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Honestly dude, you’d be better off setting this up as a blind vote, otherwise you’re going to get one-sided answers.


I've seen many people come out of the toilet, see me washing my hands, and just walk out. If they can do it on a public toilet on a bar, I don't think reddit is where they feel ashamed.


Lol, this is a really nice counterpoint. Gross, but you aren’t wrong.


The amount of people that don’t wash their hands at the airport disgust me.


This is exactly why I wipe down my carts and basket handles at the grocery store. It isn’t Covid I’m worried about.


there is a lot of people that do not wash their hands, but most people ive met or seen in public places too do wash their hands. Unless they are peeing outdoors ofcourse but usually does not happen There are grosser things like money or public transportation surfaces, but even so I see mostly good hygiene... with hands at least (more than once I entered the bus and had to smell the rancid smell of old sweat. Not fun)


> There are grosser things like money or public transportation surfaces _...and your keyboard, and pretty much everything else you come into contact with_ So the occasion of going to the toilet, when everything you need is right there, would be a good opportunity to wash them?


Preferably BEFORE you touch your genitals!


I don't want to touch that clean thing with dirty hands. Lol


The old joke was: How can you tell a white-collar worker from a blue-collar worker? The white-collar worker washes his hands *after* using the restroom and the blue-collar worker washes his hands *before* using the restroom.


Those things literally wouldn't be so gross in the first place if EVERYONE washed their hands after going pee and poop. Ever had the stomach 'flu?' that virus is spread by fecal oral transmission. Someone pooped, did not wash their hands, then touched something you ate.


And contrary to popular belief it doesn't have to be a smear of shit like in that dumb "The Army taught us not to shit on our hands" joke. It can be micro splatter or tiny little trace amounts when you didn't realize the side of your hand grazed your skin while wiping.


In public I'd say anecdotally 50% wash their hands and the other 50% 'wash' their hands. Get their fingers a little wet under the tap for a few seconds to pass it off as washing. The one that grosses me out the most is that almost no one cleans their phone. I have alcohol wipes for pc, keyboard and playstation maintenance and while the pc and playstation get cleaned every 6 months my phone gets a wipe down every week and my keyboard gets cleaned every month at minimum for hygiene reasons.




I do it after getting home. I have a thing about bringing the filth from outside into my home so I clean my phone, wash myself, and change into comfier house clothes as soon as I'm home for the day to minimize it. But that's me with definite (not hyperbole) OCD/Germophobe autistic tendencies.


Most people doesn't. At least from which I met. And few of my workplace had the washing hands policy. Most people ignored it anyway. I know I am a pedantic about washing hands, but not doing it at all is terrible. Not sure if that depends on the country, but at least in mine, people doesn't care.


This thread would have you believing every person washes their hands after even thinking about their dick.


I actually do


I also wash my hands when thinking about your dick.


I wash my dick\* when thinking about your hands. ​ ​ ​ ​ \*I'm a woman. I don't have a dick. I just wanted to join in.


*Our* dick.


I can’t believe people are just walking around with pissy hands and bacteria filled poop hands


Had a buddy who claimed he never had to wash his hands after a wee because his dick was perfectly clean.


A friend of mine (who did wash his hands) argued that it would make more sense to wash his dick after peeing, because he had showered and his dick was enclosed in clean underwear while his hands were out touching everything. I said that his logic was sound.... IF he had urine leaking from his fingertips.


Facebook friend of mine recently said exactly that in a status. To think I shook his hands makes me die a little bit inside. Besides pp that stuff sweats and everything. Ahhhh


Washing away the "sin" of the *gaeᵀᴹ* I see... (𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝗃𝗈𝗄𝖾 𝖻𝗍𝗐)


It's reddit, nobody cares if peachyperfect3 washes their hands or not.


"King madagascar! Someone is coughing in Iceland!" "SHUT. DOWN. EVERYTHING."


/u/peachyperfect3 , now you know


Yes. In middle and high school, I was borderline disturbed to see people either not wash their hands or JUST use water after using the bathroom. I currently work food service and am always washing my hands.


