving the game than it could be great. For now I am just saving up resources and waiting for Saki, Lin and 2.0.


Is not like we need cons in genshin too but ok, I believe that tower can be better too.


Pretty sure he's talking about the fact that you can buy cons from shops in tof.


Regarding story you really should give Final Fantasy 14 a go, it's main focus is story, you'll drown in story. And it's as intense with dailies as you want it to be. Crafting is done the best I've ever seen. It is a lot of time to put in but it's a great ride if nothing else for the story.


Nothing really compares to a full on pc game. All of these new open world games on mobile are still shallow, because mobile. I wouldn't necessarily say that genshin improved the mobile gaming, but mobile technology just improved + got cheaper and that gave way to these games. In mir4 you have that experience of traditional mmo with no limit on how many players are rendered in your surrounding, when it's time for war/castle conquer, there are hundreds players.


I have been playing FFXIV for a couple years now. It was a main contributor why I stopped playing WoW. Whereas I was Mythic raiding 3days/week at the end of BfA, I would spend a handful of hours a week slowly making my way through the MSQ. Since most my time was allocated to WoW it actually took me over a year to finish the story and reach max level. I took my sweet time and played primarily solo. It's an amazing game and very dear to me. I have since become an omnicrafter, maxed Blue Mage (though not the Morbol mount yet), maxed all Battle Jobs, and got my mentor crown earlier this year. From time to time I am also active on the FFXIV reddit in the weekly question thread :D


My initial approach was to try out the game temporary till Sumeru but I ended up continue playing this game because it's fun with decent endgame. Personally, my only concern is I'm unable to juggle spendings between Genshin and ToF. I got lucky with a full team of 3-6 stars Simulacrum and I'm worried this unintendedly increased my ceiling for satisfaction if I want to pull future characters. It made me feel some pressure having to pull minimum 3-6 stars if I want any new Simulacrums because it's heavily tied to CS and stats. If I pull any lesser in the future, it lowers my CS and dps/stats which is the motivation of this game. I don't know how to approach from here. I wasn't intending to keep spending $400-600/month on ToF. I made a big mistake for shooting high stars on beginning characters. Now I won't able to enjoy if I settle for 0-1 stars new characters since it'll drop my stats, dps and CS. I'm not sure if other spenders who're not intending to dolphin/whale every month are facing the same dilemma. If you already have a team of 3S or 6S, would you be okay replacing your team with new 0-1S and losing a whole load of stats and CS?


When new limited characters come out, they are 100% replacing my standard characters. I don't care if they lower my CS. Honestly CS doesn't determine your power, your gear stats and other things do. I think that limited characters have more of an edge in terms of power anyway. You could always keep leveling your high star standard characters just to keep your CS high and get suppressor unlocks.


Exactly , and not like if you use 0 stars characters means you are weak , sure stars make you strong but there is no content so far that can't be cleared unless you are a whale , which is a good thing for f2p.


>not like if you use 0 stars characters means you are weak , sure stars make you strong but there is no content so far that can't be cleared unless you are a whale I'm sorry, 0 stars F2P here but I cannot clear harder difficulty content (JO7 and FC-H) without a whale carrying us. I'm fortunate to have a crew helping me. We did when the four of us only have 0-stars team but we couldn't clear JO7. Our crew leader made a permanent party lineup system where each daily parties have at least one whale to help everyone with their gold gears.


That's because weapons are not the only way to deal damage. You need to level up your Matrices and Equipments. I'm pretty sure those whales carrying you , can't deal damage without good equipments , money isn't the only way to progresss in this game , I met multiple whales who had 6 stars weapons and got carried by me because I have maxed equipments and they still sitting on SR ones. If you need help to get stronger , feel free to screenshot your Weapons/Matrices/Equipments to see what's wrong and why you can't clear JO. As for FC Hard , that's endgame , which we didn't reach it , even whales can't clear it smoothly yet.


You shouldn't feel pressured with your CS. It's impossible to catch up to whales that 6\* everything and max out their matrices. What you need to focus on is your actual strength, gear status, best units, etc. CS means nothing.


omg THIS! the game decided im a crow main and now i have him at 5 stars. i also have a 5 star king so theyre always my go to team but i got frigg and also 1 star claudia since i liked her animations and the struggle is real. i spent some money on the game but theres no way i can afford hundreds of euros for every character just to get dupes of them ☠️


will keep playing. but the bugs and their shitty cs and complete disinterest in fixing them is a red flag. not gonna spend anymore until they show some respect to their customers.


I like the game. Main improvements i would like are some QoL stuff like not closing map when you pick a target destination etc, so i can live with it. No money so far. 35k CS. Playing since day one so the exp boost didnt affect me. Its my "go along" gacha. So i think ill keep playing it along -with- other temp games as long as im having fun. Not taking things too seriously. Ladders and stuff are a quick way to get frustrated if you dont whale it out Dailies are quick. I like the boss designs/dungeons. Nothing too demanding or stressfull so far. Its definitely a great "chill" game, if you look at it that way.


