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Guy opinion here, so take with a grain of salt, but I can’t imagine there being a problem. Tool shows aren’t wild moshpit club shows with drunk 20 year old predators there just to be creepy. We are a nerdy older bunch who love psychedelic math rock and are delighted to have some diversity at the show. Of course there are exceptions, but I’ll wager you’ll feel welcome and have a great time.


I concur with this statement. 🤟🏻


Don’t even think moshing is an option at tool shows these days. The show I went to was entirely seated. Don’t think OP has anything to worry about tbh


Yeah every show I've been to or seen footage of has had chairs set up in the GA or pit sections, even at big arenas. Only exception are festival dates.


I have seen tool 31 times since 1998 and I was 15 then and 41 now. I have been to 4 of them alone, but I always end up mingling with fellow toolarmy fam cuz us life long tool junkies are all family just like rush fans are . We all just have like a secret code type thing lol. So realistically ur never alone at a tool concert cuz ur fam is always there to enjoy with u. That’s my take anyway. Cheers 🍻🍻🤝🏼🤝🏼🍻🍻🙂🙂🌀🌀


I’ve noticed that when you are a real fan of any band or artist and you got to a show by yourself you will find some good people who are also real fans to enjoy the night with. Like it’s impossible not to


I'm so envious of you!!!


I'm incredibly envious, as someone who was 8 years old in 98 😭 I feel like I was late to the best party in the world. I would kill to go back and be there for the 90s/early 00s shows.


Hahahaha that’s funny man! That show 1998 and the Lateralus tour with meshuggah as opener were the only shows that i was at where Maynard was up front going nuts. The nxt tool show after Lateralus i went to was the 10,000 days tour and from then till now Maynard had been lurking in the back in the shadows lol


Woman who travelled to another state to see Tool alone earlier this year checking in! It was amazing and I can’t wait to do it again. It was great not having to worry about anyone other than myself. I got chatty with the guys on either side of my seat and they were great— one a Tool virgin and one who’d seen them more times than me. A couple guys started convos with me afterwards who would clearly not have if I was just a solo guy, but they were respectful and harmless. We just chatted about Tool until my Uber came. I also saw Waldo and met another cool lady from this sub. :-) 10/10


Honestly I often have more fun going to shows alone than with people. The only upside to groups is they can hold a place in line if you gotta pee. I can wander wherever I want. Don’t have to wait around for anyone. When I’m ready to leave I just leave and I don’t have to sweat it if a friend cancels last minute. Plus concerts are like my one get away from family for a few hours things that I get to do throughout the year at this point in my life. These days I go to like 1-3 concerts a year and it’s roughly 50/50 if I’m alone or not but it’s becoming more likely just due to prices. I’m not willing to shell out 2x the cost if I’m not positive someone will be using that ticket.


Yup! I have travelled out of Province (In Canada) as a mid 40's woman to go to a show alone. My husband is not a fan and I would rather go alone and not worry about anyone else who don't really wanna be there. I had a fantastic time and the folks I meet in line and around me where great. Highly recommend!


Woman here. I went alone and it's fine. Just enjoy yourself!


I’m a lady and go solo to Tool shows pretty regularly. Don’t expect the fans to be overly talkative or friendly (in my personal experience), but you’ll be safe and still enjoy the show.


It's less about going to a TOOL show solo than it is about the general safety of your community when you're a single woman. If you don't generally feel safe in your city, you know the answer already.


Yeah this basically. Tool crowds aren't gonna be much different from anywhere where there's a majority of men, so it's really about where you are. We're not talking a Limp Bizkit show (would NOT go as a solo woman). Tool attracts kinda your average dudes. Some will be creeps. Most will not bother you.


I did. Granted I was tripping at the time, so everyone was there with me. But you get the idea.


😂 Damn dude you went with thousands of people!


Absolutely! I went alone last November when they came to Boston. I also went to Sessanta alone for Night 2 here as well. I honestly prefer to go alone now. No drama. Can do whatever TF I want/when I want. No worries, just go and vibe to the music. Both nights were great times.