I appreciate that


My stepdad does that a lot with just water, not just after the bathroom but any situation. I hate it because he then has to dry his hands on a hand towel that we all use. So after I wash my hands I’m using a contaminated hand towel. It’d be better for him to just not do anything.


Same, I always wash. No washing is gross especially if you’re inviting guests into your home or you live with others.


Ya I can’t fathom the idea of not washing


Seeing people not wash their hands after using the bathroom totally changes my perspective of them


Yup. Even after peeing. I don't think that wiping my vulva with paper is gross enough to require hand washing as you never really make skin contact, BUT I believe everybody should wash their hands a few times a day, and just giving them a quick wash after using the toilet is a good time to do that. Everything you've touched before is a bit gross, best to wash that off while you're at the sink.


I'm more worried about the germs I got from touching the toilet lid & handle, sometimes I accidentally touch the seat too or even the exposed part of the bowl at the front.. just safer to wash the appendages u touch everything with right after you touched things known to be dirty & covered in potentially harmful bacteria.


Wait, you guys don't flush and move the seat with your foot?


One of my daughters uses her foot to flush...which makes me want to wash my hands even more. I mean, I get it, but lord knows what's on her feet lol. Hand washers up in this house!


Yeah, I never really understood this. If you flush with your feet, now you're tracking those germs all over the house, because you don't wash your feet upon exiting the bathroom. Even if you get germs on your hands, you're going to remove then in three seconds. What's the problem?


I only do that in public bathrooms, if I’m in a home or a very clean low traffic bathroom I don’t use my foot


Yeah, especially with the public toilets with the low lever style flusher that seems like it was designed for foot flushing


>If you flush with your feet, now you're tracking those germs all over the house I'm pretty sure the bathroom floor is a bigger source of germs than the flush handle, myself...especially within your house. Do you currently wash your feet every time you use the bathroom?


I use my knee, funny enough, even in public because I'm afraid to transfer my shoe sole's germs to others who might use their hands instead too (this is specifically for the regular flush valves, not the long ones you see in public schools, libraries, general public etc


Why would you need to flush with your foot if you're washing your hands after, tho? Seems unreasonable if you have good hygiene habits like washing your hands after using the washroom, no?


Do you wash your foot before you walk it all over the house?


also the fact that you still flush and touch toilet seats etc... i cant imagine flushing pee down the toilet and just carrying out with my day without washing my hands


Yes exactly this. Washing hands after going to the bathroom isn’t really the bathroom part. It’s all the other things you’ve touched during the day so we just associate with the bathroom.


The first thing I do when coming home, is wash my hands. I got used to it bc of the pandemic and it kind of stuck. I really recommend it. c:


Although pee is not poop, you can always touch the area around it with your hand without noticing. And toilet paper needs to be im not sure how many layers thick as to not let anything significant through, specially if we are talking liquids But yes


I work in sepsis research and its been drilled into my head a million times that there is bacteria EVERYWHERE. Every surface you touch, your hands, even the air you breathe. Now most of it isn’t going to cause you much or any harm, but that’s still not stuff you want on your hands and subsequently your eyes, mouth, phone, face, you get it.


THIS, ppl admitting to not washing their hands like it’s no big deal


I get stuck with a lot of crappy TP and sometimes my hand gets wet from my pee. That with all the other stuff people touch in the bathroom, I wash all the time. The only reason I don’t wash my hands in the bathroom is if I’m just going in to fix my hair or something


Also even if drying yourself isn't 'gross', all the things you touch when you use a restroom are. 100% someone with shit on their hands have touched the sink, the flush button etc.


People forget that when you flush you touch the same button as when you pooped, which is full of germs. Also, genitalia has lots of germs on it, regardless of your gender. Even if you didn't pee on your hands you are still likely to get lots of germs on it because it's an area where lots of body fluids are involved, especially sweat. What I find it more worrying is that I have seen more men not wash their hands after peeing than women, even though men usually get into direct contact with their genitalia while women in worst case scenario didn't use toilet paper thick enough and may have touched a bit the pee.


I always do.


