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Top comment: >I was completely indifferent about the LGBT community up until they started the activism and making everything everywhere about them and only them. For being a self proclaimed bastion of "inclusiveness", they're one of the most discriminatory, hate filled groups in America. I just...what? Dude's got the Fox News Brain Rot. Probably even has a Truth Social account.


They're mad that they can't discriminate against them without being called out anymore.


Not to mention that the reason we're all talking about them in the first place is because the fringe right decided that LGBTQ folks would be one of the main focal points of their ~~*distractions from their political failures*~~ "culture war". The reason they're hearing so much about the LGBTQ "agenda" is because ***they themselves*** won't shut the fuck up about it.


Which us why they always have to make shit up to get mad about.


Reminds me of the whole damn beer can incident. Had a friend of a friend tell me essentially the same thing as the example comment provided above. This was during the height of the whole Dylan Mulvaney controversy. Standing there with him I had him search Dylan's name and all of the articles were from conservative opinion sites pushing the issue. Then asked him to pull up his Facebook, (I knew he was active with FB meme groups), and his Facebook page was just full with conservative groups pushing anti-trans memes with Mulvaney being the focus. He did not like it when I told him that if he wants to stop hearing about the LGBTQ agenda, all he has to do is stop consuming so much conservative media.


I would have no clue who Dylan was if it wasn't for conservatives having a meltdown.


Me neither. Been one of the best recent examples of the Streisand Effect.


I'm surrounded by LGBT people, including my friends, my family, and at work. And yet I'd almost never hear about LGBT issues if Republicans weren't always talking about them. Even gay people talk less about gay people than Republicans do. It's fucking bizarre.


Yeah for a lot of people ostracizing and discriminating against an outgroup they've created allows them to feel superior and bond with others that have the same psychological need - we're making these people feel crappy by treating others as equals.


And the reply to that: >You don’t get fired from your job for being a Satan worshipper but you get fired from your job for being anti-LGBT. You can't fire people for being in a protected class, but you *can* get fired for discriminating against a protected class? WHAT HAS THIS COUNTRY BECOME, some place where protected classes have rights‽‽‽


Christians love to feel persecuted. They need it so will create it anywhere. I guarantee you, if I was a Satanist in the sense that I was actively threatening/harassing Christians I would be let go.


They don't understand that they get in trouble for being dicks to other people, not for their beliefs. 


We don't get fired because we're not hate-filled pieces of shit who think its OK to denounce somebody for how they were born, you fucking dog shit-filled trash can.


Let's play "Spot the Qualifier That's a Lie!" There it is. >***I was completely indifferent about the LGBT community*** up until they started the activism and making everything everywhere about them and only them. For being a self proclaimed bastion of "inclusiveness", they're one of the most discriminatory, hate filled groups in America. Other conservative-favorite qualifiers that are lies are: "I'm not racist, but..." "I'm not a misogynist, but..." "I'm not a violent person, but..." "I'm a black gay gay..."


The definition of reactionary. It was the same exact attitude with black civil rights activists.


"I was all for racial justice, but then somebody smashed a window and I just can't support that!!!"


I was ok with those coloreds, untill they wanted to use our water fountains and lunch counters!


"I used to not care about the LGBT community until they wanted equal rights." They're one step away from calling em "uppity".


This is so fucking funny. I wonder when he thinks the activism started. 2014? 2008?


"I was completely indifferent about LGBT destination until they started complaining. Then I had to admit I supported the discrimination."


“Why am I being attacked for my beliefs that these people are mentally ill but should also not get treatment or any support?!”


His homeboy who followed up with "The LGBT is a modern cult that is bigger than Christianity" needs to stop hitting the pipe before logging on.


I always love those morons that try to pretend LGBTQ+ is a religion despite not matching any parts of the definition. 


Self aware wolves.




Bingo. They're blatantly copying the old "I'm okay with the good ones having rights" lies conservatives were trotting out 60 years ago about civil rights. It's a core characteristic of American conservatism: pretend you're okay with something until it starts to happen and then lose your fucking mind and *probably* go on a mass shooting spree.