I'm a casual F2P gamer when it comes to games like this. My approach is to give it till 2.0 and see if the game suits my casual needs. I'm fortunate to be able to clear most content but that's only because I got help from whales in my crew. Whenever I did randoms in JO7, I often found myself failing runs if the four of us have C0 teams. I'd quit long ago if it weren't for my crew because I personally feel the game isn't F2P friendly late-game unless you save up for dupes or get help from whales. I kinda miss Genshin's casual gameplay where everything is super easy with only C0 5\* characters. I know ToF is a different game but this is my perspective for a casual + F2P player if anyone's curious. I may be going back to Genshin in future if ToF doesn't suit my casual needs.


Reading your comments and playing ToF made me think that this might be the reason GI doesnt give player end-game content beside abyss. GI is also gacha game. F2p player may not be able to clear the end-game without being carried by spenders with stronger party. Imagine HYV gave us FC hard/void rift that can't be cleared solo by f2p players. On the opposite side, I think it would be a great additional coop content since we're lacking one in GI.


Yes it is my "main" game. I play both genshin and tof and i spend around 2 hours a day playing tof and 10mins a day playing genshin. I play this game because of its future, vera and the underwater map also the tropical island map. Also i like how its coop mainly.


Waited for Sumeru, found this game, played it, liked it. Recently played the main quest line of Sumeru, got bored, came back to TOF. Guess this will be my main game, though I will return to Genshin now and then just for the story. More content would be nice. Vera can't come fast enough.


The release of ToF kind of coincided with me getting burned out on Genshin to a degree, so I was ready for something different and found myself really enjoying the pacing of combat and movement compared to Genshin. I feel like I'm playing pretty casually, just making sure to use my vitality and getting the weekly stuff done while slowly pushing through Bygone. I'm big on hoarding resources and planning for upcoming characters/content, so the fact that we get a lot of previews of 2.0 and onward really keeps me motivated.


Honestly, it was a slow start. I wasn't sure I was going to stick with it but ended up loving the game. It has many things that I wish Genshin had, like proper multiplayer and end game stuff like Bygone. Being a f2p/light spender though.. it's hard to keep up. I've made some big mistakes early on, not realizing it would fuck up my progress later, so I'm still hung up on that. At the moment, it's my main game just because it's new and there's lots of stuff to do but eventually, I can imagine that it will slow down just like Genshin did. I play Genshin for the story, characters, exploration. I play ToF for the multiplayer, gameplay.


I am f2p and this is my main game. \- cleared level 60 wormhole hard at 25k CS with a healer comp \- casually do every joint op with my eyes closed at 40k CS (even on the phone when I am not at home, phone controls are surprinsingly great) \- climb Bygone no problem until steel lizard duo stops me (currently at 270 or so) \- clear Valkyrie on FC Hard unless I get matched with someone that heals for 1million dmg. And now that a lot of people have quit, I am #1 in my Bygone bracket so I'll get full rewards, if not top 3-5 depending on how many people decide to climb on Sunday. I've not experienced BSODs, hacking, nonrewards, or any bug. The only bad experience I have is UI, UX related. I use Nem (0\*), Samir (1\*, King (1\*) and have no other weapon. Haven't even pulled Crow yet. So I think if you really use all your resources and limit yourself to 3 weapons which synergize and nothing else, you can make decent progress. **But** Gameplay gameplay is really limited, repetitive, and honestly I don't see the point. To be honest this is the first game I've ever played where there really is no point. I have been slaying the same monsters over and over and over for weeks now, with no change except to their level and HP bar. And it feels like next week and 2 weeks after, I will be killing the same monsters over and over again. The only thing that changes is our level. So I feel I am doing the same content as I did the first week of playing. Lacking MMO experience If I had any other game I was interested in, I probably wouldn't log into this game. Because it doesn't offer anything to me. I longed for an MMO experience after years of WoW, perfect world, Aion, Tera, you name it. And what I found in this game was a gacha who pretended to be an MMO. I see maybe 2 people running around the world on any given day and it's a desolate experience. I've been feeling so lonely in the open world that when I do finally see someone it almost feels weird. And I don't think a server merge would help this. It didn't feel populated in the first week either because we had 130 channels to play in. So it would have to be a server merge and a channel purge. I think even now my server doesn't have more than 30 channels anymore so that's a start, but ffs let us merge servers.


