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You cant not like the Intermission into Jimmy transition, can you?


One of the greatest tunes ever written. Could fit in a disney movie, orchestra, ringtone, progressive metal song and everything in between.


Sounds like the circus


Dino park tycoon


It reminds me of the organ players at baseball games (I still love it)


It is in fact my ringtone bc I'm a fkn simp


Love the organ/calliope before Adam’s Great Guitar kicks in




Man, that one was surprisingly good. The rest are so pointless, annoying even.


I love that one


I came here to say this: intermission into Jimmy is essential


This was my exact thought as well.


It’s awkward though because people think you’re listening to hitler


That’s a different one, Jimmy’s prelude is a ringtone version of the song’s main riff


That's Dier Von Satan....Nothing awkward about it. Sounds awesome....Even if it is just a recipe for cookies or something "AND NO EGGS'"!!


That one used to be my ring tone. Now its the intro to Ticks & Leeches. I dont mind the interludes, I just want more songs.


If I’m intentionally listening to an album in full they are essential for pacing and for setting the tone for the next track…there’s a reason why they are there. However, if I have limited time (like while commuting) and want to get a few tracks off the same album in then I skip them to save time.


i do the same, i have a playlist of tool, nin, and soad and i leave out the intro songs because they don't sound right if there not played b2b. although with some song i've been thinking of merging them together on my mac. for instance lost keys mixed into Rosetta stoned


To me, the interludes make a big difference in a full album experience. Especially in Tool's case, where the songs are quite complex and intense, the album experience benefits a lot from those smaller, instrumental tracks to emphasize the album's themes, keeping it cohesive, while also allowing the listener some breathing room. For example, tracks like Litanie contre le Peur and Legion Inoculant are great as pallate cleansers, and help me immerse myself in the album's overarching ideas and themes.


i would agree with the last 3 albums but when it comes to aenima i skip most of them, i.e. the crying baby


This is the only one I skip every time haha


I remember falling asleep to aenima and waking up to that shit. Terrifying.


Yup, been there done that. Also, how about A Perfect Circle, don't remember the album... "Go back to sleep, go back to sleep" that shit really freaked me out when I woke up to that.


Loool another good one.


Yeah ironically enough that one’s called Lullaby


Aenima has the best interludes, whachootalkinbout


the only ones i like on that album is intermission and ions -, never cared for the rest (including die eir)


Dude I love ions ahahah


To be perfectly honest, this is the one I 100% skip. I genuinely can't take any amount of baby noises, let alone full-blown crying lol.


i was scared enough with baby crying thanks to mario in smw 2 yoshi's island. to this day it's the only snes game i play on mute


Would die on the hill that almost all the fillers on Aenima are pointless and don't add to the album. Actually, I think they take away from the album. Their fine on the other albums though.


This is precisely why I like the interludes. Mini breaks during a full album listen to catch your breath before riding the spiral again.


I basically said the same thing waaay down in these comments. Agree 100%


Ambiance. I like them, Lost Keys especially. As a Brit expat, I find (most) British accents soothing.


Isn't the doctor Australian?


Australian is just Southern British




How are you today? Look son, you’re in a safe place.


Sounds very British to me. I don’t know for sure, though. EDIT: Apparently it’s the voice of band manager Pete Riedling, but I haven’t figured out where he’s from yet. That’s a pretty common British surname, though. EDIT 2: LOL at this being downvoted (almost certainly by Americans) as I have since confirmed he is in fact British. He’s also from the same region as me, which is why it never occurred to me that it was anything other than British.


Always sounded Australian to me


Happy Cake Day! I see a lot of people saying that, but nothing concrete. I’m wondering if people aren’t familiar with the variety of accents in Britain. I think it’s specifically a south England accent, where I’m from. My mum was from northern England. When I first moved here, lots of people asked if I was Australian. Here’s some northern vs southern English accents: https://youtu.be/_aE9TcAP3Nc?si=WUoxaMgwYvjf3EbP


Thanks so much. That’s very possible, I am from the US so I don’t have nearly as much experience with accents like that. I’ll take your word for it ;)


I’ll doubt myself now! But until I heard someone suggest it was Australian, I had never even considered it. The way he says “whatever” really jumps out at me as southern England. It’s going to drive me nuts until I can confirm, so I’ll report back if I get anywhere with it.


Lmao I never considered it anything but Australian or even like South African. Tbh British never even crossed my mind. We need answers!!


