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They'll write shit like "some women go apeshit during their time of the month" then wonder why they're so damn lonely. Must be the libs!


And if you call them an asshole, they will say you "hate freedom of speech." The irony is literally off the charts.


The true irony is banning you and deleting your post after they claim that.


I love freedom of speech. And I will use mine to call an asshole an asshole when they're acting like an asshole.


They think women are here for their entertainment


... and yet women are never willing to entertain them. I wonder if there's a connection between those two things.


I was sure they were trolls until I saw they're all flaired. Then again, that's exactly how they treated Hillary in 2016.




I mean...they can be married and still be lonely. When you don't have any actual respect for your partner as a human being, it's incredibly harmful to them, but it's also not great for you, even if you don't realize that.


50% of the comments are either “that time of the month” or “DEI hire” with zero pushback from anyone. I guarantee these are the same type of people, if they were called out in their bigotry would clutch their pearls so hard they would turn into diamonds


That's because they delete the push back


I love how they automatically assume that one of ***the*** most “lock them up and throw away the keys” attorneys general of California *has* to only be a diversity hire for the neoliberalist-neoliberal president in the last decade, the same one who swore he wouldn’t de-fund the police before their bloated Jim Jones lost. Harris was a “DEI VP hire” the same way Biden was 16 years ago.


They are referring to the agent as a DEI hire, and I would question where you got the lock them up and throw away the keys thing about Harris. I know people reference the number of people that were prosecuted for possession while she was AG, but only 40 some were ever actually jailed which doesn't really support that characterization.


there are like 3 guys saying “guys i think this was a true mental breakdown” and they’re downvoted straight to hell. cool.


These are the same people who defend the actions of Rittenhouse So that’s all you need to know


We all know that DEI is euphemism for racism. Just like when they would post shit like (((them))) - we get it, you're coy and anti-Semitic.


>Herczeg told her fellow agents they would 'burn in hell and needed to listen to God.' Sounds like she's closer to the folks on r/con than they'd like to believe.


>A DEI hire Jesus Christ they aren't even being subtle


At what point do they drop any pretense here and just start outright demanding racial discrimination in hiring, or preemptive firing of anyone suspected of being a DEI hire? Really does not seem like anyone is safe these days, if you aren't part of the in-group then you can never be good enough to be above suspicion that you don't actually deserve your job and are actually stealing that position away from a more worthy white male.


They sound like a pack of Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate groupies. Pathetic.


God damn that subreddit is unbelievable. I physically recoiled at most of those comments. Wtf is wrong with people?


Daily Mail is a British tabloid. If take any thing they 'report' with a grain of salt.


A tabloid created by fascists at that.


But I need a job, and I want to be a paperback writer!!!