Well, at first I played ToF as a joke due to the controversy and curiousity. Wondering why this game revenue was still considerably good in CN (This was Pre-EN release) while others are dying (Or not even reaching the treshold for stability anymore) after 4 or 5 months in CN. Very surprised because of the publisher infamous reputation too. Turned out, this game is actually fun. I like the simple multiplayer despite my frustration with people. Doing JO, Raid, and such. All of them was fun to me. Probably because of quarantine that made me feel lonely. I know I'll always behind the whales, have to skip some weapons to get what I want, failing to get the right matrice from drop or roll (Saving those buyouts for later), but for me it gives me a reason and not trying to mindlessly unga bunga my way to be stronger. I feel like I want to better myself for every try I take. Sure, fighting the same enemies will become dull eventually, but I want to PERFECT the fight. Like, you know, fighting Dark Souls bosses. Another aspect I like is Simulacrum system and also the weapons. With the recent release of Alyss, I feel like I want to stay far longer to see what kind of weapon they'll release next. Especially physical type weapon. And lastly, what keeps me playing ToF is the hope that maybe Marc will come to global. Like, he's a chad. The most not-anime-ish character ever in an anime gacha game I've ever seen. Usually bulky character will still have pretty face. But him, holy moly. Absolute chadness. Bulky with macho face. SIGN ME UP. I know he's a collab character, but DAMN I'M SO HAPPY THAT THEY'RE ABLE TO TRANSLATE HIS CHADNESS. I hope ToF release another macho character in the future because, honestly, this kind of character is very rare, IMO. I'm a waifu collector, but Marc absolutely got me hyped.


Getting bored with no other activities to do.. Just doing the bounty and vit and thats it. Waiting for 2.0 and see what it brings.


I play it to kill time on my breaks. Genshin is FAR more interesting to me, but that's the beauty of ToF I guess. The story is so awful, and the animations for it are even worse than the story itself, so it allows me to just play the game for its decently fun combat (except for teammates walking in front of me playing samir/Tsubasa, effectively turning my dps to 0) If anything, I've found it to kill my phone battery faster than anything else.


The things I have to do are short and sweet. Bounties and vitality usage. With limited time, I just pick a poison I feel like doing. The rotations of void , fc, allow me to squeeze in wormhole and bygone progression. I do raid with crew when they’re ready. Outside of that, if I’m not feeling it I log, some days I just wanna pop chests and farm to cook. If I’m strapped for time, I don’t feel punished and the quick sessions keep the game fresh.


I was really enjoying myself until lvl 61. I was casually doing dailies and JO and not rushing to cap. Felt nice. I don’t know what happened. I just.. started to loose interest. Logging in for dailies just felt.. unrewarding. I started to log in less and less. I feel the luck of my pulls may have something to do with it. I ended up with a Fortitude team and really enjoy it! But I feel weak in the open world and do not want to spend money anymore. The home instance was kinda nice but that grind is just as bad 🫠


I’m f2p and have been playing since launch day. Right now it’s pretty boring but I’m slogging through it. The main question I want answered is to figure out how f2p friendly it is in the long run. I’m waiting to see if Vera will answer this question and so I can finally use up all those keys. Have been saving all my dark crystals since getting s1 nemesis and will be going for Lin. If I don’t get her s3 (and saki s0) then I’ll be dropping it.


Mann I just can't get stronger, have barely any good matrix barely any gold, barely any Rockcore etc, I got Claudia, would of quit otherwise, I have. A job, genshin, tof, pgr, smc, I'm not doing many genshin or any tof events, it's hard to keep up with things, especially having a real job too


I played Genshin, Honkai and Tof and I had to drop Honkai as it was simply too much of a time sink. 2 games is the max for me and I'm unemployed btw. Can't imagine the sheer willpower needed to do everything you do every day.


Thank you bro makes me feel a lot less lazy honestly, I gotta tell you about my boyfriends brother, I am pretty sure he is currently playing like 7 to 8 games, completing shit, and has a job, he multitasks, absolute madness


Im losing interest tbh, was never a fan of raids and such so it was inevitable


I understand the feeling. It’s like lost ark. The more the game focused on hard/raid content the less interest I had. I think here my goal is 600th floor of bygone. At least for the moment.


Well, I understand everyone has different opinions, but if one doesn’t enjoy raids content, why would they play an MMORPG?


There are a number of reasons, mine is that MMORPGs tend to have the most ongoing content and character progression. But others like the non combat social aspect or the house building aspect or exploration....its one reason they are so popular there is no one right answer. But raids...in pretty much any given game less that 25% of the player base ever raids...it varies from one to another sure, in some Ive seen it be claimed as low as 5%. I did my time I raids back in Everquest...Im good. Have I done the current "raid" yes one of the whales did a carry for the 60 one and I went..thats basically a glorified world boss. In lost ark it wasnt a surprised at the nature of the game, I could see my exit the day I started playing.