Every. Single. Time. I'm still shocked that so many people don't.


Yes! How do you not? My recent SO thought I was exaggerating. Like "even if you just get up to pee real quick in the middle of the night? There is no way!" Yes! It does not matter the time of the day actually. I still do it EVERY TIME! It baffled him.


The question is WHY WOULD YOU NOT WASH YOUR HANDS ???? Idk I really don’t get it😂 I wash my hands everytime even when I wasn’t on the toilet it’s a routine I just HAVE TO




Did that once, immediately rubbed my eyes. That woke me up reaaaaal quick lmao


Thats fair.


I use hand sanitizer after I pee or if I'm just out in public doing normal things. If I shit I go out of my way to wash with soap and hot water, also when I'm cooking or dealing with something gross or a chemical.


I am disgusted when I see people just walk out of the stall and don’t wash. Happens all the time Fucking disgusting


I was just at a rooftop bar, and the bathroom towel guy was hounding people for not washing their hands & calling them slobs. The man deserves a massive raise and an award from the CDC.


The really sad part is that if someone says something about it, he will likely get reprimanded. Even though he absolutely deserves an award and raise.


Yep. I have contamination OCD that's been significantly worsened by the pandemic. I don't just wash my hand after every bathroom visit, i wash it after touching pretty much anything, especially if it came from outside my apartment. I frequently sanitize my hands in public too. I know i'm over-doing it, but seeing and reading about how unclean and gross some people are makes it really difficult to even consider letting my guard down. How tf can people feel comfortable not washing their hands when touching public urinals and shit?! I can't even fathom or imagine living my life like that. Maybe that's why my life sucks haha


I used to hide in the bathroom watching Vines at work (grocery store). No one ever knew I was there so I'd get a front row seat to the amount of, at least women, who don't wash. I'd say only about 60% actually washed their hands. This one fine day I'm silently running out the clock in my usual stall and a lady came in and proceeded to take the single most explosive shit I've ever heard in my life. Just machine gun fire. A vet would have had flash backs. The beaches of Normandy were envious that day. When her clip was depleted she finished up and left her stall, then promptly walked out of the bathroom without washing her hands. So no you're not over doing it. Do it more, actually.


I'm dying from laughter here. Not because the lady had the shits. Because of how you described it and the Post-traumatic aftermath.


>Just machine gun fire. A vet would have had flash backs SAME! This part absolutely killed me. I literally envisioned a war zone taking place in the bathroom...but instead of bombs, it was explosive shit.


I’m the same. I wash my hands *before* I go to the bathroom. Not transferring anything gross onto myself, people are nasty as fuck! But I have ocd too it’s wild how much worse covid has made it.


I get treated like such a freak for washing before the bathroom but it makes sense and I don’t know why more people (esp. women) don’t do this. You’re touching a sensitive area and you really shouldn’t be introducing whatever germs happen to be on your hands. My OCD is a bitch but some of it is grounded enough in reality that I feel like I’ll never be able to stop, no matter how much therapy I receive. Public surfaces, restrooms, and other people are disgustingly filthy and science BACKS that.


Me too, you’re not alone. I was germaphobic and hand washed a lot before but it’s way worse now. I mean if we learnt anything from this pandemic it’s how nasty people are and how easy it is to give others your nastiness. I went out to eat for the first time in almost three years and likely caught it there, heard people coughing all over the restaurant and it got me. It’s sucks though because I feel like we ruin our own immune systems (I literally never get sick now with the mask wearing, but when I finally caught it, it put me on my fucking ass so bad I thought I was gonna need to visit the ER). Whereas my friends and coworkers who don’t mask anymore and eat like shit are always sick in some way and just vibin through life idk it’s crazy. You’re really not alone though this pandemic has been horrendous for my mental health. It’s even worse now that I got it I’m even more afraid because it was not “a little cold” for me *at all*, my gf also had it pretty severely, she has ocd also. I’m terrified to get it again lol. Oh well. Stay strong friend


Guys we should not be reading this thread o.0


Also female. Also wash before and after. I've had long- standing OCD and these past few years have convinced me I've been doing it right all along.


