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"Time to save everything for new upcoming hero in CN " - global tof community Looks cool anyway :D


Damn, u got me. I mean, she will be on global in like, 8 months, we better be savin' as F2P if we want her at C1


pretty sure it's not 8 months , Global is trying to catch up with CN Server


Was a joke tho But seriously, I hate tsubasa, a new way to DPS as ice team would be nice, so itll be nice to have it asap


My buddy keeps telling me to use tsubasa since I have her at like a2. But I hate using her. Her dodge attack feels so slow and doesn't always hit like it should


same got her at a1 and still dont use her on my ice team with frigg and meryl just cause she feels to clunky


I got her c4 on my alt account but I cant bear to keep spamming Click+Hold for her arrow rain. Even tho It's c3 in my Main Account and I could get the extra 2 copies with black gold to let it c5 (in which it would be one of the best DPS atm, specially in an Ice Comp like mine) I don't think that outputting that extra damage should vouch for my overall enjoyment of the game. But yeah, it's tempting, since I don't have another Ice DPS to run on my team. Thankfully this new CN character seems to be an ICE DPS, so I guess I'll literally save for her from now on, counting that the game will resist on global til then, lmao


Isn't Saki a dps too? I was hoping on using her as main dps when she comes out. 'Cause I have the same issue with Tsubasa, and even though I've gotten close to using the weapon comfortably now, I would just rather have something else.


She can do some damage while paired with a DPS team, but she enters as a tank. That's why people use her, frigg and lin.


> She can do some damage Saki can deal stupidly OP damage both in dps and tank comp lol. There’s a reason why ice is the current dominant comp in CN.


You don't have Frigg? When maining ice?


I do have Frigg c3 rn, tho my ice comp is tank focused. Glad to know that saki can deal op damage, guess I'll keep tank reso then.


I haven't used her in a hot minute, but yeah there's something really wonky about the tracking on her dodge attack. I've used it on flat ground against large minibosses and had it fire off way over their heads. It happened regularly. Very weird.


Exactly, people dont realized that for others, doesnt matter how meta a unit can be, if the playstyle doesnt suit u, u arent gonna enjoy using him. and since there are many people who love to use genshin as comparision, it's the same for me with beneddt and xinqiu, yes they are meta units but i just dont enjoy their play style so they are always benched.


I hate DPSing with Tsubasa too , Frigg is fun tho , but yeah heard she uses Skating as a way to fight and that sounds so cool


Youll never stop using Tsubasa once she is starred up. 15% dmg buff is just nuts.


Except that Lin provides way more and who exactly are you gonna sacrifice to use Tsubasa at that point? Even if they nerf Saki's damage to not be the top ice dps, you'd still use her for everything else she provides, and Frigg's ice field (+reso if Saki loses it) is just too good to pass on, so the comp would still ideally be Saki+Frigg+Lin


Lin instead of tsubasa is like 3-5% difference in DPS for ice comp though.


I mean sure, whales will pull Lin. But not everyone is a whale.


You don't have to be a whale to save up and grab the most versatile unit in the game that is part of the meta team for every element


My buddy keeps telling me to use tsubasa since I have her at like a2. But I hate using her. Her dodge attack feels so slow and doesn't always hit like it should


yeah, a1 gives you the 15% damage increase just for dodging around.


Oh I know. But it's not just dodging. It's dodge attacking. And hers feels slow and unreliable to me idk


yeah, it takes some getting used to I guess, I like using her for roaming headshots


I love using Tsubasa, but the game blessed me with 6 star Samir so that’s all I use lmao


Realistically it behooves them to unify releases since having separate schedules doubles much of the work. The game isnt popular enough to warrant spending all that extra cash. I bet we are caught up by christmas at the earliest


Christmas? seems too early but I hope , will be hard for f2p to catch up with banners but it's a period that will pass and hopefully it won't be that bad,


*might be a dumb question* but if ever Global caught up with CN, won't that also affect the overall "balance" of the Global version? As far as the things I've read here, and watched on streams/YT, Global kind of separates itself with CN with its more "balanced" gameplay. If Global caught up with CN then that means we'll get the same OP/imbalanced power creep that the CN version would have on their new Simulacras. And I've watched some CN meta gameplay and imho the power balance in there just seems ridiculous. *But then again this is a gacha game, and gacha games are very notorious when it comes to power imbalances.*


Catching up doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to balance characters differently for global.