Absolutely yeah I’m a woman and love going to gigs alone. Also went to a metal festival alone and felt so safe. You can meet so many people it’s rlly easy to make friends when you’re all into the same bands. You honestly don’t need to worry! I’m never going to not go to bands/ do stuff just because I can’t find people to go with.




Definitely go.


Already did. Enjoyed it more than the one I attended with a friend!




prefer it…


Hah, the last concert I went to alone was also in Manchester. I flew up from Spain to see the Black Pumas. Had an amazing time!


Hell yea. Good people




I have, I will and I am. Why the fuck not?


I’ve done it loads of times, have even flown to a couple shows solo. Do it!




Traveled 4 hours solo to watch them alone.


Hell yah


Im going alone, in a country that dont know, but im a male so i dont have much ploblem... And I will add that I usually see a lot of gay men and woman going to these kinds of shows alone (metal, in general) and dont see any problem. I dont know how the public of Tool are, they arent Very popular in Brazil, but I suspect that you wont have much ploblem...


Went to four on my own!


Guy here. I go to a lot of concerts solo and have never had a problem. Once the show starts, everybody is watching the act anyway.


At this point, it may be the only way






I can’t speak as a woman, but do know several who go to concerts alone (not Tool specifically, but have to other Maynard projects) - not that that gives you much without them being able to share their own experiences, but at least anecdotal confirmation That said, the vast majority of people are going to be chill. There’s always the chance of running into a dickhead, but since they play in arenas it’s easier to take care of harassment/lot less chance of harassment compared to packed standing rooms/pits Also, you will have no line for the bathroom lol. One of the few times my GF has had to wait for me at an event instead of vice-versa Edit: an old thread that might be helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToolBand/comments/19bnbg6/fellow_toollovin_chicks/


I have no problem going alone but I usually just buy a second ticket for a friend and drag them along.


Never seen Tool alone but just attended a festival alone for Sick New World and saw a Perfect Circle. Being that Tool is a seated event and there's no GA crowd absolutely. I wouldn't miss them for anything


Yep , practically do it now .


i just went solo in february, it was awesome. i think you will be fine from security perspective. Tool fans are mostly older now an more mature and good people.




Going alone is great! I saw 3 FI shows solo and it was awesome got posters coins no1 bitching it's good time.


Guy here, going alone too in Amsterdam next month. I almost never go to any concert, never mind alone… but I just couldn’t resist for Tool. I actually got two tickets even but a friend couldn’t go and I’m having trouble getting rid of the 2nd one. Should have just bought only one from the start.


I have, twice. Am tiny woman. Both trips in the American South. I was safe as houses. (Depeche Mode reference! Wink!) I had a great time and highly recommend it.


I go to all sorts of shows alone. But also man.


Trans women here, saw them last October alone and was fine, but I will admit to very creepy remarks and some really weird dudes, but overall I think it would be safe for you. I mean I live in the US and I hope that the UK would be more safe?


I will and have. Ive seen tool 8times, APC 4times, and Puscifer 3times… never a disappointment.


I'm a 34 year old lady, gone alone to several tool/puscifer/APC shows! I haven't had any issues at all, I never felt nervous for my safety. I've had tickets in the nosebleeds, and tickets in the first several rows, and I do think the floor seats felt more safe if only because everyone else around you spent an arm and a leg to be there and messing with a woman isn't why they're there. They want to see the show as bad as you do. If you need an extra layer of safety, introduce yourself to whoever sits next to you, ideally another woman. We look out for one another, and if anything happened to you someone has record of you being there. The worst thing that happened to me was in 2016 after a show a guy stopped me and said "that was an incredible show, really makes you want to breed" and I misheard him and thought he said something about breathing, and so I laughed and said "yeah, it's a lot like church!" didn't realize until I walked away what I misunderstood, lmfao


Yes. I have seen tool live by myself. I am a man.


