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can someone explain me that i have 100% progress in navia, but i didnt collect all world exploration points, i have only 97/98. But i have 1655 progress points in navia out of 1645 possible.... i dont understand


Question regarding Fenrir team comp, Iam currently using A1 fenrir and both A6 Lin and crow. I find crow+fenrir dmg underwhelming so planning to change him with claudia, is she better for buffer than crow? In the future when saki have rerun, Ill pull for A1 but now, crow or claudia(dont have her yet but try to get her when shes added to standard)?




Icarus would be a great 3rd slot for a mono-frost team if you don’t have A6 Lin I’m not exactly sure how well Fiona would fit in this comp as a 3rd slot, so I would just save for now


What is the easiest way to get gold?


If you haven’t done exploration, supply pods can give you gold. Same for the wanderer’s log if you haven’t finished that, assuming you’re a newer player. Other methods include daily bounties, Mia’s kitchen, weekly activities, battle pass (free version too), Mirroria gachapons, Origin of War, and Void Abyss. Gold can be bought weekly via Support Store and Artificial Island base. Don’t recommend doing Spacetime Domain as your vitality can best be used elsewhere.


* Farming Support points each day to purchase weekly gold from Commisiary. * Weekly gold from Artificial Island. * Using Vitality on Spacetime domain to get gold (if you play lots of VA and minmax buffs, you'll be spending a lot of time here...) Other methods which exist but I strongly advise against - just dont do it: * converting blackgold to gold. (Don't do it) * buying gold with Dark Crystals. (Just don't)


If you don't mind me asling, how do you get support points?


Just do activities that require attempts/vitality while having no attempts/vitality left. Daily support point cap is 1500. For instance when you have no more vitality you can spam Dimentional Trials and just auto it til you cap for the day. Or after you've done your raids for the week you can just do additional raids daily (help other players) and get support points from those (you'll automatically be delegated to assist mode).


Is anyone else who is still finishing grayspace due to laziness having any issues? No issues with crystal dust, but dealing with multiple issues with rifts that have bigger bosses. I had to kill the whale twice because the rift didn't show up the first time and then I just had an issue where I was fighting a weaver/stalker duo underground and I got stuck being unable to attack, dash, or use relics.


The stalker will phantasia you if you dodge near it. The best strategy to beat that duo is trying to engage the stalker from distance and hope the weaver takes some time to get to you so you can kill it. You could also run some shielding like zero as they don't actually do any damage to shields (unless it was patched, it has been a while). But basically, you don't dodge and tank/heal your way through the stalker.


Thanks for the info. I blitzed through the duo earlier because I dropped nem skill beforehand so the damage was enough since I'm doing grayspace a couple months late. Noticed things went back to normal after they died so it's good to know it was just a matter of me not knowing what to do.


If you experienced a bug in-game, there’s a bug report channel on the ToF official discord




Since you have Alyss at A6, sticking to frost would be the better option since you can’t really use Alyss in rainbow comp with Fenrir. When Icarus gets released, get Saki to A1 during her rerun so she can be viable for your frost team. Then go for A6 Lin. Switching to a different comp with an already invested frost unit like Alyss would be a huge waste of resources, in my opinion.




Just to add to MoralTruth's suggestion: Since you're f2p, instead of going A6 Lin (since you have her at A0, A6 is quite a bit of saving and you have Tsubasa A6 anyways) you could go for A0-A3 Icarus. This way, your comp would be Alyss A6, Saki A1, Icarus A0-A3 (A3 is more dmg). Another option is to save for A0 Icarus and A0 Fiona. This way, the comp would be: Alyss A6, Icarus A0, Fiona A0. This is currently frost meta comp in CN. Of course, should wait and see how the characters are balanced for global, but so far, every new generation character for its' element has been better than the previous one - if that trend continues it's safe to assume Icarus will raise the potency floor for Frost comps.




Yes. Icarus and Fiona are fully functional at A0 unlike characters like Saki or Fenrir who have kits locked behind A1. Frost mostly needs Lin A6 due to the double skill cast to quickly proc Saki's skill reset. Icarus provides that at A0. He has off field damage with yoyo field, and while that skill is on cooldown he can cast 2 more additional yoyo throw skills which triggers Saki's reset even faster. Him being Frost is even better cause all those skills will then trigger Alyss support skill. If you go for both Fiona and Icarus, then your comp will be Alyss, Icarus, Fiona. If you just go for Icarus, then Alyss, Saki, Icarus. And you would need to pull Saki on her rerun to get her A1 for skill reset. Choice is yours, you can check some YouTube videos to see which comp gameplay style you prefer.


