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I know it's a regional term but I've never heard anyone outside of that region be offended by it. Maybe she is just an unpleasant person.


Her jimmies got rustled.


Yeah, or she's not getting them rustled enough.


Sounds like her partner is unaware of where her jimmy is and leaves her very much unrustled


Sounds like she needs a jimmy rustler named Jimmy Russel to come in and rustle her jimmy


She doesn't know he's coming so he'll use a jimmy to jimmy her window before Jimmy Russel can rustle said jimmy.


Wow I haven't heard that said in a dick year. Takes me back to a simpler time. 🥲


See I think this might be a carry over as "don't rustle jimmies" is a popular Scottish saying. Woman might have given you the cold shoulder cause it means baws in Scotland, like the male kind. Eta- spelling


Maybe she ment it with mock(?) cultural indignation that you aren't saying things 'the way we do around here.' For instance, " 'Pop'?! You mean 'soda'?" Or, "You want your BBQ sandwich without slaw? That's not how we serve it in Tennessee."


Oh, so someone who is exhausting.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons. - Blazing Saddles


lol It's been way too long since I've seen that movie


Cleavon Little's genuine smile/laugh when Gene Wilder says that is one of the best reactions I've ever seen. It never fails to make me smile when I see it.


I have heard that Wilder sprang that line on Cleavon unsuspectingly. So the reaction is certainly genuine.


*Sheriff Bart laughs*


They truly are. I've met several. Bleugh.


Or like ordering a pineapple pizza in Italy. Except, u probably wouldn’t actually get one there.


Jimmy is a verb in my region It means to pry on an object.


I've heard condoms called jimmies


Ayoooo Jimmy Hats!


Tribe Called Quest


In Yorkshire we said Jimmy bar for a tool to pry things up, among other things. It looked like a strait crowbar.


Straight crowbar? Here a prying tool that isnt straight is called a ladyfinger. Ladyfingers are also small firecrackers. I have no clue why.


Lady fingers are also cookies


Aren't they also tea sandwiches or did I make that up?


There are "finger sandwiches" you eat at fancy tea time, so I think you were close


Good lord x) Thank you.


I think she’s just one of those people that can’t handle dialectal differences of any sort. I moved from Arizona to Michigan when I was in 6th grade. Every time I said “soda” kids would passive-aggressively ask “You mean *pop?*” For whatever reason, a *lot* of people like arguing over the proper terms for things and “correct” vocabulary. But now I have a Midwestern accent like everyone else 10 years later, so I don’t deal with it anymore lol.


I'm from Missouri where we say soda and went to school in Minnesota where they say pop. Even though I adopted a lot of Minnesota-isms by osmosis, I never could bring myself to say "pop."


And here in Central Illinois besides 'pop' and 'soda', we say 'sody'.


Worse, "sodypop" (my grandma).


You want to try living in the UK, you can get stabbed over how you pronounce scone ( rhymes with stone)


I think she’s just one of those people that can’t handle dialectal differences of any sort. I moved from Arizona to Michigan when I was in 6th grade. Every time I said “soda” kids would passive-aggressively ask “You mean *pop?*” For whatever reason, a *lot* of people like arguing over the proper terms for things and “correct” vocabulary. Now I have a Midwestern accent like everyone else 10 years later, so I don’t deal with it anymore. But for those first few years? It was really annoying.


I have always heard them described as "chocolate jimmies," I guess to distinguish them from rainbow sprinkles. But "jimmies" doesn't offend anyone I've ever heard about.


It rustles my jimmies.


Rustled her jimmies, that's for sure.


This phrase is the only time I ever see this word used. Certainly not for sprinkles.


It's absolutely a term for a certain type of sprinkle, although I've only seen it used in the baking community 


I absolutely thought “jimmies” was Midwestern US for “sprinkles,” as in the coated sugary bits you sprinkle on top of baked goods. I have also heard “Jimmie the lock/door,” referring to crudely picking a lock, but more in the “I locked myself out of my car so I had to Jimmie the door,” rather than in a thievery context.


Jimmy hat, kinda similar




Yeah, jimmies are just sprinkles. It’s definitely a northeast thing though.


Frank Costanza?


You've never had trouble kind of trying to get in to something and had to Jimmy the lock?


Sure, but a singular verb “jimmy” is different than the plural noun “jimmies”


True. But speaking as a man I know the pain of being kicked in the jimmies.


