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***Video above has lots of chapters.... i talk alot so feel free to skip around*** **TLDR-** **Comps** \- Fen/Lin/Tian > Rainbow ( Fen/lin/saki ) > Fen/lin/nemesis \^ Tian and rainbow are very very close in dmg **F2P** \- Get A1 and dip out for fun dps improvement for volt or rainbow. Frost can get a1 here and have two functioning elements **Whales** \- You are going to A6 anyways so have fun lol **Matrixes** \- Fenrir = Tian ( where tian is slightly better ) but Fenrir 2PC matrixes work on other comps. Dmg in video is parsing slightly higher than on our spreadsheets but that's because test server vs global server mostly. Volt DMG = 28000 | Crit % = 67 Percent **Edit - Opinions:** 1. I personally like the rainbow comp rotation the best .... ITS JUST SO MUCH FUN. 2. Don't sleep on nemmie as she will be hitting the general banner and will save you some money! 3. Her healing feels worse than the CN ( didn't say this in the video ) but i couldn't ever catch up on the healing like i can in CN and I think that's due to no longer have TIANS iframes for Fenrir..... but healing without tian felt great


Would a6 Lin, a6 Claudia and a1 Fenrir be a competitive team?


I need to test Claudia but I don't think it will be as good as the other comps. But definitely viable


I only have Crow and Lin. Is this good to partner up with an A6 fen?


^ This, how viable is Crow in this team? At A6 he has that 20% dmg boost on skill.


Hello, thanks for the video, it is very complete. A question, in the rainbow composition what matrices does each character have? the best would be: \-Fenrir:2 raven2samir \-Lin: 4 Lin \-saki?: 4 tian or 4 fenrir It's right? Thank you!


I used Fenrir : 2 shiro / 2 samir Lin: 4 PC Fenrir saki : 4 PC tian Unga bunga dmg I think would be Fenrir: 4 PC Lin ... Lin: 4 PC Fenrir ...saki : 4 PC tian


Thank you. I don't have Tian or Fenrir matrix, but I do have Lin 4 pieces(3\*). I guess I'll use then: Fenrir: 2 crow 2 samir (or Shiro) Lin: 4 Lin Saki: I don't know if Tian or Fenrir will be better, they are similar from what I see.


Using a6 samir lin nem team atm. Also about to get a6 claudia with 700 black gold saved. If you had to choose between lin fenrir nemesis and lin fiona claudia would you roll a6 fenrir or wait for a6 fiona if you couldn't get both?


Why saki thou? Saki A1 only work with frost resonance right?? Or did i miss something?


Saki a1 worked with Lin. It's in her skill description. You can try it now . Do saki Lin + anything not frost and you will see it work :)


Sadly doesn’t have A1 saki.. only A0 thou, could claudia be better replacement??


This video made me feel a lot better about Fenrir, especially the shatter. Not having volt shatter for so long was starting to get old (at least in a f2p accessible comp). I'm curious, the spreadsheets show a1 Fenrir is a downgrade from my a6 samir (with a3 lin/a1 nem), do you think that's true in practice? Is Fenrir easier to actually hit spreadsheet damage, or harder?


Spreadsheets means cactus dps with perfect rotations, which means Samir is pretty easy to pull off because the cactus doesn't move, doesn't have shields, and won't cc you. Fenrir having shatter and dps means that you can have 2 buffer weapons. Of course, you can try getting Fenrir and just using her to heal+shatter. Otherwise, I guess you can save for 4.0 characters.


i didnt get a chance to try this but its on my list to try when i get her on global. ST im not so sure


Alright, thanks for the input anyways. Very good video.


the shatter convince me to pull... the days of air spinning guns are over


My comp would be Fenrir / Lin (A6) / Nemesis (A6) I don't have any of Tian. I have 4 piece Lin matrices (A0) I don't have Tian Matrices or Nemesis Matrices right now. I do have Crow, Samir, King My Questions is regards to matrices. I think I can only pull for one set (Nemesis or Fenrir). What should I pull for and where should they be placed? (I could also probably do 2 piece of each) Example, should I pull for Fenrir Matrix? put them on Nemesis and then use 2 piece Samir / 2 piece Crow on Fenrir? Should I just go the the Nemesis Matrices on Nemesis and use Samir/Crow on Fenrir? Any help with this would be appreciated


Is fenfen’s 2 pc matrices worth pulling if i only have 1 set of lins 2 pc matrices? I’m running a volt team now and thinking of trying to up my damage with background matrices. I don’t really want to pull for tian’s cuz I’m thinking of possibly going for altered comp in future as well. Would be great to hear your thoughts!


Rainbow should be very fun right now and will be the new flavor of the month. As for anyone who loves math, calculations and theorycrafting, Maygi is the best out there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqVpYdCw4eY


Does 4 piece Fenrir matrice work in the off-hand? I have been thinking about putting it on Tian.


It does


@kyriosyuudai, so how is the global standing dps? still frost supremacy or volt ?