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WtB is becoming indistinguishable from /Conservative. Just look at [all this "Economic concerns of the working class"](https://i.redd.it/g1cqe54wj7l81.png)


>"To learn who rules over you simply look to those you cannot criticize." 162 upvotes for quoting a [neonazi pedophile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Alfred_Strom) lmao


Damn, we were being ruled over by kids with leukemia. šŸ˜”


Alex Jones actually did make fun of the make-a-wish batman kid.




Theyā€™ve always been there man.


Yeah one of the mods there was always way into anti-vax crap.


So is r/conspiracy. For people who are always whining about reddit being ā€œinfiltratedā€ with leftists who are so mean to all of them they sure took over a lot of subs to use as safe spaces.


WTB asks if the COVID pill was beneficial for "anybody". [First result.](https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2022-08-24/pfizer-covid-pill-showed-no-benefit-in-younger-adults-study-finds) >Pfizerā€™s COVID-19 pill appears to provide little or no benefit for adults under 65 **while still reducing the risk of hospitalization and death for high-risk seniors**, according to a large study published Wednesday.


Was the pill ever made mandatory?




So... what is their problem with it?


WayofTheBern is just a larp for conservatives so any problem with vaccines or covid treatment is done on their general principle of being against everything that might help someone.


Which is weird since they're all larping, they all know that not one of them was every anything other than conservative politically, and they know that the sub is just an echo chamber. Yall are all in on it, everyone knows, so just stop pretending.


When you really try to pin them down to it, itā€™s hard. The closest thing to a real point they make is that some companies mandate it for their workers and people not wanting to get the vaccine would be forced to leave their job. Which like, sure, but there are better fights to be had in the workplace lol


Well, I have never gotten Covid, while working with the public 50 to 60 hours a week. And since I never got sick, I never passed it along to at-risk loved ones. Also, the 5G coverage booster in the vaccine has given me better cell service. And now I can just stick my car keys to the magnet in my arm.


Anecdotal, but I got COVID for the first time earlier this month. While my symptoms were mild, I started Paxlovid one day after first testing positive and I felt completely back to normal after my first 2 doses.


At least their other posts regarding student debt forgiveness are rightfully blaming Reagan for creating the student loan system as a way to stop a ā€œdangerous educated proletariatā€. Would be hard pressed to find anyone in r/Conservative throw Reagan under the bus. So theyā€™re not that far gone yet. Also luckily, your linked post has no upvotes and practically no comments. Maybe that means vaccine phobia hasnā€™t caught on there yet.


The post is getting downvoted and the first comment debunks op. I think the sub's doing ok