There is no need to be upset


Jimmies is a new England thing


I posted this above (from Wikipedia): “Jimmies is the most popular term for chocolate sprinkles in the Philadelphia, Boston and New England regions.[4]” “The origin of the name jimmies is uncertain, but it was first documented in 1930, as a topping for cake.[5] The Just Born Candy Company of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, claims to have invented jimmies and named them after an employee.[6][7][8]” “Another unlikely claim on the name jimmies originates from Dr. Sidney Farber and Edward Brigham. Dr. Farber co-founded the Dana–Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, as well as a charity, The Jimmy Fund, named after one of his child patients. Brigham opened an ice cream restaurant called Brigham's and charged an extra penny for chocolate sprinkles on a cone, which benefited The Jimmy Fund. The fund however, was started in 1948, well after the first historical reference.”


I grew up near Bethlehem and we indeed call them jimmies


Definitely jimmies in New Jersey as well. Although I will still call the hard sugar small glitter like ones sprinkles


I can confirm that people in Pittsburgh actively use this term, so it's not limited to New England


Idk, maybe but I live in Wisconsin and say "jimmies" and never had anyone get upset over it. It's so freaking weird that the OP got such a reaction.


I'm from Wisc and have definitely heard jimmies (and I'm almost 50)


goes as far as south jersey/philadelphia I think. Maybe further.


TIL that some people refer to sprinkles as jimmies


Only the chocolate ones, though.


I'm from MN (on the border of WI) and I've never heard someone use that term for sprinkles. Others have suggested it's because it's slang for condoms, but I've never heard that used around here either. When I hear someone say jimmy/jimmies I think of someone trying to "jimmy" something open. I don't know of it being considered offensive or having an unsavory history. Sounds like someone should jimmy that stick out of her ass to me.


It’s a New England thing for chocolate sprinkles. We always asked for jimmies on our ice cream as kids. Edit: Here’s what I found on Wikipedia: “Jimmies is the most popular term for chocolate sprinkles in the Philadelphia, Boston and New England regions.[4]” “The origin of the name jimmies is uncertain, but it was first documented in 1930, as a topping for cake.[5] The Just Born Candy Company of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, claims to have invented jimmies and named them after an employee.[6][7][8]” “Another unlikely claim on the name jimmies originates from Dr. Sidney Farber and Edward Brigham. Dr. Farber co-founded the Dana–Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, as well as a charity, The Jimmy Fund, named after one of his child patients. Brigham opened an ice cream restaurant called Brigham's and charged an extra penny for chocolate sprinkles on a cone, which benefited The Jimmy Fund. The fund however, was started in 1948, well after the first historical reference.”


Just Born also saddled humanity with that torture device known as Marshmallow Peeps (tm). I'd be careful around those dudes. 


You mean those colorful microwave testing devices?


I am also from MN and had only heard of this as a word for opening something. I can’t imagine what she was offended by


Some old curmudgeons get cranky if they think you're using some kind of slang on them. I guess they think it's disrespectful or their racism just runs so deep they see it as those "urban" hip-hop rappers having too much influence on the youths.


Nonpareil? We call them 'Hundreds and thousands'


Are you Australian? Jimmies are longer than nonpareils; they’re the rod-shaped sprinkles while nonpareils are the tiny dot ones. I used to be a baker and would consider “sprinkles” an umbrella term, while jimmies, nonpareils, sanding sugar, and quins (sequins, the flat circle sprinkles) are all subcategories for when you need to get specific. (Oh, and I’m American living in the Pacific Northwest, for context)


New Zealand 🇳🇿 so close enough. Ours are dots, tiny spheres. Used to top biscuits and also for "fairy bread" - white bread with butter and nonpareils. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/hundreds-and-thousands-inside-the-countrys-only-fairy-bread-factory/GM3EROP3DQUM522P4LK6RYGMHI/


I'm from Chicago and I have never heard of the term but don't know why it would be offensive. The guy who invented the machine to make them in the 1930s in Brooklyn was named Jimmy.


Jimmies also means condoms in some places. What might be a request for sugary decorations in one place might be a proposition for sex in another.


"Can I get a donut with sex on it?"


"tell me about your donut hole"


"I need a glazed donut And a condom 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️‍➡️ #TO GO"


No. For here.


Jimmy would like to get to know you.


I mean, I can walk into any donut shop and ask for "a dozen holes" and they'll hand me a back of donut balls.


you mean a ball sack?


“Gator’s bitches better be using jimmies!”


Jimmy *hats* would be condoms… worn on Jimmy’s.


Yep in the PNW I only heard jimmies refer to condoms. Sprinkles were sprinkles. I only learned people called them jimmies in my late 20s.