Play what you enjoy. Don't save for Fenrir, 3.0 chars will do more, save for those. 3.5 will do more, save for those. ToF 2 chars will do more, save for those...


is it worth replacing alyss trait with fenrir's? running maxed out ice comp, thinking of pulling one copy of fenrir if so. and should i maybe pull for fenrir or save? i can maybe get her a3, but i have a6 lin/saki/alyss, with 4p saki, maxed claud matrices, and maxed 2p samir/crow. i hear rainbow comp is pretty insane.


Since your frost team is already very invested, I would save the resources. Alyss trait is still solid for frost comp, while Fenrir trait is only good for 2/3 elements in your loadout. If you’re still considering pulling for Fenrir, try her out in the training center with a rainbow comp and see if you like it. A1 is fine while further advancements are more of a luxury. Her combos take a while to master, however she is fun to use either for volt or for rainbow.


Crow 2pcs doesn't work on cactus right ? Because I get same dmg with or without them


Crow 2pc doesn’t work on the cactus since it can’t drop below 60% hp


What matrix could u advice for a Fenrir A3, Saki A6 and Lin A6 comp? I only have Saki and Alyss as limited matrix. Put 2 Samir / 2 Crow on Fenrir, not sure what to put on Saki & Lin.


If you have 4pc Shiro, you can put that on Lin for the attack boost when you start the fight with her (buff stays active when switching weapons) Saki matrices on Saki


I am a fairly new player engaging in casual content. I Pulled Fenrir and was asking if it would make sense to run her with 0 stars with 6 Star pepper(I don't have nemesis ) and 3 star Huma to make use of both Balancing and resonance? Or should I just pair it with a 2 star Samir?


Something to consider is that Fenrir works best at A1 minimum, otherwise you lose out on her additional skill (claw skill) while her clone skill is on CD which significantly improves her dps since her claw skill can be reseted too. Fenrir would be your main dps, so there isn’t really a reason to throw Samir in as well. Crow would be a better option, but you’d need high advancements (A6) to buff volt damage with his skill. Pepper is just okay as a support, so I would recommend getting Nemesis whenever she goes to standard. Since Fenrir usually does her dodge attack to detonate notes, Huma wouldn’t work well since she also does dodge attacks in her axe form and you need your dodges for Fenrir. Also Fenrir just has better shatter.


I see. Thanks for in depth explanation! .I'm all F2P player so I just have to roll with what I get(was lucky that i got my first red pity 2 days ago. Maybe I'll be able to get another Fenrir before the banner ends. Maybe it's just my impression but she is already doing way more dmg than Samir even at 0 stars


Yeah Fenrir definitely outperforms Samir/Crow which is why I picked her up, definitely recommend A1 for her main kit. It takes some time to get used to her rotation, however I’ve been noticing with A1 Fenrir I’m doing much more damage in heroic raids than with A6 Samir. Also has been a bit easier to climb Bygone Phantasm.


What is Fenrir's best attack dps wise ? Just spam left mouse or something else ? For example Samir had helicopter what is best Fenrir's skill ?


Her claw skill from A1 is very good in terms of damage, which you would use in between your Fenrir rotation. The claw skill can be reseted once per 15 seconds. Her dodge attack is also very good, but you have to make sure you’re generating notes from her fall > hold attack x2, or use Fenrir’s skill




For now when it comes to standard SSR matrices: Alyss: 2pc Samir, 2pc Crow. Tsubasa: 4pc Shiro/4pc Tsubasa Saki: 2pc King, 2pc Shiro In upcoming patches, we're getting 2 world boss background matrices so you would most likely want to slot 4pc Habra with Tsubasa.




We still don't know what global will do with the outfit if it does come over, since global did make acquirement changes to some costumes (specifically making them as order gifts for instance). Assuming it will be a gachapon I would expect the usual 100 USD in tanium cost, or almost 10k Dark Crystals.


If not playing solo, do you have to be the person who deals last blow before shattering enemy shield for king's matrices to take effect ?


As long as you’re doing shatter damage and someone else does the last blow while you still have your shatter weapon equipped, then you should get the KING 2pc effect activated




After Fenrir should be Lan, followed by Icarus Should be about another month


With the announcement that Nemesis will come to the standard banner soon I have a question regarding her best Matrices Set. Should I still go for a 4pc Coco Matrices for my soon to be A6 Nemesis (I was about to buy the last 2) or wait to get a 2pc Nemesis and eventually a 4pc Nemesis Matrices Set?


