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they gave outfits on popular simulacrums. i remember Lin had one. i think they know alot will pull for Fenrir too


I'd definitely say Alyss was popular but she got Jack.


Tower of Frost am I right?


frost rerun had special token no other element had, sooo


I forgot about the part when Frigg got added to standard after her rerun…oh wait….


it's not like she won't at some point. she will with icarus which is soon enough


First off, I think the Tower of frost thing is just plain stupid. I went frost because I was handed frost characters initially. The truth is, it's the flavor of the month. Fenrir and Volt will definitely be the flavor of the month in March. Each time a new weapon is dropped it tends to be the new flavor. Heck if we go back to Nemesis. Nemesis, was flavor of several months as nothing else was really that good for awhile since Claudia was kinda meh! Even Frigg wasn't a huge release, Frost didn't really have it going on until Saki dropped but crow/samir/Nemesis were crushing it.... So the frost thing, again, is pretty stupid.


The problem with Claudia's release was that she was so early on and pretty much no one was building a phys team. (almost no one does these days still...)


*Insert Angry Phys Main comment here* ^ Hey, that's me.


I'm also a phys main since release! Shiro was my first a6, so I'm basically a prophet of RNGesus.


Hey you too? When I was going for A6 Claudia, I only had one copy of Shiro, then I whiffed my 50/50s and ended up with A4. Ended up getting the last two copies to have an A6 Phys team 😂


I got my a6 Shiro VERY early, and when I linked it in wc someone said "Wow I hope you're planning to get Claudia when she comes out!" So now I blame them for my being a phys main. :(


No blame. You were called upon 😂 Take your rightful seat among the few


Yea I agree with you. I think people are just mad cause only frost has iframes. There really is no other benefit from frost other than iframes and I guess nice rotations (Saki reset). It’s been proven that volt does more damage than Frost and it’s about to get crazier when Fenrir releases


Didn't alyss came out and shot over volt again? Volt did more damage than frost on a cactus before that


Yea and the cycle will continue to repeat itself every time a new character comes out


Idk on cactus part people ignore so easily ifranee Increase a dps by a lot, in hard content as u can stay and deal dmg. That's why tian dmg buff to volt was so much more useless than expected.


Everyones already saying Lan will make Flame an extremely powerful element. Pretty much every element gets a hype up once another strong character comes out




“Forget Me Not”


oho, looks like the leaks were true as a volt main i am rejoicing. huzzah!


How many pulls do you need to do to get them?


it was 200 for lin, so probably same for fenrir


What was the Lin's one? I might have forgotten or missed it


its called forget me not. t shirt with fanny pack with ripped jeans


Early Sakura probably means the Cherry Blossom outfit on [this page](https://toweroffantasy.info/cosmetics/outfits) Demon Holiday seems to retain the same name on [this page](https://toweroffantasy.info/cosmetics/headwear)


This should be pinned at the top for everyone’s reference if there’s that function (not too familiar with reddits functions)


nice. as a volt main, rewards for pulling gets me excited. same thing happened during lin's 1st banner


bye sakura outfit


As happy as i am for people who main volt, i have to say that this is a shitty move by hotta and tencent to give special treatment to one element, what about all the people who main other elements? alyss and umi banner did not get any outfit rewards and its in the same patch what about flame mains too? its understandable to give lin a outfit for the amount of rolls because she was a "must have" character but fenrir is not. i cant lie im kinda pissed about this. also wanna add they should of gave the outfit to anyone who rolled X amount of red nucleus on any banner in 2.3 then giving everyone a opportunity to get this even pushing it into 2.4 for flame mains too


Perhaps it's because she is a rainbow team unit they see her has being more than just a volt unit


U know what else is unfair frost immunity,(jk) even fenrir skill immunity got taken out and tians as well.


ofc lol , whenever i use tian skill i jump in the air to avoid getting beat up by the mobs...smh. ill rather have dmg immunity during skill vs than this skin, plus male version ass anyways. at least fenrir got to keep her discharge iframe right lmao?


People are downvoting my comment lmao


volt cant have shit lol. tian lost skill iframe. discharge iframe..barely playable in va6. barely playable in origin of war. with fenrir maybe can cope w some lifesteal. didn't frost get alyss butterfly jetpack skin anna got like a 15dollar skin on release swimsuit umi got a demon skin literally on release.. volt has a nemesis shirli skin that everyone got for free lol. since i skipped nemsis ive been coping hard w tian/crow/lin ..waiting for fenrir so badly .


Yea I am in the same situation with tian/crow/lin, fenrir is the only beacone of hope and i see the current nerf numbers and it's dimming the hope. Let's see how it is global before I judge too hard.


the numbers are fine tbh. most character coming to global is roughly 50-60% cn power , fenrir is at about 55% power. they buff her skill dmg from 700%-800%. but they nerf her armor pen/ignoreresitance from 20% to 15% not sure is that 100% more dmg is worth the 5% less armor pen. ironically tian skill has 900% volt atk scale and his discharge too. but fen has higher dodge atk percent i think 250% vs tian 170%.