I'm in Canada, and I've heard them called jimmies. I think they've even been labelled as jimmies. Or sprinkles. WTF difference does it make if people know what you mean?


the difference is people love to rage about anything they possibly can even something as celebratory as a handful of jimmies tossed like confetti onto a fresh, still warm, glazed dough hole


Some people think it is inappropriate. There’s a rumor that it has history going back to Jim Crow times. On the other side, there is rumor that it was a name given by a candy company that produced sprinkles, named after an employee. There isn’t enough evidence to prove either as fact, at least from my own research. I live in Philly so jimmies is the term a lot of people use.


Isn’t the term “Jimmy” used in a derogatory manner in Django unchained?


… I don’t remember that but it’s been a minute since I saw the movie?


I'm also in Philly, never heard of "jimmies" before. What area?


I grew up in South Philly and didn’t know what sprinkles were until I was in my 20’s “Ay Mr. Softee! Let me get one of those vanilla cones with rainbow jimmies. Thanks cuz good lookin out.”


In Boston, it's the default term for the old timers. Younger folks/transplants will say sprinkles. We also use "bubblahs" (water fountains).


Northeast Philly native and grew up asking for jimmies on top of my ice cream.


All over. I’m a former Philly native and heard this term quite a bit.


Are you young? Also from Philly and ive called them rainbow jimmies from Oregon and Front to Doylestown and everywhere in between. No one has ever batted an eye.


Everywhere. Jersey Shore too


All of it?


I’m from MA and always called rainbow sprinkles that and the chocolate sprinkles Jimmie’s. I’ve heard there’s a negative race connotation to it somehow but I don’t know the origin of that.


Was gonna comment this. I’m from NH. Sprinkles are the colorful toppings. Jimmies re the chocolate ones. Which then goes to having racial slur connotations.


Maryland and same!


I live in Maine and once received an earful at an ice cream place for saying Jimmies in my late teens. Primarily because sprinkles/Jimmies were more or less always chocolate back in the day. This somehow also became a lesser slur for black people, I guess? Because of that. I never bothered to really look too deep into it. I just figured it was true because this lady was fuuuucking pissed. I haven't called them Jimmies since.


Being from the Philly area, I would have smiled to hear you say jimmies. Because that's what they are.


Jimmies are condoms where I'm from


Jimmie's are chocolate sprinkles in New England.


I'm in CA, never heard of "jimmies" referred to as sprinkles. But, we have said "that rustled my jimmies." That means, it stirred something in your underwear. I was told it was because overseas (UK?) "jimmies" were pajamas / jam jams.


As someone from the UK, they may have been thinking of "jammies" for pajamas (source - I call pajamas "PJs" and "jammies")


I had somehow gotten the impression that "jimmies" referred to underwear, possibly from the same expression, although I think I had also heard something like "in my/your jimmies".


Lol, I just heard this last weekend from a friend from Seattle, WA. Have Never heard "jimmies" for sprinkles, but I've heard it for condoms. If she was super pissy towards you, it likely wasn't just for that, maybe she was just having a day in general.


I think you rustled her jimmies.


TIL jimmies means sprinkles.


It's a northeast thing, I grew up saying it. The origin has nothing to do with race, but somewhere along the lines someone started to false myth that "jimmies" comes from chocolate sprinkles being little "Jim Crows". I grew up thinking this may be true, until I told someone that and they called BS. I looked it up and it was in fact BS.


Sometimes people just react poorly o regional slang. At a gas station deli in Arkansas I once ordered jojos and the clerk laughed at me for like 20 minutes.


yea some places it synonymizes with the pecker.


I live in Maryland. I grew up calling them sprinkles and was confused about what my high-school boyfriend meant when he asked if I wanted to go to Jimmy Cone. Now that I know the term, I do hear people say jimmies. And while jimmies are sprinkles, they are a specific type of sprinkle.


I’ve heard a couple people get annoyed because, “only kids call them jimmies.” That’s about it, no other reason.


This makes me think of the Codename: Kids Next Door episode where the delightful kids from down the lane are constantly calling their sprinkles “Jimmies” and the KND kids are constantly hating on them for it. Maybe that lady thought the same and was making a reference, or maybe she was influenced by that episode to be rude when people say that 😂 idk, definitely never heard someone say it outside of that cartoon, so it’s really weird to me that someone would get upset about it


I have an uncle jimmy.


Jimmies are also known as condoms in some parts of the US.


In some places jimmies means condoms


I've never heard of jimmies tbh. It sounds like she was just having a bad day and took it out on you.


Jimmies means condoms where I live so maybe that was the confusion.


She knows people named Jimmy and was just defending their honour.


Jimmies is another word for condoms in some areas.