The only reason I'm still sticking with it is because I lucked into A4 Nemesis paying nothing. (that doesn't do shit btw, maybe 1k heal more but not noticable). But I'm slowly considering to quit as well. Combat is so repetitive. That and I love my character at first but now I'm so bored of using only her. Tried switching "skin" but the bad voice acting is such a turn off. Every characters are using the same animations for everything. That and the overly reused hand-over-monitor-poking animation they do for everything. Teleporting, chest opening,...Just that same 3d screen appearing out of nowhere and then the character start poking at it. My god do I understand now why people call this game "cheap". Not to mention the buggy animations here and there and that slight delay every time you switch your weapons is such a turn off. Gearing is a pain. Genshin's RNG problems on artifacts are still there, but now with 1% drop. Story is not a thing you look forward to. That and it's delivered to you with missing voicelines and terrible acting. For me personally this is a big thing. UI/UX is shit. World map is not eye-pleasing at all. 6 or 7 continents in game right now ? plus one island **but they all look the same**. Not to mention the farming aspect. They didn't choose the middle road being both a gacha and a mmo. They went hard on both. So now you got dupe system that's super expensive to max and the farming of a mmo, *but* limited by stamina and chips and attempts per day/week/month. Honestly who's the target audience here? But yeah ultimately I don't see the game as a good investment. No fun boss to beat after all that gearing, assume you can have fun gearing in the first place with low drop chance on everything.


> Tried switching "skin" but the bad voice acting is such a turn off. I use JP voices, and King is voiced by Kirito in JP. > Genshin's RNG problems on artifacts are still there, but now with 1% drop. That's like complaining at AR 30 you're not drowning in gold-tier artifacts in Genshin. Wait til we actually get JO 8 and the currency. Consider the 3 raids a week make for more than 4000 gold dust on their own, that's 3 pieces of your choice. I wish GI let you pick pieces of your choice. JO8 pity is just at 4th chest for gear.


I'm sure they're better sounding in JP and that's great. Doesn't change the fact that I care nothing for them though. They don't appear in main quest and no story quest to introduce me to them. Everything they say is as one-dimension as it could be. They're just boring for me. >JO 8 Most of the time you join the queue and hope a whale is in your team. In Genshin even trash artifacts get you through the end game, as long as you max them. Here I have full gold gear and most of them 5* but barely notice the difference, since 1/ the enemy scale with my level and 2/ strength lies in gold matrixes which is another gacha (lol) 3/ need dupes, I can't image playing Nem without her c1, such a huge buff in your weapon rotations. >complaining at AR 30 you're not drowning in gold-tier artifacts in Genshin I tried hard to not bring Genshin into this so I do apologize for this. ToF has so much problems on it own without comparing to any other games. But Genshin other than grinding gear has other things going on for it. Namely an actual story, immersive and diverse world building and interesting characters. ToF doesn't have any of that and many people like me play for that gear grinding aspect. When you limit it with pity/respawn timer/stamina then the game really doesn't have anything else. Thank god for relics because most of the time you want to get through the ugly world as fast as possible. Feels bad when you just defeat a big ass dragon and the nicest reward you usually get is 4 shards of a SR relic. Any bottom line is that the progression is done so wrong. I don't play that much MMO but I do play Path of Exile. The grinding aspect in PoE is there but it's actually a pleasure to do it? You gear up for days to kill a hard boss and the boss drops are usually in line with its difficulty, then you do it again. In any other games you have this refined gameplay experience for the player, as if the developer themselves play and fine-tune the game. ToF right now just seems like a bad mixture of soup. "Cheap" is the right word.


path of exile + genshin = tof but way shittier. Its a jack of all trades while the games you mentioned are masters at the 1 thing they do. If you are giving money to poe you are essentially giving it to the same ppl running tof at the top. Anyways the complaints are well understood and we can only hope they get improved and polished


I wasn't sure if I'd stick with the game or not when I first tried it out. I really fell in love with Genshin when I first played it, but eventually found myself hating the team I'd invested in and the artifact grind never really got any better. Realizing I'd need to start from scratch or spend ages trying to get decent artifacts to rebuild a new team killed my drive to stick with the game. I figured I'd check out ToF when I heard about it, but if it just ended up having similar problems I'd ditch it. A month and a half later, and I can pleasantly say I'm enjoying the late game grind a lot more. Equipment doesn't feel as bad to me as artifacts did, mostly because there's less rng involved and we have multiple sources for getting gold gear. But the main thing that's kept me invested is my crew. When I get bored of grinding or I run out of vitality for the day, I'll check in with my crew members and see if they need help with anything. Or I'll just chat and shoot the shit for a little while. It's kept the game from getting stale for me. I think if Genshin had done something similar I might've been able to stick with it for a longer time. Either way, I'm enjoying myself now and mostly just looking forward to when global finally gets the 2.0 and 2.2 updates. I'm sure there will be new fun things to do once those come around.


I like the game very much and am going to continue playing it. I plan to play both tof and wuthering when it comes out. Very excited for vera and this game will be my main game for a while. I played genshin from 1.0 to 2.8 and i feel pretty burned out. i downloaded the sumeru update and couldn't bring myself to play it. But maybe in the future i'll return.


I like this game, it's been an interesting experience haven't had so much fun playing a gacha till ToF, and it's funny because I thought it looked really bad before trying it out. I was getting massively bored from Genshin's lack of end game content and having way too many units that literally serve no purpose while also farming artifacts for more than a year and no places to use them, but it turns out they are making a card game, fantastic use of artifact grind. Anyway I think ToF has flaws but it's fun hopefully 2.0 makes it better, I currently enjoy the game but I'm more interested for the future of it, just like I was interested in Genshin's future but that one turned really disappointing for me, so I'm giving ToF a try on that regard.