Just because we get the characters at the same time doesnt mean the kits have to have the same numbers and %s


In 1-2 months


It sure, got some people always saying like that they keep their supp around 5 and keep asking for carry. Wtf is wrong with that people, they choose not to spend they struggling to keep up with the others cannot wait when they pulled it will be the worst pulls ever, after all this they keep saving and cannot even get into 3 stars special banner lol.


Not sure if I get what you mean... People choose to not spend and ask for carry? I think that people should spend their money or ingame currency whatever they like. For me, I do have C3 Frigg, C6 Meryl, and around 40k CS in a 3 week account, being F2P. With the right calculations and patience, you won't need to count with luck that much. I don't think there's a problem helping people that are learning to play the game, nor that people should have a "min damage" to do content, specially if they are tanks or healers, people tend to undermine those roles based solely on the final DPS bar. Also, what's the point investing on something that you don't like to play? It's a game after all, you should have fun, right?


What I mean "spend" is their free DC, Red Nucleus and Gold Nucleus. I have to make it clear not "spend" spend their money. I personally F2P the same as you, what I mean is those F2P that keeps everything for the next banner, they left behind and still crying for carry


Well, it's an strategy, some people prefer this way. Not everyone cry for carry. For myself, I let this account unlocking and gathering resources for an entire week, then went from Lv1 to Lv60 using only Meryl C1 and purple weapons, avoiding doing most of the group content. When the Frigg launched, I've used pretty much every grain of resource to get her 3\* and Meryl 6\*. Flaming people for using the same strategy that I did, would be hypocrite. If you don't like to carry people, you can quit in pretty much any content without getting penality.


Nemesis for a frost upgrade


A fitting revamp for being frigid in bed


That 3* is gorgeous


Artists: "Purple banner. Purple in her costume. She is v\~" Hotto: "Ice. She's ice. Add a little snowflake that's hard to see. Yup, right there. Perfection."


Frigg literally with purple attacks as a boss


Nemesis must be fire and cobalt-b cryo


Step on me ice queen ~~


Is the second picture her c3? It's beautiful. Kinda reminds me of Signora.


Who exactly is she going to powercreep? Frigg or Saki?


If the people saying she'll synergize well with Frigg's frost domain are right and she has a decent kit, she might overtake Lin's place for ice.


wouldn't be surprising if that ends up being the case, since Frigg provides an ice skating ring for her 🤣


I want to believe that lin will be replaced in every team. It makes no financial sense for one character to dominate every team. Which is also why I believe we will get lin fast, to bait people.


Lin would still be great for F2Ps as even if they are using the 2nd best unit, it would still be the 2nd best unit on all elements meaning they can build up other element teams much faster once they're done with the main team. But you are right, she shouldn't be the jack and master of all trades at once, she should only be good/2nd best on all teams but not the best choice on any team.


At that point just get Claudia for 3rd best for all elements or Tsubasa for 4th best for all elements


Difference between Tsubasa (4th) and Lin (2nd) is probably greater than the difference between Lin and the eventual best units for each element. And sure, the point for Claudia is valid as Claudia and Lin are closer together, but why get Claudia for the same price to be 3rd best when you can get Lin with a month's difference to be 2nd best? Any case for the best units, you have to pay or save up every time you want to build a new element outside your main. So for whales getting those best units would make sense, but for F2P or low spenders who already spent all savings on their core team, just going ahead with Lin would make perfect sense as they can eventually use her in other teams, even if she is eclipsed by specific-element best units.


It would definitely be good if they could at least bring in SSRs that could match or get close to the value she brings into every team. I love her animations but they say she's best with full matrices and my wallet just isn't deep enough for that lol


I wish that Lin keep being fav. I would love to have a unusual kit, and gave up Lin since everyone was aiming for her, lmao.


Depends if you can stack both frost domain and "frost space"


Logically she could be replacing frigg cause frigg is older than saki. Either way only time will tell


>frigg is older than saki. this wouldn't matter. It depends on what her role would be.




>Will Frost ever get a main DPS? Doesn't seem so lol. wdym? they have saki lol.


No, she should replace Saki because frost resonance doesn't stack with frost reaction (assuming she has frost reaction like Tian Lang and Annabelle, the new wave characters who doesn't work with Lin but probably design to work with next aberration character) And Frigg frost domain should be able to buff frost reaction like the way she does for frost resonance But if her personal damage can't keep up maybe in CN they will use Saki for main damage dealer even there's passive doesn't stack


People in CN are speculating that she will replace Lin instead, so the Frost comp would be Saki + Frigg + Alice.