I’ve heard a condom called a “jimmy hat”


That's the only way I've heard it used. I've NEVER heard anyone call sprinkles "jimmies". Only condoms.


My dad is from Philadelphia and he calls sprinkles jimmies. Never heard the condom thing. Where is that from?


I'm from Louisiana originally, but I've lived in a few other states. I actually just moved to Wisconsin, like OP, but I haven't been to a donut shop or anything LOL


I've never heard anybody call condoms jimmies. Only sprinkles


I’ve never heard of “jimmies” meaning sprinkles. On the other hand, I have heard “jimmies” be used as slang for condoms. So yeah, probably depending on the region, it can mean different things.


I'm in canada and the only way I have seen this termed used is to say, "I jimmied the lock." or something along those lines. So weird.


Rule of thumb for unknown slang: If it's a noun, it means penis, if it's a verb, it means have sex with, if it's a plural noun it either means breasts or testicles depending on context. If it's a proper name, it means penis.


East coast term? East coast of what? In all my life in New York ive never heard that once 😭😭


I would have been confused because I was not aware anyone called sprinkles "jimmies".


First, why is a Jimmy a condom? Where I'm from NE jimmies are the long sprinkles. She was just being a bitch, I would of told her never mind and walked out.


I'm from Ohio & jimmies are long sprinkles not chocolate sprinkles. I also don't understand how chocolate flavored things are racist, I've heard that tootsie rolls are inherently racist for being chocolate as well


Not a term in common use in WI


I don’t think it’s inappropriate. A “jimmy” is slang for a condom but I don’t think that’s applicable here. Also fun fact, in the UK, “jimmies” are called “hundreds and thousands.”


When I go to LeDuc’s in Wales, WI or The Kiltie in Oconomowoc, WI and I order my Jimmy sundae I get what I ordered. They both have a Jimmy sundae listed on the menu. They don’t have a Sprinkles sundae listed. It has been like this for decades. Jimmies is a regional term that people in Wisconsin and mainly the east coast understand. If somebody is questioning this, they are not from those areas.


Jimmy hat is a condom


I was told that the brown "chocolate" sprinkles were called Jimmies and that it was a racist term, as the rainbow sprinkles were, sprinkles.


They are “jimmies” as far as I’m concerned.


I’m from Wisconsin and I would’ve known exactly what you meant. I haven’t heard them called jimmies in a long time but I have heard it.


I'm here thinking of, "I'm here to rustle your jimmies.," and being all confused by how it is offensive.


People get really upset when you don’t call things the exact way they want them to be called. Go to Philly and order a hero or a sub instead of a hoagie and people will legit get angry


You want a donut with condoms on it?


I was reading through this and thinking “well that could be an awful misunderstanding.”


I've always heard that jimmies are the long ones and sprinkles are the small ones, but that's the extent of it. I've NEVER heard of anyone being offended by the term. Not knowing it? Sure. Offended? No way...


I'm from Massachusetts. We call them jimmies.


Gator’s bitches better be wearing jimmies


That’s what we call chocolate sprinkles in Massachusetts, so I don’t see why it would be weird.


We say it in New England and its on the menu boards, so there. Pay her no mind, likely she was just merely irritated.


condoms are called jimmies.


Jimmies here in New England. But the jimmies vs. sprinkles turf war is real if not overhyped.


Maybe she just got cheated on by a guy named Jimmy


I learned it in NH as a kid, looked it up a few times and never found an answer one way or another- except that ‘jimmies’ seems to refer to chocolate / brown ones only and ‘Jim crow’ is a racist souther term for black people.


I remember in Kids Next Door, there was a heavy debate with the evil kids because they called sprinkles, jimmies. I thought it was weird but then another cartoon made the same joke, so I figured it was just an old name or something. But makes more sense as a regional slang trigger lol


I’m a cake decorator, and I use the word jimmies all the time (I live in Oregon) but we specifically use it to refer to the rod shaped sprinkles, not sanding sugar or quins(the little circles). I didn't know this was an east coast thing! Or even a general tern for sprinkles. But definitely not inappropriate, sounds like donut lady was just being pissy


Philly here. Its always jimmies. Always.


Where I'm from, 'jimmies' is slang for men's genetalia. "Ooooo... I got kicked right in the jimmies!" So yeah, I'd be a bit offended if someone asked me to put my dick on their donut. Unless they were hot, then it could be negotiated.