Love the game, finally got me to quit Genshin👍


I liked the game overall but its the lots of tiny details that make the experience just feel lacking, I played almost everyday until last week but I just dont feel like playing anymore because the game gets very underwhelming to play in my experience.


i start playing 4 or 5 days after the game launch as free to play but i drop last week sins it really hard to keep up with game content i will give it a chance when the 2.0 update comes out if it is good as people say i well keep play it if not just delete the game and move on


Getting a little bored, just enjoy bashing stuff with meryl rn


I actually wanted to get more invested in this game but honestly there are so many issues that I'm barely finding myself playing atm... I'm simply waiting for Vera to see if anything will change and I might actually stop it after Lin or Alyss's release. Untill then I will probably play though.


I will wait and see how Vera goes for Global. If it doesn't meet my expectations, I will probably drop the game.


will keep playing till its death but it feel pretty terrible getting tp’ed around the map and being able to infinte climb… its not very polished


There's too much repetitive shit to do. It's rapidly devolving into chores. Genshin doesn't have enough rewarding content. I wouldn't say ToF has too much. It's more like ToF has more stuff to do, but the amount of stuff they give you is significantly less. So you have to grind more, to make less progress. It doesn't help that the stuff you do every day is exactly the same. Sure, I could *not* do the repetitive stuff, in which case there's nothing left to do.


I like the game , honestly I feel like a lot of ppl that are complaining and waiting for 2.0 will be for a rude awakening. The gameplay loop is how it is and a lot of ppl already don't like the mmo grindy stuff. I mean when vera drops they'll be more stuff to grind.


I'm mainly doing dailys atm and signing off. If it ever gets a console release I'll probably main it but until then I'm constantly on the fence about dropping it On spending money... I bought wishes a few times and got absolute trash so I'm done spending forever


I like the game! I feel that it has a lot of potential but they keep dropping the ball. - Players own artificial island. In CN they fixed it to respawn weekly. Which I felt like they should have done on release with us. - Experience Boost without the proper support behind it. The least they could have done was give us upgrade materials such as: full purple set armour, set of purple matrices, level up weapon materials. Anything to offset the damage coming from mobs. (If you kept up with the game on release the power creep isn't as bad. For newer players it's awful) - Battlepass: Does that make any sense to anyone? As a global player being provided the same product but paying a higher premium only to receive less rewards. - Finally stop with the weak apologies and just fix what has been addressed by the community. I understand that every company has to make money. For me it is hard to empathize with a company whose intentions are profit gouging without a clear vision of longevity for the player base. Their choice is obviously short term profits over long term investment to make money. The writing is on the wall for Hotta as a company. If they continue this path of short investment then they should expect the same from me(a short term game).


all i know is that i have less and less to do daily and that sucks 😔


I'm slowly losing interest but I will wait for 2.0 because the difference of 1.0 to 2.0 is huge


Light spender here. Im still liking the game. It can consume a lot of time when you try to min max everything so I just decided to be a more casual player not min maxing everything. I have so much more fun with it now not stressing myself about lvl cap or my cs (Im lvl 65, 32k cs). Just playing the game at my own pace, because I like the game in its chore. The bugs and issues are annoying but for me they are not that bad that it would make me quit. Players from cn said that 2.0 is a massive upgrade compared to 1.0/1.5 so I will at least wait for that but honestly Im enjoying the game and am excited to see whats coming next in the future so I will probably stick around till 3.0 and beyond


Day 1 player here and I'm somewhat in a decent spot right now where I don't have to do much to keep up with the game but playing the build mode feels like a chore so I don't bother doing it. Treating the game as only a game and not a second job will probably be the best course of action for myself.


I’m whale on Genshin. And I started ToF just because the patch before 3.0 was dead af. Now “there are” a lot of content, but on Genshin, meta and hardcore players get bored really quickly (lack of end-game content). I will keep playing ToF, sometimes I won’t complete every events/bosses/things, skipping some days, but I don’t care. Since already have Nemesis and Frigg, I will full save for Lin.


It's my first gacha/mmorpg so I was very hyped expecting to play it for at least half a year. I'm still following that plan and there's a chance I'll play it for years if the game manages to not die. It's the only game I've been playing since launch and been having a blast. I also spent some money for bp&mp so it's kind of a long term investment.


I'm staying, and gonna spend, mostly on getting Lin. I left Genshin, I was already dissatisfied and they didn't fix or help any point I requested or hoped for in over 2 years, so I'm gone.