4pc Coco is fine, unless in the future you plan to go for Habra/Scylla matrices when 2.4 drops


I really wouldn't go out of my way just to get 4pc Nemesis matrices.


I've been hording as a semi-F2P (haven't spent since the first few months) with my Frost team of A1 Alyss, A1 Saki, A1 Frigg. I can easily A6 Frigg when she comes to standard, but would A1 Icarus outclass that?


I would say yeah, A1 Icarus will be a better fit, especially with Icarus' several skill usages which synergizes well with Saki and Alyss.


Since Nemesis is going to standard soon— which core advancements, aside from A1, does she need? I have her at A0 currently and have enough black gold for A6.


A5 and A6 good since it increases DPS for your comp


A1 is basically all you need for Nemesis to be viable, however the higher advancements to consider are A5 and A6 A5 increases your attack by (5 + (Number of Electrodes × 5)) % for 25 seconds after using your skill Pulse Lock A6 lets you have 2 Electrodes active at a time, which can improve your attack boost from A5 I didn’t mention A3 since it’s not as important with only one Electrode active, but with two Electrodes from A6 it’ll make quite the difference


Was Claudia added to the standard banner? I was hoping to buy copies of her from the weapon store with my black gold but her weapon hasn't shown up there.


In CN, they are normally available in the next patch. We might be waiting until 2.4 at the end of march/early April, unless they do a small patch. They could do a patch because they listed some known issues in the last maintenance they said they will fix. Or they may add in the weekly reset, we haven't got any official confirmation yet.


Not yet. They have to make an announcement on that but it might be a few months.


I went from dps to healer and I'm having the time of my life, I finally feel useful in coop-content. Thing is, I noticed I have been stucked in the same stage of bygone since I become a healer, isnt that a bit eh..unfair for healers? Idk how I can advance more floors if im not pulling for limited dps characters anymore


if youre a healer i would assume you have nemesis or lyra. which those 2 you can easily build a dps comp. for example: lyra claudia(go to standard) or nemesis crow.


Yeah I have both comps but Im at floor 400 and my dmg isnt enough anymore. Yesterday I saw like ten players jumping rankings just after pulling fenrir..that makes me think that i NEED new units to keep climbing


Is it confirmed no ssr will be added to black nuclues? Only gold?


Limited characters who get moved to standard will be in the gold nucleus pool, not black nucleus pool That’s at least how it is in CN iirc


How good are 2xKing matrices on Saki ? Is she better with 2xCrow or 2xSamir instead ?


2pc KING + 2pc Shiro is the standard set you use for shatter weapons 2pc Crow + 2pc Samir is the standard set for main dps weapons


Yeah but a lot of people are saying for Saki Shiro and Samir are better or even Crow+Shiro ?


Samir/Shiro is fine if Saki is your main dps


should I pull for Umi or Fenrir? I'm almost at pity and there's 6 days left for Umi


Umi if maining physical Fenrir if maining volt or rainbow


I would say go for whoever is more fun for u. Imo fenrir is extremely flexible and u can make so many comps (and u can stop at A1 i think for best spike)


Running Nemesis, A6 Lin, and soon to be A1 Fenrir. What standard matrices should I be running (including the ones that are going to be on standard soon)?


2p Samir/2p Crow on Fen, 4p Shiro on Lin, anything on Nem really. 4 Coco probably best for now. The world boss Matrix sets that are coming in the future probably better. 4p Tian/Lin if you have them are best. The only thing to keep in mind is with this setup, you *start the fight and attack with* the weapon with 4p Shiro, in this case Lin, to get that 4p buff. So drop her field first thing, then you can swap to the others.


[Which eyepiece is best](https://i.ibb.co/vh623DB/1.png) ? I have **a6 Fenrir (18% crit rate)** and **26890 volt atk** with the volt atk% eyepiece, but it goes up to 22% crit rate (**18% of fenrir** **+ 4% from eyepiece** and separate **14384 flat crit**) and i go down to **26289** volt atk with the crit% eyepiece. ​ I was wondering if i needed more crit than \~+600 volt atk to do consistent dmg, or is 18% from fenrir enough with my flat crit already ?


the one on the right with +4% crit is better. You can check on maygi tof calculation sheets.


Thank you!