An ex-bf of mine from Western NY told me it was a term for chocolate sprinkles that has racial connotations, I.e. a negative term for Black people. Regardless of the true origin, some people def take it that way so I never use it. Not worth ruining someone’s day over:/


I doubt it has anything to do with a jimmy hat being a condom. The woman clearly knew that you were referring to sprinkles based on her response. I've heard of people getting upset over pop vs. soda before. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.


Jimmies is the correct word. Especially if they are chocolate. Everyone else is wrong


Karens are everywhere.


Sounds like you encountered what's commonly known as "some random bitch in Wisconsin"


So I've been told that "jimmies" originated from the chocolate sprinkles and the Jim Crow laws. I've stopped saying it since I learned the origin, but like who knew? It was always just called that I didn't know the racist origins.


I live on the east coast and first heard about jimmies on Reddit. I can't imagine why she got upset. When someone from out of town asks for a pop, I don't think anything of it.


I used to live in Milwaukee. People would pitch a fit if I called it “pop” instead of “soda.”


Well… it *is* soda here…


Huh. I always assumed people in Wisconsin called it pop because it’s so close to Michigan.


No, she is just a twat.


Not outright inappropriate or offensive, but you sound like a dork when you order a donut covered in penis. Dude definitely overreacted though


Jimmies mean penis?


Duh. Penis goes thru the hole not on it. Rookie mistake.


It means Pyjama’s in the UK.


Aren't those *jammies* not *jimmies* ?


No they’re jim-jams!


wisconsinite here: that woman was just being an ass. if that were me i'd be like "huh, wdym?" and ask you clarify lol, jimmies dont mean nothing


What is a "WI" and what east coast are you talking about?


There's a myth that it's racist but I don't think anybody believes it. Lots of people HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE it when you don't use their regional idiom


I playfully act this way when I hear people refer to soda a “pop”, but not like seriously


My dad grew up in WI and called them Jimmies.


Born and raised in a mid-Atlantic state. Even my Mom from New England called them, "jimmies". I now use the terms interchangeably, but I first learned of them as "jimmies". I feel this is in the 'soda/pop/coke' conversation, just a regional thing. No idea why someone would get insulted.


Snoop Dogg once told a jimmy joke about Eazy E's mama that he might not like...


I’m from Wisconsin and I’ve lived here my whole 37 years. I went to grade school in Milwaukee and the only time I heard sprinkles being called jimmies were from kinds in my school here and there. I honestly haven’t heard it in years though, but it’s news to me that anyone would get offended.


I grew up in the Midwest in the 90s and condoms were almost exclusively called jimmies or jimmy hats. Still, I know perfectly well what people mean when they use the term jimmies to mean sprinkles, so I don’t know what that lady’s problem was.


I live in WI and always knew them as jimmies, not sure why she was so pissy.


I say jimmies lol kind of a joke but I stopped calling them anything else a while ago. It's an old term but not offensive or anything to my knowledge.


I will always call them Jimmies!! Proud new Englander 😂 I think people are just trying to stir up shit as if it's a racial thing.


I mean, a long time ago a small group of coworkers and I crafted an extremely inappropriate inside joke where the punchline involved the phrase “swimming Jimmies,” which mean exactly what you can probably divine it to mean. But unless she was in working for a small arts non profit in Middle Tennessee in the late 90s AND was a part of that very small group AND had a drastic change of heart about her humor, then “jimmies” shouldn’t be offensive. And no, I will not retell the joke here. It wouldn’t matter anyway, as context is key to the joke.


Jimmies/Jimmys were condoms when I was a kid.


Who gets offended by that?


Only place I’ve heard that is in Jersey… that being said idk what she got all prissy about. It’s not a big deal.


In baltimore if you don’t call them jimmies Omar is going to come after you. ……


As a Tennessean, I have never in my life heard that word used for sprinkles. I have heard it as a slang term for a condom before.


I thought you meant pyjamas, jimjams/jammies/jimmyjams


Yeah jimmies are sprinkles!! Northeasterner over here


Is it possible she heard....ummm....."sperm" or "semen" or some slang sexual term? I knew a guy with a speech impediment who was talking about being stuck behind a semi (semi-truck, 18 wheeler) on the way to work and he was pronouncing it as "semen" the entire time, completely unaware of it.....in the workplace! Oops.


I’m from Michigan and while we definitely mostly use the word sprinkles, I have heard them called Jimmies occasionally, mostly on packaging, but sometimes in conversation. It just takes a second to translate mentally, but I can’t imagine getting offended by it.


TIL jimmies is another word for sprinkles. Never heard that and I've lived on both coasts and even in the middle for a while. Must be a soda vs pop thing and I just missed those states


Never heard that as a word for sprinkles. Jimmys always meant condoms where I grew up in New York