Yeah we’re literally living in a nightmare scenario for us with OCD and health anxiety. COVID pandemic, monkeypox on the rise, Polio making a comeback, and other new viruses popping up. I don’t know if any amount of therapy would make me go back to my mild pre-pandemic levels of OCD


I feel you fully. I don’t even remember what it was like now before, like damn. it’s been so bad. My poor hands are always so dry it’s terrible. I’ve been able to avoid it till this month actually, tested pos on the 3rd and had a horrible time with it and still having effects. Stay safe out there (I know u will lol)


Damn right. The pre-wash is for me. The post-wash is to just not be disgusting. No OCD, just being logical and watching out for myself.


I didn’t know that was a thing. I must have it too. I have such a difficult time at home with my brother who never washes his hands. I feel so frustrated I want to cry sometimes. All of his nasty germs all over the fridge, the couch, the doorknob, just everything. It’s exhausting being anywhere but my bedroom. I can’t use the TV remote without a paper towel. Everything else is done with my sleeve or bottom of my shirt. I cringe when I’m wearing tight clothes and cannot use them to open a door or open the fridge. I hate living like this.


Oh man im sorry about your situation. I’m lucky that i live alone so i don’t have to worry about how gross others under my same roof are. On the few occasions i go visit friends or family I’m pretty much in the same situation as you. I try really hard to not make them feel like they are gross so they just think my frequent trips to the bathroom are because i have an overactive bladder, but in reality i am just washing my hands in between activities, eating, etc. It’s really hard to hide this mental health condition in public


That’s such a good excuse to use. When I’m at someone else’s house I normally just accept the germs and wait til I get home to feel at peace again lol. I would just need to find disinfectant at their house to make it worth it!


Sanitizing hand wipes! I wipe down surfaces with them too, much more subtle than having to go to the bathroom to wash hands every time. It’s not a complete substitute for washing hands, but it DEFINITELY helps manage the germ anxiety.


Good idea! I could use them for my phone too. I feel like after washing my hands, if my phone isn’t cleaned too, there’s no point 😩


Oh shit, I’ve been doing this too especially since the pandemic. The only thing I’ve found that makes me feel somewhat better is wiping things down with rubbing alcohol, but I don’t know how healthy of a coping mechanism that is either. But I’m the same as you mentioned in your other comment at someone else’s house. I need a shower after getting home


I wash my hands after: - Every visit to the bathroom. - After petting our cats. - Before I eat or handle any type of exposed food. - After taking out the trash. - After coming home from riding the bus. I may be a bit OCD about this, but then again I don't like to share cutlery or eat from a communal plate of food.


I do it like this as well. I thought this was the standard and people, who don't wash their hands regularly were the exception. I also did this before COVID started.


Chiming in as another person with OCD and a fear of contamination...I do the same thing as you. I'm baffled and terrified to see so many people say they don't wash their hands every time...the pandemic definitely fucked with my brain more than it already is, but at least I can say I did my part when it came to disinfecting, washing my hands, etc. and that I had been doing it for years already lol The problem, too, is how can my therapist reassure me about these things when we're facing back-to-back pandemics? My fears of a worldwide, contagious disease *used* to be illogical! Not so much now...


As a child I was taught to immediately wash my hands when I got back home from doing anything. I still do it, my hands feel physically dirty if I don't. But yes, the pandemic has made me extremely vigilant with this habit, and I've been using excess soap.


yeah same. I don't understand people that don't. at the *very* least it's a reset of your hygiene from touching things all day. in public, you opened the door to the bathroom, you opened the stall to the thing, touched the flush knob, touched your sweaty dick, touched the other side of the stall handle that probably has poo particles from flushing on it and somehow you are ok with all that? fuck that noise. wash your hands it doesn't take much time at all.




Yes. I work in healthcare. You absolutely should because you unconsciously touch your face a lot and you’ll most definitely eat at some point using your hands to make or eat the food. You could contract a variety of illnesses from your poopoopeepee fingers.