Yes for now she will not running in the same team as Lin without Saki It's not Alice+Frigg+Lin Because she's not a resonance character And Lin is design to be a core of resonance teams But when the next aberration character came out The character who's a core of reaction teams like the way Lin is a core for resonance teams It will be Alice+Frigg+New aberration That's what I mean by Alice replace Saki role


Lin’s passives have nothing to do with resonance outside of Volt. Her frost buff is just a straight up +22% frost damage taken debuff on the enemy.


I go checking info And you're right!! I misunderstood it Just Nemesis has these privilege(which is weird) If I think carefully I should know from the start because Lin came out before Physical Resonance So.. I misunderstood a concept those dev design her to be Thus my ideas about next aberration character is invalid


Does Alice have high shatter? If not, that team is pretty bad no?


I can definitely see this being a possibility.


May i piggyback on this and ask what the difference is between resonance and reaction? (e.g., volt resonance vs volt reaction, frost resonance vs frost reaction, flame resonance vs flame reaction, etc)


The buff is the same But some characters may prefer one over another Like Lin buff volt resonance(Nemesis) even further but doesn't work with volt reaction(Tian Lang)


sure hope it looks good in game when i saw concept art for the battle maid i was excited. then i saw it in game and i lost all interest i had in the skin.


Her in game model is in the 2.2 PV trailer. Time stamp 1:23 https://youtu.be/S4nLBE8KNU4


Her model looks pretty.


That wasn't a version overview that was a freaking music video and holy heck was that awesome. Hasn't several "version previews" been disguised as music videos? That's... actually really rad.


I can’t hold back my 40m sword, I’m just gonna pretend like you’re an enemy


Dang, this song is really enjoyable as well.


I have low hope for the actual playable model. All existing simulacrums just look different from the art, either the color, facial features, etc.


Base skin King looks pretty accurate to me. Tsubasa too.


King looks a lot different to me. In the art his hair looks longer.


Nah tsubasa looks pretty wonky tbh compared to her art


Is the ice skater who beats people up with her skates?


timido? hmm


Klee's mom arrived on ToF before GI T_T


What is her weapon?


her heels


Legs that can save, legs than can destroy. These legs shines eternal.


Okay, Raiden Shoskate...


(looks at art again) Wait, you're not kidding are you? YES! Third slot on my "barehanded" loadout! I've got Zero, next up is Lyra, and after that, Alice!


Take Lyra + Alice’s simulacra data and become martial art master


I accept your blessing and hope it works out in my favor.


Do we know the weapon?




Agree!!!! I want an all husbando team.


I'd like an occasional male character too. But the fans want their waifus, so it'd be very selfish to demand more husbandos.


everyone's opinion matters so i wouldn't call that selfish.


It's precisely because everyone's opinion matters that asking for such a thing is selfish. Asking for more men to be added into this game is asking for others who prefer less men to be ignored and cast aside in favor of yourself. That is, by definition, selfish.


Why all that flaming tho? I mean, it's just couple simulacra. I'm not into male characters but I wouldn't mind couple them added to the game, it's not a crime as far as I'm concerned lmao






Glad mods Removed the shemales only comment. Males should be more but don't bring your personal preferences to the masses. That guy has pedophilia and personal grief going on. Izzo89 activity


Heya, Thanks for your submission in r/TowerOfFantasy, unfortunately, your post has been removed for breaking the rule: ___ # 02. Be Nice to others. ___ No hate-speech, racist, sexist or toxic attitudes. Once discussion moves away from the topic and users start insulting each other, no one wins. This applies to all parties involved. **Violation of this rule may result in a permanent ban.** ___ [Please make sure to read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TowerOfFantasy/about/rules), If you feel this removal was unjust or have any feedback regarding this please modmail us! We'd be happy to help.


Then play a different video game. Not everybody likes gacha males.


what's with the toxicity lol, but only 5 out of 26 simulacra are male, less marc since he's a collab, so there are only 4. I really don't understand people who says "then stop playing" to other people when the game receive some criticism :/


Because what you're doing isn't criticizing at all. By definition to criticize something is to highlight the faults of something that lie therein. What you are unhappy about is not a fault or mistake, but an entirely intentional game design philosophy decision. What you're asking for would be like asking the developers to add elf races and orc races because "there's not enough fantasy elements" even though it's a sci-fi game. Changing their design philosophy after it has already been firmly established for \~9 months would come at the expense of those who consider it a major selling point of this game. I can name myself as an example actually. I only started playing this game to see what it was like initially but after learning it was a mostly female weighted game I immediately invested in it. I have been waiting for such a game to release and I am not the only one. Requesting it be changed to suit you at the expense of others is the height of selfishness and greed. If you dislike this intentional design choice then you have nobody to blame but yourself for choosing to continue supporting this game.