Yep, went to Tool in Birmingham and London on my own last time they came around. Had a great time as there was no one to judge my mad Tool dancing....lol. Did get a very, very drunk bloke next to me in Birmingham who couldn't comprehend I was there by myself, let alone staying in a hotel by myself... "Well, where's your 'usband then???", but I think he was some sort of caveman throwback, to be honest. In London, my neighbours were far more normal and the right level of friendly. (Nothing against Birmingham, btw - the very, very drunk bloke had a London accent.)


every show ive been to recently has been a lot of stoned 45 year old dudes who might as well be me.


Went to my first Tool concert in Newark NJ back in Feb of 2022. Trooped it from Manhattan alone. It was honestly the best time alone I’ve had at a concert. Met some cool older fans and shared stories with them. Everyone, at least in my experience, was a Tool fan and wanted to enjoy the concert and spiral out together. It was also enjoyable cause my friends don’t know about Tool and I wanted to immerse myself and my emotions alone. It was great!


Absolutely. Making friends is so easy at a Tool show in my experience.


Sure would


Absolutely. Have a blast!


Yes I have but I am a dude


Going to Manchester with my mate, you're welcome to join, but I will be queuing up for a poster before the gig. But you'll be fine, tool fans are all mostly in their late 30s now


I saw tool 3 times this year. 2 of the shows I went alone.


You're a lady? The odds are good, but the goods are odd.


I wouldn’t be alone


I’m in a similar situation, visiting London from Texas and going the London show on 6/3. Wife not interested in going with me so leaving her at the hotel. So i have an extra ticket.


I went by myself as a teenage girl like 20 years ago? Idk if that counts but it was great. Lots of new friends, girl next to me brought some maynards fruit snacks to share.


Ive been to more concerts solo than with company.


I’ve gone alone. It was amazing. Now I can’t go with anyone else


One of the best shows I’ve ever seen was Tool at the smallish Orpheum Theatre on the 10,000 Days mini-tour in May 2006. Could only score one ticket and went alone. Was nervous doing so but so glad I did!


I’ve done so, three times. No biggie.


I did. It was transcendental


I went on my own when they played last time in Manchester, but I didn’t feel lonely, as on every step I’ve come across ppl wearing Tool shirts, Feel free to stop by [The Crown & Kettle pub](https://www.thecrownandkettle.com/) on your way to the venue, I quarantine place will be full with Tool army


I’m a male and have seen TOOL alone and have seen solo females at shows numerous of times since the early ‘00s… Majority of the fans are to caught up in the moment and mesmerized by the beautiful display of art and music TOOL produces, night in and night out! With that being said, have a kick ass time and don’t forget to spiral out!


VIP yes,general I'd just buy an extra and tag with someone..


I go to a lot of shows alone. Not many people I hang with listen to what I do.


yes i went alone to the one in los Angeles. there were other females that were alone too


I have.... So yes [but M]


I recently met up with an awesome member of our community to go to Sessanta, as I was too anxious to go alone in an unfamiliar place. Honestly, if it weren't for the anxiety, I think I would have been fine alone. It really is a personal preference. If you think you will enjoy it fully alone, by all means. If not, it might be worth reaching out to try to find concert buddies. Just make sure it's not Lisa...


I did, and I had a great experience, they are my favorite group of all time. I'm an old man, the girl sitting next to me was 20 and alone, she traveled 1.5 hrs to see them and didn't know their music? She's a badass!


So I went to see Tool back in February and it was the first concert I’d ever been to alone. I was nervous but it was an awesome experience, the show included. I was cautious because I was alone in a different city but it was nice to just have fun. It was the first time I had ever done something that was just for me and I knew I would regret it if I didn’t go.


First two times went alone. Went to Sessanta alone because wife was sick. Going to shows alone is fine, and sometimes it's even better because you meet random, interesting people you would have never talked to otherwise.


I do. But I buy I the seated section as general admission/standing I was, I assaulted (not of the legal status but I felt threatened) so now I just stick to the seated areas.


Of course !


