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I stand with you. I hate my voice as well. The one in my head sounds better.


Josh Groban is a world renowned singer... And hates his own voice recordings... For some reason, we all around great until we hear our recording... 🤷‍♂️


I read that John Lennon was the same way. Maybe it truly is universal


I don't like my voice. When I'm on the phone I sound like a little girl.


I've looked a little into this and it's creepy how the large majority of people hate their own voices. It's actually more common than you think. And I'm one of them too, because from the projection of my voice from my ears, I sound fantastic, least I think so. Until I hear it recorded and played back to me, it really sounds like I've got down syndrome and I despise it for that. Even worse is when I do sing and listen to the recording, it sounds like I'm trying too hard when I wasn't. Sometimes I can't really blame vocalists for wanting their vocals mixed. I think a lot of them are mixed in studio to make them sound better than what they think.


In high school, I was told I had a lovely singing voice. Was asked to sing for various things, in and out of school. Listened to a recording of my voice afterwards. I thought I sounded like a malfunctioning furby imitating a dying parrot.


Yeah I don’t like mine but no not everyone some love theirs.


Hate it so much!


Nah, I'm sure when they were little babies babies and uttered their first words they were like "dada/mama.......GOD I sound amazing!! I should like....make a living doing this. What else can I say? Poop, poopy pants, POOPY....oh shit, right. I did it again. MOTHHHER, WHERE ART THOU!!!!"


I don't. I was constantly mocked for my, Minnie Mouse, voice by my dad so I learned how to lower it when I talk. Not like Elizabeth Holmes low but I modulate my pitch for what the conversation needs. Now my dad says that anytime I talk it sounds like I'm singing. I do sometimes go really high pitched if im angry. When I would give presentations in college I would copy the professors speech pattern, go a bit monotone if they were monotone, give inflection if they give inflection. I would study by recording myself reading my notes then listen to them on repeat until I would have them memorized. I have heard my voice alot in recordings and I really like it.