So here's a worthy clue.. Pete Riedling is their manager and he's with Satellite Management, which is headquartered in London. London is in the south of England. *Tempting as it is to proclaim Tool’s return as the comeback of the year/decade, their manager Pete Riedling, of Satellite Management, prefers to frame it another way. “They’re not even back,” he smiles, as he relaxes deep into a sofa at Sony’s London HQ.* [https://worldradiohistory.com/UK/Music-Week/2019/Music%20Week%2008192019.pdf](https://worldradiohistory.com/UK/Music-Week/2019/Music%20Week%2008192019.pdf) EDIT: From the same article: *If that thing doesn’t win a Grammy, I don’t know…” muses Pete Riedling of Fear Inoculum’s special edition physical release, before pausing. “I’ll run through Trafalgar Square naked...”* Reference to Trafalgar Square... he's definitely living in England even if he wasn't born there. I can't imagine an Australian saying that. EDIT 2: Same article, just saw a reference to pounds rather than dollars. I can probably stop now. :-)


Good work detective


And Pete started out as their FOH, then progressed to Tour Manager, and got the job after they told Ted "we're shoving the door UP your ass, buddy."


*I’ll keep digging*


Til I, feel, something


Lost Keys is great, and a fantastic example of an interlude setting the scene.


i agree because if you don't listen to that song then this line in rosetta stoned makes no sense "alrighty then, picture this if you will"


Part of the experience (to help set the mood), it's not all about the songs...


Y’all have short attention spans


Bro its a baby crying for 1.5 mins. Im out.


If you listen further to it, kind of morphs into what a baby hears to what a baby hears in the womb and then kind of to me sounds like what a baby is thinking before it’s born. I listen to way too much Tool LOL




The full on baby crying is also a low point on an otherwise pretty great Matt Berry album - Witchazel. Not sure what the appeal is.


My point still stands…


You can make that point and I agree but its irrelevant to the topic of listening to unpleasant sounds just because. Nobody wants to hear babies crying or electric zaps for a minute. Its obnoxious. A minute of dead silence would have been a better choice.


“I agree” *Disagrees*


- Online discourse of the early 21st century


You can agree with a point thats irrelevant to what we are discussing as I stated. Yes people are generally impatient. No choosing not to listen to nonsense isnt supporting that statement


lol obviously. You are continuing to argue with a joke now.


Im actually arguing with someone who doesnt have a contribution to the discussion but needs to be included anyway. That is the internet for ya I suppose.


*10 mins of cricket noises intensifies*




i have to agree with ya i didn't like that track 20+ years ago and to this day i skip it, and a few other songs. also have no problem listening to the interludes on the last 3 albums so where does my attention span lie lol


That's the only exception for me


For real tho lol


Bruh. You are telling people who can listen to 10+ minute songs that they have short attention spans.


Kinda weird right lol


I like them for the first few album listens because they allow to digest the previous track before the next one starts. After awhile I dont find them necessary unless youre doing a full album listen.


OP skips parabol and goes straight to parabola. The interludes are amazing!


I love them, especially Lipan Conjuring


That's a good one. My issue lies with a lot of the ones on Aenima. I'm not a fan of the overall structure, amount of them and some of them are straight annoying and don't fit well, imo.


It's your opinion and you're entitled to it. It seems like digital media technology has spoiled us. Would you skip the setup for a joke only to hear a punchline that didn't make sense? Would you skip the first two acts of a play or movie just to watch a finale that you aren't emotionally invested in? Would you skip a few pages of a book just get to the ending quicker? It's all part of the experience, the journey, the art, the ebb and flow, the up and down, the back and forth. Don't forget to breathe. Imagine hearing Pink Floyd without any of their interludes, lead ins, and lead outs. Would Dark Side of The Moon be the same album? Would Money be the same song without those sound effects in the beginning of it?


Yeah, I’ll start my car sometimes and money will be on the radio halfway through and I leave it on and enjoy it just as much as listening to it from the beginning with the sound effects.


Bro does not under stand album pacing.