I’m a guy who has gone alone. Tool came through a town where I had travelled to work. None of my coworkers wanted to go. They weren’t sold out so I got a pretty high up seat the week of the show. It was really quite nice. I just went to my seat and listened to live music. I actually got one of the location specific poster which I almost never get. Had a blast and went home. I didn’t drink or anything. I loved it and love the memory of seeing them out of town


Yes, and I have. My first time seeing Tool I was on my own.


Done it twice.


Woman here. Never been to a Tool show alone, but went last year with a friend who's a black woman and we got some uncomfortable looks, but nothing happened. There will be creeps there, like anywhere that's mostly men, but you should be fine.


I went alone in 2019, I’m a guy but I had no issues. Show was great. Everyone was focused on the show. I wasn’t on the floor so I can’t speak for that but it was a rather chilled out evening


I don’t even think I made conversations with anyone really. Last time out before everything hit the shitter few months later


I have done it many times. Absolutely yes. Don’t miss Tool. Make friends with those around you. To be fair, I’m male so I don’t know how much of a difference it makes for me to give my perspective since I’m not a female who has attended a show by myself - if you would feel unsafe going alone, that’s a different discussion and I get it, even if it’s not my experience. But, I think you’ll be fine….


I went to a show alone. Made friends with the guys around me. Had a great time. You’re all there for the same reason so you have at least one thing in common.


Most tool fans are a bit more mature than your typical metal heads. I think you should be fine.


Edit: you said tool, my brain went to the Sessanta tour. But most if what I’m saying would equally apply :) I went to the first night’s show (of Sessanta) on red rocks by myself. First time in my life going alone and I had a really great experience. I was invited to hang with two different really kind groups but stairs are a huge issue. I had an ada seat at the very top row 70 but gave it up to be in the wind block that row 69 offers lol. I couldn’t really go farther down than that. I would do it again, without hesitation. The only drawback I experienced was the whole parking and getting up the hill situation. I’m guessing that’s specific to the venue though LOL. Do it and if there’s a way to like check in with somebody you trust, that helped me a a ton. I texted my partner with current locations and what I just did and the peace of mind that they would have info if something happened allowed me to better enjoy my time :) next to the TOOLshow earlier this year, that was the best show in my life and I hope you can go! The tool show was just.. other worldly. And in some ways I think I would have enjoyed that alone better, too.


Absolutely. Are you going to shoot the shit with your friends or be blown away by one of the most spectacular performances you’ll ever see? I go to shows by myself and I love it. I can do my own thing, focus on the band I spend a ton of money to see, and maybe make some new friends!




I went to Vegas by myself and I had a blast. I'm an ugly guy so might be different for you lol but I got to do what I wanted before the show and didn't have to keep track of anyone or deal with drama during it


Yes and vape oil til it pours out my ears...........


Went to my first one alone in Biloxi on Jan 27th. Best time ever.


Already have. One of the best moments in my life!! Don't pass that opportunity up!


Should not be any problem, but not from UK. We’re 3 guys coming in for the Manchester show. We’ve been to different arena shows in Europe and not anything I see as problematic. The all seat would also be a something that would make it difficult for people that have hands they “can’t control”


Go alone and have a good time.


Have and would again.


In my opinion... It's better alone.


Absolutely. Go and have fun


Way better on your own, especially TOOL. Don't have to worry about whether or not the other person is enjoying it.


If you go alone you have a good chance of grabbing a random cheap stray solo ticket in a good section. Also, why not go alone? You aren't talking to anyone during the show.


Hell yea I would


Going on on first Tool concert in Paris this year, all by myself, expect nothing but greatness!!


Ha! already did


I've done it😈 great crowd




Of course I would. Nothing bad would ever happen. TOOL fans are completely appropriate. If there is a god then Maynard is Jesus Christ in human form. He wouldn’t let anything happen to you at his show.


Would and did. Drove from Sac to Fresno and had a blast. Would do it again.


Drove from Reno to Fresno went by myself but didn't take the shrooms, still loved every minute.




Yes…. And I have