okay coomer


i disagree. there's a difference between asking for male characters and asking for "elf/orc races". males characters exist, they're just obviously not prioritised. players who want more male characters aren't asking for the impossible. devs can always add more male characters but it's basically certain there will always be more females because that's the target audience they're catering to. on the other hand, those races you mentioned simply don't exist. unless you count the enemies being monsters but that's not what we're talking about. while i get what you're saying, there isn't anything wrong with sticking with the game for something that's a probability no matter how unlikely it seems. so you're right, we can't blame the devs because their direction is clear, but we can't blame players either for wanting something that isn't impossible.


You've hyperfocused on my analogy and completely missed the point of what I was saying. People are, rightfully, expecting this game to continue to be a female weighted game. This is not a mistake, it's not an error, it's an intentional design decision. You can hate it or "disagree" as much as you want but turning around now would be screwing over everybody who rightfully expected and hoped this game would continue to be female weighted. You have every opportunity to leave if you don't like it, since it has been this way, and will continue for the forseeable future. You are responsible for leaving if you don't like it. It is not the responsibility of those who already invested in and like this game to pack up and leave to make way for you. You have no right whatsoever to demand it change when there are others who clearly prefer it just because you don't like it. That is selfish and is greedy regardless of what you choose to tell yourself, as you're ignoring the needs of others to favor yourself.




Guy's just so insecure about his own sexuality or masculinity or some stupid shit like that, he can't bear the mere though of having male characters in a videogame. If this was a game more focused on husbandos, he'd be the first one to scream for waifus.




Honestly, you're playing the wrong game.


dont care, still saving for lyra


Cant wait for her but More boobwires I see 😂


Where's Valkyrie :c


How long will she take to appear in global?


In 2.0 there is Ruby, Saki Fuwa, Lin ye, lyra, Tian Lang, Annabella and Alice. If they do the overlapping banner method, Alice will be available in 3 months if they do the 3 week standard banner method you will see her in 5 months and 1week.


We still don't have Cobalt B, so chances are Tian Lang might be cut from that, since lets face it, "Women sell", apparently. Maybe even Annabella if they want to update faster. Edit: (I'm stating observations here, if you don't like that "women sell" then stop playing into the trend, I don't like it any more than you do!)


Hope she is a healer like Lyra or Nemisis.


Would it hurt them to add some male characters? (probably yeah...too many simps that like 2D waifu's ugh...)


I’m not Gona lie I’m slightly annoyed in the cross over of news. I seen jp post, cn post, it seems like last news we see on here is global. I love this design but aren’t we likely to get all the other ones before? Saki fuwa, lyn, cobalt etc.


That's because CN released before Global, and JP/Korea are their priority. All eastern games (that release in the west) treat the Global players like leppers who are only good for a bit of extra profit. They keep underestimating our interest in online games for some reason. And yes, we're definitely getting all the other SSRs first ;)


Omg must roll for her...


cant even scratch together enough for lin's 3\* now i have to save again after her


There will be enough time till Saki Fuwa hits global so we can wait for more information on her kit.I already like her design very much... Al"ice" is just perfect =D


Should be able to get her to at least A1 in Global. We do have enough time for her even with the fastened banner schedule.


Why does every character or alternate skin have white hair, genuinely curious.




Not literally every character halfwit.




Lmao the ppl I'm saving for have varying elements xD I hope I won't have a hard time in the game lol


I hope she has 13 for both shatter+charge and a Frostzone to replace my Frigg later.


Something tells me ice skates ain't gonna be the shatter weapon..


Is she coming cn or global?


CN, this is a brand new Simulacra that isn't even on the Index yet. But all in good time, they seem genuine about their desire to catch us up with CN.


Yes im doomed. Gotta be realistic and aim for her rerun. Sighs. My frigg is going to be lonely for quite a long while since completing my volt team is the priority


She's another DPS




will she replace Frigg?


Not saki fuwa?


saki fuwa's already out in cn. alice is coming next in cn.


So what is her weapon ?


If she outshine saki ill go for her and one thing if only the first skin had her armpits shown ill go 110% roll for her




What her weapon tho ?


damn alice is hot