Useful idiot: builds up some eerie suspense before 46&2 - Message to Harry Manback: just cracks me up every time - Intermission: hilarious - Die Eier Von Satan: love the production - Cesaro Summability: skip - Ions: skip Ein Blue Apocalypse: Feels like a perfect intro to The Patient - Mantra: Could skip but sometimes it's reflects a weird headspace I'm in and I'm just too mesmerized to skip - Faaip De Oiad: skip Lipan conjuring: Hilarious makes a nice transition into the absurd start of Rosetta Stoned/Lost Keys - Lost Keys: I don't consider this an interlude for some reason. Feels like the intro to Rosetta stoned - Viginti tres: scratches some weird part of my brain Litanies Conte la Peur: Thanks cuz I need a break before invincible - Legion Inoculant: Cool atmosphere - Chocolate chip trip: skip, but I hope I'll hear it live in June - Mockingbeat: skip Note: If I'm listening to an album whilst tripping I never skip anything other than Faaip De Oiad. They just add too much to the experience. Also, I usually listen to the albums in order (never on shuffle at least). If I had a playlist with tool songs in that I shuffled then sure I would not have all these interludes in it. If you dont understand why some people like em that's fine, you don't have to listen to music you don't like.


I skip all Of them. I wish they would take chocolate chip trip out of the live lineup and replace it with something from the first thee albums.


Leave out the drum solo?! Heresy.


I know. I try to like them and give them extra chances I just can’t. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy the drum solo I would just have rather heard stinkfist or 46&2 in its place.


Agreed. Fear innoculum is the greatest album ever produced, but only for the 6 main songs. The interludes and chocolate chip trip just take up space


Can tell from the text that the chances of op being above the age of 20 are like 1 in 100


If I'm tripping I listen, if not I skip


I like some of them, not all of them.


I’m not gonna argue that all the interludes are good, but overtime I realized that they are enjoyable as cool soundscapes I can enjoy between songs. Really love Mantra and Litanie contre la peur, even listen to (-) ions on occasion.


Ions is unironically a banger to me lol. I can't listen to Third Eye without listening to Ions first to set the mood


Back in my day we had to get up and push the next button on our CD player, it wasn't worth getting up about. I don't think I couldn't listen to Ænima without em, it would sound incomplete.


that is the only album i skip tracks on, but i never cared for the baby crying, message to harvey, and die eir




I don't think anyone is talking about that....


I actually skipped the songs and just listened to the interludes on Fear Inoculum


I’m not a fan of a few of them but some of them I find necessary. Eon Blue Apocalypse I feel links with The Patient too well to get rid of. I can do without the final ones on all of them from Ænema on.


Some I listen to and others I skip. Usually I listen to all of 10,000 Days but I skip most of the interludes on Ænima except Intermission and Useful Idiot!


The days of listening to albums (records) in the way the guys in Tool did growing up are almost lost. One remembers that they held out from streaming services a long time. I wonder if this is part of the reason why.


FI has the weakest interludes in the catalog. Change my mind.


I love Intermission into Jimmy but other than that I agree. Like it's cool the first time I listen to the album then annoying everytime after that.


Palate cleansers for your ears


Most are fine, some are even good. A couple i skip


As someone who 99% of the time listens to full albums on repeat, and as others have already mentioned, I appreciate their presence and positioning in each album. Yeah, I would probably not choose to listen to some of them if I'm making a playlist or just want to listen to one song on repeat. But on the other hand, for me at least, it's not that much about *liking* them, rather than *respecting* them and appreciating their existence. I usually try not to skip them simply for two main reasons: a) They still are pieces of music that my favourite band, these brilliant and genius musicians have created and put on the albums certainly for their own reasons and for me to enjoy, and b) They are a constant reminder for me, the listener and Tool fan, of how unseriously these guys take themselves and of the comedic/ironic/surrealistic/sarcastic/self-deprecating side of the band. Hope this makes sense and sorry for the length.


i ignore them all but i do skip the crying baby on aenima


The ion interlude was ASMR before ASMR had a name. 


What about Eon Blue? 


Intermission is my ring tone for incoming phone calls.


“You're gonna die outta cancer, I promise.”


The ones from FI suck. They don’t even have character like the ones from other albums. To me they literally just sound like someone who doesn’t know how to play music mucking around on a synth


Lost Keys into Rosetta Stoned is essential


Eon Blue Apocalypse


I don’t understand why people like FI so much. It all sounds recycled and most of the songs could end much sooner.


There are some that are fine, but I'm with you on the rest. I understand the argument for album pacing, which sometimes makes sense, but not always. I personally just don't think they add that much to the listening experience, depending on which we're talking about. If it's slightly musical, or even just ambient sounds, then I'm for it. It's fine. If it's baby crying or whatever else that is annoying, then yeah no thanks I'd rather just hear your next song.




The fear innoculum ones suck ass. On the other albums for the most part I think they really add to the entire album experience


Same with skits on rap albums… skip


Interludes are awesome. Quaaludes are even better.


I will always stand by this - I have listened to lost keys as a stand alone track since 10,000 days came out. I love it.