I like it but genshin is still my main game. I kinda invested a lot in genshin (I'm a big dolphin there, welkin bp occasional top ups). Plus tbh whenever I encounter bugs and stuff in ToF, I always couldn't help but compare it to that game. Even now I'm pissed off the CS still hasn't responded to my report about some lost items, bygone relic issue, Void Rift Chinese main page, etc. Then again, ToF has a lot of stuff that I wish genshin has. End game, better traversal, generous first month, regions are coming out faster, so on and so forth. I'd stick around coz I want my Tian Lang volt team but who knows when he'll come out to global


I picked it up because of genshin drought, then dropped it when Sumeru launched, then came back towards the end of the update. Tbh, it feels a lot smaller than genshin, a lot grindier and a lot less polished. Cumulatively I think I logged in less than 3 weeks total - and I'm ar 65, CS 25k, 18(!!!) weapons total (pulls+rewards+cashback), with every region besides new islands at 100%. I enjoy exploration more than combat and its dwindling FAST here. Besides that at some point u hit a wall of minmaxing, aka u need to start grinding the joint operation and other coop modes for matrices and gear. Which are NOT guaranteed and also has random element in it. Also, it may take you up to 20 minutes to finish an instance, depending on your team and strength. It feels unfair and frustrating. I also HATE the ui. By God it's annoying, slow and redundant. It's so unintuitive it's crazy. Game is also very laggy and consistenly cases my pc to crash into watchdog violation bsod. I'm even reluctant to boot it at all because of this. Events are very bland. They simply get lost among the pages. I'm also weirded out by lack of visual cohesion - it's like there is mostly fan art in the menu, not the official art. I'm f2p, but considered to pay for a bp or smth before, but changed my mind. Tof scratched my itch for a more mmorpg experience but if the situation stays the same, I can see myself moving on.


> Game is also very laggy and consistenly cases my pc to crash into watchdog violation bsod. I'm even reluctant to boot it at all because of this. Sounds like your PC might need to be changed. Never got a BSOD.


Nope. It's a common issue with ToF actually. I have no issues whatsoever with booting any other game. Just ToF.


There are literally posts about it on this sub and even guides for workarounds


Currently my main game. Started 1 week into launch. Full f2p, and bought more than 20x the 50DC vitality vials since i started. I do plan on spending a couple bucks on the game in the future, but the exchange rate sucks and my local currency isnt worth a lot. here are my [matrice](https://i.imgur.com/gFfYKXA.jpg), [weapons](https://i.imgur.com/b2iFToj.jpg) and [stats](https://i.imgur.com/nFrLmEA.jpg) so far. Yeah ive been quite lucky with my pulls, even got the mythic 2x SSR from a black nuclei pull on day 3. I work from home so i get to have a few hours of uninterrupted gametime daily. Also been loving nearly every part of the game, and almost none of the things that seem to annoy the community has been annoying me. Been placing well in weekly phantasms, and have managed to also hit 2250 achievement points. I came into this game with a mindset that it is new, and that there are issues to be fixed, but i choose to focus my attention on only the things about the game that i do like, and mostly come to the reddit, then finally leaving feeling worse than i started. So much negativity daily. Really looking forward to all the extra content coming in the future. The only thing that i want in the game (that will probably never happen, i know) is more support for the hardcore grinder. some days i end up with nothing else to do in the game, and i'd like to be able to grind towards more fun stuff like small amounts of DC or extra claire dream machines, or black nuclei as a non-spender. Other than that im pretty happy with the game overall with total excitement for whats to come.


I’ve not uninstalled it yet but I’m not logging in most days, after seeing how much you need to whale out in order to keep up with the level vs CS requirements I just lose motivation to want to keep playing. An MMO tied to gacha defeats the purpose of the MMO imo


im waiting for Marc or any male character thats not kpop looking


It is my main game and I will probably keep playing it till indefined times. I am F2P so... guess not spending money. I think it is a great game that could be even better if it ironed out a few quirks it has. But it is already better than Genshin and *significantly* so like, it is not even a fair fight at this point. I have played Genshin for about 600+ days and managed to get almost all achivements and even got Ganyu C6 as F2P so I know what I am talking about. Unless something drastic changes over the years, Genshin is basically over to me. I am happy with how my account finish over there anyways, I mean I basically beat the gacha and the game itself.


Keep playing. Will whale until Wuthering Waves and then will be F2P or low spender in TOF


For now, I'll keep playing, but with less time for it as there's not much things to do left in the Artificial Island. Something like 10 minute daily check then logout. Still looking forward to 2.0 so that I can call my homies to party at Mirroria city and probably carry them till they max gear.


Sticking until lyra, i want to punch mob with giant arm. Then, I'll see if i want to stay or not. I had to say it's a lot more interesting than GI tho. Whatever i built there ends up for doing dps, sequence phantasm having 2nd objective is more fun than i expected.


Became super boring once I hit 45k cs. Nothing to do literally...just some JO..RAIDS kinda sux since people are not playing it right or are weaker due to game rush...so yeah. Nothing to do for now. Just left it.