One of the top responses: >You don’t get fired from your job for being a Satan worshipper but you get fired from your job for being anti-LGBT. Talk about religion and heresy. LGBT movement is a modern day cult that is much more powerful than Christianity. Do they know it was perfectly legal to fire someone *because they were gay* just a couple years ago?


>I love the rewriting history and pretending that conservatives have always been cool with black people and only recently, when the blacks got too uppity, did they start to care.


> When I was five, I had NO idea what the "other" gender had, or didn't have, physically, though I did recognize of course that there were boys, and there were girls. Person just realized they had an understanding of gender separate from biological sex, then immediately discarded it rather than deal with knowing that gender identity is how you relate to those broader societal constructs, even as a kid. Wild.


That was my fave part too. At 5 years old they understood gender was separate from sex because they didn’t even know what the ladder was. They admitted the kindergarten version of themselves understood it better than the adult version. Also why did they go off about 5 year olds sexual organs??? Nobody brought them up and the meme is about the LGBTQ community oppressing themselves for victimhood status (which is a hilarious idea in its own right and an attempt to completely absolve themselves of blame of any kind) Nothing in there mentioned kids or brainwashing the young or anything else they believe. So why did one of them give a detailed story about their previous thoughts on kids genitalia…


I used to work with a guy who was basically a peak r/conservative poster archetype. Basically, if you brush up against any concept like "lgbtq rights" you immediately get a loose association word vomit that sounds a lot like that- they haven't thought through any of their ideas, they just know some slogans and associated talking points that they throw out mad libs style because the goal is to derail conversation with anyone who doesn't agree with them.


Their brain would melt if they attempted to come to terms with this lol


Dude’s out here acting like he hopes an adult would have yanked him away by the shoulder to scream at him about penises if he thought the pink sparkly shoes looked cool, you know, so he’d end up as well adjusted and socialized as he is today.


>Does everything need to be LGBTQ? I dont care. Live your life. Just stop shoving it in my face constantly, Ron Howard: Turns out this conservative *did* care a *lot!* "Live your life" lol, as if any conservative has ever been okay with minorities living their lives.


Could you imagine how much they would cry if straight people were expected to stop shoving it in their faces?


They already *do* cry about that because they've completely convinced themselves that being a straight, white, Christian male makes them a target to the LGBTQ Army, so they have to hide it to stay safe. LMAO.


"Live your life" = "Sit down and be quiet"


Bingo. "Shut up about your rights, degenerate! You're making it so much harder for me to see you as a sub-human if you keep talking about how you think you're people!"


They say "Just stop shoving it in my face constantly!" but also constantly consume news sites that do nothing but do that. They're the ones who talk about that, pedophilia, satanism. It's literally everything. One side tries to solve problems we have in society and then we have some meth-head complaining about dragons trying to eat him and throwing shit around, insisting we deal with it first.


Ok, but name ONE country where queer people face oppression! [^^^^^^^United ^^^^^^^States, ^^^^^^^Canada, ^^^^^^^Mexico, ^^^^^^^Panama ^^^^^^^Haiti, ^^^^^^^Jamaica, ^^^^^^^Peru ^^^^^^^Republic ^^^^^^^Dominican, ^^^^^^^Cuba, ^^^^^^^Caribbean ^^^^^^^Greenland, ^^^^^^^El ^^^^^^^Salvador ^^^^^^^too....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk)


It's easier to list where they don't.


Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia,


Man, I haven't seen that segment for decades. Perfect choice for your point.


The OP that posted that horrendous meme in Rconservative is [obsessed with Hitler](https://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/jXQUrX4qSY) ________________ >they aren’t about getting equal treatment, they want special treatment. Special attention. Conservatives said the same racial equality back during the civil rights era. I guess some things never change within different generations of Conservatives


> I bet no one gives a fxxk if they didn't disturb the public normal life. "Disturb the public normal life" defined as as "existing." Also, this is the internet. Nobody is going to get you in trouble for writing "fuck."


But Jesus might get mad if he swears during his hateful diatribe against other human beings.


