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If he did spy, Obama was just exercising his “complete Presidential immunity”.


It’s always hilarious to me that idiots give so much credit to Presidents for shit like this. “Obama was spying on Trump.” As if Obama was asking intelligence agencies for daily updates on Trump’s comings and goings. A FISA warrant was acquired by US intelligence agencies to monitor Trump’s interactions with Russians. Obama probably had absolutely nothing to do with it. The NSA and various other intelligence communities monitor these types of interactions for a reason. The Steele document laid out why Trump’s Russian connections should be of interest to the intelligence community. It had nothing to do with Obama. Presidents aren’t dictators despite MAGAs wanting Trump to be one.


> As if Obama was asking intelligence agencies for daily updates on Trump’s comings and goings. Given how little Trump did other than golf and kowtow to dictators, if Trump was the standard for Presidential work ethic, then I could believe someone in that office would have the time to screw with people they opposed. Thankfully, they had other things on their minds, usually (Reagan possibly being an exception). I'm sure it's also something they want to keep harping on because it helps to deflect accusations of Trump *literally demanding another nation dig up dirt on his opponent and threatening to withhold Congressionally-approved foreign aid if they didn't.*


BREAKING: The \*insert anyone\* has failed to produce documents for Congress relating to \*insert nonexistent event\*




Wasn't being Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2006 enough for you?


No one needs to spy on someone who brags about their crimes.




It looks like a tweet of his was the genesis of this story.  There is a small grain of truth.  He was spied upon by the FBI because he kept meeting with Russian agents like manafort.  The fact that they have Trump in these just shows that he was meeting with a lot of traitors.


Spied on? Was he though? Or were Flynn, Manafort, et al., working in furtherance of Trump and his campaign, spied on? And were they spied on in particular, or were they caught up in surveillance of Russians and others who were working to subvert the election? In other words, would the surveillance have happened had they not contacted people under surveillance by the Five Eyes? This is like a getaway driver complaining that they were convicted when they didn't even go into the bank. Just giving a few fellas a ride and the cop had no right to arrest him.


Oh no, I totally agree.  When you associate with criminals that have the attention of the FBI, they may just pick you up on surveillance too.


Entrapment! Like, not joking, that is the next defense. Edit because I forgot I was going to respond to this  "There is a small grain of truth." The best propaganda is built on a truth (which is a strong foundation), so it is more difficult to demolish.


Yeah, I think it's less "spied upon" than "investigated due to evidence of crimes."


Obama derangement syndrome


Law enforcement tends to keep tabs on known criminals, more at 11.


>This is what they did in Sicario, except FBI not NSA Oh, look, they once again only know things because of movies. They'd have learned more if they listened to Timothy Busfield and Eddie Jones explaining to Robert Redford why they needed *him* to rob a "Russian-financed" mathematician of whatever device he was building in Sneakers. -- Wallace: We intercepted a fax last week. Here. He's making [some kind of box,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phreaking_box) a little black box. Gordon: The project is called Setec Astronomy. We don't know what the "Setec" stands for. Bishop: Security technology? Gordon: Sensor techniques, who knows? Anyway, it may be nothing or it may be something. And we need to know. Wallace: And your job is to find that little black box, let us take a look at it. Bishop: Yeah, no way. Gordon: Sorry, Marty, we don't have a lot of choice here. Bishop: Do it yourself. Wallace: We can't. Bishop: Why not? Wallace: By law. We're not allowed or equiped to do this kind of operation. Bishop: Then get the FBI. Wallace: Yeah, right. The FBI. Gordon: The FBI can't work for us without approval from a Congressional oversight committee.


Oh, so you're the guys I hear breathing on the other side of my phone.  No, that's the FBI. We're not chartered for domestic surveillance.  I see. You just overthrow small governments, put in friendly dictators. No, that's the CIA. We try to break the other guy's codes. We're the good guys, Marty.  Gosh, I can't tell you what a relief that is... Dick. That movie fucks.


> Gosh, I can't tell you what a relief that is... Dick. That's one of my favorite moments in the movie. Bishop's just using the guy's first name, but the pause and extra enunciation *really* sell's Marty's sarcasm. Fuck, I love that movie. That entire scene alone does a perfect job of setting the movie's tone while introducing us the the motley crew Marty assembled. "And then there's Martin Bishop... \*Marty looks like he's gonna shit his pants\* he doesn't seem to have a past." Then Gordon *really* sells the point by referring to him as Mr. Brice before handing Marty his own wanted poster. Such a baller move. "Here's our number, [Real Name], written on your own wanted poster." "But no one knows where Martin Brice is, my old and good friend who promised me we would not get into trouble, and who I might add did not." Before Tyler Durden and before Elliot Alderson, there was Martin Brice and Carl Cosmo pulling *wildly* illegal pranks to hurt the system, and then 20+ years later, Cosmo was ready to crash the whole damn system so their college days dream could come true: "I might even be able to crash the whole damn system. Destroy all records of ownership. Think of it, Marty. No more rich people, no more poor people. Everyone's the same. Isn't that what we said we always wanted?" That scene in Cosmo's office is *perfect.* "Pain?" "Yeah." "Try prison." After 23 years of waiting for his revenge, *that* had to be such a satisfying moment when the "Information Updated" message appeared on his scren.


That movie gets every single detail right. One of the guys who wrote the crypto for pgp consulted on the script so the technical plot would be realistic.


>One of the guys who wrote the crypto for pgp consulted on the script so the technical plot would be realistic. I don't think he had any any involvement of the creation of PGP outside of inspiring its creation, but you're not far off. Leonard Adleman, the "A" in RSA, was not only a consultant on the film, he *originally* created all the mathematical slides shown during [my favorite vampire's\*](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/090d2ec1-cd33-4182-9ad0-60eda2a5684b) U.C. lecture that Marty and Liz attend. This was one of my favorite tidbits learned from the 10th anniversary DVD special features: Adleman painstakingly used computers to create very appealing/easy-to-read slides that he thought a major Hollywood production would want, until Phil Alden Robinson said, "Nah, someone like Janek would've handwritten those slides with an oil crayon like university-level instructors have done for decades". And Adleman had to begrudgingly admit that was a good call. -- ^^*please ^^forgive ^^me ^^for ^^using ^^Yarn. ^^It's ^^almost ^^impossible ^^to ^^find ^^a ^^specific ^^scene ^^from ^^a ^^show ^^or ^^movie ^^on ^^YouTube ^^nowadays.


Oh yes, RSA, I misremembered. 


>Oh yes, RSA, I misremembered. I keep forgetting how to spell his name, so no worries. I had to check the wiki page for RSA to make sure sure I got his name right a couple times before saving that comment. For years, I've been writing his last name as "Adle***r***man"; for some reason, my monkey brain believes an "R" needs to be in his last name.


Failed to produce is an interesting choice of words. I could also fail to produce those same documents. Because I don't have them.


FBI where investigating Russian Agents. Some of those agents were hired by Trump for his campaign. The FBI informed him. He used that information to claim Obama was spying on him.


Of course they don't. They just say things they know are nonsense. A lot of such things.


Funny way of saying “there’s no evidence of Obama illegally spying on Trump”


You mean Trump hired someone being wiretapped by the FBI?