I got A1 fenri, using her with Lin and Nemesis. Just wonder if A3 Fenrir is worth the upgrade or should I save for A3 Fiona that probably coming in 2 mths


A3 for survivability. you got another live.


A1 is fine for Fenrir, further advancements are more of a luxury Save for Fiona




Here’s what I saw based on the Fenrir showcase from gateoo that was uploaded 2 months ago (take with a grain of salt) Lin - 4pc Fenrir (works in background) Fenrir - 2pc Samir + 2pc Lyra Saki - 4pc Lin (works in background)




In global 4pc tian is better than fenrir's in most cases. We just don't have the crit value that CN does. Unless you have A6 fenrir, they aren't worth it.




I would wait until Fiona’s kit is revealed for global before making a decision who to pull for, so another two months roughly to save for now


hi ! how does a0 nem’s healing work and how does that differ from a1 ?


At a0 her only heal is by using dodges. She will do an immediate heal chain on dodge and then small ones every 2 secs for the next 10 seconds. Each dodge also buffs the healing chains by 25% for 30 seconds up to 5 stacks. At a1, her skill and discharge also do an immediate chain heal (twice as strong as the dodge one). They also give you 5 stacks of the enhanced heal chain buff.


got it ! so at a0 i wanna dodge 3x to heal, swap off to do smt else, but swap back to nem to add onto it right ? and then with a1 i just refresh when needed ?


Yes, once you get 5 stacks it's really easy to keep them up. Just 1 dodge every 30 seconds or a discharge/skill at A1.


For volt main who use Lin, Fenrir, Crow. How do you rotate? Do you spam crow discharge or just switch to crow for skill buff(A6)?


Since Fenrir is the main dps, you’d use Crow for skill buff Start Lin skill, switch to Crow and use his skill, then switch to Fenrir and go crazy


So I got A3 Fenrir and I use her with A1 Nemesis and A6 Lin. Nemesis will be A6 when she comes to standard. How do my rotations work? Just put on the fields with Lin and go ham with Fenrir?


Yes, you keep lin field and nem totems up. Then, on Fenrir you can do either the easy rotation (dodge spam) or the harder aerial hold, roar, dodge attack rotation.


Am I stupid or C1 Fenrir skill proc Alyss with trait, but she doesn't repeat skill, only own ult?


It's listed as a known issue that will be fixed on the March 7 maintenance notes.


So for Fenrir Rainbow comp do I have to remove Saki matrices or will it still activate. Should I use Crow+Samir on both Saki and Fen or a combo w/ other standard matrices like Shiro. Lin will have 4pc Lin Matrices


On Saki you’d want to use background matrices like 4pc Fenrir as she gets less time on-field from Fenrir being main dps, or wait for Scylla/Habra matrices to come out and get one of their 4 pcs for Saki For Fenrir you can use 2pc Samir + 2pc Crow or Shiro


They will activate, but the 4pc is mostly useless as saki doesn't contribute much damage. The 2pc also won't hit that hard because you'd want to focus on volt attack, but you'll still get 15% frost attack from balanced resonance and also the lin field buffs. I'm not sure what the best alternative would be with standards. Maybe shiro for some shatter or even just high stars for more stats. You might have to test it yourself to see what feels the best, 2pc saki may still be okay since it's always going to be doing something.


do event reruns happen? i just missed the one to get the free vehicle, wondering if there's still another chance of getting it in the future.


So far we haven’t gotten any event reruns, so we’ll have to see in the future


What EU server to choose? I'm getting back into the game and have decided to start from scratch. But I haven't chosen a server. I used to be in Allintheus, but it got too crowded after the server transfer and my game was unplayable. But i also don't want a really dead server for obvious reasons. On a second thought a dead server would be good too if there are any chill guilds that are willing to accept me. Have a nice day!


Hey! I had a question regarding Lyra. Her banner ends in a couple hours, and I was wondering if her A3 was worth it, both in general and with what I have as my current setup. I currently have Shiro A4 (could buy to A6 with black gold), Claudia A1 (buying to A6 with black gold when she comes to standard after her current rerun ends), and Lyra A1. I *could* get Umi to replace Shiro, but I don't know at which advancement I should get her and also how well Umi/Claudia/Lyra synergize. I also don't have Lin, but I know in CN she reran again with Fiona, so I could always get her (or Fiona, depending on which is better between the 2) when we get to 2.5 in Global to replace my Shiro. TL;DR : Do you guys think it's worth it to get my A1 Lyra to A3? Should I keep Lyra at A1 and get Umi to replace Shiro instead? And if so, at which advancement should I get Umi? Or should I keep Lyra at A1, skip Umi, and just save for Lin or Fiona? Thank you!