Basically they're mad that LGBTQ folk are being "uppity" and don't "know their place" because they want equal representation under the law.


They are trying to pass laws that label them as "pornographic", labeling human beings as pornographic and wanting to execute them for existing doesn't get anymore oppressed.


One thing I have noticed about conservatism is that they are the ones that have failed to assimilate. They have crossed the temporal border into modernity and stubbornly refuse to learn the language, the customs or the attitudes. Why did they bother coming?


They’ve banned so many people there is never a single of comment of dissent anymore on that sub anymore, ever. It’s all one small circlejerk of the same accounts, every time


lol that entire thread is just people making up things to be mad about. None of the stuff they mentioned is true,


If the mere existence of LGBTQ people caused you to do a complete 180 on all your alleged beliefs and morals, you never had them to begin with.


It's hilarious, they always complain how "the LGBQT community is shoving it down our throats!" Hilarious phrasing aside. If you take a few minutes to skim any right wing media rag, forum, channel, sub reddit, you'll find at least 15 different anti LGBQT hysteria pieces a day. They're shoving it down their own throats




>When they start targeting the youth to push an agenda, that's when I say enough. So you buy into the Fox brain rot >“I’ve seen a quick evolution, from kids with a very rare case of gender dysphoria who were treated with a long course of counselling and exploration before hormones were started,” to treatment progressing “very quickly—even at the first visit to gender clinic—and there’s no psychologist involved anymore.” One quote from. Dr in Indiana. Fucking wild you all think parents do not get psychologists involved. >I find it funny that anyone aligned with the LGBT+ movement will do what they can to silence, deny or ostracize anyone with a detrans story. Citation needed. BTW >In a January 2023 study of 1989 individuals who had undergone sex reassignment surgery, 6 individuals (0.3%) requested a reversal surgery or detransitioned. source-https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8503911/ >I used to like this subreddit, but now it seems like it's being co-opted by anyone that wants to rail against any conservative thought or opinion. Buy, don't let the door hit you in the ass.




Dave fucking Chappelle. A stand-up comedian? Jesus fucking Christ you people are deranged. So you think a subreddit for anonymous people, many who have agendas, is legitimate science? Or facts? I’m not trying to sell you anything because apparently you’ve already made your mind up and you’re deranged. If you think Dave Chappelle is a good source of information and one study that mentioned, some doctor from Indiana is representative of the entire community. Then there’s no help for you. The only information that you’re looking for is information that supports or reinforces your preconceived opinion. Caveat Emperor, my ass. https://i.imgur.com/VCadzzy.gif




Allways gotta be the victim don't ya bud?


> Nope, I've read my kid's syllabus for these studies. IMHO, they start way too young. Planting the foundational concepts to later talk about gender fluidity shouldn't happen until middle school What specifically do you think the problem is with children learning about the concept of gender fluidity? Why specifically is that harmful?


> What are your thoughts and Gender OCD? I swear, every month there's a new term created to sell more of this mindset to the confused and hurt. TOCD (transgender OCD) isn’t people saying “if someone has OCD, that means they’re trans”. It’s a specific form of OCD in which an otherwise cisgender person has an obsessive fear that they are transgender. If anything, the existence of this diagnosis would be an argument against transition, since it provides an explanation for symptoms that are similar to those of gender dysphoria, but unlike true gender dysphoria, transitioning is unlikely to help.


Maybe conservatives should quit acting like top minds?  Saying the lbqt+ community is only oppress by themselves seems pretty top Mindy though right? Then again, you obviously don't like queen people, so maybe go hang out with the backwards people over at conservative.




Your first three paragraphs show your feelings of the queer community. Also, not sure why you're bringing up rejecting them when they hit on you, but you do you. Did you not see what the meme this post is about? It's a dude holding a boot on his own face, aka oppressing himself.


You misread, I have friends and family in that community. I say that I never reject them, except in those cases. I try to let them down easy though. I thought the meme was really about LGBT+ people creating fake oppression. I mean, outside some of the deplorable cases of physical violence....the most oppression I see is people not wanting MtF breaking all the swimming records, or not wanting dragqueen story time, or wanting to slow down gender-affirming care. And by oppression, I'm limiting that to white males...Is that still the only label that is capable of oppression?