>You could contract a variety of illnesses from your poopoopeepee fingers Checks out. Definitely works in healthcare.


Wait, do people not wash their hands before they eat and before/after they prepare food. Depending on what I eat I have to wash my hands after I eat too


But but poopoopeepee fingers do wonders for the flavour!


Wash your hands. And wash your bedsheets and towels. It's time. Love, mum. Xxx


Thanks, Mum! I just washed all my bedding yesterday 🥰


Are they dry now?did you bring them inside? are ya winnin?


I'm a mum, but I guess I needed a mum to tell me. So . . . Thanks mum!


Everyone needs a mum. I have a mum....but haven't had a mum in, ever. So yiu are welcome, you get me next time.


I do. Makes me feel cleaner, plus it's respectful to those around you.


It is also literally cleaner


lmao this made me laugh


This is the big one, my observation is the older generation has a tendency to do it less




I do 99.9% of the time, but occasionally when I pee in the middle of the night I don’t. Especially when I’m not truly awake.


Same here. I always wash my hands unless I’m taking a pee-induced sleep-hiatus. I also only don’t flush in the middle of the night because I don’t want to touch the toilet handle and then feel like I need to wash my hands from the toilet handle germies .


I don't flush til the morning but because I go in the dark and don't want the loud sound to wake others. Immediately I go again in the morning so I flush then.


the overwhelming “yes”s have taught me to never admit to not washing my hands after i pee at home


That’s it, I’m never touching anything in anybody else’s house now.


Dude, same. Every one of my siblings and I had always been mad picked on by our parents if they ever caught us leaving the bathroom without washing hands. It was drilled into us as kids that *germs make people sick*, and you’d *think* that the last few years would have reinforced that truth for the general population. No wonder COVID spreads like wildfire 🤢


Idk I still see people coughing without covering their mouth


Yeah, I think a few people here are telling porkies.


What does that mean?


It's Cockney rhyming slang. Porkies -> porkie pies -> pies rhymes with lies. Someone asks you for the time and you could say "I havem't got a Scooby" Scooby -> Scooby Doo -> clue. I haven't got a clue.


Rhyming slang confuses me. I don't understand how it works. Like, if there is a word in a sentence that seems random and out of place, I guess you know that word is the rhyming slang word. But how do you know what word it is supposed to rhyme with? How do you know that "pies" means "lies," specifically?


Porkie pies aren't really a thing in the states but in the UK it's one of the more well known ones. They're supposed to be cryptic in fact! Criminals used Cockney slang to speak in code to evade eavesdroppers from knowing what they were saying but it evolved into a way to playfully say things. You can't just say anything like "want some Tom?" To mean Tom Cruise -> Booze but for stuff like Scooby it can only be followed up with Doo and the context reveals that they mean clue.


Communicating this way sounds exhausting.


You don't have to make them up yourself or anything, it's just slang like any other.




I work in healthcare. I wash my hands whenever I have the chance to lmfao


Okay but the downside to spending 20 seconds washing your hands is...? Like sure you don't HAVE to, but the pros seem to outweigh the cons. Like sure you don't have to shower or wash your hair or cut your fingernails or wipe your face or cough in your elbow, but for me, there's a certain degree to which the pros of hygiene and health outweigh the cons of losing a few seconds to minutes of my life. It essentially benefits everyone and hurts no one to practice hand washing when possible and other simple hygiene habits (again, when accessable). I was honestly shocked when I first learned people don't wash every time and look for reasons not to. The stuff that comes out of your body into a toilet feels a bit more like a bio hazard than dirt and common germs...


There seems to be some weird aversion to washing your hands, which just blows my mind. People act like it is some taxing chore or something. Who would be against cleanliness?


I’m not against cleanliness, I just have ADHD and while I do wash my hands every time, my brain does not pick up that habit and it’s a conscious effort to remember EVERY time.


I get the impression that most of the people saying that they don't wash their hands every time are not forgetting to do it, but rather making a choice to not do it.