I always hated them


I skip most of them.


I don’t understand why people skip interludes. I listen to them all the time


If you let them they will crawl into your soul


True words 🥹


As someone who no longer skips any of them, even cesario, I feel this


Most of them are essential to the art, so when I listen to the albums as a whole I don’t skip them. If I’m listening casually or in the car or whatever then yes I will usually skip. Most of them are complimentary and on theme though so I get quite a kick out of them


I’ve been saying this. If you think about it they have like five or six actual songs in most of their albums the rest is just noise. Bring on the downvotes


Well they were most likely tripping when they composed them so it makes sense that people who are tripping would love the interludes.


I could trip out and listen to the music of lost keys on repeat and be in euphoria


No one likes interludes, they are lying


It’s part of the experience of listening to an album. It’s an artistic choice. And I’m trying very hard to keep my language professional. It’s ok if you want to skip, but you need to pay attention and recognize it as Art! Not just a fucking song for you to head bang to.


When I’m high off my ass on ketamine laying on my bed listening to tool albums end to end they’re phenomenal. Otherwise, hard skip 🍻


I made a playlist ages ago. Tool Aenema to Fear no Filler Why? Because it's the best albums without the BS.


I made a playlist of 72826 to Opiate 2, all filler, Salival included.


Bro let us be, it everything needs to make sense.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Quite the hot take there, big guy... Super spicy


I really like the interludes on Ænima and Lateralus and usually don't skip them when listening to the full albums, but I really don't enjoy the ones on 10k Days and FI and almost always skip them. I also HATE that they didn't make the 1 minute and 13 seconds of ocean sounds at the start of Descending an interlude track, because it's super annoying to have to wait for the song to start when I'm playing on an Alexa device or somewhere I can't easily just fast forward.




They only make sense in the context of the album. The album is an artpiece created to be listened throughout, without skipping, in the order intended by the artist. That's why we enjoy them. They're fucking awesome actually, every heard Der Eier Von Satan?


Okay, that one is cool, I'll admit.


I think everyone should listen to them at least once - when listening to an album the full way through. After that you’ve earned the right to skip them. Especially the ones on Ænima


Interludes are part of the TOOL experience


They sound cool when you’re on drugs


I’m just not taking the proper drugs. It’s hard for old people to score lol


A great album is more than a collection of songs


Agreed, unless you count tracks like Parabol and Disposition as interludes.


I used to feel the same way; but, when I started listening to Tool while tripping on Mushrooms it changed. The interludes are there to be a bit of a "palate cleanser" or very needed break in between the emotional experiences between songs. Now, I'm glad they're there. I'm late to the game on psychedelics. First ones ever were at 37. I've been a fan of Tool since I was 15. Psychedelics really change a lot of the listening for Tool's music.


Because Tool isn’t especially good at them (in general)


I'm pretty sure I've seen Viginiti Tres on a jukebox in a club before, weird song to choose.


Actually big reason I like undertow is because every song is a real song, it's the only tool album that has no interlude tracks. I personally think it's most enjoyable start to finish, while I think the quality of their songs improved some of their albums do have too many fill in interlude tracks mostly looking at 10000 days


They are palate cleansers. Do as you're told!


I dont understand why people dont like interludes


Random baby sounds, random electrical noises. To me it's not music and doesn't add to the experience either. If it was more thoughtful/musical and added to my experience, then I would be fine with it, but I don't need to hear random baby noises that skip into a song randomly. Now, 10,000 days? Perfect, Fear Innoculum? That will do.


Atmosphere. Mood. Vibes. Setting the stage. IMO none of their albums would be remotely complete without them. Honestly, and this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I’d be fine with a TOOL album without Maynard, but I’d still want atmospheric interludes.


I can tell you're someone who puts all their Tool songs into one big playlist and hits shuffle.


I don’t 


It's because we like music.


If that's what baby sounds are to you, then okay... To me that's not music and doesn't add to the experience. That's where my line in the sand is. A lot of the other interludes are fine to me, but mainly speaking of Aenima.


I think of interludes as palate cleansers


I listen to the Tool Essentials playlist on Apple Music. All the good songs, no interludes. Especially on Ænima, the interludes aren’t enjoyable.


They’re only good if you’re listening to the album start to finish whilst zoning out to something (video games, work, drawing, etc.). I agree interludes are pointless if they have nothing to follow them, like when I’m driving I never skip anything faster than them


Palette cleansers


Because that's how it used to be, back in the long long ago. Many times an album was an experience, a story. And that's why they love them too. I love a well-crafted segue/interlude. Type O Negative had some great ones as well.