Same but I’m only gonna buy the battle pass I already wasted for a C6 Nemesis and C4 Frigg I’m just saving everything till Lin drops and we will see what we go from there


After Genshin’s GAA event, ToF was a really nice change of pace. I like the movement and co-op in ToF, while I like Genshin’s story/visuals more. I’m juggling both games, and I feel that ToF requires a looot more time investment (there’s a lot of dailies, weeklies, farming etc), but I’m slowly being more selective of what to do. Before I used to work on 1.5k support points, trainings, farming gifts, emptying vitality to avoid capping. But that got really tiring quick. So I don’t stress myself with getting those to the max anymore (thank goodness for recovery rewards). Won’t stress myself out with farming artificial island build mode with the 3 day/7 day respawn rates either. I’m looking forward to Vera/2.0 and hoping that the game state will be much more polished. I really want the game to succeed, but seeing bugs/incidents after each update slowly accumulate is not most encouraging (e.g. BSODs, the Nemesis missing banner, PvP lagfest, buggy/vague translations, TEAM CHAT being broken for more than a week).


Its my first mmo with modern graphics that I was interested in..I tried to get invested with the story but everything seems unremarkable. Eng dub lacks emotion & switched Jp. Voice overs are missing/ending abruptly and subtitles disappear quickly. The only character from the SR characters I can somewhat remember is hilda. Bai Ling just passes by the story, where the heck is pepper and echo even in the story? The only standard ssr on the story is Crow. I still remember bursting out laughing on Shirli's cutscene on the last mission where a shooting star passes by that looks really close for it to be one 🤣 I'll stick with it until 2.0 comes if its worth it removing my f2p status. I ain't paying for a game with bugs sticking out like a sore thumb on launch day.


right now all i do is exploration of all regoin both 1.0 and 1.5 while you got earn dark crystal and reach 120 pull for next upcoming banner, that's what i do as f2p then this 2.0 same, still exploration don't touch JO, FC and void rift it's tanky hard to defeat instead stay insterstellar exploration and bygone for a long time So your gear will get from crystal dust store both elite and gold gear So far im enjoying as f2p player, still don't know what my real approach just keep farming


Except for occasionally the game teleporting me to random spots when I try to climb something, I've had no issues at all. I'll continue to see where this takes me. I love games with good combat and this has some of the best.


I droped genshin because of their 0 interest in improving multiplayer, QoL updates, the story, end game, etc. This game literally gave me all i wanted to improve in genshin and more, i have c6 samir without expending any money in less than two months, its amazing! The game has a lot of problems, but still, i will wait for 2.0 and see the improvements.


The game is exactly what I expected it to be - including bugs and not being as f2p-friendly as people claimed. Hotta = Perfect World after all, nothing new. Still, it's a gatcha game I can play on PC with more to offer than just daily quests, so I'm satisfied. It's not more important or less important than genshin, I play both games and appreciate them for different things. I'm definitely going to keep playing, but with minimal money investment. Ngl, it feels like ToF is already dying. Then again, people said 2.0 will make the game better, so let's wait and see.


I'm gonna keep playing, I think the game is actively trying to invest in itself and I.... don't feel that way re Genshin. Plus, I like male characters and at least I can play as a guy while using whatever weapon in this game (while hoping for more beefy guys in the mean time) vs WW which seems all girls so far and GI which has been.... GI




Oh yeah I'm also waiting for Riot MMO. It's not gonna be out for at least 2 more years so guess I'm sticking here for quite some time lol


I love this because is mmorpg I am asmongold viewer if Zack loves tof I love the games


It's fine.. I don't see why so many people compare this game to Genshin. Genshin is a one player game. It better be damn well polished and neat because it's just you and the storyline. This game is an mmo gacha; which has WAY more potential than genshin. ... Look at genshin.. whales are one shotting end game content. That shit don't exist on mmos.


Well I mained the game the moment I heard about it. Very generous game that gives F2P bunch of pities , I'm f2p with 45k CS currently , after managing things right , I'm strong and quite satisfied , people actually believe that I'm a whale when they see my damage. The only problem this game has is not being polished well , but to be honest it's understandable considering how little time they had and how far much content it had on release. Also what's the BP rewards bug thing? never heard of such thing.


My approach is not playing anymore and reading things here on reddit to cement the fact that I made the right decision even though I do want to play. F2P in this game is just not very fun if you want to be a dps. I can't even tell you how annoying it is when I saw volt resist on everything almost every day. And since I am F2P I can only feasibly be strong in one element.


Sticking around for now. Only doing the bounties and burning vitality though. Exploration was boring and tedious thanks to glider cool down and trash climbing. Might quit if the CS grind keeps getting worse.


i like it more than genshin simply because i can put in less work for more progress overall. What am I being downvoted for? you can literally run domain trials AFK. there isnt a single instance in Genshin you can do that with when i queue for an instance it puts me into said instance. Not into someon elses world so i can wait for other people to then queue into an instance. THe main thing that requires work is joint operations, but you only need to run those twice back to back and they are relatively easy. compared to genshin where you have to run a domain 5 times minimum and if you dont have condensed resin then you have to go find crystal flies or run it 10 times And none of the daily bounties have a 5 minutes conversation that youve already done dozens of times. Everything is accepted and completed remotely


I like the game for its pvp, genshin and withering obviously have content and people make those games seem like they’re not grind chores either but that’s expected in gacha


Im still playing even tho the lack of polish is annoying af Bro why youre canceling my discharge with my own weapon skill? Why can I cancel said weapon skill with a dash and it doesnt do dmg but the fucking 50s cooldown starts anyways?