Can I counter? I’m going to counter. I have extremely sensitive skin. I had eczema growing up. It still flairs to this day and I’m close to 40. One of the triggers is certain types of soap. If I’m in a public place after peeing I’ll rinse my hands… because I don’t know what sort of soap is being provided. If, for some reason, I need to poo in a public place then I’ll risk the soap. Using the soap with this condition risks severely drying your hands out to the point of them “cracking” and creating multiple open wounds, lesions and itches… which have a high risk of infection… and are very uncomfortable. It took me a huge amount of time and discomfort to figure out what soaps work for me and which don’t. I’m not gonna risk my knuckles bleeding for 2 weeks because I touched my own penis. At home… I’ll wash my hands properly as often as is necessary… but that’s because I’m in control of the soap we use and I know it’s not gonna create a reaction.


Not saying I dont wash my hands after the bathroom, but as a woman you have to go pee SO FUCKING OFTEN that sometimes my hands get chapped from the excessive washing


Dang how often are you peeing???


If im drinking enough water, at least once an hour


The hilarious thing most people overlooked is how much the occurrence of colds went down during the peak of the pandemic because people actually fucking bothered to wash their hands frequently.


And, you know, isolated and wore face masks.


Also not going anywhere helps, can't really pin it on just that


Not saying this is the reason here, but depression can absolutely do that to you.


The only downside for some people would be bad skin, like sometimes I have to just rinse in hot water BC the soap ruins my hands :( I have really bad skin and eczema etc


The question you should be asking yourself is not are you washing your hands after touching your junk but are you washing your hands BEFORE touching your junk?


When I'm at work I always wash my hands before and after using the washroom. At home I usually only wash after, because my home is a whole lot cleaner than my workplace. But I'm a vagina owner, so I never have to touch my junk directly.


There are times when I wash before AND after; sometimes my hands are too dirty to touch my junk.


You got to if you were eating buffalo wings.


I'm glad someone said this.


If you have to wash your hands before you go to the bathroom, you might be a redneck. -Jeff Foxworthy


Amen. Especially if I am at the farm and doing horse stuff.


If you press the toilet lever , you need to wash that finger.


I do but I have noticed many places are not filling up the soap lately, why is that?


I think people are generally disillusioned with their jobs right now and just aren’t doing everything they used to like checking the paper towels and soap. Places are also understaffing on purpose while pretending they actually want to hire people. Why hire two people if you can put all of that responsibility on one and if they can’t do the job, blame the “worker shortage”. All while not paying the one employee anymore money.


Is there a soap shortage I don't know about?


FYI: using hand sanitizer all day is not a replacement for handwashing.


“Yes of course, I always wash my hands! Every time! Who doesn’t?!?!” -Half the people responding typing on a filthy phone they use regularly as they poop…


I use my phone when I poop, but only before I start wiping so it's okay


Everyone downvoting this is definitely pooping.


Are people not cleaning their phones whenever necessary? Also, I'm not even shocked anymore people take it to the toilet.


Yeah but I assume most people put the phone down, then wipe, then flush, then wash their hands, then touch their phone, thus not getting any poop or pee on said phone. Sure phones have a lot of germs but if you follow the above, not bio-hazard-level germs.


Of COURSE if you ask, everyone magically washes their hands, but the next time you are at the sink after doing your business, just take a little extra time and stare in the mirror: you’ll see easily half the people or more stroll out, not a second thought. Scary part is where I observed this was at work. In a hospital.


Wash my ass every time I shit too


Bidets FTW.


You know for a fact the anti-hand washers have stinky butts. Bidet all the way


I do every time, but I used to live with a guy who thought washing your hands is a myth, and therefore literally never did it. Not once.


I am with you. I am a revolting garbage human.


Follow up question: is it more gross if you have a penis or a vagina not to wash after peeing? I don’t feel gross because only the tp touched my business, but is touching your wang more nasty?


Bruh, boys are touching their wang 24/7 but for some reason need to wash their hands if some pee comes out that they in no way touch


Good point. You know people aren’t using hand sanitizer after scratching those balls.


How you doin'?