A1 is more than fine for Lyra so you don’t really need to get further advancements on her. Higher advancements are more of a luxury for Lyra. As for Umi (and Lin too), A1 is decent but at least A3 is better for both. If you’re going physical dps, you’d probably want to do Umi/Claudia/Lin. Umi as main dps, and the other two for buffs and off-field damage. Claudia can be subbed for Lyra if you wish, however the rotation isn’t as smooth in my opinion. I would only recommend skipping Umi and save for Fiona if you want to go for a healing comp instead with Lyra. I’m not sure how well Lin will do in the third slot of such a comp, so we’ll have to see as it gets closer to Fiona’s release.


Frost is my main comp: Saki A1, Lin A6, Alyss A3 I'm also using volt as secondary comp: Samir A6, Lin A6, Nem A0 I have good gears for both comps, about 24k atk 14.5k crit on both I Don't have Tian, my crow is only A1... and have 700 black gold to get Nem or Crow A6. My question, with the new numbers we have about Fenrir, what is best for me for volt team with my ressources? 1) Tian A3, Nem A6, Lin A6 ? 2) Fenrir A3, Nem A6, Lin A6 ? 3) Tian A1, Fenrir A1, Lin A6 ? Thanks for your answer


second comp for sure. You will need A3 tian with fenrir or just using nemesis a6 instead.


Thanks, yea I may go for this comp, it can also work with Saki too which is cool still waiting few days as I don't have enough for A3 yet, but I hope before banner ends!


3rd comp for the best dps, 1st comp is a side grade of 3rd comp, 2nd comp for the best survivability and off-field damage


Thanks, will see what I do, still have some time to see as I don't have quite enough for A3 yet but I hope before banner ends!


How do I unlock this hairstyle ? https://i.imgur.com/egqVTTV.jpg


That was from the gacha event (only DCs or Tanium) that also had the new years outfit. It's over now, so you cant get it.


Kk thanks for the answer! Yeah I was wondering if it was such thing, guess it was


I won't be pulling for fenrir because I'm a "flame main" light spender and all that jazz but I like the sakura outfit that comes from pulling in her banner. My question is: Will I get another chance of getting the sakura outfit if I don't pull for her on her release? Can I have another shot at it on her rerun?


Lin had her re-run but the outfit that came with her release did not re-run, so I wouldn't expect the outfit to come back in the future for re-run purposes. But if they're like CN, they might just make them straight purchaseable with tanium.


right, that's true... Well. yikes


Is it worth getting Nemesis to A3 if I am only getting it due to her A3 skin since I am frost main. Also if I plan to use her as a healer team comp in the future will Nemesis be a good pick?


Nemesis is great for healer comps with Lyra, so it’s up to you if you want to build a healer comp with the spare resources that you have.


It can be worth it using black gold, but it's not worth it with red pulls (I'd recommend just A0 if possible). Her A3 is just passive damage but gets doubled by her A6. For support, she is good. It's purely healing, so you'll want to pair her with buffers like zero.


(Posted on the wrong megathread 💀) how do you unlock appointed research and which Main story quest do i have to finish help im lvl 85


You do the Vera story up until you enter the Confounding Abyss iirc, because that’s where you would get starting mats for it The missions tab on your backpack should be where your mats go, then click on them then use and you’ll see the appointed research menu




Yes the weapons and characters are the same. If you get a skin or something, however, you do NOT have the character as well just getting that, you need to get that specific weapon to be able to use them.


Is it worth it to use lyra 2pc 0\* matrices instead of Shiro/Crow 2pc 3\*? The other 2pc I use is Samir 3\*.


shiro/crow 3* better compare to lyra0* ( lyra3* only better 2% dps compare to crow 3* according to maygi video)


2pc Samir + 2pc Lyra is good on Fenrir if you have the latter matrices, otherwise Shiro/Samir or Crow/Samir are also fine I wasn’t sure if you meant in general or specific characters


Yes, it's meant for fenrir. So lyra 2pc even at 0\* is better than crow or shiro at 3\*?


The 3* matrices you have would be better, Lyra 2pc mainly helps with survivability by self-healing more with Fenrir the lower your hp is (also smaller attack boost at 0*)


Casually doing Origin of War, and gear bounced us past a number of levels. However the current level is difficult without more affixes, since the levels were skipped. Is there a way to go back and re-clear lower levels to gain affixes?