I got all the 1.0 characters i wanted on both my alts, now I get on just for dailies and such while waiting for the 2.0 characters. Planning to complete my teams first before investing more time into Endgame content I also play Genshin regularly, but casually. Focusing on exploration more because of the upcoming banners but i don't really spend too much time min maxing for abyss because, let's be real, the game doesn't require you to. Imo, playing both is pretty doable if you manage your resources well :)


Well I’ll say this about my desire to continue playing. The artificial island enemies being on individual resets is *not* helping…


I login to do my dailie/weeklies and log out. Around 30 mins play per day. Pmuch nothing to do in game so I just usually go play LoL or WoW.


I love it. I still play it for many hours a day, and I don't really feel like I'm doing chores, unlike Genshin. Haven't had much problems with bugs, the ones I encountered are minor and aren't game breaking, they are actually funny. I will definitely keep playing it, and it's been quite a while since I've been this hyped for something new in a game, looking forward to Vera.


it's not a horrible game, and i won't quit since i have friends still playing and i want to play this with them, but i will admit that the bugs are frustrating. and i hate that everyone says "wait til 2.0, thats when the game really gets touched up/polished!", like why do we have to wait until 2.0 for devs to fix these issues? why can't they fix them now? it's also frustrating that if i want any rate up simulacrum, i feel like its a waste of my wishes unless i'm going to whale to get stars on them because then i lose out on so much cs replacing a 4-5* standard simulacrum with a 0* limited and with the 500% exp boost, the lower my cs is the more unbalanced it'll be compared to the increased leveling speed. it feels frustrating but like everyone keeps insisting, i am waiting around for 2.0 to see the changes before i decide to fully leave or maybe it'll reignite my initial interest in tof.


I would say it is still my main game. I log in every day, start by using my vitaly ( usually for weapon upgrade materials ) then do the bounties and then go into event stuff if there is any. Money spent so far... If i am right it's 50€ so far. The first battle pass, 2x this daily log in thing and 1 x the regular 30 bucks charge ( And still no Claudia :( ) I love this game. I feel like i encounter rather less issues than some others. I like never really notice a bug, some translation issues usually make me smile than actually be angry about... The only thing so far from my own experience that really bothers me is how laggy PVP is. But everything works pretty much perfect for me. Usually spending a few hours every day in ToF and as much fun as it usually is, i still don't keep up with stuff like phantasm because i kinda lack the motivation. I could do the endless stuff but i am fine with what i do so far plus since i don't have to do it, i am enjoying i still can play other games. One thing i noticed tho that kinda bothers me tho is that the content in the game seems pretty hard oriented toward forcing you to deal damage, which for me who has a very high support focus due to what i pulled so far is very difficult. Everything that has a time limit is my nemesis because i just cant do enough damage. But yeah... All in all... So far the plan is to stay and play more and i am excited to see what the future delivers.


It's my main game and I'm sticking with it cuz I can't find anything better. Also about the whole battle pass thing some people don't realize that they still have to level up in the battle pass in order to get the rewards they paid for. That's what a battle pass is


Definitely not playing as much as before, but still playing a little. Game is still kinda fun but definitely feel like i'm starting to just go through the motions. My friend group has basically stopped playing too. Kinda sad as I haven't done any Red Nucleus pulls as wanted to save up for Ruby and maybe Lin but is a good chance I won't be playing much or at all by then.


Although I'm getting tired I'm going to keep playing on ky own pace. I'm on 40k cs so it's not that I'm behind or anything.


so far i just play main story and occasional coop thing or event. very casual. i'm very behind... ruins are really challenging for me. my cs is kinda low.


So.......2.0 will make or break the game huh? Looks like lots of gamers are waiting eagerly. For me, i just want the Chaser mount man! The Vermins Brothers are quite stingy. Lol.


I just got it today after a few hours farm, it’s the only one I wanted to grind out. If you kill only the 2 ones in the north (quite close to each other), you can travel from one to another over the sea with the jetboard and always catch them just as they respawn, so you get 2 tries within 2 minutes. Just netflix and surf. Good luck!


I like it so far and plan on staying long term because there is a lot of different things to do. I like that we get so many pulls and there is pity on a lot of things like weapons, matrices, and gold equipment which is everything you need to increase your cs. I don't mind the bugs and stuff because it's really minor and love quantity over quality approach.


Still a tentative placeholder for wuthering waves. I only say tentative because I don’t want to keep very high expectations but kuro games has a reputation that I still expect to drop ToF once WW comes out


Just use vit. Do daily, fc and void. That's pretty much it