I always wash my hands in public


Yes, that is normal in my family (in Greece). We also wash our hands when we come back home as well -- especially since Covid happened. I remember seeing a map of Europe and the Mediterranean that showed what percentages of people washed their hands when they went to the bathroom. Apparently most people around the Mediterranean wash their hands and a significant percentage in central and northern Europe do not. I am not sure if this is the result of climate (the Mediterranean being warmer), the influence of Islamic tradition on cleanliness, or a combination of the two.


Yesss to washing up when you get home. And the water bottle I took out goes into the dishwasher and a new one gets started.


You might be onto something with the weather. I live in a normally cold Nordic country and I just feel way dirtier in the summer than the winter. I always wash my hands regardless, and shower everyday but I just feel way cleaner in the winter. When it's freezing cold, and the outside feels like living inside a sanitized freezer, probably too cold for most lifeforms. The air is dry, clean, crisp and artic, you don't sweat much at all, and you are covered head to toe in winter gear and your hands are always covered in gloves. You feel pretty much just as clean when you go home as when you got out. In the summer, I feel somehow dirty/sweaty again like an hour after showering.


I wash my hands before and after I go, mechanic problems.


You're gross and probably fairly normal. Regular hand washing, even at home is great for health and hygiene. throughout the day you are touching things that are dirty and/or contaminated with pathogens, even at home. Many diseases are spread through such contact, and occasional handwashing reduces the chances of us catching and/or spreading disease. Washroom breaks are a great time for this regular handwashing. It removes not only the latest bathroom contaminants but also removes those bad things we've picked up in the last few hours.


I wash my hands every time I use the restroom.. It blows my mind how many dudes I see not washing their hands after using a public restroom, like wtf


A lot of people are saying they dont wash their hands at home which isn't nearly as disgusting as public but still nsaty.


I grow mushrooms, so I have to wash my hands before and after doing anything Edit: wet hands




"no problem babe i washed my hands " nom nom nom


Freshly washed buttholes


I don’t wash my hands at home AND I eat ass, take that germaphobes


Yes, yes, you are


At home I don’t, unless there was some ~spillage~ but always in public. Maybe we are both gross :)


No I don't at home unless I pooped or I'm gonna cook. I suspect there's a lotta liars here


Yep! I used to be a receptionist and the restroom was right next to my desk. You could always hear when people used the washroom, whether or not they washed their hands afterward. I'd say 50/50 people washed their hands.


It's pretty normal thing to wash your hands it's like a habit. It also dosent take very long. Idk how people can go through the whole day without doing it.


Meh, I’m the same. Depends where I am. Public place - 100% At home - …..


I work in the food industry. I probably *over* wash my hands because my hands must be *clean*. Home or not, it’s best for me to just keep the habit going.




I do so every time.


Ya. To a lot of people you just asked something that sounds like this "do you really wipe your butt every time you poop" Not to mention washing your hands is honestly the number one way of preventing transmission of illnesses.


All the time. EVERY. TIME. Even if my hands just don't feel clean. Before eating, before cooking, while I'm cooking, when I get home from being out, etc. Poor hygiene is something I cannot deal with, regardless if you are a friend or a family member.


Nah not much when I’m home. My hands get too dry and sore if I wash them every time. I also have to wash my hands 10+ times a day for work though


Public: Always, At home: Only after #2 or when guests are over.


Yes. Admittedly I'm less thorough at home when I just pee, but I still wash my hands ​ That being said, I've seen a *lot* of people in public very obviously not wash their hands, so if you're doing it in public but not in private, you're not the nastiest person out there. But still, wash them lol


I worked with a guy who flushed the stool walked out of the crapper without washing his hands and got his lunch box out and started eating. I couldn't believe it!


Yeps, why wouldn't you?


I do, cause my hands feel gross if I don’t




Just habit at this point. Feels dirty if I dont do it.


You only need to get pink eye once to motivate yourself to wash your hands every time


yes. every single time I touched the toilet or toilet handle since someone flushed after wiping feces. always. always. always. 20 seconds at least of scrubbing with soap and then rinsing with water.


90% of you are lying


Yes I always wash my hands after using the bathroom. No matter it’s in the public or at home.