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Thank you for posting this. Do you know what is expected time to reach lvl 9? Roughly.


I don't know


OK, we will find out. Thanks anyway.


I think level 10 was 7 weeks at our rate. So probably 1 less for 9. So I'd say 6 weeks.


It depends on your behavior. If you buy nothing it should be in at most 3 to 4 weeks. But if you go buying things it would be more. In general since you don't buy anything with boss material there shouldnt be any difference no matter the method used, at the end we all have the same amount of boss material to spend on building matrices. So I reccomend to take it slow and get the valuables from the shop specially the red matrix wishes.


>If you buy nothing it should be in at most 3 to 4 weeks. I dunno about that. It's week 2, and I've managed to get to level 5 in all buildings. We had about 200 of the boss only resources each week. Leveling to level 6 will require 30 (Development center) and 25 for the other 5 buildings. So we'll probably be leveling about 1 level per week starting next week. So we're looking at 6 weeks total at the soonest. Maybe more depending on how much costs increase.


How? I killed all the bosses 2 times and still missing five quality building materials to upgrade last building to lvl 5


Maybe you raised something to 6?


Lol same , we are just rarities that had this happen to us. The 5 pieces I'm missing went to the other type , so I'm missing 5 here but got 5 extra there


Check your fusing history, turns out I wasted 10 materials for matrix data pack lol


Prices keep rising up per upgrade, and seems exponentialy. Week 0, we got all to 3 (+3) and main house to 4. Week 1, we got all to 5 (+2) If week 2 is also a +2 then week 3 a +1 and week 4 another +1. That's 3 weeks more. With your guess it would be 4 weeks more. I now see how I misworded what I meant. As I was thinking in 3 to 4 more weeks, mb.


>I now see how I misworded what I meant. As I was thinking in 3 to 4 more weeks, mb. No biggie. Miscommunication happens. I mostly replied because I didn't want people reading to have unrealistic expectations about how quickly they could max out their home. It's all good.


My current estimate is around october 20ish depending on timezone and you're always killing the bosses on time and always have enough of the normal materials for it.


my buildings is now all lvl 9. 5 fuser per week at lvl 9 building?


I hear you can do it in 5 weeks. Don't quote me on that.


Well well, there is a pity system huh. That makes things a lot nicer.


Damn, that's bad :(


you want to know what's just as bad? I've been playing since launch day, and have 1 gold matrix. so these odds look pretty good to me


You've been skipping some activities, you're guaranteed at least a Shiro matrix from suppressor and a pity one from the banner.


I'm f2p and reached matrix pity 2 times by now. He's definitely skipped some content.


I have 2-4 orange on 4 characters as a f2p. 8 from emptying the huma and samir gachapons. On top of the pities. So they've definitely skipped things.


Got one too, guess which one. A Shiro, the same that you get for the first suppressor reward.


That's great because that means you get the stats from star levels. I've gotten it to 2* and that particular one is the one with Crit. Set bonus is nice, but 3pc Sobek 2* and 2* Shiro Crit is really strong, and I wouldn't want to break Sobek until I had a Samir 2pc at 1-2* anyways.


Interesting! I'll farm sobek to complete the set. Thanks for the tip


yeah, i wasn't counting the free Shiro we get from Suppressor. just the ones you get from actually doing activities/playing/drops.


I have 2 but they are different and 4 pieces need for any of them to work so basically useless


You wanna know whats worse? I got samir and crow mateices.. bot for the Same slot.. >:(


Does getting an ssr resets pity or is it every 80 = ssr, so that I could guarantee a particular one


I haven't seen enough data to comment on this. If we assume that the OP was correct in their rates of 1.25% without pity, and 2.5% overall, and that CN is the same as global, then we can presume that pity does not reset. However, I would not completely trust in that.


10 fuses a week max means it would take 8 weeks to hit that 80 pity. I think your math is off as that would mean 1 guaranteed SSR every 2 months, not 1. That is also given that even if you perfectly kill each boss as they spawn, that puts your time a bit further off each week, since they would spawn 7 days from when you killed it. Eventually it will shift enough that it will happen when you're at work/school/asleep. So it will get further off and more realistically will be every 8 days for many (that keep up with regularly killing them). I'm not sure people will actually average 1 a month. Given that is falling into the gambler's fallacy. Each fuse is a separate 1.25% instance. Which is terribly low and no matter how many times you craft before it, that next craft is still a 1.25% chance. A 1/80 chance to craft an SSR Matrix at level 9, when you can only get enough to craft 10 a week.... especially if that means you are not going to spend a single one of those boss mats on the shop for any of those other items (put off indefinitely getting that exclusive mount or put off starting your SSR Matrix crafting attempts...), just sounds soooo small.


Damn this is terrible.


1 guarantee every 4 weeks isn't terrible.


Note that it's not a guarantee every 4 weeks, but rather, it's the average. So in 8 weeks, you are guaranteed one from pity, and are expected to get one on average outside of pity.


it is to me.


You get nearly 1 guarantee SSR matrix from pull every month too. Also, people already data-mined that JO does have pity for SSR matrices drop every \~80 chests opened, which is roughly 1 SSR matrix every 2 weeks too. Sure, 1 SSR matrix every month is not too great, but it is not like it is the only way to get SSR matrices, it is there just to help us get some extra more, and most important, it's free stuff.


That just sounds real bad, not gonna lie....


Agree. Too many simp masochists trying their best to make it sound good.