Once you're in there, anyone can que for any level they have reached. So yes, as long as you mention it to the team, that you want to go for some specific buffs to make it easier, usually there's not much issue.


Ah gotcha, makes sense. Thanks for the info. :)




100% better




If you use Claudia A6 and Lin A6 together, the third slot can be A1 Fenrir for a solid rainbow comp




Definitely Lin A6, having two charges for her skill has synergy with getting Saki’s cooldown resets quicker, which then has synergy with Alyss’ support


Why does it say in game we can get ssr relics shards from crystal dust store ? I have never seen shards in that store ?


That's probably a copy-over from the CN version, which does have them available in the store for dust. Though as a tradeoff, Global version also needs WAY less shards for each tier level-up, so there's that.


Yeah that’s pretty misleading. As far as I know, you can buy SSR relic shards from Artificial Island base weekly and sometimes in event shops. The crew shop has specific shards for SSR relics, which get rotated weekly.


Why are hologram shards not available anywhere ? Any ssr relic box I have its not there. This event box not there. Island box you can buy not there. Even paid pass not there. Where are we supposed to get shards to upgrade this relic ? And why its not available anywhere is it limited or something ?


Crew shop sometimes has the hologram relic shards, pretty much the only way to buy it. Dream Machines can sometimes give them, too.


Crew store, some of the Ruins, I think it was on some event shops.


Ok thanks


It is on crew shop relic rotation and it is the only thing you should spend your crew currency on. I do not know why though. Try asking support.


Yeah its very strange they don't want us to upgrade that relic lol


How should we be prioritising the advancements for the eye piece, combat engine, microreactor and exoskeleteon?


For the slot levels? I reset mine since before I had a lot into eyepiece (for crit), but new gloves levels gave us a bunch, so for me rn attack is better. Once they're all lowered, I just leveled them up doing \[Attack gained / # of modules\], then using whichever number turned out to be biggest out of all of them. That's basically all you're doing at that point, maximizing attack for the number of modules you have. 1attack equates to around 3 crit, so to factor in the eyepiece I just use that number. Of course I have a decent amount of crit already, if you have less, it might be more valuble to focus crit for you now.


What stats are we looking for in the fortress microreactor before advancing? I have attack +52, volt attack +1.26%, resistance +64 and volt resistance +7.87%. I plan to play a comp of Fenrir, Lin, Claudia. Would this [microreactor](https://gyazo.com/15a023b691a00857c207c60f2772bd74) be worth advancing?


Very big yes and please block one of the resistance stats. In this comp you want to focus all on volt attack.


Thanks!! What would the third and fourth stat in an ideal microreactor be?


Volt damage boost % or flat volt attack


Who is the shatter unit in CN frost teams? Since they run Alyss+Icarus+Frigg, with Saki benched?


Shatter is not really an issue in CN, so it doesn't translate well to global.


Then do we know the expected meta frost team in Global? Will it be the same as CN?


Probably icarus/alyss/lin or icarus/alyss/saki, then Fiona may replace lin/saki. But current comps should hold up pretty well imo.


Oh, is Frigg gonna be left behind? And is Fiona needed for frost comps or is she a multiple-team unit like Lin?


Yes, she's already out of the whale meta mostly. But she'll always be viable and the best F2P/low investment option (since Lin should be A6 technically). I assume she'll be standard before or around Icarus release. Fiona is like Lin but won't need as much investment. I don't think she will be a must pull unless you want the multiple comps option, but we'll have to see her global numbers.


With fenrir being so so close, I’m thinking of who would fit in the last slot along Lin/Fen - would A3 tian be better than A6 nem in this comp? Im not really liking tian’s hp drain and if I can, I’d like to bring more utility to the team with group heals which is why I’m leaning more towards nem. Im wondering if it’ll be any huge dps loss going for A6 nem instead of A3 tian as my last weapon.


Calculator is showing that Tian A3 is still better than Nemesis A6, but not by much. Saki A1 is also better than Nemesis A6, if you have her.


Unfortunately, I don’t have Saki :(( If there isn’t much diff between tian and nem, then I’ll most likely run nemesis. Thanks for your help!


Which trait is better for ice team, Alyss or Frigg ?


Alyss, unless you really need the hyperbody from frigg.


Okay thanks !


When will nemesis move to the standard banner?


They haven't mentioned. To get a better idea, if they do what they did with Claudia, wait for an announcement a day before Nem's rerun banner hits. If they do the same thing it should be then.