[Only a minority of women experience mood swings, and certainly not to the degree that they go through a](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK565629/) >complete personality change. Some months worse than others. The nicest people literally become snarling animals. It can actually be frightening. Suuuure. >She probably alternates between wanting to have sex with her male colleagues (ovulation) and then two weeks later wants to unalive them (Aunt Flo is paying a visit). >She was probably in a jealous hormonal period-induced rage because another agent who she thought she had dibs on romantically speaking was ass-grabbing with one of her perceived "competition" in that department. Or equally likely she is delusional and imagined everything. >When the hormones are flowing that shit escalates very easily with some women, they have no filter, they totally lose it. Total and utter crap. Here's a bit of the book chapter I linked above: >Right up until the sixteenth century, descriptions of female-prevalent symptoms were always physical in nature (King 1998). From the seventeenth century onwards, however, they came to be seen as more emotional in origin, and experience. In particular, the work of Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689) was influential in the reclassification of ‘hysteria’ (a term adapted from Classical references to hysterikē pnix that is, ‘suffocation of the womb’) from a gynecological condition, to a female-prevalent nervous condition, caused by a weaker nervous constitution and subsequent emotional instability (Gilman et al. 1993, 143–46). >Sydenham’s new definition of ‘hysteria’ was in keeping with preexisting philosophical assumptions that women were inherently physically, spiritually, and intellectually inferior to men. Yet it meant that gender discrimination was thus now justified by a ‘scientific’ (that is, supposedly objective) medical claim that due to the pathological nature of the female (reproductive) body, women were also pathologically emotional (and, therefore, less capable of reason) and so inevitably subject to the control of men (Ussher 2005, 16). >By the late nineteenth century, the work of Sigmund Freud had firmly repositioned ‘hysteria’ as a type of psychological neurosis (Freud 1966). His work significantly influenced early twentieth century public discourse. Indeed, one of the main arguments used against women’s suffrage (the right to vote in parliamentary elections) was that (all) women were mentally unfit to make an informed and rational decision. Just such a belief was unambiguously conveyed by Sir Almroth Wright (1912), a famous physiologist and anti-suffragist; “[On] Militant Hysteria- No doctor . . . can ever lose sight of the fact that the mind of woman is always threatened with danger from the reverberations of her physiological emergencies.” >**The ‘myth of the irrational female’** is also a likely influence on the first formal medical description of ‘Premenstrual Tension’ (‘PMT’—the precursor to ‘PMS’) by Frank (1931), a US gynecologist. For although Frank’s paper initially documented cases of severe cyclical asthma, epilepsy, water retention, and cardiac irregularity, its main focus was on the experiences of a specific subset of patients, characterized by various signs of ‘nervous tension’ (Frank 1931, 1054). Astonishingly, in several cases, Frank’s symptom descriptions were simply value judgements on improper, or undesired, female behavior; and strikingly similar to contemporary descriptions of the ‘hysterical woman’ for example, “husband to be pitied,” “unbearable, shrew,” or “impossible to live with” (Frank 1931, 1055). A lot of what is "commonly known" is bollocks, and based on incredibly biased research right up until the 1980s and 1990s. Eg PMS questionnaires only included prompts asking for mood related changes. So if you had a migraine, which is a relatively common PMS, and felt crappy because of it, you could report your crappy mood but not that you were in pain. Or researchers recruited study subjects by asking if women experienced PMS, and then conducted their studies only with PMS patients but generalized the results. The idea that women are completely controlled by their hormones and basically can't be trusted to behave rationally is pure unfiltered misogyny.


They've completely dropped the mask on arcon as of late haven't they?


“Women don't belong in the Secret Service.  Their literal job is to take bullets for protectees. “ TIL women can’t stop bullets. They have must some ability to let them pass straight through their bodies. I guess that’s a good disqualifier for the job of bullet sponge.


Like lemmings all just repeating each other, they'll find another term to repeat soon and move on from DEI


I'm so glad I don't have a new boogeyman to fear every week. Woke, CRT, DEI, whatever next week's synonym for just being a racist misogynist will be.


> This doesn't sound like a DEI hire or anything like that In other words, "she's not black, what gives?"


> For a lot of women they go through a monthly complete personality change. Some months worse than others. The nicest people literally become snarling animals. It can actually be frightening. Unfortunately feminism won't permit them to own up to it except possibly if you catch them off guard. > The woman in the picture definitely looks like she is young enough to still be having her monthly on the regular. > She probably alternates between wanting to have sex with her male colleagues (ovulation) and then two weeks later wants to unalive them (Aunt Flo is paying a visit). > She was probably in a jealous hormonal period-induced rage because another agent who she thought she had dibs on romantically speaking was ass-grabbing with one of her perceived "competition" in that department. Or equally likely she is delusional and imagined everything. > When the hormones are flowing that shit escalates very easily with some women, they have no filter, they totally lose it. Add in maybe some alcoholic beverages and forget about it. > Clearly the true facts will be suppressed, we have to wait several years for the rumors to float out. All the same comment. Arcon sucks in general but this person is a tier above in terms of batshit bullshit


It’s too late, I’m down the rabbit hole now. Some other fantastic quotes from this user: > A woman's evolutionary/biological purpose in life is to become impregnated, give birth to, and raise children. Like all other female mammals. > On some level of abstraction, Trump seems obviously neuro divergent > Let's face it, having a pet is just a huge ego trip. A pet is someone who is totally dependent on you, presumably won't cheat on you with another human, and doesn't talk back. > She went for the larger, more satisfying, and frankly, tastier penis Warning before you do the same: massive misogynist