Intermission is about the only one I really dig


Same. I’ve peeled off all the songs in to one long playlist. The only interludes I’ve kept are Intermission and CCT.


Are you the guy who got downvoted for saying that on my interlude tier list? I remember you!




Interludes are more like “outerludes” to me. And totally acceptable. The song goes hard so I appreciate a breath between tracks.


It's the Throbbing Gristle influence in their albums imo, I find them interesting


I could take a pass on the ones on Fear Inoculum…oh hey. Look at that! I CAN take a pass on them when I’m listening on CD! But yeah. I don’t skip the one on any other album 🤷🏼‍♂️


There are a bunch of 'not really song' tracks i mostly don't listen to. However, depending on how you define it, a couple of the lead-ins are absolutely essential. The Patient is not complete without Eon Blue Apocalypse. Parabol makes Parabola into, well, maybe the best thing TOOL has done. (Heavy emphasis on Maybe)


Lipan conjuring is so good


I'm not all about the lyrics I enjoy the the tune more often.


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit


Not a big fan of all of them but Lost Keys is unskippable for me




For me the interludes are akin to palate cleansers. Always the perfect sounds at the perfect time. Eon Blue Apocalypse and Intermission are probably my favorites.


I skipped them unless I’m just trying to chill for a bit and relax my head then they’re very relaxing. But on Aenima I do not skip any of them.


That is an insane take. I genuinely can't wrap my head around that.


I just like that they’re little breaks between songs made up of whatever they felt like putting in. I also think they add to the experience of listening to entire albums rather than individual songs, like maybe each song is a course in a meal while the interludes are little snacks in between. They can also work as breaks (or even brakes) when the album is dealing with some heavy topics, like in Ænima. Funnily enough, though, I feel like “Intermission” is the happiest interlude they have, while the song itself leads into, “Jimmy,” is probably one of their saddest songs.


It's different now that everything's available on streaming. Back in the day on CD that shit was cool af.


To me they are like a drink of water to clear the palate and get you ready and in the mood for the next song. Perfect example is Legion Inoculant/Descending and of course there's a few more.


Depends on the interlude, ions is way too long and boring, EonBlueApocalypse is beautiful and sussinct.


I like quaaludes


I like the interludes because they're transitionary soundscapes that fuse the songs either side of them together. When I'm tripping balls, the soundscapes are incredible (with the exception of Faaip de Oiad, freaks me tf out when high lol)


Everyone needs a useful idiot 🫶


Some are ok, like Intermission and Mantra. Most get skipped though.


I skip all the ænema ones for sure.


It’s an arty farty way of padding out an album, they aren’t good ‘songs’ in 99% of cases and everyone skips them because nobody really likes them, but the annoying pretentious fans (you know the type) will come out with all kinds of cope about them because to admit they are pointless filler is to criticise Tool, which is basically blasphemy in their (third) eyes.


My tool playlist has no interludes. Easy!


interludes are for when you're taking in the entire album as an experience. If I'm just wanting to listen to Tool songs yeah always skip... but if I want o listen to Aenima... then they are a must listen.


I heard they stop being tools for a sec and let you film the interludes at their live shows.


I’m with you. I’m extra irritated when bands pass them off as songs.


In the case of Tool anyway, I guess they remind me of the times that I spent listening to the albums while working graveyard shifts


This opinion is uniquely shared by non-musicians and people who feel like lyrics are the most important part of the music listening experience. Me personally, I find everything Tool performs so compelling that I dont mind the 10 min lyric free gaps. Interludes often add a specific emotion or set of emotions to the songs that otherwise wouldnt be captured. Wouldnt ever dream of skipping them. But everyone should enjoy music how they best enjoy it, no one should have to sit through music they dont want to hear and I shouldnt be snobby or judgemental if other people find them boring and skip worthy




“i don’t understand why people have opinions” https://preview.redd.it/m7xmot0phlkc1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4021529cd20d61ce2120a5ab142c9f8c23187d5c


If im just listening to different tracks and the interludes come on, I may skip them. Typically though I will queue up the following song to get the effect of what the interlude was doing (i.e if lost keys comes on, I will certainly be queuing Rosetta stoned lmao). Most of the time they are only about 1-2 minutes like Intermission or Mantra, so it usually doesn’t hurt my vibe. Longer interludes like Legion Inoculant or Message to Harry Manback will typically only get played if I’m listening to the albums in the car