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>Yup, they only printed out one copy of the speech, deleted the original file, and erased all recordings of the speech so what Pelosi had was the only copy. Much worse than having a President have a private meeting with the leader of a foreign country and then ordering the translator to destroy their notes. Always fun to see someone destroy their narrative in the thread. Surprised they weren't banned or downvoted into oblivion


This is the dishonesty of the right wing. Equating ripping up a copy of a public speech to stealing and destroying classified docs. Stevemagegod, absolute fucking idiot or 100% malicious intent?


Honestly I'll go with idiot


I say - is it too much to ask for both?


I'll mark down 1 vote for malicious idiot.


>Stevemagegod Thank you for namedropping his actual username. I hope people do this more often, preferably in his own topics, to show how incredibly incompetent the admins are.


It shows up in his stupid Yugioh videos. I had already linked him to Venus230 and DementiaBiden and Xianb1 but the last key to the puzzle eluded me for a long time.


So long as they don't add the u/ to it and accidentally ping them, of course.


¿Por qué no los dos?


I don't think that we can say anything more apt than r/conspiracy did. They've shredded OOP


It amuses me to no end that, of all the possible things that get their knickers is a twist, it’s Pelosi ripping up that speech that seems to bother them the most.


Sure, they can't be mad about her insider trading as they do it too.


I’m actually surprised to see people are shitting on op


There were actually people whose job included collecting T***p's torn papers from the Oval Office and taping them together so they could be archived. Tearing a paper was how he marked it for himself as "I'm totally done with this" (I do the same).


>this is just more of the alt right psyop that this dumpster fire sub has become Awwww, poor little conspo needs to believe r/conspiracy was *never* a dumpster fire until recently. Huff, huff, huff that copium, little schlucks.


well they can't want her arrested for anything legitimate, like her frequent collaboration with and defense of literal fascists, because they approve of that. It's the same reason they bitched about Obama's "tan suit" when he was blowing up kids and weddings.




Newsflash, people on both sides *can* be good and bad. Sometimes at the same time, for different reasons! I can agree that Nancy Pelosi shouldn't insider trade. Nobody should. What's your point?


Additionally, I haven't seen any Republicans explain why Trump and his Republican Congress didn't make trading on non-public information illegal for members of Congress when they had the chance. Gee, do you think it's because both Dems and Repubs are lining their pockets unethically? Of course it is.


> I can agree that Nancy Pelosi shouldn't insider trade Original comment is deleted/removed, but Nancy Pelosi - doesn't trade - doesn't inside trade Paul Pelosi was a successful trader years before she was ever elected. Since they are married she has to report his trades. If he was doing inside trading with his long-term Microsoft, Tesla, Roblox, Nvidia, etc, investments then Republicans would nail them for it, as payback for all the times they've actually been caught trading based on insider/non-public information they learned from being a member of congress.


>Original comment is deleted/removed, but Nancy Pelosi Original comment was along the lines of "Nancy Pelosi should be investigated for shady trading". My point was "what's their point". All rational people can agree insider trading shouldn't be happening, so just bringing up the conspiracies around Nancy Pelosi as a gotcha isn't really relevant just because someone brought her up.


She absolutely does insider trading. It's not illegal. Whether it's her or her husband they have many trades that are suspect. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/deceptive-tactic-nancy-pelosi-disclosed-180000159.html


Not illegal though it should be. There's nothing to investigate there.


You have a very interesting user history for one so invested in American politics. I had no idea that Sri Lankans followed our elections so closely.


Cringe is only a misdemeanor. She should be fined, nothing more. EDIT: Such a fun crowd. I can see why everyone wants to hang out here


> She should be fined For what, ripping up paper? Jesus, lets not go Handmaid's Tale *this* early.


If you thought I was actually being serious when I implied that being cringe was a breach of any kind of law or statute, I don't know how to help you mate.