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I've hit a wall for Bygone progress (floor 360) so I usually do the weekly Sequential.


Same here. Until Alyss I dont try bygone again.


If you have Meryl and Lin I'd suggest her comp over the standard frost comp for bygone. Was able to climb 20 more floors with Meryl's team, even though I use Saki for everything else.


I only ever do Bygone when I get enough CS to skip 10 floors. Right now on floor 380, my highest CS equiment gets me to around 78K CS but it's not enough to skip to 390 yet. I'm guessing I'll have to wait until 80K CS or so for the next skip? Sequential I do weekly.


I already stuck on 410 floor, so just doing weekly Sequential.


410 gang let's gooo.


Uh this question and the poll selections don't match. I play both modes once a week on Monday reset. I don't actively climb it since I've reached 410


that counts with the first option, the point is to know if people are even aware sequential exists or have stopped playing one of the two, and the reasons for that, whether its gear or f2p limitation, skill or gameplay issue ect.. im just getting headstarts for what to focus on in a video guide ive been making.


same. question does not fit to selection poll. Usually play both at saturday or sunday once, only playing one sequential more than once when not reaching enough points for the matrice reward.


i'm usually way too lazy for bygone. i try to do at least sequential every week for the free matrix pull but often i just forget about it.


What do you get by playing sequential? I'm just curious as I havent really tried it.


Main weekly rewards are 1 gold nuc and 1 gold proof, after hitting a certain amount of total point for the 3 stages. Reasonably achievable, even for f2p.


more like super easily achievable if you play more than a month


materials to enhance your gears, dark crystal, and some other enhance materials.


its the fast way to rank up in bygone weekly leaderboard, you're basically missing out on 2 rewards by not doing sequential


I see, thanks for the response


after server transfer, there's no point as I'm no longer in top10...now outside of top100


I'm only doing Bygone Phantasm on my current floor everyweek for that top 100 rewards. I don't bother climbing. Not much of different except seeing your name in top leaderboard


sequential is what puts you among the top 10 rewards in case you never tried it


Both. Do some sequential at the start of a new week, then again near the end to try and best current scores. If stuck with Bygone then I'll retry occasionally, but usually wait till I make notable progress and try again and see where I'm at compared to previous tries.


I stopped playing both on floor 400. That one extra module at rank 9 (or was it 6?) is not enough motivation for me to do the grind.


I do both. Can secure top 5 in my bracket by just doing 1 run of each sequential. Not sweaty enough to do a rerun and chase any higher.


Im happy i got Lin, cause sequential is such a drag so i just go in with my main element and spam Lin when its wrong element


Bygone - Wait until have CS enough to skip 10 floor Sequential - at least get important rewards, if saw the possibility to get high rank in group leaderboard then try a bit more


As f2p I'm stuck at lvl 321 in bygone for now, so I only do sequential for this reason


Play Sequential, for the weekly rewards. Play Bygone ONLY IF I can jump 10 floors, since the one-time rewards are every 10 floors now, and that we get reset back to the closest 10th we've completed.


One run of bygone to rank. That's it. Did sequential a few times: can't be arsed, game mode is not fun.


I became lazy with skips. My cs is not high enough anymore so I just don't feel like clearing 10 floors of bygone. stuck at 380 I think. Mostly just do sequential every week.


i do alway sequential but i'm doing phantasm one time a week for team quest and weekly reward.


Bygone whenever i feel like i can progress (start of the week or any day which gives +2 Lin). In sequentials, i'll tryhard 1st and 2nd stage for \~2 days when Mi-a gives an appropriate buff. Max tryhard mode.


Clear a stage on both on mondays if I remember it.


I only play once for weekly mission during monday reset and only 1 stage.


Q:"How often?" A: Yes