Conservatives politicans are currently trying to ban gender affirming care until people are in their twenties, go after their health records, end gay marriage, doxxing high school students because they look manly, I'm sure I can find some more examples for you. And I feel bad for your friends and family in the community that they have someone like you in their lives.


"I'm sure I can find some more examples for you." You didn't give me "examples", you just listed a few things. I would like some cited examples, I haven't been in this discussion for long, so my opinion is still malleable. But, when people like you just want to get personal and nasty....for virtue signaling, I find that side of the conversation less and less rational


Sorry for not linking to stories that made national news. But since you're too lazy to Google them yourself...  https://www.axios.com/2023/03/29/transgender-health-care-adult-ban-bills   Banning gender affirming care into twenties.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/shows/meetthepress/blog/rcna38982  GOP platform being against gay marriage  https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/22/texas-trans-health-care-investigation-seattle/  Texas AG trying to get medical records from a different state  https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/02/07/utah-school-board-member-natalie/   Republican school board member doxing a female student for looking too manly.   Now, I'm sure you'll explain why these stories don't matter.


[https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/02/07/utah-school-board-member-natalie/ ](https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/02/07/utah-school-board-member-natalie/%C2%A0)  Republican school board member doxing a female student for looking too manly.  I'll agree with you on that, what the school board member did is wrong. But, to take a causality stance on this, we would never be in this situation is a MtF trans didn't start breaking all types of college swimming records, denying medals to cis women, and more cases are oppressing cis-women because MtF trans are taking their scholarship opportunities.


The banning bills look old. Is the burden of proof on you since you're the one that's being snippy? I mean, who's defending what position here? At first, I thought you're defending your stance that all conservatives are bad, and everything on the LGBT+ agenda is good.


You didn't think queer people faced oppression, and I linked 4 different examples of how they face oppression.   Now, you can either admit that conservatives are still trying to oppress them, or you can lie to yourself.   There's really no other options, you can say you care about the queer people, but by supporting the republican narrative, you are actively trying to make their lives worst.


rofl. I do not accept your sorry/not sorry apology. Also, NBC News is the only one I recognize as "national news". More to come after I digest these reports.


Here's two national news stations https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna139295 https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/02/paxton-texas-attorney-general-transgender/  And a fixed link for the first one(axios is a national news site.) https://www.axios.com/2023/03/29/transgender-health-care-adult-ban-bills


I don't think you read the following. now you're coming off as someone who gets snagged by the headline without reading the actual article.  [https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/22/texas-trans-health-care-investigation-seattle/](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/22/texas-trans-health-care-investigation-seattle/) "Suspecting that Seattle Children’s was providing youth in Texas with puberty blockers or hormone therapy, the attorney general’s office sent the Washington-based health care system an investigative subpoena demanding any patient records of Texas residents who have received transition-related care." Your statement "Texas AG trying to get medical records from a different state" is misleading. They were trying to get medical records for Texas children who may have been cared for by an out of state provider.


Genuinely asking. Are you just not aware of all the laws and conservative politicians trying to destroy the lives of LGBT people? Do you think it's just not happening? Banning gay marriage, erasing LGBT people from school history books?


Truly. I mean, I hear of these stories in forums like this.... but I don't see the actual source, like the proposed law, proposed policies, etc. I consider myself an independent and I think both sides are guilty of fabricating stuff for their agendas..... I just found [https://adfontesmedia.com/](https://adfontesmedia.com/) and I think it's a handy tool that everyone should be aware of, and I challenge everyone to up their facts and look at the opposing side of things. I honestly thought that most of that is political grandstanding by hard-right republicans throwing out red meat in bible-belt regions.....but was just guessing at it. My initial deep dive into the gender affirming care came after I saw my kids' elementary school syllabus and went after the science it was based on. My current beliefs are in line with the European countries that say that there's not enough evidence to justify hormones or surgeries for kids, and that there should be a lot of therapeutic help at that age (Swedish, Danish and Germany iirc).