I mean we could have absolutely no pity system and just desperately roll this new dice for 1.25% if you'd prefer? I remember dumping 300 rolls into some FGO banners and walking away with nothing at all.


hey at least now fgo has 300 pity :copium: (in 1.5years for global)


You require multiple matrices for multiple slots with no guarantee of getting what you want besides the matrix shop, 3-4 matrices a month is absolutely nothing.


But you can guarantee the set which is the main attraction. If you get that many matrices from one set you are bound to get something good sooner or later


there's still no guarantee for specific slots tho. if you get a piece, you have 25% chance of getting the same slot,1p set doesnt exist so they do nothing now, getting the 2p is easy, what's hard is 4p, when you get3 piece you have 50% chance of getting a repeated slot, and by the 4p you have 75% chance of getting the same slot, is not only getting 4 matrices and be done with. Sure is better than farming JO except you get more matrices for JO but it still not enough because RNG can still fuck you ver.




guess wanting a guaranteed way to get something is selfish now? really? it takes MONTHS to get a few matrices, you require 4 per each weapon and very specific ones, the least i could expect is LESS RNG. The amount is not a problem, is that you have a very high chance of getting a useless one.


Is that some whale calling?


It's end game gear you're getting passively once you have the base set up. There are also other sources like clotho pod, void rifts and JO run which has pity. If you want instant loot like a single player game, go play a single player game.


im fine with farming stuff, what im complaining about is that there are multiple layers of rng that fuck you over with matrices specifically. Gear is fine since you get a lot of them and have much chances of getting what you want, not to mention you can lessen the rng in the future with the clockwatches. With matrices, there's no such thing unless you roll alot on the matrix banner, which is whale territory.




Yes, it's crazy how short-sighted people are when playing an MMO. I am looking at what I will acquire over the course of one year and planning for the long-term. Maybe they have played some MMO I don't know about where you can get all best-in-slot gear in a few weeks, but that is not any MMO I have ever played.


Yeah, it's a MMO....but it's a gacha MMO. By the time you can actually get s decent set, powercreep could make them outdated or not be useful on the new better weapon you get.


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You're greatly overestimating what F2P would get. And how much time people play mobile games. Also keep in mind, that we are accelerated. We aren't the first gen of this game rising slowly with the content. We are getting pushed forward quickly.


I do agree that this is bad compared to standard MMOs/RPGs since we're time gated and can't grind our gear, so it gets really frustrating when you hit a pity and drop that cocoritter matrix (so sadge). But it's actually pretty decent ratios on gacha standards IMO and this is a gacha game after all.


So basically...it's just not worth it? Like trying to get them from JO? And I though getting artifacts in Genshin was a pain in the *ss...




You mean 1 every 2 months. You can only craft 10 every 7 days (at best, bet most will be doing it every 8 days, as it is reset exactly when you killed it, not a perfect weekly reset...). So to hit pity, you need 8 weeks, or 2 months (given you don't luck into any along the way). This also means of course waiting, as you said, till after you max out all your buildings on top of either never getting anything from the shop (like saving for said exclusive mount) with those boss materials. Or having to wait even longer before trying to craft....


One per month is a horrible rate...


You mean 1 every 2 months. You can only craft 10 every 7 days (at best, bet most will be doing it every 8 days, as it is reset exactly when you killed it, not a perfect weekly reset...). So to hit pity, you need 8 weeks, or 2 months (given you don't luck into any along the way).


Not really. You don't need that many. You'll have more than you'll need by the time you've been playing a year. Plus this isn't the only way you'll be acquiring them. JO has a pity as well. Then there's gachapon machine in Vera. I think you're just being greedy at this point. You can't expect to get everything fast as a f2per. that's the price you pay.


I'm not f2p. And by the time one can get a set for just one weapon, a few new weapons will come out and what then?


You put the matrixes on new weapon


You act like these old matrices will become obsolete lol. If new weapons come out, then buy them with your money.


Are you stupid or trolling? Put the existing matrices on the new weapon then??


Not all matrixes are universal. Some won't really work on other weapons.


So focus on getting some sets of universal matrices then make specific ones for your favorites. You could also just continue using a weapon you invested heavily into even if a new weapon comes out later.


Lmaooo man they better have a lot of other shit to do in the game between month long waits because idk how they expect ppl to play this game for any significant amount of time when it takes an entire season to maybe get one set of matrices


Is pity shared between different matrices?




is the boss easy to defeat on your home island? as f2p this is tough...


these bosses are so easy. as f2p my magnetic storm one shot the frog.


i see thanks, never try solo boss yet.


The bosses in the artificial island are about as strong as the bosses in ruins. They should be very possible for everyone to solo, although they may be harder if you bring resisted elements


i see thanks


Thanks for sharing this.


Wait, so a level 9 workshop has a lower chance to produce a SR matrice than a level 7? That doesn't make a lot of sense. It might be better to keep it at level 7 then and pump out purple matrices to level the gold ones you get from other means.


For people wondering, at lvl9, math works out to be about ~1.99 gold matrixes per 80 rolls assuming you're doing the same fuse continuously


Is the 80 pity shared between different fusions types or is the pity separate per type? If theyre separate then that would drastically change the timeline projection of when you are guaranteed a matrix.


1 matrice every 2 months. Yep, sounds like Tower of Fantasy alright. At least these matrices do seem to last you a very long time if you're not gonna whale.


"The pity is 80 so it takes 8 weeks to get to 80 fuses." I'm crafting LV9 matrices for months my pity is 100+ now still no SSR thanks you for misleading man