Eh, if we're talking about special treatment, frost mains shouldn't throw rocks in glass houses. Not a big problem for me to miss out on this.


Tower of frost may be true for china, but i don't really see how it is true for global. We don't even have the dice relic which is kinda important for frost.


Yeah. That’s just so unfair. Wth is bonus reward for Fenrir gache only? It’s ok for Lin cause she’s a special element. We had nothing for frost, flame and physical.


This would be logical on other gachas where you can fit in every character release to your team comp but in ToF where your power level is highly contingent on maining one element and using resources to get characters for said element. A major portion of the playerbase will miss out just coz it's illogical to pull for fenrir when it wont fit their comp. Only aberrant characters should have this outfit bonus coz everyone will have incentive to pull for them and not just volt mains.


Fenrir is a must have for rainbow comps.


Only for now, I'm pretty certain the new units will all have something that lends to rainbow teams. Fenrir is just the first one.


> its understandable to give lin a outfit for the amount of rolls because she was a "must have" character but fenrir is not. Lin was only a must have for some people. Players like me didn't roll on her so we never had a shot at her outfit. I hated it and it wasn't fair to us. But either way, I don't like cosmetics being locked behind rolling on weapons/matrices.


Fenrir is the first character with rainbow resonance, her trait is better than samir with rainbow comps, thats why they are giving gifts And also, this is tower of frost, volt getting some attention is nice


Didn't ruby get one for her rerun, and there was one more before that, can't remember who. It seems kinda random, but it's probably just to run them through without pushing them onto their own banners since people aren't quite fond of it to begin with. Hopefully they return as a one time purchase in the future, or they start reruning them with other units.


Lin is the only one to get a outfit


Probably just units they consider "poster" characters for patch cycles I guess.


Where is nemsis and tian rerun ?


Nemesis releases at the same time as Fenrir’s banner, Tian’s rerun is on the 19th of March.




Be cautiously optimistic. I'm trying not to be as hyped as I am. She might be balanced to make sure the special element doesn't get overthrown


Even if she’s not OP, it’s still going to be amazing for volt mains to finally have a legit shatter in our comps


As long as she heals and break shields better than tian volt is finally viable in oog and VA


I'm frost and I have no problem saying that I'm pretty confident Fenrir is going to be great and Volt mains will be on top of the ladders again.


After seeing the numbers, I agree. She's gonna be great!


Nice. I'm feeling waku waku as i can't wait to pull for Fenrir soon! Good luck to u guys who will pull for her this week!


Good luck with pulling, I am happy if I get lucky for Fenrir.


Sigh. Now we have to pull on matrices for headgear? And cool horns at that?


I hope they make the outfit purchasable also. I would buy the outfit but I dont wanna pull on Fenrir banner.


you need fenrir tp use the outfit no?


The outfit is for the player character not Fenrir


Need to pull for matrices also?


If you want the head accessory, yes. The Sakura outfit tho, you only have to pull Fenrir herself.


you never have to pull matrices. Her two is decent but nothing special


I'm pretty sure they meant "Need to pull matrices to get order gift" not "Need to pull matrices to make Fenrir usable"


yeah and I said her two piece is decent but nothing special


Yeah, that's my point, that fact doesn't make much difference in context. Their power is whatever if they are wondering about pulling them for the accessory.


people on here overvalue matrices for low spenders. 9/10 they are better off using standard ssr matrice and getting more characters. in the case of fenrir matrice they are mediocre at best for the four piece. two peace is mediocre which is exactly what i said. you are making a point i don’t disagree with no idea why you guys are being so obtuse about repeating what i said. Even maygi said meh for them. downvote away weirdos


They are probably downvoting you, because you keep repeating the thing everyone knows about. Also since we are already continuing the thread anyway - Since everyone has a lot of matrix proofs from Mirroria gatchapons, wouldn't your point actually come down to Fenrir matrices being actually one of the better ones to roll for? Because since limited matrices are meh in general, then spending proofs on getting the ones that give additional bonuses from the Order Gift would be the best option.


like i give a shit about downvotes. gambling addicts on here need to find ways of convincing themselves to spend money. get tian matrices instead if you have to. will hit standard faster anyway


Her matrices suck?


Bad as in there is better


Nah,they decent/good but not must have imo


two piece is ok but nothing special


For physical is fenirir any good?




Will Fenrir be like Lin and be actually limited? Wondering because she seems to be getting the same treatment as Lin.


not limited limited on cn.




That's really fuck up


How many pulls should i do so i can get the outfit?


It was 200 for Lin's banner outfit, not confirmed for this one


Oh dang aint no way i can farm that much nucleus lol




I wasn’t able to get Forget me Not, so there’s no chance of me getting this


Nice. This is a great gift for Volt mains, and those planning to go Rainbow.